1 use std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX;
2 use std::path::PathBuf;
3 use std::process::Command;
4 use std::{env, process};
6 use anyhow::Result;
8 use crate::rustc::rustlib;
10 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
11 pub enum Tool {
12     Ar,
13     Cov,
14     Lld,
15     Nm,
16     Objcopy,
17     Objdump,
18     Profdata,
19     Readobj,
20     Size,
21     Strip,
22 }
24 impl Tool {
name(self) -> &'static str25     pub fn name(self) -> &'static str {
26         match self {
27             Tool::Ar => "ar",
28             Tool::Cov => "cov",
29             Tool::Lld => "lld",
30             Tool::Nm => "nm",
31             Tool::Objcopy => "objcopy",
32             Tool::Objdump => "objdump",
33             Tool::Profdata => "profdata",
34             Tool::Readobj => "readobj",
35             Tool::Size => "size",
36             Tool::Strip => "strip",
37         }
38     }
exe(self) -> String40     pub fn exe(self) -> String {
41         match self {
42             Tool::Lld => format!("rust-lld{}", EXE_SUFFIX),
43             _ => format!("llvm-{}{}", self.name(), EXE_SUFFIX),
44         }
45     }
path(self) -> Result<PathBuf>47     pub fn path(self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
48         let mut path = rustlib()?;
49         path.push(self.exe());
50         Ok(path)
51     }
53     /// Forwards execution to the specified tool.
54     /// If the tool fails to start or is not found this process exits with
55     /// status code 101 the same as if the process has a panic!
rust_exec(self) -> !56     pub fn rust_exec(self) -> ! {
57         let path = match self.path() {
58             Err(e) => {
59                 eprintln!("Failed to find tool: {}\n{}", self.name(), e);
60                 process::exit(101)
61             }
62             Ok(p) => p,
63         };
65         // Note: The first argument is the name of the binary (e.g. `rust-nm`)
66         let args = env::args().skip(1);
68         // Spawn the process and check if the process did spawn
69         let status = match Command::new(path).args(args).status() {
70             Err(e) => {
71                 eprintln!("Failed to execute tool: {}\n{}", self.name(), e);
72                 process::exit(101)
73             }
74             Ok(s) => s,
75         };
77         // Forward the exit code from the tool
78         process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(101));
79     }
81     /// Parses arguments for `cargo $tool` and then if needed executes `cargo build`
82     /// before parsing the required arguments to `rust-$tool`.
83     /// If the tool fails to start or is not found this process exits with
84     /// status code 101 the same as if the process has a panic!
cargo_exec(self, examples: Option<&str>) -> !85     pub fn cargo_exec(self, examples: Option<&str>) -> ! {
86         let matches = crate::args(self, examples);
88         match crate::run(self, matches) {
89             Err(e) => {
90                 eprintln!("error: {}", e);
91                 process::exit(101)
92             }
93             Ok(ec) => process::exit(ec),
94         }
95     }
97     // Whether this tool requires the project to be previously built
needs_build(self) -> bool98     pub fn needs_build(self) -> bool {
99         match self {
100             Tool::Ar | Tool::Cov | Tool::Lld | Tool::Profdata => false,
101             Tool::Nm | Tool::Objcopy | Tool::Objdump | Tool::Readobj | Tool::Size | Tool::Strip => {
102                 true
103             }
104         }
105     }
106 }