1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
24 #include <grpc/grpc.h>
25 #include <grpc/grpc_security_constants.h>
26 #include <grpc/status.h>
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
32 /** --- Authentication Context. --- */
34 typedef struct grpc_auth_context grpc_auth_context;
36 typedef struct grpc_auth_property_iterator {
37   const grpc_auth_context* ctx;
38   size_t index;
39   const char* name;
40 } grpc_auth_property_iterator;
42 /** value, if not NULL, is guaranteed to be NULL terminated. */
43 typedef struct grpc_auth_property {
44   char* name;
45   char* value;
46   size_t value_length;
47 } grpc_auth_property;
49 /** Returns NULL when the iterator is at the end. */
50 GRPCAPI const grpc_auth_property* grpc_auth_property_iterator_next(
51     grpc_auth_property_iterator* it);
53 /** Iterates over the auth context. */
54 GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator
55 grpc_auth_context_property_iterator(const grpc_auth_context* ctx);
57 /** Gets the peer identity. Returns an empty iterator (first _next will return
58    NULL) if the peer is not authenticated. */
59 GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator
60 grpc_auth_context_peer_identity(const grpc_auth_context* ctx);
62 /** Finds a property in the context. May return an empty iterator (first _next
63    will return NULL) if no property with this name was found in the context. */
64 GRPCAPI grpc_auth_property_iterator grpc_auth_context_find_properties_by_name(
65     const grpc_auth_context* ctx, const char* name);
67 /** Gets the name of the property that indicates the peer identity. Will return
68    NULL if the peer is not authenticated. */
69 GRPCAPI const char* grpc_auth_context_peer_identity_property_name(
70     const grpc_auth_context* ctx);
72 /** Returns 1 if the peer is authenticated, 0 otherwise. */
73 GRPCAPI int grpc_auth_context_peer_is_authenticated(
74     const grpc_auth_context* ctx);
76 /** Gets the auth context from the call. Caller needs to call
77    grpc_auth_context_release on the returned context. */
78 GRPCAPI grpc_auth_context* grpc_call_auth_context(grpc_call* call);
80 /** Releases the auth context returned from grpc_call_auth_context. */
81 GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_release(grpc_auth_context* context);
83 /** --
84    The following auth context methods should only be called by a server metadata
85    processor to set properties extracted from auth metadata.
86    -- */
88 /** Add a property. */
89 GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_add_property(grpc_auth_context* ctx,
90                                             const char* name, const char* value,
91                                             size_t value_length);
93 /** Add a C string property. */
94 GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_context_add_cstring_property(grpc_auth_context* ctx,
95                                                     const char* name,
96                                                     const char* value);
98 /** Sets the property name. Returns 1 if successful or 0 in case of failure
99    (which means that no property with this name exists). */
100 GRPCAPI int grpc_auth_context_set_peer_identity_property_name(
101     grpc_auth_context* ctx, const char* name);
103 /** --- SSL Session Cache. ---
105     A SSL session cache object represents a way to cache client sessions
106     between connections. Only ticket-based resumption is supported. */
108 typedef struct grpc_ssl_session_cache grpc_ssl_session_cache;
110 /** Create LRU cache for client-side SSL sessions with the given capacity.
111     If capacity is < 1, a default capacity is used instead. */
112 GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_session_cache* grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_lru(
113     size_t capacity);
115 /** Destroy SSL session cache. */
116 GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_session_cache_destroy(grpc_ssl_session_cache* cache);
118 /** Create a channel arg with the given cache object. */
119 GRPCAPI grpc_arg
120 grpc_ssl_session_cache_create_channel_arg(grpc_ssl_session_cache* cache);
122 /** --- grpc_channel_credentials object. ---
124    A channel credentials object represents a way to authenticate a client on a
125    channel.  */
127 typedef struct grpc_channel_credentials grpc_channel_credentials;
129 /** Releases a channel credentials object.
130    The creator of the credentials object is responsible for its release. */
131 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_credentials_release(grpc_channel_credentials* creds);
133 /** Creates default credentials to connect to a google gRPC service.
134    WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as
135    this could result in an oauth2 token leak. The security level of the
136    resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY. */
137 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_google_default_credentials_create(void);
139 /** Callback for getting the SSL roots override from the application.
140    In case of success, *pem_roots_certs must be set to a NULL terminated string
141    containing the list of PEM encoded root certificates. The ownership is passed
142    to the core and freed (laster by the core) with gpr_free.
143    If this function fails and GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment is
144    set to a valid path, it will override the roots specified this func */
145 typedef grpc_ssl_roots_override_result (*grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback)(
146     char** pem_root_certs);
148 /** Setup a callback to override the default TLS/SSL roots.
149    This function is not thread-safe and must be called at initialization time
150    before any ssl credentials are created to have the desired side effect.
151    If GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment is set to a valid path, the
152    callback will not be called. */
153 GRPCAPI void grpc_set_ssl_roots_override_callback(
154     grpc_ssl_roots_override_callback cb);
156 /** Object that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format. */
157 typedef struct {
158   /** private_key is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of
159      the client's private key. */
160   const char* private_key;
162   /** cert_chain is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of
163      the client's certificate chain. */
164   const char* cert_chain;
165 } grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair;
167 /** Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options. It will be removed
168   after all of its call sites are migrated to grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options.
169   Object that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure
170   channel. */
171 typedef struct {
172   /** If non-NULL this callback will be invoked with the expected
173      target_name, the peer's certificate (in PEM format), and whatever
174      userdata pointer is set below. If a non-zero value is returned by this
175      callback then it is treated as a verification failure. Invocation of
176      the callback is blocking, so any implementation should be light-weight.
177      */
178   int (*verify_peer_callback)(const char* target_name, const char* peer_pem,
179                               void* userdata);
180   /** Arbitrary userdata that will be passed as the last argument to
181      verify_peer_callback. */
182   void* verify_peer_callback_userdata;
183   /** A destruct callback that will be invoked when the channel is being
184      cleaned up. The userdata argument will be passed to it. The intent is
185      to perform any cleanup associated with that userdata. */
186   void (*verify_peer_destruct)(void* userdata);
187 } verify_peer_options;
189 /** Object that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure
190    channel. */
191 typedef struct {
192   /** If non-NULL this callback will be invoked with the expected
193      target_name, the peer's certificate (in PEM format), and whatever
194      userdata pointer is set below. If a non-zero value is returned by this
195      callback then it is treated as a verification failure. Invocation of
196      the callback is blocking, so any implementation should be light-weight.
197      */
198   int (*verify_peer_callback)(const char* target_name, const char* peer_pem,
199                               void* userdata);
200   /** Arbitrary userdata that will be passed as the last argument to
201      verify_peer_callback. */
202   void* verify_peer_callback_userdata;
203   /** A destruct callback that will be invoked when the channel is being
204      cleaned up. The userdata argument will be passed to it. The intent is
205      to perform any cleanup associated with that userdata. */
206   void (*verify_peer_destruct)(void* userdata);
207 } grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options;
209 /** Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex. It will be
210    removed after all of its call sites are migrated to
211    grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex. Creates an SSL credentials object.
212    The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.
213    - pem_root_certs is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding
214      of the server root certificates. If this parameter is NULL, the
215      implementation will first try to dereference the file pointed by the
216      GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment variable, and if that fails,
217      try to get the roots set by grpc_override_ssl_default_roots. Eventually,
218      if all these fail, it will try to get the roots from a well-known place on
219      disk (in the grpc install directory).
221      gRPC has implemented root cache if the underlying OpenSSL library supports
222      it. The gRPC root certificates cache is only applicable on the default
223      root certificates, which is used when this parameter is nullptr. If user
224      provides their own pem_root_certs, when creating an SSL credential object,
225      gRPC would not be able to cache it, and each subchannel will generate a
226      copy of the root store. So it is recommended to avoid providing large room
227      pem with pem_root_certs parameter to avoid excessive memory consumption,
228      particularly on mobile platforms such as iOS.
229    - pem_key_cert_pair is a pointer on the object containing client's private
230      key and certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does
231      not have such a key/cert pair.
232    - verify_options is an optional verify_peer_options object which holds
233      additional options controlling how peer certificates are verified. For
234      example, you can supply a callback which receives the peer's certificate
235      with which you can do additional verification. Can be NULL, in which
236      case verification will retain default behavior. Any settings in
237      verify_options are copied during this call, so the verify_options
238      object can be released afterwards. */
239 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_ssl_credentials_create(
240     const char* pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* pem_key_cert_pair,
241     const verify_peer_options* verify_options, void* reserved);
243 /* Creates an SSL credentials object.
244    The security level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.
245    - pem_root_certs is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding
246      of the server root certificates. If this parameter is NULL, the
247      implementation will first try to dereference the file pointed by the
248      GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment variable, and if that fails,
249      try to get the roots set by grpc_override_ssl_default_roots. Eventually,
250      if all these fail, it will try to get the roots from a well-known place on
251      disk (in the grpc install directory).
253      gRPC has implemented root cache if the underlying OpenSSL library supports
254      it. The gRPC root certificates cache is only applicable on the default
255      root certificates, which is used when this parameter is nullptr. If user
256      provides their own pem_root_certs, when creating an SSL credential object,
257      gRPC would not be able to cache it, and each subchannel will generate a
258      copy of the root store. So it is recommended to avoid providing large room
259      pem with pem_root_certs parameter to avoid excessive memory consumption,
260      particularly on mobile platforms such as iOS.
261    - pem_key_cert_pair is a pointer on the object containing client's private
262      key and certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does
263      not have such a key/cert pair.
264    - verify_options is an optional verify_peer_options object which holds
265      additional options controlling how peer certificates are verified. For
266      example, you can supply a callback which receives the peer's certificate
267      with which you can do additional verification. Can be NULL, in which
268      case verification will retain default behavior. Any settings in
269      verify_options are copied during this call, so the verify_options
270      object can be released afterwards. */
271 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_ssl_credentials_create_ex(
272     const char* pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* pem_key_cert_pair,
273     const grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options* verify_options, void* reserved);
275 /** --- grpc_call_credentials object.
277    A call credentials object represents a way to authenticate on a particular
278    call. These credentials can be composed with a channel credentials object
279    so that they are sent with every call on this channel.  */
281 typedef struct grpc_call_credentials grpc_call_credentials;
283 /** Releases a call credentials object.
284    The creator of the credentials object is responsible for its release. */
285 GRPCAPI void grpc_call_credentials_release(grpc_call_credentials* creds);
287 /** Creates a composite channel credentials object. The security level of
288  * resulting connection is determined by channel_creds. */
289 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create(
290     grpc_channel_credentials* channel_creds, grpc_call_credentials* call_creds,
291     void* reserved);
293 /** Creates a composite call credentials object. */
294 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_composite_call_credentials_create(
295     grpc_call_credentials* creds1, grpc_call_credentials* creds2,
296     void* reserved);
298 /** Creates a compute engine credentials object for connecting to Google.
299    WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as
300    this could result in an oauth2 token leak. */
301 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_compute_engine_credentials_create(
302     void* reserved);
304 GRPCAPI gpr_timespec grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime(void);
306 /** Creates a JWT credentials object. May return NULL if the input is invalid.
307    - json_key is the JSON key string containing the client's private key.
308    - token_lifetime is the lifetime of each Json Web Token (JWT) created with
309      this credentials.  It should not exceed grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime or
310      will be cropped to this value.  */
311 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials*
312 grpc_service_account_jwt_access_credentials_create(const char* json_key,
313                                                    gpr_timespec token_lifetime,
314                                                    void* reserved);
316 /** Creates an Oauth2 Refresh Token credentials object for connecting to Google.
317    May return NULL if the input is invalid.
318    WARNING: Do NOT use this credentials to connect to a non-google service as
319    this could result in an oauth2 token leak.
320    - json_refresh_token is the JSON string containing the refresh token itself
321      along with a client_id and client_secret. */
322 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_refresh_token_credentials_create(
323     const char* json_refresh_token, void* reserved);
325 /** Creates an Oauth2 Access Token credentials with an access token that was
326    acquired by an out of band mechanism. */
327 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_access_token_credentials_create(
328     const char* access_token, void* reserved);
330 /** Creates an IAM credentials object for connecting to Google. */
331 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_google_iam_credentials_create(
332     const char* authorization_token, const char* authority_selector,
333     void* reserved);
335 /** Options for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF
336    draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange-16.
337    Optional fields may be set to NULL or empty string. It is the responsibility
338    of the caller to ensure that the subject and actor tokens are refreshed on
339    disk at the specified paths. This API is used for experimental purposes for
340    now and may change in the future. */
341 typedef struct {
342   const char* token_exchange_service_uri; /* Required. */
343   const char* resource;                   /* Optional. */
344   const char* audience;                   /* Optional. */
345   const char* scope;                      /* Optional. */
346   const char* requested_token_type;       /* Optional. */
347   const char* subject_token_path;         /* Required. */
348   const char* subject_token_type;         /* Required. */
349   const char* actor_token_path;           /* Optional. */
350   const char* actor_token_type;           /* Optional. */
351 } grpc_sts_credentials_options;
353 /** Creates an STS credentials following the STS Token Exchanged specifed in the
354    IETF draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange-16.
355    This API is used for experimental purposes for now and may change in the
356    future. */
357 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_sts_credentials_create(
358     const grpc_sts_credentials_options* options, void* reserved);
360 /** Callback function to be called by the metadata credentials plugin
361    implementation when the metadata is ready.
362    - user_data is the opaque pointer that was passed in the get_metadata method
363      of the grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin (see below).
364    - creds_md is an array of credentials metadata produced by the plugin. It
365      may be set to NULL in case of an error.
366    - num_creds_md is the number of items in the creds_md array.
367    - status must be GRPC_STATUS_OK in case of success or another specific error
368      code otherwise.
369    - error_details contains details about the error if any. In case of success
370      it should be NULL and will be otherwise ignored. */
371 typedef void (*grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb)(
372     void* user_data, const grpc_metadata* creds_md, size_t num_creds_md,
373     grpc_status_code status, const char* error_details);
375 /** Context that can be used by metadata credentials plugin in order to create
376    auth related metadata. */
377 typedef struct {
378   /** The fully qualifed service url. */
379   const char* service_url;
381   /** The method name of the RPC being called (not fully qualified).
382      The fully qualified method name can be built from the service_url:
383      full_qualified_method_name = ctx->service_url + '/' + ctx->method_name. */
384   const char* method_name;
386   /** The auth_context of the channel which gives the server's identity. */
387   const grpc_auth_context* channel_auth_context;
389   /** Reserved for future use. */
390   void* reserved;
391 } grpc_auth_metadata_context;
393 /** Performs a deep copy from \a from to \a to. **/
394 GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_copy(grpc_auth_metadata_context* from,
395                                              grpc_auth_metadata_context* to);
397 /** Releases internal resources held by \a context. **/
398 GRPCAPI void grpc_auth_metadata_context_reset(
399     grpc_auth_metadata_context* context);
401 /** Maximum number of metadata entries returnable by a credentials plugin via
402     a synchronous return. */
405 /** grpc_metadata_credentials plugin is an API user provided structure used to
406    create grpc_credentials objects that can be set on a channel (composed) or
407    a call. See grpc_credentials_metadata_create_from_plugin below.
408    The grpc client stack will call the get_metadata method of the plugin for
409    every call in scope for the credentials created from it. */
410 typedef struct {
411   /** The implementation of this method has to be non-blocking, but can
412      be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
414      If processing occurs synchronously, returns non-zero and populates
415      creds_md, num_creds_md, status, and error_details.  In this case,
416      the caller takes ownership of the entries in creds_md and of
417      error_details.  Note that if the plugin needs to return more than
418      GRPC_METADATA_CREDENTIALS_PLUGIN_SYNC_MAX entries in creds_md, it must
419      return asynchronously.
421      If processing occurs asynchronously, returns zero and invokes \a cb
422      when processing is completed.  \a user_data will be passed as the
423      first parameter of the callback.  NOTE: \a cb MUST be invoked in a
424      different thread, not from the thread in which \a get_metadata() is
425      invoked.
427      \a context is the information that can be used by the plugin to create
428      auth metadata. */
429   int (*get_metadata)(
430       void* state, grpc_auth_metadata_context context,
431       grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb cb, void* user_data,
432       grpc_metadata creds_md[GRPC_METADATA_CREDENTIALS_PLUGIN_SYNC_MAX],
433       size_t* num_creds_md, grpc_status_code* status,
434       const char** error_details);
436   /** Implements debug string of the given plugin. This method returns an
437    * allocated string that the caller needs to free using gpr_free() */
438   char* (*debug_string)(void* state);
440   /** Destroys the plugin state. */
441   void (*destroy)(void* state);
443   /** State that will be set as the first parameter of the methods above. */
444   void* state;
446   /** Type of credentials that this plugin is implementing. */
447   const char* type;
448 } grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin;
450 /** Creates a credentials object from a plugin with a specified minimum security
451  * level. */
452 GRPCAPI grpc_call_credentials* grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin(
453     grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin plugin,
454     grpc_security_level min_security_level, void* reserved);
456 /** --- Secure channel creation. --- */
458 /** Creates a secure channel using the passed-in credentials. Additional
459     channel level configuration MAY be provided by grpc_channel_args, though
460     the expectation is that most clients will want to simply pass NULL. The
461     user data in 'args' need only live through the invocation of this function.
462     However, if any args of the 'pointer' type are passed, then the referenced
463     vtable must be maintained by the caller until grpc_channel_destroy
464     terminates. See grpc_channel_args definition for more on this. */
465 GRPCAPI grpc_channel* grpc_secure_channel_create(
466     grpc_channel_credentials* creds, const char* target,
467     const grpc_channel_args* args, void* reserved);
469 /** --- grpc_server_credentials object. ---
471    A server credentials object represents a way to authenticate a server.  */
473 typedef struct grpc_server_credentials grpc_server_credentials;
475 /** Releases a server_credentials object.
476    The creator of the server_credentials object is responsible for its release.
477    */
478 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_release(grpc_server_credentials* creds);
480 /** Server certificate config object holds the server's public certificates and
481    associated private keys, as well as any CA certificates needed for client
482    certificate validation (if applicable). Create using
483    grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create(). */
484 typedef struct grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config
485     grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config;
487 /** Creates a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object.
488    - pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of
489      the client root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does
490      not want the client to be authenticated with SSL.
491    - pem_key_cert_pairs is an array private key / certificate chains of the
492      server. This parameter cannot be NULL.
493    - num_key_cert_pairs indicates the number of items in the private_key_files
494      and cert_chain_files parameters. It must be at least 1.
495    - It is the caller's responsibility to free this object via
496      grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy(). */
497 GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config*
498 grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create(
499     const char* pem_root_certs,
500     const grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* pem_key_cert_pairs,
501     size_t num_key_cert_pairs);
503 /** Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config object. */
504 GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_destroy(
505     grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config* config);
507 /** Callback to retrieve updated SSL server certificates, private keys, and
508    trusted CAs (for client authentication).
509     - user_data parameter, if not NULL, contains opaque data to be used by the
510       callback.
511     - Use grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_create to create the config.
512     - The caller assumes ownership of the config. */
513 typedef grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status (
514     *grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback)(
515     void* user_data, grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config** config);
517 /** Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex.
518    Creates an SSL server_credentials object.
519    - pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of
520      the client root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does
521      not want the client to be authenticated with SSL.
522    - pem_key_cert_pairs is an array private key / certificate chains of the
523      server. This parameter cannot be NULL.
524    - num_key_cert_pairs indicates the number of items in the private_key_files
525      and cert_chain_files parameters. It should be at least 1.
526    - force_client_auth, if set to non-zero will force the client to authenticate
527      with an SSL cert. Note that this option is ignored if pem_root_certs is
528      NULL. */
529 GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(
530     const char* pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* pem_key_cert_pairs,
531     size_t num_key_cert_pairs, int force_client_auth, void* reserved);
533 /** Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options.
534    Same as grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create method except uses
535    grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type enum to support more ways to
536    authenticate client certificates.*/
537 GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_ex(
538     const char* pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair* pem_key_cert_pairs,
539     size_t num_key_cert_pairs,
540     grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request,
541     void* reserved);
543 typedef struct grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options
544     grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options;
546 /** Creates an options object using a certificate config. Use this method when
547    the certificates and keys of the SSL server will not change during the
548    server's lifetime.
549    - Takes ownership of the certificate_config parameter. */
550 GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options*
551 grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config(
552     grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request,
553     grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config* certificate_config);
555 /** Creates an options object using a certificate config fetcher. Use this
556    method to reload the certificates and keys of the SSL server without
557    interrupting the operation of the server. Initial certificate config will be
558    fetched during server initialization.
559    - user_data parameter, if not NULL, contains opaque data which will be passed
560      to the fetcher (see definition of
561      grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback). */
562 GRPCAPI grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options*
563 grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_options_using_config_fetcher(
564     grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type client_certificate_request,
565     grpc_ssl_server_certificate_config_callback cb, void* user_data);
567 /** Destroys a grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options object. */
568 GRPCAPI void grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options_destroy(
569     grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options* options);
571 /** Creates an SSL server_credentials object using the provided options struct.
572     - Takes ownership of the options parameter. */
573 GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials*
574 grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create_with_options(
575     grpc_ssl_server_credentials_options* options);
577 /** --- Server-side secure ports. --- */
579 /** Add a HTTP2 over an encrypted link over tcp listener.
580    Returns bound port number on success, 0 on failure.
581    REQUIRES: server not started */
582 GRPCAPI int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server* server,
583                                               const char* addr,
584                                               grpc_server_credentials* creds);
586 /** --- Call specific credentials. --- */
588 /** Sets a credentials to a call. Can only be called on the client side before
589    grpc_call_start_batch. */
590 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_set_credentials(grpc_call* call,
591                                                   grpc_call_credentials* creds);
593 /** --- Auth Metadata Processing --- */
595 /** Callback function that is called when the metadata processing is done.
596    - Consumed metadata will be removed from the set of metadata available on the
597      call. consumed_md may be NULL if no metadata has been consumed.
598    - Response metadata will be set on the response. response_md may be NULL.
599    - status is GRPC_STATUS_OK for success or a specific status for an error.
600      Common error status for auth metadata processing is either
601      GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED in case of an authentication failure or
602      GRPC_STATUS PERMISSION_DENIED in case of an authorization failure.
603    - error_details gives details about the error. May be NULL. */
604 typedef void (*grpc_process_auth_metadata_done_cb)(
605     void* user_data, const grpc_metadata* consumed_md, size_t num_consumed_md,
606     const grpc_metadata* response_md, size_t num_response_md,
607     grpc_status_code status, const char* error_details);
609 /** Pluggable server-side metadata processor object. */
610 typedef struct {
611   /** The context object is read/write: it contains the properties of the
612      channel peer and it is the job of the process function to augment it with
613      properties derived from the passed-in metadata.
614      The lifetime of these objects is guaranteed until cb is invoked. */
615   void (*process)(void* state, grpc_auth_context* context,
616                   const grpc_metadata* md, size_t num_md,
617                   grpc_process_auth_metadata_done_cb cb, void* user_data);
618   void (*destroy)(void* state);
619   void* state;
620 } grpc_auth_metadata_processor;
622 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_credentials_set_auth_metadata_processor(
623     grpc_server_credentials* creds, grpc_auth_metadata_processor processor);
625 /** --- ALTS channel/server credentials --- **/
627 /**
628  * Main interface for ALTS credentials options. The options will contain
629  * information that will be passed from grpc to TSI layer such as RPC protocol
630  * versions. ALTS client (channel) and server credentials will have their own
631  * implementation of this interface. The APIs listed in this header are
632  * thread-compatible. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject
633  * to change.
634  */
635 typedef struct grpc_alts_credentials_options grpc_alts_credentials_options;
637 /**
638  * This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials client options instance.
639  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
640  */
641 GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_options*
642 grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_create(void);
644 /**
645  * This method creates a grpc ALTS credentials server options instance.
646  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
647  */
648 GRPCAPI grpc_alts_credentials_options*
649 grpc_alts_credentials_server_options_create(void);
651 /**
652  * This method adds a target service account to grpc client's ALTS credentials
653  * options instance. It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject
654  * to change.
655  *
656  * - options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance.
657  * - service_account: service account of target endpoint.
658  */
659 GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_add_target_service_account(
660     grpc_alts_credentials_options* options, const char* service_account);
662 /**
663  * This method destroys a grpc_alts_credentials_options instance by
664  * de-allocating all of its occupied memory. It is used for experimental purpose
665  * for now and subject to change.
666  *
667  * - options: a grpc_alts_credentials_options instance that needs to be
668  *   destroyed.
669  */
670 GRPCAPI void grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy(
671     grpc_alts_credentials_options* options);
673 /**
674  * This method creates an ALTS channel credential object. The security
675  * level of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.
676  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
677  *
678  * - options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance for client.
679  *
680  * It returns the created ALTS channel credential object.
681  */
682 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_alts_credentials_create(
683     const grpc_alts_credentials_options* options);
685 /**
686  * This method creates an ALTS server credential object. It is used for
687  * experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
688  *
689  * - options: grpc ALTS credentials options instance for server.
690  *
691  * It returns the created ALTS server credential object.
692  */
693 GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_alts_server_credentials_create(
694     const grpc_alts_credentials_options* options);
696 /** --- Local channel/server credentials --- **/
698 /**
699  * This method creates a local channel credential object. The security level
700  * of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY for UDS and
701  * GRPC_SECURITY_NONE for LOCAL_TCP. It is used for experimental purpose
702  * for now and subject to change.
703  *
704  * - type: local connection type
705  *
706  * It returns the created local channel credential object.
707  */
708 GRPCAPI grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_local_credentials_create(
709     grpc_local_connect_type type);
711 /**
712  * This method creates a local server credential object. It is used for
713  * experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
714  *
715  * - type: local connection type
716  *
717  * It returns the created local server credential object.
718  */
719 GRPCAPI grpc_server_credentials* grpc_local_server_credentials_create(
720     grpc_local_connect_type type);
722 /** --- TLS channel/server credentials ---
723  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
725 /** Struct for indicating errors. It is used for
726  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
727 typedef struct grpc_tls_error_details grpc_tls_error_details;
729 /** Config for TLS key materials. It is used for
730  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
731 typedef struct grpc_tls_key_materials_config grpc_tls_key_materials_config;
733 /** Config for TLS credential reload. It is used for
734  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
735 typedef struct grpc_tls_credential_reload_config
736     grpc_tls_credential_reload_config;
738 /** Config for TLS server authorization check. It is used for
739  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
740 typedef struct grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config
741     grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config;
743 /** TLS credentials options. It is used for
744  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
745 typedef struct grpc_tls_credentials_options grpc_tls_credentials_options;
747 /** Create an empty TLS credentials options. It is used for
748  *  experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
749 GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credentials_options* grpc_tls_credentials_options_create(void);
751 /** Set grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type field in credentials options
752     with the provided type. options should not be NULL.
753     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
754     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
755 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_cert_request_type(
756     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
757     grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type type);
759 /** Set grpc_tls_server_verification_option field in credentials options
760     with the provided server_verification_option. options should not be NULL.
761     This should be called only on the client side.
762     If grpc_tls_server_verification_option is not
763     GRPC_TLS_SERVER_VERIFICATION, use of a customer server
764     authorization check (grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config)
765     will be mandatory.
766     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
767     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
768 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_server_verification_option(
769     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
770     grpc_tls_server_verification_option server_verification_option);
772 /** Set grpc_tls_key_materials_config field in credentials options
773     with the provided config struct whose ownership is transferred.
774     Both parameters should not be NULL.
775     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
776     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
777 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_key_materials_config(
778     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
779     grpc_tls_key_materials_config* config);
781 /** Set grpc_tls_credential_reload_config field in credentials options
782     with the provided config struct whose ownership is transferred.
783     Both parameters should not be NULL.
784     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
785     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
786 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_credential_reload_config(
787     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
788     grpc_tls_credential_reload_config* config);
790 /** Set grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config field in credentials options
791     with the provided config struct whose ownership is transferred.
792     Both parameters should not be NULL.
793     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
794     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
795 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_credentials_options_set_server_authorization_check_config(
796     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options,
797     grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config* config);
799 /** --- TLS key materials config. ---
800     It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
802 /** Create an empty grpc_tls_key_materials_config instance.
803  *  It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
804 GRPCAPI grpc_tls_key_materials_config* grpc_tls_key_materials_config_create(
805     void);
807 /** Set grpc_tls_key_materials_config instance with provided a TLS certificate.
808     It's valid for the caller to provide nullptr pem_root_certs, in which case
809     the gRPC-provided root cert will be used. pem_key_cert_pairs should not be
810     NULL.
811     The ownerships of |pem_root_certs| and |pem_key_cert_pairs| remain with the
812     caller.
813     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for experimental
814     purpose for now and subject to change.
815  */
816 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_key_materials_config_set_key_materials(
817     grpc_tls_key_materials_config* config, const char* pem_root_certs,
818     const grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair** pem_key_cert_pairs,
819     size_t num_key_cert_pairs);
821 /** Set grpc_tls_key_materials_config instance with a provided version number,
822     which is used to keep track of the version of key materials.
823     It returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. It is used for
824     experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
825  */
826 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_key_materials_config_set_version(
827     grpc_tls_key_materials_config* config, int version);
829 /** Get the version number of a grpc_tls_key_materials_config instance.
830     It returns the version number on success and -1 on failure.
831     It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
832  */
833 GRPCAPI int grpc_tls_key_materials_config_get_version(
834     grpc_tls_key_materials_config* config);
836 /** --- TLS credential reload config. ---
837     It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.*/
839 typedef struct grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg;
841 /** A callback function provided by gRPC to handle the result of credential
842     reload. It is used when schedule API is implemented asynchronously and
843     serves to bring the control back to grpc C core. It is used for
844     experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
845 typedef void (*grpc_tls_on_credential_reload_done_cb)(
846     grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg* arg);
848 /** A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a
849     credential reload request.
850     - cb and cb_user_data represent a gRPC-provided
851       callback and an argument passed to it.
852     - key_materials_config is an in/output parameter containing currently
853       used/newly reloaded credentials. If credential reload does not result in
854       a new credential, key_materials_config should not be modified. The same
855       key_materials_config object can be updated if new key materials is
856       available.
857     - status and error_details are used to hold information about
858       errors occurred when a credential reload request is scheduled/cancelled.
859     - config is a pointer to the unique grpc_tls_credential_reload_config
860       instance that this argument corresponds to.
861     - context is a pointer to a wrapped language implementation of this
862       grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg instance.
863     - destroy_context is a pointer to a caller-provided method that cleans
864       up any data associated with the context pointer.
865     It is used for experimental purposes for now and subject to change.
866 */
867 struct grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg {
868   grpc_tls_on_credential_reload_done_cb cb;
869   void* cb_user_data;
870   grpc_tls_key_materials_config* key_materials_config;
871   grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status status;
872   grpc_tls_error_details* error_details;
873   grpc_tls_credential_reload_config* config;
874   void* context;
875   void (*destroy_context)(void* ctx);
876 };
878 /** Create a grpc_tls_credential_reload_config instance.
879     - config_user_data is config-specific, read-only user data
880       that works for all channels created with a credential using the config.
881     - schedule is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to invoke
882       credential reload API. The implementation of this method has to be
883       non-blocking, but can be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
884       1) If processing occurs synchronously, it populates
885       arg->key_materials_config, arg->status, and arg->error_details
886       and returns zero.
887       2) If processing occurs asynchronously, it returns a non-zero value.
888       The application then invokes arg->cb when processing is completed. Note
889       that arg->cb cannot be invoked before schedule API returns.
890     - cancel is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to cancel
891       a credential reload request scheduled via an asynchronous schedule API.
892       arg is used to pinpoint an exact reloading request to be cancelled.
893       The operation may not have any effect if the request has already been
894       processed.
895     - destruct is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to clean up
896       any data associated with the config.
897     It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
898 */
899 GRPCAPI grpc_tls_credential_reload_config*
900 grpc_tls_credential_reload_config_create(
901     const void* config_user_data,
902     int (*schedule)(void* config_user_data,
903                     grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg* arg),
904     void (*cancel)(void* config_user_data, grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg* arg),
905     void (*destruct)(void* config_user_data));
907 /** --- TLS server authorization check config. ---
908  *  It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
910 typedef struct grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg
911     grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg;
913 /** callback function provided by gRPC used to handle the result of server
914     authorization check. It is used when schedule API is implemented
915     asynchronously, and serves to bring the control back to gRPC C core. It is
916     used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change. */
917 typedef void (*grpc_tls_on_server_authorization_check_done_cb)(
918     grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg* arg);
920 /** A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a server
921     authorization check request.
922     - cb and cb_user_data represent a gRPC-provided callback and an argument
923       passed to it.
924     - success will store the result of server authorization check. That is,
925       if success returns a non-zero value, it means the authorization check
926       passes and if returning zero, it means the check fails.
927    - target_name is the name of an endpoint the channel is connecting to.
928    - peer_cert represents a complete certificate chain including both
929      signing and leaf certificates.
930    - status and error_details contain information
931      about errors occurred when a server authorization check request is
932      scheduled/cancelled.
933    - config is a pointer to the unique
934      grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config instance that this argument
935      corresponds to.
936    - context is a pointer to a wrapped language implementation of this
937      grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg instance.
938    - destroy_context is a pointer to a caller-provided method that cleans
939       up any data associated with the context pointer.
940    It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
941 */
942 struct grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg {
943   grpc_tls_on_server_authorization_check_done_cb cb;
944   void* cb_user_data;
945   int success;
946   const char* target_name;
947   const char* peer_cert;
948   const char* peer_cert_full_chain;
949   grpc_status_code status;
950   grpc_tls_error_details* error_details;
951   grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config* config;
952   void* context;
953   void (*destroy_context)(void* ctx);
954 };
956 /** Create a grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config instance.
957     - config_user_data is config-specific, read-only user data
958       that works for all channels created with a credential using the config.
959     - schedule is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to invoke
960       server authorization check API. The implementation of this method has to
961       be non-blocking, but can be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
962       1)If processing occurs synchronously, it populates arg->result,
963       arg->status, and arg->error_details and returns zero.
964       2) If processing occurs asynchronously, it returns a non-zero value. The
965       application then invokes arg->cb when processing is completed. Note that
966       arg->cb cannot be invoked before schedule API returns.
967     - cancel is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to cancel a
968       server authorization check request scheduled via an asynchronous schedule
969       API. arg is used to pinpoint an exact check request to be cancelled. The
970       operation may not have any effect if the request has already been
971       processed.
972     - destruct is a pointer to an application-provided callback used to clean up
973       any data associated with the config.
974     It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject to change.
975 */
976 GRPCAPI grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config*
977 grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config_create(
978     const void* config_user_data,
979     int (*schedule)(void* config_user_data,
980                     grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg* arg),
981     void (*cancel)(void* config_user_data,
982                    grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg* arg),
983     void (*destruct)(void* config_user_data));
985 /**
986  * This method creates a TLS channel credential object.
987  * It takes ownership of the options parameter. The security level
988  * of the resulting connection is GRPC_PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY.
989  *
990  * - options: grpc TLS credentials options instance.
991  *
992  * It returns the created credential object.
993  *
994  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject
995  * to change.
996  */
998 grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_tls_credentials_create(
999     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options);
1001 /**
1002  * This method creates a TLS server credential object.
1003  * It takes ownership of the options parameter.
1004  *
1005  * - options: grpc TLS credentials options instance.
1006  *
1007  * It returns the created credential object.
1008  *
1009  * It is used for experimental purpose for now and subject
1010  * to change.
1011  */
1012 grpc_server_credentials* grpc_tls_server_credentials_create(
1013     grpc_tls_credentials_options* options);
1015 #ifdef __cplusplus
1016 }
1017 #endif
1019 #endif /* GRPC_GRPC_SECURITY_H */