1 /*
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17  */
19 /**
20   <h1>Metrics 2.0</h1>
21   <ul id="toc">
22     <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
23     <li><a href="#gettingstarted">Getting Started</a></li>
24     <li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
25     <li><a href="#filtering">Metrics Filtering</a></li>
26     <li><a href="#instrumentation">Metrics Instrumentation Strategy</a></li>
27     <li><a href="#migration">Migration from previous system</a></li>
28   </ul>
29   <h2><a name="overview">Overview</a></h2>
30   <p>This package provides a framework for metrics instrumentation
31     and publication.
32   </p>
34   <p>The framework provides a variety of ways to implement metrics
35     instrumentation easily via the simple
36     {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSource} interface
37     or the even simpler and more concise and declarative metrics annotations.
38     The consumers of metrics just need to implement the simple
39     {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSink} interface. Producers
40     register the metrics sources with a metrics system, while consumers
41     register the sinks. A default metrics system is provided to marshal
42     metrics from sources to sinks based on (per source/sink) configuration
43     options. All the metrics are also published and queryable via the
44     standard JMX MBean interface. This document targets the framework users.
45     Framework developers could also consult the
46     <a href="http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HADOOP-6728-MetricsV2">design
47     document</a> for architecture and implementation notes.
48   </p>
49   <h3>Sub-packages</h3>
50   <dl>
51     <dt><code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation</code></dt>
52     <dd>Public annotation interfaces for simpler metrics instrumentation.
53     </dd>
54     <dt><code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl</code></dt>
55     <dd>Implementation classes of the framework for interface and/or
56       abstract classes defined in the top-level package. Sink plugin code
57       usually does not need to reference any class here.
58     </dd>
59     <dt> <code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib</code></dt>
60     <dd>Convenience classes for implementing metrics sources, including the
61       Mutable[{@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableGauge Gauge}*|
62       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableCounter Counter}*|
63       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableStat Stat}] and
64       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MetricsRegistry}.
65     </dd>
66     <dt> <code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.filter</code></dt>
67     <dd>Builtin metrics filter implementations include the
68       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.filter.GlobFilter} and
69       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.filter.RegexFilter}.
70     </dd>
71     <dt><code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.source</code></dt>
72     <dd>Builtin metrics source implementations including the
73       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.source.JvmMetrics}.
74     </dd>
75     <dt> <code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink</code></dt>
76     <dd>Builtin metrics sink implementations including the
77       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink}.
78     </dd>
79     <dt> <code>org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util</code></dt>
80     <dd>General utilities for implementing metrics sinks etc., including the
81       {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.MetricsCache}.
82     </dd>
83   </dl>
85   <h2><a name="gettingstarted">Getting started</a></h2>
86   <h3>Implementing metrics sources</h3>
87   <table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
88     <tbody>
89       <tr>
90         <th>Using annotations</th><th>Using MetricsSource interface</th>
91       </tr>
92       <tr><td>
93   <pre>
94   &#064;Metrics(context="MyContext")
95   class MyStat {
97     &#064;Metric("My metric description")
98     public int getMyMetric() {
99       return 42;
100     }
101   }</pre></td><td>
102   <pre>
103   class MyStat implements MetricsSource {
105     &#064;Override
106     public void getMetrics(MetricsCollector collector, boolean all) {
107       collector.addRecord("MyStat")
108           .setContext("MyContext")
109           .addGauge(info("MyMetric", "My metric description"), 42);
110     }
111   }
112   </pre>
113         </td>
114       </tr>
115     </tbody>
116   </table>
117   <p>In this example we introduced the following:</p>
118   <dl>
119     <dt><em>&#064;Metrics</em></dt>
120     <dd>The {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics} annotation is
121       used to indicate that the class is a metrics source.
122     </dd>
124     <dt><em>MyContext</em></dt>
125     <dd>The optional context name typically identifies either the
126       application, or a group of modules within an application or
127       library.
128     </dd>
130     <dt><em>MyStat</em></dt>
131     <dd>The class name is used (by default, or specified by name=value parameter
132       in the Metrics annotation) as the metrics record name for
133       which a set of metrics are to be reported.  For example, you could have a
134       record named "CacheStat" for reporting a number of statistics relating to
135       the usage of some cache in your application.</dd>
137     <dt><em>&#064;Metric</em></dt>
138     <dd>The {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metric} annotation
139       identifies a particular metric, which in this case, is the
140       result of the method call getMyMetric of the "gauge" (default) type,
141       which means it can vary in both directions, compared with a "counter"
142       type, which can only increase or stay the same. The name of the metric
143       is "MyMetric" (inferred from getMyMetric method name by default.) The 42
144       here is the value of the metric which can be substituted with any valid
145       java expressions.
146     </dd>
147   </dl>
148   <p>Note, the {@link org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSource} interface is
149     more verbose but more flexible,
150     allowing generated metrics names and multiple records. In fact, the
151     annotation interface is implemented with the MetricsSource interface
152     internally.</p>
153   <h3>Implementing metrics sinks</h3>
154   <pre>
155   public class MySink implements MetricsSink {
156     public void putMetrics(MetricsRecord record) {
157       System.out.print(record);
158     }
159     public void init(SubsetConfiguration conf) {}
160     public void flush() {}
161   }</pre>
162   <p>In this example there are three additional concepts:</p>
163   <dl>
164     <dt><em>record</em></dt>
165     <dd>This object corresponds to the record created in metrics sources
166       e.g., the "MyStat" in previous example.
167     </dd>
168     <dt><em>conf</em></dt>
169     <dd>The configuration object for the sink instance with prefix removed.
170       So you can get any sink specific configuration using the usual
171       get* method.
172     </dd>
173     <dt><em>flush</em></dt>
174     <dd>This method is called for each update cycle, which may involve
175       more than one record. The sink should try to flush any buffered metrics
176       to its backend upon the call. But it's not required that the
177       implementation is synchronous.
178     </dd>
179   </dl>
180   <p>In order to make use our <code>MyMetrics</code> and <code>MySink</code>,
181     they need to be hooked up to a metrics system. In this case (and most
182     cases), the <code>DefaultMetricsSystem</code> would suffice.
183   </p>
184   <pre>
185   DefaultMetricsSystem.initialize("test"); // called once per application
186   DefaultMetricsSystem.register(new MyStat());</pre>
187   <h2><a name="config">Metrics system configuration</a></h2>
188   <p>Sinks are usually specified in a configuration file, say,
189   "hadoop-metrics2-test.properties", as:
190   </p>
191   <pre>
192   test.sink.mysink0.class=com.example.hadoop.metrics.MySink</pre>
193   <p>The configuration syntax is:</p>
194   <pre>
195   [prefix].[source|sink|jmx|].[instance].[option]</pre>
196   <p>In the previous example, <code>test</code> is the prefix and
197     <code>mysink0</code> is an instance name.
198     <code>DefaultMetricsSystem</code> would try to load
199     <code>hadoop-metrics2-[prefix].properties</code> first, and if not found,
200     try the default <code>hadoop-metrics2.properties</code> in the class path.
201     Note, the <code>[instance]</code> is an arbitrary name to uniquely
202     identify a particular sink instance. The asterisk (<code>*</code>) can be
203     used to specify default options.
204   </p>
205   <p>Consult the metrics instrumentation in jvm, rpc, hdfs and mapred, etc.
206     for more examples.
207   </p>
209   <h2><a name="filtering">Metrics Filtering</a></h2>
210   <p>One of the features of the default metrics system is metrics filtering
211     configuration by source, context, record/tags and metrics. The least
212     expensive way to filter out metrics would be at the source level, e.g.,
213     filtering out source named "MyMetrics". The most expensive way would be
214     per metric filtering.
215   </p>
216   <p>Here are some examples:</p>
217   <pre>
218   test.sink.file0.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink
219   test.sink.file0.context=foo</pre>
220   <p>In this example, we configured one sink instance that would
221     accept metrics from context <code>foo</code> only.
222   </p>
223   <pre>
224   *.source.filter.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.filter.GlobFilter
225   test.*.source.filter.include=foo
226   test.*.source.filter.exclude=bar</pre>
227   <p>In this example, we specify a source filter that includes source
228     <code>foo</code> and excludes <code>bar</code>. When only include
229     patterns are specified, the filter operates in the white listing mode,
230     where only matched sources are included. Likewise, when only exclude
231     patterns are specified, only matched sources are excluded. Sources that
232     are not matched in either patterns are included as well when both patterns
233     are present. Note, the include patterns have precedence over the exclude
234     patterns.
235   </p>
236   <p>Similarly, you can specify the <code>record.filter</code> and
237     <code>metric.filter</code> options, which operate at record and metric
238     level, respectively. Filters can be combined to optimize
239     the filtering efficiency.</p>
241   <h2><a name="instrumentation">Metrics instrumentation strategy</a></h2>
243   In previous examples, we showed a minimal example to use the
244   metrics framework. In a larger system (like Hadoop) that allows
245   custom metrics instrumentation, we recommend the following strategy:
246   <pre>
247   &#064;Metrics(about="My metrics description", context="MyContext")
248   class MyMetrics extends MyInstrumentation {
250     &#064;Metric("My gauge description") MutableGaugeInt gauge0;
251     &#064;Metric("My counter description") MutableCounterLong counter0;
252     &#064;Metric("My rate description") MutableRate rate0;
254     &#064;Override public void setGauge0(int value) { gauge0.set(value); }
255     &#064;Override public void incrCounter0() { counter0.incr(); }
256     &#064;Override public void addRate0(long elapsed) { rate0.add(elapsed); }
257   }
258   </pre>
260   Note, in this example we introduced the following:
261   <dl>
262     <dt><em>MyInstrumentation</em></dt>
263     <dd>This is usually an abstract class (or interface) to define an
264       instrumentation interface (incrCounter0 etc.) that allows different
265       implementations. This could be a mechanism to allow different metrics
266       systems to be used at runtime via configuration.
267     </dd>
268     <dt><em>Mutable[Gauge*|Counter*|Rate]</em></dt>
269     <dd>These are library classes to manage mutable metrics for
270       implementations of metrics sources. They produce immutable gauge and
271       counters (Metric[Gauge*|Counter*]) for downstream consumption (sinks)
272       upon <code>snapshot</code>. The <code>MutableRate</code>
273       in particular, provides a way to measure latency and throughput of an
274       operation. In this particular case, it produces a long counter
275       "Rate0NumOps" and double gauge "Rate0AvgTime" when snapshotted.
276     </dd>
277   </dl>
279   <h2><a name="migration">Migration from previous system</a></h2>
280   <p>Users of the previous metrics system would notice the lack of
281     <code>context</code> prefix in the configuration examples. The new
282     metrics system decouples the concept for context (for grouping) with the
283     implementation where a particular context object does the updating and
284     publishing of metrics, which causes problems when you want to have a
285     single context to be consumed by multiple backends. You would also have to
286     configure an implementation instance per context, even if you have a
287     backend that can handle multiple contexts (file, gangalia etc.):
288   </p>
289   <table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
290     <tbody>
291       <tr>
292         <th width="40%">Before</th><th>After</th>
293       </tr>
294       <tr>
295         <td><pre>
296   context1.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext
297   context2.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext
298   ...
299   contextn.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext</pre>
300         </td>
301         <td><pre>
302   myprefix.sink.file.class=org.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink</pre>
303         </td>
304       </tr>
305     </tbody>
306   </table>
307   <p>In the new metrics system, you can simulate the previous behavior by
308     using the context option in the sink options like the following:
309   </p>
310   <table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
311     <tbody>
312       <tr>
313         <th width="40%">Before</th><th>After</th>
314       </tr>
315       <tr>
316         <td><pre>
317   context0.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext
318   context0.fileName=context0.out
319   context1.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext
320   context1.fileName=context1.out
321   ...
322   contextn.class=org.hadoop.metrics.file.FileContext
323   contextn.fileName=contextn.out</pre>
324         </td>
325         <td><pre>
326   myprefix.sink.*.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink
327   myprefix.sink.file0.context=context0
328   myprefix.sink.file0.filename=context1.out
329   myprefix.sink.file1.context=context1
330   myprefix.sink.file1.filename=context1.out
331   ...
332   myprefix.sink.filen.context=contextn
333   myprefix.sink.filen.filename=contextn.out</pre>
334         </td>
335       </tr>
336     </tbody>
337   </table>
338   <p>to send metrics of a particular context to a particular backend. Note,
339     <code>myprefix</code> is an arbitrary prefix for configuration groupings,
340     typically they are the name of a particular process
341     (<code>namenode</code>, <code>jobtracker</code>, etc.)
342   </p>
343  */
344 @InterfaceAudience.Public
345 @InterfaceStability.Evolving
346 package org.apache.hadoop.metrics2;
348 import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
349 import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;