1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3-- | See <https://github.com/ezyang/ghc-proposals/blob/backpack/proposals/0000-backpack.rst>
4module Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape (
5    -- * Module shapes
6    ModuleShape(..),
7    emptyModuleShape,
8    shapeInstalledPackage,
9) where
11import Prelude ()
12import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (mod)
14import Distribution.ModuleName
15import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
17import Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst
18import Distribution.Backpack
20import qualified Data.Map as Map
21import qualified Data.Set as Set
24-- Module shapes
26-- | A 'ModuleShape' describes the provisions and requirements of
27-- a library.  We can extract a 'ModuleShape' from an
28-- 'InstalledPackageInfo'.
29data ModuleShape = ModuleShape {
30    modShapeProvides :: OpenModuleSubst,
31    modShapeRequires :: Set ModuleName
32    }
33    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
35instance Binary ModuleShape
36instance Structured ModuleShape
38instance ModSubst ModuleShape where
39    modSubst subst (ModuleShape provs reqs)
40        = ModuleShape (modSubst subst provs) (modSubst subst reqs)
42-- | The default module shape, with no provisions and no requirements.
43emptyModuleShape :: ModuleShape
44emptyModuleShape = ModuleShape Map.empty Set.empty
46-- Food for thought: suppose we apply the Merkel tree optimization.
47-- Imagine this situation:
49--      component p
50--          signature H
51--          module P
52--      component h
53--          module H
54--      component a
55--          signature P
56--          module A
57--      component q(P)
58--          include p
59--          include h
60--      component r
61--          include q (P)
62--          include p (P) requires (H)
63--          include h (H)
64--          include a (A) requires (P)
66-- Component r should not have any conflicts, since after mix-in linking
67-- the two P imports will end up being the same, so we can properly
68-- instantiate it.  But to know that q's P is p:P instantiated with h:H,
69-- we have to be able to expand its unit id.  Maybe we can expand it
70-- lazily but in some cases it will need to be expanded.
72-- FWIW, the way that GHC handles this is by improving unit IDs as
73-- soon as it sees an improved one in the package database.  This
74-- is a bit disgusting.
75shapeInstalledPackage :: IPI.InstalledPackageInfo -> ModuleShape
76shapeInstalledPackage ipi = ModuleShape (Map.fromList provs) reqs
77  where
78    uid = installedOpenUnitId ipi
79    provs = map shapeExposedModule (IPI.exposedModules ipi)
80    reqs = requiredSignatures ipi
81    shapeExposedModule (IPI.ExposedModule mod_name Nothing)
82        = (mod_name, OpenModule uid mod_name)
83    shapeExposedModule (IPI.ExposedModule mod_name (Just mod))
84        = (mod_name, mod)