1{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, UndecidableInstances #-}
3-- |
4-- Module      :  Distribution.Compat.Parsing
5-- Copyright   :  (c) Edward Kmett 2011-2012
6-- License     :  BSD3
8-- Maintainer  :  ekmett@gmail.com
9-- Stability   :  experimental
10-- Portability :  non-portable
12-- Alternative parser combinators.
14-- Originally in @parsers@ package.
17module Distribution.Compat.Parsing
18  (
19  -- * Parsing Combinators
20    choice
21  , option
22  , optional -- from Control.Applicative, parsec optionMaybe
23  , skipOptional -- parsec optional
24  , between
25  , some     -- from Control.Applicative, parsec many1
26  , many     -- from Control.Applicative
27  , sepBy
28  , sepByNonEmpty
29  , sepEndByNonEmpty
30  , sepEndBy
31  , endByNonEmpty
32  , endBy
33  , count
34  , chainl
35  , chainr
36  , chainl1
37  , chainr1
38  , manyTill
39  -- * Parsing Class
40  , Parsing(..)
41  ) where
43import Prelude ()
44import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
46import Control.Applicative ((<**>), optional)
47import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
48import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy
49import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict
50import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy
51import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict
52import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as Lazy
53import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict
54import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (..))
55import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity (IdentityT (..))
56import Data.Foldable (asum)
58import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
59import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
61-- | @choice ps@ tries to apply the parsers in the list @ps@ in order,
62-- until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding
63-- parser.
64choice :: Alternative m => [m a] -> m a
65choice = asum
66{-# INLINE choice #-}
68-- | @option x p@ tries to apply parser @p@. If @p@ fails without
69-- consuming input, it returns the value @x@, otherwise the value
70-- returned by @p@.
72-- >  priority = option 0 (digitToInt <$> digit)
73option :: Alternative m => a -> m a -> m a
74option x p = p <|> pure x
75{-# INLINE option #-}
77-- | @skipOptional p@ tries to apply parser @p@.  It will parse @p@ or nothing.
78-- It only fails if @p@ fails after consuming input. It discards the result
79-- of @p@. (Plays the role of parsec's optional, which conflicts with Applicative's optional)
80skipOptional :: Alternative m => m a -> m ()
81skipOptional p = (() <$ p) <|> pure ()
82{-# INLINE skipOptional #-}
84-- | @between open close p@ parses @open@, followed by @p@ and @close@.
85-- Returns the value returned by @p@.
87-- >  braces  = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
88between :: Applicative m => m bra -> m ket -> m a -> m a
89between bra ket p = bra *> p <* ket
90{-# INLINE between #-}
92-- | @sepBy p sep@ parses /zero/ or more occurrences of @p@, separated
93-- by @sep@. Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
95-- >  commaSep p  = p `sepBy` (symbol ",")
96sepBy :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m [a]
97sepBy p sep = toList <$> sepByNonEmpty p sep <|> pure []
98{-# INLINE sepBy #-}
100-- | @sepByNonEmpty p sep@ parses /one/ or more occurrences of @p@, separated
101-- by @sep@. Returns a non-empty list of values returned by @p@.
102sepByNonEmpty :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m (NonEmpty a)
103sepByNonEmpty p sep = (:|) <$> p <*> many (sep *> p)
104{-# INLINE sepByNonEmpty #-}
106-- | @sepEndByNonEmpty p sep@ parses /one/ or more occurrences of @p@,
107-- separated and optionally ended by @sep@. Returns a non-empty list of values
108-- returned by @p@.
109sepEndByNonEmpty :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m (NonEmpty a)
110sepEndByNonEmpty p sep = (:|) <$> p <*> ((sep *> sepEndBy p sep) <|> pure [])
112-- | @sepEndBy p sep@ parses /zero/ or more occurrences of @p@,
113-- separated and optionally ended by @sep@, ie. haskell style
114-- statements. Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
116-- >  haskellStatements  = haskellStatement `sepEndBy` semi
117sepEndBy :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m [a]
118sepEndBy p sep = toList <$> sepEndByNonEmpty p sep <|> pure []
119{-# INLINE sepEndBy #-}
121-- | @endByNonEmpty p sep@ parses /one/ or more occurrences of @p@, separated
122-- and ended by @sep@. Returns a non-empty list of values returned by @p@.
123endByNonEmpty :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m (NonEmpty a)
124endByNonEmpty p sep = NE.some1 (p <* sep)
125{-# INLINE endByNonEmpty #-}
127-- | @endBy p sep@ parses /zero/ or more occurrences of @p@, separated
128-- and ended by @sep@. Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
130-- >   cStatements  = cStatement `endBy` semi
131endBy :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m [a]
132endBy p sep = many (p <* sep)
133{-# INLINE endBy #-}
135-- | @count n p@ parses @n@ occurrences of @p@. If @n@ is smaller or
136-- equal to zero, the parser equals to @return []@. Returns a list of
137-- @n@ values returned by @p@.
138count :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
139count n p | n <= 0    = pure []
140          | otherwise = sequenceA (replicate n p)
141{-# INLINE count #-}
143-- | @chainr p op x@ parses /zero/ or more occurrences of @p@,
144-- separated by @op@ Returns a value obtained by a /right/ associative
145-- application of all functions returned by @op@ to the values returned
146-- by @p@. If there are no occurrences of @p@, the value @x@ is
147-- returned.
148chainr :: Alternative m => m a -> m (a -> a -> a) -> a -> m a
149chainr p op x = chainr1 p op <|> pure x
150{-# INLINE chainr #-}
152-- | @chainl p op x@ parses /zero/ or more occurrences of @p@,
153-- separated by @op@. Returns a value obtained by a /left/ associative
154-- application of all functions returned by @op@ to the values returned
155-- by @p@. If there are zero occurrences of @p@, the value @x@ is
156-- returned.
157chainl :: Alternative m => m a -> m (a -> a -> a) -> a -> m a
158chainl p op x = chainl1 p op <|> pure x
159{-# INLINE chainl #-}
161-- | @chainl1 p op x@ parses /one/ or more occurrences of @p@,
162-- separated by @op@ Returns a value obtained by a /left/ associative
163-- application of all functions returned by @op@ to the values returned
164-- by @p@. . This parser can for example be used to eliminate left
165-- recursion which typically occurs in expression grammars.
167-- >  expr   = term   `chainl1` addop
168-- >  term   = factor `chainl1` mulop
169-- >  factor = parens expr <|> integer
170-- >
171-- >  mulop  = (*) <$ symbol "*"
172-- >       <|> div <$ symbol "/"
173-- >
174-- >  addop  = (+) <$ symbol "+"
175-- >       <|> (-) <$ symbol "-"
176chainl1 :: Alternative m => m a -> m (a -> a -> a) -> m a
177chainl1 p op = scan where
178  scan = p <**> rst
179  rst = (\f y g x -> g (f x y)) <$> op <*> p <*> rst <|> pure id
180{-# INLINE chainl1 #-}
182-- | @chainr1 p op x@ parses /one/ or more occurrences of @p@,
183-- separated by @op@ Returns a value obtained by a /right/ associative
184-- application of all functions returned by @op@ to the values returned
185-- by @p@.
186chainr1 :: Alternative m => m a -> m (a -> a -> a) -> m a
187chainr1 p op = scan where
188  scan = p <**> rst
189  rst = (flip <$> op <*> scan) <|> pure id
190{-# INLINE chainr1 #-}
192-- | @manyTill p end@ applies parser @p@ /zero/ or more times until
193-- parser @end@ succeeds. Returns the list of values returned by @p@.
194-- This parser can be used to scan comments:
196-- >  simpleComment   = do{ string "<!--"
197-- >                      ; manyTill anyChar (try (string "-->"))
198-- >                      }
200--    Note the overlapping parsers @anyChar@ and @string \"-->\"@, and
201--    therefore the use of the 'try' combinator.
202manyTill :: Alternative m => m a -> m end -> m [a]
203manyTill p end = go where go = ([] <$ end) <|> ((:) <$> p <*> go)
204{-# INLINE manyTill #-}
206infixr 0 <?>
208-- | Additional functionality needed to describe parsers independent of input type.
209class Alternative m => Parsing m where
210  -- | Take a parser that may consume input, and on failure, go back to
211  -- where we started and fail as if we didn't consume input.
212  try :: m a -> m a
214  -- | Give a parser a name
215  (<?>) :: m a -> String -> m a
217  -- | A version of many that discards its input. Specialized because it
218  -- can often be implemented more cheaply.
219  skipMany :: m a -> m ()
220  skipMany p = () <$ many p
221  {-# INLINE skipMany #-}
223  -- | @skipSome p@ applies the parser @p@ /one/ or more times, skipping
224  -- its result. (aka skipMany1 in parsec)
225  skipSome :: m a -> m ()
226  skipSome p = p *> skipMany p
227  {-# INLINE skipSome #-}
229  -- | Used to emit an error on an unexpected token
230  unexpected :: String -> m a
232  -- | This parser only succeeds at the end of the input. This is not a
233  -- primitive parser but it is defined using 'notFollowedBy'.
234  --
235  -- >  eof  = notFollowedBy anyChar <?> "end of input"
236  eof :: m ()
238  -- | @notFollowedBy p@ only succeeds when parser @p@ fails. This parser
239  -- does not consume any input. This parser can be used to implement the
240  -- \'longest match\' rule. For example, when recognizing keywords (for
241  -- example @let@), we want to make sure that a keyword is not followed
242  -- by a legal identifier character, in which case the keyword is
243  -- actually an identifier (for example @lets@). We can program this
244  -- behaviour as follows:
245  --
246  -- >  keywordLet  = try $ string "let" <* notFollowedBy alphaNum
247  notFollowedBy :: Show a => m a -> m ()
249instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m) => Parsing (Lazy.StateT s m) where
250  try (Lazy.StateT m) = Lazy.StateT $ try . m
251  {-# INLINE try #-}
252  Lazy.StateT m <?> l = Lazy.StateT $ \s -> m s <?> l
253  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
254  unexpected = lift . unexpected
255  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
256  eof = lift eof
257  {-# INLINE eof #-}
258  notFollowedBy (Lazy.StateT m) = Lazy.StateT
259    $ \s -> notFollowedBy (fst <$> m s) >> return ((),s)
260  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
262instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m) => Parsing (Strict.StateT s m) where
263  try (Strict.StateT m) = Strict.StateT $ try . m
264  {-# INLINE try #-}
265  Strict.StateT m <?> l = Strict.StateT $ \s -> m s <?> l
266  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
267  unexpected = lift . unexpected
268  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
269  eof = lift eof
270  {-# INLINE eof #-}
271  notFollowedBy (Strict.StateT m) = Strict.StateT
272    $ \s -> notFollowedBy (fst <$> m s) >> return ((),s)
273  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
275instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m) => Parsing (ReaderT e m) where
276  try (ReaderT m) = ReaderT $ try . m
277  {-# INLINE try #-}
278  ReaderT m <?> l = ReaderT $ \e -> m e <?> l
279  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
280  skipMany (ReaderT m) = ReaderT $ skipMany . m
281  {-# INLINE skipMany #-}
282  unexpected = lift . unexpected
283  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
284  eof = lift eof
285  {-# INLINE eof #-}
286  notFollowedBy (ReaderT m) = ReaderT $ notFollowedBy . m
287  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
289instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m, Monoid w) => Parsing (Strict.WriterT w m) where
290  try (Strict.WriterT m) = Strict.WriterT $ try m
291  {-# INLINE try #-}
292  Strict.WriterT m <?> l = Strict.WriterT (m <?> l)
293  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
294  unexpected = lift . unexpected
295  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
296  eof = lift eof
297  {-# INLINE eof #-}
298  notFollowedBy (Strict.WriterT m) = Strict.WriterT
299    $ notFollowedBy (fst <$> m) >>= \x -> return (x, mempty)
300  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
302instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m, Monoid w) => Parsing (Lazy.WriterT w m) where
303  try (Lazy.WriterT m) = Lazy.WriterT $ try m
304  {-# INLINE try #-}
305  Lazy.WriterT m <?> l = Lazy.WriterT (m <?> l)
306  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
307  unexpected = lift . unexpected
308  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
309  eof = lift eof
310  {-# INLINE eof #-}
311  notFollowedBy (Lazy.WriterT m) = Lazy.WriterT
312    $ notFollowedBy (fst <$> m) >>= \x -> return (x, mempty)
313  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
315instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m, Monoid w) => Parsing (Lazy.RWST r w s m) where
316  try (Lazy.RWST m) = Lazy.RWST $ \r s -> try (m r s)
317  {-# INLINE try #-}
318  Lazy.RWST m <?> l = Lazy.RWST $ \r s -> m r s <?> l
319  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
320  unexpected = lift . unexpected
321  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
322  eof = lift eof
323  {-# INLINE eof #-}
324  notFollowedBy (Lazy.RWST m) = Lazy.RWST
325    $ \r s -> notFollowedBy ((\(a,_,_) -> a) <$> m r s) >>= \x -> return (x, s, mempty)
326  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
328instance (Parsing m, MonadPlus m, Monoid w) => Parsing (Strict.RWST r w s m) where
329  try (Strict.RWST m) = Strict.RWST $ \r s -> try (m r s)
330  {-# INLINE try #-}
331  Strict.RWST m <?> l = Strict.RWST $ \r s -> m r s <?> l
332  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
333  unexpected = lift . unexpected
334  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
335  eof = lift eof
336  {-# INLINE eof #-}
337  notFollowedBy (Strict.RWST m) = Strict.RWST
338    $ \r s -> notFollowedBy ((\(a,_,_) -> a) <$> m r s) >>= \x -> return (x, s, mempty)
339  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
341instance (Parsing m, Monad m) => Parsing (IdentityT m) where
342  try = IdentityT . try . runIdentityT
343  {-# INLINE try #-}
344  IdentityT m <?> l = IdentityT (m <?> l)
345  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
346  skipMany = IdentityT . skipMany . runIdentityT
347  {-# INLINE skipMany #-}
348  unexpected = lift . unexpected
349  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
350  eof = lift eof
351  {-# INLINE eof #-}
352  notFollowedBy (IdentityT m) = IdentityT $ notFollowedBy m
353  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}
355instance (Parsec.Stream s m t, Show t) => Parsing (Parsec.ParsecT s u m) where
356  try           = Parsec.try
357  (<?>)         = (Parsec.<?>)
358  skipMany      = Parsec.skipMany
359  skipSome      = Parsec.skipMany1
360  unexpected    = Parsec.unexpected
361  eof           = Parsec.eof
362  notFollowedBy = Parsec.notFollowedBy