1{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
4module Distribution.Solver.Modular
5         ( modularResolver, SolverConfig(..), PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..) ) where
7-- Here, we try to map between the external cabal-install solver
8-- interface and the internal interface that the solver actually
9-- expects. There are a number of type conversions to perform: we
10-- have to convert the package indices to the uniform index used
11-- by the solver; we also have to convert the initial constraints;
12-- and finally, we have to convert back the resulting install
13-- plan.
15import Prelude ()
16import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude
18import qualified Data.Map as M
19import Data.Set (isSubsetOf)
20import Distribution.Compat.Graph
21         ( IsNode(..) )
22import Distribution.Compiler
23         ( CompilerInfo )
24import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
25         ( Assignment, toCPs )
26import Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConfiguredConversion
27         ( convCP )
28import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
29import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
30import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
31import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
32import Distribution.Solver.Modular.IndexConversion
33         ( convPIs )
34import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Log
35         ( SolverFailure(..), displayLogMessages )
36import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
37         ( PN )
38import Distribution.Solver.Modular.RetryLog
39import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Solver
40         ( SolverConfig(..), PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..), solve )
41import Distribution.Solver.Types.DependencyResolver
42import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
43import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
44import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
45import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePreferences
46import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
47         ( PkgConfigDb )
48import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
49import Distribution.Solver.Types.Variable
50import Distribution.System
51         ( Platform(..) )
52import Distribution.Simple.Setup
53         ( BooleanFlag(..) )
54import Distribution.Simple.Utils
55         ( ordNubBy )
56import Distribution.Verbosity
59-- | Ties the two worlds together: classic cabal-install vs. the modular
60-- solver. Performs the necessary translations before and after.
61modularResolver :: SolverConfig -> DependencyResolver loc
62modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns =
63  fmap (uncurry postprocess) $ -- convert install plan
64  solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
65    where
66      -- Indices have to be converted into solver-specific uniform index.
67      idx    = convPIs os arch cinfo gcs (shadowPkgs sc) (strongFlags sc) (solveExecutables sc) iidx sidx
68      -- Constraints have to be converted into a finite map indexed by PN.
69      gcs    = M.fromListWith (++) (map pair pcs)
70        where
71          pair lpc = (pcName $ unlabelPackageConstraint lpc, [lpc])
73      -- Results have to be converted into an install plan. 'convCP' removes
74      -- package qualifiers, which means that linked packages become duplicates
75      -- and can be removed.
76      postprocess a rdm = ordNubBy nodeKey $
77                          map (convCP iidx sidx) (toCPs a rdm)
79      -- Helper function to extract the PN from a constraint.
80      pcName :: PackageConstraint -> PN
81      pcName (PackageConstraint scope _) = scopeToPackageName scope
83-- | Run 'D.S.Modular.Solver.solve' and then produce a summarized log to display
84-- in the error case.
86-- When there is no solution, we produce the error message by rerunning the
87-- solver but making it prefer the goals from the final conflict set from the
88-- first run (or a subset of the final conflict set with
89-- --minimize-conflict-set). We also set the backjump limit to 0, so that the
90-- log stops at the first backjump and is relatively short. Preferring goals
91-- from the final conflict set increases the probability that the log to the
92-- first backjump contains package, flag, and stanza choices that are relevant
93-- to the final failure. The solver shouldn't need to choose any packages that
94-- aren't in the final conflict set. (For every variable in the final conflict
95-- set, the final conflict set should also contain the variable that introduced
96-- that variable. The solver can then follow that chain of variables in reverse
97-- order from the user target to the conflict.) However, it is possible that the
98-- conflict set contains unnecessary variables.
100-- Producing an error message when the solver reaches the backjump limit is more
101-- complicated. There is no final conflict set, so we create one for the minimal
102-- subtree containing the path that the solver took to the first backjump. This
103-- conflict set helps explain why the solver reached the backjump limit, because
104-- the first backjump contributes to reaching the backjump limit. Additionally,
105-- the solver is much more likely to be able to finish traversing this subtree
106-- before the backjump limit, since its size is linear (not exponential) in the
107-- number of goal choices. We create it by pruning all children after the first
108-- successful child under each node in the original tree, so that there is at
109-- most one valid choice at each level. Then we use the final conflict set from
110-- that run to generate an error message, as in the case where the solver found
111-- that there was no solution.
113-- Using the full log from a rerun of the solver ensures that the log is
114-- complete, i.e., it shows the whole chain of dependencies from the user
115-- targets to the conflicting packages.
116solve' :: SolverConfig
117       -> CompilerInfo
118       -> Index
119       -> PkgConfigDb
120       -> (PN -> PackagePreferences)
121       -> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
122       -> Set PN
123       -> Progress String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
124solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns =
125    toProgress $ retry (runSolver printFullLog sc) createErrorMsg
126  where
127    runSolver :: Bool -> SolverConfig
128              -> RetryLog String SolverFailure (Assignment, RevDepMap)
129    runSolver keepLog sc' =
130        displayLogMessages keepLog $
131        solve sc' cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
133    createErrorMsg :: SolverFailure
134                   -> RetryLog String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
135    createErrorMsg failure@(ExhaustiveSearch cs cm) =
136      if asBool $ minimizeConflictSet sc
137      then continueWith ("Found no solution after exhaustively searching the "
138                          ++ "dependency tree. Rerunning the dependency solver "
139                          ++ "to minimize the conflict set ({"
140                          ++ showConflictSet cs ++ "}).") $
141           retry (tryToMinimizeConflictSet (runSolver printFullLog) sc cs cm) $
142               \case
143                  ExhaustiveSearch cs' cm' ->
144                      fromProgress $ Fail $
145                          rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs'
146                       ++ finalErrorMsg sc (ExhaustiveSearch cs' cm')
147                  BackjumpLimitReached ->
148                      fromProgress $ Fail $
149                          "Reached backjump limit while trying to minimize the "
150                       ++ "conflict set to create a better error message. "
151                       ++ "Original error message:\n"
152                       ++ rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs
153                       ++ finalErrorMsg sc failure
154      else fromProgress $ Fail $
155           rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs ++ finalErrorMsg sc failure
156    createErrorMsg failure@BackjumpLimitReached     =
157        continueWith
158             ("Backjump limit reached. Rerunning dependency solver to generate "
159              ++ "a final conflict set for the search tree containing the "
160              ++ "first backjump.") $
161        retry (runSolver printFullLog sc { pruneAfterFirstSuccess = PruneAfterFirstSuccess True }) $
162            \case
163               ExhaustiveSearch cs _ ->
164                   fromProgress $ Fail $
165                   rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs ++ finalErrorMsg sc failure
166               BackjumpLimitReached  ->
167                   -- This case is possible when the number of goals involved in
168                   -- conflicts is greater than the backjump limit.
169                   fromProgress $ Fail $ finalErrorMsg sc failure
170                    ++ "Failed to generate a summarized dependency solver "
171                    ++ "log due to low backjump limit."
173    rerunSolverForErrorMsg :: ConflictSet -> String
174    rerunSolverForErrorMsg cs =
175      let sc' = sc {
176                    goalOrder = Just goalOrder'
177                  , maxBackjumps = Just 0
178                  }
180          -- Preferring goals from the conflict set takes precedence over the
181          -- original goal order.
182          goalOrder' = preferGoalsFromConflictSet cs <> fromMaybe mempty (goalOrder sc)
184      in unlines ("Could not resolve dependencies:" : messages (toProgress (runSolver True sc')))
186    printFullLog = solverVerbosity sc >= verbose
188    messages :: Progress step fail done -> [step]
189    messages = foldProgress (:) (const []) (const [])
191-- | Try to remove variables from the given conflict set to create a minimal
192-- conflict set.
194-- Minimal means that no proper subset of the conflict set is also a conflict
195-- set, though there may be other possible conflict sets with fewer variables.
196-- This function minimizes the input by trying to remove one variable at a time.
197-- It only makes one pass over the variables, so it runs the solver at most N
198-- times when given a conflict set of size N. Only one pass is necessary,
199-- because every superset of a conflict set is also a conflict set, meaning that
200-- failing to remove variable X from a conflict set in one step means that X
201-- cannot be removed from any subset of that conflict set in a subsequent step.
203-- Example steps:
205-- Start with {A, B, C}.
206-- Try to remove A from {A, B, C} and fail.
207-- Try to remove B from {A, B, C} and succeed.
208-- Try to remove C from {A, C} and fail.
209-- Return {A, C}
211-- This function can fail for two reasons:
213-- 1. The solver can reach the backjump limit on any run. In this case the
214--    returned RetryLog ends with BackjumpLimitReached.
215--    TODO: Consider applying the backjump limit to all solver runs combined,
216--    instead of each individual run. For example, 10 runs with 10 backjumps
217--    each should count as 100 backjumps.
218-- 2. Since this function works by rerunning the solver, it is possible for the
219--    solver to add new unnecessary variables to the conflict set. This function
220--    discards the result from any run that adds new variables to the conflict
221--    set, but the end result may not be completely minimized.
222tryToMinimizeConflictSet :: forall a . (SolverConfig -> RetryLog String SolverFailure a)
223                         -> SolverConfig
224                         -> ConflictSet
225                         -> ConflictMap
226                         -> RetryLog String SolverFailure a
227tryToMinimizeConflictSet runSolver sc cs cm =
228    foldl (\r v -> retryNoSolution r $ tryToRemoveOneVar v)
229          (fromProgress $ Fail $ ExhaustiveSearch cs cm)
230          (CS.toList cs)
231  where
232    -- This function runs the solver and makes it prefer goals in the following
233    -- order:
234    --
235    -- 1. variables in 'smallestKnownCS', excluding 'v'
236    -- 2. 'v'
237    -- 3. all other variables
238    --
239    -- If 'v' is not necessary, then the solver will find that there is no
240    -- solution before starting to solve for 'v', and the new final conflict set
241    -- will be very likely to not contain 'v'. If 'v' is necessary, the solver
242    -- will most likely need to try solving for 'v' before finding that there is
243    -- no solution, and the new final conflict set will still contain 'v'.
244    -- However, this method isn't perfect, because it is possible for the solver
245    -- to add new unnecessary variables to the conflict set on any run. This
246    -- function prevents the conflict set from growing by checking that the new
247    -- conflict set is a subset of the old one and falling back to using the old
248    -- conflict set when that check fails.
249    tryToRemoveOneVar :: Var QPN
250                      -> ConflictSet
251                      -> ConflictMap
252                      -> RetryLog String SolverFailure a
253    tryToRemoveOneVar v smallestKnownCS smallestKnownCM
254        -- Check whether v is still present, because it may have already been
255        -- removed in a previous solver rerun.
256      | not (v `CS.member` smallestKnownCS) =
257          fromProgress $ Fail $ ExhaustiveSearch smallestKnownCS smallestKnownCM
258      | otherwise =
259        continueWith ("Trying to remove variable " ++ varStr ++ " from the "
260                      ++ "conflict set.") $
261        retry (runSolver sc') $ \case
262            err@(ExhaustiveSearch cs' _)
263              | CS.toSet cs' `isSubsetOf` CS.toSet smallestKnownCS ->
264                  let msg = if not $ CS.member v cs'
265                            then "Successfully removed " ++ varStr ++ " from "
266                                  ++ "the conflict set."
267                            else "Failed to remove " ++ varStr ++ " from the "
268                                  ++ "conflict set."
269                  in -- Use the new conflict set, even if v wasn't removed,
270                     -- because other variables may have been removed.
271                     failWith (msg ++ " Continuing with " ++ showCS cs' ++ ".") err
272              | otherwise ->
273                  failWith ("Failed to find a smaller conflict set. The new "
274                             ++ "conflict set is not a subset of the previous "
275                             ++ "conflict set: " ++ showCS cs') $
276                  ExhaustiveSearch smallestKnownCS smallestKnownCM
277            BackjumpLimitReached ->
278                failWith ("Reached backjump limit while minimizing conflict set.")
279                         BackjumpLimitReached
280      where
281        varStr = "\"" ++ showVar v ++ "\""
282        showCS cs' = "{" ++ showConflictSet cs' ++ "}"
284        sc' = sc { goalOrder = Just goalOrder' }
286        goalOrder' =
287            preferGoalsFromConflictSet (v `CS.delete` smallestKnownCS)
288         <> preferGoal v
289         <> fromMaybe mempty (goalOrder sc)
291    -- Like 'retry', except that it only applies the input function when the
292    -- backjump limit has not been reached.
293    retryNoSolution :: RetryLog step SolverFailure done
294                    -> (ConflictSet -> ConflictMap -> RetryLog step SolverFailure done)
295                    -> RetryLog step SolverFailure done
296    retryNoSolution lg f = retry lg $ \case
297        ExhaustiveSearch cs' cm' -> f cs' cm'
298        BackjumpLimitReached     -> fromProgress (Fail BackjumpLimitReached)
300-- | Goal ordering that chooses goals contained in the conflict set before
301-- other goals.
302preferGoalsFromConflictSet :: ConflictSet
303                           -> Variable QPN -> Variable QPN -> Ordering
304preferGoalsFromConflictSet cs = comparing $ \v -> not $ CS.member (toVar v) cs
306-- | Goal ordering that chooses the given goal first.
307preferGoal :: Var QPN -> Variable QPN -> Variable QPN -> Ordering
308preferGoal preferred = comparing $ \v -> toVar v /= preferred
310toVar :: Variable QPN -> Var QPN
311toVar (PackageVar qpn)    = P qpn
312toVar (FlagVar    qpn fn) = F (FN qpn fn)
313toVar (StanzaVar  qpn sn) = S (SN qpn sn)
315finalErrorMsg :: SolverConfig -> SolverFailure -> String
316finalErrorMsg sc failure =
317    case failure of
318      ExhaustiveSearch cs cm ->
319          "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
320          ++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: "
321          ++ showCS cm cs
322          ++ flagSuggestion
323        where
324          showCS = if solverVerbosity sc > normal
325                   then CS.showCSWithFrequency
326                   else CS.showCSSortedByFrequency
327          flagSuggestion =
328              -- Don't suggest --minimize-conflict-set if the conflict set is
329              -- already small, because it is unlikely to be reduced further.
330              if CS.size cs > 3 && not (asBool (minimizeConflictSet sc))
331              then "\nTry running with --minimize-conflict-set to improve the "
332                    ++ "error message."
333              else ""
334      BackjumpLimitReached ->
335          "Backjump limit reached (" ++ currlimit (maxBackjumps sc) ++
336          "change with --max-backjumps or try to run with --reorder-goals).\n"
337        where currlimit (Just n) = "currently " ++ show n ++ ", "
338              currlimit Nothing  = ""