2-- Haskell binding for daVinci API
4-- Original version:       Sven Panne  <Sven.Panne@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>  1997/99
5-- Adapted to daVinci 2.1: Tim Geisler <Tim.Geisler@informatik.uni-muenchen.de> May 1998
6--                         marked all extensions with '(V2.1 API)'
8-- Some changes to names from daVinci API:
9--    foo_bar              => FooBar
10--    baz                  => DVBaz   in case of name collision
11--    foo x  and    foo    => Foo (Maybe x)
13-- Note: There are some exceptions to the above rules (but I can't remember...  ;-)
15module DaVinciTypes(
16   DaVinciCmd(..), GraphCmd(..), MultiCmd(..), MenuCmd(..), FileMenuCmd(..),
17   ViewMenuCmd(..), NavigationMenuCmd(..), AbstractionMenuCmd(..), LayoutMenuCmd(..),
18   AppMenuCmd(..), SetCmd(..), WindowCmd(..), TclCmd(..), SpecialCmd(..),
19   VisualCmd(..), DragAndDropCmd(..), -- (V2.1 API)
21   DaVinciAnswer(..),
23   Node(..), Edge(..), Attribute(..),
25   NodeUpdate(..), EdgeUpdate(..), AttrChange(..),
26   MixedUpdate(..), TypeChange(..), -- (V2.1 API)
28   MenuEntry(..), IconEntry(..),
29   VisualRule(..), -- (V2.1 API)
31   NodeId(..), EdgeId(..), MenuId(..), MenuLabel(..), MenuMne(..),
32   MenuAcc(..), IconId(..), Type(..), Filename(..), ContextId(..),
33   WindowId(..), -- (V2.1 API)
35   Orient(..), Direction(..), Btype(..), MenuMod(..)
36   )
39--- API commands ----------------------------------------------------------
41data DaVinciCmd =                   -- Commands of the API (top-level).
42    Graph GraphCmd                     -- Graph category
43  | Multi MultiCmd                     -- Multi category
44  | Menu MenuCmd                       -- Menu category
45  | AppMenu AppMenuCmd                 -- AppMenu category
46  | DVSet SetCmd                       -- Set category
47  | Window WindowCmd                   -- Window category
48  | Tcl TclCmd                         -- Tcl category
49  | Special SpecialCmd                 -- Special category
50  | DVNothing                          -- No operation, for syncronization.
51  | Visual VisualCmd                   -- Visual category (V2.1 API)
52  | DragAndDrop DragAndDropCmd	       -- Drag and Drop category (V2.1 API)
53  deriving Eq
55data GraphCmd =                     -- Send and update graphs
56    New [Node]                         -- Send new graph
57  | NewPlaced [Node]                   -- Dito, better layout
58  | Update [NodeUpdate] [EdgeUpdate]   -- Send graph updates
59  | ChangeAttr [AttrChange]            -- Change attributes
60  | UpdateAndChangeAttr [NodeUpdate] [EdgeUpdate] [AttrChange]
61                                       -- Combination of both
62  | UpdateMixed [MixedUpdate]	       -- Send mixed graph updates (V2.1 API)
63  | UpdateAndChangeAttrMixed [MixedUpdate] [AttrChange]
64                                       -- Combination of both (V2.1 API)
65  | ChangeType [TypeChange]            -- Change types (V2.1 API)
66  deriving Eq
68data MultiCmd =                     -- For multi-graph mode
69    NewContext                         -- Open graph context
70  | OpenContext ContextId              -- Dito, but ID is given
71  | SetContext ContextId               -- Switch to context
72  | SetContextWindow ContextId WindowId
73                                       -- switch to context and window (V2.1 API)
74  deriving Eq
76data MenuCmd =                      -- Call functions of menu
77    File FileMenuCmd                   -- File menu category
78  | View ViewMenuCmd                   -- View menu category
79  | Navigation NavigationMenuCmd       -- Navigation menu category
80  | Abstraction AbstractionMenuCmd     -- Abstraction menu category
81  | Layout LayoutMenuCmd               -- Layout menu category
82  deriving Eq
84data FileMenuCmd =                  -- File menu functions
85    ClearGraph                         -- Clear graph.
86  | OpenGraph Filename                 -- Load graph from file
87  | OpenGraphPlaced Filename           -- Dito, better layout
88  | OpenStatus Filename                -- Load status from file
89  | SaveGraph Filename                 -- Save graph as term
90  | SaveStatus Filename                -- Save graph as status
91  | Print (Maybe Filename)             -- Save as PostScript
92  | Close                              -- Close graph window
93  | Exit                               -- Exit daVinci
94  deriving Eq
96data ViewMenuCmd =                  -- View menu functions
97    OpenNewView                        -- Open additional view
98  | OpenSurveyView                     -- Open survey view
99  | FullScale                          -- Set scale to 100%
100  | FitScaleToWindow                   -- Set scale to fit
101  | Scale (Maybe Int)                  -- Set scale to Int
102  | GraphInfo                          -- Open Graph Info dialog
103  | DaVinciInfo                        -- Open daVinci Info dialog
104  deriving Eq
106data NavigationMenuCmd =            -- Navigation menu functions
107    SelectParents [NodeId]             -- Select parents of nodes
108  | SelectSiblings [NodeId]            -- Select siblings of nodes
109  | SelectChilds [NodeId]              -- Select childs of nodes
110  | SelectChildren [NodeId]	       -- Select childs of nodes (V2.1 API)
111  | Navigator (Maybe (NodeId,Direction,Bool)) -- Navigate in graph
112  | Find (Maybe (String,Bool,Bool))    -- Find a node
113  deriving Eq
115data AbstractionMenuCmd =           -- Abstraction menu functions
116    HideSubgraph [NodeId]              -- Hide subgraphs of nodes
117  | ShowSubgraph [NodeId]              -- Show subgraphs of nodes
118  | RestoreAllSubgraphs                -- Show all hidden subgr
119  | HideEdges [NodeId]                 -- Hide edges of nodes
120  | ShowEdges [NodeId]                 -- Show edges of nodes
121  | RestoreAllEdges                    -- Show all hidden edges
122  deriving Eq
124data LayoutMenuCmd =                -- Layout menu functions
125    ImproveAll                         -- Start layout algorithm
126  | ImproveVisible                     -- Dito, only visible nodes
127  | CompactAll                         -- Compact graph layout
128  | Orientation Orient                 -- Switch orientation
129  deriving Eq
131data AppMenuCmd =                   -- Create menus/icons
132    CreateMenus [MenuEntry]            -- Add menus in Edit
133  | CreateIcons [IconEntry]            -- Add icons in icon-bar
134  | ActivateMenus [MenuId]             -- Enable menus
135  | ActivateIcons [IconId]             -- Enable icons
136  | ControlFileEvents                  -- Get events of File menu
137  deriving Eq
139data SetCmd =                       -- Set options
140    LayoutAccuracy Int                 -- Layout algorithm params
141  | KeepNodesAtLevels Bool             -- Keep nodes at levels
142  | FontSize Int                       -- Node font size
143  | GapWidth Int                       -- Min. node distance
144  | GapHeight Int                      -- Min. level distance
145  | MultiEdgeGap Int                   -- Distance for multi-edges
146  | SelfEdgeRadius Int                 -- Distance for self-edges
147  | ScrollingOnSelection Bool          -- Auto focusing node
148  | AnimationSpeed Int                 -- Speed of animation
149  | NoCache Bool                       -- Control pixmap caching. Details
150  | RulesFirst Bool		       -- Should rules overlap attributes? (V2.1 API)
151  deriving Eq
153data WindowCmd =                    -- Control windows
154    Title String                       -- Set window title
155  | ShowMessage String                 -- Left footer message
156  | ShowStatus String                  -- Right footer message
157  | Position Int Int                   -- Window origin x/y
158  | Size Int Int                       -- Window width/height
159  | Raise                              -- Raise window
160  | Iconify                            -- Iconify window
161  | Deiconify                          -- Deiconify window
162  | Activate                           -- Enable interaction
163  | Deactivate                         -- Disable interaction
164  | FileBrowser Bool String String String String [Btype] Bool
165                                       -- Show file browser
166  deriving Eq
168data TclCmd =                       -- Tcl/Tk interface
169    DVEval String                      -- Eval Tcl/Tk script
170  | EvalFile Filename                  -- Dito, from file
171  deriving Eq
173data SpecialCmd =                   -- Special commands
174    SelectNodes [NodeId]               -- Select specified nodes
175  | SelectEdge EdgeId                  -- Select specified edge
176  | FocusNode NodeId                   -- Scroll to specified node
177  | FocusNodeAnimated NodeId           -- Dito, with animation
178  | ShowUrl String                     -- Display HTML-page
179  deriving Eq
181data VisualCmd =	            -- Visual commands (V2.1 API)
182    NewRules [VisualRule]	       -- Specify new rules
183  | AddRules [VisualRule]	       -- Add rules or exchange existing ones
184  deriving Eq
186data DragAndDropCmd =		    -- Drag and Drop commands (V2.1 API)
187    DraggingOn	                       -- Switch dragging on
188  | DragAndDropOn	               -- Switch drag&drop on
189  | DraggingOff	                       -- Switch drag* off
190  | NewNodeAtCoord NodeUpdate	       -- Insert at coordinate
191  | NewEdgeAndNodeAtCoord NodeUpdate EdgeUpdate
192                                       -- Dito, plus edge where node is the child
193  deriving Eq
195--- API Answers -----------------------------------------------------------
197data DaVinciAnswer =                      -- Answers from the API
198    Ok                                    -- Positive confirmer
199  | CommunicationError String             -- Negative confirmer
200  | NodeSelectionsLabels [NodeId]         -- Labels of sel. nodes
201  | NodeDoubleClick                       -- Sel. node double-clicked
202  | EdgeSelectionLabel EdgeId             -- Label of sel. edge
203  | EdgeSelectionLabels NodeId NodeId     -- Dito, parent/child
204  | EdgeDoubleClick                       -- Sel. edge double-clicked
205  | MenuSelection MenuId                  -- ID of selected menu
206  | IconSelection IconId                  -- ID of selected icon
207  | Context ContextId                     -- Other context (graph)
208  | TclAnswer String                      -- Answer from Tcl script
209  | BrowserAnswer String String           -- File browser result
210  | Disconnect                            -- Termination request
211  | Closed                                -- Context (graph) closed
212  | Quit                                  -- daVinci terminated
213  | PopupSelectionNode NodeId MenuId	  -- Pop-up menu selected. (V2.1 API)
214  | PopupSelectionEdge EdgeId MenuId	  -- Pop-up menu selected (V2.1 API)
215  | CreateNode				  -- Dragging answer (V2.1 API)
216  | CreateNodeAndEdge NodeId		  -- Parent ID of new edge (V2.1 API)
217  | CreateEdge NodeId NodeId		  -- Node IDs of new edge (V2.1 API)
218  | DropNode ContextId WindowId NodeId ContextId WindowId NodeId
219                                          -- Node A dropped on B (V2.1 API)
220  | ContextWindow ContextId WindowId      -- Context ID + window ID (V2.1 API)
221  | OpenWindow				  -- New window opened (V2.1 API)
222  | CloseWindow WindowId		  -- Window closed (V2.1 API)
223  deriving Eq
225--- Term Representation for Graphs ----------------------------------------
227data Node =
228    N NodeId Type [Attribute] [Edge]   -- Node with ID/type/attr/childs
229  | R NodeId                           -- Reference to a node
230  deriving Eq
232data Edge = E EdgeId Type [Attribute] Node -- Edges with ID/type/attr/child
233  deriving Eq
235data Attribute =
236    A String String		       -- regular node/edge attributes (key/val)
237  | M [MenuEntry]		       -- pop-up menu for node/edge (V2.1 API)
238  deriving Eq
240--- Graph Updates ---------------------------------------------------------
242data NodeUpdate =                      -- Delete or remove nodes
243    DeleteNode NodeId
244  | NewNode NodeId Type [Attribute]
245  deriving Eq
247data EdgeUpdate =                      -- Delete or remove edges
248    DeleteEdge EdgeId
249  | NewEdge EdgeId Type [Attribute] NodeId NodeId
250  | NewEdgeBehind EdgeId EdgeId Type [Attribute] NodeId NodeId
251  deriving Eq
253data MixedUpdate =		       -- Node or Edge update (V2.1)
254    NU NodeUpdate			  -- wrapper needed in Haskell
255  | EU EdgeUpdate			  -- wrapper needed in Haskell
256  deriving Eq
258data AttrChange =                      -- Change attributes
259    Node NodeId [Attribute]
260  | Edge EdgeId [Attribute]
261  deriving Eq
263data TypeChange =		       -- Change types (V2.1 API)
264    NodeType NodeId Type	          -- Label, type
265  | EdgeType EdgeId Type		  -- Label, type
266  deriving Eq
268--- Application Menus and Icons -------------------------------------------
270data MenuEntry =                       -- Create Menus
271    MenuEntry MenuId MenuLabel
272  | MenuEntryMne MenuId MenuLabel MenuMne MenuMod MenuAcc
273  | SubmenuEntry MenuId MenuLabel [MenuEntry]
274  | SubmenuEntryMne MenuId MenuLabel [MenuEntry] MenuMne
275  | BlankMenuEntry
276  | MenuEntryDisabled MenuId MenuLabel -- (V2.1 API)
277  | SubmenuEntryDisabled MenuId MenuLabel [MenuEntry] -- (V2.1 API)
278  deriving Eq
280data IconEntry =                       -- Create Icons
281    IconEntry IconId Filename String
282  | BlankIconEntry
283  deriving Eq
285--- Visualization Rules (V2.1 API) ---------------------------------------
287data VisualRule =		       -- (V2.1 API)
288    NR Type [Attribute]                  -- Rules for all nodes of given type
289  | ER Type [Attribute]			 -- Rules for all edges of given type
290  deriving Eq
292--- String Sorts ----------------------------------------------------------
294newtype NodeId    = NodeId String    deriving Eq   -- Unique node ID
295newtype EdgeId    = EdgeId String    deriving Eq   -- Unique edge ID
296newtype MenuId    = MenuId String    deriving Eq   -- Unique menu ID
297newtype MenuLabel = MenuLabel String deriving Eq   -- Text of menu entry
298newtype MenuMne   = MenuMne String   deriving Eq   -- Motif mnemonic char
299newtype MenuAcc   = MenuAcc String   deriving Eq   -- Motif accelerator key
300newtype IconId    = IconId String    deriving Eq   -- Unique icon ID
301newtype Type      = Type String      deriving Eq   -- Arbitrary type
302newtype Filename  = Filename String  deriving Eq   -- Valid Filename
303newtype ContextId = ContextId String deriving Eq   -- Context ID
304newtype WindowId  = WindowId String  deriving Eq   -- Window ID (V2.1 API)
306--- Basic Sorts -----------------------------------------------------------
308data Orient      = TopDown | BottomUp | LeftRight | RightLeft deriving Eq
309data Direction   = Up | Down | DVLeft | DVRight deriving Eq
310data Btype       = Bt String String String deriving Eq
311                                           -- Text, pattern and title postfix
312data MenuMod     = Alternate | Shift | Control | Meta | None deriving Eq
313                                           -- Motif modifier key
316-- Show instances for daVinci API commands
318-- Everything would be *much* easier if daVinci allowed spaces in commands...
320instance Show DaVinciCmd where
321   showsPrec _ (Graph graphCmd)                     = showFunc1  "graph" graphCmd
322   showsPrec _ (Multi multiCmd)                     = showFunc1  "multi" multiCmd
323   showsPrec _ (Menu menuCmd)                       = showFunc1  "menu" menuCmd
324   showsPrec _ (AppMenu appMenuCmd)                 = showFunc1  "app_menu" appMenuCmd
325   showsPrec _ (DVSet setCmd)                       = showFunc1  "set" setCmd
326   showsPrec _ (Window windowCmd)                   = showFunc1  "window" windowCmd
327   showsPrec _ (Tcl tclCmd)                         = showFunc1  "tcl" tclCmd
328   showsPrec _ (Special specialCmd)                 = showFunc1  "special" specialCmd
329   showsPrec _ DVNothing                            = showString "nothing"
330   showsPrec _ (Visual visualCmd)		    = showFunc1  "visual" visualCmd
331   showsPrec _ (DragAndDrop dragAndDropCmd)	    = showFunc1  "visual" dragAndDropCmd
333instance Show GraphCmd where
334   showsPrec _ (New nodes)                          = showFunc1  "new" nodes
335   showsPrec _ (NewPlaced nodes)                    = showFunc1  "new_placed" nodes
336   showsPrec _ (Update nUpds eUpds)                 = showFunc2  "update" nUpds eUpds
337   showsPrec _ (ChangeAttr aChs)                    = showFunc1  "change_attr" aChs
338   showsPrec _ (UpdateAndChangeAttr nUpds eUpds aChs)
339                                                    = showFunc3  "update_and_change_attr" nUpds eUpds aChs
340   showsPrec _ (UpdateMixed mUpds)		    = showFunc1  "update" mUpds
341   showsPrec _ (UpdateAndChangeAttrMixed mUpds aChs)= showFunc2  "update_and_change_attr" mUpds aChs
342   showsPrec _ (ChangeType tChs)                    = showFunc1  "change_type" tChs
344instance Show MultiCmd where
345   showsPrec _ NewContext                           = showString "new_context"
346   showsPrec _ (OpenContext contextId)              = showFunc1  "open_context" contextId
347   showsPrec _ (SetContext contextId)               = showFunc1  "set_context" contextId
348   showsPrec _ (SetContextWindow contextId windowId)= showFunc2  "set_context" contextId windowId
350instance Show MenuCmd where
351   showsPrec _ (File fCmd)                          = showFunc1  "file" fCmd
352   showsPrec _ (View vCmd)                          = showFunc1  "view" vCmd
353   showsPrec _ (Navigation nCmd)                    = showFunc1  "navigation" nCmd
354   showsPrec _ (Abstraction aCmd)                   = showFunc1  "abstraction" aCmd
355   showsPrec _ (Layout lCmd)                        = showFunc1  "layout" lCmd
357instance Show FileMenuCmd where
358   showsPrec _ ClearGraph                           = showString "new"
359   showsPrec _ (OpenGraph fname)                    = showFunc1  "open_graph" fname
360   showsPrec _ (OpenGraphPlaced fname)              = showFunc1  "open_graph_placed" fname
361   showsPrec _ (OpenStatus fname)                   = showFunc1  "open_status" fname
362   showsPrec _ (SaveGraph fname)                    = showFunc1  "save_graph" fname
363   showsPrec _ (SaveStatus fname)                   = showFunc1  "save_status" fname
364   showsPrec _ (Print Nothing)                      = showString "print"
365   showsPrec _ (Print (Just fname))                 = showFunc1  "print" fname
366   showsPrec _ Close                                = showString "close"
367   showsPrec _ Exit                                 = showString "exit"
369instance Show ViewMenuCmd where
370   showsPrec _ OpenNewView                          = showString "open_new_view"
371   showsPrec _ OpenSurveyView                       = showString "open_survey_view"
372   showsPrec _ FullScale                            = showString "full_scale"
373   showsPrec _ FitScaleToWindow                     = showString "fit_scale_to_window"
374   showsPrec _ (Scale Nothing)                      = showString "scale"
375   showsPrec _ (Scale (Just scale))                 = showFunc1  "scale" scale
376   showsPrec _ GraphInfo                            = showString "graph_info"
377   showsPrec _ DaVinciInfo                          = showString "daVinci_info"
379instance Show NavigationMenuCmd where
380   showsPrec _ (SelectParents nodeIds)              = showFunc1  "select_parents" nodeIds
381   showsPrec _ (SelectSiblings nodeIds)             = showFunc1  "select_siblings" nodeIds
382    -- TODO: change 'childs' to 'children'. But then it's no longer V2.0.x compatible ...
383   showsPrec _ (SelectChilds nodeIds)               = showFunc1  "select_childs" nodeIds
384   showsPrec _ (SelectChildren nodeIds)             = showFunc1  "select_childs" nodeIds
385   showsPrec _ (Navigator Nothing)                  = showString "navigator"
386   showsPrec _ (Navigator (Just (nodeId,dir,flag))) = showFunc3  "navigator" nodeId dir flag
387   showsPrec _ (Find Nothing)                       = showString "find"
388   showsPrec _ (Find (Just (txt,cas,exact)))        = showFunc3  "find" txt cas exact
390instance Show AbstractionMenuCmd where
391   showsPrec _ (HideSubgraph nodeIds)               = showFunc1  "hide_subgraph" nodeIds
392   showsPrec _ (ShowSubgraph nodeIds)               = showFunc1  "show_subgraph" nodeIds
393   showsPrec _ RestoreAllSubgraphs                  = showString "restore_all_subgraphs"
394   showsPrec _ (HideEdges nodeIds)                  = showFunc1  "hide_edges" nodeIds
395   showsPrec _ (ShowEdges nodeIds)                  = showFunc1  "show_edges" nodeIds
396   showsPrec _ RestoreAllEdges                      = showString "restore_all_edges"
398instance Show LayoutMenuCmd where
399   showsPrec _ ImproveAll                           = showString "improve_all"
400   showsPrec _ ImproveVisible                       = showString "improve_visible"
401   showsPrec _ CompactAll                           = showString "compact_all"
402   showsPrec _ (Orientation orient)                 = showFunc1  "orientation" orient
404instance Show AppMenuCmd where
405   showsPrec _ (CreateMenus menuEntries)            = showFunc1  "create_menus" menuEntries
406   showsPrec _ (CreateIcons iconEntries)            = showFunc1  "create_icons" iconEntries
407   showsPrec _ (ActivateMenus menuIds)              = showFunc1  "activate_menus" menuIds
408   showsPrec _ (ActivateIcons iconIds)              = showFunc1  "activate_icons" iconIds
409   showsPrec _ ControlFileEvents                    = showString "control_file_events"
411instance Show SetCmd where
412   showsPrec _ (LayoutAccuracy x)                   = showFunc1  "layout_accuracy" x
413   showsPrec _ (KeepNodesAtLevels x)                = showBoolFunc "keep_nodes_at_levels" x
414   showsPrec _ (FontSize x)                         = showFunc1  "font_size" x
415   showsPrec _ (GapWidth x)                         = showFunc1  "gap_width" x
416   showsPrec _ (GapHeight x)                        = showFunc1  "gap_height" x
417   showsPrec _ (MultiEdgeGap x)                     = showFunc1  "multi_edge_gap" x
418   showsPrec _ (SelfEdgeRadius x)                   = showFunc1  "self_edge_radius" x
419   showsPrec _ (ScrollingOnSelection x)             = showBoolFunc "scrolling_on_selection" x
420   showsPrec _ (AnimationSpeed x)                   = showFunc1  "animation_speed" x
421   showsPrec _ (NoCache x)                          = showBoolFunc "no_cache" x
422   showsPrec _ (RulesFirst x)			    = showBoolFunc "rules_first" x
424instance Show WindowCmd where
425   showsPrec _ (Title str)                          = showFunc1  "title" str
426   showsPrec _ (ShowMessage str)                    = showFunc1  "show_message" str
427   showsPrec _ (ShowStatus str)                     = showFunc1  "show_status" str
428   showsPrec _ (Position x y)                       = showFunc2  "position" x y
429   showsPrec _ (Size w h)                           = showFunc2  "size" w h
430   showsPrec _ Raise                                = showString "raise"
431   showsPrec _ Iconify                              = showString "iconify"
432   showsPrec _ Deiconify                            = showString "deiconify"
433   showsPrec _ Activate                             = showString "activate"
434   showsPrec _ Deactivate                           = showString "deactivate"
435   showsPrec _ (FileBrowser open title btn dir file tps hid)
436                                                    = showFunc7 "file_browser" open title btn dir file tps hid
438instance Show TclCmd where
439   showsPrec _ (DVEval str)                         = showFunc1  "eval" str
440   showsPrec _ (EvalFile fname)                     = showFunc1  "eval_file" fname
442instance Show SpecialCmd where
443   showsPrec _ (SelectNodes nodes)                  = showFunc1  "select_nodes" nodes
444   showsPrec _ (SelectEdge edges)                   = showFunc1  "select_edges" edges
445   showsPrec _ (FocusNode nodeIds)                  = showFunc1  "focus_node" nodeIds
446   showsPrec _ (FocusNodeAnimated nodeIds)          = showFunc1  "focus_node_animated" nodeIds
447   showsPrec _ (ShowUrl url)                        = showFunc1  "show_url" url
449instance Show VisualCmd where
450   showsPrec _ (NewRules visualRules)		    = showFunc1  "new_rules" visualRules
451   showsPrec _ (AddRules visualRules)		    = showFunc1  "add_rules" visualRules
453instance Show DragAndDropCmd where
454   showsPrec _ DraggingOn			    = showString "dragging_on"
455   showsPrec _ DragAndDropOn			    = showString "drag_and_drop_on"
456   showsPrec _ DraggingOff 			    = showString "dragging_off"
457   showsPrec _ (NewNodeAtCoord nUpd)		    = showFunc1  "new_node_at_coord" nUpd
458   showsPrec _ (NewEdgeAndNodeAtCoord nUpd eUpd)    = showFunc2  "new_edge_and_node_at_coord" nUpd eUpd
461instance Show DaVinciAnswer where
462   showsPrec _ Ok                                   = showString "ok"
463   showsPrec _ (CommunicationError msg)             = showFunc1  "communication_error" msg
464   showsPrec _ (NodeSelectionsLabels nodeIds)       = showFunc1  "node_selections_labels" nodeIds
465   showsPrec _ NodeDoubleClick                      = showString "node_double_click"
466   showsPrec _ (EdgeSelectionLabel edgeId)          = showFunc1  "edge_selection_label" edgeId
467   showsPrec _ (EdgeSelectionLabels parent child)   = showFunc2  "edge_selection_labels" parent child
468   showsPrec _ EdgeDoubleClick                      = showString "edge_double_click"
469   showsPrec _ (MenuSelection menuId)               = showFunc1  "menu_selection" menuId
470   showsPrec _ (IconSelection iconId)               = showFunc1  "icon_selection" iconId
471   showsPrec _ (Context contextId)                  = showFunc1  "context" contextId
472   showsPrec _ (TclAnswer retVal)                   = showFunc1  "tcl_answer" retVal
473   showsPrec _ (BrowserAnswer file typ)             = showFunc2  "browser_answer" file typ
474   showsPrec _ Disconnect                           = showString "disconnect"
475   showsPrec _ Closed                               = showString "closed"
476   showsPrec _ Quit                                 = showString "quit"
477   showsPrec _ (PopupSelectionNode nId mId)	    = showFunc2	 "popup_selection_node" nId mId
478   showsPrec _ (PopupSelectionEdge eId mId)	    = showFunc2	 "popup_selection_edge" eId mId
479   showsPrec _ CreateNode			    = showString "create_node"
480   showsPrec _ (CreateNodeAndEdge nId)		    = showFunc1	 "create_node_and_edge" nId
481   showsPrec _ (CreateEdge nId1 nId2)		    = showFunc2	 "create_edge" nId1 nId2
482   showsPrec _ (DropNode cId1 wId1 nId1 cId2 wId2 nId2) = showFunc6 "drop_node" cId1 wId1 nId1 cId2 wId2 nId2
483   showsPrec _ (ContextWindow cId wId)		    = showFunc2	 "context_window" cId wId
484   showsPrec _ OpenWindow			    = showString "open_window"
485   showsPrec _ (CloseWindow wId)		    = showFunc1	 "close_window" wId
487instance Read DaVinciAnswer where
488   readsPrec _ r =
489      [ (Ok,                                        s) | ("ok",                     s) <- lexR       ] ++
490      [ (CommunicationError m,                      t) | ("communication_error",    s) <- lexR ,
491                                                         ([m],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
492      [ (NodeSelectionsLabels (map NodeId n),       t) | ("node_selections_labels", s) <- lexR ,
493                                                         (n,                        t) <- readStrs s ] ++
494      [ (NodeDoubleClick,                           s) | ("node_double_click",      s) <- lexR       ] ++
495      [ (EdgeSelectionLabel (EdgeId e),             t) | ("edge_selection_label",   s) <- lexR ,
496                                                         ([e],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
497      [ (EdgeSelectionLabels (NodeId p) (NodeId c), t) | ("edge_selection_labels",  s) <- lexR ,
498                                                         ([p,c],                    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
499      [ (EdgeDoubleClick,                           s) | ("edge_double_click",      s) <- lexR       ] ++
500      [ (MenuSelection (MenuId m),                  t) | ("menu_selection",         s) <- lexR ,
501                                                         ([m],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
502      [ (IconSelection (IconId i),                  t) | ("icon_selection",         s) <- lexR ,
503                                                         ([i],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
504      [ (Context (ContextId c),                     t) | ("context",                s) <- lexR ,
505                                                         ([c],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
506      [ (TclAnswer a,                               t) | ("tcl_answer",             s) <- lexR ,
507                                                         ([a],                      t) <- readArgs s ] ++
508      [ (BrowserAnswer f y,                         t) | ("browser_answer",         s) <- lexR ,
509                                                         ([f,y],                    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
510      [ (Disconnect,                                s) | ("disconnect",             s) <- lexR       ] ++
511      [ (Closed,                                    s) | ("closed",                 s) <- lexR       ] ++
512      [ (Quit,                                      s) | ("quit",                   s) <- lexR       ] ++
513      [ (PopupSelectionNode (NodeId n) (MenuId m),  t) | ("popup_selection_node",   s) <- lexR ,
514							 ([n,m],		    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
515      [ (PopupSelectionEdge (EdgeId e) (MenuId m),  t) | ("popup_selection_edge",   s) <- lexR ,
516							 ([e,m],		    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
517      [ (CreateNode,				    s) | ("create_node",            s) <- lexR       ] ++
518      [ (CreateNodeAndEdge (NodeId n),		    t) | ("create_node_and_edge",   s) <- lexR ,
519							 ([n],			    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
520      [ (CreateEdge (NodeId n1) (NodeId n2),	    t) | ("create_edge",	    s) <- lexR ,
521							 ([n1, n2],		    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
522      [ (DropNode (ContextId c1) (WindowId w1) (NodeId n1) (ContextId c2) (WindowId w2) (NodeId n2), t)
523						       | ("drop_node",		    s) <- lexR ,
524							 ([c1,w1,n1,c2,w2,n2],	    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
525      [ (ContextWindow (ContextId c) (WindowId w), t)| ("context_window",	    s) <- lexR ,
526							 ([c,w],		    t) <- readArgs s ] ++
527      [ (OpenWindow,				    s) | ("open_window",	    s) <- lexR       ] ++
528      [ (CloseWindow (WindowId w),		    t) | ("close_window",	    s) <- lexR ,
529							 ([w],			    t) <- readArgs s ]
531         where lexR = lex r
533               readArgs :: ReadS [String]
534               readArgs s = [ (x:xs, v) | ("(", t) <- lex s,
535                                          (x,   u) <- reads t,
536                                          (xs,  v) <- readArgs2 u ]
538               readArgs2 :: ReadS [String]
539               readArgs2 s = [ ([],   t) | (")",t) <- lex s ] ++
540                             [ (x:xs, v) | (",",t) <- lex s,
541                                           (x,  u) <- reads t,
542                                           (xs, v) <- readArgs2 u ]
544               readStrs :: ReadS [String]
545               readStrs = reads
549instance Show Node where
550   showsPrec _ (N nodeId typ attrs edges) = showLabeled nodeId (showFunc3 "n" typ attrs edges)
551   showsPrec _ (R nodeId)                 = showFunc1 "r" nodeId
552   showList = showLst
554instance Show Edge where
555   showsPrec _ (E edgeId typ attrs node) = showLabeled edgeId (showFunc3 "e" typ attrs node)
556   showList = showLst
558instance Show Attribute where
559   showsPrec _ (A key value)   = showFunc2 "a" key value
560   showsPrec _ (M menuEntries) = showFunc1 "m" menuEntries
561   showList = showLst
563instance Show NodeUpdate where
564   showsPrec _ (DeleteNode nodeId)        = showFunc1 "delete_node" nodeId
565   showsPrec _ (NewNode nodeId typ attrs) = showFunc3 "new_node" nodeId typ attrs
566   showList = showLst
568instance Show EdgeUpdate where
569   showsPrec _ (DeleteEdge edgeId) = showFunc1 "delete_edge" edgeId
570   showsPrec _ (NewEdge edgeId typ attrs nodeId1 nodeId2) = showFunc5 "new_edge" edgeId typ attrs nodeId1 nodeId2
571   showsPrec _ (NewEdgeBehind edgeId1 edgeId2 typ attrs nodeId1 nodeId2) = showFunc6 "new_edge_behind" edgeId1 edgeId2 typ attrs nodeId1 nodeId2
572   showList = showLst
574instance Show MixedUpdate where
575   showsPrec _ (NU nUpd) = shows nUpd
576   showsPrec _ (EU eUpd) = shows eUpd
577   showList = showLst
579instance Show AttrChange where
580   showsPrec _ (Node nodeId attrs) = showFunc2 "node" nodeId attrs
581   showsPrec _ (Edge edgeId attrs) = showFunc2 "edge" edgeId attrs
582   showList = showLst
584instance Show TypeChange where
585   showsPrec _ (NodeType nodeId typ) = showFunc2 "node" nodeId typ
586   showsPrec _ (EdgeType edgeId typ) = showFunc2 "edge" edgeId typ
587   showList = showLst
591instance Show MenuEntry where
592   showsPrec _ (MenuEntry menuId menuLabel) = showFunc2 "menu_entry" menuId menuLabel
593   showsPrec _ (MenuEntryMne menuId menuLabel menuMne menuMod menuAcc) = showFunc5 "menu_entry_mne" menuId menuLabel menuMne menuMod menuAcc
594   showsPrec _ (SubmenuEntry menuId menuLabel menuEntries) = showFunc3 "submenu_entry" menuId menuLabel menuEntries
595   showsPrec _ (SubmenuEntryMne menuId menuLabel menuEntries menuMne) = showFunc4 "submenu_entry_mne" menuId menuLabel menuEntries menuMne
596   showsPrec _ BlankMenuEntry = showString "blank"
597   showsPrec _ (MenuEntryDisabled menuId menuLabel) = showFunc2 "menu_entry_disabled" menuId menuLabel
598   showsPrec _ (SubmenuEntryDisabled menuId menuLabel menuEntries) = showFunc3 "submenu_entry_disabled" menuId menuLabel menuEntries
600instance Show IconEntry where
601   showsPrec _ (IconEntry iconId filename descr) = showFunc3 "icon_entry" iconId filename descr
602   showsPrec _ BlankIconEntry                    = showString "blank"
606instance Show VisualRule where
607   showsPrec _ (NR typ attrs) = showFunc2 "nr" typ attrs
608   showsPrec _ (ER typ attrs) = showFunc2 "er" typ attrs
609   showList = showLst
613instance Show NodeId where
614   showsPrec _ (NodeId s) = shows s
615   showList = showLst
617instance Show EdgeId where
618   showsPrec _ (EdgeId s) = shows s
619   showList = showLst
621instance Show MenuId where
622   showsPrec _ (MenuId s) = shows s
623   showList = showLst
625instance Show MenuLabel where
626   showsPrec _ (MenuLabel s) = shows s
627   showList = showLst
629instance Show MenuMne where
630   showsPrec _ (MenuMne s) = shows s
631   showList = showLst
633instance Show MenuAcc where
634   showsPrec _ (MenuAcc s) = shows s
635   showList = showLst
637instance Show IconId where
638   showsPrec _ (IconId s) = shows s
639   showList = showLst
641instance Show Type where
642   showsPrec _ (Type s) = shows s
643   showList = showLst
645instance Show Filename where
646   showsPrec _ (Filename s) = shows s
647   showList = showLst
649instance Show ContextId where
650   showsPrec _ (ContextId s) = shows s
651   showList = showLst
653instance Show WindowId where
654   showsPrec _ (WindowId s) = shows s
655   showList = showLst
659instance Show Orient where
660   showsPrec _ TopDown   = showString "top_down"
661   showsPrec _ BottomUp  = showString "bottom_up"
662   showsPrec _ LeftRight = showString "left_right"
663   showsPrec _ RightLeft = showString "right_left"
665instance Show Direction where
666   showsPrec _ Up      = showString "up"
667   showsPrec _ Down    = showString "down"
668   showsPrec _ DVLeft  = showString "left"
669   showsPrec _ DVRight = showString "right"
671instance Show Btype where
672   showsPrec _ (Bt txt pat post) = showFunc3 "bt" txt pat post
674instance Show MenuMod where
675   showsPrec _ Alternate = showString "alt"
676   showsPrec _ Shift     = showString "shift"
677   showsPrec _ Control   = showString "control"
678   showsPrec _ Meta      = showString "meta"
679   showsPrec _ None      = showString "none"
683showFunc1 :: Show a => String -> a -> ShowS
684showFunc1 funcName arg1 =
685   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1)
687showFunc2 :: (Show a,Show b) => String -> a -> b -> ShowS
688showFunc2 funcName arg1 arg2 =
689   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
690                                         shows arg2)
692showFunc3 :: (Show a,Show b,Show c) => String -> a -> b -> c -> ShowS
693showFunc3 funcName arg1 arg2 arg3 =
694   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
695                                         shows arg2 . showChar ',' .
696                                         shows arg3)
698showFunc4 :: (Show a,Show b,Show c,Show d) => String -> a -> b -> c -> d -> ShowS
699showFunc4 funcName arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 =
700   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
701                                         shows arg2 . showChar ',' .
702                                         shows arg3 . showChar ',' .
703                                         shows arg4)
705showFunc5 :: (Show a,Show b,Show c,Show d,Show e) => String -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> ShowS
706showFunc5 funcName arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 =
707   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
708                                         shows arg2 . showChar ',' .
709                                         shows arg3 . showChar ',' .
710                                         shows arg4 . showChar ',' .
711                                         shows arg5)
713showFunc6 :: (Show a,Show b,Show c,Show d,Show e,Show f) => String -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> ShowS
714showFunc6 funcName arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 =
715   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
716                                         shows arg2 . showChar ',' .
717                                         shows arg3 . showChar ',' .
718                                         shows arg4 . showChar ',' .
719                                         shows arg5 . showChar ',' .
720                                         shows arg6)
722showFunc7 :: (Show a,Show b,Show c,Show d,Show e,Show f,Show g) => String -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> ShowS
723showFunc7 funcName arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 =
724   showString funcName . showParen True (shows arg1 . showChar ',' .
725                                         shows arg2 . showChar ',' .
726                                         shows arg3 . showChar ',' .
727                                         shows arg4 . showChar ',' .
728                                         shows arg5 . showChar ',' .
729                                         shows arg6 . showChar ',' .
730                                         shows arg7)
732showLabeled :: Show a => a -> ShowS -> ShowS
733showLabeled iD arg = showChar 'l' . showParen True (shows iD . showChar ',' . arg)
735showLst :: Show a => [a] -> ShowS
736showLst []       = showString "[]"
737showLst (x:xs)   = showChar '[' . shows x . showl xs
738                   where showl []     = showChar ']'
739                         showl (y:ys) = showChar ',' . shows y . showl ys
741showBoolFunc :: String -> Bool -> ShowS
742showBoolFunc funcName flag =
743   showString funcName . showParen True (showString (if flag then "true" else "false"))