1-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
5module TcEvidence (
7  -- HsWrapper
8  HsWrapper(..),
9  (<.>), mkWpTyApps, mkWpEvApps, mkWpEvVarApps, mkWpTyLams,
10  mkWpLams, mkWpLet, mkWpCastN, mkWpCastR, collectHsWrapBinders,
11  mkWpFun, idHsWrapper, isIdHsWrapper, isErasableHsWrapper,
12  pprHsWrapper,
14  -- Evidence bindings
15  TcEvBinds(..), EvBindsVar(..),
16  EvBindMap(..), emptyEvBindMap, extendEvBinds,
17  lookupEvBind, evBindMapBinds, foldEvBindMap, filterEvBindMap,
18  isEmptyEvBindMap,
19  EvBind(..), emptyTcEvBinds, isEmptyTcEvBinds, mkGivenEvBind, mkWantedEvBind,
20  evBindVar, isCoEvBindsVar,
22  -- EvTerm (already a CoreExpr)
23  EvTerm(..), EvExpr,
24  evId, evCoercion, evCast, evDFunApp,  evDataConApp, evSelector,
25  mkEvCast, evVarsOfTerm, mkEvScSelectors, evTypeable, findNeededEvVars,
27  evTermCoercion, evTermCoercion_maybe,
28  EvCallStack(..),
29  EvTypeable(..),
31  -- TcCoercion
32  TcCoercion, TcCoercionR, TcCoercionN, TcCoercionP, CoercionHole,
33  TcMCoercion,
34  Role(..), LeftOrRight(..), pickLR,
35  mkTcReflCo, mkTcNomReflCo, mkTcRepReflCo,
36  mkTcTyConAppCo, mkTcAppCo, mkTcFunCo,
37  mkTcAxInstCo, mkTcUnbranchedAxInstCo, mkTcForAllCo, mkTcForAllCos,
38  mkTcSymCo, mkTcTransCo, mkTcNthCo, mkTcLRCo, mkTcSubCo, maybeTcSubCo,
39  tcDowngradeRole,
40  mkTcAxiomRuleCo, mkTcGReflRightCo, mkTcGReflLeftCo, mkTcPhantomCo,
41  mkTcCoherenceLeftCo,
42  mkTcCoherenceRightCo,
43  mkTcKindCo,
44  tcCoercionKind, coVarsOfTcCo,
45  mkTcCoVarCo,
46  isTcReflCo, isTcReflexiveCo, isTcGReflMCo, tcCoToMCo,
47  tcCoercionRole,
48  unwrapIP, wrapIP
49  ) where
50#include "GhclibHsVersions.h"
52import GhcPrelude
54import Var
55import CoAxiom
56import Coercion
57import PprCore ()   -- Instance OutputableBndr TyVar
58import TcType
59import Type
60import TyCon
61import DataCon( DataCon, dataConWrapId )
62import Class( Class )
63import PrelNames
64import DynFlags   ( gopt, GeneralFlag(Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration) )
65import VarEnv
66import VarSet
67import Predicate
68import Name
69import Pair
71import CoreSyn
72import Class ( classSCSelId )
73import CoreFVs ( exprSomeFreeVars )
75import Util
76import Bag
77import qualified Data.Data as Data
78import Outputable
79import SrcLoc
80import Data.IORef( IORef )
81import UniqSet
84Note [TcCoercions]
86| TcCoercions are a hack used by the typechecker. Normally,
87Coercions have free variables of type (a ~# b): we call these
88CoVars. However, the type checker passes around equality evidence
89(boxed up) at type (a ~ b).
91An TcCoercion is simply a Coercion whose free variables have may be either
92boxed or unboxed. After we are done with typechecking the desugarer finds the
93boxed free variables, unboxes them, and creates a resulting real Coercion with
94kosher free variables.
98type TcCoercion  = Coercion
99type TcCoercionN = CoercionN    -- A Nominal          coercion ~N
100type TcCoercionR = CoercionR    -- A Representational coercion ~R
101type TcCoercionP = CoercionP    -- a phantom coercion
102type TcMCoercion = MCoercion
104mkTcReflCo             :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercion
105mkTcSymCo              :: TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
106mkTcTransCo            :: TcCoercion -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
107mkTcNomReflCo          :: TcType -> TcCoercionN
108mkTcRepReflCo          :: TcType -> TcCoercionR
109mkTcTyConAppCo         :: Role -> TyCon -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercion
110mkTcAppCo              :: TcCoercion -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
111mkTcFunCo              :: Role -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
112mkTcAxInstCo           :: Role -> CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex
113                       -> [TcType] -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercion
114mkTcUnbranchedAxInstCo :: CoAxiom Unbranched -> [TcType]
115                       -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercionR
116mkTcForAllCo           :: TyVar -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
117mkTcForAllCos          :: [(TyVar, TcCoercionN)] -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
118mkTcNthCo              :: Role -> Int -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
119mkTcLRCo               :: LeftOrRight -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
120mkTcSubCo              :: TcCoercionN -> TcCoercionR
121tcDowngradeRole        :: Role -> Role -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
122mkTcAxiomRuleCo        :: CoAxiomRule -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercionR
123mkTcGReflRightCo       :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
124mkTcGReflLeftCo        :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
125mkTcCoherenceLeftCo    :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN
126                       -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
127mkTcCoherenceRightCo   :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN
128                       -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
129mkTcPhantomCo          :: TcCoercionN -> TcType -> TcType -> TcCoercionP
130mkTcKindCo             :: TcCoercion -> TcCoercionN
131mkTcCoVarCo            :: CoVar -> TcCoercion
133tcCoercionKind         :: TcCoercion -> Pair TcType
134tcCoercionRole         :: TcCoercion -> Role
135coVarsOfTcCo           :: TcCoercion -> TcTyCoVarSet
136isTcReflCo             :: TcCoercion -> Bool
137isTcGReflMCo           :: TcMCoercion -> Bool
139-- | This version does a slow check, calculating the related types and seeing
140-- if they are equal.
141isTcReflexiveCo        :: TcCoercion -> Bool
143mkTcReflCo             = mkReflCo
144mkTcSymCo              = mkSymCo
145mkTcTransCo            = mkTransCo
146mkTcNomReflCo          = mkNomReflCo
147mkTcRepReflCo          = mkRepReflCo
148mkTcTyConAppCo         = mkTyConAppCo
149mkTcAppCo              = mkAppCo
150mkTcFunCo              = mkFunCo
151mkTcAxInstCo           = mkAxInstCo
152mkTcUnbranchedAxInstCo = mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational
153mkTcForAllCo           = mkForAllCo
154mkTcForAllCos          = mkForAllCos
155mkTcNthCo              = mkNthCo
156mkTcLRCo               = mkLRCo
157mkTcSubCo              = mkSubCo
158tcDowngradeRole        = downgradeRole
159mkTcAxiomRuleCo        = mkAxiomRuleCo
160mkTcGReflRightCo       = mkGReflRightCo
161mkTcGReflLeftCo        = mkGReflLeftCo
162mkTcCoherenceLeftCo    = mkCoherenceLeftCo
163mkTcCoherenceRightCo   = mkCoherenceRightCo
164mkTcPhantomCo          = mkPhantomCo
165mkTcKindCo             = mkKindCo
166mkTcCoVarCo            = mkCoVarCo
168tcCoercionKind         = coercionKind
169tcCoercionRole         = coercionRole
170coVarsOfTcCo           = coVarsOfCo
171isTcReflCo             = isReflCo
172isTcGReflMCo           = isGReflMCo
173isTcReflexiveCo        = isReflexiveCo
175tcCoToMCo :: TcCoercion -> TcMCoercion
176tcCoToMCo = coToMCo
178-- | If the EqRel is ReprEq, makes a SubCo; otherwise, does nothing.
179-- Note that the input coercion should always be nominal.
180maybeTcSubCo :: EqRel -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
181maybeTcSubCo NomEq  = id
182maybeTcSubCo ReprEq = mkTcSubCo
187%*                                                                      *
188                  HsWrapper
189*                                                                      *
193data HsWrapper
194  = WpHole                      -- The identity coercion
196  | WpCompose HsWrapper HsWrapper
197       -- (wrap1 `WpCompose` wrap2)[e] = wrap1[ wrap2[ e ]]
198       --
199       -- Hence  (\a. []) `WpCompose` (\b. []) = (\a b. [])
200       -- But    ([] a)   `WpCompose` ([] b)   = ([] b a)
202  | WpFun HsWrapper HsWrapper TcType SDoc
203       -- (WpFun wrap1 wrap2 t1)[e] = \(x:t1). wrap2[ e wrap1[x] ]
204       -- So note that if  wrap1 :: exp_arg <= act_arg
205       --                  wrap2 :: act_res <= exp_res
206       --           then   WpFun wrap1 wrap2 : (act_arg -> arg_res) <= (exp_arg -> exp_res)
207       -- This isn't the same as for mkFunCo, but it has to be this way
208       -- because we can't use 'sym' to flip around these HsWrappers
209       -- The TcType is the "from" type of the first wrapper
210       -- The SDoc explains the circumstances under which we have created this
211       -- WpFun, in case we run afoul of levity polymorphism restrictions in
212       -- the desugarer. See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] in DsMonad
214  | WpCast TcCoercionR        -- A cast:  [] `cast` co
215                              -- Guaranteed not the identity coercion
216                              -- At role Representational
218        -- Evidence abstraction and application
219        -- (both dictionaries and coercions)
220  | WpEvLam EvVar               -- \d. []       the 'd' is an evidence variable
221  | WpEvApp EvTerm              -- [] d         the 'd' is evidence for a constraint
222        -- Kind and Type abstraction and application
223  | WpTyLam TyVar       -- \a. []  the 'a' is a type/kind variable (not coercion var)
224  | WpTyApp KindOrType  -- [] t    the 't' is a type (not coercion)
227  | WpLet TcEvBinds             -- Non-empty (or possibly non-empty) evidence bindings,
228                                -- so that the identity coercion is always exactly WpHole
230-- Cannot derive Data instance because SDoc is not Data (it stores a function).
231-- So we do it manually:
232instance Data.Data HsWrapper where
233  gfoldl _ z WpHole             = z WpHole
234  gfoldl k z (WpCompose a1 a2)  = z WpCompose `k` a1 `k` a2
235  gfoldl k z (WpFun a1 a2 a3 _) = z wpFunEmpty `k` a1 `k` a2 `k` a3
236  gfoldl k z (WpCast a1)        = z WpCast `k` a1
237  gfoldl k z (WpEvLam a1)       = z WpEvLam `k` a1
238  gfoldl k z (WpEvApp a1)       = z WpEvApp `k` a1
239  gfoldl k z (WpTyLam a1)       = z WpTyLam `k` a1
240  gfoldl k z (WpTyApp a1)       = z WpTyApp `k` a1
241  gfoldl k z (WpLet a1)         = z WpLet `k` a1
243  gunfold k z c = case Data.constrIndex c of
244                    1 -> z WpHole
245                    2 -> k (k (z WpCompose))
246                    3 -> k (k (k (z wpFunEmpty)))
247                    4 -> k (z WpCast)
248                    5 -> k (z WpEvLam)
249                    6 -> k (z WpEvApp)
250                    7 -> k (z WpTyLam)
251                    8 -> k (z WpTyApp)
252                    _ -> k (z WpLet)
254  toConstr WpHole          = wpHole_constr
255  toConstr (WpCompose _ _) = wpCompose_constr
256  toConstr (WpFun _ _ _ _) = wpFun_constr
257  toConstr (WpCast _)      = wpCast_constr
258  toConstr (WpEvLam _)     = wpEvLam_constr
259  toConstr (WpEvApp _)     = wpEvApp_constr
260  toConstr (WpTyLam _)     = wpTyLam_constr
261  toConstr (WpTyApp _)     = wpTyApp_constr
262  toConstr (WpLet _)       = wpLet_constr
264  dataTypeOf _ = hsWrapper_dataType
266hsWrapper_dataType :: Data.DataType
268  = Data.mkDataType "HsWrapper"
269      [ wpHole_constr, wpCompose_constr, wpFun_constr, wpCast_constr
270      , wpEvLam_constr, wpEvApp_constr, wpTyLam_constr, wpTyApp_constr
271      , wpLet_constr]
273wpHole_constr, wpCompose_constr, wpFun_constr, wpCast_constr, wpEvLam_constr,
274  wpEvApp_constr, wpTyLam_constr, wpTyApp_constr, wpLet_constr :: Data.Constr
275wpHole_constr    = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpHole"
276wpCompose_constr = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpCompose"
277wpFun_constr     = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpFun"
278wpCast_constr    = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpCast"
279wpEvLam_constr   = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpEvLam"
280wpEvApp_constr   = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpEvApp"
281wpTyLam_constr   = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpTyLam"
282wpTyApp_constr   = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpTyApp"
283wpLet_constr     = mkHsWrapperConstr "WpLet"
285mkHsWrapperConstr :: String -> Data.Constr
286mkHsWrapperConstr name = Data.mkConstr hsWrapper_dataType name [] Data.Prefix
288wpFunEmpty :: HsWrapper -> HsWrapper -> TcType -> HsWrapper
289wpFunEmpty c1 c2 t1 = WpFun c1 c2 t1 empty
291(<.>) :: HsWrapper -> HsWrapper -> HsWrapper
292WpHole <.> c = c
293c <.> WpHole = c
294c1 <.> c2    = c1 `WpCompose` c2
296mkWpFun :: HsWrapper -> HsWrapper
297        -> TcType    -- the "from" type of the first wrapper
298        -> TcType    -- either type of the second wrapper (used only when the
299                     -- second wrapper is the identity)
300        -> SDoc      -- what caused you to want a WpFun? Something like "When converting ..."
301        -> HsWrapper
302mkWpFun WpHole       WpHole       _  _  _ = WpHole
303mkWpFun WpHole       (WpCast co2) t1 _  _ = WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (mkTcRepReflCo t1) co2)
304mkWpFun (WpCast co1) WpHole       _  t2 _ = WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (mkTcSymCo co1) (mkTcRepReflCo t2))
305mkWpFun (WpCast co1) (WpCast co2) _  _  _ = WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (mkTcSymCo co1) co2)
306mkWpFun co1          co2          t1 _  d = WpFun co1 co2 t1 d
308mkWpCastR :: TcCoercionR -> HsWrapper
309mkWpCastR co
310  | isTcReflCo co = WpHole
311  | otherwise     = ASSERT2(tcCoercionRole co == Representational, ppr co)
312                    WpCast co
314mkWpCastN :: TcCoercionN -> HsWrapper
315mkWpCastN co
316  | isTcReflCo co = WpHole
317  | otherwise     = ASSERT2(tcCoercionRole co == Nominal, ppr co)
318                    WpCast (mkTcSubCo co)
319    -- The mkTcSubCo converts Nominal to Representational
321mkWpTyApps :: [Type] -> HsWrapper
322mkWpTyApps tys = mk_co_app_fn WpTyApp tys
324mkWpEvApps :: [EvTerm] -> HsWrapper
325mkWpEvApps args = mk_co_app_fn WpEvApp args
327mkWpEvVarApps :: [EvVar] -> HsWrapper
328mkWpEvVarApps vs = mk_co_app_fn WpEvApp (map (EvExpr . evId) vs)
330mkWpTyLams :: [TyVar] -> HsWrapper
331mkWpTyLams ids = mk_co_lam_fn WpTyLam ids
333mkWpLams :: [Var] -> HsWrapper
334mkWpLams ids = mk_co_lam_fn WpEvLam ids
336mkWpLet :: TcEvBinds -> HsWrapper
337-- This no-op is a quite a common case
338mkWpLet (EvBinds b) | isEmptyBag b = WpHole
339mkWpLet ev_binds                   = WpLet ev_binds
341mk_co_lam_fn :: (a -> HsWrapper) -> [a] -> HsWrapper
342mk_co_lam_fn f as = foldr (\x wrap -> f x <.> wrap) WpHole as
344mk_co_app_fn :: (a -> HsWrapper) -> [a] -> HsWrapper
345-- For applications, the *first* argument must
346-- come *last* in the composition sequence
347mk_co_app_fn f as = foldr (\x wrap -> wrap <.> f x) WpHole as
349idHsWrapper :: HsWrapper
350idHsWrapper = WpHole
352isIdHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> Bool
353isIdHsWrapper WpHole = True
354isIdHsWrapper _      = False
356-- | Is the wrapper erasable, i.e., will not affect runtime semantics?
357isErasableHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> Bool
358isErasableHsWrapper = go
359  where
360    go WpHole                  = True
361    go (WpCompose wrap1 wrap2) = go wrap1 && go wrap2
362    -- not so sure about WpFun. But it eta-expands, so...
363    go WpFun{}                 = False
364    go WpCast{}                = True
365    go WpEvLam{}               = False -- case in point
366    go WpEvApp{}               = False
367    go WpTyLam{}               = True
368    go WpTyApp{}               = True
369    go WpLet{}                 = False
371collectHsWrapBinders :: HsWrapper -> ([Var], HsWrapper)
372-- Collect the outer lambda binders of a HsWrapper,
373-- stopping as soon as you get to a non-lambda binder
374collectHsWrapBinders wrap = go wrap []
375  where
376    -- go w ws = collectHsWrapBinders (w <.> w1 <.> ... <.> wn)
377    go :: HsWrapper -> [HsWrapper] -> ([Var], HsWrapper)
378    go (WpEvLam v)       wraps = add_lam v (gos wraps)
379    go (WpTyLam v)       wraps = add_lam v (gos wraps)
380    go (WpCompose w1 w2) wraps = go w1 (w2:wraps)
381    go wrap              wraps = ([], foldl' (<.>) wrap wraps)
383    gos []     = ([], WpHole)
384    gos (w:ws) = go w ws
386    add_lam v (vs,w) = (v:vs, w)
390*                                                                      *
391                  Evidence bindings
392*                                                                      *
396data TcEvBinds
397  = TcEvBinds           -- Mutable evidence bindings
398       EvBindsVar       -- Mutable because they are updated "later"
399                        --    when an implication constraint is solved
401  | EvBinds             -- Immutable after zonking
402       (Bag EvBind)
404data EvBindsVar
405  = EvBindsVar {
406      ebv_uniq :: Unique,
407         -- The Unique is for debug printing only
409      ebv_binds :: IORef EvBindMap,
410      -- The main payload: the value-level evidence bindings
411      --     (dictionaries etc)
412      -- Some Given, some Wanted
414      ebv_tcvs :: IORef CoVarSet
415      -- The free Given coercion vars needed by Wanted coercions that
416      -- are solved by filling in their HoleDest in-place. Since they
417      -- don't appear in ebv_binds, we keep track of their free
418      -- variables so that we can report unused given constraints
419      -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in TcSimplify
420    }
422  | CoEvBindsVar {  -- See Note [Coercion evidence only]
424      -- See above for comments on ebv_uniq, ebv_tcvs
425      ebv_uniq :: Unique,
426      ebv_tcvs :: IORef CoVarSet
427    }
429instance Data.Data TcEvBinds where
430  -- Placeholder; we can't travers into TcEvBinds
431  toConstr _   = abstractConstr "TcEvBinds"
432  gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"
433  dataTypeOf _ = Data.mkNoRepType "TcEvBinds"
435{- Note [Coercion evidence only]
437Class constraints etc give rise to /term/ bindings for evidence, and
438we have nowhere to put term bindings in /types/.  So in some places we
439use CoEvBindsVar (see newCoTcEvBinds) to signal that no term-level
440evidence bindings are allowed.  Notebly ():
442  - Places in types where we are solving kind constraints (all of which
443    are equalities); see solveEqualities, solveLocalEqualities
445  - When unifying forall-types
448isCoEvBindsVar :: EvBindsVar -> Bool
449isCoEvBindsVar (CoEvBindsVar {}) = True
450isCoEvBindsVar (EvBindsVar {})   = False
453newtype EvBindMap
454  = EvBindMap {
455       ev_bind_varenv :: DVarEnv EvBind
456    }       -- Map from evidence variables to evidence terms
457            -- We use @DVarEnv@ here to get deterministic ordering when we
458            -- turn it into a Bag.
459            -- If we don't do that, when we generate let bindings for
460            -- dictionaries in dsTcEvBinds they will be generated in random
461            -- order.
462            --
463            -- For example:
464            --
465            -- let $dEq = GHC.Classes.$fEqInt in
466            -- let $$dNum = GHC.Num.$fNumInt in ...
467            --
468            -- vs
469            --
470            -- let $dNum = GHC.Num.$fNumInt in
471            -- let $dEq = GHC.Classes.$fEqInt in ...
472            --
473            -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for explanation why
474            -- @UniqFM@ can lead to nondeterministic order.
476emptyEvBindMap :: EvBindMap
477emptyEvBindMap = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = emptyDVarEnv }
479extendEvBinds :: EvBindMap -> EvBind -> EvBindMap
480extendEvBinds bs ev_bind
481  = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = extendDVarEnv (ev_bind_varenv bs)
482                                               (eb_lhs ev_bind)
483                                               ev_bind }
485isEmptyEvBindMap :: EvBindMap -> Bool
486isEmptyEvBindMap (EvBindMap m) = isEmptyDVarEnv m
488lookupEvBind :: EvBindMap -> EvVar -> Maybe EvBind
489lookupEvBind bs = lookupDVarEnv (ev_bind_varenv bs)
491evBindMapBinds :: EvBindMap -> Bag EvBind
492evBindMapBinds = foldEvBindMap consBag emptyBag
494foldEvBindMap :: (EvBind -> a -> a) -> a -> EvBindMap -> a
495foldEvBindMap k z bs = foldDVarEnv k z (ev_bind_varenv bs)
497filterEvBindMap :: (EvBind -> Bool) -> EvBindMap -> EvBindMap
498filterEvBindMap k (EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = env })
499  = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = filterDVarEnv k env }
501instance Outputable EvBindMap where
502  ppr (EvBindMap m) = ppr m
505-- All evidence is bound by EvBinds; no side effects
506data EvBind
507  = EvBind { eb_lhs      :: EvVar
508           , eb_rhs      :: EvTerm
509           , eb_is_given :: Bool  -- True <=> given
510                 -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in TcSimplify
511    }
513evBindVar :: EvBind -> EvVar
514evBindVar = eb_lhs
516mkWantedEvBind :: EvVar -> EvTerm -> EvBind
517mkWantedEvBind ev tm = EvBind { eb_is_given = False, eb_lhs = ev, eb_rhs = tm }
519-- EvTypeable are never given, so we can work with EvExpr here instead of EvTerm
520mkGivenEvBind :: EvVar -> EvTerm -> EvBind
521mkGivenEvBind ev tm = EvBind { eb_is_given = True, eb_lhs = ev, eb_rhs = tm }
524-- An EvTerm is, conceptually, a CoreExpr that implements the constraint.
525-- Unfortunately, we cannot just do
526--   type EvTerm  = CoreExpr
527-- Because of staging problems issues around EvTypeable
528data EvTerm
529  = EvExpr EvExpr
531  | EvTypeable Type EvTypeable   -- Dictionary for (Typeable ty)
533  | EvFun     -- /\as \ds. let binds in v
534      { et_tvs   :: [TyVar]
535      , et_given :: [EvVar]
536      , et_binds :: TcEvBinds -- This field is why we need an EvFun
537                              -- constructor, and can't just use EvExpr
538      , et_body  :: EvVar }
540  deriving Data.Data
542type EvExpr = CoreExpr
544-- An EvTerm is (usually) constructed by any of the constructors here
545-- and those more complicates ones who were moved to module TcEvTerm
547-- | Any sort of evidence Id, including coercions
548evId ::  EvId -> EvExpr
549evId = Var
551-- coercion bindings
552-- See Note [Coercion evidence terms]
553evCoercion :: TcCoercion -> EvTerm
554evCoercion co = EvExpr (Coercion co)
556-- | d |> co
557evCast :: EvExpr -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
558evCast et tc | isReflCo tc = EvExpr et
559             | otherwise   = EvExpr (Cast et tc)
561-- Dictionary instance application
562evDFunApp :: DFunId -> [Type] -> [EvExpr] -> EvTerm
563evDFunApp df tys ets = EvExpr $ Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` ets
565evDataConApp :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [EvExpr] -> EvTerm
566evDataConApp dc tys ets = evDFunApp (dataConWrapId dc) tys ets
568-- Selector id plus the types at which it
569-- should be instantiated, used for HasField
570-- dictionaries; see Note [HasField instances]
571-- in TcInterface
572evSelector :: Id -> [Type] -> [EvExpr] -> EvExpr
573evSelector sel_id tys tms = Var sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms
575-- Dictionary for (Typeable ty)
576evTypeable :: Type -> EvTypeable -> EvTerm
577evTypeable = EvTypeable
579-- | Instructions on how to make a 'Typeable' dictionary.
580-- See Note [Typeable evidence terms]
581data EvTypeable
582  = EvTypeableTyCon TyCon [EvTerm]
583    -- ^ Dictionary for @Typeable T@ where @T@ is a type constructor with all of
584    -- its kind variables saturated. The @[EvTerm]@ is @Typeable@ evidence for
585    -- the applied kinds..
587  | EvTypeableTyApp EvTerm EvTerm
588    -- ^ Dictionary for @Typeable (s t)@,
589    -- given a dictionaries for @s@ and @t@.
591  | EvTypeableTrFun EvTerm EvTerm
592    -- ^ Dictionary for @Typeable (s -> t)@,
593    -- given a dictionaries for @s@ and @t@.
595  | EvTypeableTyLit EvTerm
596    -- ^ Dictionary for a type literal,
597    -- e.g. @Typeable "foo"@ or @Typeable 3@
598    -- The 'EvTerm' is evidence of, e.g., @KnownNat 3@
599    -- (see #10348)
600  deriving Data.Data
602-- | Evidence for @CallStack@ implicit parameters.
603data EvCallStack
604  -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks]
605  = EvCsEmpty
606  | EvCsPushCall Name RealSrcSpan EvExpr
607    -- ^ @EvCsPushCall name loc stk@ represents a call to @name@, occurring at
608    -- @loc@, in a calling context @stk@.
609  deriving Data.Data
612Note [Typeable evidence terms]
614The EvTypeable data type looks isomorphic to Type, but the EvTerms
615inside can be EvIds.  Eg
616    f :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> TypeRep
617    f x = typeRep (undefined :: Proxy [a])
618Here for the (Typeable [a]) dictionary passed to typeRep we make
620    dl :: Typeable [a] = EvTypeable [a]
621                            (EvTypeableTyApp (EvTypeableTyCon []) (EvId d))
623    d :: Typable a
624is the lambda-bound dictionary passed into f.
626Note [Coercion evidence terms]
628A "coercion evidence term" takes one of these forms
629   co_tm ::= EvId v           where v :: t1 ~# t2
630           | EvCoercion co
631           | EvCast co_tm co
633We do quite often need to get a TcCoercion from an EvTerm; see
636INVARIANT: The evidence for any constraint with type (t1 ~# t2) is
637a coercion evidence term.  Consider for example
638    [G] d :: F Int a
639If we have
640    ax7 a :: F Int a ~ (a ~ Bool)
641then we do NOT generate the constraint
642    [G] (d |> ax7 a) :: a ~ Bool
643because that does not satisfy the invariant (d is not a coercion variable).
644Instead we make a binding
645    g1 :: a~Bool = g |> ax7 a
646and the constraint
647    [G] g1 :: a~Bool
648See #7238 and Note [Bind new Givens immediately] in Constraint
650Note [EvBinds/EvTerm]
652How evidence is created and updated. Bindings for dictionaries,
653and coercions and implicit parameters are carried around in TcEvBinds
654which during constraint generation and simplification is always of the
655form (TcEvBinds ref). After constraint simplification is finished it
656will be transformed to t an (EvBinds ev_bag).
658Evidence for coercions *SHOULD* be filled in using the TcEvBinds
659However, all EvVars that correspond to *wanted* coercion terms in
660an EvBind must be mutable variables so that they can be readily
661inlined (by zonking) after constraint simplification is finished.
663Conclusion: a new wanted coercion variable should be made mutable.
664[Notice though that evidence variables that bind coercion terms
665 from super classes will be "given" and hence rigid]
668Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks]
670(See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/explicit-call-stack/implicit-locations)
672The goal of CallStack evidence terms is to reify locations
673in the program source as runtime values, without any support
674from the RTS. We accomplish this by assigning a special meaning
675to constraints of type GHC.Stack.Types.HasCallStack, an alias
677  type HasCallStack = (?callStack :: CallStack)
679Implicit parameters of type GHC.Stack.Types.CallStack (the name is not
680important) are solved in three steps:
6821. Occurrences of CallStack IPs are solved directly from the given IP,
683   just like a regular IP. For example, the occurrence of `?stk` in
685     error :: (?stk :: CallStack) => String -> a
686     error s = raise (ErrorCall (s ++ prettyCallStack ?stk))
688   will be solved for the `?stk` in `error`s context as before.
6902. In a function call, instead of simply passing the given IP, we first
691   append the current call-site to it. For example, consider a
692   call to the callstack-aware `error` above.
694     undefined :: (?stk :: CallStack) => a
695     undefined = error "undefined!"
697   Here we want to take the given `?stk` and append the current
698   call-site, before passing it to `error`. In essence, we want to
699   rewrite `error "undefined!"` to
701     let ?stk = pushCallStack <error's location> ?stk
702     in error "undefined!"
704   We achieve this effect by emitting a NEW wanted
706     [W] d :: IP "stk" CallStack
708   from which we build the evidence term
710     EvCsPushCall "error" <error's location> (EvId d)
712   that we use to solve the call to `error`. The new wanted `d` will
713   then be solved per rule (1), ie as a regular IP.
715   (see TcInteract.interactDict)
7173. We default any insoluble CallStacks to the empty CallStack. Suppose
718   `undefined` did not request a CallStack, ie
720     undefinedNoStk :: a
721     undefinedNoStk = error "undefined!"
723   Under the usual IP rules, the new wanted from rule (2) would be
724   insoluble as there's no given IP from which to solve it, so we
725   would get an "unbound implicit parameter" error.
727   We don't ever want to emit an insoluble CallStack IP, so we add a
728   defaulting pass to default any remaining wanted CallStacks to the
729   empty CallStack with the evidence term
731     EvCsEmpty
733   (see TcSimplify.simpl_top and TcSimplify.defaultCallStacks)
735This provides a lightweight mechanism for building up call-stacks
736explicitly, but is notably limited by the fact that the stack will
737stop at the first function whose type does not include a CallStack IP.
738For example, using the above definition of `undefined`:
740  head :: [a] -> a
741  head []    = undefined
742  head (x:_) = x
744  g = head []
746the resulting CallStack will include the call to `undefined` in `head`
747and the call to `error` in `undefined`, but *not* the call to `head`
748in `g`, because `head` did not explicitly request a CallStack.
751Important Details:
752- GHC should NEVER report an insoluble CallStack constraint.
754- GHC should NEVER infer a CallStack constraint unless one was requested
755  with a partial type signature (See TcType.pickQuantifiablePreds).
757- A CallStack (defined in GHC.Stack.Types) is a [(String, SrcLoc)],
758  where the String is the name of the binder that is used at the
759  SrcLoc. SrcLoc is also defined in GHC.Stack.Types and contains the
760  package/module/file name, as well as the full source-span. Both
761  CallStack and SrcLoc are kept abstract so only GHC can construct new
762  values.
764- We will automatically solve any wanted CallStack regardless of the
765  name of the IP, i.e.
767    f = show (?stk :: CallStack)
768    g = show (?loc :: CallStack)
770  are both valid. However, we will only push new SrcLocs onto existing
771  CallStacks when the IP names match, e.g. in
773    head :: (?loc :: CallStack) => [a] -> a
774    head [] = error (show (?stk :: CallStack))
776  the printed CallStack will NOT include head's call-site. This reflects the
777  standard scoping rules of implicit-parameters.
779- An EvCallStack term desugars to a CoreExpr of type `IP "some str" CallStack`.
780  The desugarer will need to unwrap the IP newtype before pushing a new
781  call-site onto a given stack (See DsBinds.dsEvCallStack)
783- When we emit a new wanted CallStack from rule (2) we set its origin to
784  `IPOccOrigin ip_name` instead of the original `OccurrenceOf func`
785  (see TcInteract.interactDict).
787  This is a bit shady, but is how we ensure that the new wanted is
788  solved like a regular IP.
792mkEvCast :: EvExpr -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
793mkEvCast ev lco
794  | ASSERT2( tcCoercionRole lco == Representational
795           , (vcat [text "Coercion of wrong role passed to mkEvCast:", ppr ev, ppr lco]))
796    isTcReflCo lco = EvExpr ev
797  | otherwise      = evCast ev lco
800mkEvScSelectors         -- Assume   class (..., D ty, ...) => C a b
801  :: Class -> [TcType]  -- C ty1 ty2
802  -> [(TcPredType,      -- D ty[ty1/a,ty2/b]
803       EvExpr)          -- :: C ty1 ty2 -> D ty[ty1/a,ty2/b]
804     ]
805mkEvScSelectors cls tys
806   = zipWith mk_pr (immSuperClasses cls tys) [0..]
807  where
808    mk_pr pred i = (pred, Var sc_sel_id `mkTyApps` tys)
809      where
810        sc_sel_id  = classSCSelId cls i -- Zero-indexed
812emptyTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds
813emptyTcEvBinds = EvBinds emptyBag
815isEmptyTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds -> Bool
816isEmptyTcEvBinds (EvBinds b)    = isEmptyBag b
817isEmptyTcEvBinds (TcEvBinds {}) = panic "isEmptyTcEvBinds"
819evTermCoercion_maybe :: EvTerm -> Maybe TcCoercion
820-- Applied only to EvTerms of type (s~t)
821-- See Note [Coercion evidence terms]
822evTermCoercion_maybe ev_term
823  | EvExpr e <- ev_term = go e
824  | otherwise           = Nothing
825  where
826    go :: EvExpr -> Maybe TcCoercion
827    go (Var v)       = return (mkCoVarCo v)
828    go (Coercion co) = return co
829    go (Cast tm co)  = do { co' <- go tm
830                          ; return (mkCoCast co' co) }
831    go _             = Nothing
833evTermCoercion :: EvTerm -> TcCoercion
834evTermCoercion tm = case evTermCoercion_maybe tm of
835                      Just co -> co
836                      Nothing -> pprPanic "evTermCoercion" (ppr tm)
839{- *********************************************************************
840*                                                                      *
841                  Free variables
842*                                                                      *
843********************************************************************* -}
845findNeededEvVars :: EvBindMap -> VarSet -> VarSet
846-- Find all the Given evidence needed by seeds,
847-- looking transitively through binds
848findNeededEvVars ev_binds seeds
849  = transCloVarSet also_needs seeds
850  where
851   also_needs :: VarSet -> VarSet
852   also_needs needs = nonDetFoldUniqSet add emptyVarSet needs
853     -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because we immediately
854     -- forget about the ordering by creating a set
856   add :: Var -> VarSet -> VarSet
857   add v needs
858     | Just ev_bind <- lookupEvBind ev_binds v
859     , EvBind { eb_is_given = is_given, eb_rhs = rhs } <- ev_bind
860     , is_given
861     = evVarsOfTerm rhs `unionVarSet` needs
862     | otherwise
863     = needs
865evVarsOfTerm :: EvTerm -> VarSet
866evVarsOfTerm (EvExpr e)         = exprSomeFreeVars isEvVar e
867evVarsOfTerm (EvTypeable _ ev)  = evVarsOfTypeable ev
868evVarsOfTerm (EvFun {})         = emptyVarSet -- See Note [Free vars of EvFun]
870evVarsOfTerms :: [EvTerm] -> VarSet
871evVarsOfTerms = mapUnionVarSet evVarsOfTerm
873evVarsOfTypeable :: EvTypeable -> VarSet
874evVarsOfTypeable ev =
875  case ev of
876    EvTypeableTyCon _ e   -> mapUnionVarSet evVarsOfTerm e
877    EvTypeableTyApp e1 e2 -> evVarsOfTerms [e1,e2]
878    EvTypeableTrFun e1 e2 -> evVarsOfTerms [e1,e2]
879    EvTypeableTyLit e     -> evVarsOfTerm e
882{- Note [Free vars of EvFun]
884Finding the free vars of an EvFun is made tricky by the fact the
885bindings et_binds may be a mutable variable.  Fortunately, we
886can just squeeze by.  Here's how.
888* evVarsOfTerm is used only by TcSimplify.neededEvVars.
889* Each EvBindsVar in an et_binds field of an EvFun is /also/ in the
890  ic_binds field of an Implication
891* So we can track usage via the processing for that implication,
892  (see Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in TcSimplify).
893  We can ignore usage from the EvFun altogether.
896*                                                                      *
897                  Pretty printing
898*                                                                      *
902instance Outputable HsWrapper where
903  ppr co_fn = pprHsWrapper co_fn (no_parens (text "<>"))
905pprHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
906-- With -fprint-typechecker-elaboration, print the wrapper
907--   otherwise just print what's inside
908-- The pp_thing_inside function takes Bool to say whether
909--    it's in a position that needs parens for a non-atomic thing
910pprHsWrapper wrap pp_thing_inside
911  = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
912    if gopt Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration dflags
913    then help pp_thing_inside wrap False
914    else pp_thing_inside False
915  where
916    help :: (Bool -> SDoc) -> HsWrapper -> Bool -> SDoc
917    -- True  <=> appears in function application position
918    -- False <=> appears as body of let or lambda
919    help it WpHole             = it
920    help it (WpCompose f1 f2)  = help (help it f2) f1
921    help it (WpFun f1 f2 t1 _) = add_parens $ text "\\(x" <> dcolon <> ppr t1 <> text ")." <+>
922                                              help (\_ -> it True <+> help (\_ -> text "x") f1 True) f2 False
923    help it (WpCast co)   = add_parens $ sep [it False, nest 2 (text "|>"
924                                              <+> pprParendCo co)]
925    help it (WpEvApp id)  = no_parens  $ sep [it True, nest 2 (ppr id)]
926    help it (WpTyApp ty)  = no_parens  $ sep [it True, text "@" <+> pprParendType ty]
927    help it (WpEvLam id)  = add_parens $ sep [ text "\\" <> pprLamBndr id <> dot, it False]
928    help it (WpTyLam tv)  = add_parens $ sep [text "/\\" <> pprLamBndr tv <> dot, it False]
929    help it (WpLet binds) = add_parens $ sep [text "let" <+> braces (ppr binds), it False]
931pprLamBndr :: Id -> SDoc
932pprLamBndr v = pprBndr LambdaBind v
934add_parens, no_parens :: SDoc -> Bool -> SDoc
935add_parens d True  = parens d
936add_parens d False = d
937no_parens d _ = d
939instance Outputable TcEvBinds where
940  ppr (TcEvBinds v) = ppr v
941  ppr (EvBinds bs)  = text "EvBinds" <> braces (vcat (map ppr (bagToList bs)))
943instance Outputable EvBindsVar where
944  ppr (EvBindsVar { ebv_uniq = u })
945     = text "EvBindsVar" <> angleBrackets (ppr u)
946  ppr (CoEvBindsVar { ebv_uniq = u })
947     = text "CoEvBindsVar" <> angleBrackets (ppr u)
949instance Uniquable EvBindsVar where
950  getUnique = ebv_uniq
952instance Outputable EvBind where
953  ppr (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = e, eb_is_given = is_given })
954     = sep [ pp_gw <+> ppr v
955           , nest 2 $ equals <+> ppr e ]
956     where
957       pp_gw = brackets (if is_given then char 'G' else char 'W')
958   -- We cheat a bit and pretend EqVars are CoVars for the purposes of pretty printing
960instance Outputable EvTerm where
961  ppr (EvExpr e)         = ppr e
962  ppr (EvTypeable ty ev) = ppr ev <+> dcolon <+> text "Typeable" <+> ppr ty
963  ppr (EvFun { et_tvs = tvs, et_given = gs, et_binds = bs, et_body = w })
964      = hang (text "\\" <+> sep (map pprLamBndr (tvs ++ gs)) <+> arrow)
965           2 (ppr bs $$ ppr w)   -- Not very pretty
967instance Outputable EvCallStack where
968  ppr EvCsEmpty
969    = text "[]"
970  ppr (EvCsPushCall name loc tm)
971    = ppr (name,loc) <+> text ":" <+> ppr tm
973instance Outputable EvTypeable where
974  ppr (EvTypeableTyCon ts _)  = text "TyCon" <+> ppr ts
975  ppr (EvTypeableTyApp t1 t2) = parens (ppr t1 <+> ppr t2)
976  ppr (EvTypeableTrFun t1 t2) = parens (ppr t1 <+> arrow <+> ppr t2)
977  ppr (EvTypeableTyLit t1)    = text "TyLit" <> ppr t1
981-- Helper functions for dealing with IP newtype-dictionaries
984-- | Create a 'Coercion' that unwraps an implicit-parameter or
985-- overloaded-label dictionary to expose the underlying value. We
986-- expect the 'Type' to have the form `IP sym ty` or `IsLabel sym ty`,
987-- and return a 'Coercion' `co :: IP sym ty ~ ty` or
988-- `co :: IsLabel sym ty ~ Proxy# sym -> ty`.  See also
989-- Note [Type-checking overloaded labels] in TcExpr.
990unwrapIP :: Type -> CoercionR
991unwrapIP ty =
992  case unwrapNewTyCon_maybe tc of
993    Just (_,_,ax) -> mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational ax tys []
994    Nothing       -> pprPanic "unwrapIP" $
995                       text "The dictionary for" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
996                         <+> text "is not a newtype!"
997  where
998  (tc, tys) = splitTyConApp ty
1000-- | Create a 'Coercion' that wraps a value in an implicit-parameter
1001-- dictionary. See 'unwrapIP'.
1002wrapIP :: Type -> CoercionR
1003wrapIP ty = mkSymCo (unwrapIP ty)