1{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass      #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms     #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving  #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
15{-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans #-}
17module Ide.Plugin.Retrie (descriptor, response, handleMaybe, handleMaybeM) where
19import           Control.Concurrent.Extra             (readVar)
20import           Control.Exception.Safe               (Exception (..),
21                                                       SomeException, catch,
22                                                       throwIO, try)
23import           Control.Monad                        (forM, unless)
24import           Control.Monad.Extra                  (maybeM)
25import           Control.Monad.IO.Class               (MonadIO (liftIO))
26import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class            (MonadTrans (lift))
27import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except           (ExceptT (..), runExceptT,
28                                                       throwE)
29import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
30import           Data.Aeson                           (FromJSON (..),
31                                                       ToJSON (..),
32                                                       Value (Null),
33                                                       genericParseJSON)
34import qualified Data.Aeson                           as Aeson
35import           Data.Bifunctor                       (Bifunctor (first),
36                                                       second)
37import           Data.Coerce
38import           Data.Either                          (partitionEithers)
39import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                  as HM
40import qualified Data.HashSet                         as Set
41import           Data.Hashable                        (unhashed)
42import           Data.IORef.Extra                     (atomicModifyIORef'_,
43                                                       newIORef, readIORef)
44import           Data.List.Extra                      (find, nubOrdOn)
45import           Data.String                          (IsString (fromString))
46import qualified Data.Text                            as T
47import qualified Data.Text.IO                         as T
48import           Data.Typeable                        (Typeable)
49import           Development.IDE                      hiding (pluginHandlers)
50import           Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping
51import           Development.IDE.Core.Shake           (ShakeExtras (knownTargetsVar),
52                                                       toKnownFiles)
53import           Development.IDE.GHC.Compat           (GenLocated (L), GhcRn,
54                                                       HsBindLR (FunBind),
55                                                       HsGroup (..),
56                                                       HsValBindsLR (..),
57                                                       HscEnv, IdP, LRuleDecls,
58                                                       ModSummary (ModSummary, ms_hspp_buf, ms_mod),
59                                                       NHsValBindsLR (..),
60                                                       ParsedModule (..),
61                                                       RuleDecl (HsRule),
62                                                       RuleDecls (HsRules),
63                                                       SrcSpan (..),
64                                                       TyClDecl (SynDecl),
65                                                       TyClGroup (..), fun_id,
66                                                       mi_fixities,
67                                                       moduleNameString,
68                                                       parseModule,
69                                                       pattern IsBoot,
70                                                       pattern NotBoot,
71                                                       pattern OldRealSrcSpan,
72                                                       rds_rules, srcSpanFile)
73import           GHC.Generics                         (Generic)
74import           GhcPlugins                           (Outputable,
75                                                       SourceText (NoSourceText),
76                                                       hm_iface, isQual,
77                                                       isQual_maybe,
78                                                       nameModule_maybe,
79                                                       nameRdrName, occNameFS,
80                                                       occNameString,
81                                                       rdrNameOcc, unpackFS)
82import           Ide.PluginUtils
83import           Ide.Types
84import           Language.LSP.Server                  (LspM,
85                                                       ProgressCancellable (Cancellable),
86                                                       sendNotification,
87                                                       sendRequest,
88                                                       withIndefiniteProgress)
89import           Language.LSP.Types                   as J hiding
90                                                           (SemanticTokenAbsolute (length, line),
91                                                            SemanticTokenRelative (length),
92                                                            SemanticTokensEdit (_start))
93import           Retrie.CPP                           (CPP (NoCPP), parseCPP)
94import           Retrie.ExactPrint                    (fix, relativiseApiAnns,
95                                                       transformA, unsafeMkA)
96import           Retrie.Fixity                        (mkFixityEnv)
97import qualified Retrie.GHC                           as GHC
98import           Retrie.Monad                         (addImports, apply,
99                                                       getGroundTerms,
100                                                       runRetrie)
101import           Retrie.Options                       (defaultOptions,
102                                                       getTargetFiles)
103import qualified Retrie.Options                       as Retrie
104import           Retrie.Replace                       (Change (..),
105                                                       Replacement (..))
106import           Retrie.Rewrites
107import           Retrie.SYB                           (listify)
108import           Retrie.Util                          (Verbosity (Loud))
109import           StringBuffer                         (stringToStringBuffer)
110import           System.Directory                     (makeAbsolute)
112descriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
113descriptor plId =
114  (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
115    { pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler STextDocumentCodeAction provider,
116      pluginCommands = [retrieCommand]
117    }
119retrieCommandName :: T.Text
120retrieCommandName = "retrieCommand"
122retrieCommand :: PluginCommand IdeState
123retrieCommand =
124  PluginCommand (coerce retrieCommandName) "run the refactoring" runRetrieCmd
126-- | Parameters for the runRetrie PluginCommand.
127data RunRetrieParams = RunRetrieParams
128  { description               :: T.Text,
129    rewrites                  :: [RewriteSpec],
130    originatingFile           :: Uri,
131    restrictToOriginatingFile :: Bool
132  }
133  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
134runRetrieCmd ::
135  IdeState ->
136  RunRetrieParams ->
137  LspM c (Either ResponseError Value)
138runRetrieCmd state RunRetrieParams{originatingFile = uri, ..} =
139  withIndefiniteProgress description Cancellable $ do
140    runMaybeT $ do
141        nfp <- MaybeT $ return $ uriToNormalizedFilePath $ toNormalizedUri uri
142        (session, _) <- MaybeT $ liftIO $
143            runAction "Retrie.GhcSessionDeps" state $
144                useWithStale GhcSessionDeps
145                nfp
146        (ms, binds, _, _, _) <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ runAction "Retrie.getBinds" state $ getBinds nfp
147        let importRewrites = concatMap (extractImports ms binds) rewrites
148        (errors, edits) <- liftIO $
149            callRetrie
150                state
151                (hscEnv session)
152                (map Right rewrites <> map Left importRewrites)
153                nfp
154                restrictToOriginatingFile
155        unless (null errors) $
156            lift $ sendNotification SWindowShowMessage $
157                    ShowMessageParams MtWarning $
158                    T.unlines $
159                        "## Found errors during rewrite:" :
160                        ["-" <> T.pack (show e) | e <- errors]
161        lift $ sendRequest SWorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing edits) (\_ -> pure ())
162        return ()
163    return $ Right Null
165extractImports :: ModSummary -> [HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn] -> RewriteSpec -> [ImportSpec]
166extractImports ModSummary{ms_mod} topLevelBinds (Unfold thing)
167  | Just FunBind {fun_matches}
168  <- find (\case FunBind{fun_id = L _ n} -> prettyPrint n == thing ; _ -> False) topLevelBinds
169  , names <- listify p fun_matches
170  =
171    [ AddImport {..}
172    | let ideclSource = False,
173        name <- names,
174        let r = nameRdrName name,
175        let ideclQualifiedBool = isQual r,
176        let ideclAsString = moduleNameString . fst <$> isQual_maybe r,
177        let ideclThing = Just (IEVar $ occNameString $ rdrNameOcc r),
178        Just ideclNameString <-
179        [moduleNameString . GHC.moduleName <$> nameModule_maybe name]
180    ]
181    where
182        p name = nameModule_maybe name /= Just ms_mod
183-- TODO handle imports for all rewrites
184extractImports _ _ _ = []
188provider :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState TextDocumentCodeAction
189provider state plId (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) range ca) = response $ do
190  let (J.CodeActionContext _diags _monly) = ca
191      nuri = toNormalizedUri uri
192  nfp <- handleMaybe "uri" $ uriToNormalizedFilePath nuri
194  (ModSummary{ms_mod}, topLevelBinds, posMapping, hs_ruleds, hs_tyclds)
195    <- handleMaybeM "typecheck" $ liftIO $ runAction "retrie" state $ getBinds nfp
197  pos <- handleMaybe "pos" $ _start <$> fromCurrentRange posMapping range
198  let rewrites =
199        concatMap (suggestBindRewrites uri pos ms_mod) topLevelBinds
200          ++ concatMap (suggestRuleRewrites uri pos ms_mod) hs_ruleds
201          ++ [ r
202               | TyClGroup {group_tyclds} <- hs_tyclds,
203                 L l g <- group_tyclds,
204                 pos `isInsideSrcSpan` l,
205                 r <- suggestTypeRewrites uri ms_mod g
207             ]
209  commands <- lift $
210    forM rewrites $ \(title, kind, params) -> liftIO $ do
211      let c = mkLspCommand plId (coerce retrieCommandName) title (Just [toJSON params])
212      return $ CodeAction title (Just kind) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just c) Nothing
214  return $ J.List [InR c | c <- commands]
216getBinds :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe (ModSummary, [HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn], PositionMapping, [LRuleDecls GhcRn], [TyClGroup GhcRn]))
217getBinds nfp = runMaybeT $ do
218  (tm, posMapping) <- MaybeT $ useWithStale TypeCheck nfp
219  -- we use the typechecked source instead of the parsed source
220  -- to be able to extract module names from the Ids,
221  -- so that we can include adding the required imports in the retrie command
222  let rn = tmrRenamed tm
223      ( HsGroup
224          { hs_valds =
225              XValBindsLR
226                (NValBinds binds _sigs :: NHsValBindsLR GHC.GhcRn),
227            hs_ruleds,
228            hs_tyclds
229          },
230        _,
231        _,
232        _
233        ) = rn
235      topLevelBinds =
236        [ decl
237          | (_, bagBinds) <- binds,
238            L _ decl <- GHC.bagToList bagBinds
239        ]
240  return (tmrModSummary tm, topLevelBinds, posMapping, hs_ruleds, hs_tyclds)
242suggestBindRewrites ::
243  Uri ->
244  Position ->
245  GHC.Module ->
246  HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn ->
247  [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, RunRetrieParams)]
248suggestBindRewrites originatingFile pos ms_mod FunBind {fun_id = L l' rdrName}
249  | pos `isInsideSrcSpan` l' =
250    let pprName = prettyPrint rdrName
251        pprNameText = T.pack pprName
252        unfoldRewrite restrictToOriginatingFile =
253            let rewrites = [Unfold (qualify ms_mod pprName)]
254                description = "Unfold " <> pprNameText <> describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
255            in (description, CodeActionRefactorInline, RunRetrieParams {..})
256        foldRewrite restrictToOriginatingFile =
257          let rewrites = [Fold (qualify ms_mod pprName)]
258              description = "Fold " <> pprNameText <> describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
259           in (description, CodeActionRefactorExtract, RunRetrieParams {..})
260     in [unfoldRewrite False, unfoldRewrite True, foldRewrite False, foldRewrite True]
261suggestBindRewrites _ _ _ _ = []
263describeRestriction :: IsString p => Bool -> p
264describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile =
265        if restrictToOriginatingFile then " in current file" else ""
267suggestTypeRewrites ::
268  (Outputable (IdP pass)) =>
269  Uri ->
270  GHC.Module ->
271  TyClDecl pass ->
272  [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, RunRetrieParams)]
273suggestTypeRewrites originatingFile ms_mod SynDecl {tcdLName = L _ rdrName} =
274    let pprName = prettyPrint rdrName
275        pprNameText = T.pack pprName
276        unfoldRewrite restrictToOriginatingFile =
277            let rewrites = [TypeForward (qualify ms_mod pprName)]
278                description = "Unfold " <> pprNameText <> describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
279           in (description, CodeActionRefactorInline, RunRetrieParams {..})
280        foldRewrite restrictToOriginatingFile =
281          let rewrites = [TypeBackward (qualify ms_mod pprName)]
282              description = "Fold " <> pprNameText <> describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
283           in (description, CodeActionRefactorExtract, RunRetrieParams {..})
284     in [unfoldRewrite False, unfoldRewrite True, foldRewrite False, foldRewrite True]
285suggestTypeRewrites _ _ _ = []
287suggestRuleRewrites ::
288  Uri ->
289  Position ->
290  GHC.Module ->
291  LRuleDecls pass ->
292  [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, RunRetrieParams)]
293suggestRuleRewrites originatingFile pos ms_mod (L _ HsRules {rds_rules}) =
294    concat
295        [ [ forwardRewrite   ruleName True
296          , forwardRewrite   ruleName False
297          , backwardsRewrite ruleName True
298          , backwardsRewrite ruleName False
299          ]
300        | L l r  <- rds_rules,
301          pos `isInsideSrcSpan` l,
302#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,8,0)
303          let HsRule {rd_name = L _ (_, rn)} = r,
305          let HsRule _ (L _ (_,rn)) _ _ _ _ = r,
307          let ruleName = unpackFS rn
308      ]
309  where
310    forwardRewrite ruleName restrictToOriginatingFile =
311        let rewrites = [RuleForward (qualify ms_mod ruleName)]
312            description = "Apply rule " <> T.pack ruleName <> " forward" <>
313                            describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
315        in ( description,
316            CodeActionRefactor,
317            RunRetrieParams {..}
318            )
319    backwardsRewrite ruleName restrictToOriginatingFile =
320          let rewrites = [RuleBackward (qualify ms_mod ruleName)]
321              description = "Apply rule " <> T.pack ruleName <> " backwards" <>
322                              describeRestriction restrictToOriginatingFile
323           in ( description,
324                CodeActionRefactor,
325                RunRetrieParams {..}
326              )
328suggestRuleRewrites _ _ _ _ = []
330qualify :: GHC.Module -> String -> String
331qualify ms_mod x = prettyPrint ms_mod <> "." <> x
334-- Retrie driving code
336data CallRetrieError
337  = CallRetrieInternalError String NormalizedFilePath
338  | NoParse NormalizedFilePath
339  | GHCParseError NormalizedFilePath String
340  | NoTypeCheck NormalizedFilePath
341  deriving (Eq, Typeable)
343instance Show CallRetrieError where
344  show (CallRetrieInternalError msg f) = msg <> " - " <> fromNormalizedFilePath f
345  show (NoParse f) = "Cannot parse: " <> fromNormalizedFilePath f
346  show (GHCParseError f m) = "Cannot parse " <> fromNormalizedFilePath f <> " : " <> m
347  show (NoTypeCheck f) = "File does not typecheck: " <> fromNormalizedFilePath f
349instance Exception CallRetrieError
351callRetrie ::
352  IdeState ->
353  HscEnv ->
354  [Either ImportSpec RewriteSpec] ->
355  NormalizedFilePath ->
356  Bool ->
357  IO ([CallRetrieError], WorkspaceEdit)
358callRetrie state session rewrites origin restrictToOriginatingFile = do
359  knownFiles <- toKnownFiles . unhashed <$> readVar (knownTargetsVar $ shakeExtras state)
360  let reuseParsedModule f = do
361        pm <-
362          useOrFail "GetParsedModule" NoParse GetParsedModule f
363        (fixities, pm) <- fixFixities f (fixAnns pm)
364        return (fixities, pm)
365      getCPPmodule t = do
366        nt <- toNormalizedFilePath' <$> makeAbsolute t
367        let getParsedModule f contents = do
368              modSummary <- msrModSummary <$>
369                useOrFail "GetModSummary" (CallRetrieInternalError "file not found") GetModSummary nt
370              let ms' =
371                    modSummary
372                      { ms_hspp_buf =
373                          Just (stringToStringBuffer contents)
374                      }
375              logPriority (ideLogger state) Info $ T.pack $ "Parsing module: " <> t
376              parsed <-
377                evalGhcEnv session (parseModule ms')
378                  `catch` \e -> throwIO (GHCParseError nt (show @SomeException e))
379              (fixities, parsed) <- fixFixities f (fixAnns parsed)
380              return (fixities, parsed)
382        contents <- do
383          (_, mbContentsVFS) <-
384            runAction "Retrie.GetFileContents" state $ getFileContents nt
385          case mbContentsVFS of
386            Just contents -> return contents
387            Nothing       -> T.readFile (fromNormalizedFilePath nt)
388        if any (T.isPrefixOf "#if" . T.toLower) (T.lines contents)
389          then do
390            fixitiesRef <- newIORef mempty
391            let parseModule x = do
392                  (fix, res) <- getParsedModule nt x
393                  atomicModifyIORef'_ fixitiesRef (fix <>)
394                  return res
395            res <- parseCPP parseModule contents
396            fixities <- readIORef fixitiesRef
397            return (fixities, res)
398          else do
399            (fixities, pm) <- reuseParsedModule nt
400            return (fixities, NoCPP pm)
402      -- TODO cover all workspaceFolders
403      target = "."
405      retrieOptions :: Retrie.Options
406      retrieOptions = (defaultOptions target)
407        {Retrie.verbosity = Loud
408        ,Retrie.targetFiles = map fromNormalizedFilePath $
409            if restrictToOriginatingFile
410                then [origin]
411                else Set.toList knownFiles
412        }
414      (theImports, theRewrites) = partitionEithers rewrites
416      annotatedImports =
417        unsafeMkA (map (GHC.noLoc . toImportDecl) theImports) mempty 0
419  (originFixities, originParsedModule) <- reuseParsedModule origin
420  retrie <-
421    (\specs -> apply specs >> addImports annotatedImports)
422      <$> parseRewriteSpecs
423        (\_f -> return $ NoCPP originParsedModule)
424        originFixities
425        theRewrites
427  targets <- getTargetFiles retrieOptions (getGroundTerms retrie)
429  results <- forM targets $ \t -> runExceptT $ do
430    (fixityEnv, cpp) <- ExceptT $ try $ getCPPmodule t
431    -- TODO add the imports to the resulting edits
432    (_user, ast, change@(Change _replacements _imports)) <-
433      lift $ runRetrie fixityEnv retrie cpp
434    return $ asTextEdits change
436  let (errors :: [CallRetrieError], replacements) = partitionEithers results
437      editParams :: WorkspaceEdit
438      editParams =
439        WorkspaceEdit (Just $ asEditMap replacements) Nothing Nothing
441  return (errors, editParams)
442  where
443    useOrFail ::
444      IdeRule r v =>
445      String ->
446      (NormalizedFilePath -> CallRetrieError) ->
447      r ->
448      NormalizedFilePath ->
449      IO (RuleResult r)
450    useOrFail lbl mkException rule f =
451      useRule lbl state rule f >>= maybe (liftIO $ throwIO $ mkException f) return
452    fixityEnvFromModIface modIface =
453      mkFixityEnv
454        [ (fs, (fs, fixity))
455          | (n, fixity) <- mi_fixities modIface,
456            let fs = occNameFS n
457        ]
458    fixFixities f pm = do
459      HiFileResult {hirHomeMod} <-
460        useOrFail "GetModIface" NoTypeCheck GetModIface f
461      let fixities = fixityEnvFromModIface $ hm_iface hirHomeMod
462      res <- transformA pm (fix fixities)
463      return (fixities, res)
464    fixAnns ParsedModule {..} =
465      let ranns = relativiseApiAnns pm_parsed_source pm_annotations
466       in unsafeMkA pm_parsed_source ranns 0
468asEditMap :: [[(Uri, TextEdit)]] -> WorkspaceEditMap
469asEditMap = coerce . HM.fromListWith (++) . concatMap (map (second pure))
471asTextEdits :: Change -> [(Uri, TextEdit)]
472asTextEdits NoChange = []
473asTextEdits (Change reps _imports) =
474  [ (filePathToUri spanLoc, edit)
475    | Replacement {..} <- nubOrdOn (realSpan . replLocation) reps,
476      (OldRealSrcSpan rspan) <- [replLocation],
477      let spanLoc = unpackFS $ srcSpanFile rspan,
478      let edit = TextEdit (realSrcSpanToRange rspan) (T.pack replReplacement)
479  ]
482-- Rule wrappers
485  _useRuleStale,
486  useRule ::
487    (IdeRule k v) =>
488    String ->
489    IdeState ->
490    k ->
491    NormalizedFilePath ->
492    IO (Maybe (RuleResult k))
493_useRuleBlocking label state rule f = runAction label state (use rule f)
494_useRuleStale label state rule f =
495  fmap fst
496    <$> runIdeAction label (shakeExtras state) (useWithStaleFast rule f)
498-- | Chosen approach for calling ghcide Shake rules
499useRule label = _useRuleStale ("Retrie." <> label)
502-- Error handling combinators
504handleMaybe :: Monad m => e -> Maybe b -> ExceptT e m b
505handleMaybe msg = maybe (throwE msg) return
507handleMaybeM :: Monad m => e -> m (Maybe b) -> ExceptT e m b
508handleMaybeM msg act = maybeM (throwE msg) return $ lift act
510response :: Monad m => ExceptT String m a -> m (Either ResponseError a)
511response =
512  fmap (first (\msg -> ResponseError InternalError (fromString msg) Nothing))
513    . runExceptT
516-- Serialization wrappers and instances
518deriving instance Eq RewriteSpec
520deriving instance Show RewriteSpec
522deriving instance Generic RewriteSpec
524deriving instance FromJSON RewriteSpec
526deriving instance ToJSON RewriteSpec
528data QualName = QualName {qual, name :: String}
529  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
531data IE name
532  = IEVar name
533  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
535data ImportSpec = AddImport
536  { ideclNameString    :: String,
537    ideclSource        :: Bool,
538    ideclQualifiedBool :: Bool,
539    ideclAsString      :: Maybe String,
540    ideclThing         :: Maybe (IE String)
541  }
542  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
544toImportDecl :: ImportSpec -> GHC.ImportDecl GHC.GhcPs
545toImportDecl AddImport {..} = GHC.ImportDecl {ideclSource = ideclSource', ..}
546  where
547    ideclSource' = if ideclSource then IsBoot else NotBoot
548    toMod = GHC.noLoc . GHC.mkModuleName
549    ideclName = toMod ideclNameString
550    ideclPkgQual = Nothing
551    ideclSafe = False
552    ideclImplicit = False
553    ideclHiding = Nothing
554    ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText
555    ideclExt = GHC.noExtField
556    ideclAs = toMod <$> ideclAsString
557#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
558    ideclQualified = if ideclQualifiedBool then GHC.QualifiedPre else GHC.NotQualified
560    ideclQualified = ideclQualifiedBool