1-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
2-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
7-- | Go to the definition of a variable.
9module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
10    (
11    iePluginDescriptor,
12    typeSigsPluginDescriptor,
13    bindingsPluginDescriptor,
14    fillHolePluginDescriptor,
15    newImport,
16    newImportToEdit
17    -- * For testing
18    , matchRegExMultipleImports
19    ) where
21import           Bag                                               (bagToList,
22                                                                    isEmptyBag)
23import           Control.Applicative                               ((<|>))
24import           Control.Arrow                                     (second,
25                                                                    (>>>))
26import           Control.Monad                                     (guard, join)
27import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
28import           Data.Char
29import qualified Data.DList                                        as DL
30import           Data.Function
31import           Data.Functor
32import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                               as Map
33import qualified Data.HashSet                                      as Set
34import           Data.List.Extra
35import           Data.List.NonEmpty                                (NonEmpty ((:|)))
36import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty                                as NE
37import qualified Data.Map                                          as M
38import           Data.Maybe
39import qualified Data.Rope.UTF16                                   as Rope
40import qualified Data.Set                                          as S
41import qualified Data.Text                                         as T
42import           Data.Tuple.Extra                                  (fst3)
43import           Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
44import           Development.IDE.Core.Rules
45import           Development.IDE.Core.Service
46import           Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
47import           Development.IDE.GHC.Error
48import           Development.IDE.GHC.Util                          (prettyPrint,
49                                                                    printRdrName,
50                                                                    unsafePrintSDoc)
51import           Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Args
52import           Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint
53import           Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed
54import           Development.IDE.Plugin.TypeLenses                 (suggestSignature)
55import           Development.IDE.Spans.Common
56import           Development.IDE.Types.Exports
57import           Development.IDE.Types.Location
58import           Development.IDE.Types.Options
59import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions                            as Lang
60import           HscTypes                                          (ImportedModsVal (..),
61                                                                    importedByUser)
62import           Ide.PluginUtils                                   (subRange)
63import           Ide.Types
64import qualified Language.LSP.Server                               as LSP
65import           Language.LSP.Types                                (CodeAction (..),
66                                                                    CodeActionContext (CodeActionContext, _diagnostics),
67                                                                    CodeActionKind (CodeActionQuickFix, CodeActionUnknown),
68                                                                    CodeActionParams (CodeActionParams),
69                                                                    Command,
70                                                                    Diagnostic (..),
71                                                                    List (..),
72                                                                    ResponseError,
73                                                                    SMethod (STextDocumentCodeAction),
74                                                                    TextDocumentIdentifier (TextDocumentIdentifier),
75                                                                    TextEdit (TextEdit),
76                                                                    WorkspaceEdit (WorkspaceEdit, _changeAnnotations, _changes, _documentChanges),
77                                                                    type (|?) (InR),
78                                                                    uriToFilePath)
79import           Language.LSP.VFS
80import           Module                                            (moduleEnvElts)
81import           OccName
82import           Outputable                                        (Outputable,
83                                                                    ppr,
84                                                                    showSDoc,
85                                                                    showSDocUnsafe)
86import           RdrName                                           (GlobalRdrElt (..),
87                                                                    lookupGlobalRdrEnv)
88import           SrcLoc                                            (realSrcSpanEnd,
89                                                                    realSrcSpanStart)
90import           TcRnTypes                                         (ImportAvails (..),
91                                                                    TcGblEnv (..))
92import           Text.Regex.TDFA                                   (mrAfter,
93                                                                    (=~), (=~~))
97-- | Generate code actions.
99    :: IdeState
100    -> PluginId
101    -> CodeActionParams
102    -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (List (Command |? CodeAction)))
103codeAction state _ (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _range CodeActionContext{_diagnostics=List xs}) = do
104  contents <- LSP.getVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri
105  liftIO $ do
106    let text = Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope) <$> contents
107        mbFile = toNormalizedFilePath' <$> uriToFilePath uri
108    diag <- fmap (\(_, _, d) -> d) . filter (\(p, _, _) -> mbFile == Just p) <$> getDiagnostics state
109    (join -> parsedModule) <- runAction "GhcideCodeActions.getParsedModule" state $ getParsedModule `traverse` mbFile
110    let
111      actions = caRemoveRedundantImports parsedModule text diag xs uri
112               <> caRemoveInvalidExports parsedModule text diag xs uri
113    pure $ Right $ List actions
117iePluginDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
118iePluginDescriptor plId =
119  let old =
120        mkGhcideCAsPlugin [
121           wrap suggestExtendImport
122          , wrap suggestImportDisambiguation
123          , wrap suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod
124          , wrap suggestNewImport
125          , wrap suggestModuleTypo
126          , wrap suggestFixConstructorImport
127          , wrap suggestHideShadow
128          , wrap suggestExportUnusedTopBinding
129          ]
130          plId
131   in old {pluginHandlers = pluginHandlers old <> mkPluginHandler STextDocumentCodeAction codeAction}
133typeSigsPluginDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
134typeSigsPluginDescriptor =
135  mkGhcideCAsPlugin [
136      wrap $ suggestSignature True
137    , wrap suggestFillTypeWildcard
138    , wrap removeRedundantConstraints
139    , wrap suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyContraints
140    , wrap suggestConstraint
141    ]
143bindingsPluginDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
144bindingsPluginDescriptor =
145  mkGhcideCAsPlugin [
146      wrap suggestReplaceIdentifier
147    , wrap suggestImplicitParameter
148    , wrap suggestNewDefinition
149    , wrap suggestDeleteUnusedBinding
150    ]
152fillHolePluginDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
153fillHolePluginDescriptor = mkGhcideCAPlugin $ wrap suggestFillHole
157findSigOfDecl :: (IdP p -> Bool) -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (Sig p)
158findSigOfDecl pred decls =
159  listToMaybe
160    [ sig
161      | L _ (SigD _ sig@(TypeSig _ idsSig _)) <- decls,
162        any (pred . unLoc) idsSig
163    ]
165findSigOfDeclRanged :: Range -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (Sig p)
166findSigOfDeclRanged range decls = do
167  dec <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) decls
168  case dec of
169     L _ (SigD _ sig@TypeSig {})     -> Just sig
170     L _ (ValD _ (bind :: HsBind p)) -> findSigOfBind range bind
171     _                               -> Nothing
173findSigOfBind :: Range -> HsBind p -> Maybe (Sig p)
174findSigOfBind range bind =
175    case bind of
176      FunBind {} -> findSigOfLMatch (unLoc $ mg_alts (fun_matches bind))
177      _          -> Nothing
178  where
179    findSigOfLMatch :: [LMatch p (LHsExpr p)] -> Maybe (Sig p)
180    findSigOfLMatch ls = do
181      match <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) ls
182      findSigOfGRHSs (m_grhss (unLoc match))
184    findSigOfGRHSs :: GRHSs p (LHsExpr p) -> Maybe (Sig p)
185    findSigOfGRHSs grhs = do
186        if _start range `isInsideSrcSpan` (getLoc $ grhssLocalBinds grhs)
187        then findSigOfBinds range (unLoc (grhssLocalBinds grhs)) -- where clause
188        else do
189          grhs <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (grhssGRHSs grhs)
190          case unLoc grhs of
191            GRHS _ _ bd -> findSigOfExpr (unLoc bd)
192            _           -> Nothing
194    findSigOfExpr :: HsExpr p -> Maybe (Sig p)
195    findSigOfExpr = go
196      where
197        go (HsLet _ binds _) = findSigOfBinds range (unLoc binds)
198        go (HsDo _ _ stmts) = do
199          stmtlr <- unLoc <$> findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (unLoc stmts)
200          case stmtlr of
201            LetStmt _ lhsLocalBindsLR -> findSigOfBinds range $ unLoc lhsLocalBindsLR
202            _ -> Nothing
203        go _ = Nothing
205findSigOfBinds :: Range -> HsLocalBinds p -> Maybe (Sig p)
206findSigOfBinds range = go
207  where
208    go (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ binds lsigs)) =
209        case unLoc <$> findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) lsigs of
210          Just sig' -> Just sig'
211          Nothing -> do
212            lHsBindLR <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (bagToList binds)
213            findSigOfBind range (unLoc lHsBindLR)
214    go _ = Nothing
216findInstanceHead :: (Outputable (HsType p)) => DynFlags -> String -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (LHsType p)
217findInstanceHead df instanceHead decls =
218  listToMaybe
219    [ hsib_body
220      | L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = HsIB {hsib_body}})) <- decls,
221        showSDoc df (ppr hsib_body) == instanceHead
222    ]
224findDeclContainingLoc :: Position -> [Located a] -> Maybe (Located a)
225findDeclContainingLoc loc = find (\(L l _) -> loc `isInsideSrcSpan` l)
228-- Single:
229-- This binding for ‘mod’ shadows the existing binding
230--   imported from ‘Prelude’ at haskell-language-server/ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs:10:8-40
231--   (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Real’)typecheck(-Wname-shadowing)
232-- Multi:
233--This binding for ‘pack’ shadows the existing bindings
234--  imported from ‘Data.ByteString’ at B.hs:6:1-22
235--  imported from ‘Data.ByteString.Lazy’ at B.hs:8:1-27
236--  imported from ‘Data.Text’ at B.hs:7:1-16
237suggestHideShadow :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe TcModuleResult -> Maybe HieAstResult -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])]
238suggestHideShadow ps@(L _ HsModule {hsmodImports}) fileContents mTcM mHar Diagnostic {_message, _range}
239  | Just [identifier, modName, s] <-
240      matchRegexUnifySpaces
241        _message
242        "This binding for ‘([^`]+)’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘([^`]+)’ at ([^ ]*)" =
243    suggests identifier modName s
244  | Just [identifier] <-
245      matchRegexUnifySpaces
246        _message
247        "This binding for ‘([^`]+)’ shadows the existing bindings",
248    Just matched <- allMatchRegexUnifySpaces _message "imported from ‘([^’]+)’ at ([^ ]*)",
249    mods <- [(modName, s) | [_, modName, s] <- matched],
250    result <- nubOrdBy (compare `on` fst) $ mods >>= uncurry (suggests identifier),
251    hideAll <- ("Hide " <> identifier <> " from all occurence imports", concat $ snd <$> result) =
252    result <> [hideAll]
253  | otherwise = []
254  where
255    suggests identifier modName s
256      | Just tcM <- mTcM,
257        Just har <- mHar,
258        [s'] <- [x | (x, "") <- readSrcSpan $ T.unpack s],
259        isUnusedImportedId tcM har (T.unpack identifier) (T.unpack modName) (OldRealSrcSpan s'),
260        mDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName hsmodImports $ T.unpack modName,
261        title <- "Hide " <> identifier <> " from " <> modName =
262        if modName == "Prelude" && null mDecl
263          then maybeToList $ (\(_, te) -> (title, [Left te])) <$> newImportToEdit (hideImplicitPreludeSymbol identifier) ps fileContents
264          else maybeToList $ (title,) . pure . pure . hideSymbol (T.unpack identifier) <$> mDecl
265      | otherwise = []
267findImportDeclByModuleName :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> String -> Maybe (LImportDecl GhcPs)
268findImportDeclByModuleName decls modName = flip find decls $ \case
269  (L _ ImportDecl {..}) -> modName == moduleNameString (unLoc ideclName)
270  _                     -> error "impossible"
272isTheSameLine :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool
273isTheSameLine s1 s2
274  | Just sl1 <- getStartLine s1,
275    Just sl2 <- getStartLine s2 =
276    sl1 == sl2
277  | otherwise = False
278  where
279    getStartLine x = srcLocLine . realSrcSpanStart <$> realSpan x
281isUnusedImportedId :: TcModuleResult -> HieAstResult -> String -> String -> SrcSpan -> Bool
283  TcModuleResult {tmrTypechecked = TcGblEnv {tcg_imports = ImportAvails {imp_mods}}}
284  HAR {refMap}
285  identifier
286  modName
287  importSpan
288    | occ <- mkVarOcc identifier,
289      impModsVals <- importedByUser . concat $ moduleEnvElts imp_mods,
290      Just rdrEnv <-
291        listToMaybe
292          [ imv_all_exports
293            | ImportedModsVal {..} <- impModsVals,
294              imv_name == mkModuleName modName,
295              isTheSameLine imv_span importSpan
296          ],
297      [GRE {..}] <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv rdrEnv occ,
298      importedIdentifier <- Right gre_name,
299      refs <- M.lookup importedIdentifier refMap =
300      maybe True (not . any (\(_, IdentifierDetails {..}) -> identInfo == S.singleton Use)) refs
301    | otherwise = False
303suggestRemoveRedundantImport :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
304suggestRemoveRedundantImport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _  HsModule{hsmodImports}} contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
305--     The qualified import of ‘many’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
306    | Just [_, bindings] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "The( qualified)? import of ‘([^’]*)’ from module [^ ]* is redundant"
307    , Just (L _ impDecl) <- find (\(L l _) -> _start _range `isInsideSrcSpan` l && _end _range `isInsideSrcSpan` l ) hsmodImports
308    , Just c <- contents
309    , ranges <- map (rangesForBindingImport impDecl . T.unpack) (T.splitOn ", " bindings)
310    , ranges' <- extendAllToIncludeCommaIfPossible False (indexedByPosition $ T.unpack c) (concat ranges)
311    , not (null ranges')
312    = [( "Remove " <> bindings <> " from import" , [ TextEdit r "" | r <- ranges' ] )]
314-- File.hs:16:1: warning:
315--     The import of `Data.List' is redundant
316--       except perhaps to import instances from `Data.List'
317--     To import instances alone, use: import Data.List()
318    | _message =~ ("The( qualified)? import of [^ ]* is redundant" :: String)
319        = [("Remove import", [TextEdit (extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents _range) ""])]
320    | otherwise = []
322caRemoveRedundantImports :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> [Diagnostic] -> Uri -> [Command |? CodeAction]
323caRemoveRedundantImports m contents digs ctxDigs uri
324  | Just pm <- m,
325    r <- join $ map (\d -> repeat d `zip` suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm contents d) digs,
326    allEdits <- [ e | (_, (_, edits)) <- r, e <- edits],
327    caRemoveAll <- removeAll allEdits,
328    ctxEdits <- [ x | x@(d, _) <- r, d `elem` ctxDigs],
329    not $ null ctxEdits,
330    caRemoveCtx <- map (\(d, (title, tedit)) -> removeSingle title tedit d) ctxEdits
331      = caRemoveCtx ++ [caRemoveAll]
332  | otherwise = []
333  where
334    removeSingle title tedit diagnostic = mkCA title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) Nothing [diagnostic] WorkspaceEdit{..} where
335        _changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
336        _documentChanges = Nothing
337        _changeAnnotations = Nothing
338    removeAll tedit = InR $ CodeAction{..} where
339        _changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
340        _title = "Remove all redundant imports"
341        _kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
342        _diagnostics = Nothing
343        _documentChanges = Nothing
344        _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
345        _isPreferred = Nothing
346        _command = Nothing
347        _disabled = Nothing
348        _xdata = Nothing
349        _changeAnnotations = Nothing
351caRemoveInvalidExports :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> [Diagnostic] -> Uri -> [Command |? CodeAction]
352caRemoveInvalidExports m contents digs ctxDigs uri
353  | Just pm <- m,
354    Just txt <- contents,
355    txt' <- indexedByPosition $ T.unpack txt,
356    r <- mapMaybe (groupDiag pm) digs,
357    r' <- map (\(t,d,rs) -> (t,d,extend txt' rs)) r,
358    caRemoveCtx <- mapMaybe removeSingle r',
359    allRanges <- nubOrd $ [ range | (_,_,ranges) <- r, range <- ranges],
360    allRanges' <- extend txt' allRanges,
361    Just caRemoveAll <- removeAll allRanges',
362    ctxEdits <- [ x | x@(_, d, _) <- r, d `elem` ctxDigs],
363    not $ null ctxEdits
364      = caRemoveCtx ++ [caRemoveAll]
365  | otherwise = []
366  where
367    extend txt ranges = extendAllToIncludeCommaIfPossible True txt ranges
369    groupDiag pm dig
370      | Just (title, ranges) <- suggestRemoveRedundantExport pm dig
371      = Just (title, dig, ranges)
372      | otherwise = Nothing
374    removeSingle (_, _, []) = Nothing
375    removeSingle (title, diagnostic, ranges) = Just $ InR $ CodeAction{..} where
376        tedit = concatMap (\r -> [TextEdit r ""]) $ nubOrd ranges
377        _changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
378        _title = title
379        _kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
380        _diagnostics = Just $ List [diagnostic]
381        _documentChanges = Nothing
382        _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
383        _command = Nothing
384        _isPreferred = Nothing
385        _disabled = Nothing
386        _xdata = Nothing
387        _changeAnnotations = Nothing
388    removeAll [] = Nothing
389    removeAll ranges = Just $ InR $ CodeAction{..} where
390        tedit = concatMap (\r -> [TextEdit r ""]) ranges
391        _changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
392        _title = "Remove all redundant exports"
393        _kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
394        _diagnostics = Nothing
395        _documentChanges = Nothing
396        _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
397        _command = Nothing
398        _isPreferred = Nothing
399        _disabled = Nothing
400        _xdata = Nothing
401        _changeAnnotations = Nothing
403suggestRemoveRedundantExport :: ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> Maybe (T.Text, [Range])
404suggestRemoveRedundantExport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{..}} Diagnostic{..}
405  | msg <- unifySpaces _message
406  , Just export <- hsmodExports
407  , Just exportRange <- getLocatedRange export
408  , exports <- unLoc export
409  , Just (removeFromExport, !ranges) <- fmap (getRanges exports . notInScope) (extractNotInScopeName msg)
410                         <|> (,[_range]) <$> matchExportItem msg
411                         <|> (,[_range]) <$> matchDupExport msg
412  , subRange _range exportRange
413    = Just ("Remove ‘" <> removeFromExport <> "’ from export", ranges)
414  where
415    matchExportItem msg = regexSingleMatch msg "The export item ‘([^’]+)’"
416    matchDupExport msg = regexSingleMatch msg "Duplicate ‘([^’]+)’ in export list"
417    getRanges exports txt = case smallerRangesForBindingExport exports (T.unpack txt) of
418      []     -> (txt, [_range])
419      ranges -> (txt, ranges)
420suggestRemoveRedundantExport _ _ = Nothing
422suggestDeleteUnusedBinding :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
424  ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}}
425  contents
426  Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
427-- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’
428    | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: ‘([^ ]+)’"
429    , Just indexedContent <- indexedByPosition . T.unpack <$> contents
430      = let edits = flip TextEdit "" <$> relatedRanges indexedContent (T.unpack name)
431        in ([("Delete ‘" <> name <> "’", edits) | not (null edits)])
432    | otherwise = []
433    where
434      relatedRanges indexedContent name =
435        concatMap (findRelatedSpans indexedContent name) hsmodDecls
436      toRange = realSrcSpanToRange
437      extendForSpaces = extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible
439      findRelatedSpans :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> Located (HsDecl GhcPs) -> [Range]
440      findRelatedSpans
441        indexedContent
442        name
443        (L (OldRealSrcSpan l) (ValD _ (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches)))) =
444        case lname of
445          (L nLoc _name) | isTheBinding nLoc ->
446            let findSig (L (OldRealSrcSpan l) (SigD _ sig)) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig
447                findSig _ = []
448            in
449              extendForSpaces indexedContent (toRange l) :
450              concatMap findSig hsmodDecls
451          _ -> concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches
452      findRelatedSpans _ _ _ = []
454      extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind
455        :: HsBind GhcPs
456        -> Maybe (Located (IdP GhcPs), [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)])
457      extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind
458        FunBind
459          { fun_id=lname
460          , fun_matches=MG {mg_alts=L _ matches}
461          } = Just (lname, matches)
462      extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind _ = Nothing
464      findRelatedSigSpan :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> RealSrcSpan -> Sig GhcPs -> [Range]
465      findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig =
466        let maybeSpan = findRelatedSigSpan1 name sig
467        in case maybeSpan of
468          Just (_span, True) -> pure $ extendForSpaces indexedContent $ toRange l -- a :: Int
469          Just (OldRealSrcSpan span, False) -> pure $ toRange span -- a, b :: Int, a is unused
470          _ -> []
472      -- Second of the tuple means there is only one match
473      findRelatedSigSpan1 :: String -> Sig GhcPs -> Maybe (SrcSpan, Bool)
474      findRelatedSigSpan1 name (TypeSig _ lnames _) =
475        let maybeIdx = findIndex (\(L _ id) -> isSameName id name) lnames
476        in case maybeIdx of
477            Nothing -> Nothing
478            Just _ | length lnames == 1 -> Just (getLoc $ head lnames, True)
479            Just idx ->
480              let targetLname = getLoc $ lnames !! idx
481                  startLoc = srcSpanStart targetLname
482                  endLoc = srcSpanEnd targetLname
483                  startLoc' = if idx == 0
484                              then startLoc
485                              else srcSpanEnd . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx - 1)
486                  endLoc' = if idx == 0 && idx < length lnames - 1
487                            then srcSpanStart . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx + 1)
488                            else endLoc
489              in Just (mkSrcSpan startLoc' endLoc', False)
490      findRelatedSigSpan1 _ _ = Nothing
492      -- for where clause
493      findRelatedSpanForMatch
494        :: PositionIndexedString
495        -> String
496        -> LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
497        -> [Range]
498      findRelatedSpanForMatch
499        indexedContent
500        name
501        (L _ Match{m_grhss=GRHSs{grhssLocalBinds}}) = do
502        case grhssLocalBinds of
503          (L _ (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ bag lsigs))) ->
504            if isEmptyBag bag
505            then []
506            else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForHsBind indexedContent name lsigs) bag
507          _ -> []
508      findRelatedSpanForMatch _ _ _ = []
510      findRelatedSpanForHsBind
511        :: PositionIndexedString
512        -> String
513        -> [LSig GhcPs]
514        -> LHsBind GhcPs
515        -> [Range]
516      findRelatedSpanForHsBind
517        indexedContent
518        name
519        lsigs
520        (L (OldRealSrcSpan l) (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches))) =
521        if isTheBinding (getLoc lname)
522        then
523          let findSig (L (OldRealSrcSpan l) sig) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig
524              findSig _ = []
525          in extendForSpaces indexedContent (toRange l) : concatMap findSig lsigs
526        else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches
527      findRelatedSpanForHsBind _ _ _ _ = []
529      isTheBinding :: SrcSpan -> Bool
530      isTheBinding span = srcSpanToRange span == Just _range
532      isSameName :: IdP GhcPs -> String -> Bool
533      isSameName x name = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == name
535data ExportsAs = ExportName | ExportPattern | ExportAll
536  deriving (Eq)
538getLocatedRange :: Located a -> Maybe Range
539getLocatedRange = srcSpanToRange . getLoc
541suggestExportUnusedTopBinding :: Maybe T.Text -> ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
542suggestExportUnusedTopBinding srcOpt ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{..}} Diagnostic{..}
543-- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’
544-- Foo.hs:5:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: type constructor or class ‘F’
545-- Foo.hs:6:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: data constructor ‘Bar’
546  | Just source <- srcOpt
547  , Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: ‘([^ ]+)’"
548                   <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: type constructor or class ‘([^ ]+)’"
549                   <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: data constructor ‘([^ ]+)’"
550  , Just (exportType, _) <- find (matchWithDiagnostic _range . snd)
551                            . mapMaybe
552                                (\(L l b) -> if maybe False isTopLevel $ srcSpanToRange l
553                                                then exportsAs b else Nothing)
554                            $ hsmodDecls
555  , Just pos <- fmap _end . getLocatedRange =<< hsmodExports
556  , Just needComma <- needsComma source <$> hsmodExports
557  , let exportName = (if needComma then "," else "") <> printExport exportType name
558        insertPos = pos {_character = pred $ _character pos}
559  = [("Export ‘" <> name <> "’", TextEdit (Range insertPos insertPos) exportName)]
560  | otherwise = []
561  where
562    -- we get the last export and the closing bracket and check for comma in that range
563    needsComma :: T.Text -> Located [LIE GhcPs] -> Bool
564    needsComma _ (L _ []) = False
565    needsComma source (L (OldRealSrcSpan l) exports) =
566      let closeParan = _end $ realSrcSpanToRange l
567          lastExport = fmap _end . getLocatedRange $ last exports
568      in case lastExport of
569        Just lastExport -> not $ T.isInfixOf "," $ textInRange (Range lastExport closeParan) source
570        _ -> False
571    needsComma _ _ = False
573    opLetter :: String
574    opLetter = ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
576    parenthesizeIfNeeds :: Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text
577    parenthesizeIfNeeds needsTypeKeyword x
578      | T.head x `elem` opLetter = (if needsTypeKeyword then "type " else "") <> "(" <> x <>")"
579      | otherwise = x
581    matchWithDiagnostic :: Range -> Located (IdP GhcPs) -> Bool
582    matchWithDiagnostic Range{_start=l,_end=r} x =
583      let loc = fmap _start . getLocatedRange $ x
584       in loc >= Just l && loc <= Just r
586    printExport :: ExportsAs -> T.Text -> T.Text
587    printExport ExportName x    = parenthesizeIfNeeds False x
588    printExport ExportPattern x = "pattern " <> x
589    printExport ExportAll x     = parenthesizeIfNeeds True x <> "(..)"
591    isTopLevel :: Range -> Bool
592    isTopLevel l = (_character . _start) l == 0
594    exportsAs :: HsDecl p -> Maybe (ExportsAs, Located (IdP p))
595    exportsAs (ValD _ FunBind {fun_id})          = Just (ExportName, fun_id)
596    exportsAs (ValD _ (PatSynBind _ PSB {psb_id})) = Just (ExportPattern, psb_id)
597    exportsAs (TyClD _ SynDecl{tcdLName})      = Just (ExportName, tcdLName)
598    exportsAs (TyClD _ DataDecl{tcdLName})     = Just (ExportAll, tcdLName)
599    exportsAs (TyClD _ ClassDecl{tcdLName})    = Just (ExportAll, tcdLName)
600    exportsAs (TyClD _ FamDecl{tcdFam})        = Just (ExportAll, fdLName tcdFam)
601    exportsAs _                                = Nothing
603suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyContraints :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
604suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyContraints sourceOpt Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
605-- File.hs:52:41: warning:
606--     * Defaulting the following constraint to type ‘Integer’
607--        Num p0 arising from the literal ‘1’
608--     * In the expression: 1
609--       In an equation for ‘f’: f = 1
610-- File.hs:52:41: warning:
611--     * Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘[Char]’
612--        (Show a0)
613--          arising from a use of ‘traceShow’
614--          at A.hs:228:7-25
615--        (IsString a0)
616--          arising from the literal ‘"debug"’
617--          at A.hs:228:17-23
618--     * In the expression: traceShow "debug" a
619--       In an equation for ‘f’: f a = traceShow "debug" a
620-- File.hs:52:41: warning:
621--     * Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘[Char]’
622--         (Show a0)
623--          arising from a use of ‘traceShow’
624--          at A.hs:255:28-43
625--        (IsString a0)
626--          arising from the literal ‘"test"’
627--          at /Users/serhiip/workspace/ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs:255:38-43
628--     * In the fourth argument of ‘seq’, namely ‘(traceShow "test")’
629--       In the expression: seq "test" seq "test" (traceShow "test")
630--       In an equation for ‘f’:
631--          f = seq "test" seq "test" (traceShow "test")
632    | Just [ty, lit] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False True False)
633                        <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False False True)
634                        <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False False False)
635            = codeEdit ty lit (makeAnnotatedLit ty lit)
636    | Just source <- sourceOpt
637    , Just [ty, lit] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat True True False False)
638            = let lit' = makeAnnotatedLit ty lit;
639                  tir = textInRange _range source
640              in codeEdit ty lit (T.replace lit lit' tir)
641    | otherwise = []
642    where
643      makeAnnotatedLit ty lit = "(" <> lit <> " :: " <> ty <> ")"
644      pat multiple at inArg inExpr = T.concat [ ".*Defaulting the following constraint"
645                                       , if multiple then "s" else ""
646                                       , " to type ‘([^ ]+)’ "
647                                       , ".*arising from the literal ‘(.+)’"
648                                       , if inArg then ".+In the.+argument" else ""
649                                       , if at then ".+at" else ""
650                                       , if inExpr then ".+In the expression" else ""
651                                       , ".+In the expression"
652                                       ]
653      codeEdit ty lit replacement =
654        let title = "Add type annotation ‘" <> ty <> "’ to ‘" <> lit <> "’"
655            edits = [TextEdit _range replacement]
656        in  [( title, edits )]
659suggestReplaceIdentifier :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
660suggestReplaceIdentifier contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
661-- File.hs:52:41: error:
662--     * Variable not in scope:
663--         suggestAcion :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range
664--     * Perhaps you meant ‘suggestAction’ (line 83)
665-- File.hs:94:37: error:
666--     Not in scope: ‘T.isPrfixOf’
667--     Perhaps you meant one of these:
668--       ‘T.isPrefixOf’ (imported from Data.Text),
669--       ‘T.isInfixOf’ (imported from Data.Text),
670--       ‘T.isSuffixOf’ (imported from Data.Text)
671--     Module ‘Data.Text’ does not export ‘isPrfixOf’.
672    | renameSuggestions@(_:_) <- extractRenamableTerms _message
673        = [ ("Replace with ‘" <> name <> "’", [mkRenameEdit contents _range name]) | name <- renameSuggestions ]
674    | otherwise = []
676suggestNewDefinition :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
677suggestNewDefinition ideOptions parsedModule contents Diagnostic{_message, _range}
678--     * Variable not in scope:
679--         suggestAcion :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range
680    | Just [name, typ] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces message "Variable not in scope: ([^ ]+) :: ([^*•]+)"
681    = newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name typ
682    | Just [name, typ] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces message "Found hole: _([^ ]+) :: ([^*•]+) Or perhaps"
683    , [(label, newDefinitionEdits)] <- newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name typ
684    = [(label, mkRenameEdit contents _range name : newDefinitionEdits)]
685    | otherwise = []
686    where
687      message = unifySpaces _message
689newDefinitionAction :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
690newDefinitionAction IdeOptions{..} parsedModule Range{_start} name typ
691    | Range _ lastLineP : _ <-
692      [ realSrcSpanToRange sp
693      | (L l@(OldRealSrcSpan sp) _) <- hsmodDecls
694      , _start `isInsideSrcSpan` l]
695    , nextLineP <- Position{ _line = _line lastLineP + 1, _character = 0}
696    = [ ("Define " <> sig
697        , [TextEdit (Range nextLineP nextLineP) (T.unlines ["", sig, name <> " = error \"not implemented\""])]
698        )]
699    | otherwise = []
700  where
701    colon = if optNewColonConvention then " : " else " :: "
702    sig = name <> colon <> T.dropWhileEnd isSpace typ
703    ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}} = parsedModule
706suggestFillTypeWildcard :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
707suggestFillTypeWildcard Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
708-- Foo.hs:3:8: error:
709--     * Found type wildcard `_' standing for `p -> p1 -> p'
711    | "Found type wildcard" `T.isInfixOf` _message
712    , " standing for " `T.isInfixOf` _message
713    , typeSignature <- extractWildCardTypeSignature _message
714        =  [("Use type signature: ‘" <> typeSignature <> "’", TextEdit _range typeSignature)]
715    | otherwise = []
717suggestModuleTypo :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
718suggestModuleTypo Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
719-- src/Development/IDE/Core/Compile.hs:58:1: error:
720--     Could not find module ‘Data.Cha’
721--     Perhaps you meant Data.Char (from base-
722    | "Could not find module" `T.isInfixOf` _message
723    , "Perhaps you meant"     `T.isInfixOf` _message = let
724      findSuggestedModules = map (head . T.words) . drop 2 . T.lines
725      proposeModule mod = ("replace with " <> mod, TextEdit _range mod)
726      in map proposeModule $ nubOrd $ findSuggestedModules _message
727    | otherwise = []
729suggestFillHole :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
730suggestFillHole Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
731    | Just holeName <- extractHoleName _message
732    , (holeFits, refFits) <- processHoleSuggestions (T.lines _message) =
733      let isInfixHole = _message =~ addBackticks holeName :: Bool in
734        map (proposeHoleFit holeName False isInfixHole) holeFits
735        ++ map (proposeHoleFit holeName True isInfixHole) refFits
736    | otherwise = []
737    where
738      extractHoleName = fmap head . flip matchRegexUnifySpaces "Found hole: ([^ ]*)"
739      addBackticks text = "`" <> text <> "`"
740      addParens text = "(" <> text <> ")"
741      proposeHoleFit holeName parenthise isInfixHole name =
742        let isInfixOperator = T.head name == '('
743            name' = getOperatorNotation isInfixHole isInfixOperator name in
744          ( "replace " <> holeName <> " with " <> name
745          , TextEdit _range (if parenthise then addParens name' else name')
746          )
747      getOperatorNotation True False name                    = addBackticks name
748      getOperatorNotation True True name                     = T.drop 1 (T.dropEnd 1 name)
749      getOperatorNotation _isInfixHole _isInfixOperator name = name
751processHoleSuggestions :: [T.Text] -> ([T.Text], [T.Text])
752processHoleSuggestions mm = (holeSuggestions, refSuggestions)
754    • Found hole: _ :: LSP.Handlers
756      Valid hole fits include def
757      Valid refinement hole fits include
758        fromMaybe (_ :: LSP.Handlers) (_ :: Maybe LSP.Handlers)
759        fromJust (_ :: Maybe LSP.Handlers)
760        haskell-lsp-types-$sel:_value:ProgressParams (_ :: ProgressParams
761                                                                                                        LSP.Handlers)
762        T.foldl (_ :: LSP.Handlers -> Char -> LSP.Handlers)
763                (_ :: LSP.Handlers)
764                (_ :: T.Text)
765        T.foldl' (_ :: LSP.Handlers -> Char -> LSP.Handlers)
766                 (_ :: LSP.Handlers)
767                 (_ :: T.Text)
769  where
770    t = id @T.Text
771    holeSuggestions = do
772      -- get the text indented under Valid hole fits
773      validHolesSection <-
774        getIndentedGroupsBy (=~ t " *Valid (hole fits|substitutions) include") mm
775      -- the Valid hole fits line can contain a hole fit
776      holeFitLine <-
777        mapHead
778            (mrAfter . (=~ t " *Valid (hole fits|substitutions) include"))
779            validHolesSection
780      let holeFit = T.strip $ T.takeWhile (/= ':') holeFitLine
781      guard (not $ T.null holeFit)
782      return holeFit
783    refSuggestions = do -- @[]
784      -- get the text indented under Valid refinement hole fits
785      refinementSection <-
786        getIndentedGroupsBy (=~ t " *Valid refinement hole fits include") mm
787      -- get the text for each hole fit
788      holeFitLines <- getIndentedGroups (tail refinementSection)
789      let holeFit = T.strip $ T.unwords holeFitLines
790      guard $ not $ holeFit =~ t "Some refinement hole fits suppressed"
791      return holeFit
793    mapHead f (a:aa) = f a : aa
794    mapHead _ []     = []
796-- > getIndentedGroups [" H1", "  l1", "  l2", " H2", "  l3"] = [[" H1,", "  l1", "  l2"], [" H2", "  l3"]]
797getIndentedGroups :: [T.Text] -> [[T.Text]]
798getIndentedGroups [] = []
799getIndentedGroups ll@(l:_) = getIndentedGroupsBy ((== indentation l) . indentation) ll
800-- |
801-- > getIndentedGroupsBy (" H" `isPrefixOf`) [" H1", "  l1", "  l2", " H2", "  l3"] = [[" H1", "  l1", "  l2"], [" H2", "  l3"]]
802getIndentedGroupsBy :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> [T.Text] -> [[T.Text]]
803getIndentedGroupsBy pred inp = case dropWhile (not.pred) inp of
804    (l:ll) -> case span (\l' -> indentation l < indentation l') ll of
805        (indented, rest) -> (l:indented) : getIndentedGroupsBy pred rest
806    _ -> []
808indentation :: T.Text -> Int
809indentation = T.length . T.takeWhile isSpace
811suggestExtendImport :: ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, Rewrite)]
812suggestExtendImport exportsMap (L _ HsModule {hsmodImports}) Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
813    | Just [binding, mod, srcspan] <-
814      matchRegexUnifySpaces _message
815      "Perhaps you want to add ‘([^’]*)’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’ *\\((.*)\\).$"
816    = suggestions hsmodImports binding mod srcspan
817    | Just (binding, mod_srcspan) <-
818      matchRegExMultipleImports _message
819    = mod_srcspan >>= uncurry (suggestions hsmodImports binding)
820    | otherwise = []
821    where
822        canUseDatacon = case extractNotInScopeName _message of
823                            Just NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass{} -> False
824                            _                                       -> True
826        suggestions decls binding mod srcspan
827          | range <- case [ x | (x,"") <- readSrcSpan (T.unpack srcspan)] of
828                [s] -> let x = realSrcSpanToRange s
829                   in x{_end = (_end x){_character = succ (_character (_end x))}}
830                _ -> error "bug in srcspan parser",
831            Just decl <- findImportDeclByRange decls range,
832            Just ident <- lookupExportMap binding mod
833          = [ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle importStyle <> " to the import list of " <> mod
834              , quickFixImportKind' "extend" importStyle
835              , uncurry extendImport (unImportStyle importStyle) decl
836              )
837            | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles ident
838            ]
839          | otherwise = []
840        lookupExportMap binding mod
841          | Just match <- Map.lookup binding (getExportsMap exportsMap)
842          -- Only for the situation that data constructor name is same as type constructor name,
843          -- let ident with parent be in front of the one without.
844          , sortedMatch <- sortBy (\ident1 ident2 -> parent ident2 `compare` parent ident1) (Set.toList match)
845          , idents <- filter (\ident -> moduleNameText ident == mod && (canUseDatacon || not (isDatacon ident))) sortedMatch
846          , (not . null) idents -- Ensure fallback while `idents` is empty
847          , ident <- head idents
848          = Just ident
850            -- fallback to using GHC suggestion even though it is not always correct
851          | otherwise
852          = Just IdentInfo
853                { name = mkVarOcc $ T.unpack binding
854                , rendered = binding
855                , parent = Nothing
856                , isDatacon = False
857                , moduleNameText = mod}
859data HidingMode
860    = HideOthers [ModuleTarget]
861    | ToQualified
862        Bool
863        -- ^ Parenthesised?
864        ModuleName
865    deriving (Show)
867data ModuleTarget
868    = ExistingImp (NonEmpty (LImportDecl GhcPs))
869    | ImplicitPrelude [LImportDecl GhcPs]
870    deriving (Show)
872targetImports :: ModuleTarget -> [LImportDecl GhcPs]
873targetImports (ExistingImp ne)     = NE.toList ne
874targetImports (ImplicitPrelude xs) = xs
876oneAndOthers :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
877oneAndOthers = go
878    where
879        go []       = []
880        go (x : xs) = (x, xs) : map (second (x :)) (go xs)
882isPreludeImplicit :: DynFlags -> Bool
883isPreludeImplicit = xopt Lang.ImplicitPrelude
885-- | Suggests disambiguation for ambiguous symbols.
886suggestImportDisambiguation ::
887    DynFlags ->
888    Maybe T.Text ->
889    ParsedSource ->
890    T.Text ->
891    Diagnostic ->
892    [(T.Text, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])]
893suggestImportDisambiguation df (Just txt) ps@(L _ HsModule {hsmodImports}) fileContents diag@Diagnostic {..}
894    | Just [ambiguous] <-
895        matchRegexUnifySpaces
896            _message
897            "Ambiguous occurrence ‘([^’]+)’"
898      , Just modules <-
899            map last
900                <$> allMatchRegexUnifySpaces _message "imported from ‘([^’]+)’" =
901        suggestions ambiguous modules
902    | otherwise = []
903    where
904        locDic =
905            fmap (NE.fromList . DL.toList) $
906            Map.fromListWith (<>) $
907                map
908                    ( \i@(L _ idecl) ->
909                        ( T.pack $ moduleNameString $ unLoc $ ideclName idecl
910                        , DL.singleton i
911                        )
912                    )
913                    hsmodImports
914        toModuleTarget "Prelude"
915            | isPreludeImplicit df
916             = Just $ ImplicitPrelude $
917                maybe [] NE.toList (Map.lookup "Prelude" locDic)
918        toModuleTarget mName = ExistingImp <$> Map.lookup mName locDic
919        parensed =
920            "(" `T.isPrefixOf` T.strip (textInRange _range txt)
921        -- > removeAllDuplicates [1, 1, 2, 3, 2] = [3]
922        removeAllDuplicates = map head . filter ((==1) <$> length) . group . sort
923        hasDuplicate xs = length xs /= length (S.fromList xs)
924        suggestions symbol mods
925          | hasDuplicate mods = case mapM toModuleTarget (removeAllDuplicates mods) of
926                                  Just targets -> suggestionsImpl symbol (map (, []) targets)
927                                  Nothing      -> []
928          | otherwise         = case mapM toModuleTarget mods of
929                                  Just targets -> suggestionsImpl symbol (oneAndOthers targets)
930                                  Nothing      -> []
931        suggestionsImpl symbol targetsWithRestImports =
932            sortOn fst
933            [ ( renderUniquify mode modNameText symbol
934              , disambiguateSymbol ps fileContents diag symbol mode
935              )
936            | (modTarget, restImports) <- targetsWithRestImports
937            , let modName = targetModuleName modTarget
938                  modNameText = T.pack $ moduleNameString modName
939            , mode <-
940                [ ToQualified parensed qual
941                | ExistingImp imps <- [modTarget]
942#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
943                {- HLINT ignore suggestImportDisambiguation "Use nubOrd" -}
944                -- TODO: The use of nub here is slow and maybe wrong for UnhelpfulLocation
945                -- nubOrd can't be used since SrcSpan is intentionally no Ord
946                , L _ qual <- nub $ mapMaybe (ideclAs . unLoc)
948                , L _ qual <- nubOrd $ mapMaybe (ideclAs . unLoc)
950                    $ NE.toList imps
951                ]
952                ++ [ToQualified parensed modName
953                    | any (occursUnqualified symbol . unLoc)
954                        (targetImports modTarget)
955                    || case modTarget of
956                        ImplicitPrelude{} -> True
957                        _                 -> False
958                    ]
959                ++ [HideOthers restImports | not (null restImports)]
960            ]
961        renderUniquify HideOthers {} modName symbol =
962            "Use " <> modName <> " for " <> symbol <> ", hiding other imports"
963        renderUniquify (ToQualified _ qual) _ symbol =
964            "Replace with qualified: "
965                <> T.pack (moduleNameString qual)
966                <> "."
967                <> symbol
968suggestImportDisambiguation _ _ _ _ _ = []
970occursUnqualified :: T.Text -> ImportDecl GhcPs -> Bool
971occursUnqualified symbol ImportDecl{..}
972    | isNothing ideclAs = Just False /=
973            -- I don't find this particularly comprehensible,
974            -- but HLint suggested me to do so...
975        (ideclHiding <&> \(isHiding, L _ ents) ->
976            let occurs = any ((symbol `symbolOccursIn`) . unLoc) ents
977            in isHiding && not occurs || not isHiding && occurs
978        )
979occursUnqualified _ _ = False
981symbolOccursIn :: T.Text -> IE GhcPs -> Bool
982symbolOccursIn symb = any ((== symb). showNameWithoutUniques) . ieNames
984targetModuleName :: ModuleTarget -> ModuleName
985targetModuleName ImplicitPrelude{} = mkModuleName "Prelude"
986targetModuleName (ExistingImp (L _ ImportDecl{..} :| _)) =
987    unLoc ideclName
988targetModuleName (ExistingImp _) =
989    error "Cannot happen!"
991disambiguateSymbol ::
992    ParsedSource ->
993    T.Text ->
994    Diagnostic ->
995    T.Text ->
996    HidingMode ->
997    [Either TextEdit Rewrite]
998disambiguateSymbol pm fileContents Diagnostic {..} (T.unpack -> symbol) = \case
999    (HideOthers hiddens0) ->
1000        [ Right $ hideSymbol symbol idecl
1001        | ExistingImp idecls <- hiddens0
1002        , idecl <- NE.toList idecls
1003        ]
1004            ++ mconcat
1005                [ if null imps
1006                    then maybeToList $ Left . snd <$> newImportToEdit (hideImplicitPreludeSymbol $ T.pack symbol) pm fileContents
1007                    else Right . hideSymbol symbol <$> imps
1008                | ImplicitPrelude imps <- hiddens0
1009                ]
1010    (ToQualified parensed qualMod) ->
1011        let occSym = mkVarOcc symbol
1012            rdr = Qual qualMod occSym
1013         in Right <$> [ if parensed
1014                then Rewrite (rangeToSrcSpan "<dummy>" _range) $ \df ->
1015                    liftParseAST @(HsExpr GhcPs) df $
1016                    prettyPrint $
1017                        HsVar @GhcPs noExtField $
1018                            L (oldUnhelpfulSpan  "") rdr
1019                else Rewrite (rangeToSrcSpan "<dummy>" _range) $ \df ->
1020                    liftParseAST @RdrName df $
1021                    prettyPrint $ L (oldUnhelpfulSpan  "") rdr
1022            ]
1024findImportDeclByRange :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> Range -> Maybe (LImportDecl GhcPs)
1025findImportDeclByRange xs range = find (\(L l _)-> srcSpanToRange l == Just range) xs
1027suggestFixConstructorImport :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
1028suggestFixConstructorImport Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
1029    -- ‘Success’ is a data constructor of ‘Result’
1030    -- To import it use
1031    -- import Data.Aeson.Types( Result( Success ) )
1032    -- or
1033    -- import Data.Aeson.Types( Result(..) ) (lsp-ui)
1034  | Just [constructor, typ] <-
1035    matchRegexUnifySpaces _message
1036    "‘([^’]*)’ is a data constructor of ‘([^’]*)’ To import it use"
1037  = let fixedImport = typ <> "(" <> constructor <> ")"
1038    in [("Fix import of " <> fixedImport, TextEdit _range fixedImport)]
1039  | otherwise = []
1040-- | Suggests a constraint for a declaration for which a constraint is missing.
1041suggestConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
1042suggestConstraint df parsedModule diag@Diagnostic {..}
1043  | Just missingConstraint <- findMissingConstraint _message
1044  = let codeAction = if _message =~ ("the type signature for:" :: String)
1045                        then suggestFunctionConstraint df parsedModule
1046                        else suggestInstanceConstraint df parsedModule
1047     in codeAction diag missingConstraint
1048  | otherwise = []
1049    where
1050      findMissingConstraint :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
1051      findMissingConstraint t =
1052        let regex = "(No instance for|Could not deduce) \\((.+)\\) arising from" -- a use of / a do statement
1053            regexImplicitParams = "Could not deduce: (\\?.+) arising from a use of"
1054            match = matchRegexUnifySpaces t regex
1055            matchImplicitParams = matchRegexUnifySpaces t regexImplicitParams
1056        in match <|> matchImplicitParams <&> last
1058-- | Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration for which a constraint is missing.
1059suggestInstanceConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
1061suggestInstanceConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
1062  | Just instHead <- instanceHead
1063  = [(actionTitle missingConstraint , appendConstraint (T.unpack missingConstraint) instHead)]
1064  | otherwise = []
1065    where
1066      instanceHead
1067        -- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with no existing constraints.
1068        -- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
1069        --   Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the instance declaration
1070        -- • In the expression: x == y
1071        --   In an equation for ‘==’: (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y
1072        --   In the instance declaration for ‘Eq (Wrap a)’
1073        | Just [instanceDeclaration] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "In the instance declaration for ‘([^`]*)’"
1074        , Just instHead <- findInstanceHead df (T.unpack instanceDeclaration) hsmodDecls
1075        = Just instHead
1076        -- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with one or more existing constraints.
1077        -- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
1078        --   from the context: Eq a
1079        --     bound by the instance declaration at /path/to/Main.hs:7:10-32
1080        --   Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the instance declaration
1081        -- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘x' == y'’
1082        --   In the expression: x == y && x' == y'
1083        --   In an equation for ‘==’:
1084        --       (Pair x x') == (Pair y y') = x == y && x' == y'
1085        | Just [instanceLineStr, constraintFirstCharStr]
1086            <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "bound by the instance declaration at .+:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"
1087        , Just (L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = HsIB{hsib_body}})))
1088            <- findDeclContainingLoc (Position (readPositionNumber instanceLineStr) (readPositionNumber constraintFirstCharStr)) hsmodDecls
1089        = Just hsib_body
1090        | otherwise
1091        = Nothing
1093      readPositionNumber :: T.Text -> Int
1094      readPositionNumber = T.unpack >>> read
1096      actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text
1097      actionTitle constraint = "Add `" <> constraint
1098        <> "` to the context of the instance declaration"
1100suggestImplicitParameter ::
1101  ParsedSource ->
1102  Diagnostic ->
1103  [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
1104suggestImplicitParameter (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {_message, _range}
1105  | Just [implicitT] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "Unbound implicit parameter \\(([^:]+::.+)\\) arising",
1106    Just (L _ (ValD _ FunBind {fun_id = L _ funId})) <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start _range) hsmodDecls,
1107    Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC {hswc_body = HsIB {hsib_body}}) <- findSigOfDecl (== funId) hsmodDecls
1108    =
1109      [( "Add " <> implicitT <> " to the context of " <> T.pack (printRdrName funId)
1110        , appendConstraint (T.unpack implicitT) hsib_body)]
1111  | otherwise = []
1113findTypeSignatureName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
1114findTypeSignatureName t = matchRegexUnifySpaces t "([^ ]+) :: " <&> head
1116-- | Suggests a constraint for a type signature with any number of existing constraints.
1117suggestFunctionConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
1119suggestFunctionConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
1120-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
1121--   Possible fix:
1122--     add (Eq a) to the context of
1123--       the type signature for:
1124--         eq :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool
1125-- • In the expression: x == y
1126--   In an equation for ‘eq’: eq x y = x == y
1128-- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
1129--   from the context: Eq a
1130--     bound by the type signature for:
1131--                eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool
1132--     at Main.hs:5:1-42
1133--   Possible fix:
1134--     add (Eq b) to the context of
1135--       the type signature for:
1136--         eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool
1137-- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘y == y'’
1138--   In the expression: x == x' && y == y'
1139--   In an equation for ‘eq’:
1140--       eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
1141  | Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message
1142  , Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC{hswc_body = HsIB {hsib_body = sig}})
1143    <- findSigOfDecl ((T.unpack typeSignatureName ==) . showSDoc df . ppr) hsmodDecls
1144  , title <- actionTitle missingConstraint typeSignatureName
1145  = [(title, appendConstraint (T.unpack missingConstraint) sig)]
1146  | otherwise
1147  = []
1148    where
1149      actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
1150      actionTitle constraint typeSignatureName = "Add `" <> constraint
1151        <> "` to the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`"
1153-- | Suggests the removal of a redundant constraint for a type signature.
1154removeRedundantConstraints :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
1155removeRedundantConstraints df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic{..}
1156-- • Redundant constraint: Eq a
1157-- • In the type signature for:
1158--      foo :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a
1159-- • Redundant constraints: (Monoid a, Show a)
1160-- • In the type signature for:
1161--      foo :: forall a. (Num a, Monoid a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> Bool
1162  -- Account for both "Redundant constraint" and "Redundant constraints".
1163  | "Redundant constraint" `T.isInfixOf` _message
1164  , Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message
1165  , Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC{hswc_body = HsIB {hsib_body = sig}})
1166    <- findSigOfDeclRanged _range hsmodDecls
1167  , Just redundantConstraintList <- findRedundantConstraints _message
1168  , rewrite <- removeConstraint (toRemove df redundantConstraintList) sig
1169      = [(actionTitle redundantConstraintList typeSignatureName, rewrite)]
1170  | otherwise = []
1171    where
1172      toRemove df list a = showSDoc df (ppr a) `elem` (T.unpack <$> list)
1174      parseConstraints :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
1175      parseConstraints t = t
1176        & (T.strip >>> stripConstraintsParens >>> T.splitOn ",")
1177        <&> T.strip
1179      stripConstraintsParens :: T.Text -> T.Text
1180      stripConstraintsParens constraints =
1181        if "(" `T.isPrefixOf` constraints
1182           then constraints & T.drop 1 & T.dropEnd 1 & T.strip
1183           else constraints
1185      findRedundantConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe [T.Text]
1186      findRedundantConstraints t = t
1187        & T.lines
1188        & head
1189        & T.strip
1190        & (`matchRegexUnifySpaces` "Redundant constraints?: (.+)")
1191        <&> (head >>> parseConstraints)
1193      formatConstraints :: [T.Text] -> T.Text
1194      formatConstraints [] = ""
1195      formatConstraints [constraint] = constraint
1196      formatConstraints constraintList = constraintList
1197        & T.intercalate ", "
1198        & \cs -> "(" <> cs <> ")"
1200      actionTitle :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> T.Text
1201      actionTitle constraintList typeSignatureName =
1202        "Remove redundant constraint" <> (if length constraintList == 1 then "" else "s") <> " `"
1203        <> formatConstraints constraintList
1204        <> "` from the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`"
1208suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod :: ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])]
1209suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod packageExportsMap ps fileContents Diagnostic {_message}
1210  | Just [methodName, className] <-
1211      matchRegexUnifySpaces
1212        _message
1213        "‘([^’]*)’ is not a \\(visible\\) method of class ‘([^’]*)’",
1214    idents <-
1215      maybe [] (Set.toList . Set.filter (\x -> parent x == Just className)) $
1216        Map.lookup methodName $ getExportsMap packageExportsMap =
1217    mconcat $ suggest <$> idents
1218  | otherwise = []
1219  where
1220    suggest identInfo@IdentInfo {moduleNameText}
1221      | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles identInfo,
1222        mImportDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName (hsmodImports $ unLoc ps) (T.unpack moduleNameText) =
1223        case mImportDecl of
1224          -- extend
1225          Just decl ->
1226            [ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle style <> " to the import list of " <> moduleNameText,
1227                quickFixImportKind' "extend" style,
1228                [Right $ uncurry extendImport (unImportStyle style) decl]
1229              )
1230              | style <- importStyle
1231            ]
1232          -- new
1233          _
1234            | Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents
1235            ->
1236             (\(kind, unNewImport -> x) -> (x, kind, [Left $ TextEdit range (x <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " ")])) <$>
1237            [ (quickFixImportKind' "new" style, newUnqualImport moduleNameText rendered False)
1238              | style <- importStyle,
1239                let rendered = renderImportStyle style
1240            ]
1241              <> [(quickFixImportKind "new.all", newImportAll moduleNameText)]
1242            | otherwise -> []
1244suggestNewImport :: ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, TextEdit)]
1245suggestNewImport packageExportsMap ps@(L _ HsModule {..}) fileContents Diagnostic{_message}
1246  | msg <- unifySpaces _message
1247  , Just thingMissing <- extractNotInScopeName msg
1248  , qual <- extractQualifiedModuleName msg
1249  , qual' <-
1250      extractDoesNotExportModuleName msg
1251        >>= (findImportDeclByModuleName hsmodImports . T.unpack)
1252        >>= ideclAs . unLoc
1253        <&> T.pack . moduleNameString . unLoc
1254  , Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents
1255  , extendImportSuggestions <- matchRegexUnifySpaces msg
1256    "Perhaps you want to add ‘[^’]*’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’"
1257  = sortOn fst3 [(imp, kind, TextEdit range (imp <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " "))
1258    | (kind, unNewImport -> imp) <- constructNewImportSuggestions packageExportsMap (qual <|> qual', thingMissing) extendImportSuggestions
1259    ]
1260suggestNewImport _ _ _ _ = []
1263  :: ExportsMap -> (Maybe T.Text, NotInScope) -> Maybe [T.Text] -> [(CodeActionKind, NewImport)]
1264constructNewImportSuggestions exportsMap (qual, thingMissing) notTheseModules = nubOrdOn snd
1265  [ suggestion
1266  | Just name <- [T.stripPrefix (maybe "" (<> ".") qual) $ notInScope thingMissing]
1267  , identInfo <- maybe [] Set.toList $ Map.lookup name (getExportsMap exportsMap)
1268  , canUseIdent thingMissing identInfo
1269  , moduleNameText identInfo `notElem` fromMaybe [] notTheseModules
1270  , suggestion <- renderNewImport identInfo
1271  ]
1272 where
1273  renderNewImport :: IdentInfo -> [(CodeActionKind, NewImport)]
1274  renderNewImport identInfo
1275    | Just q <- qual
1276    = [(quickFixImportKind "new.qualified", newQualImport m q)]
1277    | otherwise
1278    = [(quickFixImportKind' "new" importStyle, newUnqualImport m (renderImportStyle importStyle) False)
1279      | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles identInfo] ++
1280      [(quickFixImportKind "new.all", newImportAll m)]
1281    where
1282        m = moduleNameText identInfo
1284newtype NewImport = NewImport {unNewImport :: T.Text}
1285  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
1287newImportToEdit :: NewImport -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit)
1288newImportToEdit (unNewImport -> imp) ps fileContents
1289  | Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents
1290  = Just (imp, TextEdit range (imp <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " "))
1291  | otherwise = Nothing
1293-- | Finds the next valid position for inserting a new import declaration
1294-- * If the file already has existing imports it will be inserted under the last of these,
1295-- it is assumed that the existing last import declaration is in a valid position
1296-- * If the file does not have existing imports, but has a (module ... where) declaration,
1297-- the new import will be inserted directly under this declaration (accounting for explicit exports)
1298-- * If the file has neither existing imports nor a module declaration,
1299-- the import will be inserted at line zero if there are no pragmas,
1300-- * otherwise inserted one line after the last file-header pragma
1301newImportInsertRange :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe (Range, Int)
1302newImportInsertRange (L _ HsModule {..}) fileContents
1303  |  Just (uncurry Position -> insertPos, col) <- case hsmodImports of
1304      [] -> findPositionNoImports hsmodName hsmodExports fileContents
1305      _  -> findPositionFromImportsOrModuleDecl hsmodImports last True
1306    = Just (Range insertPos insertPos, col)
1307  | otherwise = Nothing
1309-- | Insert the import under the Module declaration exports if they exist, otherwise just under the module declaration.
1310-- If no module declaration exists, then no exports will exist either, in that case
1311-- insert the import after any file-header pragmas or at position zero if there are no pragmas
1312findPositionNoImports :: Maybe (Located ModuleName) -> Maybe (Located [LIE name]) -> T.Text -> Maybe ((Int, Int), Int)
1313findPositionNoImports Nothing _ fileContents = findNextPragmaPosition fileContents
1314findPositionNoImports _ (Just hsmodExports) _ = findPositionFromImportsOrModuleDecl hsmodExports id False
1315findPositionNoImports (Just hsmodName) _ _ = findPositionFromImportsOrModuleDecl hsmodName id False
1317findPositionFromImportsOrModuleDecl :: HasSrcSpan a => t -> (t -> a) -> Bool -> Maybe ((Int, Int), Int)
1318findPositionFromImportsOrModuleDecl hsField f hasImports = case getLoc (f hsField) of
1319  OldRealSrcSpan s ->
1320    let col = calcCol s
1321     in Just ((srcLocLine (realSrcSpanEnd s), col), col)
1322  _ -> Nothing
1323  where calcCol s = if hasImports then srcLocCol (realSrcSpanStart s) - 1 else 0
1325-- | Find the position one after the last file-header pragma
1326-- Defaults to zero if there are no pragmas in file
1327findNextPragmaPosition :: T.Text -> Maybe ((Int, Int), Int)
1328findNextPragmaPosition contents = Just ((lineNumber, 0), 0)
1329  where
1330    lineNumber = afterLangPragma . afterOptsGhc $ afterShebang
1331    afterLangPragma = afterPragma "LANGUAGE" contents'
1332    afterOptsGhc = afterPragma "OPTIONS_GHC" contents'
1333    afterShebang = lastLineWithPrefix (T.isPrefixOf "#!") contents' 0
1334    contents' = T.lines contents
1336afterPragma :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> Int -> Int
1337afterPragma name contents lineNum = lastLineWithPrefix (checkPragma name) contents lineNum
1339lastLineWithPrefix :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> [T.Text] -> Int -> Int
1340lastLineWithPrefix p contents lineNum = max lineNum next
1341  where
1342    next = maybe lineNum succ $ listToMaybe . reverse $ findIndices p contents
1344checkPragma :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool
1345checkPragma name = check
1346  where
1347    check l = isPragma l && getName l == name
1348    getName l = T.take (T.length name) $ T.dropWhile isSpace $ T.drop 3 l
1349    isPragma = T.isPrefixOf "{-#"
1351-- | Construct an import declaration with at most one symbol
1353  :: T.Text -- ^ module name
1354  -> Maybe T.Text -- ^  the symbol
1355  -> Maybe T.Text -- ^ qualified name
1356  -> Bool -- ^ the symbol is to be imported or hidden
1357  -> NewImport
1358newImport modName mSymbol mQual hiding = NewImport impStmt
1359  where
1360     symImp
1361            | Just symbol <- mSymbol
1362              , symOcc <- mkVarOcc $ T.unpack symbol =
1363              " (" <> T.pack (unsafePrintSDoc (parenSymOcc symOcc $ ppr symOcc)) <> ")"
1364            | otherwise = ""
1365     impStmt =
1366       "import "
1367         <> maybe "" (const "qualified ") mQual
1368         <> modName
1369         <> (if hiding then " hiding" else "")
1370         <> symImp
1371         <> maybe "" (\qual -> if modName == qual then "" else " as " <> qual) mQual
1373newQualImport :: T.Text -> T.Text -> NewImport
1374newQualImport modName qual = newImport modName Nothing (Just qual) False
1376newUnqualImport :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool -> NewImport
1377newUnqualImport modName symbol = newImport modName (Just symbol) Nothing
1379newImportAll :: T.Text -> NewImport
1380newImportAll modName = newImport modName Nothing Nothing False
1382hideImplicitPreludeSymbol :: T.Text -> NewImport
1383hideImplicitPreludeSymbol symbol = newUnqualImport "Prelude" symbol True
1385canUseIdent :: NotInScope -> IdentInfo -> Bool
1386canUseIdent NotInScopeDataConstructor{}        = isDatacon
1387canUseIdent NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass{} = not . isDatacon
1388canUseIdent _                                  = const True
1390data NotInScope
1391    = NotInScopeDataConstructor T.Text
1392    | NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass T.Text
1393    | NotInScopeThing T.Text
1394    deriving Show
1396notInScope :: NotInScope -> T.Text
1397notInScope (NotInScopeDataConstructor t)        = t
1398notInScope (NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass t) = t
1399notInScope (NotInScopeThing t)                  = t
1401extractNotInScopeName :: T.Text -> Maybe NotInScope
1402extractNotInScopeName x
1403  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Data constructor not in scope: ([^ ]+)"
1404  = Just $ NotInScopeDataConstructor name
1405  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Not in scope: data constructor [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’"
1406  = Just $ NotInScopeDataConstructor name
1407  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: type constructor or class [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’"
1408  = Just $ NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass name
1409  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: \\(([^‘ ]+)\\)"
1410  = Just $ NotInScopeThing name
1411  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: ([^‘ ]+)"
1412  = Just $ NotInScopeThing name
1413  | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope:[^‘]*‘([^’]*)’"
1414  = Just $ NotInScopeThing name
1415  | otherwise
1416  = Nothing
1418extractQualifiedModuleName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
1419extractQualifiedModuleName x
1420  | Just [m] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "module named [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’"
1421  = Just m
1422  | otherwise
1423  = Nothing
1425-- | If a module has been imported qualified, and we want to ues the same qualifier for other modules
1426-- which haven't been imported, 'extractQualifiedModuleName' won't work. Thus we need extract the qualifier
1427-- from the imported one.
1429-- For example, we write f = T.putStrLn, where putStrLn comes from Data.Text.IO, with the following import(s):
1430-- 1.
1431-- import qualified Data.Text as T
1433-- Module ‘Data.Text’ does not export ‘putStrLn’.
1435-- 2.
1436-- import qualified Data.Text as T
1437-- import qualified Data.Functor as T
1439-- Neither ‘Data.Functor’ nor ‘Data.Text’ exports ‘putStrLn’.
1441-- 3.
1442-- import qualified Data.Text as T
1443-- import qualified Data.Functor as T
1444-- import qualified Data.Function as T
1446-- Neither ‘Data.Function’,
1447--         ‘Data.Functor’ nor ‘Data.Text’ exports ‘putStrLn’.
1448extractDoesNotExportModuleName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
1449extractDoesNotExportModuleName x
1450  | Just [m] <-
1451    matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Module ‘([^’]*)’ does not export"
1452      <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces x "nor ‘([^’]*)’ exports"
1453  = Just m
1454  | otherwise
1455  = Nothing
1459mkRenameEdit :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> T.Text -> TextEdit
1460mkRenameEdit contents range name =
1461    if maybeIsInfixFunction == Just True
1462      then TextEdit range ("`" <> name <> "`")
1463      else TextEdit range name
1464  where
1465    maybeIsInfixFunction = do
1466      curr <- textInRange range <$> contents
1467      pure $ "`" `T.isPrefixOf` curr && "`" `T.isSuffixOf` curr
1469extractWildCardTypeSignature :: T.Text -> T.Text
1470extractWildCardTypeSignature =
1471  -- inferring when parens are actually needed around the type signature would
1472  -- require understanding both the precedence of the context of the _ and of
1473  -- the signature itself. Inserting them unconditionally is ugly but safe.
1474  ("(" `T.append`) . (`T.append` ")") .
1475  T.takeWhile (/='’') . T.dropWhile (=='‘') . T.dropWhile (/='‘') .
1476  snd . T.breakOnEnd "standing for "
1478extractRenamableTerms :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
1479extractRenamableTerms msg
1480  -- Account for both "Variable not in scope" and "Not in scope"
1481  | "ot in scope:" `T.isInfixOf` msg = extractSuggestions msg
1482  | otherwise = []
1483  where
1484    extractSuggestions = map getEnclosed
1485                       . concatMap singleSuggestions
1486                       . filter isKnownSymbol
1487                       . T.lines
1488    singleSuggestions = T.splitOn "), " -- Each suggestion is comma delimited
1489    isKnownSymbol t = " (imported from" `T.isInfixOf` t || " (line " `T.isInfixOf` t
1490    getEnclosed = T.dropWhile (== '‘')
1491                . T.dropWhileEnd (== '’')
1492                . T.dropAround (\c -> c /= '‘' && c /= '’')
1494-- | If a range takes up a whole line (it begins at the start of the line and there's only whitespace
1495-- between the end of the range and the next newline), extend the range to take up the whole line.
1496extendToWholeLineIfPossible :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range
1497extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents range@Range{..} =
1498    let newlineAfter = maybe False (T.isPrefixOf "\n" . T.dropWhile (\x -> isSpace x && x /= '\n') . snd . splitTextAtPosition _end) contents
1499        extend = newlineAfter && _character _start == 0 -- takes up an entire line, so remove the whole line
1500    in if extend then Range _start (Position (_line _end + 1) 0) else range
1502splitTextAtPosition :: Position -> T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text)
1503splitTextAtPosition (Position row col) x
1504    | (preRow, mid:postRow) <- splitAt row $ T.splitOn "\n" x
1505    , (preCol, postCol) <- T.splitAt col mid
1506        = (T.intercalate "\n" $ preRow ++ [preCol], T.intercalate "\n" $ postCol : postRow)
1507    | otherwise = (x, T.empty)
1509-- | Returns [start .. end[
1510textInRange :: Range -> T.Text -> T.Text
1511textInRange (Range (Position startRow startCol) (Position endRow endCol)) text =
1512    case compare startRow endRow of
1513      LT ->
1514        let (linesInRangeBeforeEndLine, endLineAndFurtherLines) = splitAt (endRow - startRow) linesBeginningWithStartLine
1515            (textInRangeInFirstLine, linesBetween) = case linesInRangeBeforeEndLine of
1516              [] -> ("", [])
1517              firstLine:linesInBetween -> (T.drop startCol firstLine, linesInBetween)
1518            maybeTextInRangeInEndLine = T.take endCol <$> listToMaybe endLineAndFurtherLines
1519        in T.intercalate "\n" (textInRangeInFirstLine : linesBetween ++ maybeToList maybeTextInRangeInEndLine)
1520      EQ ->
1521        let line = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe linesBeginningWithStartLine)
1522        in T.take (endCol - startCol) (T.drop startCol line)
1523      GT -> ""
1524    where
1525      linesBeginningWithStartLine = drop startRow (T.splitOn "\n" text)
1527-- | Returns the ranges for a binding in an import declaration
1528rangesForBindingImport :: ImportDecl GhcPs -> String -> [Range]
1529rangesForBindingImport ImportDecl{ideclHiding = Just (False, L _ lies)} b =
1530    concatMap (mapMaybe srcSpanToRange . rangesForBinding' b') lies
1531  where
1532    b' = wrapOperatorInParens b
1533rangesForBindingImport _ _ = []
1535wrapOperatorInParens :: String -> String
1536wrapOperatorInParens x =
1537  case uncons x of
1538    Just (h, _t) -> if isAlpha h then x else "(" <> x <> ")"
1539    Nothing      -> mempty
1541smallerRangesForBindingExport :: [LIE GhcPs] -> String -> [Range]
1542smallerRangesForBindingExport lies b =
1543    concatMap (mapMaybe srcSpanToRange . ranges') lies
1544  where
1545    unqualify = snd . breakOnEnd "."
1546    b' = wrapOperatorInParens . unqualify $ b
1547    ranges' (L _ (IEThingWith _ thing _  inners labels))
1548      | showSDocUnsafe (ppr thing) == b' = []
1549      | otherwise =
1550          [ l' | L l' x <- inners, showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b'] ++
1551          [ l' | L l' x <- labels, showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b']
1552    ranges' _ = []
1554rangesForBinding' :: String -> LIE GhcPs -> [SrcSpan]
1555rangesForBinding' b (L l x@IEVar{}) | showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b = [l]
1556rangesForBinding' b (L l x@IEThingAbs{}) | showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b = [l]
1557rangesForBinding' b (L l (IEThingAll _ x)) | showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b = [l]
1558rangesForBinding' b (L l (IEThingWith _ thing _  inners labels))
1559    | showSDocUnsafe (ppr thing) == b = [l]
1560    | otherwise =
1561        [ l' | L l' x <- inners, showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b] ++
1562        [ l' | L l' x <- labels, showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b]
1563rangesForBinding' _ _ = []
1565-- | 'matchRegex' combined with 'unifySpaces'
1566matchRegexUnifySpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [T.Text]
1567matchRegexUnifySpaces message = matchRegex (unifySpaces message)
1569-- | 'allMatchRegex' combined with 'unifySpaces'
1570allMatchRegexUnifySpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [[T.Text]]
1571allMatchRegexUnifySpaces message =
1572    allMatchRegex (unifySpaces message)
1574-- | Returns Just (the submatches) for the first capture, or Nothing.
1575matchRegex :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [T.Text]
1576matchRegex message regex = case message =~~ regex of
1577    Just (_ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, bindings) -> Just bindings
1578    Nothing                                                -> Nothing
1580-- | Returns Just (all matches) for the first capture, or Nothing.
1581allMatchRegex :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [[T.Text]]
1582allMatchRegex message regex = message =~~ regex
1585unifySpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text
1586unifySpaces    = T.unwords . T.words
1588-- functions to help parse multiple import suggestions
1590-- | Returns the first match if found
1591regexSingleMatch :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
1592regexSingleMatch msg regex = case matchRegexUnifySpaces msg regex of
1593    Just (h:_) -> Just h
1594    _          -> Nothing
1596-- | Parses tuples like (‘Data.Map’, (app/ModuleB.hs:2:1-18)) and
1597-- | return (Data.Map, app/ModuleB.hs:2:1-18)
1598regExPair :: (T.Text, T.Text) -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text)
1599regExPair (modname, srcpair) = do
1600  x <- regexSingleMatch modname "‘([^’]*)’"
1601  y <- regexSingleMatch srcpair "\\((.*)\\)"
1602  return (x, y)
1604-- | Process a list of (module_name, filename:src_span) values
1605-- | Eg. [(Data.Map, app/ModuleB.hs:2:1-18), (Data.HashMap.Strict, app/ModuleB.hs:3:1-29)]
1606regExImports :: T.Text -> Maybe [(T.Text, T.Text)]
1607regExImports msg = result
1608  where
1609    parts = T.words msg
1610    isPrefix = not . T.isPrefixOf "("
1611    (mod, srcspan) = partition isPrefix  parts
1612    -- check we have matching pairs like (Data.Map, (app/src.hs:1:2-18))
1613    result = if length mod == length srcspan then
1614               regExPair `traverse` zip mod srcspan
1615             else Nothing
1617matchRegExMultipleImports :: T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, [(T.Text, T.Text)])
1618matchRegExMultipleImports message = do
1619  let pat = T.pack "Perhaps you want to add ‘([^’]*)’ to one of these import lists: *(‘.*\\))$"
1620  (binding, imports) <- case matchRegexUnifySpaces message pat of
1621                            Just [x, xs] -> Just (x, xs)
1622                            _            -> Nothing
1623  imps <- regExImports imports
1624  return (binding, imps)
1626-- | Possible import styles for an 'IdentInfo'.
1628-- The first 'Text' parameter corresponds to the 'rendered' field of the
1629-- 'IdentInfo'.
1630data ImportStyle
1631    = ImportTopLevel T.Text
1632      -- ^ Import a top-level export from a module, e.g., a function, a type, a
1633      -- class.
1634      --
1635      -- > import M (?)
1636      --
1637      -- Some exports that have a parent, like a type-class method or an
1638      -- associated type/data family, can still be imported as a top-level
1639      -- import.
1640      --
1641      -- Note that this is not the case for constructors, they must always be
1642      -- imported as part of their parent data type.
1644    | ImportViaParent T.Text T.Text
1645      -- ^ Import an export (first parameter) through its parent (second
1646      -- parameter).
1647      --
1648      -- import M (P(?))
1649      --
1650      -- @P@ and @?@ can be a data type and a constructor, a class and a method,
1651      -- a class and an associated type/data family, etc.
1652  deriving Show
1654importStyles :: IdentInfo -> NonEmpty ImportStyle
1655importStyles IdentInfo {parent, rendered, isDatacon}
1656  | Just p <- parent
1657    -- Constructors always have to be imported via their parent data type, but
1658    -- methods and associated type/data families can also be imported as
1659    -- top-level exports.
1660  = ImportViaParent rendered p :| [ImportTopLevel rendered | not isDatacon]
1661  | otherwise
1662  = ImportTopLevel rendered :| []
1664-- | Used for adding new imports
1665renderImportStyle :: ImportStyle -> T.Text
1666renderImportStyle (ImportTopLevel x)   = x
1667renderImportStyle (ImportViaParent x p@(T.uncons -> Just ('(', _))) = "type " <> p <> "(" <> x <> ")"
1668renderImportStyle (ImportViaParent x p) = p <> "(" <> x <> ")"
1670-- | Used for extending import lists
1671unImportStyle :: ImportStyle -> (Maybe String, String)
1672unImportStyle (ImportTopLevel x)    = (Nothing, T.unpack x)
1673unImportStyle (ImportViaParent x y) = (Just $ T.unpack y, T.unpack x)
1675quickFixImportKind' :: T.Text -> ImportStyle -> CodeActionKind
1676quickFixImportKind' x (ImportTopLevel _) = CodeActionUnknown $ "quickfix.import." <> x <> ".list.topLevel"
1677quickFixImportKind' x (ImportViaParent _ _) = CodeActionUnknown $ "quickfix.import." <> x <> ".list.withParent"
1679quickFixImportKind :: T.Text -> CodeActionKind
1680quickFixImportKind x = CodeActionUnknown $ "quickfix.import." <> x