1-- -fno-warn-deprecations for use of Map.foldWithKey
2{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
4-- |
5-- Module      :  Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
6-- Copyright   :  Thomas Schilling, 2007
7-- License     :  BSD3
9-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
10-- Portability :  portable
12-- This is about the cabal configurations feature. It exports
13-- 'finalizePD' and 'flattenPackageDescription' which are
14-- functions for converting 'GenericPackageDescription's down to
15-- 'PackageDescription's. It has code for working with the tree of conditions
16-- and resolving or flattening conditions.
18module Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (
19    finalizePD,
20    flattenPackageDescription,
22    -- Utils
23    parseCondition,
24    freeVars,
25    extractCondition,
26    extractConditions,
27    addBuildableCondition,
28    mapCondTree,
29    mapTreeData,
30    mapTreeConds,
31    mapTreeConstrs,
32    transformAllBuildInfos,
33    transformAllBuildDepends,
34    transformAllBuildDependsN,
35  ) where
37import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
38import Prelude ()
40-- lens
41import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens                 as L
42import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens as L
43import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens        as L
44import qualified Distribution.Types.SetupBuildInfo.Lens            as L
46import           Distribution.Compat.CharParsing             hiding (char)
47import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing             as P
48import           Distribution.Compat.Lens
49import           Distribution.Compiler
50import           Distribution.PackageDescription
51import           Distribution.PackageDescription.Utils
52import           Distribution.Parsec
53import           Distribution.Pretty
54import           Distribution.Simple.Utils
55import           Distribution.System
56import           Distribution.Types.Component
57import Distribution.Utils.Path
58import           Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
59import           Distribution.Types.DependencyMap
60import           Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint
61import           Distribution.Version
63import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
64import           Data.Tree     (Tree (Node))
68-- | Simplify a configuration condition using the OS and arch names.  Returns
69--   the names of all the flags occurring in the condition.
70simplifyWithSysParams :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> Condition ConfVar
71                      -> (Condition FlagName, [FlagName])
72simplifyWithSysParams os arch cinfo cond = (cond', flags)
73  where
74    (cond', flags) = simplifyCondition cond interp
75    interp (OS os')    = Right $ os' == os
76    interp (Arch arch') = Right $ arch' == arch
77    interp (Impl comp vr)
78      | matchImpl (compilerInfoId cinfo) = Right True
79      | otherwise = case compilerInfoCompat cinfo of
80          -- fixme: treat Nothing as unknown, rather than empty list once we
81          --        support partial resolution of system parameters
82          Nothing     -> Right False
83          Just compat -> Right (any matchImpl compat)
84          where
85            matchImpl (CompilerId c v) = comp == c && v `withinRange` vr
86    interp (PackageFlag f) = Left f
88-- TODO: Add instances and check
90-- prop_sC_idempotent cond a o = cond' == cond''
91--   where
92--     cond'  = simplifyCondition cond a o
93--     cond'' = simplifyCondition cond' a o
95-- prop_sC_noLits cond a o = isLit res || not (hasLits res)
96--   where
97--     res = simplifyCondition cond a o
98--     hasLits (Lit _) = True
99--     hasLits (CNot c) = hasLits c
100--     hasLits (COr l r) = hasLits l || hasLits r
101--     hasLits (CAnd l r) = hasLits l || hasLits r
102--     hasLits _ = False
105-- | Parse a configuration condition from a string.
106parseCondition :: CabalParsing m => m (Condition ConfVar)
107parseCondition = condOr
108  where
109    condOr   = sepByNonEmpty condAnd (oper "||") >>= return . foldl1 COr
110    condAnd  = sepByNonEmpty cond (oper "&&")>>= return . foldl1 CAnd
111    -- TODO: try?
112    cond     = sp >> (boolLiteral <|> inparens condOr <|> notCond <|> osCond
113                      <|> archCond <|> flagCond <|> implCond )
114    inparens   = between (P.char '(' >> sp) (sp >> P.char ')' >> sp)
115    notCond  = P.char '!' >> sp >> cond >>= return . CNot
116    osCond   = string "os" >> sp >> inparens osIdent >>= return . Var
117    archCond = string "arch" >> sp >> inparens archIdent >>= return . Var
118    flagCond = string "flag" >> sp >> inparens flagIdent >>= return . Var
119    implCond = string "impl" >> sp >> inparens implIdent >>= return . Var
120    boolLiteral   = fmap Lit  parsec
121    archIdent     = fmap Arch parsec
122    osIdent       = fmap OS   parsec
123    flagIdent     = fmap (PackageFlag . mkFlagName . lowercase) (munch1 isIdentChar)
124    isIdentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-'
125    oper s        = sp >> string s >> sp
126    sp            = spaces
127    implIdent     = do i <- parsec
128                       vr <- sp >> option anyVersion parsec
129                       return $ Impl i vr
133-- | Result of dependency test. Isomorphic to @Maybe d@ but renamed for
134--   clarity.
135data DepTestRslt d = DepOk | MissingDeps d
137instance Semigroup d => Monoid (DepTestRslt d) where
138    mempty = DepOk
139    mappend = (<>)
141instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (DepTestRslt d) where
142    DepOk <> x     = x
143    x     <> DepOk = x
144    (MissingDeps d) <> (MissingDeps d') = MissingDeps (d <> d')
147-- | Try to find a flag assignment that satisfies the constraints of all trees.
149-- Returns either the missing dependencies, or a tuple containing the
150-- resulting data, the associated dependencies, and the chosen flag
151-- assignments.
153-- In case of failure, the union of the dependencies that led to backtracking
154-- on all branches is returned.
155-- [TODO: Could also be specified with a function argument.]
157-- TODO: The current algorithm is rather naive.  A better approach would be to:
159-- * Rule out possible paths, by taking a look at the associated dependencies.
161-- * Infer the required values for the conditions of these paths, and
162--   calculate the required domains for the variables used in these
163--   conditions.  Then picking a flag assignment would be linear (I guess).
165-- This would require some sort of SAT solving, though, thus it's not
166-- implemented unless we really need it.
168resolveWithFlags ::
169     [(FlagName,[Bool])]
170        -- ^ Domain for each flag name, will be tested in order.
171  -> ComponentRequestedSpec
172  -> OS      -- ^ OS as returned by Distribution.System.buildOS
173  -> Arch    -- ^ Arch as returned by Distribution.System.buildArch
174  -> CompilerInfo  -- ^ Compiler information
175  -> [PackageVersionConstraint]  -- ^ Additional constraints
176  -> [CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] PDTagged]
177  -> ([Dependency] -> DepTestRslt [Dependency])  -- ^ Dependency test function.
178  -> Either [Dependency] (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
179       -- ^ Either the missing dependencies (error case), or a pair of
180       -- (set of build targets with dependencies, chosen flag assignments)
181resolveWithFlags dom enabled os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps =
182    either (Left . fromDepMapUnion) Right $ explore (build mempty dom)
183  where
184    -- simplify trees by (partially) evaluating all conditions and converting
185    -- dependencies to dependency maps.
186    simplifiedTrees :: [CondTree FlagName DependencyMap PDTagged]
187    simplifiedTrees = map ( mapTreeConstrs toDepMap  -- convert to maps
188                          . addBuildableConditionPDTagged
189                          . mapTreeConds (fst . simplifyWithSysParams os arch impl))
190                          trees
192    -- @explore@ searches a tree of assignments, backtracking whenever a flag
193    -- introduces a dependency that cannot be satisfied.  If there is no
194    -- solution, @explore@ returns the union of all dependencies that caused
195    -- it to backtrack.  Since the tree is constructed lazily, we avoid some
196    -- computation overhead in the successful case.
197    explore :: Tree FlagAssignment
198            -> Either DepMapUnion (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
199    explore (Node flags ts) =
200        let targetSet = TargetSet $ flip map simplifiedTrees $
201                -- apply additional constraints to all dependencies
202                first (`constrainBy` constrs) .
203                simplifyCondTree (env flags)
204            deps = overallDependencies enabled targetSet
205        in case checkDeps (fromDepMap deps) of
206             DepOk | null ts   -> Right (targetSet, flags)
207                   | otherwise -> tryAll $ map explore ts
208             MissingDeps mds   -> Left (toDepMapUnion mds)
210    -- Builds a tree of all possible flag assignments.  Internal nodes
211    -- have only partial assignments.
212    build :: FlagAssignment -> [(FlagName, [Bool])] -> Tree FlagAssignment
213    build assigned [] = Node assigned []
214    build assigned ((fn, vals) : unassigned) =
215        Node assigned $ map (\v -> build (insertFlagAssignment fn v assigned) unassigned) vals
217    tryAll :: [Either DepMapUnion a] -> Either DepMapUnion a
218    tryAll = foldr mp mz
220    -- special version of `mplus' for our local purposes
221    mp :: Either DepMapUnion a -> Either DepMapUnion a -> Either DepMapUnion a
222    mp m@(Right _) _           = m
223    mp _           m@(Right _) = m
224    mp (Left xs)   (Left ys)   = Left (xs <> ys)
226    -- `mzero'
227    mz :: Either DepMapUnion a
228    mz = Left (DepMapUnion Map.empty)
230    env :: FlagAssignment -> FlagName -> Either FlagName Bool
231    env flags flag = (maybe (Left flag) Right . lookupFlagAssignment flag) flags
233-- | Transforms a 'CondTree' by putting the input under the "then" branch of a
234-- conditional that is True when Buildable is True. If 'addBuildableCondition'
235-- can determine that Buildable is always True, it returns the input unchanged.
236-- If Buildable is always False, it returns the empty 'CondTree'.
237addBuildableCondition :: (Eq v, Monoid a, Monoid c) => (a -> BuildInfo)
238                      -> CondTree v c a
239                      -> CondTree v c a
240addBuildableCondition getInfo t =
241  case extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) t of
242    Lit True  -> t
243    Lit False -> CondNode mempty mempty []
244    c         -> CondNode mempty mempty [condIfThen c t]
246-- | This is a special version of 'addBuildableCondition' for the 'PDTagged'
247-- type.
249-- It is not simply a specialisation. It is more complicated than it
250-- ought to be because of the way the 'PDTagged' monoid instance works. The
251-- @mempty = 'PDNull'@ forgets the component type, which has the effect of
252-- completely deleting components that are not buildable.
254-- See <https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pull/4094> for more details.
256addBuildableConditionPDTagged :: (Eq v, Monoid c) =>
257                                 CondTree v c PDTagged
258                              -> CondTree v c PDTagged
259addBuildableConditionPDTagged t =
260    case extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) t of
261      Lit True  -> t
262      Lit False -> deleteConstraints t
263      c         -> CondNode mempty mempty [condIfThenElse c t (deleteConstraints t)]
264  where
265    deleteConstraints = mapTreeConstrs (const mempty)
267    getInfo :: PDTagged -> BuildInfo
268    getInfo (Lib l) = libBuildInfo l
269    getInfo (SubComp _ c) = componentBuildInfo c
270    getInfo PDNull = mempty
273-- Note: extracting buildable conditions.
274-- --------------------------------------
276-- If the conditions in a cond tree lead to Buildable being set to False, then
277-- none of the dependencies for this cond tree should actually be taken into
278-- account. On the other hand, some of the flags may only be decided in the
279-- solver, so we cannot necessarily make the decision whether a component is
280-- Buildable or not prior to solving.
282-- What we are doing here is to partially evaluate a condition tree in order to
283-- extract the condition under which Buildable is True. The predicate determines
284-- whether data under a 'CondTree' is buildable.
286-- | Extract conditions matched by the given predicate from all cond trees in a
287-- 'GenericPackageDescription'.
288extractConditions :: (BuildInfo -> Bool) -> GenericPackageDescription
289                     -> [Condition ConfVar]
290extractConditions f gpkg =
291  concat [
292      extractCondition (f . libBuildInfo)             <$> maybeToList (condLibrary gpkg)
293    , extractCondition (f . libBuildInfo)       . snd <$> condSubLibraries   gpkg
294    , extractCondition (f . buildInfo)          . snd <$> condExecutables gpkg
295    , extractCondition (f . testBuildInfo)      . snd <$> condTestSuites  gpkg
296    , extractCondition (f . benchmarkBuildInfo) . snd <$> condBenchmarks  gpkg
297    ]
300-- | A map of package constraints that combines version ranges using 'unionVersionRanges'.
301newtype DepMapUnion = DepMapUnion { unDepMapUnion :: Map PackageName (VersionRange, NonEmptySet LibraryName) }
303instance Semigroup DepMapUnion where
304    DepMapUnion x <> DepMapUnion y = DepMapUnion $
305        Map.unionWith unionVersionRanges' x y
308    :: (VersionRange, NonEmptySet LibraryName)
309    -> (VersionRange, NonEmptySet LibraryName)
310    -> (VersionRange, NonEmptySet LibraryName)
311unionVersionRanges' (vr, cs) (vr', cs') = (unionVersionRanges vr vr', cs <> cs')
313toDepMapUnion :: [Dependency] -> DepMapUnion
314toDepMapUnion ds =
315  DepMapUnion $ Map.fromListWith unionVersionRanges' [ (p,(vr,cs)) | Dependency p vr cs <- ds ]
318fromDepMapUnion :: DepMapUnion -> [Dependency]
319fromDepMapUnion m = [ Dependency p vr cs | (p,(vr,cs)) <- Map.toList (unDepMapUnion m) ]
321freeVars :: CondTree ConfVar c a  -> [FlagName]
322freeVars t = [ f | PackageFlag f <- freeVars' t ]
323  where
324    freeVars' (CondNode _ _ ifs) = concatMap compfv ifs
325    compfv (CondBranch c ct mct) = condfv c ++ freeVars' ct ++ maybe [] freeVars' mct
326    condfv c = case c of
327      Var v      -> [v]
328      Lit _      -> []
329      CNot c'    -> condfv c'
330      COr c1 c2  -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
331      CAnd c1 c2 -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
336-- | A set of targets with their package dependencies
337newtype TargetSet a = TargetSet [(DependencyMap, a)]
339-- | Combine the target-specific dependencies in a TargetSet to give the
340-- dependencies for the package as a whole.
341overallDependencies :: ComponentRequestedSpec -> TargetSet PDTagged -> DependencyMap
342overallDependencies enabled (TargetSet targets) = mconcat depss
343  where
344    (depss, _) = unzip $ filter (removeDisabledSections . snd) targets
345    removeDisabledSections :: PDTagged -> Bool
346    -- UGH. The embedded componentName in the 'Component's here is
347    -- BLANK.  I don't know whose fault this is but I'll use the tag
348    -- instead. -- ezyang
349    removeDisabledSections (Lib _)     = componentNameRequested
350                                           enabled
351                                           (CLibName LMainLibName)
352    removeDisabledSections (SubComp t c)
353        -- Do NOT use componentName
354        = componentNameRequested enabled
355        $ case c of
356            CLib  _ -> CLibName (LSubLibName t)
357            CFLib _ -> CFLibName   t
358            CExe  _ -> CExeName    t
359            CTest _ -> CTestName   t
360            CBench _ -> CBenchName t
361    removeDisabledSections PDNull      = True
363-- | Collect up the targets in a TargetSet of tagged targets, storing the
364-- dependencies as we go.
365flattenTaggedTargets :: TargetSet PDTagged -> (Maybe Library, [(UnqualComponentName, Component)])
366flattenTaggedTargets (TargetSet targets) = foldr untag (Nothing, []) targets where
367  untag (depMap, pdTagged) accum = case (pdTagged, accum) of
368    (Lib _, (Just _, _)) -> userBug "Only one library expected"
369    (Lib l, (Nothing, comps)) -> (Just $ redoBD l, comps)
370    (SubComp n c, (mb_lib, comps))
371      | any ((== n) . fst) comps ->
372        userBug $ "There exist several components with the same name: '" ++ prettyShow n ++ "'"
373      | otherwise -> (mb_lib, (n, redoBD c) : comps)
374    (PDNull, x) -> x  -- actually this should not happen, but let's be liberal
375    where
376      redoBD :: L.HasBuildInfo a => a -> a
377      redoBD = set L.targetBuildDepends $ fromDepMap depMap
380-- Convert GenericPackageDescription to PackageDescription
383data PDTagged = Lib Library
384              | SubComp UnqualComponentName Component
385              | PDNull
386              deriving Show
388instance Monoid PDTagged where
389    mempty = PDNull
390    mappend = (<>)
392instance Semigroup PDTagged where
393    PDNull    <> x      = x
394    x         <> PDNull = x
395    Lib l     <> Lib l' = Lib (l <> l')
396    SubComp n x <> SubComp n' x' | n == n' = SubComp n (x <> x')
397    _         <> _  = cabalBug "Cannot combine incompatible tags"
399-- | Create a package description with all configurations resolved.
401-- This function takes a `GenericPackageDescription` and several environment
402-- parameters and tries to generate `PackageDescription` by finding a flag
403-- assignment that result in satisfiable dependencies.
405-- It takes as inputs a not necessarily complete specifications of flags
406-- assignments, an optional package index as well as platform parameters.  If
407-- some flags are not assigned explicitly, this function will try to pick an
408-- assignment that causes this function to succeed.  The package index is
409-- optional since on some platforms we cannot determine which packages have
410-- been installed before.  When no package index is supplied, every dependency
411-- is assumed to be satisfiable, therefore all not explicitly assigned flags
412-- will get their default values.
414-- This function will fail if it cannot find a flag assignment that leads to
415-- satisfiable dependencies.  (It will not try alternative assignments for
416-- explicitly specified flags.)  In case of failure it will return the missing
417-- dependencies that it encountered when trying different flag assignments.
418-- On success, it will return the package description and the full flag
419-- assignment chosen.
421-- Note that this drops any stanzas which have @buildable: False@.  While
422-- this is arguably the right thing to do, it means we give bad error
423-- messages in some situations, see #3858.
425finalizePD ::
426     FlagAssignment  -- ^ Explicitly specified flag assignments
427  -> ComponentRequestedSpec
428  -> (Dependency -> Bool) -- ^ Is a given dependency satisfiable from the set of
429                          -- available packages?  If this is unknown then use
430                          -- True.
431  -> Platform      -- ^ The 'Arch' and 'OS'
432  -> CompilerInfo  -- ^ Compiler information
433  -> [PackageVersionConstraint]  -- ^ Additional constraints
434  -> GenericPackageDescription
435  -> Either [Dependency]
436            (PackageDescription, FlagAssignment)
437             -- ^ Either missing dependencies or the resolved package
438             -- description along with the flag assignments chosen.
439finalizePD userflags enabled satisfyDep
440        (Platform arch os) impl constraints
441        (GenericPackageDescription pkg _ver flags mb_lib0 sub_libs0 flibs0 exes0 tests0 bms0) = do
442  (targetSet, flagVals) <-
443    resolveWithFlags flagChoices enabled os arch impl constraints condTrees check
444  let
445    (mb_lib, comps) = flattenTaggedTargets targetSet
446    mb_lib' = fmap libFillInDefaults mb_lib
447    comps' = flip map comps $ \(n,c) -> foldComponent
448      (\l -> CLib   (libFillInDefaults l)   { libName = LSubLibName n
449                                            , libExposed = False })
450      (\l -> CFLib  (flibFillInDefaults l)  { foreignLibName = n })
451      (\e -> CExe   (exeFillInDefaults e)   { exeName = n })
452      (\t -> CTest  (testFillInDefaults t)  { testName = n })
453      (\b -> CBench (benchFillInDefaults b) { benchmarkName = n })
454      c
455    (sub_libs', flibs', exes', tests', bms') = partitionComponents comps'
456  return ( pkg { library = mb_lib'
457               , subLibraries = sub_libs'
458               , foreignLibs = flibs'
459               , executables = exes'
460               , testSuites = tests'
461               , benchmarks = bms'
462               }
463         , flagVals )
464  where
465    -- Combine lib, exes, and tests into one list of @CondTree@s with tagged data
466    condTrees =    maybeToList (fmap (mapTreeData Lib) mb_lib0)
467                ++ map (\(name,tree) -> mapTreeData (SubComp name . CLib) tree) sub_libs0
468                ++ map (\(name,tree) -> mapTreeData (SubComp name . CFLib) tree) flibs0
469                ++ map (\(name,tree) -> mapTreeData (SubComp name . CExe) tree) exes0
470                ++ map (\(name,tree) -> mapTreeData (SubComp name . CTest) tree) tests0
471                ++ map (\(name,tree) -> mapTreeData (SubComp name . CBench) tree) bms0
473    flagChoices    = map (\(MkPackageFlag n _ d manual) -> (n, d2c manual n d)) flags
474    d2c manual n b = case lookupFlagAssignment n userflags of
475                     Just val -> [val]
476                     Nothing
477                      | manual -> [b]
478                      | otherwise -> [b, not b]
479    --flagDefaults = map (\(n,x:_) -> (n,x)) flagChoices
480    check ds     = let missingDeps = filter (not . satisfyDep) ds
481                   in if null missingDeps
482                      then DepOk
483                      else MissingDeps missingDeps
486let tst_p = (CondNode [1::Int] [Distribution.Package.Dependency "a" AnyVersion] [])
487let tst_p2 = (CondNode [1::Int] [Distribution.Package.Dependency "a" (EarlierVersion (Version [1,0] [])), Distribution.Package.Dependency "a" (LaterVersion (Version [2,0] []))] [])
489let p_index = Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex.fromList [Distribution.Package.PackageIdentifier "a" (Version [0,5] []), Distribution.Package.PackageIdentifier "a" (Version [2,5] [])]
490let look = not . null . Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex.lookupDependency p_index
491let looks ds = mconcat $ map (\d -> if look d then DepOk else MissingDeps [d]) ds
492resolveWithFlags [] Distribution.System.Linux Distribution.System.I386 (Distribution.Compiler.GHC,Version [6,8,2] []) [tst_p] looks   ===>  Right ...
493resolveWithFlags [] Distribution.System.Linux Distribution.System.I386 (Distribution.Compiler.GHC,Version [6,8,2] []) [tst_p2] looks  ===>  Left ...
496-- | Flatten a generic package description by ignoring all conditions and just
497-- join the field descriptors into on package description.  Note, however,
498-- that this may lead to inconsistent field values, since all values are
499-- joined into one field, which may not be possible in the original package
500-- description, due to the use of exclusive choices (if ... else ...).
502-- TODO: One particularly tricky case is defaulting.  In the original package
503-- description, e.g., the source directory might either be the default or a
504-- certain, explicitly set path.  Since defaults are filled in only after the
505-- package has been resolved and when no explicit value has been set, the
506-- default path will be missing from the package description returned by this
507-- function.
508flattenPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> PackageDescription
510  (GenericPackageDescription pkg _ _ mlib0 sub_libs0 flibs0 exes0 tests0 bms0) =
511    pkg { library      = mlib
512        , subLibraries = reverse sub_libs
513        , foreignLibs  = reverse flibs
514        , executables  = reverse exes
515        , testSuites   = reverse tests
516        , benchmarks   = reverse bms
517        }
518  where
519    mlib = f <$> mlib0
520      where f lib = (libFillInDefaults . fst . ignoreConditions $ lib) { libName = LMainLibName }
521    sub_libs = flattenLib  <$> sub_libs0
522    flibs    = flattenFLib <$> flibs0
523    exes     = flattenExe  <$> exes0
524    tests    = flattenTst  <$> tests0
525    bms      = flattenBm   <$> bms0
526    flattenLib (n, t) = libFillInDefaults $ (fst $ ignoreConditions t)
527      { libName = LSubLibName n, libExposed = False }
528    flattenFLib (n, t) = flibFillInDefaults $ (fst $ ignoreConditions t)
529      { foreignLibName = n }
530    flattenExe (n, t) = exeFillInDefaults $ (fst $ ignoreConditions t)
531      { exeName = n }
532    flattenTst (n, t) = testFillInDefaults $ (fst $ ignoreConditions t)
533      { testName = n }
534    flattenBm (n, t) = benchFillInDefaults $ (fst $ ignoreConditions t)
535      { benchmarkName = n }
537-- This is in fact rather a hack.  The original version just overrode the
538-- default values, however, when adding conditions we had to switch to a
539-- modifier-based approach.  There, nothing is ever overwritten, but only
540-- joined together.
542-- This is the cleanest way i could think of, that doesn't require
543-- changing all field parsing functions to return modifiers instead.
544libFillInDefaults :: Library -> Library
545libFillInDefaults lib@(Library { libBuildInfo = bi }) =
546    lib { libBuildInfo = biFillInDefaults bi }
548flibFillInDefaults :: ForeignLib -> ForeignLib
549flibFillInDefaults flib@(ForeignLib { foreignLibBuildInfo = bi }) =
550    flib { foreignLibBuildInfo = biFillInDefaults bi }
552exeFillInDefaults :: Executable -> Executable
553exeFillInDefaults exe@(Executable { buildInfo = bi }) =
554    exe { buildInfo = biFillInDefaults bi }
556testFillInDefaults :: TestSuite -> TestSuite
557testFillInDefaults tst@(TestSuite { testBuildInfo = bi }) =
558    tst { testBuildInfo = biFillInDefaults bi }
560benchFillInDefaults :: Benchmark -> Benchmark
561benchFillInDefaults bm@(Benchmark { benchmarkBuildInfo = bi }) =
562    bm { benchmarkBuildInfo = biFillInDefaults bi }
564biFillInDefaults :: BuildInfo -> BuildInfo
565biFillInDefaults bi =
566    if null (hsSourceDirs bi)
567    then bi { hsSourceDirs = [sameDirectory] }
568    else bi
570-- Walk a 'GenericPackageDescription' and apply @onBuildInfo@/@onSetupBuildInfo@
571-- to all nested 'BuildInfo'/'SetupBuildInfo' values.
572transformAllBuildInfos :: (BuildInfo -> BuildInfo)
573                       -> (SetupBuildInfo -> SetupBuildInfo)
574                       -> GenericPackageDescription
575                       -> GenericPackageDescription
576transformAllBuildInfos onBuildInfo onSetupBuildInfo =
577  over L.traverseBuildInfos onBuildInfo
578  . over (L.packageDescription . L.setupBuildInfo . traverse) onSetupBuildInfo
580-- | Walk a 'GenericPackageDescription' and apply @f@ to all nested
581-- @build-depends@ fields.
582transformAllBuildDepends :: (Dependency -> Dependency)
583                         -> GenericPackageDescription
584                         -> GenericPackageDescription
585transformAllBuildDepends f =
586  over (L.traverseBuildInfos . L.targetBuildDepends . traverse) f
587  . over (L.packageDescription . L.setupBuildInfo . traverse . L.setupDepends . traverse) f
588  -- cannot be point-free as normal because of higher rank
589  . over (\f' -> L.allCondTrees $ traverseCondTreeC f') (map f)
591-- | Walk a 'GenericPackageDescription' and apply @f@ to all nested
592-- @build-depends@ fields.
593transformAllBuildDependsN :: ([Dependency] -> [Dependency])
594                          -> GenericPackageDescription
595                          -> GenericPackageDescription
596transformAllBuildDependsN f =
597  over (L.traverseBuildInfos . L.targetBuildDepends) f
598  . over (L.packageDescription . L.setupBuildInfo . traverse . L.setupDepends) f
599  -- cannot be point-free as normal because of higher rank
600  . over (\f' -> L.allCondTrees $ traverseCondTreeC f') f