1{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4module Network.HTTP.Client.Headers
5    ( parseStatusHeaders
6    , validateHeaders
7    , HeadersValidationResult (..)
8    ) where
10import           Control.Applicative            as A ((<$>), (<*>))
11import           Control.Monad
12import qualified Data.ByteString                as S
13import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as S8
14import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive           as CI
15import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
16import           Data.Monoid
17import           Network.HTTP.Client.Connection
18import           Network.HTTP.Client.Types
19import           System.Timeout                 (timeout)
20import           Network.HTTP.Types
21import Data.Word (Word8)
23charSpace, charColon, charPeriod :: Word8
24charSpace = 32
25charColon = 58
26charPeriod = 46
29parseStatusHeaders :: Connection -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (IO ()) -> IO StatusHeaders
30parseStatusHeaders conn timeout' cont
31    | Just k <- cont = getStatusExpectContinue k
32    | otherwise      = getStatus
33  where
34    withTimeout = case timeout' of
35        Nothing -> id
36        Just  t -> timeout t >=> maybe (throwHttp ResponseTimeout) return
38    getStatus = withTimeout next
39      where
40        next = nextStatusHeaders >>= maybe next return
42    getStatusExpectContinue sendBody = do
43        status <- withTimeout nextStatusHeaders
44        case status of
45            Just  s -> return s
46            Nothing -> sendBody >> getStatus
48    nextStatusHeaders = do
49        (s, v) <- nextStatusLine
50        if statusCode s == 100
51            then connectionDropTillBlankLine conn >> return Nothing
52            else Just . StatusHeaders s v A.<$> parseHeaders (0 :: Int) id
54    nextStatusLine :: IO (Status, HttpVersion)
55    nextStatusLine = do
56        -- Ensure that there is some data coming in. If not, we want to signal
57        -- this as a connection problem and not a protocol problem.
58        bs <- connectionRead conn
59        when (S.null bs) $ throwHttp NoResponseDataReceived
60        connectionReadLineWith conn bs >>= parseStatus 3
62    parseStatus :: Int -> S.ByteString -> IO (Status, HttpVersion)
63    parseStatus i bs | S.null bs && i > 0 = connectionReadLine conn >>= parseStatus (i - 1)
64    parseStatus _ bs = do
65        let (ver, bs2) = S.break (== charSpace) bs
66            (code, bs3) = S.break (== charSpace) $ S.dropWhile (== charSpace) bs2
67            msg = S.dropWhile (== charSpace) bs3
68        case (,) <$> parseVersion ver A.<*> readInt code of
69            Just (ver', code') -> return (Status code' msg, ver')
70            Nothing -> throwHttp $ InvalidStatusLine bs
72    stripPrefixBS x y
73        | x `S.isPrefixOf` y = Just $ S.drop (S.length x) y
74        | otherwise = Nothing
75    parseVersion bs0 = do
76        bs1 <- stripPrefixBS "HTTP/" bs0
77        let (num1, S.drop 1 -> num2) = S.break (== charPeriod) bs1
78        HttpVersion <$> readInt num1 <*> readInt num2
80    readInt bs =
81        case S8.readInt bs of
82            Just (i, "") -> Just i
83            _ -> Nothing
85    parseHeaders 100 _ = throwHttp OverlongHeaders
86    parseHeaders count front = do
87        line <- connectionReadLine conn
88        if S.null line
89            then return $ front []
90            else do
91                mheader <- parseHeader line
92                case mheader of
93                    Just header ->
94                        parseHeaders (count + 1) $ front . (header:)
95                    Nothing ->
96                        -- Unparseable header line; rather than throwing
97                        -- an exception, ignore it for robustness.
98                        parseHeaders count front
100    parseHeader :: S.ByteString -> IO (Maybe Header)
101    parseHeader bs = do
102        let (key, bs2) = S.break (== charColon) bs
103        if S.null bs2
104            then return Nothing
105            else return (Just (CI.mk $! strip key, strip $! S.drop 1 bs2))
107    strip = S.dropWhile (== charSpace) . fst . S.spanEnd (== charSpace)
109data HeadersValidationResult
110    = GoodHeaders
111    | BadHeaders S.ByteString -- contains a message with the reason
113validateHeaders :: RequestHeaders -> HeadersValidationResult
114validateHeaders headers =
115    case mapMaybe validateHeader headers of
116        [] -> GoodHeaders
117        reasons -> BadHeaders (S8.unlines reasons)
118    where
119    validateHeader (k, v)
120        | S8.elem '\n' v = Just ("Header " <> CI.original k <> " has newlines")
121        | True = Nothing