1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2012-2021 Inria.  All rights reserved.
3  * Copyright © 2013, 2018 Université Bordeaux.  All right reserved.
4  * See COPYING in top-level directory.
5  */
7 /** \file
8  * \brief Macros to help interaction between hwloc and the OpenCL interface.
9  *
10  * Applications that use both hwloc and OpenCL may want to
11  * include this file so as to get topology information for OpenCL devices.
12  */
14 #ifndef HWLOC_OPENCL_H
15 #define HWLOC_OPENCL_H
17 #include "hwloc.h"
18 #include "hwloc/autogen/config.h"
19 #include "hwloc/helper.h"
21 #include "hwloc/linux.h"
22 #endif
24 #ifdef __APPLE__
25 #include <OpenCL/cl.h>
26 #else
27 #include <CL/cl.h>
28 #endif
30 #include <stdio.h>
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C" {
35 #endif
38 /* OpenCL extensions aren't always shipped with default headers, and
39  * they don't always reflect what the installed implementations support.
40  * Try everything and let the implementation return errors when non supported.
41  */
42 /* Copyright (c) 2008-2018 The Khronos Group Inc. */
44 /* needs "cl_amd_device_attribute_query" device extension, but not strictly required for clGetDeviceInfo() */
46 typedef union {
47     struct { cl_uint type; cl_uint data[5]; } raw;
48     struct { cl_uint type; cl_char unused[17]; cl_char bus; cl_char device; cl_char function; } pcie;
49 } hwloc_cl_device_topology_amd;
52 /* needs "cl_nv_device_attribute_query" device extension, but not strictly required for clGetDeviceInfo() */
53 #define HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_PCI_BUS_ID_NV 0x4008
54 #define HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_PCI_SLOT_ID_NV 0x4009
58 /** \defgroup hwlocality_opencl Interoperability with OpenCL
59  *
60  * This interface offers ways to retrieve topology information about
61  * OpenCL devices.
62  *
63  * Only AMD and NVIDIA OpenCL implementations currently offer useful locality
64  * information about their devices.
65  *
66  * @{
67  */
69 /** \brief Return the domain, bus and device IDs of the OpenCL device \p device.
70  *
71  * Device \p device must match the local machine.
72  */
73 static __hwloc_inline int
hwloc_opencl_get_device_pci_busid(cl_device_id device,unsigned * domain,unsigned * bus,unsigned * dev,unsigned * func)74 hwloc_opencl_get_device_pci_busid(cl_device_id device,
75                                unsigned *domain, unsigned *bus, unsigned *dev, unsigned *func)
76 {
77 	hwloc_cl_device_topology_amd amdtopo;
78 	cl_uint nvbus, nvslot, nvdomain;
79 	cl_int clret;
81 	clret = clGetDeviceInfo(device, HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_AMD, sizeof(amdtopo), &amdtopo, NULL);
82 	if (CL_SUCCESS == clret
83 	    && HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_PCIE_AMD == amdtopo.raw.type) {
84 		*domain = 0; /* can't do anything better */
85 		/* cl_device_topology_amd stores bus ID in cl_char, dont convert those signed char directly to unsigned int */
86 		*bus = (unsigned) (unsigned char) amdtopo.pcie.bus;
87 		*dev = (unsigned) (unsigned char) amdtopo.pcie.device;
88 		*func = (unsigned) (unsigned char) amdtopo.pcie.function;
89 		return 0;
90 	}
92 	clret = clGetDeviceInfo(device, HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_PCI_BUS_ID_NV, sizeof(nvbus), &nvbus, NULL);
93 	if (CL_SUCCESS == clret) {
94 		clret = clGetDeviceInfo(device, HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_PCI_SLOT_ID_NV, sizeof(nvslot), &nvslot, NULL);
95 		if (CL_SUCCESS == clret) {
96 			clret = clGetDeviceInfo(device, HWLOC_CL_DEVICE_PCI_DOMAIN_ID_NV, sizeof(nvdomain), &nvdomain, NULL);
97 			if (CL_SUCCESS == clret) { /* available since CUDA 10.2 */
98 				*domain = nvdomain;
99 			} else {
100 				*domain = 0;
101 			}
102 			*bus = nvbus & 0xff;
103 			/* non-documented but used in many other projects */
104 			*dev = nvslot >> 3;
105 			*func = nvslot & 0x7;
106 			return 0;
107 		}
108 	}
110 	return -1;
111 }
113 /** \brief Get the CPU set of processors that are physically
114  * close to OpenCL device \p device.
115  *
116  * Store in \p set the CPU-set describing the locality of the OpenCL device \p device.
117  *
118  * Topology \p topology and device \p device must match the local machine.
119  * I/O devices detection and the OpenCL component are not needed in the topology.
120  *
121  * The function only returns the locality of the device.
122  * If more information about the device is needed, OS objects should
123  * be used instead, see hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev()
124  * and hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev_by_index().
125  *
126  * This function is currently only implemented in a meaningful way for
127  * Linux with the AMD or NVIDIA OpenCL implementation; other systems will simply
128  * get a full cpuset.
129  */
130 static __hwloc_inline int
hwloc_opencl_get_device_cpuset(hwloc_topology_t topology __hwloc_attribute_unused,cl_device_id device __hwloc_attribute_unused,hwloc_cpuset_t set)131 hwloc_opencl_get_device_cpuset(hwloc_topology_t topology __hwloc_attribute_unused,
132 			       cl_device_id device __hwloc_attribute_unused,
133 			       hwloc_cpuset_t set)
134 {
135 #if (defined HWLOC_LINUX_SYS)
136 	/* If we're on Linux, try AMD/NVIDIA extensions + the sysfs mechanism to get the local cpus */
139 	unsigned pcidomain, pcibus, pcidev, pcifunc;
141 	if (!hwloc_topology_is_thissystem(topology)) {
142 		errno = EINVAL;
143 		return -1;
144 	}
146 	if (hwloc_opencl_get_device_pci_busid(device, &pcidomain, &pcibus, &pcidev, &pcifunc) < 0) {
147 		hwloc_bitmap_copy(set, hwloc_topology_get_complete_cpuset(topology));
148 		return 0;
149 	}
151 	sprintf(path, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x/local_cpus", pcidomain, pcibus, pcidev, pcifunc);
152 	if (hwloc_linux_read_path_as_cpumask(path, set) < 0
153 	    || hwloc_bitmap_iszero(set))
154 		hwloc_bitmap_copy(set, hwloc_topology_get_complete_cpuset(topology));
155 #else
156 	/* Non-Linux systems simply get a full cpuset */
157 	hwloc_bitmap_copy(set, hwloc_topology_get_complete_cpuset(topology));
158 #endif
159   return 0;
160 }
162 /** \brief Get the hwloc OS device object corresponding to the
163  * OpenCL device for the given indexes.
164  *
165  * \return The hwloc OS device object describing the OpenCL device
166  * whose platform index is \p platform_index,
167  * and whose device index within this platform if \p device_index.
168  * \return \c NULL if there is none.
169  *
170  * The topology \p topology does not necessarily have to match the current
171  * machine. For instance the topology may be an XML import of a remote host.
172  * I/O devices detection and the OpenCL component must be enabled in the topology.
173  *
174  * \note The corresponding PCI device object can be obtained by looking
175  * at the OS device parent object (unless PCI devices are filtered out).
176  */
177 static __hwloc_inline hwloc_obj_t
hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev_by_index(hwloc_topology_t topology,unsigned platform_index,unsigned device_index)178 hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev_by_index(hwloc_topology_t topology,
179 				       unsigned platform_index, unsigned device_index)
180 {
181 	unsigned x = (unsigned) -1, y = (unsigned) -1;
182 	hwloc_obj_t osdev = NULL;
183 	while ((osdev = hwloc_get_next_osdev(topology, osdev)) != NULL) {
184 		if (HWLOC_OBJ_OSDEV_COPROC == osdev->attr->osdev.type
185                     && osdev->name
186 		    && sscanf(osdev->name, "opencl%ud%u", &x, &y) == 2
187 		    && platform_index == x && device_index == y)
188                         return osdev;
189         }
190         return NULL;
191 }
193 /** \brief Get the hwloc OS device object corresponding to OpenCL device \p deviceX.
194  *
195  * \return The hwloc OS device object corresponding to the given OpenCL device \p device.
196  * \return \c NULL if none could be found, for instance
197  * if required OpenCL attributes are not available.
198  *
199  * This function currently only works on AMD and NVIDIA OpenCL devices that support
200  * relevant OpenCL extensions. hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev_by_index()
201  * should be preferred whenever possible, i.e. when platform and device index
202  * are known.
203  *
204  * Topology \p topology and device \p device must match the local machine.
205  * I/O devices detection and the OpenCL component must be enabled in the topology.
206  * If not, the locality of the object may still be found using
207  * hwloc_opencl_get_device_cpuset().
208  *
209  * \note This function cannot work if PCI devices are filtered out.
210  *
211  * \note The corresponding hwloc PCI device may be found by looking
212  * at the result parent pointer (unless PCI devices are filtered out).
213  */
214 static __hwloc_inline hwloc_obj_t
hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev(hwloc_topology_t topology __hwloc_attribute_unused,cl_device_id device __hwloc_attribute_unused)215 hwloc_opencl_get_device_osdev(hwloc_topology_t topology __hwloc_attribute_unused,
216 			      cl_device_id device __hwloc_attribute_unused)
217 {
218 	hwloc_obj_t osdev;
219 	unsigned pcidomain, pcibus, pcidevice, pcifunc;
221 	if (hwloc_opencl_get_device_pci_busid(device, &pcidomain, &pcibus, &pcidevice, &pcifunc) < 0) {
222 		errno = EINVAL;
223 		return NULL;
224 	}
226 	osdev = NULL;
227 	while ((osdev = hwloc_get_next_osdev(topology, osdev)) != NULL) {
228 		hwloc_obj_t pcidev = osdev->parent;
229 		if (strncmp(osdev->name, "opencl", 6))
230 			continue;
231 		if (pcidev
232 		    && pcidev->type == HWLOC_OBJ_PCI_DEVICE
233 		    && pcidev->attr->pcidev.domain == pcidomain
234 		    && pcidev->attr->pcidev.bus == pcibus
235 		    && pcidev->attr->pcidev.dev == pcidevice
236 		    && pcidev->attr->pcidev.func == pcifunc)
237 			return osdev;
238 		/* if PCI are filtered out, we need a info attr to match on */
239 	}
241 	return NULL;
242 }
244 /** @} */
247 #ifdef __cplusplus
248 } /* extern "C" */
249 #endif
252 #endif /* HWLOC_OPENCL_H */