2  Copyright 2011 - 2020 John Maddock.
3  Copyright 2013 - 2019 Paul A. Bristow.
4  Copyright 2013 Christopher Kormanyos.
6  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
11[section:backendconc Backend Requirements]
13The requirements on the `Backend` template argument to `number` are split up into
14sections: compulsory and optional.
16Compulsory requirements have no default implementation in the library, therefore if the feature
17they implement is to be supported at all, then they must be implemented by the backend.
19Optional requirements have default implementations that are called if the backend doesn't provide
20its own.  Typically the backend will implement these to improve performance.
22In the following tables, type B is the `Backend` template argument to `number`, `b` and `b2` are
23a variables of type B, `pb` is a variable of type B*, `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` are constant variables of type `const B`,
24`rb` is a variable of type `B&&`, `a` and `a2` are variables of Arithmetic type,
25`s` is a variable of type `const char*`, `ui` is a variable of type `unsigned`, `bb` is a variable of type `bool`,
26`pa` is a variable of type pointer-to-arithmetic-type, `exp` is a variable of type `B::exp_type`,
27`pexp` is a variable of type `B::exp_type*`, `i` is a variable of type `int`, `pi` pointer to a variable of type `int`,
28B2 is another type that meets these requirements, b2 is a variable of type B2, `ss` is variable of type `std::streamsize`
29and `ff` is a variable of type `std::ios_base::fmtflags`.
31[table Compulsory Requirements on the Backend type.
32[[Expression][Return Type][Comments][Throws]]
33[[`B::signed_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of signed integral types that can be assigned to type B.  The types shall be
34                   listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in the type that is `std::intmax_t`.][[space]]]
35[[`B::unsigned_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of unsigned integral types that can be assigned to type B.  The types shall be
36                   listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in the type that is `std::uintmax_t`.][[space]]]
37[[`B::float_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of floating-point types that can be assigned to type B.The types shall be
38                   listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in type `long double`.][[space]]]
39[[`B::exponent_type`][A signed integral type.][The type of the exponent of type B.  This type is required only for floating-point types.][[space]]]
40[[`B()`][ ][Default constructor.][[space]]]
41[[`B(cb)`][ ][Copy Constructor.][[space]]]
42[[`b = b`][`B&`][Assignment operator.][[space]]]
43[[`b = a`][`B&`][Assignment from an Arithmetic type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
44            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
45[[`b = s`][`B&`][Assignment from a string.][Throws a `std::runtime_error` if the string could not be interpreted as a valid number.]]
46[[`b.swap(b)`][`void`][Swaps the contents of its arguments.][`noexcept`]]
47[[`cb.str(ss, ff)`][`std::string`][Returns the string representation of `b` with `ss` digits and formatted according to the flags set in `ff`.
48                  If `ss` is zero, then returns as many digits as are required to reconstruct the original value.][[space]]]
49[[`b.negate()`][`void`][Negates `b`.][[space]]]
50[[`cb.compare(cb2)`][`int`][Compares `cb` and `cb2`, returns a value less than zero if `cb < cb2`, a value greater than zero if `cb > cb2` and zero
51                   if `cb == cb2`.][`noexcept`]]
52[[`cb.compare(a)`][`int`][Compares `cb` and `a`, returns a value less than zero if `cb < a`, a value greater than zero if `cb > a` and zero
53                   if `cb == a`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
54                   `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
55[[`eval_add(b, cb)`][`void`][Adds `cb` to `b`.][[space]]]
56[[`eval_subtract(b, cb)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb` from `b`.][[space]]]
57[[`eval_multiply(b, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `b` by `cb`.][[space]]]
58[[`eval_divide(b, cb)`][`void`][Divides `b` by `cb`.]
59            [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
60[[`eval_modulus(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b %= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.]
61            [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero.]]
62[[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b &= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
63[[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b |= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
64[[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b ^= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
65[[`eval_complement(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes the ones-complement of `cb` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
66[[`eval_left_shift(b, ui)`][`void`][Computes `b <<= ui`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
67[[`eval_right_shift(b, ui)`][`void`][Computes `b >>= ui`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
68[[`eval_convert_to(pa, cb)`][`void`][Converts `cb` to the type of `*pa` and store the result in `*pa`.  Type `B` shall support
69                     conversion to at least types `std::intmax_t`, `std::uintmax_t` and `long long`.
70                     Conversion to other arithmetic types can then be synthesised using other operations.
71                     Conversions to other types are entirely optional.][[space]]]
72[[`eval_frexp(b, cb, pexp)`][`void`][Stores values in `b` and `*pexp` such that the value of `cb` is b * 2[super *pexp], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
73[[`eval_ldexp(b, cb, exp)`][`void`][Stores a value in `b` that is cb * 2[super exp], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
74[[`eval_frexp(b, cb, pi)`][`void`][Stores values in `b` and `*pi` such that the value of `cb` is b * 2[super *pi], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.]
75            [`std::runtime_error` if the exponent of cb is too large to be stored in an `int`.]]
76[[`eval_ldexp(b, cb, i)`][`void`][Stores a value in `b` that is cb * 2[super i], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
77[[`eval_floor(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the floor of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
78[[`eval_ceil(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the ceiling of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
79[[`eval_sqrt(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the square root of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
80[[`boost::multiprecision::number_category<B>::type`][`mpl::int_<N>`][`N` is one of the values `number_kind_integer`, `number_kind_floating_point`, `number_kind_complex`, `number_kind_rational` or `number_kind_fixed_point`.
81                                                Defaults to `number_kind_floating_point`.][[space]]]
82[[`eval_conj(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the complex conjugate of `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
83[[`eval_proj(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the Riemann projection of `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
84[[`eval_real(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the real part of `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
85[[`eval_imag(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the imaginary of `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
86[[`eval_set_real(b, a)`][`void`][Sets the real part of `b` to `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
87[[`eval_set_imag(b, a)`][`void`][Sets the imaginary part of `b` to `cb`.  Required for complex types only - other types have a sensible default.][[space]]]
90[table Optional Requirements on the Backend Type
93[[['Construct and assign:]]]
94[[`B(rb)`][`B`][Move constructor.  Afterwards variable `rb` shall be in sane state, albeit with unspecified value.
95      Only destruction and assignment to the moved-from variable `rb` need be supported after the operation.][`noexcept`]]
96[[`b = rb`][`B&`][Move-assign.  Afterwards variable `rb` shall be in sane state, albeit with unspecified value.
97      Only destruction and assignment to the moved-from variable `rb` need be supported after the operation.][`noexcept`]]
98[[`B(a)`][`B`][Direct construction from an arithmetic type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
99            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
100            When not provided, this operation is simulated using default-construction followed by assignment.][[space]]]
101[[`B(b2)`][`B`][Copy constructor from a different back-end type.  When not provided, a generic interconversion routine is used.
102          This constructor may be `explicit` if the corresponding frontend constructor should also be `explicit`.][[space]]]
103[[`b = b2`][`b&`][Assignment operator from a different back-end type.  When not provided, a generic interconversion routine is used.][[space]]]
104[[`assign_components(b, a, a)`][`void`][Assigns to `b` the two components in the following arguments.
105                           Only applies to rational and complex number types.
106                           When not provided, arithmetic operations are used to synthesise the result from the two values.][[space]]]
107[[`assign_components(b, b2, b2)`][`void`][Assigns to `b` the two components in the following arguments.
108                           Only applies to rational and complex number types.
109                           When not provided, arithmetic operations are used to synthesise the result from the two values.][[space]]]
112[[`eval_eq(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `cb2` are equal in value.
113            When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) == 0`.][`noexcept`]]
114[[`eval_eq(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `a` are equal in value.
115            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
116            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
117            When not provided, return the equivalent of `eval_eq(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
118[[`eval_eq(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `a` are equal in value.
119            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
120            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
121            When not provided, the default version returns `eval_eq(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
122[[`eval_lt(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is less than `cb2` in value.
123            When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) < 0`.][`noexcept`]]
124[[`eval_lt(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is less than `a` in value.
125            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
126            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
127            When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_lt(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
128[[`eval_lt(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `a` is less than `cb` in value.
129            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
130            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
131            When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_gt(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
132[[`eval_gt(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is greater than `cb2` in value.
133            When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) > 0`.][`noexcept`]]
134[[`eval_gt(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is greater than `a` in value.
135            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
136            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
137            When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_gt(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
138[[`eval_gt(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `a` is greater than `cb` in value.
139            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
140            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
141            When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_lt(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
142[[`eval_is_zero(cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is zero, otherwise `false`.  The default version of this function
143            returns `cb.compare(ui_type(0)) == 0`, where `ui_type` is `ui_type` is
144            `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
145[[`eval_get_sign(cb)`][`int`][Returns a value < zero if `cb` is negative, a value > zero if `cb` is positive, and zero if `cb` is zero.
146            The default version of this function
147            returns `cb.compare(ui_type(0))`, where `ui_type` is `ui_type` is
148            `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
150[[['Basic arithmetic:]]]
151[[`eval_add(b, a)`][`void`][Adds `a` to `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
152            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
153            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_add(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
154[[`eval_add(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Add `cb` to `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
155            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_add(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
156[[`eval_add(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Add `cb` to `a` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
157            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
158            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
159[[`eval_add(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Add `a` to `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
160            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
161            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
162[[`eval_subtract(b, a)`][`void`][Subtracts `a` from `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
163            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
164            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_subtract(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
165[[`eval_subtract(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb2` from `cb` and stores the result in `b`.
166            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_subtract(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
167[[`eval_subtract(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Subtracts `a` from `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
168            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
169            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
170[[`eval_subtract(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb` from `a` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
171            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
172            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, cb, a); b.negate();`.][[space]]]
173[[`eval_multiply(b, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `b` by `a`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
174            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
175            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_multiply(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
176[[`eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
177            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_multiply(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
178[[`eval_multiply(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `a` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
179            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
180            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
181[[`eval_multiply(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
182            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
183            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
184[[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and adds the result to `b`.
185            When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, cb2)` followed by
186            `eval_add(b, t)`.][[space]]]
187[[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and adds the result to `b`.
188            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
189            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
190            When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, a)` followed by
191            `eval_add(b, t)`.][[space]]]
192[[`eval_multiply_add(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and adds the result to `b`.
193            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
194            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
195            When not provided does the equivalent of  `eval_multiply_add(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
196[[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and subtracts the result from `b`.
197            When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, cb2)` followed by
198            `eval_subtract(b, t)`.][[space]]]
199[[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and subtracts the result from `b`.
200            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
201            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
202            When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, a)` followed by
203            `eval_subtract(b, t)`.][[space]]]
204[[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and subtracts the result from `b`.
205            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
206            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
207            When not provided does the equivalent of  `eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
208[[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and adds the result to `cb3` storing the result in `b`.
209            When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)` followed by
210            `eval_add(b, cb3)`.
211            For brevity, only a version showing all arguments of type `B` is shown here, but you can replace up to any 2 of
212            `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` with any type listed in one of the type lists
213            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
214[[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and subtracts from the result `cb3` storing the result in `b`.
215            When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)` followed by
216            `eval_subtract(b, cb3)`.
217            For brevity, only a version showing all arguments of type `B` is shown here, but you can replace up to any 2 of
218            `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` with any type listed in one of the type lists
219            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
220[[`eval_divide(b, a)`][`void`][Divides `b` by `a`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
221            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
222            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_divide(b, B(a))`]
223            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
224[[`eval_divide(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Divides `cb` by `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
225            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_divide(b, cb2)`.]
226            [`std::overflow_error` if `cb2` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
227[[`eval_divide(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Divides `cb` by `a` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
228            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
229            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_divide(b, cb, B(a))`.]
230            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
231[[`eval_divide(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Divides `a` by `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
232            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
233            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_divide(b, B(a), cb)`.]
234            [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
235[[`eval_increment(b)`][void][Increments the value of `b` by one.
236            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, static_cast<ui_type>(1u))`.
237            Where `ui_type` is `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
238[[`eval_decrement(b)`][void][Decrements the value of `b` by one.
239            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, static_cast<ui_type>(1u))`.
240            Where `ui_type` is `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
242[[['Integer specific operations:]]]
243[[`eval_modulus(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b %= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
244            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
245            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_modulus(b, B(a))`]
246            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
247[[`eval_modulus(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb % cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
248            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_modulus(b, cb2)`.]
249            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
250[[`eval_modulus(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb % a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
251            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
252            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_modulus(b, cb, B(a))`.]
253            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
254[[`eval_modulus(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb % a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
255            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
256            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_modulus(b, B(a), cb)`.]
257            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
258[[`eval_bitwise_and(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b &= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
259            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
260            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_and(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
261[[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb & cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
262            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_and(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
263[[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb & a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
264            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
265            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
266[[`eval_bitwise_and(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb & a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
267            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
268            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
269[[`eval_bitwise_or(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b |= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
270            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
271            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_or(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
272[[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb | cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
273            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_or(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
274[[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb | a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
275            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
276            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
277[[`eval_bitwise_or(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb | a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
278            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
279            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
280[[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b ^= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.  The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
281            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
282            When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_xor(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
283[[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb ^ cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
284            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
285[[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb ^ a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
286            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
287            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
288[[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `a ^ cb` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
289            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
290            When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
291[[`eval_left_shift(b, cb, ui)`][`void`][Computes `cb << ui` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
292            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_left_shift(b, a);`.][[space]]]
293[[`eval_right_shift(b, cb, ui)`][`void`][Computes `cb >> ui` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
294            When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_right_shift(b, a);`.][[space]]]
295[[`eval_qr(cb, cb2, b, b2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of `cb / cb2` and `b2` to the result of `cb % cb2`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
296            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.]
297            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
298[[`eval_integer_modulus(cb, ui)`][`unsigned`][Returns the result of `cb % ui`.    Only required when `B` is an integer type.
299            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.]
300            [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
301[[`eval_lsb(cb)`][`unsigned`][Returns the index of the least significant bit that is set.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
302            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
303[[`eval_msb(cb)`][`unsigned`][Returns the index of the most significant bit that is set.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
304            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
305[[`eval_bit_test(cb, ui)`][`bool`][Returns true if `cb` has bit `ui` set.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
306            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
307[[`eval_bit_set(b, ui)`][`void`][Sets the bit at index `ui` in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
308            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
309[[`eval_bit_unset(b, ui)`][`void`][Unsets the bit at index `ui` in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
310            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
311[[`eval_bit_flip(b, ui)`][`void`][Flips the bit at index `ui` in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
312            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
313[[`eval_gcd(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `cb2`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
314            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
315[[`eval_lcm(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `cb2`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
316            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
317[[`eval_gcd(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `cb2`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
318            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
319            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
320            The default version of this function calls `eval_gcd(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
321[[`eval_lcm(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `cb2`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
322            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
323            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
324            The default version of this function calls `eval_lcm(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
325[[`eval_gcd(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `a`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
326            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
327            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
328            The default version of this function calls `eval_gcd(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
329[[`eval_lcm(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `a`.  Only required when `B` is an integer type.
330            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
331            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
332            The default version of this function calls `eval_lcm(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
333[[`eval_powm(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^cb2)%cb3].
334            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
335[[`eval_powm(b, cb, cb2, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^cb2)%a].
336            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
337            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
338            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
339[[`eval_powm(b, cb, a, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^a)%cb2].
340            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
341            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
342            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
343[[`eval_powm(b, cb, a, a2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^a)%a2].
344            The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
345            `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
346            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
347[[`eval_integer_sqrt(b, cb, b2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the largest integer which when squared is less than `cb`, also
348            sets `b2` to the remainder, ie to ['cb - b[super 2]].
349            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
351[[['Sign manipulation:]]]
352[[`eval_abs(b, cb)`][`void`][Set `b` to the absolute value of `cb`.
353            The default version of this functions assigns `cb` to `b`, and then calls `b.negate()` if
354            `eval_get_sign(cb) < 0`.][[space]]]
355[[`eval_fabs(b, cb)`][`void`][Set `b` to the absolute value of `cb`.
356            The default version of this functions assigns `cb` to `b`, and then calls `b.negate()` if
357            `eval_get_sign(cb) < 0`.][[space]]]
359[[['floating-point functions:]]]
360[[`eval_fpclassify(cb)`][`int`][Returns one of the same values returned by `std::fpclassify`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
361            The default version of this function will only test for zero `cb`.][[space]]]
362[[`eval_trunc(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::trunc` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
363            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
364[[`eval_round(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::round` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
365            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
366[[`eval_exp(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
367            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
368[[`eval_exp2(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp2` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
369            The default version of this function is implemented in terms of `eval_pow`.][[space]]]
370[[`eval_log(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::log` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
371            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
372[[`eval_log10(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::log10` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
373            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
374[[`eval_sin(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::sin` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
375            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
376[[`eval_cos(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::cos` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
377            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
378[[`eval_tan(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
379            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
380[[`eval_asin(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::asin` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
381            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
382[[`eval_acos(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::acos` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
383            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
384[[`eval_atan(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::atan` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
385            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
386[[`eval_sinh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::sinh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
387            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
388[[`eval_cosh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::cosh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
389            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
390[[`eval_tanh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::tanh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
391            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
392[[`eval_fmod(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::fmod` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
393            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
394[[`eval_modf(b, cb, pb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::modf` on argument `cb`, and store the integer result in `*pb` and the fractional part in `b`.
395            Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
396            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
397[[`eval_pow(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::pow` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
398            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
399[[`eval_atan2(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::atan` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`.  Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
400            The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
401[[`eval_scalbn(b, cb, e)`][`void`][Scales value `cb` by ['r[super e]], where ['r] is the radix of the type.  The default version of this function
402                  is implemented in terms of eval_ldexp, consequently this function must be provided for types with a radix other than 2.]]
403[[`eval_scalbln(b, cb, e)`][`void`][Calls `eval_scalbn(b, cb, e)`.]]
404[[`eval_ilogb(cb)`][`B::exponent_type`][Returns the exponent ['e] of value `cb` such that ['1 <= cb*r[super -e] < r], where ['r] is the radix of type B.
405                    The default version of this function is implemented in terms of eval_frexp, consequently this function must be provided for types with a radix other than 2.]]
406[[`eval_remquo(b, cb, cb2, pi)`][`void`][Sets `b = cb - n * cb2` and stores `n` in `*pi`.]]
407[[`eval_remquo(b, cb, a, pi)`][`void`][Default version converts a to type B and calls the overload above.]]
408[[`eval_remquo(b, a, cb, pi)`][`void`][Default version converts a to type B and calls the overload above.]]
409[[`eval_remainder(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
410[[`eval_remainder(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
411[[`eval_remainder(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
413[[`eval_fdim(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise.  Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
414[[`eval_fdim(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise.  Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
415[[`eval_fdim(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise.  Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
417[[`eval_fmax(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `cb2`.]]
418[[`eval_fmax(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `a`.]]
419[[`eval_fmax(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `a`.]]
420[[`eval_fmin(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `cb2`.]]
421[[`eval_fmin(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `a`.]]
422[[`eval_fmin(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `a`.]]
424[[`eval_hypot(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the square root of the sum of the squares of `cb` and `cb2` without undue over or under flow.]]
425[[`eval_hypot(b, cb, a)`][`void`][As above.]]
426[[`eval_hypot(b, a, cb)`][`void`][As above.]]
428[[`eval_logb(b, cb)`][`B::exponent_type`][Sets `b` to the exponent ['e] of value `cb` such that ['1 <= cb*r[super -b] < r], where ['r] is the radix of type B.
429                  The default version of this function is implemented in terms of `eval_ilogb`.]]
430[[`eval_nearbyint(b, cb)`][`void`][Calls `eval_round(b, cb)`.]]
431[[`eval_rint(b, cb)`][`void`][Calls `eval_nearbyint(b, cb)`.]]
432[[`eval_log2(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the logarithm base 2 of `cb`.]]
436         [Returns a hash value for the argument that is suitable for use with `std::hash` etc.  If not provided then no automatic hashing support will be available for the number type.]]
439When the tables above place no ['throws] requirements on an operation, then it is up to each type modelling this concept to
440decide when or whether throwing an exception is desirable.  However, thrown exceptions should always either be the type, or
441inherit from the type `std::runtime_error`.  For example, a floating-point type might choose to throw `std::overflow_error`
442whenever the result of an operation would be infinite, and `std::underflow_error` whenever it would round to zero.
445The non-member functions are all named with an "eval_" prefix to avoid conflicts with template classes of the same name -
446in point of fact this naming convention shouldn't be necessary, but rather works around some compiler bugs.]
448[h4 Overloadable Functions]
450Some of the C99 math functions do not have `eval_` functions but must be overloaded directly: these functions
451are either trivial or are forwarded to the Boost.Math implementations by default.
452The full list of these functions is:
454   int           sign       (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
455   int           signbit    (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
456   ``['number]``        changesign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
457   ``['number]``        copysign   (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
458   ``['number]``        asinh      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
459   ``['number]``        acosh      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
460   ``['number]``        atanh      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
461   ``['number]``        cbrt       (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
462   ``['number]``        erf        (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
463   ``['number]``        erfc       (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
464   ``['number]``        expm1      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
465   ``['number]``        log1p      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
466   ``['number]``        tgamma     (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
467   ``['number]``        lgamma     (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
468   long          lrint      (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
469   long long     llrint     (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
470   ``['number]``        nextafter  (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
471   ``['number]``        nexttoward (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);