1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
3 /*
4 **********************************************************************
5 *   Copyright (c) 2002-2005, International Business Machines Corporation
6 *   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 **********************************************************************
8 *   Date        Name        Description
9 *   01/14/2002  aliu        Creation.
10 **********************************************************************
11 */
12 #ifndef UNIFUNCT_H
13 #define UNIFUNCT_H
15 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
19 #include "unicode/uobject.h"
21 /**
22  * \file
23  * \brief C++ API: Unicode Functor
24  */
28 class UnicodeMatcher;
29 class UnicodeReplacer;
30 class TransliterationRuleData;
32 /**
33  * <code>UnicodeFunctor</code> is an abstract base class for objects
34  * that perform match and/or replace operations on Unicode strings.
35  * @author Alan Liu
36  * @stable ICU 2.4
37  */
38 class U_COMMON_API UnicodeFunctor : public UObject {
40 public:
42     /**
43      * Destructor
44      * @stable ICU 2.4
45      */
46     virtual ~UnicodeFunctor();
48     /**
49      * Return a copy of this object.  All UnicodeFunctor objects
50      * have to support cloning in order to allow classes using
51      * UnicodeFunctor to implement cloning.
52      * @stable ICU 2.4
53      */
54     virtual UnicodeFunctor* clone() const = 0;
56     /**
57      * Cast 'this' to a UnicodeMatcher* pointer and return the
58      * pointer, or null if this is not a UnicodeMatcher*.  Subclasses
59      * that mix in UnicodeMatcher as a base class must override this.
60      * This protocol is required because a pointer to a UnicodeFunctor
61      * cannot be cast to a pointer to a UnicodeMatcher, since
62      * UnicodeMatcher is a mixin that does not derive from
63      * UnicodeFunctor.
64      * @stable ICU 2.4
65      */
66     virtual UnicodeMatcher* toMatcher() const;
68     /**
69      * Cast 'this' to a UnicodeReplacer* pointer and return the
70      * pointer, or null if this is not a UnicodeReplacer*.  Subclasses
71      * that mix in UnicodeReplacer as a base class must override this.
72      * This protocol is required because a pointer to a UnicodeFunctor
73      * cannot be cast to a pointer to a UnicodeReplacer, since
74      * UnicodeReplacer is a mixin that does not derive from
75      * UnicodeFunctor.
76      * @stable ICU 2.4
77      */
78     virtual UnicodeReplacer* toReplacer() const;
80     /**
81      * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
82      * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().
83      * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
84      * @stable ICU 2.0
85      */
86     static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
88     /**
89      * Returns a unique class ID <b>polymorphically</b>.  This method
90      * is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
91      * compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
92      * clone() methods call this method.
93      *
94      * <p>Concrete subclasses of UnicodeFunctor should use the macro
95      *    UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION from uobject.h to
96      *    provide definitions getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID.
97      *
98      * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
99      * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
100      * different class IDs.
101      * @stable ICU 2.4
102      */
103     virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const override = 0;
105     /**
106      * Set the data object associated with this functor.  The data
107      * object provides context for functor-to-standin mapping.  This
108      * method is required when assigning a functor to a different data
109      * object.  This function MAY GO AWAY later if the architecture is
110      * changed to pass data object pointers through the API.
111      * @internal ICU 2.1
112      */
113     virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*) = 0;
115 protected:
117     /**
118      * Since this class has pure virtual functions,
119      * a constructor can't be used.
120      * @stable ICU 2.0
121      */
122     /*UnicodeFunctor();*/
124 };
126 /*inline UnicodeFunctor::UnicodeFunctor() {}*/
130 #endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
132 #endif