1 /* Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Doubrovkine, All Rights Reserved
2  *
3  * The contents of this file is dual-licensed under 2
4  * alternative Open Source/Free licenses: LGPL 2.1 or later and
5  * Apache License 2.0. (starting with JNA version 4.0.0).
6  *
7  * You can freely decide which license you want to apply to
8  * the project.
9  *
10  * You may obtain a copy of the LGPL License at:
11  *
12  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
13  *
14  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
15  * containing JNA, in file "LGPL2.1".
16  *
17  * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at:
18  *
19  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/
20  *
21  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
22  * containing JNA, in file "AL2.0".
23  */
24 package com.sun.jna.platform.win32;
26 import com.sun.jna.Native;
27 import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
28 import com.sun.jna.Structure;
29 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FE_EXPORT_FUNC;
30 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FE_IMPORT_FUNC;
31 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION;
32 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
33 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO;
34 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOLByReference;
35 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD;
36 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDByReference;
37 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.ULONG;
38 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL;
39 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.GENERIC_MAPPING;
40 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HANDLE;
41 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HANDLEByReference;
42 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PACLByReference;
43 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PRIVILEGE_SET;
44 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PSID;
45 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PSIDByReference;
46 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;
47 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE;
48 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEY;
49 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEYByReference;
50 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.ChangeServiceConfig2Info;
51 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.HandlerEx;
52 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SC_HANDLE;
53 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS;
54 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE;
55 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS;
56 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY;
57 import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
58 import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
59 import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
60 import com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference;
61 import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
62 import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions;
64 /**
65  * Advapi32.dll Interface.
66  *
67  * @author dblock[at]dblock.org
68  */
69 public interface Advapi32 extends StdCallLibrary {
70     Advapi32 INSTANCE = Native.load("Advapi32", Advapi32.class, W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
72     int MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 255;
73     int MAX_VALUE_NAME = 16383;
75     int RRF_RT_ANY = 0x0000ffff;
76     int RRF_RT_DWORD = 0x00000018;
77     int RRF_RT_QWORD = 0x00000048;
78     int RRF_RT_REG_BINARY = 0x00000008;
79     int RRF_RT_REG_DWORD = 0x00000010;
80     int RRF_RT_REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00000004;
81     int RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00000020;
82     int RRF_RT_REG_NONE = 0x00000001;
83     int RRF_RT_REG_QWORD = 0x00000040;
84     int RRF_RT_REG_SZ = 0x00000002;
86     /**
87      * LOGON_WITH_PROFILE: 0x00000001<br>
88      * Log on, then load the user profile in the HKEY_USERS registry key.<br>
89      * The function returns after the profile is loaded. <br>
90      * Loading the profile can be time-consuming, so it is best to use this
91      * value only if you must access the information in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
92      * registry key.<br>
93      * Windows Server 2003: The profile is unloaded after the new process is
94      * terminated, whether or not it has created child processes.<br>
95      * Windows XP: The profile is unloaded after the new process and all child
96      * processes it has created are terminated.<br>
97      */
98     int LOGON_WITH_PROFILE = 0x00000001;
100     /**
101      * LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY: 0x00000002<br>
102      * Log on, but use the specified credentials on the network only.<br>
103      * The new process uses the same token as the caller, but the system creates
104      * a new logon session within LSA, and the process uses the specified
105      * credentials as the default credentials. <br>
106      * This value can be used to create a process that uses a different set of
107      * credentials locally than it does remotely.<br>
108      * This is useful in inter-domain scenarios where there is no trust
109      * relationship.<br>
110      * The system does not validate the specified credentials.<br>
111      * Therefore, the process can start, but it may not have access to network
112      * resources.
113      */
114     int LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY = 0x00000002;
116     /**
117      * Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread.
118      * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724432(VS.85).aspx
119      *
120      * @param buffer
121      *            Buffer to receive the user's logon name.
122      * @param len
123      *            On input, the size of the buffer, on output the number of
124      *            characters copied into the buffer, including the terminating
125      *            null character.
126      * @return True if succeeded.
127      */
GetUserNameW(char[] buffer, IntByReference len)128     boolean GetUserNameW(char[] buffer, IntByReference len);
130     /**
131      * Accepts the name of a system and anaccount as input and retrieves a
132      * security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on
133      * which the account was found.
134      * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa379159(VS.85).aspx
135      *
136      * @param lpSystemName
137      *            Specifies the name of the system.
138      * @param lpAccountName
139      *            Specifies the account name.
140      * @param Sid
141      *            Receives the SID structure that corresponds to the account
142      *            name pointed to by the lpAccountName parameter.
143      * @param cbSid
144      *            On input, this value specifies the size, in bytes, of the Sid
145      *            buffer. If the function fails because the buffer is too small
146      *            or if cbSid is zero, this variable receives the required
147      *            buffer size.
148      * @param ReferencedDomainName
149      *            Receives the name of the domain where the account name is
150      *            found.
151      * @param cchReferencedDomainName
152      *            On input, this value specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the
153      *            ReferencedDomainName buffer. If the function fails because the
154      *            buffer is too small, this variable receives the required
155      *            buffer size, including the terminating null character.
156      * @param peUse
157      *            SID_NAME_USE enumerated type that indicates the type of the
158      *            account when the function returns.
159      * @return True if the function was successful, False otherwise.
160      */
LookupAccountName(String lpSystemName, String lpAccountName, PSID Sid, IntByReference cbSid, char[] ReferencedDomainName, IntByReference cchReferencedDomainName, PointerByReference peUse)161     boolean LookupAccountName(String lpSystemName, String lpAccountName,
162                               PSID Sid, IntByReference cbSid, char[] ReferencedDomainName,
163                               IntByReference cchReferencedDomainName, PointerByReference peUse);
165     /**
166      * Retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first
167      * domain on which this SID is found.
168      *
169      * @param lpSystemName
170      *            Specifies the target computer.
171      * @param Sid
172      *            The SID to look up.
173      * @param lpName
174      *            Buffer that receives a null-terminated string that contains
175      *            the account name that corresponds to the lpSid parameter.
176      * @param cchName
177      *            On input, specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the lpName buffer.
178      *            If the function fails because the buffer is too small or if
179      *            cchName is zero, cchName receives the required buffer size,
180      *            including the terminating null character.
181      * @param ReferencedDomainName
182      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated string
183      *            that contains the name of the domain where the account name
184      *            was found.
185      * @param cchReferencedDomainName
186      *            On input, specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the
187      *            lpReferencedDomainName buffer. If the function fails because
188      *            the buffer is too small or if cchReferencedDomainName is zero,
189      *            cchReferencedDomainName receives the required buffer size,
190      *            including the terminating null character.
191      * @param peUse
192      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a SID_NAME_USE value that
193      *            indicates the type of the account.
194      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. If the
195      *         function fails, it returns zero. To get extended error
196      *         information, call GetLastError.
197      */
LookupAccountSid(String lpSystemName, PSID Sid, char[] lpName, IntByReference cchName, char[] ReferencedDomainName, IntByReference cchReferencedDomainName, PointerByReference peUse)198     boolean LookupAccountSid(String lpSystemName, PSID Sid,
199                              char[] lpName, IntByReference cchName, char[] ReferencedDomainName,
200                              IntByReference cchReferencedDomainName, PointerByReference peUse);
202     /**
203      * Convert a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for
204      * display, storage, or transmission.
205      *
206      * @param Sid
207      *            The SID structure to be converted.
208      * @param StringSid
209      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to a
210      *            null-terminated SID string. To free the returned buffer, call
211      *            the LocalFree function.
212      * @return {@code true} if the function was successful - call {@code GetLastError()}
213      * to check failure reason
214      * @see <A HREF="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376399(VS.85).aspx">ConvertSidToStringSid</A>
215      */
ConvertSidToStringSid(PSID Sid, PointerByReference StringSid)216     boolean ConvertSidToStringSid(PSID Sid, PointerByReference StringSid);
218     /**
219      * Convert a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid,
220      * functional SID.
221      *
222      *
223      * @param StringSid
224      *            The string-format SID to convert.
225      * @param Sid
226      *            Receives a pointer to the converted SID. To free the returned buffer, call
227      *            the LocalFree function.
228      * @return {@code true} if the function was successful - call {@code GetLastError()}
229      * to check failure reason
230      * @see <A HREF="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376402(VS.85).aspx">ConvertStringSidToSid</A>
231      */
ConvertStringSidToSid(String StringSid, PSIDByReference Sid)232     boolean ConvertStringSidToSid(String StringSid, PSIDByReference Sid);
234     /**
235      * Returns the length, in bytes, of a valid security identifier (SID).
236      * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446642(VS.85).aspx
237      *
238      * @param pSid
239      *            A pointer to the SID structure whose length is returned.
240      * @return Length of the SID.
241      */
GetLengthSid(PSID pSid)242     int GetLengthSid(PSID pSid);
244     /**
245      * The IsValidSid function validates a security identifier (SID) by
246      * verifying that the revision number is within a known range, and that the
247      * number of subauthorities is less than the maximum.
248      *
249      * @param pSid
250      *            Pointer to the SID structure to validate. This parameter
251      *            cannot be NULL.
252      * @return If the SID structure is valid, the return value is nonzero. If
253      *         the SID structure is not valid, the return value is zero. There
254      *         is no extended error information for this function; do not call
255      *         GetLastError.
256      */
IsValidSid(PSID pSid)257     boolean IsValidSid(PSID pSid);
259     /**
260      * he EqualSid function tests two security identifier (SID) values for equality.
261      * Two SIDs must match exactly to be considered equal.
262      * @param pSid1
263      *             A pointer to the first SID structure to compare. This structure is assumed to be valid.
264      * @param pSid2
265      *             A pointer to the second SID structure to compare. This structure is assumed to be valid.
266      * @return If the SID structures are equal, the return value is nonzero.
267      *         If the SID structures are not equal, the return value is zero. To get extended error
268      *         information, call GetLastError.
269      *         If either SID structure is not valid, the return value is undefined.
270      */
EqualSid(PSID pSid1, PSID pSid2)271     boolean EqualSid(PSID pSid1, PSID pSid2);
273     /**
274      * Compares a SID to a well known SID and returns TRUE if they match.
275      *
276      * @param pSid
277      *            SID to test.
278      * @param wellKnownSidType
279      *            Member of the WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration to compare with
280      *            the SID at pSid.
281      * @return True if the SID is of a given well known type, false otherwise.
282      */
IsWellKnownSid(PSID pSid, int wellKnownSidType)283     boolean IsWellKnownSid(PSID pSid, int wellKnownSidType);
285     /**
286      * The CreateWellKnownSid function creates a SID for predefined aliases.
287      *
288      * @param wellKnownSidType
289      *            Member of the WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration that specifies
290      *            what the SID will identify.
291      * @param domainSid
292      *            Pointer to a SID that identifies the domain control to use
293      *            when creating the SID. Pass NULL to use the local computer.
294      * @param pSid
295      *            Pointer to memory where CreateWellKnownSid will store the new
296      *            SID.
297      * @param cbSid
298      *            Pointer to a DWORD that contains the number of bytes available
299      *            at pSid. The CreateWellKnownSid function stores the number of
300      *            bytes actually used at this location.
301      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
302      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
303      *         information, call GetLastError.
304      */
CreateWellKnownSid(int wellKnownSidType, PSID domainSid, PSID pSid, IntByReference cbSid)305     boolean CreateWellKnownSid(int wellKnownSidType, PSID domainSid,
306                                PSID pSid, IntByReference cbSid);
308     /**
309      * The InitializeSecurityDescriptor function initializes a new security descriptor.
310      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
311      *              A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that the function initializes.
312      * @param dwRevision
313      *              The revision level to assign to the security descriptor. This parameter
314      *              must be SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION.
315      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
316      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
317      *         information, call GetLastError.
318      */
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, int dwRevision)319     boolean InitializeSecurityDescriptor(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, int dwRevision);
321     /**
322      * The GetSecurityDescriptorControl function retrieves a security descriptor control and revision information.
323      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
324      *              A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose control and revision
325      *              information the function retrieves.
326      * @param pControl
327      *              A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure that receives the security descriptor's
328      *              control information.
329      * @param lpdwRevision
330      *              A pointer to a variable that receives the security descriptor's revision value.
331      *              This value is always set, even when GetSecurityDescriptorControl returns an error.
332      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
333      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
334      *         information, call GetLastError.
335      */
GetSecurityDescriptorControl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, ShortByReference pControl, IntByReference lpdwRevision)336     boolean GetSecurityDescriptorControl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, ShortByReference pControl, IntByReference lpdwRevision);
338     /**
339      * The SetSecurityDescriptorControl function sets the control bits of a security descriptor. The function can set only the control
340      * bits that relate to automatic inheritance of ACEs. To set the other control bits of a security descriptor, use the functions,
341      * such as SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, for modifying the components of a security descriptor.
342      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
343      *              A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose control and revision information are set.
344      * @param ControlBitsOfInterest
345      *              A SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL mask that indicates the control bits to set.
346      * @param ControlBitsToSet
347      *               SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL mask that indicates the new values for the control bits specified by the ControlBitsOfInterest mask.
348      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
349      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
350      *         information, call GetLastError.
351      */
SetSecurityDescriptorControl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, short ControlBitsOfInterest, short ControlBitsToSet)352     boolean SetSecurityDescriptorControl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, short ControlBitsOfInterest, short ControlBitsToSet);
354     /**
355      * The GetSecurityDescriptorOwner function retrieves the owner information from a security descriptor.
356      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
357      *          A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose owner information the function retrieves.
358      * @param pOwner
359      *          A pointer to a pointer to a security identifier (SID) that identifies the owner when the function returns.
360      *          If the security descriptor does not contain an owner, the function sets the pointer pointed to by pOwner
361      *          to NULL and ignores the remaining output parameter, lpbOwnerDefaulted. If the security descriptor contains an owner,
362      *          the function sets the pointer pointed to by pOwner to the address of the security descriptor's owner SID
363      *          and provides a valid value for the variable pointed to by lpbOwnerDefaulted.
364      * @param lpbOwnerDefaulted
365      *          A pointer to a flag that is set to the value of the SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL
366      *          structure when the function returns. If the value stored in the variable pointed to by the pOwner parameter is
367      *          NULL, no value is set.
368      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
369      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
370      *         information, call GetLastError.
371      */
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSIDByReference pOwner, BOOLByReference lpbOwnerDefaulted)372     boolean GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSIDByReference pOwner, BOOLByReference lpbOwnerDefaulted);
374     /**
375      * The SetSecurityDescriptorOwner function sets the owner information of an absolute-format security descriptor. It replaces
376      * any owner information already present in the security descriptor.
377      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
378      *          A pointer to the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose owner is set by this function. The function replaces any existing
379      *          owner with the new owner.
380      * @param pOwner
381      *          A pointer to a SID structure for the security descriptor's new primary owner. The SID structure is referenced by, not
382      *          copied into, the security descriptor. If this parameter is NULL, the function clears the security descriptor's owner
383      *          information. This marks the security descriptor as having no owner.
384      * @param bOwnerDefaulted
385      *          Indicates whether the owner information is derived from a default mechanism. If this value is TRUE, it is default information.
386      *          The function stores this value as the SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure. If this parameter
387      *          is zero, the SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED flag is cleared.
388      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
389      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
390      *         information, call GetLastError.
391      */
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pOwner, boolean bOwnerDefaulted)392     boolean SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pOwner, boolean bOwnerDefaulted);
394     /**
395      * The GetSecurityDescriptorGroup function retrieves the primary group information from a security descriptor.
396      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
397      *          A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose primary group information the function retrieves.
398      * @param pGroup
399      *          A pointer to a pointer to a security identifier (SID) that identifies the primary group when the function
400      *          returns. If the security descriptor does not contain a primary group, the function sets the pointer
401      *          pointed to by pGroup to NULL and ignores the remaining output parameter, lpbGroupDefaulted. If the
402      *          security descriptor contains a primary group, the function sets the pointer pointed to by pGroup to the
403      *          address of the security descriptor's group SID and provides a valid value for the variable pointed to
404      *          by lpbGroupDefaulted.
405      * @param lpbGroupDefaulted
406      *          A pointer to a flag that is set to the value of the SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED flag in the
407      *          SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure when the function returns. If the value stored in the variable
408      *          pointed to by the pGroup parameter is NULL, no value is set.
409      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
410      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
411      *         information, call GetLastError.
412      */
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSIDByReference pGroup, BOOLByReference lpbGroupDefaulted)413     boolean GetSecurityDescriptorGroup(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSIDByReference pGroup, BOOLByReference lpbGroupDefaulted);
415     /**
416      * The SetSecurityDescriptorGroup function sets the primary group information of an absolute-format security descriptor, replacing
417      * any primary group information already present in the security descriptor.
418      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
419      *          A pointer to the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose primary group is set by this function. The function replaces
420      *          any existing primary group with the new primary group.
421      * @param pGroup
422      *          A pointer to a SID structure for the security descriptor's new primary group. The SID structure is referenced by, not copied
423      *          into, the security descriptor. If this parameter is NULL, the function clears the security descriptor's primary group
424      *          information. This marks the security descriptor as having no primary group.
425      * @param bGroupDefaulted
426      *          Indicates whether the primary group information was derived from a default mechanism. If this value is TRUE, it is default
427      *          information, and the function stores this value as the SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure.
428      *          If this parameter is zero, the SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED flag is cleared.
429      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
430      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
431      *         information, call GetLastError.
432      */
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pGroup, boolean bGroupDefaulted)433     boolean SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pGroup, boolean bGroupDefaulted);
435     /**
436      * The GetSecurityDescriptorDacl function retrieves a pointer to the discretionary access control list (DACL) in
437      * a specified security descriptor.
438      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
439      *              A pointer to the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that contains the DACL. The function retrieves a pointer to it.
440      * @param bDaclPresent
441      *              A pointer to a value that indicates the presence of a DACL in the specified security descriptor. If
442      *              lpbDaclPresent is TRUE, the security descriptor contains a DACL, and the remaining output parameters in this
443      *              function receive valid values. If lpbDaclPresent is FALSE, the security descriptor does not contain a DACL,
444      *              and the remaining output parameters do not receive valid values. A value of TRUE for lpbDaclPresent does not
445      *              mean that pDacl is not NULL. That is, lpbDaclPresent can be TRUE while pDacl is NULL, meaning that a NULL
446      *              DACL is in effect. A NULL DACL implicitly allows all access to an object and is not the same as an empty DACL.
447      *              An empty DACL permits no access to an object. For information about creating a proper DACL, see Creating a DACL.
448      * @param pDacl
449      *              A pointer to a pointer to an access control list (ACL). If a DACL exists, the function sets the pointer pointed
450      *              to by pDacl to the address of the security descriptor's DACL. If a DACL does not exist, no value is stored.
451      *              If the function stores a NULL value in the pointer pointed to by pDacl, the security descriptor has a NULL DACL.
452      *              A NULL DACL implicitly allows all access to an object.
453      *              If an application expects a non-NULL DACL but encounters a NULL DACL, the application should fail securely and
454      *              not allow access.
455      * @param bDaclDefaulted
456      *              A pointer to a flag set to the value of the SE_DACL_DEFAULTED flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure
457      *              if a DACL exists for the security descriptor. If this flag is TRUE, the DACL was retrieved by a default mechanism;
458      *              if FALSE, the DACL was explicitly specified by a user.
459      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
460      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
461      *         information, call GetLastError.
462      */
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, BOOLByReference bDaclPresent, PACLByReference pDacl, BOOLByReference bDaclDefaulted)463     boolean GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, BOOLByReference bDaclPresent, PACLByReference pDacl, BOOLByReference bDaclDefaulted);
465     /**
466      * The SetSecurityDescriptorDacl function sets information in a discretionary access control list (DACL).
467      * If a DACL is already present in the security descriptor, the DACL is replaced.
468      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
469      *              A pointer to the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure to which the function adds the DACL. This
470      *              security descriptor must be in absolute format, meaning that its members must be pointers
471      *              to other structures, rather than offsets to contiguous data.
472      * @param bDaclPresent
473      *              A flag that indicates the presence of a DACL in the security descriptor. If this parameter
474      *              is TRUE, the function sets the SE_DACL_PRESENT flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL
475      *              structure and uses the values in the pDacl and bDaclDefaulted parameters. If this parameter
476      *              is FALSE, the function clears the SE_DACL_PRESENT flag, and pDacl and bDaclDefaulted are ignored.
477      * @param pDacl
478      *              A pointer to an ACL structure that specifies the DACL for the security descriptor. If this
479      *              parameter is NULL, a NULL DACL is assigned to the security descriptor, which allows all access
480      *              to the object. The DACL is referenced by, not copied into, the security descriptor.
481      * @param bDaclDefaulted
482      *              A flag that indicates the source of the DACL. If this flag is TRUE, the DACL has been retrieved
483      *              by some default mechanism. If FALSE, the DACL has been explicitly specified by a user. The function
484      *              stores this value in the SE_DACL_DEFAULTED flag of the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL structure. If
485      *              this parameter is not specified, the SE_DACL_DEFAULTED flag is cleared.
486      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
487      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
488      *         information, call GetLastError.
489      */
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, boolean bDaclPresent, ACL pDacl, boolean bDaclDefaulted)490     boolean SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, boolean bDaclPresent, ACL pDacl, boolean bDaclDefaulted);
492     /**
493      * The InitializeAcl function initializes a new ACL structure.
494      * @param pAcl
495      *              A pointer to an ACL structure to be initialized by this function.
496      *              Allocate memory for pAcl before calling this function.
497      * @param nAclLength
498      *              The length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pAcl parameter. This value
499      *              must be large enough to contain the ACL header and all of the access control
500      *              entries (ACEs) to be stored in the ACL. In addition, this value must be
501      *              DWORD-aligned. For more information about calculating the size of an ACL,
502      *              see Remarks.
503      * @param dwAclRevision
504      *              The revision level of the ACL structure being created. This value can be ACL_REVISION
505      *              or ACL_REVISION_DS. Use ACL_REVISION_DS if the access control list (ACL) supports
506      *              object-specific ACEs.
507      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
508      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
509      *         information, call GetLastError.
510      */
InitializeAcl(ACL pAcl, int nAclLength, int dwAclRevision)511     boolean InitializeAcl(ACL pAcl, int nAclLength, int dwAclRevision);
513     /**
514      * The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
515      * @param pAcl
516      *          A pointer to an ACL. This function adds an ACE to this ACL.
517      * @param dwAceRevision
518      *          Specifies the revision level of the ACL being modified. This value can be ACL_REVISION or
519      *          ACL_REVISION_DS. Use ACL_REVISION_DS if the ACL contains object-specific ACEs. This value
520      *          must be compatible with the AceType field of all ACEs in pAceList. Otherwise, the function
521      *          will fail and set the last error to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
522      * @param dwStartingAceIndex
523      *          Specifies the position in the ACL's list of ACEs at which to add new ACEs. A value of zero
524      *          inserts the ACEs at the beginning of the list. A value of MAXDWORD appends the ACEs to the end
525      *          of the list.
526      * @param pAceList
527      *          A pointer to a list of one or more ACEs to be added to the specified ACL. The ACEs in the list
528      *          must be stored contiguously.
529      * @param nAceListLength
530      *          Specifies the size, in bytes, of the input buffer pointed to by the pAceList parameter.
531      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
532      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
533      *         information, call GetLastError.
534      */
AddAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int dwStartingAceIndex, Pointer pAceList, int nAceListLength)535     boolean AddAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int dwStartingAceIndex, Pointer pAceList, int nAceListLength);
537     /**
538      * The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
539      * @param pAcl
540      *          A pointer to an ACL. This function adds an access-allowed ACE to the end of this ACL.
541      *          The ACE is in the form of an ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE structure.
542      * @param dwAceRevision
543      *          Specifies the revision level of the ACL being modified. This value can be ACL_REVISION or
544      *          ACL_REVISION_DS. Use ACL_REVISION_DS if the ACL contains object-specific ACEs.
545      * @param AccessMask
546      *          Specifies the mask of access rights to be granted to the specified SID.
547      * @param pSid
548      *          A pointer to the SID representing a user, group, or logon account being granted access.
549      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
550      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
551      *         information, call GetLastError.
552      */
AddAccessAllowedAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int AccessMask, PSID pSid)553     boolean AddAccessAllowedAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int AccessMask, PSID pSid);
555     /**
556      * The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
557      * @param pAcl
558      *          A pointer to an ACL. This function adds an access-allowed ACE to the end of this ACL.
559      *          The ACE is in the form of an ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE structure.
560      * @param dwAceRevision
561      *          Specifies the revision level of the ACL being modified. This value can be ACL_REVISION or
562      *          ACL_REVISION_DS. Use ACL_REVISION_DS if the ACL contains object-specific ACEs.
563      * @param AceFlags
564      *          A set of bit flags that control ACE inheritance. The function sets these flags in the AceFlags
565      *          member of the ACE_HEADER structure of the new ACE. This parameter can be a combination
566      *          of the following values: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE, INHERITED_ACE,
568      * @param AccessMask
569      *          Specifies the mask of access rights to be granted to the specified SID.
570      * @param pSid
571      *          A pointer to the SID representing a user, group, or logon account being granted access.
572      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
573      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
574      *         information, call GetLastError.
575      */
AddAccessAllowedAceEx(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int AceFlags, int AccessMask, PSID pSid)576     boolean AddAccessAllowedAceEx(ACL pAcl, int dwAceRevision, int AceFlags, int AccessMask, PSID pSid);
578     /**
579      * The GetAce function obtains a pointer to an access control entry (ACE) in an access
580      * control list (ACL).
581      * @param pAcl
582      *          A pointer to an ACL that contains the ACE to be retrieved.
583      * @param dwAceIndex
584      *          The index of the ACE to be retrieved. A value of zero corresponds to the first ACE in
585      *          the ACL, a value of one to the second ACE, and so on.
586      * @param pAce
587      *          A pointer to a pointer that the function sets to the address of the ACE.
588      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
589      *         function fails, the return value is zero. For extended error
590      *         information, call GetLastError.
591      */
GetAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceIndex, PointerByReference pAce)592     boolean GetAce(ACL pAcl, int dwAceIndex, PointerByReference pAce);
594     /**
595      * The LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer.
596      * The local computer is the computer from which LogonUser was called. You
597      * cannot use LogonUser to log on to a remote computer. You specify the user
598      * with a user name and domain, and authenticate the user with a plaintext
599      * password. If the function succeeds, you receive a handle to a token that
600      * represents the logged-on user. You can then use this token handle to
601      * impersonate the specified user or, in most cases, to create a process
602      * that runs in the context of the specified user.
603      *
604      * @param lpszUsername
605      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name
606      *            of the user. This is the name of the user account to log on
607      *            to. If you use the user principal name (UPN) format,
608      *            user@DNS_domain_name, the lpszDomain parameter must be NULL.
609      * @param lpszDomain
610      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name
611      *            of the domain or server whose account database contains the
612      *            lpszUsername account. If this parameter is NULL, the user name
613      *            must be specified in UPN format. If this parameter is ".", the
614      *            function validates the account using only the local account
615      *            database.
616      * @param lpszPassword
617      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the
618      *            plaintext password for the user account specified by
619      *            lpszUsername.
620      * @param logonType
621      *            The type of logon operation to perform.
622      * @param logonProvider
623      *            Specifies the logon provider.
624      * @param phToken
625      *            A pointer to a handle variable that receives a handle to a
626      *            token that represents the specified user.
627      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. If the
628      *         function fails, it returns zero. To get extended error
629      *         information, call GetLastError.
630      */
LogonUser(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain, String lpszPassword, int logonType, int logonProvider, HANDLEByReference phToken)631     boolean LogonUser(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain,
632                       String lpszPassword, int logonType, int logonProvider,
633                       HANDLEByReference phToken);
635     /**
636      * The OpenThreadToken function opens the access token associated with a
637      * thread.
638      *
639      * @param ThreadHandle
640      *            Handle to the thread whose access token is opened.
641      * @param DesiredAccess
642      *            Specifies an access mask that specifies the requested types of
643      *            access to the access token. These requested access types are
644      *            reconciled against the token's discretionary access control
645      *            list (DACL) to determine which accesses are granted or denied.
646      * @param OpenAsSelf
647      *            Indicates whether the access check is to be made against the
648      *            security context of the thread calling the OpenThreadToken
649      *            function or against the security context of the process for
650      *            the calling thread.
651      * @param TokenHandle
652      *            Pointer to a variable that receives the handle to the newly
653      *            opened access token.
654      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
655      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
656      *         information, call GetLastError.
657      */
OpenThreadToken(HANDLE ThreadHandle, int DesiredAccess, boolean OpenAsSelf, HANDLEByReference TokenHandle)658     boolean OpenThreadToken(HANDLE ThreadHandle, int DesiredAccess,
659                             boolean OpenAsSelf, HANDLEByReference TokenHandle);
661     /**
662      * The SetThreadToken function assigns an impersonation token to a thread.
663      * The function can also cause a thread to stop using an impersonation token.
664      * @param ThreadHandle [in, optional]
665      *                     A pointer to a handle to the thread to which the function
666      *                     assigns the impersonation token. If ThreadHandle is NULL, the
667      *                     function assigns the impersonation token to the calling thread.
668      * @param TokenHandle [in, optional]
669      *                     A handle to the impersonation token to assign to the thread.
670      *                     This handle must have been opened with TOKEN_IMPERSONATE access
671      *                     rights. For more information, see Access Rights for Access-Token
672      *                     Objects. If Token is NULL, the function causes the
673      *                     thread to stop using an impersonation token.
674      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
675      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
676      *         information, call GetLastError.
677      */
SetThreadToken(HANDLEByReference ThreadHandle, HANDLE TokenHandle)678     boolean SetThreadToken(HANDLEByReference ThreadHandle, HANDLE TokenHandle);
680     /**
681      * The OpenProcessToken function opens the access token associated with a
682      * process.
683      *
684      * @param ProcessHandle
685      *            Handle to the process whose access token is opened. The
686      *            process must have the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access
687      *            permission.
688      * @param DesiredAccess
689      *            Specifies an access mask that specifies the requested types of
690      *            access to the access token. These requested access types are
691      *            compared with the discretionary access control list (DACL) of
692      *            the token to determine which accesses are granted or denied.
693      * @param TokenHandle
694      *            Pointer to a handle that identifies the newly opened access
695      *            token when the function returns.
696      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
697      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
698      *         information, call GetLastError.
699      */
OpenProcessToken(HANDLE ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess, HANDLEByReference TokenHandle)700     boolean OpenProcessToken(HANDLE ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess,
701                              HANDLEByReference TokenHandle);
703     /**
704      * The DuplicateToken function creates a new access token that duplicates
705      * one already in existence.
706      *
707      * @param ExistingTokenHandle
708      *            Handle to an access token opened with TOKEN_DUPLICATE access.
709      * @param ImpersonationLevel
710      *            Specifies a SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumerated type that
711      *            supplies the impersonation level of the new token.
712      * @param DuplicateTokenHandle
713      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a handle to the duplicate
714      *            token. This handle has TOKEN_IMPERSONATE and TOKEN_QUERY
715      *            access to the new token.
716      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
717      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
718      *         information, call GetLastError.
719      */
DuplicateToken(HANDLE ExistingTokenHandle, int ImpersonationLevel, HANDLEByReference DuplicateTokenHandle)720     boolean DuplicateToken(HANDLE ExistingTokenHandle,
721                            int ImpersonationLevel, HANDLEByReference DuplicateTokenHandle);
723     /**
724      * The DuplicateTokenEx function creates a new access token that duplicates
725      * an existing token. This function can create either a primary token or an
726      * impersonation token.
727      *
728      * @param hExistingToken
729      *            A handle to an access token opened with TOKEN_DUPLICATE
730      *            access.
731      * @param dwDesiredAccess
732      *            Specifies the requested access rights for the new token.
733      * @param lpTokenAttributes
734      *            A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a
735      *            security descriptor for the new token and determines whether
736      *            child processes can inherit the token.
737      * @param ImpersonationLevel
738      *            Specifies a value from the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL
739      *            enumeration that indicates the impersonation level of the new
740      *            token.
741      * @param TokenType
742      *            Specifies one of the following values from the TOKEN_TYPE
743      *            enumeration.
744      * @param phNewToken
745      *            A pointer to a HANDLE variable that receives the new token.
746      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns a nonzero value.
747      *         If the function fails, it returns zero. To get extended error
748      *         information, call GetLastError.
749      */
DuplicateTokenEx(HANDLE hExistingToken, int dwDesiredAccess, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, int ImpersonationLevel, int TokenType, HANDLEByReference phNewToken)750     boolean DuplicateTokenEx(HANDLE hExistingToken, int dwDesiredAccess,
751                              WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes,
752                              int ImpersonationLevel, int TokenType, HANDLEByReference phNewToken);
754     /**
755      * Retrieves a specified type of information about an access token. The
756      * calling process must have appropriate access rights to obtain the
757      * information.
758      *
759      * @param tokenHandle
760      *            Handle to an access token from which information is retrieved.
761      *            If TokenInformationClass specifies TokenSource, the handle
762      *            must have TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE access. For all other
763      *            TokenInformationClass values, the handle must have TOKEN_QUERY
764      *            access.
765      * @param tokenInformationClass
766      *            Specifies a value from the TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated
767      *            type to identify the type of information the function
768      *            retrieves.
769      * @param tokenInformation
770      *            Pointer to a buffer the function fills with the requested
771      *            information. The structure put into this buffer depends upon
772      *            the type of information specified by the TokenInformationClass
773      *            parameter.
774      * @param tokenInformationLength
775      *            Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the
776      *            TokenInformation parameter. If TokenInformation is NULL, this
777      *            parameter must be zero.
778      * @param returnLength
779      *            Pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes needed
780      *            for the buffer pointed to by the TokenInformation parameter.
781      *            If this value is larger than the value specified in the
782      *            TokenInformationLength parameter, the function fails and
783      *            stores no data in the buffer.
784      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
785      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
786      *         information, call GetLastError.
787      */
GetTokenInformation(HANDLE tokenHandle, int tokenInformationClass, Structure tokenInformation, int tokenInformationLength, IntByReference returnLength)788     boolean GetTokenInformation(HANDLE tokenHandle,
789                                 int tokenInformationClass, Structure tokenInformation,
790                                 int tokenInformationLength, IntByReference returnLength);
792     /**
793      * The ImpersonateLoggedOnUser function lets the calling thread impersonate
794      * the security context of a logged-on user. The user is represented by a
795      * token handle.
796      *
797      * @param hToken
798      *            Handle to a primary or impersonation access token that
799      *            represents a logged-on user. This can be a token handle
800      *            returned by a call to LogonUser, CreateRestrictedToken,
801      *            DuplicateToken, DuplicateTokenEx, OpenProcessToken, or
802      *            OpenThreadToken functions. If hToken is a primary token, it
803      *            must have TOKEN_QUERY and TOKEN_DUPLICATE access. If hToken is
804      *            an impersonation token, it must have TOKEN_QUERY and
805      *            TOKEN_IMPERSONATE access.
806      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
807      */
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(HANDLE hToken)808     boolean ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(HANDLE hToken);
810     /**
811      * The ImpersonateSelf function obtains an access token that impersonates
812      * the security context of the calling process. The token is assigned to the
813      * calling thread.
814      *
815      * @param ImpersonationLevel
816      *            Specifies a SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumerated type that
817      *            supplies the impersonation level of the new token.
818      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
819      */
ImpersonateSelf(int ImpersonationLevel)820     boolean ImpersonateSelf(int ImpersonationLevel);
822     /**
823      * The RevertToSelf function terminates the impersonation of a client
824      * application.
825      *
826      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
827      */
RevertToSelf()828     boolean RevertToSelf();
830     /**
831      * The RegOpenKeyEx function opens the specified registry key. Note that key
832      * names are not case sensitive.
833      *
834      * @param hKey
835      *            Handle to an open key.
836      * @param lpSubKey
837      *            Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name of the
838      *            subkey to open.
839      * @param ulOptions
840      *            Reserved; must be zero.
841      * @param samDesired
842      *            Access mask that specifies the desired access rights to the
843      *            key. The function fails if the security descriptor of the key
844      *            does not permit the requested access for the calling process.
845      * @param phkResult
846      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a handle to the opened
847      *            key. If the key is not one of the predefined registry keys,
848      *            call the RegCloseKey function after you have finished using
849      *            the handle.
850      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
851      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
852      *         defined in Winerror.h.
853      */
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY hKey, String lpSubKey, int ulOptions, int samDesired, HKEYByReference phkResult)854     int RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY hKey, String lpSubKey, int ulOptions,
855                      int samDesired, HKEYByReference phkResult);
857     /**
858      * Establishes a connection to a predefined registry key on another
859      * computer.
860      * @param lpMachineName
861      *            The name of the remote computer. The string has
862      *            the following form:<br />
863      *            <pre><code>\\computername</code></pre>
864      *            The caller must have access to the remote computer or the
865      *            function fails.<br />
866      *            If this parameter is <c>null</c>, the local computer name
867      *            is used.
868      * @param hKey
869      *            A predefined registry handle. This parameter can be one of
870      *            the following predefined keys on the remote computer.<br />
871      *            <ul>
872      *                <li>{@link WinReg#HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}</li>
873      *                <li>{@link WinReg#HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA}</li>
874      *                <li>{@link WinReg#HKEY_USERS}</li>
875      *            </ul>
876      * @param phkResult
877      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a key handle
878      *            identifying the predefined handle on the remote computer.
879      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is
880      *         {@link WinError#ERROR_SUCCESS}.<br />
881      *         If the remote computer cannot be found or if its Remote Registry
882      *         service is disabled, the function fails and returns
883      *         {@link WinError#ERROR_BAD_NETPATH}.<br />
884      *         If attempting to use a registry handle other than one of the
885      *         three predefined handles, the function fails and returns
886      *         {@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE}.<br />
887      *         If access to the registry is denied, the function fails and
888      *         returns {@link WinError#ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED}. <br />
889      *         If the function fails for some other reason, you can use the
890      *         {@link Native#getLastError} method to get a generic description
891      *         of the error.
892      * @see <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724840.aspx">RegConnectRegistry function (Windows)</a>
893      * @see <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724836.aspx">Predefined Keys (Windows)</a>
894      */
RegConnectRegistry(String lpMachineName, HKEY hKey, HKEYByReference phkResult)895     int RegConnectRegistry(String lpMachineName, HKEY hKey, HKEYByReference phkResult);
897     /**
898      * The RegQueryValueEx function retrieves the type and data for a specified
899      * value name associated with an open registry key.
900      *
901      * @param hKey
902      *            Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the
903      *            KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right.
904      * @param lpValueName
905      *            Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name of the
906      *            value to query. If lpValueName is NULL or an empty string, "",
907      *            the function retrieves the type and data for the key's unnamed
908      *            or default value, if any.
909      * @param lpReserved
910      *            Reserved; must be NULL.
911      * @param lpType
912      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a code indicating the type
913      *            of data stored in the specified value.
914      * @param lpData
915      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the value's data. This
916      *            parameter can be NULL if the data is not required. If the data
917      *            is a string, the function checks for a terminating null
918      *            character. If one is not found, the string is stored with a
919      *            null terminator if the buffer is large enough to accommodate
920      *            the extra character. Otherwise, the string is stored as is.
921      * @param lpcbData
922      *            Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
923      *            pointed to by the lpData parameter, in bytes. When the
924      *            function returns, this variable contains the size of the data
925      *            copied to lpData. The lpcbData parameter can be NULL only if
926      *            lpData is NULL. If the data has the REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ or
927      *            REG_EXPAND_SZ type, this size includes any terminating null
928      *            character or characters. If the buffer specified by lpData
929      *            parameter is not large enough to hold the data, the function
930      *            returns ERROR_MORE_DATA and stores the required buffer size in
931      *            the variable pointed to by lpcbData. In this case, the
932      *            contents of the lpData buffer are undefined. If lpData is
933      *            NULL, and lpcbData is non-NULL, the function returns
934      *            ERROR_SUCCESS and stores the size of the data, in bytes, in
935      *            the variable pointed to by lpcbData. This enables an
936      *            application to determine the best way to allocate a buffer for
937      *            the value's data.
938      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
939      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
940      *         defined in Winerror.h.
941      */
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntByReference lpType, char[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)942     int RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved,
943             IntByReference lpType, char[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData);
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntByReference lpType, byte[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)945     int RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved,
946             IntByReference lpType, byte[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData);
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntByReference lpType, IntByReference lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)948     int RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved,
949             IntByReference lpType, IntByReference lpData,
950             IntByReference lpcbData);
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntByReference lpType, LongByReference lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)952     int RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved,
953             IntByReference lpType, LongByReference lpData,
954             IntByReference lpcbData);
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntByReference lpType, Pointer lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)956     int RegQueryValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int lpReserved,
957             IntByReference lpType, Pointer lpData, IntByReference lpcbData);
959     /**
960      * The RegCloseKey function releases a handle to the specified registry key.
961      *
962      * @param hKey
963      *            Handle to the open key to be closed. The handle must have been
964      *            opened by the RegCreateKeyEx, RegOpenKeyEx, or
965      *            RegConnectRegistry function.
966      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
967      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
968      *         defined in Winerror.h.
969      */
RegCloseKey(HKEY hKey)970     int RegCloseKey(HKEY hKey);
972     /**
973      * The RegDeleteValue function removes a named value from the specified
974      * registry key. Note that value names are not case sensitive.
975      *
976      * @param hKey
977      *            Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the
978      *            KEY_SET_VALUE access right.
979      * @param lpValueName
980      *            Pointer to a null-terminated string that names the value to
981      *            remove. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, the
982      *            value set by the RegSetValue function is removed.
983      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
984      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
985      *         defined in Winerror.h.
986      */
RegDeleteValue(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName)987     int RegDeleteValue(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName);
989     /**
990      * The RegSetValueEx function sets the data and type of a specified value
991      * under a registry key.
992      *
993      * @param hKey
994      *            Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the
995      *            KEY_SET_VALUE access right.
996      * @param lpValueName
997      *            Pointer to a string containing the name of the value to set.
998      *            If a value with this name is not already present in the key,
999      *            the function adds it to the key. If lpValueName is NULL or an
1000      *            empty string, "", the function sets the type and data for the
1001      *            key's unnamed or default value.
1002      * @param Reserved
1003      *            Reserved; must be zero.
1004      * @param dwType
1005      *            Type of data pointed to by the lpData parameter.
1006      * @param lpData
1007      *            Pointer to a buffer containing the data to be stored with the
1008      *            specified value name.
1009      * @param cbData
1010      *            Size of the information pointed to by the lpData parameter, in
1011      *            bytes. If the data is of type REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or
1012      *            REG_MULTI_SZ, cbData must include the size of the terminating
1013      *            null character or characters.
1014      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1015      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1016      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1017      */
RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved, int dwType, Pointer lpData, int cbData)1018     int RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved,
1019                   int dwType, Pointer lpData, int cbData);
1021     /**
1022      * See {@link #RegSetValueEx(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEY, java.lang.String, int, int, com.sun.jna.Pointer, int) }
1023      */
RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved, int dwType, char[] lpData, int cbData)1024     int RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved,
1025                       int dwType, char[] lpData, int cbData);
1027     /**
1028      * See {@link #RegSetValueEx(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEY, java.lang.String, int, int, com.sun.jna.Pointer, int) }
1029      */
RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved, int dwType, byte[] lpData, int cbData)1030     int RegSetValueEx(HKEY hKey, String lpValueName, int Reserved,
1031                       int dwType, byte[] lpData, int cbData);
1033     /**
1034      *
1035      * @param hKey registry key
1036      * @param lpSubKey subkey name
1037      * @param Reserved unused
1038      * @param lpClass class
1039      * @param dwOptions options
1040      * @param samDesired ?
1041      * @param lpSecurityAttributes security attributes
1042      * @param phkResult resulting key
1043      * @param lpdwDisposition ?
1044      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1045      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1046      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1047      */
RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY hKey, String lpSubKey, int Reserved, String lpClass, int dwOptions, int samDesired, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, HKEYByReference phkResult, IntByReference lpdwDisposition)1048     int RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY hKey, String lpSubKey, int Reserved,
1049                        String lpClass, int dwOptions, int samDesired,
1050                        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
1051                        HKEYByReference phkResult, IntByReference lpdwDisposition);
1053     /**
1054      *
1055      * @param hKey registry key
1056      * @param name key name
1057      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1058      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1059      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1060      */
RegDeleteKey(HKEY hKey, String name)1061     int RegDeleteKey(HKEY hKey, String name);
1063     /**
1064      * The RegEnumKeyEx function enumerates subkeys of the specified open
1065      * registry key. The function retrieves information about one subkey each
1066      * time it is called.
1067      *
1068      * @param hKey
1069      *            Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the
1070      *            KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS access right.
1071      * @param dwIndex
1072      *            Index of the subkey to retrieve. This parameter should be zero
1073      *            for the first call to the RegEnumKeyEx function and then
1074      *            incremented for subsequent calls. Because subkeys are not
1075      *            ordered, any new subkey will have an arbitrary index. This
1076      *            means that the function may return subkeys in any order.
1077      * @param lpName
1078      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the subkey,
1079      *            including the terminating null character. The function copies
1080      *            only the name of the subkey, not the full key hierarchy, to
1081      *            the buffer.
1082      * @param lpcName
1083      *            Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1084      *            specified by the lpName parameter, in TCHARs. This size should
1085      *            include the terminating null character. When the function
1086      *            returns, the variable pointed to by lpcName contains the
1087      *            number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned
1088      *            does not include the terminating null character.
1089      * @param reserved
1090      *            Reserved; must be NULL.
1091      * @param lpClass
1092      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the null-terminated class
1093      *            string of the enumerated subkey. This parameter can be NULL.
1094      * @param lpcClass
1095      *            Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1096      *            specified by the lpClass parameter, in TCHARs. The size should
1097      *            include the terminating null character. When the function
1098      *            returns, lpcClass contains the number of characters stored in
1099      *            the buffer. The count returned does not include the
1100      *            terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL only if
1101      *            lpClass is NULL.
1102      * @param lpftLastWriteTime
1103      *            Pointer to a variable that receives the time at which the
1104      *            enumerated subkey was last written.
1105      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1106      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1107      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1108      */
RegEnumKeyEx(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpName, IntByReference lpcName, IntByReference reserved, char[] lpClass, IntByReference lpcClass, WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime)1109     int RegEnumKeyEx(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpName,
1110                      IntByReference lpcName, IntByReference reserved, char[] lpClass,
1111                      IntByReference lpcClass, WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
1113     /**
1114      * The RegEnumValue function enumerates the values for the specified open
1115      * registry key. The function copies one indexed value name and data block
1116      * for the key each time it is called.
1117      *
1118      * @param hKey
1119      *            Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the
1120      *            KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right.
1121      * @param dwIndex
1122      *            Index of the value to be retrieved. This parameter should be
1123      *            zero for the first call to the RegEnumValue function and then
1124      *            be incremented for subsequent calls. Because values are not
1125      *            ordered, any new value will have an arbitrary index. This
1126      *            means that the function may return values in any order.
1127      * @param lpValueName
1128      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the value,
1129      *            including the terminating null character.
1130      * @param lpcchValueName
1131      *            Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1132      *            pointed to by the lpValueName parameter, in TCHARs. This size
1133      *            should include the terminating null character. When the
1134      *            function returns, the variable pointed to by lpcValueName
1135      *            contains the number of characters stored in the buffer. The
1136      *            count returned does not include the terminating null
1137      *            character.
1138      * @param reserved
1139      *            Reserved; must be NULL.
1140      * @param lpType
1141      *            Pointer to a variable that receives a code indicating the type
1142      *            of data stored in the specified value.
1143      * @param lpData
1144      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the data for the value
1145      *            entry. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not required.
1146      * @param lpcbData
1147      *            Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1148      *            pointed to by the lpData parameter, in bytes.
1149      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1150      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1151      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1152      */
RegEnumValue(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpValueName, IntByReference lpcchValueName, IntByReference reserved, IntByReference lpType, Pointer lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)1153     int RegEnumValue(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpValueName,
1154                      IntByReference lpcchValueName, IntByReference reserved,
1155                      IntByReference lpType, Pointer lpData, IntByReference lpcbData);
1157     /**
1158      * See {@link #RegEnumValue(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEY, int, char[], com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference)}.
1159      */
RegEnumValue(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpValueName, IntByReference lpcchValueName, IntByReference reserved, IntByReference lpType, byte[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData)1160     int RegEnumValue(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpValueName,
1161                      IntByReference lpcchValueName, IntByReference reserved,
1162                      IntByReference lpType, byte[] lpData, IntByReference lpcbData);
1164     /**
1165      * The RegQueryInfoKey function retrieves information about the specified
1166      * registry key.
1167      *
1168      * @param hKey
1169      *            A handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with
1170      *            the KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right.
1171      * @param lpClass
1172      *            A pointer to a buffer that receives the null-terminated class
1173      *            string of the key. This parameter can be ignored. This
1174      *            parameter can be NULL.
1175      * @param lpcClass
1176      *            A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1177      *            pointed to by the lpClass parameter, in characters.
1178      * @param lpReserved
1179      *            Reserved; must be NULL.
1180      * @param lpcSubKeys
1181      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of subkeys
1182      *            that are contained by the specified key. This parameter can be
1183      *            NULL.
1184      * @param lpcMaxSubKeyLen
1185      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's
1186      *            subkey with the longest name, in characters, not including the
1187      *            terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL.
1188      * @param lpcMaxClassLen
1189      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the longest
1190      *            string that specifies a subkey class, in characters. The count
1191      *            returned does not include the terminating null character. This
1192      *            parameter can be NULL.
1193      * @param lpcValues
1194      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of values
1195      *            that are associated with the key. This parameter can be NULL.
1196      * @param lpcMaxValueNameLen
1197      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's
1198      *            longest value name, in characters. The size does not include
1199      *            the terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL.
1200      * @param lpcMaxValueLen
1201      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the longest
1202      *            data component among the key's values, in bytes. This
1203      *            parameter can be NULL.
1204      * @param lpcbSecurityDescriptor
1205      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's
1206      *            security descriptor, in bytes. This parameter can be NULL.
1207      * @param lpftLastWriteTime
1208      *            A pointer to a FILETIME structure that receives the last write
1209      *            time. This parameter can be NULL.
1210      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If
1211      *         the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code
1212      *         defined in Winerror.h.
1213      */
RegQueryInfoKey(HKEY hKey, char[] lpClass, IntByReference lpcClass, IntByReference lpReserved, IntByReference lpcSubKeys, IntByReference lpcMaxSubKeyLen, IntByReference lpcMaxClassLen, IntByReference lpcValues, IntByReference lpcMaxValueNameLen, IntByReference lpcMaxValueLen, IntByReference lpcbSecurityDescriptor, WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime)1214     int RegQueryInfoKey(HKEY hKey, char[] lpClass,
1215             IntByReference lpcClass, IntByReference lpReserved,
1216             IntByReference lpcSubKeys, IntByReference lpcMaxSubKeyLen,
1217             IntByReference lpcMaxClassLen, IntByReference lpcValues,
1218             IntByReference lpcMaxValueNameLen, IntByReference lpcMaxValueLen,
1219             IntByReference lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
1220             WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
1222     /**
1223      * Retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value.
1224      *
1225      * @param hkey
1226      *            [in] A handle to an open registry key. The key must have been
1227      *            opened with the KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right. For more
1228      *            information, see Registry Key Security and Access Rights.
1229      *
1230      *            This handle is returned by the RegCreateKeyEx,
1231      *            RegCreateKeyTransacted, RegOpenKeyEx, or RegOpenKeyTransacted
1232      *            function. It can also be one of the following predefined keys:
1233      *
1237      *
1238      * @param lpSubKey
1239      *            [in, optional] The name of the registry key. This key must be
1240      *            a subkey of the key specified by the hkey parameter.
1241      *
1242      *            Key names are not case sensitive.
1243      *
1244      * @param lpValue
1245      *            [in, optional]
1246      *
1247      *            The name of the registry value.
1248      *
1249      *            If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, "", the function
1250      *            retrieves the type and data for the key's unnamed or default
1251      *            value, if any.
1252      *
1253      *            For more information, see Registry Element Size Limits.
1254      *
1255      *            Keys do not automatically have an unnamed or default value.
1256      *            Unnamed values can be of any type.
1257      *
1258      * @param dwFlags
1259      *            [in, optional]
1260      *
1261      *            The flags that restrict the data type of value to be queried.
1262      *            If the data type of the value does not meet this criteria, the
1263      *            function fails. This parameter can be one or more of the
1264      *            following values.
1265      *
1266      *            RRF_RT_ANY 0x0000ffff No type restriction. RRF_RT_DWORD
1267      *            0x00000018 Restrict type to 32-bit
1268      *            RRF_RT_REG_BINARY|RRF_RT_REG_DWORD. RRF_RT_QWORD 0x00000048
1269      *            Restrict type to 64-bit RRF_RT_REG_BINARY | RRF_RT_REG_DWORD.
1270      *            RRF_RT_REG_BINARY 0x00000008 Restrict type to REG_BINARY.
1271      *            RRF_RT_REG_DWORD 0x00000010 Restrict type to REG_DWORD.
1272      *            RRF_RT_REG_EXPAND_SZ 0x00000004 Restrict type to
1273      *            REG_EXPAND_SZ. RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ 0x00000020 Restrict type to
1274      *            REG_MULTI_SZ. RRF_RT_REG_NONE 0x00000001 Restrict type to
1275      *            REG_NONE. RRF_RT_REG_QWORD 0x00000040 Restrict type to
1276      *            REG_QWORD. RRF_RT_REG_SZ 0x00000002 Restrict type to REG_SZ.
1277      *
1278      *            This parameter can also include one or more of the following
1279      *            values. RRF_NOEXPAND 0x10000000
1280      *
1281      *            Do not automatically expand environment strings if the value
1282      *            is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
1283      *
1284      *            RRF_ZEROONFAILURE 0x20000000
1285      *
1286      *            If pvData is not NULL, set the contents of the buffer to
1287      *            zeroes on failure.
1288      *
1289      * @param pdwType
1290      *            [out, optional]
1291      *
1292      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a code indicating the
1293      *            type of data stored in the specified value. For a list of the
1294      *            possible type codes, see Registry Value Types. This parameter
1295      *            can be NULL if the type is not required.
1296      *
1297      * @param pvData
1298      *            [out, optional]
1299      *
1300      *            A pointer to a buffer that receives the value's data. This
1301      *            parameter can be NULL if the data is not required.
1302      *
1303      *            If the data is a string, the function checks for a terminating
1304      *            null character. If one is not found, the string is stored with
1305      *            a null terminator if the buffer is large enough to accommodate
1306      *            the extra character. Otherwise, the function fails and returns
1307      *            ERROR_MORE_DATA.
1308      *
1309      * @param pcbData
1310      *            [in, out, optional]
1311      *
1312      *            A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer
1313      *            pointed to by the pvData parameter, in bytes. When the
1314      *            function returns, this variable contains the size of the data
1315      *            copied to pvData.
1316      *
1317      *            The pcbData parameter can be NULL only if pvData is NULL.
1318      *
1319      *            If the data has the REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ
1320      *            type, this size includes any terminating null character or
1321      *            characters. For more information, see Remarks.
1322      *
1323      *            If the buffer specified by pvData parameter is not large
1324      *            enough to hold the data, the function returns ERROR_MORE_DATA
1325      *            and stores the required buffer size in the variable pointed to
1326      *            by pcbData. In this case, the contents of the pvData buffer
1327      *            are undefined.
1328      *
1329      *            If pvData is NULL, and pcbData is non-NULL, the function
1330      *            returns ERROR_SUCCESS and stores the size of the data, in
1331      *            bytes, in the variable pointed to by pcbData. This enables an
1332      *            application to determine the best way to allocate a buffer for
1333      *            the value's data.
1334      *
1335      *            If hKey specifies HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA and the pvData buffer
1336      *            is not large enough to contain all of the returned data, the
1337      *            function returns ERROR_MORE_DATA and the value returned
1338      *            through the pcbData parameter is undefined. This is because
1339      *            the size of the performance data can change from one call to
1340      *            the next. In this case, you must increase the buffer size and
1341      *            call RegGetValue again passing the updated buffer size in the
1342      *            pcbData parameter. Repeat this until the function succeeds.
1343      *            You need to maintain a separate variable to keep track of the
1344      *            buffer size, because the value returned by pcbData is
1345      *            unpredictable.
1346      *
1347      *            Return value If the function succeeds, the return value is
1348      *            ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a
1349      *            system error code. If the pvData buffer is too small to
1350      *            receive the value, the function returns ERROR_MORE_DATA.
1351      * @return status
1352      */
RegGetValue(HKEY hkey, String lpSubKey, String lpValue, int dwFlags, IntByReference pdwType, Pointer pvData, IntByReference pcbData)1353     int RegGetValue(HKEY hkey, String lpSubKey, String lpValue,
1354                     int dwFlags, IntByReference pdwType, Pointer pvData,
1355                     IntByReference pcbData);
1357     /**
1358      * See {@link #RegGetValue(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg.HKEY, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference)}.
1359      */
RegGetValue(HKEY hkey, String lpSubKey, String lpValue, int dwFlags, IntByReference pdwType, byte[] pvData, IntByReference pcbData)1360     int RegGetValue(HKEY hkey, String lpSubKey, String lpValue,
1361                     int dwFlags, IntByReference pdwType, byte[] pvData,
1362                     IntByReference pcbData);
1364     /**
1365      * Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log.
1366      *
1367      * @param lpUNCServerName
1368      *            The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name of the remote
1369      *            server on which this operation is to be performed. If this
1370      *            parameter is NULL, the local computer is used.
1371      * @param lpSourceName
1372      *            The name of the event source whose handle is to be retrieved.
1373      *            The source name must be a subkey of a log under the Eventlog
1374      *            registry key. However, the Security log is for system use
1375      *            only.
1376      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
1377      *         event log. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To
1378      *         get extended error information, call GetLastError. The function
1379      *         returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if lpSourceName specifies the
1380      *         Security event log.
1381      */
RegisterEventSource(String lpUNCServerName, String lpSourceName)1382     HANDLE RegisterEventSource(String lpUNCServerName, String lpSourceName);
1384     /**
1385      * Closes the specified event log.
1386      *
1387      * @param hEventLog
1388      *            A handle to the event log. The RegisterEventSource function
1389      *            returns this handle.
1390      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1391      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1392      *         information, call GetLastError.
1393      */
DeregisterEventSource(HANDLE hEventLog)1394     boolean DeregisterEventSource(HANDLE hEventLog);
1396     /**
1397      * Opens a handle to the specified event log.
1398      *
1399      * @param lpUNCServerName
1400      *            The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name of the remote
1401      *            server on which the event log is to be opened. If this
1402      *            parameter is NULL, the local computer is used.
1403      * @param lpSourceName
1404      *            The name of the log. If you specify a custom log and it cannot
1405      *            be found, the event logging service opens the Application log;
1406      *            however, there will be no associated message or category
1407      *            string file.
1408      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to an
1409      *         event log. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To
1410      *         get extended error information, call GetLastError.
1411      */
OpenEventLog(String lpUNCServerName, String lpSourceName)1412     HANDLE OpenEventLog(String lpUNCServerName, String lpSourceName);
1414     /**
1415      * Closes the specified event log.
1416      *
1417      * @param hEventLog
1418      *            A handle to the event log to be closed. The OpenEventLog or
1419      *            OpenBackupEventLog function returns this handle.
1420      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1421      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1422      *         information, call GetLastError.
1423      */
CloseEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog)1424     boolean CloseEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog);
1426     /**
1427      * Retrieves the number of records in the specified event log.
1428      *
1429      * @param hEventLog
1430      *            A handle to the open event log. The OpenEventLog or
1431      *            OpenBackupEventLog function returns this handle.
1432      * @param NumberOfRecords
1433      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of records in
1434      *            the specified event log.
1435      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1436      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1437      *         information, call GetLastError.
1438      */
GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(HANDLE hEventLog, IntByReference NumberOfRecords)1439     boolean GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(HANDLE hEventLog, IntByReference NumberOfRecords);
1441     /**
1442      * Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log.
1443      *
1444      * @param hEventLog
1445      *            A handle to the event log. The RegisterEventSource function
1446      *            returns this handle. As of Windows XP with SP2, this parameter
1447      *            cannot be a handle to the Security log. To write an event to
1448      *            the Security log, use the AuthzReportSecurityEvent function.
1449      * @param wType
1450      *            The type of event to be logged.
1451      * @param wCategory
1452      *            The event category. This is source-specific information; the
1453      *            category can have any value.
1454      * @param dwEventID
1455      *            The event identifier. The event identifier specifies the entry
1456      *            in the message file associated with the event source.
1457      * @param lpUserSid
1458      *            A pointer to the current user's security identifier. This
1459      *            parameter can be NULL if the security identifier is not
1460      *            required.
1461      * @param wNumStrings
1462      *            The number of insert strings in the array pointed to by the
1463      *            lpStrings parameter. A value of zero indicates that no strings
1464      *            are present.
1465      * @param dwDataSize
1466      *            The number of bytes of event-specific raw (binary) data to
1467      *            write to the log. If this parameter is zero, no event-specific
1468      *            data is present.
1469      * @param lpStrings
1470      *            A pointer to a buffer containing an array of null-terminated
1471      *            strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer
1472      *            displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a
1473      *            valid pointer (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each
1474      *            string is limited to 31,839 characters.
1475      * @param lpRawData
1476      *            A pointer to the buffer containing the binary data. This
1477      *            parameter must be a valid pointer (or NULL), even if the
1478      *            dwDataSize parameter is zero.
1479      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, indicating
1480      *         that the entry was written to the log. If the function fails, the
1481      *         return value is zero. To get extended error information, call
1482      *         GetLastError.
1483      */
ReportEvent(HANDLE hEventLog, int wType, int wCategory, int dwEventID, PSID lpUserSid, int wNumStrings, int dwDataSize, String[] lpStrings, Pointer lpRawData)1484     boolean ReportEvent(HANDLE hEventLog, int wType, int wCategory,
1485             int dwEventID, PSID lpUserSid, int wNumStrings, int dwDataSize,
1486             String[] lpStrings, Pointer lpRawData);
1488     /**
1489      * Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of
1490      * the log to a backup file.
1491      *
1492      * @param hEventLog
1493      *            A handle to the event log to be cleared. The OpenEventLog
1494      *            function returns this handle.
1495      * @param lpBackupFileName
1496      *            The absolute or relative path of the backup file. If this file
1497      *            already exists, the function fails. If the lpBackupFileName
1498      *            parameter is NULL, the event log is not backed up.
1499      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1500      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1501      *         information, call GetLastError. The ClearEventLog function can
1502      *         fail if the event log is empty or the backup file already exists.
1503      */
ClearEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, String lpBackupFileName)1504     boolean ClearEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, String lpBackupFileName);
1506     /**
1507      * Saves the specified event log to a backup file. The function does not
1508      * clear the event log.
1509      *
1510      * @param hEventLog
1511      *            A handle to the open event log. The OpenEventLog function
1512      *            returns this handle.
1513      * @param lpBackupFileName
1514      *            The absolute or relative path of the backup file.
1515      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1516      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1517      *         information, call GetLastError.
1518      */
BackupEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, String lpBackupFileName)1519     boolean BackupEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, String lpBackupFileName);
1521     /**
1522      * Opens a handle to a backup event log created by the BackupEventLog
1523      * function.
1524      *
1525      * @param lpUNCServerName
1526      *            The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name of the remote
1527      *            server on which this operation is to be performed. If this
1528      *            parameter is NULL, the local computer is used.
1529      * @param lpFileName
1530      *            The full path of the backup file.
1531      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
1532      *         backup event log. If the function fails, the return value is
1533      *         NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
1534      */
OpenBackupEventLog(String lpUNCServerName, String lpFileName)1535     HANDLE OpenBackupEventLog(String lpUNCServerName, String lpFileName);
1537     /**
1538      * Reads the specified number of entries from the specified event log. The
1539      * function can be used to read log entries in chronological or reverse
1540      * chronological order.
1541      *
1542      * @param hEventLog
1543      *            A handle to the event log to be read. The OpenEventLog
1544      *            function returns this handle.
1545      * @param dwReadFlags
1546      *            Use the following flag values to indicate how to read the log
1547      *            file.
1548      * @param dwRecordOffset
1549      *            The record number of the log-entry at which the read operation
1550      *            should start. This parameter is ignored unless dwReadFlags
1551      *            includes the EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ flag.
1552      * @param lpBuffer
1553      *            An application-allocated buffer that will receive one or more
1554      *            EVENTLOGRECORD structures. This parameter cannot be NULL, even
1555      *            if the nNumberOfBytesToRead parameter is zero. The maximum
1556      *            size of this buffer is 0x7ffff bytes.
1557      * @param nNumberOfBytesToRead
1558      *            The size of the lpBuffer buffer, in bytes. This function will
1559      *            read as many log entries as will fit in the buffer; the
1560      *            function will not return partial entries.
1561      * @param pnBytesRead
1562      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes read
1563      *            by the function.
1564      * @param pnMinNumberOfBytesNeeded
1565      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the required size of the
1566      *            lpBuffer buffer. This value is valid only this function
1567      *            returns zero and GetLastError returns
1568      *            ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
1569      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1570      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1571      *         information, call GetLastError.
1572      */
ReadEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, int dwReadFlags, int dwRecordOffset, Pointer lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, IntByReference pnBytesRead, IntByReference pnMinNumberOfBytesNeeded)1573     boolean ReadEventLog(HANDLE hEventLog, int dwReadFlags,
1574                          int dwRecordOffset, Pointer lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead,
1575                          IntByReference pnBytesRead, IntByReference pnMinNumberOfBytesNeeded);
1577     /**
1578      * The GetOldestEventLogRecord function retrieves the absolute record number
1579      * of the oldest record in the specified event log.
1580      *
1581      * @param hEventLog
1582      *            Handle to the open event log. This handle is returned by the
1583      *            OpenEventLog or OpenBackupEventLog function.
1584      * @param OldestRecord
1585      *            Pointer to a variable that receives the absolute record number
1586      *            of the oldest record in the specified event log.
1587      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1588      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1589      *         information, call GetLastError.
1590      */
GetOldestEventLogRecord(HANDLE hEventLog, IntByReference OldestRecord)1591     boolean GetOldestEventLogRecord(HANDLE hEventLog, IntByReference OldestRecord);
1593     /**
1594      * Changes the optional configuration parameters of a service.
1595      *
1596      * @param hService
1597      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the
1598      *            OpenService or CreateService function and must have the
1599      *            SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access right. For more information,
1600      *            see <a
1601      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx"
1602      *            >Service Security and Access Rights</a>.
1603      *            If the service controller handles the SC_ACTION_RESTART
1604      *            action, hService must have the SERVICE_START access right.
1605      * @param dwInfoLevel
1606      *            The configuration information to be changed.
1607      * @param lpInfo
1608      *            A pointer to the new value to be set for the configuration
1609      *            information. The format of this data depends on the value
1610      *            of the dwInfoLevel parameter. If this value is NULL, the
1611      *            information remains unchanged.
1612      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1613      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1614      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1615      */
ChangeServiceConfig2(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwInfoLevel, ChangeServiceConfig2Info lpInfo)1616     public boolean ChangeServiceConfig2(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwInfoLevel,
1617                                         ChangeServiceConfig2Info lpInfo);
1619     /**
1620      * Retrieves the optional configuration parameters of the specified service.
1621      *
1622      * @param hService
1623      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the OpenService or
1624      *            CreateService function and must have the SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG access right. For
1625      *            more information, see Service Security and Access Rights.
1626      * @param dwInfoLevel
1627      *            The configuration information to be queried.
1628      * @param lpBuffer
1629      *            A pointer to the buffer that receives the service configuration information. The
1630      *            format of this data depends on the value of the dwInfoLevel parameter.
1631      *            The maximum size of this array is 8K bytes. To determine the required size,
1632      *            specify NULL for this parameter and 0 for the cbBufSize parameter. The function
1633      *            fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. The pcbBytesNeeded
1634      *            parameter receives the needed size.
1635      * @param cbBufSize
1636      *            The size of the structure pointed to by the lpBuffer parameter, in bytes.
1637      * @param pcbBytesNeeded
1638      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes required to store the
1639      *            configuration information, if the function fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
1640      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1641      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information,
1642      *         call GetLastError.
1643      */
QueryServiceConfig2(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwInfoLevel, Pointer lpBuffer, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded)1644     public boolean QueryServiceConfig2(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwInfoLevel,
1645                                        Pointer lpBuffer, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded);
1648     /**
1649      * Retrieves the current status of the specified service based on the
1650      * specified information level.
1651      *
1652      * @param hService
1653      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the
1654      *            OpenService(SC_HANDLE, String, int) or CreateService()
1655      *            function, and it must have the SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS access
1656      *            right. For more information, see <a
1657      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx"
1658      *            >Service Security and Access Rights</a>.
1659      * @param InfoLevel
1660      *            The service attributes to be returned (a value from
1661      *            SC_STATUS_TYPE enumeration). Use SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO to
1662      *            retrieve the service status information. The lpBuffer
1663      *            parameter is a pointer to a SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS structure.
1664      *            Currently, no other information levels are defined.
1665      * @param lpBuffer
1666      *            (optional) A pointer to the buffer that receives the status
1667      *            information. The format of this data depends on the value of
1668      *            the InfoLevel parameter. The maximum size of this array is 8K
1669      *            bytes. To determine the required size, specify NULL for this
1670      *            parameter and 0 for the cbBufSize parameter. The function will
1671      *            fail and GetLastError will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
1672      *            The pcbBytesNeeded parameter will receive the required size.
1673      * @param cbBufSize
1674      *            The size of the buffer pointed to by the lpBuffer parameter,
1675      *            in bytes.
1676      * @param pcbBytesNeeded
1677      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes
1678      *            needed to store all status information, if the function fails
1679      *            with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
1680      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the
1681      *         function fails, the return value is false. To get extended error
1682      *         information, call GetLastError. This value is a nonzero error
1683      *         code defined in Winerror.h.
1684      */
QueryServiceStatusEx(SC_HANDLE hService, int InfoLevel, SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS lpBuffer, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded)1685     boolean QueryServiceStatusEx(SC_HANDLE hService, int InfoLevel,
1686                                  SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS lpBuffer, int cbBufSize,
1687                                  IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded);
1689     /**
1690      * Retrieves the current status of the specified service based on the
1691      * specified information level.
1692      *
1693      * @param hService
1694      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the
1695      *            OpenService(SC_HANDLE, String, int) or CreateService()
1696      *            function, and it must have the SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS access
1697      *            right. For more information, see <a
1698      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx"
1699      *            >Service Security and Access Rights</a>.
1700      * @param lpServiceStatus
1701      *            A pointer to a SERVICE_STATUS structure that receives the status information.
1702      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the
1703      *         function fails, the return value is false. To get extended error
1704      *         information, call GetLastError.
1705      */
QueryServiceStatus(SC_HANDLE hService, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus)1706     boolean QueryServiceStatus(SC_HANDLE hService, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);
1708     /**
1709      * Sends a control code to a service. To specify additional information when
1710      * stopping a service, use the ControlServiceEx function.
1711      *
1712      * @param hService
1713      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the
1714      *            OpenService(SC_HANDLE, String, int) or CreateService()
1715      *            function. The access rights required for this handle depend on
1716      *            the dwControl code requested.
1717      * @param dwControl
1718      *            This parameter can be one of the following control codes
1719      *            (found in Winsvc.h): SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,
1724      *            This value can also be a user-defined control code, as
1725      *            described below: Range 128 to 255 - The service defines the
1726      *            action associated with the control code. The hService handle
1727      *            must have the SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL access right.
1728      * @param lpServiceStatus
1729      *            A pointer to a SERVICE_STATUS structure that receives the
1730      *            latest service status information. The information returned
1731      *            reflects the most recent status that the service reported to
1732      *            the service control manager. The service control manager fills
1733      *            in the structure only when ControlService returns one of the
1734      *            following error codes: NO_ERROR,
1735      *            ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL,
1737      *            Otherwise, the structure is not filled in.
1738      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the
1739      *         function fails, the return value is false. To get extended error
1740      *         information, call GetLastError. This value is a nonzero error
1741      *         code defined in Winerror.h.
1742      */
ControlService(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwControl, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus)1743     boolean ControlService(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwControl, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);
1745     /**
1746      * Starts a service.
1747      *
1748      * @param hService
1749      *            A handle to the service. This handle is returned by the
1750      *            OpenService(SC_HANDLE, String, int) or CreateService()
1751      *            function, and it must have the SERVICE_START access right. For
1752      *            more information, see <a
1753      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx">
1754      *            Service Security and Access Rights</a>.
1755      * @param dwNumServiceArgs
1756      *            The number of strings in the lpServiceArgVectors array. If
1757      *            lpServiceArgVectors is NULL, this parameter can be zero.
1758      * @param lpServiceArgVectors
1759      *            The null-terminated strings to be passed to the ServiceMain
1760      *            function for the service as arguments. If there are no
1761      *            arguments, this parameter can be null. Otherwise, the first
1762      *            argument (lpServiceArgVectors[0]) is the name of the service,
1763      *            followed by any additional arguments (lpServiceArgVectors[1]
1764      *            through lpServiceArgVectors[dwNumServiceArgs-1]). Driver
1765      *            services do not receive these arguments.
1766      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the
1767      *         function fails, the return value is false. To get extended error
1768      *         information, call GetLastError. This value is a nonzero error
1769      *         code defined in Winerror.h.
1770      */
StartService(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwNumServiceArgs, String[] lpServiceArgVectors)1771     boolean StartService(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwNumServiceArgs, String[] lpServiceArgVectors);
1773     /**
1774      * Closes a handle to a service control manager or service object.
1775      *
1776      * @param hSCObject
1777      *            A handle to the service control manager object or the service
1778      *            object to close. Handles to service control manager objects
1779      *            are returned by the OpenSCManager(String, String, int)
1780      *            function, and handles to service objects are returned by
1781      *            either the OpenService(SC_HANDLE, String, int) or
1782      *            CreateService() function.
1783      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1784      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1785      *         information, call GetLastError. This value is a nonzero error
1786      *         code defined in Winerror.h.
1787      */
CloseServiceHandle(SC_HANDLE hSCObject)1788     boolean CloseServiceHandle(SC_HANDLE hSCObject);
1790     /**
1791      * Opens an existing service.
1792      *
1793      * @param hSCManager
1794      *            A handle to the service control manager database. The
1795      *            OpenSCManager(String, String, int) function returns this
1796      *            handle.
1797      * @param lpServiceName
1798      *            The name of the service to be opened. This is the name
1799      *            specified by the lpServiceName parameter of the CreateService
1800      *            function when the service object was created, not the service
1801      *            display name that is shown by user interface applications to
1802      *            identify the service. The maximum string length is 256
1803      *            characters. The service control manager database preserves the
1804      *            case of the characters, but service name comparisons are
1805      *            always case insensitive. Forward-slash (/) and backslash (\)
1806      *            are invalid service name characters.
1807      * @param dwDesiredAccess
1808      *            The access to the service. For a list of access rights, see <a
1809      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx">
1810      *            Service Security and Access Rights</a>. Before granting the
1811      *            requested access, the system checks the access token of the
1812      *            calling process against the discretionary access-control list
1813      *            of the security descriptor associated with the service object.
1814      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
1815      *         service. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get
1816      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. This value is a
1817      *         nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h.
1818      */
OpenService(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, String lpServiceName, int dwDesiredAccess)1819     SC_HANDLE OpenService(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, String lpServiceName, int dwDesiredAccess);
1821     /**
1822      * Establishes a connection to the service control manager on the specified
1823      * computer and opens the specified service control manager database.
1824      *
1825      * @param lpMachineName
1826      *            The name of the target computer. If the pointer is NULL or
1827      *            points to an empty string, the function connects to the
1828      *            service control manager on the local computer.
1829      * @param lpDatabaseName
1830      *            The name of the service control manager database. This
1831      *            parameter should be set to SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE. If it is
1832      *            NULL, the SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE database is opened by
1833      *            default.
1834      * @param dwDesiredAccess
1835      *            The access to the service control manager. For a list of
1836      *            access rights, see <a
1837      *            href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685981.aspx">
1838      *            Service Security and Access Rights</a>. Before granting the
1839      *            requested access rights, the system checks the access token of
1840      *            the calling process against the discretionary access-control
1841      *            list of the security descriptor associated with the service
1842      *            control manager. The SC_MANAGER_CONNECT access right is
1843      *            implicitly specified by calling this function.
1844      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
1845      *         specified service control manager database. If the function
1846      *         fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error
1847      *         information, call GetLastError. This value is a nonzero error
1848      *         code defined in Winerror.h.
1849      */
OpenSCManager(String lpMachineName, String lpDatabaseName, int dwDesiredAccess)1850     SC_HANDLE OpenSCManager(String lpMachineName, String lpDatabaseName, int dwDesiredAccess);
1852     /**
1853      * Retrieves the name and status of each service that depends on the
1854      * specified service; that is, the specified service must be running before
1855      * the dependent services can run.
1856      *
1857      * @param hService           A handle to the service. This handle is
1858      *                           returned by the OpenService or CreateService
1859      *                           function, and it must have the
1860      *                           SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS access right. For
1861      *                           more information, see Service Security and
1862      *                           Access Rights.
1863      * @param dwServiceState     The state of the services to be enumerated.
1864      *                           This parameter can be one of the following
1865      *                           values.
1866      * <table>
1867      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
1868      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ACTIVE}</td><td>Enumerates services that
1869      * are in the following states:
1870      * {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_START_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STOP_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_RUNNING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING},
1871      * and {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_PAUSED}.</td></tr>
1872      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_INACTIVE}</td><td>Enumerates services that
1873      * are in the {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STOPPED} state.</td></tr>
1874      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STATE_ALL}</td><td>Combines the following
1875      * states: {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ACTIVE} and
1876      * {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_INACTIVE}.</td></tr>
1877      * </table>
1878      * @param lpService          A pointer to an array of ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS
1879      *                           structures that receives the name and service
1880      *                           status information for each dependent service
1881      *                           in the database. The buffer must be large
1882      *                           enough to hold the structures, plus the strings
1883      *                           to which their members point.
1884      * <p>
1885      * The order of the services in this array is the reverse of the start order
1886      * of the services. In other words, the first service in the array is the
1887      * one that would be started last, and the last service in the array is the
1888      * one that would be started first.</p>
1889      * <p>
1890      * The maximum size of this array is 64,000 bytes. To determine the required
1891      * size, specify NULL for this parameter and 0 for the cbBufSize parameter.
1892      * The function will fail and GetLastError will return ERROR_MORE_DATA. The
1893      * pcbBytesNeeded parameter will receive the required size.</p>
1894      * @param cbBufSize          The size of the buffer pointed to by the
1895      *                           lpServices parameter, in bytes.
1896      * @param pcbBytesNeeded     A pointer to a variable that receives the
1897      *                           number of bytes needed to store the array of
1898      *                           service entries. The variable only receives
1899      *                           this value if the buffer pointed to by
1900      *                           lpServices is too small, indicated by function
1901      *                           failure and the ERROR_MORE_DATA error;
1902      *                           otherwise, the contents of pcbBytesNeeded are
1903      *                           undefined.
1904      * @param lpServicesReturned A pointer to a variable that receives the
1905      *                           number of service entries returned.
1906      *
1907      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1908      *
1909      * <p>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
1910      * information, call GetLastError.</p>
1911      *
1912      * <p>The following error codes may be set by the service control manager.
1913      * Other error codes may be set by the registry functions that are called by
1914      * the service control manager.</p>
1915      *
1916      * <table>
1917      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
1918      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED}</td><td>The handle does not have the {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS} access right.</td></tr>
1919      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE}</td><td>The specified handle is invalid.</td></tr>
1920      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER}</td><td>A parameter that was specified is invalid.</td></tr>
1921      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_MORE_DATA}</td><td>The buffer pointed to by lpServices is not large enough. The function sets the variable pointed to by lpServicesReturned to the actual number of service entries stored into the buffer. The function sets the variable pointed to by pcbBytesNeeded to the number of bytes required to store all of the service entries.</td></tr>
1922      * </table>
1923      */
EnumDependentServices(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwServiceState, Pointer lpService, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded, IntByReference lpServicesReturned)1924     boolean EnumDependentServices(SC_HANDLE hService, int dwServiceState,
1925             Pointer lpService, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded,
1926             IntByReference lpServicesReturned);
1928     /**
1929      * Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database.
1930      * The name and status of each service are provided, along with additional
1931      * data based on the specified information level.
1932      *
1933      * @param hSCManager         A handle to the service control manager
1934      *                           database. This handle is returned by the
1935      *                           {@link #OpenSCManager} function, and must have
1936      *                           the {@link Winsvc#SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE}
1937      *                           access right. For more information, see Service
1938      *                           Security and Access Rights.
1939      * @param InfoLevel          The service attributes that are to be returned.
1940      *                           Use {@link Winsvc#SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO} to
1941      *                           retrieve the name and service status
1942      *                           information for each service in the database.
1943      *                           The lpServices parameter is a pointer to a
1944      *                           buffer that receives an array of
1945      *                           {@link Winsvc.ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS}
1946      *                           structures. The buffer must be large enough to
1947      *                           hold the structures as well as the strings to
1948      *                           which their members point.
1949      *
1950      * <p>Currently, no other information levels are defined.</p>
1951      * @param dwServiceType      The type of services to be enumerated. This
1952      *                           parameter can be one or more of the following
1953      *                           values.
1954      *
1955      * <table>
1956      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
1957      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_DRIVER}</td><td>Services of type {@link WinNT#SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER} and {@link WinNT#SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER}.</td></tr>
1958      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER}</td><td>File system driver services.</td></tr>
1959      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER}</td><td>Driver services.</td></tr>
1960      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_WIN32}</td><td>Services of type {@link WinNT#SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS} and {@link WinNT#SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS}.</td></tr>
1961      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS}</td><td>Services that run in their own processes.</td></tr>
1962      * <tr><td>{@link WinNT#SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS}</td><td>Services that share a process with one or more other services. For more information, see Service Programs.</td></tr>
1963      * </table>
1964      *
1965      * @param dwServiceState     The state of the services to be enumerated.
1966      *                           This parameter can be one of the following
1967      *                           values.
1968      * <table>
1969      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
1970      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ACTIVE}</td><td>Enumerates services that
1971      * are in the following states:
1972      * {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_START_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STOP_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_RUNNING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING}, {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING},
1973      * and {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_PAUSED}.</td></tr>
1974      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_INACTIVE}</td><td>Enumerates services that
1975      * are in the {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STOPPED} state.</td></tr>
1976      * <tr><td>{@link Winsvc#SERVICE_STATE_ALL}</td><td>Combines the following
1977      * states: {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ACTIVE} and
1978      * {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_INACTIVE}.</td></tr>
1979      * </table>
1980      * @param lpServices          A pointer to the buffer that receives the
1981      *                           status information. The format of this data
1982      *                           depends on the value of the InfoLevel
1983      *                           parameter.
1984      *
1985      * <p>The maximum size of this array is 256K bytes. To determine the required
1986      * size, specify NULL for this parameter and 0 for the cbBufSize parameter.
1987      * The function will fail and GetLastError will return ERROR_MORE_DATA. The
1988      * pcbBytesNeeded parameter will receive the required size.</p>
1989      *
1990      * <p><b>Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:</b> The maximum size of this array is 64K
1991      * bytes. This limit was increased as of Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and
1992      * Windows XP with SP2.</p>
1994      * @param cbBufSize          The size of the buffer pointed to by the
1995      *                           lpServices parameter, in bytes.
1996      * @param pcbBytesNeeded     A pointer to a variable that receives the
1997      *                           number of bytes needed to store the array of
1998      *                           service entries. The variable only receives
1999      *                           this value if the buffer pointed to by
2000      *                           lpServices is too small, indicated by function
2001      *                           failure and the ERROR_MORE_DATA error;
2002      *                           otherwise, the contents of pcbBytesNeeded are
2003      *                           undefined.
2004      * @param lpServicesReturned A pointer to a variable that receives the
2005      *                           number of service entries returned.
2006      * @param lpResumeHandle     A pointer to a variable that, on input,
2007      *                           specifies the starting point of enumeration.
2008      *                           You must set this value to zero the first time
2009      *                           the {@link #EnumServicesStatusEx} function is
2010      *                           called. On output, this value is zero if the
2011      *                           function succeeds. However, if the function
2012      *                           returns zero and the
2013      *                           {@link Kernel32#GetLastError} function returns
2014      *                           {@link WinError#ERROR_MORE_DATA}, this value
2015      *                           indicates the next service entry to be read
2016      *                           when the {@link #EnumServicesStatusEx} function
2017      *                           is called to retrieve the additional data.
2018      * @param pszGroupName       The load-order group name. If this parameter is
2019      *                           a string, the only services enumerated are
2020      *                           those that belong to the group that has the
2021      *                           name specified by the string. If this parameter
2022      *                           is an empty string, only services that do not
2023      *                           belong to any group are enumerated. If this
2024      *                           parameter is NULL, group membership is ignored
2025      *                           and all services are enumerated.
2026      *
2027      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
2028      *
2029      * <p>
2030      * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.</p>
2031      * <p>
2032      * If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2033      * information, call GetLastError. The following errors may be returned.</p>
2034      *
2035      * <table>
2036      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
2037      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED}</td><td>The handle does not have the {@link Winsvc#SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS} access right.</td></tr>
2038      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_MORE_DATA}</td><td>The buffer pointed to by lpServices is not large enough. The function sets the variable pointed to by lpServicesReturned to the actual number of service entries stored into the buffer. The function sets the variable pointed to by pcbBytesNeeded to the number of bytes required to store all of the service entries.</td></tr>
2039      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE}</td><td>The specified handle is invalid.</td></tr>
2040      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER}</td><td>A parameter that was specified is invalid.</td></tr>
2041      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL}</td><td>The InfoLevel parameter contains an unsupported value.</td></tr>
2042      * <tr><td>{@link WinError#ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS}</td><td>The system is shutting down; this function cannot be called.</td></tr>
2043      * </table>
2044      */
EnumServicesStatusEx(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, int InfoLevel, int dwServiceType, int dwServiceState, Pointer lpServices, int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded, IntByReference lpServicesReturned, IntByReference lpResumeHandle, String pszGroupName)2045     boolean EnumServicesStatusEx(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, int InfoLevel,
2046             int dwServiceType, int dwServiceState, Pointer lpServices,
2047             int cbBufSize, IntByReference pcbBytesNeeded,
2048             IntByReference lpServicesReturned, IntByReference lpResumeHandle,
2049             String pszGroupName);
2051     /**
2052      * Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the
2053      * security context of the user represented by the specified token.
2054      *
2055      * Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser function must
2056      * have the SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege and may require the
2057      * SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege if the token is not assignable. If
2058      * this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the
2059      * CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead. CreateProcessWithLogonW
2060      * requires no special privileges, but the specified user account must be
2061      * allowed to log on interactively. Generally, it is best to use
2062      * CreateProcessWithLogonW to create a process with alternate credentials.
2063      *
2064      * @param hToken
2065      *            A handle to the primary token that represents a user.
2066      * @param lpApplicationName
2067      *            The name of the module to be executed.
2068      * @param lpCommandLine
2069      *            The command line to be executed.
2070      * @param lpProcessAttributes
2071      *            A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a
2072      *            security descriptor for the new process object and determines
2073      *            whether child processes can inherit the returned handle to the
2074      *            process.
2075      * @param lpThreadAttributes
2076      *            A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a
2077      *            security descriptor for the new thread object and determines
2078      *            whether child processes can inherit the returned handle to the
2079      *            thread.
2080      * @param bInheritHandles
2081      *            If this parameter is TRUE, each inheritable handle in the
2082      *            calling process is inherited by the new process. If the
2083      *            parameter is FALSE, the handles are not inherited. Note that
2084      *            inherited handles have the same value and access rights as the
2085      *            original handles.
2086      * @param dwCreationFlags
2087      *            The flags that control the priority class and the creation of
2088      *            the process. For a list of values, see Process Creation Flags.
2089      * @param lpEnvironment
2090      *            A pointer to an environment block for the new process. If this
2091      *            parameter is NULL, the new process uses the environment of the
2092      *            calling process.
2093      *
2094      *            An environment block consists of a null-terminated block of
2095      *            null-terminated strings. Each string is in the following form:
2096      *            name=value\0
2097      * @param lpCurrentDirectory
2098      *            The full path to the current directory for the process. The
2099      *            string can also specify a UNC path.
2100      * @param lpStartupInfo
2101      *            A pointer to a STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX structure.
2102      * @param lpProcessInformation
2103      *            A pointer to a PROCESS_INFORMATION structure that receives
2104      *            identification information about the new process.
2105      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2106      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2107      *         information, call GetLastError.
2108      */
CreateProcessAsUser(HANDLE hToken, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, boolean bInheritHandles, int dwCreationFlags, String lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, WinBase.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)2109     boolean CreateProcessAsUser(HANDLE hToken, String lpApplicationName,
2110                                 String lpCommandLine, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
2111                                 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, boolean bInheritHandles,
2112                                 int dwCreationFlags, String lpEnvironment,
2113                                 String lpCurrentDirectory, WinBase.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
2114                                 WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
2116     /**
2117      * The AdjustTokenPrivileges function enables or disables privileges in the
2118      * specified access token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an access
2119      * token requires TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES access.
2120      *
2121      * @param TokenHandle
2122      *            A handle to the access token that contains the privileges to
2123      *            be modified.
2124      * @param DisableAllPrivileges
2125      *            Specifies whether the function disables all of the token's
2126      *            privileges.
2127      * @param NewState
2128      *            A pointer to a TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure that specifies an
2129      *            array of privileges and their attributes.
2130      * @param BufferLength
2131      *            Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the
2132      *            PreviousState parameter. This parameter can be zero if the
2133      *            PreviousState parameter is NULL.
2134      * @param PreviousState
2135      *            A pointer to a buffer that the function fills with a
2136      *            TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure that contains the previous state of
2137      *            any privileges that the function modifies.
2138      * @param ReturnLength
2139      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the required size, in
2140      *            bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the PreviousState
2141      *            parameter.
2142      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2143      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2144      *         information, call GetLastError.
2145      */
AdjustTokenPrivileges(HANDLE TokenHandle, boolean DisableAllPrivileges, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, int BufferLength, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, IntByReference ReturnLength)2146     boolean AdjustTokenPrivileges(HANDLE TokenHandle,
2147                                   boolean DisableAllPrivileges, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState,
2148                                   int BufferLength, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState,
2149                                   IntByReference ReturnLength);
2151     /**
2152      * The LookupPrivilegeName function retrieves the name that corresponds to
2153      * the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally
2154      * unique identifier (LUID).
2155      *
2156      * @param lpSystemName
2157      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name
2158      *            of the system on which the privilege name is retrieved. If a
2159      *            null string is specified, the function attempts to find the
2160      *            privilege name on the local system.
2161      * @param lpLuid
2162      *            A pointer to the LUID by which the privilege is known on the
2163      *            target system.
2164      * @param lpName
2165      *            A pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated string
2166      *            that represents the privilege name. For example, this string
2167      *            could be "SeSecurityPrivilege".
2168      * @param cchName
2169      *            A pointer to a variable that specifies the size, in a TCHAR
2170      *            value, of the lpName buffer.
2171      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2172      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2173      *         information, call GetLastError.
2174      */
LookupPrivilegeName(String lpSystemName, WinNT.LUID lpLuid, char[] lpName, IntByReference cchName)2175     boolean LookupPrivilegeName(String lpSystemName, WinNT.LUID lpLuid,
2176                                 char[] lpName, IntByReference cchName);
2178     /**
2179      * The LookupPrivilegeValue function retrieves the locally unique identifier
2180      * (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified
2181      * privilege name.
2182      *
2183      * @param lpSystemName
2184      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name
2185      *            of the system on which the privilege name is retrieved. If a
2186      *            null string is specified, the function attempts to find the
2187      *            privilege name on the local system.
2188      * @param lpName
2189      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name
2190      *            of the privilege, as defined in the Winnt.h header file. For
2191      *            example, this parameter could specify the constant,
2192      *            SE_SECURITY_NAME, or its corresponding string,
2193      *            "SeSecurityPrivilege".
2194      * @param lpLuid
2195      *            A pointer to a variable that receives the LUID by which the
2196      *            privilege is known on the system specified by the lpSystemName
2197      *            parameter.
2198      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2199      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2200      *         information, call GetLastError.
2201      */
LookupPrivilegeValue(String lpSystemName, String lpName, WinNT.LUID lpLuid)2202     boolean LookupPrivilegeValue(String lpSystemName, String lpName, WinNT.LUID lpLuid);
2204     /**
2205      * The function obtains specified information about the security of a file
2206      * or directory. The information obtained is constrained by the caller's
2207      * access rights and privileges.
2208      *
2209      * @param lpFileName
2210      *            A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the file
2211      *            or directory for which security information is retrieved.
2212      * @param RequestedInformation
2213      *            A SECURITY_INFORMATION value that identifies the security
2214      *            information being requested. See WinNT *_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2215      * @param pointer
2216      *            A pointer to a buffer that receives a copy of the security
2217      *            descriptor of the object specified by the lpFileName
2218      *            parameter. The calling process must have permission to view
2219      *            the specified aspects of the object's security status. The
2220      *            SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure is returned in self-relative
2221      *            format.
2222      * @param nLength
2223      *            Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the
2224      *            pSecurityDescriptor parameter.
2225      * @param lpnLengthNeeded
2226      *            A pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes
2227      *            necessary to store the complete security descriptor. If the
2228      *            returned number of bytes is less than or equal to nLength, the
2229      *            entire security descriptor is returned in the output buffer;
2230      *            otherwise, none of the descriptor is returned.
2231      * @return whether the call succeeded
2232      */
GetFileSecurity(String lpFileName, int RequestedInformation, Pointer pointer, int nLength, IntByReference lpnLengthNeeded)2233     boolean GetFileSecurity(String lpFileName,
2234                             int RequestedInformation, Pointer pointer, int nLength,
2235                             IntByReference lpnLengthNeeded);
2237     /**
2238      * The SetFileSecurity function sets the security of a file or directory object.
2239      * This function is obsolete. Use the SetNamedSecurityInfo function instead.
2240      *
2241      * @param lpFileName
2242      *          A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the file or directory for which security is set.
2243      *          Note that security applied to a directory is not inherited by its children.
2244      * @param SecurityInformation
2245      *          Specifies a SECURITY_INFORMATION structure that identifies the contents of the security descriptor
2246      *          pointed to by the pSecurityDescriptor parameter.
2247      * @param pSecurityDescriptor
2248      *          A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure.
2249      * @return
2250      *          If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. If the function fails, it returns zero. To get
2251      *          extended error information, call GetLastError.
2252      */
SetFileSecurity(String lpFileName, int SecurityInformation, Pointer pSecurityDescriptor)2253     boolean SetFileSecurity(String lpFileName, int SecurityInformation, Pointer pSecurityDescriptor);
2255     /**
2256      * The GetSecurityInfo function retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by a handle.
2257      *
2258      * @param handle [in]
2259      *          A handle to the object from which to retrieve security information.
2260      * @param ObjectType [in]
2261      *          SE_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration value that indicates the type of object.
2262      * @param SecurityInfo [in]
2263      *          A set of bit flags that indicate the type of security information to retrieve. See WinNT *_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2264      * @param ppsidOwner [out, optional]
2265      *          A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the owner SID in the security descriptor returned
2266      *          in ppSecurityDescriptor. The returned pointer is valid only if you set the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag.
2267      *          This parameter can be NULL if you do not need the owner SID.
2268      * @param ppsidGroup [in, optional]
2269      *          A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the primary group SID in the returned security descriptor.
2270      *          The returned pointer is valid only if you set the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. This parameter can be NULL
2271      *          if you do not need the group SID.
2272      * @param ppDacl [in, optional]
2273      *          A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the DACL in the returned security descriptor. The returned
2274      *          pointer is valid only if you set the DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. This parameter can be NULL if you do not
2275      *          need the DACL.
2276      * @param ppSacl [in, optional]
2277      *          A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the SACL in the returned security descriptor. The returned
2278      *          pointer is valid only if you set the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. This parameter can be NULL if you do not
2279      *          need the SACL.
2280      * @param ppSecurityDescriptor
2281      *          A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the security descriptor of the object. When you have finished
2282      *          using the pointer, free the returned buffer by calling the LocalFree function.
2283      *          This parameter is required if any one of the ppsidOwner, ppsidGroup, ppDacl, or ppSacl parameters is not NULL.
2284      * @return whether the call succeeded. A nonzero return is a failure.
2285      *
2286      * <p><b>NOTES:</b></p>
2287      * <p>1. If the ppsidOwner, ppsidGroup, ppDacl, and ppSacl parameters are non-NULL, and the SecurityInfo parameter specifies
2288      * that they be retrieved from the object, those parameters will point to the corresponding parameters in the security descriptor
2289      * returned in ppSecurityDescriptor.</p>
2290      * <p>2. To read the owner, group, or DACL from the object's security descriptor, the calling process must have been granted
2291      * READ_CONTROL access when the handle was opened. To get READ_CONTROL access, the caller must be the owner of the object or
2292      * the object's DACL must grant the access.</p>
2293      * <p>3. To read the SACL from the security descriptor, the calling process must have been granted ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY access
2294      * when the handle was opened. The proper way to get this access is to enable the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege in the caller's
2295      * current token, open the handle for ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY access, and then disable the privilege.</p>
2296      * <p>4. If the supplied handle was opened with an ACCESS_MASK value of MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,
2297      * then the SetSecurityInfo function will not propagate ACEs to children.</p>
2298      */
GetSecurityInfo(HANDLE handle, int ObjectType, int SecurityInfo, PointerByReference ppsidOwner, PointerByReference ppsidGroup, PointerByReference ppDacl, PointerByReference ppSacl, PointerByReference ppSecurityDescriptor)2299     int GetSecurityInfo(HANDLE handle,
2300                         int ObjectType,
2301                         int SecurityInfo,
2302                         PointerByReference ppsidOwner,
2303                         PointerByReference ppsidGroup,
2304                         PointerByReference ppDacl,
2305                         PointerByReference ppSacl,
2306                         PointerByReference ppSecurityDescriptor);
2308     /**
2309      * The SetSecurityInfo function sets specified security information in
2310      * the security descriptor of a specified object. The caller identifies the
2311      * object by a handle.
2312      *
2313      * @param handle [in]
2314      *            A handle to the object for which to set security information.
2315      * @param ObjectType [in]
2316      *            A value of the SE_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration that indicates the type
2317      *            of object named by the pObjectName parameter.
2318      * @param SecurityInfo [in]
2319      *            A set of bit flags that indicate the type of security
2320      *            information to set. See WinNT *_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2321      * @param ppsidOwner [in, optional]
2322      *            A pointer to a SID structure that identifies the owner of the object.
2323      *            If the caller does not have the SeRestorePrivilege constant
2324      *            (see Privilege Constants), this SID must be contained in the
2325      *            caller's token, and must have the SE_GROUP_OWNER permission enabled.
2326      *            The SecurityInfo parameter must include the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2327      *            flag. To set the owner, the caller must have WRITE_OWNER access to
2328      *            the object or have the SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME privilege enabled.
2329      *            If you are not setting the owner SID, this parameter can be NULL.
2330      * @param ppsidGroup [in, optional]
2331      *            A pointer to a SID that identifies the primary group of the object.
2332      *            The SecurityInfo parameter must include the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2333      *            flag. If you are not setting the primary group SID, this parameter
2334      *            can be NULL.
2335      * @param ppDacl [in, optional]
2336      *            A pointer to the new DACL for the object. The SecurityInfo parameter
2337      *            must include the DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. The caller must have
2338      *            WRITE_DAC access to the object or be the owner of the object. If you
2339      *            are not setting the DACL, this parameter can be NULL.
2340      * @param ppSacl [in, optional]
2341      *             A pointer to the new SACL for the object. The SecurityInfo parameter
2342      *             must include any of the following flags: SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
2346      *             the caller must have the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege enabled. If
2347      *             you are not setting the SACL, this parameter can be NULL.
2348      * @return whether the call succeeded. A nonzero return is a failure.
2349      *
2350      * <p><b>NOTES:</b></p>
2351      * <p>1. If you are setting the discretionary access control list (DACL) or any elements
2352      * in the system access control list (SACL) of an object, the system automatically
2353      * propagates any inheritable access control entries (ACEs) to existing child objects,
2354      * according to the ACE inheritance rules.</p>
2355      * <p>2. The SetSecurityInfo function does not reorder access-allowed or access-denied
2356      * ACEs based on the preferred order. When propagating inheritable ACEs to existing
2357      * child objects, SetSecurityInfo puts inherited ACEs in order after all of the
2358      * noninherited ACEs in the DACLs of the child objects.</p>
2359      * <p>3. If share access to the children of the object is not available, this function
2360      * will not propagate unprotected ACEs to the children. For example, if a directory
2361      * is opened with exclusive access, the operating system will not propagate unprotected
2362      * ACEs to the subdirectories or files of that directory when the security on the
2363      * directory is changed.</p>
2364      * <p>4. If the supplied handle was opened with an ACCESS_MASK value of MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,
2365      * then the SetSecurityInfo function will not propagate ACEs to children.</p>
2366      */
SetSecurityInfo(HANDLE handle, int ObjectType, int SecurityInfo, Pointer ppsidOwner, Pointer ppsidGroup, Pointer ppDacl, Pointer ppSacl)2367     int SetSecurityInfo(HANDLE handle,
2368                         int ObjectType,
2369                         int SecurityInfo,
2370                         Pointer ppsidOwner,
2371                         Pointer ppsidGroup,
2372                         Pointer ppDacl,
2373                         Pointer ppSacl);
2375     /**
2376      * The GetNamedSecurityInfo function retrieves a copy of the security
2377      * descriptor for an object specified by name
2378      *
2379      * @param pObjectName
2380      *            A pointer to a that specifies the name of the object from
2381      *            which to retrieve security information.
2382      *            For descriptions of the string formats for the different
2383      *            object types, see SE_OBJECT_TYPE.
2384      * @param ObjectType
2385      *            Specifies a value from the SE_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration that
2386      *            indicates the type of object named by the pObjectName parameter.
2387      * @param SecurityInfo
2388      *            A set of bit flags that indicate the type of security
2389      *            information to retrieve. See WinNT *_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2390      * @param ppsidOwner [out, optional]
2391      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the owner SID
2392      *            in the security descriptor returned in ppSecurityDescriptor
2393      *            or NULL if the security descriptor has no owner SID.
2394      *            The returned pointer is valid only if you set the
2395      *            OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. Also, this parameter can be
2396      *            NULL if you do not need the owner SID.
2397      * @param ppsidGroup [out, optional]
2398      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the primary
2399      *            group SID in the returned security descriptor or NULL if the
2400      *            security descriptor has no group SID. The returned pointer is
2401      *            valid only if you set the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag.
2402      *            Also, this parameter can be NULL if you do not need the group SID.
2403      * @param ppDacl [out, optional]
2404      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the DACL in
2405      *            the returned security descriptor or NULL if the security
2406      *            descriptor has no DACL. The returned pointer is valid only if
2407      *            you set the DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. Also, this parameter
2408      *            can be NULL if you do not need the DACL.
2409      * @param ppSacl [out, optional]
2410      *             A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the SACL in
2411      *             the returned security descriptor or NULL if the security
2412      *             descriptor has no SACL. The returned pointer is valid only if
2413      *             you set the SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. Also, this parameter
2414      *             can be NULL if you do not need the SACL.
2415      * @param ppSecurityDescriptor
2416      *            A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the security
2417      *            descriptor of the object. When you have finished using the
2418      *            pointer, free the returned buffer by calling the LocalFree
2419      *            function.
2420      *
2421      *            This parameter is required if any one of the ppsidOwner,
2422      *            ppsidGroup, ppDacl, or ppSacl parameters is not NULL.
2423      * @return whether the call succeeded. A nonzero return is a failure.
2424      *
2425      * NOTES:
2426      * 1. To read the owner, group, or DACL from the object's security descriptor,
2427      * the object's DACL must grant READ_CONTROL access to the caller, or the caller
2428      * must be the owner of the object.
2429      * 2. To read the system access control list of the object, the SE_SECURITY_NAME
2430      * privilege must be enabled for the calling process. For information about the
2431      * security implications of enabling privileges, see Running with Special Privileges.
2432      */
GetNamedSecurityInfo( String pObjectName, int ObjectType, int SecurityInfo, PointerByReference ppsidOwner, PointerByReference ppsidGroup, PointerByReference ppDacl, PointerByReference ppSacl, PointerByReference ppSecurityDescriptor)2433     int GetNamedSecurityInfo(
2434                              String pObjectName,
2435                              int ObjectType,
2436                              int SecurityInfo,
2437                              PointerByReference ppsidOwner,
2438                              PointerByReference ppsidGroup,
2439                              PointerByReference ppDacl,
2440                              PointerByReference ppSacl,
2441                              PointerByReference ppSecurityDescriptor);
2443     /**
2444      * The SetNamedSecurityInfo function sets specified security information in
2445      * the security descriptor of a specified object. The caller identifies the
2446      * object by name.
2447      *
2448      * @param pObjectName [in]
2449      *            A pointer to a string that specifies the name of the object for
2450      *            which to set security information. This can be
2451      *            the name of a local or remote file or directory on an NTFS file
2452      *            system, network share, registry key, semaphore, event, mutex,
2453      *            file mapping, or waitable timer. *
2454      *            For descriptions of the string formats for the different
2455      *            object types, see SE_OBJECT_TYPE.
2456      * @param ObjectType [in]
2457      *            A value of the SE_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration that indicates the type
2458      *            of object named by the pObjectName parameter.
2459      * @param SecurityInfo [in]
2460      *            A set of bit flags that indicate the type of security
2461      *            information to set. See WinNT *_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2462      * @param ppsidOwner [in, optional]
2463      *            A pointer to a SID structure that identifies the owner of the object.
2464      *            If the caller does not have the SeRestorePrivilege constant
2465      *            (see Privilege Constants), this SID must be contained in the
2466      *            caller's token, and must have the SE_GROUP_OWNER permission enabled.
2467      *            The SecurityInfo parameter must include the OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2468      *            flag. To set the owner, the caller must have WRITE_OWNER access to
2469      *            the object or have the SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME privilege enabled.
2470      *            If you are not setting the owner SID, this parameter can be NULL.
2471      * @param ppsidGroup [in, optional]
2472      *            A pointer to a SID that identifies the primary group of the object.
2473      *            The SecurityInfo parameter must include the GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION
2474      *            flag. If you are not setting the primary group SID, this parameter
2475      *            can be NULL.
2476      * @param ppDacl [in, optional]
2477      *            A pointer to the new DACL for the object. The SecurityInfo parameter
2478      *            must include the DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION flag. The caller must have
2479      *            WRITE_DAC access to the object or be the owner of the object. If you
2480      *            are not setting the DACL, this parameter can be NULL.
2481      * @param ppSacl [in, optional]
2482      *             A pointer to the new SACL for the object. The SecurityInfo parameter
2483      *             must include any of the following flags: SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
2487      *             the caller must have the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege enabled. If
2488      *             you are not setting the SACL, this parameter can be NULL.
2489      * @return whether the call succeeded. A nonzero return is a failure.
2490      *
2491      * NOTES:
2492      * 1. The SetNamedSecurityInfo function does not reorder access-allowed or access-denied
2493      * ACEs based on the preferred order. When propagating inheritable ACEs to existing
2494      * child objects, SetNamedSecurityInfo puts inherited ACEs in order after all of the
2495      * noninherited ACEs in the DACLs of the child objects.
2496      * 2. This function transfers information in plaintext. The information transferred by
2497      * this function is signed unless signing has been turned off for the system, but no
2498      * encryption is performed.
2499      * 3. When you update access rights of a folder indicated by an UNC path, for example
2500      * \\Test\TestFolder, the original inherited ACE is removed and the full volume path
2501      * is not included.
2502      */
SetNamedSecurityInfo( String pObjectName, int ObjectType, int SecurityInfo, Pointer ppsidOwner, Pointer ppsidGroup, Pointer ppDacl, Pointer ppSacl)2503     int SetNamedSecurityInfo(
2504                              String pObjectName,
2505                              int ObjectType,
2506                              int SecurityInfo,
2507                              Pointer ppsidOwner,
2508                              Pointer ppsidGroup,
2509                              Pointer ppDacl,
2510                              Pointer ppSacl);
2512     /**
2513      * The GetSecurityDescriptorLength function returns the length, in bytes, of a structurally
2514      * valid security descriptor. The length includes the length of all associated structures.
2515      *
2516      * @param ppSecurityDescriptor
2517      *            A pointer to the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure whose length the function returns.
2518      *            The pointer is assumed to be valid.
2519      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns the length, in bytes, of the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure.
2520      *         If the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure is not valid, the return value is undefined.
2521      */
GetSecurityDescriptorLength(Pointer ppSecurityDescriptor)2522     int GetSecurityDescriptorLength(Pointer ppSecurityDescriptor);
2524     /**
2525      * The IsValidSecurityDescriptor function determines whether the components of a security descriptor are valid.
2526      *
2527      * @param ppSecurityDescriptor [in]
2528      *            A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that the function validates.
2529      * @return If the components of the security descriptor are valid, the return value is nonzero.
2530      */
IsValidSecurityDescriptor(Pointer ppSecurityDescriptor)2531     boolean IsValidSecurityDescriptor(Pointer ppSecurityDescriptor);
2533     /**
2534      * A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure in absolute format. The function creates a version of this security
2535      * descriptor in self-relative format without modifying the original.
2536      * @param pAbsoluteSD
2537      *          A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure in absolute format. The function creates a version of this
2538      *          security descriptor in self-relative format without modifying the original.
2539      * @param pSelfRelativeSD
2540      *          A pointer to a buffer the function fills with a security descriptor in self-relative format.
2541      * @param lpdwBufferLength
2542      *          A pointer to a variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pSelfRelativeSD parameter.
2543      *          If the buffer is not large enough for the security descriptor, the function fails and sets this variable
2544      *          to the minimum required size.
2545      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. If the function fails, it returns zero. To get
2546      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. Possible return codes include, but are not limited to, the following:
2547      *         ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER - One or more of the buffers is too small.
2548      */
MakeSelfRelativeSD(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE pSelfRelativeSD, IntByReference lpdwBufferLength)2549     boolean MakeSelfRelativeSD(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSD,
2550                                SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE pSelfRelativeSD,
2551                                IntByReference lpdwBufferLength);
2553     /**
2554      * The MakeAbsoluteSD function creates a security descriptor in absolute format by using a
2555      * security descriptor in self-relative format as a template.
2556      * @param pSelfRelativeSD
2557      *              A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure in self-relative format. The function creates an
2558      *              absolute-format version of this security descriptor without modifying the original security descriptor.
2559      * @param pAbsoluteSD
2560      *              A pointer to a buffer that the function fills with the main body of an absolute-format security
2561      *              descriptor. This information is formatted as a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure.
2562      * @param lpdwAbsoluteSDSize
2563      *              A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pAbsoluteSD parameter.
2564      *              If the buffer is not large enough for the security descriptor, the function fails and sets this variable
2565      *              to the minimum required size.
2566      * @param pDacl
2567      *              A pointer to a buffer the function fills with the discretionary access control list (DACL) of the
2568      *              absolute-format security descriptor. The main body of the absolute-format security descriptor references
2569      *              this pointer.
2570      * @param lpdwDaclSize
2571      *              A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pDacl parameter. If
2572      *              the buffer is not large enough for the access control list (ACL), the function fails and sets this
2573      *              variable to the minimum required size.
2574      * @param pSacl
2575      *              A pointer to a buffer the function fills with the system access control list (SACL) of the absolute-format
2576      *              security descriptor. The main body of the absolute-format security descriptor references this pointer.
2577      * @param lpdwSaclSize
2578      *              A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pSacl parameter. If the
2579      *              buffer is not large enough for the ACL, the function fails and sets this variable to the minimum required
2580      *              size.
2581      * @param pOwner
2582      *              A pointer to a buffer the function fills with the security identifier (SID) of the owner of the
2583      *              absolute-format security descriptor. The main body of the absolute-format security descriptor references
2584      *              this pointer.
2585      * @param lpdwOwnerSize
2586      *              A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pOwner parameter.
2587      *              If the buffer is not large enough for the SID, the function fails and sets this variable to the minimum
2588      *              required size.
2589      * @param pPrimaryGroup
2590      *              A pointer to a buffer the function fills with the SID of the absolute-format security descriptor's
2591      *              primary group. The main body of the absolute-format security descriptor references this pointer.
2592      * @param lpdwPrimaryGroupSize
2593      *              A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pPrimaryGroup parameter.
2594      *              If the buffer is not large enough for the SID, the function fails and sets this variable to the minimum
2595      *              required size.
2596      * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. If the function fails, it returns zero. To get
2597      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. Possible return codes include, but are not limited to, the following:
2598      *         ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER - One or more of the buffers is too small.
2599      */
MakeAbsoluteSD(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE pSelfRelativeSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSD, IntByReference lpdwAbsoluteSDSize, ACL pDacl, IntByReference lpdwDaclSize, ACL pSacl, IntByReference lpdwSaclSize, PSID pOwner, IntByReference lpdwOwnerSize, PSID pPrimaryGroup, IntByReference lpdwPrimaryGroupSize)2600     boolean MakeAbsoluteSD(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE pSelfRelativeSD,
2601                            SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSD,
2602                            IntByReference lpdwAbsoluteSDSize,
2603                            ACL pDacl,
2604                            IntByReference lpdwDaclSize,
2605                            ACL pSacl,
2606                            IntByReference lpdwSaclSize,
2607                            PSID pOwner,
2608                            IntByReference lpdwOwnerSize,
2609                            PSID pPrimaryGroup,
2610                            IntByReference lpdwPrimaryGroupSize);
2612     /**
2613      * The IsValidAcl function validates an access control list (ACL).
2614      *
2615      * @param pAcl [in]
2616      *            A pointer to an ACL structure validated by this function. This value must not be NULL.
2617      * @return If the ACL is valid, the function returns nonzero. If the ACL is not valid, the function returns zero.
2618      * There is no extended error information for this function; do not call GetLastError.
2619      *
2620      * This function checks the revision level of the ACL and verifies that the number of access control entries
2621      * (ACEs) specified in the AceCount member of the ACL structure fits the space specified by the AclSize member
2622      * of the ACL structure.If pAcl is NULL, the application will fail with an access violation.
2623      */
IsValidAcl(Pointer pAcl)2624     boolean IsValidAcl(Pointer pAcl);
2626     /**
2627      * Applies the given mapping of generic access rights to the given access mask.
2628      * @param AccessMask [in, out] A pointer to an access mask.
2629      * @param GenericMapping [in] A pointer to a GENERIC_MAPPING structure specifying a mapping of generic access types to specific and standard access types.
2630      */
MapGenericMask(DWORDByReference AccessMask, GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping)2631     void MapGenericMask(DWORDByReference AccessMask, GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping);
2634     /**
2635      * Check if the if the security descriptor grants access to the given client token.
2636      *
2637      * @param pSecurityDescriptor [in] A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure against which access is checked.
2638      * @param ClientToken [in] A handle to an impersonation token that represents the client that is attempting to gain access. The handle must have TOKEN_QUERY access to the token; otherwise, the function fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
2639      * @param DesiredAccess [in] Access mask that specifies the access rights to check. This mask must have been mapped by the MapGenericMask function to contain no generic access rights.<br>
2640      *                      If this parameter is MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, the function sets the GrantedAccess access mask to indicate the maximum access rights the security descriptor allows the client.
2641      * @param GenericMapping [in] A pointer to the GENERIC_MAPPING structure associated with the object for which access is being checked.
2642      * @param PrivilegeSet [out, optional] A pointer to a PRIVILEGE_SET structure that receives the privileges used to perform the access validation. If no privileges were used, the function sets the PrivilegeCount member to zero.
2643      * @param PrivilegeSetLength [in, out] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the PrivilegeSet parameter.
2644      * @param GrantedAccess [out] A pointer to an access mask that receives the granted access rights. If AccessStatus is set to FALSE, the function sets the access mask to zero. If the function fails, it does not set the access mask.
2645      * @param AccessStatus [out] A pointer to a variable that receives the results of the access check. If the security descriptor allows the requested access rights to the client identified by the access token, AccessStatus is set to TRUE. Otherwise, AccessStatus is set to FALSE, and you can call GetLastError to get extended error information.
2646      * @return true on success; false on failure (use GetLastError to get extended error information)
2647      */
AccessCheck(Pointer pSecurityDescriptor, HANDLE ClientToken, DWORD DesiredAccess, GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, PRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, DWORDByReference PrivilegeSetLength, DWORDByReference GrantedAccess, BOOLByReference AccessStatus)2648     boolean AccessCheck(Pointer pSecurityDescriptor,
2649                         HANDLE ClientToken, DWORD DesiredAccess,
2650                         GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping,
2651                         PRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet,
2652                         DWORDByReference PrivilegeSetLength,
2653                         DWORDByReference GrantedAccess, BOOLByReference AccessStatus);
2655     /**
2656      * Encrypts a file or directory. All data streams in a file are encrypted. All
2657      * new files created in an encrypted directory are encrypted.
2658      *
2659      * @param lpFileName
2660      *         The name of the file or directory to be encrypted.
2661      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2662      * function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2663      * information, call GetLastError.
2664      */
EncryptFile(String lpFileName)2665     boolean EncryptFile(String lpFileName);
2667     /**
2668      * Decrypts an encrypted file or directory.
2669      *
2670      * @param lpFileName
2671      *         The name of the file or directory to be decrypted.
2672      * @param dwReserved
2673      *         Reserved; must be zero.
2674      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2675      * function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2676      * information, call GetLastError.
2677      */
DecryptFile(String lpFileName, DWORD dwReserved)2678     boolean DecryptFile(String lpFileName, DWORD dwReserved);
2680     /**
2681      * Retrieves the encryption status of the specified file.
2682      *
2683      * @param lpFileName
2684      *         The name of the file.
2685      * @param lpStatus
2686      *         A pointer to a variable that receives the encryption status of the
2687      *         file.
2688      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2689      * function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2690      * information, call GetLastError.
2691      */
FileEncryptionStatus(String lpFileName, DWORDByReference lpStatus)2692     boolean FileEncryptionStatus(String lpFileName, DWORDByReference lpStatus);
2694     /**
2695      * Disables or enables encryption of the specified directory and the files in
2696      * it. It does not affect encryption of subdirectories below the indicated
2697      * directory.
2698      *
2699      * @param DirPath
2700      *         The name of the directory for which to enable or disable
2701      *         encryption.
2702      * @param Disable
2703      *         Indicates whether to disable encryption (TRUE) or enable it
2704      *         (FALSE).
2705      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
2706      * function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
2707      * information, call GetLastError.
2708      */
EncryptionDisable(String DirPath, boolean Disable)2709     boolean EncryptionDisable(String DirPath, boolean Disable);
2711     /**
2712      * Opens an encrypted file in order to backup (export) or restore (import) the
2713      * file. This is one of a group of Encrypted File System (EFS) functions that
2714      * is intended to implement backup and restore functionality, while
2715      * maintaining files in their encrypted state.
2716      *
2717      * @param lpFileName
2718      *         The name of the file to be opened. The string must consist of
2719      *         characters from the Windows character set.
2720      * @param ulFlags
2721      *         The operation to be performed.
2722      * @param pvContext
2723      *         The address of a context block that must be presented in subsequent
2724      *         calls to ReadEncryptedFileRaw, WriteEncryptedFileRaw, or
2725      *         CloseEncryptedFileRaw. Do not modify it.
2726      * @return If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function
2727      * fails, it returns a nonzero error code defined in WinError.h. You can use
2728      * FormatMessage with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to get a generic
2729      * text description of the error.
2730      */
OpenEncryptedFileRaw(String lpFileName, ULONG ulFlags, PointerByReference pvContext)2731     int OpenEncryptedFileRaw(String lpFileName, ULONG ulFlags, PointerByReference pvContext);
2733     /**
2734      * Backs up (export) encrypted files. This is one of a group of Encrypted File
2735      * System (EFS) functions that is intended to implement backup and restore
2736      * functionality, while maintaining files in their encrypted state.
2737      *
2738      * @param pfExportCallback
2739      *         A pointer to the export callback function. The system calls the
2740      *         callback function multiple times, each time passing a block of the
2741      *         file's data to the callback function until the entire file has been
2742      *         read. For more information, see ExportCallback.
2743      * @param pvCallbackContext
2744      *         A pointer to an application-defined and allocated context block.
2745      *         The system passes this pointer to the callback function as a
2746      *         parameter so that the callback function can have access to
2747      *         application-specific data. This can be a structure and can contain
2748      *         any data the application needs, such as the handle to the file that
2749      *         will contain the backup copy of the encrypted file.
2750      * @param pvContext
2751      *         A pointer to a system-defined context block. The context block is
2752      *         returned by the OpenEncryptedFileRaw function. Do not modify it.
2753      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If the
2754      * function fails, it returns a nonzero error code defined in WinError.h. You
2755      * can use FormatMessage with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to get a
2756      * generic text description of the error.
2757      */
ReadEncryptedFileRaw(FE_EXPORT_FUNC pfExportCallback, Pointer pvCallbackContext, Pointer pvContext)2758     int ReadEncryptedFileRaw(FE_EXPORT_FUNC pfExportCallback,
2759                              Pointer pvCallbackContext, Pointer pvContext);
2761     /**
2762      * Restores (import) encrypted files. This is one of a group of Encrypted File
2763      * System (EFS) functions that is intended to implement backup and restore
2764      * functionality, while maintaining files in.
2765      *
2766      * @param pfImportCallback
2767      *         A pointer to the import callback function. The system calls the
2768      *         callback function multiple times, each time passing a buffer that
2769      *         will be filled by the callback function with a portion of backed-up
2770      *         file's data. When the callback function signals that the entire
2771      *         file has been processed, it tells the system that the restore
2772      *         operation is finished. For more information, see ImportCallback.
2773      * @param pvCallbackContext
2774      *         A pointer to an application-defined and allocated context block.
2775      *         The system passes this pointer to the callback function as a
2776      *         parameter so that the callback function can have access to
2777      *         application-specific data. This can be a structure and can contain
2778      *         any data the application needs, such as the handle to the file that
2779      *         will contain the backup copy of the encrypted file.
2780      * @param pvContext
2781      *         A pointer to a system-defined context block. The context block is
2782      *         returned by the OpenEncryptedFileRaw function. Do not modify it.
2783      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If the
2784      * function fails, it returns a nonzero error code defined in WinError.h. You
2785      * can use FormatMessage with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to get a
2786      * generic text description of the error.
2787      */
WriteEncryptedFileRaw(FE_IMPORT_FUNC pfImportCallback, Pointer pvCallbackContext, Pointer pvContext)2788     int WriteEncryptedFileRaw(FE_IMPORT_FUNC pfImportCallback,
2789                               Pointer pvCallbackContext, Pointer pvContext);
2791     /**
2792      * Closes an encrypted file after a backup or restore operation, and frees
2793      * associated system resources. This is one of a group of Encrypted File
2794      * System (EFS) functions that is intended to implement backup and restore
2795      * functionality, while maintaining files in their encrypted state.
2796      *
2797      * @param pvContext
2798      *         A pointer to a system-defined context block. The
2799      *         OpenEncryptedFileRaw function returns the context block.
2800      */
CloseEncryptedFileRaw(Pointer pvContext)2801     void CloseEncryptedFileRaw(Pointer pvContext);
2803     /**
2804      * <code>
2805      BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWithLogonW(
2806      _In_         LPCWSTR lpUsername,
2807      _In_opt_     LPCWSTR lpDomain,
2808      _In_         LPCWSTR lpPassword,
2809      _In_         DWORD dwLogonFlags,
2810      _In_opt_     LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
2811      _Inout_opt_  LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
2812      _In_         DWORD dwCreationFlags,
2813      _In_opt_     LPVOID lpEnvironment,
2814      _In_opt_     LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
2815      _In_         LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
2816      _Out_        LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo
2817      );
2818      * </code>
2819      *
2820      * @param lpUsername
2821      *            [in]<br>
2822      *            The name of the user. This is the name of the user account to
2823      *            log on to. <br>
2824      *            If you use the UPN format, user@DNS_domain_name, the lpDomain
2825      *            parameter must be NULL.<br>
2826      *            The user account must have the Log On Locally permission on
2827      *            the local computer. <br>
2828      *            This permission is granted to all users on workstations and
2829      *            servers, but only to administrators on domain controllers.
2830      * @param lpDomain
2831      *            [in, optional]<br>
2832      *            The name of the domain or server whose account database
2833      *            contains the lpUsername account. <br>
2834      *            If this parameter is NULL, the user name must be specified in
2835      *            UPN format.
2836      * @param lpPassword
2837      *            [in]<br>
2838      *            The clear-text password for the lpUsername account.
2839      * @param dwLogonFlags
2840      *            [in]<br>
2841      *            The logon option. This parameter can be 0 (zero) or one of the
2842      *            following values. <br>
2843      *            LOGON_WITH_PROFILE: 0x00000001<br>
2844      *            Log on, then load the user profile in the HKEY_USERS registry
2845      *            key.<br>
2846      *            The function returns after the profile is loaded. <br>
2847      *            Loading the profile can be time-consuming, so it is best to
2848      *            use this value only if you must access the information in the
2849      *            HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key.<br>
2850      *            Windows Server 2003: The profile is unloaded after the new
2851      *            process is terminated, whether or not it has created child
2852      *            processes.<br>
2853      *            Windows XP: The profile is unloaded after the new process and
2854      *            all child processes it has created are terminated.<br>
2855      *            <br>
2856      *            LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY: 0x00000002<br>
2857      *            Log on, but use the specified credentials on the network only.
2858      *            <br>
2859      *            The new process uses the same token as the caller, but the
2860      *            system creates a new logon session within LSA, and the process
2861      *            uses the specified credentials as the default credentials.
2862      *            <br>
2863      *            This value can be used to create a process that uses a
2864      *            different set of credentials locally than it does remotely.
2865      *            <br>
2866      *            This is useful in inter-domain scenarios where there is no
2867      *            trust relationship.<br>
2868      *            The system does not validate the specified credentials.<br>
2869      *            Therefore, the process can start, but it may not have access
2870      *            to network resources.
2871      * @param lpApplicationName
2872      *            [in, optional]<br>
2873      *            The name of the module to be executed. This module can be a
2874      *            Windows-based application.<br>
2875      *            It can be some other type of module (for example, MS-DOS or
2876      *            OS/2) if the appropriate subsystem is available on the local
2877      *            computer. The string can specify the full path and file name
2878      *            of the module to execute or it can specify a partial name.
2879      *            <br>
2880      *            If it is a partial name, the function uses the current drive
2881      *            and current directory to complete the specification. <br>
2882      *            The function does not use the search path. This parameter must
2883      *            include the file name extension; no default extension is
2884      *            assumed. The lpApplicationName parameter can be NULL, and the
2885      *            module name must be the first white space-delimited token in
2886      *            the lpCommandLine string.<br>
2887      *            If you are using a long file name that contains a space, use
2888      *            quoted strings to indicate where the file name ends and the
2889      *            arguments begin; otherwise, the file name is ambiguous. For
2890      *            example, the following string can be interpreted in different
2891      *            ways:<br>
2892      *            "c:\program files\sub dir\program name"<br>
2893      *            The system tries to interpret the possibilities in the
2894      *            following order:<br>
2895      *            <br>
2896      *            c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name<br>
2897      *            c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name<br>
2898      *            c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name<br>
2899      *            c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe<br>
2900      *            <br>
2901      *            If the executable module is a 16-bit application,
2902      *            lpApplicationName should be NULL, and the string pointed to by
2903      *            lpCommandLine should specify the executable module and its
2904      *            arguments.
2905      * @param lpCommandLine
2906      *            [in, out, optional]<br>
2907      *            The command line to be executed. The maximum length of this
2908      *            string is 1024 characters. <br>
2909      *            If lpApplicationName is NULL, the module name portion of
2910      *            lpCommandLine is limited to MAX_PATH characters.<br>
2911      *            The function can modify the contents of this string. <br>
2912      *            Therefore, this parameter cannot be a pointer to read-only
2913      *            memory (such as a const variable or a literal string).<br>
2914      *            If this parameter is a constant string, the function may cause
2915      *            an access violation.<br>
2916      *            The lpCommandLine parameter can be NULL, and the function uses
2917      *            the string pointed to by lpApplicationNameas the command line.
2918      *            <br>
2919      *            <br>
2920      *            If both lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine are non-NULL,
2921      *            *lpApplicationName specifies the module to execute, and
2922      *            *lpCommandLine specifies the command line.<br>
2923      *            The new process can use GetCommandLine to retrieve the entire
2924      *            command line.<br>
2925      *            Console processes written in C can use the argc and argv
2926      *            arguments to parse the command line. <br>
2927      *            Because argv[0] is the module name, C programmers typically
2928      *            repeat the module name as the first token in the command line.
2929      *            <br>
2930      *            If lpApplicationName is NULL, the first white space-delimited
2931      *            token of the command line specifies the module name.<br>
2932      *            If you are using a long file name that contains a space, use
2933      *            quoted strings to indicate where the file name ends and the
2934      *            arguments begin (see the explanation for the lpApplicationName
2935      *            parameter). If the file name does not contain an extension,
2936      *            .exe is appended. Therefore, if the file name extension is
2937      *            .com, this parameter must include the .com extension. If the
2938      *            file name ends in a period with no extension, or if the file
2939      *            name contains a path, .exe is not appended. If the file name
2940      *            does not contain a directory path, the system searches for the
2941      *            executable file in the following sequence:<br>
2942      *            <br>
2943      *            1. The directory from which the application loaded.<br>
2944      *            2. The current directory for the parent process.<br>
2945      *            3. The 32-bit Windows system directory. Use the
2946      *            GetSystemDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
2947      *            <br>
2948      *            4. The 16-bit Windows system directory. There is no function
2949      *            that obtains the path of this directory, but it is searched.
2950      *            <br>
2951      *            5. The Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function
2952      *            to get the path of this directory.<br>
2953      *            6. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment
2954      *            variable. Note that this function does not search the
2955      *            per-application path specified by the App Paths registry key.
2956      *            To include this per-application path in the search sequence,
2957      *            use the ShellExecute function.<br>
2958      *            <br>
2959      *            The system adds a null character to the command line string to
2960      *            separate the file name from the arguments. This divides the
2961      *            original string into two strings for internal processing.<br>
2962      * @param dwCreationFlags
2963      *            The flags that control how the process is created. <br>
2965      *            CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flags are enabled by default. <br>
2966      *            Even if you do not set the flag, the system functions as if it
2967      *            were set. You can specify additional flags as noted.<br>
2968      *            <br>
2969      *            CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE: 0x04000000<br>
2970      *            The new process does not inherit the error mode of the calling
2971      *            process. <br>
2972      *            Instead, CreateProcessWithLogonW gives the new process the
2973      *            current default error mode. <br>
2974      *            An application sets the current default error mode by calling
2975      *            SetErrorMode. This flag is enabled by default.<br>
2976      *            <br>
2977      *            CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE: 0x00000010<br>
2978      *            The new process has a new console, instead of inheriting the
2979      *            parent's console. This flag cannot be used with the
2980      *            DETACHED_PROCESS flag.<br>
2981      *            This flag is enabled by default.<br>
2982      *            <br>
2983      *            CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP: 0x00000200<br>
2984      *            The new process is the root process of a new process group.
2985      *            <br>
2986      *            The process group includes all processes that are descendants
2987      *            of this root process.<br>
2988      *            The process identifier of the new process group is the same as
2989      *            the process identifier, which is returned in the lpProcessInfo
2990      *            parameter.<br>
2991      *            Process groups are used by the GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
2992      *            function to enable sending a CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK signal to a
2993      *            group of console processes.<br>
2994      *            This flag is enabled by default.<br>
2995      *            <br>
2996      *            CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM: 0x00000800<br>
2997      *            This flag is only valid starting a 16-bit Windows-based
2998      *            application.<br>
2999      *            If set, the new process runs in a private Virtual DOS Machine
3000      *            (VDM).<br>
3001      *            By default, all 16-bit Windows-based applications run in a
3002      *            single, shared VDM.<br>
3003      *            The advantage of running separately is that a crash only
3004      *            terminates the single VDM; any other programs running in
3005      *            distinct VDMs continue to function normally.<br>
3006      *            Also, 16-bit Windows-based applications that run in separate
3007      *            VDMs have separate input queues, which means that if one
3008      *            application stops responding momentarily, applications in
3009      *            separate VDMs continue to receive input. <br>
3010      *            CREATE_SUSPENDED: 0x00000004<br>
3011      *            The primary thread of the new process is created in a
3012      *            suspended state, and does not run until the ResumeThread
3013      *            function is called.<br>
3014      *            <br>
3015      *            CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT: 0x00000400<br>
3016      *            Indicates the format of the lpEnvironment parameter.<br>
3017      *            If this flag is set, the environment block pointed to by
3018      *            lpEnvironment uses Unicode characters. <br>
3019      *            Otherwise, the environment block uses ANSI characters. <br>
3020      *            EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT: 0x00080000<br>
3021      *            The process is created with extended startup information; the
3022      *            lpStartupInfo parameter specifies a STARTUPINFOEX structure.
3023      *            <br>
3024      *            Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not
3025      *            supported.<br>
3026      * @param lpEnvironment
3027      *            [in, optional]<br>
3028      *            A pointer to an environment block for the new process.<br>
3029      *            If this parameter is NULL, the new process uses an environment
3030      *            created from the profile of the user specified by lpUsername.
3031      *            An environment block consists of a null-terminated block of
3032      *            null-terminated strings.<br>
3033      *            Each string is in the following form:<br>
3034      *            name=value<br>
3035      *            Because the equal sign (=) is used as a separator, it must not
3036      *            be used in the name of an environment variable.<br>
3037      *            An environment block can contain Unicode or ANSI characters.
3038      *            <br>
3039      *            If the environment block pointed to by lpEnvironment contains
3040      *            Unicode characters, ensure that dwCreationFlags includes
3041      *            CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT.<br>
3042      *            If this parameter is NULL and the environment block of the
3043      *            parent process contains Unicode characters, you must also
3044      *            ensure that dwCreationFlags includes
3045      *            CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT.<br>
3046      *            An ANSI environment block is terminated by two 0 (zero) bytes:
3047      *            one for the last string and one more to terminate the block.
3048      *            <br>
3049      *            A Unicode environment block is terminated by four zero bytes:
3050      *            two for the last string and two more to terminate the block.
3051      *            <br>
3052      *            To retrieve a copy of the environment block for a specific
3053      *            user, use the CreateEnvironmentBlock function.<br>
3054      * @param lpCurrentDirectory
3055      *            [in, optional]<br>
3056      *            The full path to the current directory for the process.<br>
3057      *            The string can also specify a UNC path.<br>
3058      *            If this parameter is NULL, the new process has the same
3059      *            current drive and directory as the calling process.<br>
3060      *            This feature is provided primarily for shells that need to
3061      *            start an application, and specify its initial drive and
3062      *            working directory.<br>
3063      * @param lpStartupInfo
3064      *            [in]<br>
3065      *            A pointer to a STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX structure. <br>
3066      *            The application must add permission for the specified user
3067      *            account to the specified window station and desktop, even for
3068      *            WinSta0\Default.<br>
3069      *            If the lpDesktop member is NULL or an empty string, the new
3070      *            process inherits the desktop and window station of its parent
3071      *            process.<br>
3072      *            The application must add permission for the specified user
3073      *            account to the inherited window station and desktop.<br>
3074      *            Windows XP: CreateProcessWithLogonW adds permission for the
3075      *            specified user account to the inherited window station and
3076      *            desktop.<br>
3077      *            Handles in STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX must be closed with
3078      *            CloseHandle when they are no longer needed.<br>
3079      *            Important If the dwFlags member of the STARTUPINFO structure
3080      *            specifies STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, the standard handle fields are
3081      *            copied unchanged to the child process without validation.<br>
3082      *            The caller is responsible for ensuring that these fields
3083      *            contain valid handle values. Incorrect values can cause the
3084      *            child process to misbehave or crash.<br>
3085      *            Use the Application Verifier runtime verification tool to
3086      *            detect invalid handles.
3087      * @param lpProcessInfo
3088      *            [out]<br>
3089      *            A pointer to a PROCESS_INFORMATION structure that receives
3090      *            identification information for the new process, including a
3091      *            handle to the process.<br>
3092      *            Handles in PROCESS_INFORMATION must be closed with the
3093      *            CloseHandle function when they are not needed.<br>
3094      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.<br>
3095      *         If the function fails, the return value is 0 (zero).<br>
3096      *         To get extended error information, call GetLastError.<br>
3097      *         Note that the function returns before the process has finished
3098      *         initialization.<br>
3099      *         If a required DLL cannot be located or fails to initialize, the
3100      *         process is terminated.<br>
3101      *         To get the termination status of a process, call
3102      *         GetExitCodeProcess.
3103      * @see <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682431%28v=vs.85%29.aspx">MSDN</a>
3104      */
CreateProcessWithLogonW(String lpUsername, String lpDomain, String lpPassword, int dwLogonFlags, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, int dwCreationFlags, Pointer lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo)3105     boolean CreateProcessWithLogonW(String lpUsername, String lpDomain, String lpPassword, int dwLogonFlags,
3106                                     String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, int dwCreationFlags, Pointer lpEnvironment,
3107                                     String lpCurrentDirectory, STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo);
3109     /**
3110      * Connects the main thread of a service process to the service control
3111      * manager, which causes the thread to be the service control dispatcher
3112      * thread for the calling process.
3113      *
3114      * @param lpServiceTable A pointer to an array of SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY
3115      *                       structures containing one entry for each service
3116      *                       that can execute in the calling process. The
3117      *                       members of the last entry in the table must have
3118      *                       NULL values to designate the end of the table.
3119      *
3120      * @return true if function succeeds. To get extended error information, call
3121      * GetLastError. Possible error codes:
3122      * <table>
3123      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3124      * <tr><td>ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT</td><td>This error is returned if the program is being run as a console application rather than as a service. If the program will be run as a console application for debugging purposes, structure it such that service-specific code is not called when this error is returned.</td></tr>
3125      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_DATA</td><td>The specified dispatch table contains entries that are not in the proper format.</td></tr>
3126      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING</td><td>The process has already called StartServiceCtrlDispatcher. Each process can call StartServiceCtrlDispatcher only one time.</td></tr>
3127      * </table>
3128      */
StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY[] lpServiceTable)3129     public boolean StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY[] lpServiceTable);
3131     /**
3132      * Registers a function to handle service control requests.
3133      *
3134      * <p>This function has been superseded by the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx
3135      * function. A service can use either function, but the new function
3136      * supports user-defined context data, and the new handler function supports
3137      * additional extended control codes.</p>
3138      *
3139      * @param lpServiceName The name of the service run by the calling thread.
3140      *                      This is the service name that the service control
3141      *                      program specified in the CreateService function when
3142      *                      creating the service.
3143      *
3144      *                      <p>If the service type is SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,
3145      *                      the function does not verify that the specified name
3146      *                      is valid, because there is only one registered
3147      *                      service in the process.</p>
3148      *
3149      * @param lpHandlerProc A pointer to the handler function to be registered.
3150      *                      For more information, see
3151      *                      {@link com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.Handler WinSvc.Handler}.
3152      *
3153      * @return A service status handle, NULL on error. Call GetLastError to
3154      * get extended error condition. Possible error codes:
3155      * <table>
3156      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3157      * <tr><td>ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY</td><td>Not enough memory is available to convert an ANSI string parameter to Unicode. This error does not occur for Unicode string parameters.</td></tr>
3158      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE</td><td>The service entry was specified incorrectly when the process called the {@link #StartServiceCtrlDispatcher} function.</td></tr>
3159      * </table>
3160      */
RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(String lpServiceName, Handler lpHandlerProc)3161     public SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(String lpServiceName,
3162             Handler lpHandlerProc);
3164     /**
3165      * Registers a function to handle extended service control requests.
3166      *
3167      * @param lpServiceName The name of the service run by the calling thread.
3168      *                      This is the service name that the service control
3169      *                      program specified in the CreateService function when
3170      *                      creating the service.
3171      * @param lpHandlerProc The handler function to be registered.
3172      *                      For more information, see HandlerEx.
3173      * @param lpContext     Any user-defined data. This parameter, which is
3174      *                      passed to the handler function, can help identify
3175      *                      the service when multiple services share a process.
3176      *
3177      * @return A service status handle on success, NULL on error. Call GetLastError
3178      * to get extended information. Possible error codes:
3179      * <table>
3180      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3181      * <tr><td>ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY</td><td>Not enough memory is available to convert an ANSI string parameter to Unicode. This error does not occur for Unicode string parameters.</td></tr>
3182      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE</td><td>The service entry was specified incorrectly when the process called the {@link #StartServiceCtrlDispatcher} function.</td></tr>
3183      * </table>
3184      */
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx(String lpServiceName, HandlerEx lpHandlerProc, Pointer lpContext)3185     public SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx(String lpServiceName,
3186             HandlerEx lpHandlerProc, Pointer lpContext);
3188     /**
3189      * Updates the service control manager's status information for the calling
3190      * service.
3191      *
3192      *
3193      * @param hServiceStatus  A handle to the status information structure for
3194      *                        the current service. This handle is returned by
3195      *                        the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx function.
3196      * @param lpServiceStatus A pointer to the SERVICE_STATUS structure the
3197      *                        contains the latest status information for the
3198      *                        calling service.
3199      *
3200      * @return true if function succeeds. To get extended error information, call
3201      * GetLastError. Possible error codes:
3202      * <table>
3203      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3204      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_DATA</td><td>The specified service status structure is invalid.</td></tr>
3205      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE</td><td>The specified handle is invalid.</td></tr>
3206      * </table>
3207      */
SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hServiceStatus, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus)3208     public boolean SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hServiceStatus,
3209             SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);
3211     /**
3212      * Creates a service object and adds it to the specified service control
3213      * manager database.
3214      *
3215      * @param hSCManager         [in] A handle to the service control manager
3216      *                           database. This handle is returned by the
3217      *                           OpenSCManager function and must have the
3218      *                           SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE access right. For
3219      *                           more information, see Service Security and
3220      *                           Access Rights.
3221      * @param lpServiceName      [in] The name of the service to install. The
3222      *                           maximum string length is 256 characters. The
3223      *                           service control manager database preserves the
3224      *                           case of the characters, but service name
3225      *                           comparisons are always case insensitive.
3226      *                           Forward-slash (/) and backslash (\) are not
3227      *                           valid service name characters.
3228      * @param lpDisplayName      [in, optional] The display name to be used by
3229      *                           user interface programs to identify the
3230      *                           service. This string has a maximum length of
3231      *                           256 characters. The name is case-preserved in
3232      *                           the service control manager. Display name
3233      *                           comparisons are always case-insensitive.
3234      * @param dwDesiredAccess    [in] The access to the service. Before granting
3235      *                           the requested access, the system checks the
3236      *                           access token of the calling process. For a list
3237      *                           of values, see Service Security and Access
3238      *                           Rights.
3239      * @param dwServiceType      [in] The service type. This parameter can be
3240      *                           one of the following values.
3241      * <table>
3242      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
3243      * <tr><td>SERVICE_ADAPTER<br>0x00000004</td><td>Reserved.</td></tr>
3244      * <tr><td>SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER<br>0x00000002</td><td>File system driver service.</td></tr>
3245      * <tr><td>SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER<br>0x00000001</td><td>Driver service.</td></tr>
3246      * <tr><td>SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER<br>0x00000008</td><td>Reserved.</td></tr>
3247      * <tr><td>SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS<br>0x00000010</td><td>Service that runs in its own process.</td></tr>
3248      * <tr><td>SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS<br>0x00000020</td><td>Service that shares a process with one or more other services. For more information, see Service Programs.</td></tr>
3249      * </table>
3250      *
3251      * <p>If you specify either SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS or SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS, and the service is running in the context of the LocalSystem account, you can also specify the following value.</p>
3252      *
3253      * <table>
3254      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
3255      * <tr><td>SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS<br>0x00000100</td><td>The service can interact with the desktop.</td></tr>
3256      * </table>
3257      *
3258      * @param dwStartType        [in] The service start options. This parameter
3259      *                           can be one of the following values.
3260      *
3261      * <table>
3262      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
3263      * <tr><td>SERVICE_AUTO_START<br>0x00000002</td><td>A service started automatically by the service control manager during system startup.</td></tr>
3264      * <tr><td>SERVICE_BOOT_START<br>0x00000000</td><td>A device driver started by the system loader. This value is valid only for driver services.</td></tr>
3265      * <tr><td>SERVICE_DEMAND_START<br>0x00000003</td><td>A service started by the service control manager when a process calls the StartService function.</td></tr>
3266      * <tr><td>SERVICE_DISABLED<br>0x00000004</td><td>A service that cannot be started. Attempts to start the service result in the error code ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED.</td></tr>
3267      * <tr><td>SERVICE_SYSTEM_START<br>0x00000001</td><td>A device driver started by the IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services.</td></tr>
3268      * </table>
3269      *
3270      * @param dwErrorControl     [in] The severity of the error, and action
3271      *                           taken, if this service fails to start. This
3272      *                           parameter can be one of the following values.
3273      *
3274      * <table>
3275      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
3276      * <tr><td>SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL<br>0x00000003</td><td>The startup program logs the error in the event log, if possible. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation fails. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known good configuration.</td></tr>
3277      * <tr><td>SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE<br>0x00000000</td><td>The startup program ignores the error and continues the startup operation.</td></tr>
3278      * <tr><td>SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL<br>0x00000001</td><td>The startup program logs the error in the event log but continues the startup operation.</td></tr>
3279      * <tr><td>SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE<br>0x00000002</td><td>The startup program logs the error in the event log. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation continues. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known-good configuration.</td></tr>
3280      * </table>
3281      *
3282      * @param lpBinaryPathName   [in, optional] The fully qualified path to the
3283      *                           service binary file. If the path contains a
3284      *                           space, it must be quoted so that it is
3285      *                           correctly interpreted. For example, "d:\\my
3286      *                           share\\myservice.exe" should be specified as
3287      *                           "\"d:\\my share\\myservice.exe\"".
3288      *
3289      *                           <p>The path can also include arguments for an
3290      *                           auto-start service. For example,
3291      *                           "d:\\myshare\\myservice.exe arg1 arg2". These
3292      *                           passed to the service entry point (typically
3293      *                           the main function).</p>
3294      *
3295      *                           <p>If you specify a path on another computer,
3296      *                           the share must be accessible by the computer
3297      *                           account of the local computer because this is
3298      *                           the security context used in the remote call.
3299      *                           However, this requirement allows any potential
3300      *                           vulnerabilities in the remote computer to
3301      *                           affect the local computer. Therefore, it is
3302      *                           best to use a local file.</p>
3303      *
3304      * @param lpLoadOrderGroup   [in, optional] The names of the load ordering
3305      *                           group of which this service is a member.
3306      *                           Specify NULL or an empty string if the service
3307      *                           does not belong to a group.
3308      *
3309      *                           <p>The startup program uses load ordering
3310      *                           groups to load groups of services in a
3311      *                           specified order with respect to the other
3312      *                           groups. The list of load ordering groups is
3313      *                           contained in the following registry value:</p>
3314      *
3315      * <p>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ServiceGroupOrder</p>
3316      * @param lpdwTagId          [out, optional] A pointer to a variable that
3317      *                           receives a tag value that is unique in the
3318      *                           group specified in the lpLoadOrderGroup
3319      *                           parameter. Specify NULL if you are not changing
3320      *                           the existing tag.
3321      *
3322      *                           <p>You can use a tag for ordering service
3323      *                           startup within a load ordering group by
3324      *                           specifying a tag order vector in the following
3325      *                           registry value:</p>
3326      *
3327      * <p>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GroupOrderList</p>
3328      *
3329      *                           <p>Tags are only evaluated for driver services
3330      *                           that have SERVICE_BOOT_START or
3331      *                           SERVICE_SYSTEM_START start types.</p>
3332      * @param lpDependencies     [in, optional] A pointer to a double
3333      *                           null-terminated array of null-separated names
3334      *                           of services or load ordering groups that the
3335      *                           system must start before this service. Specify
3336      *                           NULL or an empty string if the service has no
3337      *                           dependencies. Dependency on a group means that
3338      *                           this service can run if at least one member of
3339      *                           the group is running after an attempt to start
3340      *                           all members of the group.
3341      *
3342      *                           <p>You must prefix group names with
3343      *                           SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIER so that they can be
3344      *                           distinguished from a service name, because
3345      *                           services and service groups share the same name
3346      *                           space.</p>
3347      * @param lpServiceStartName [in, optional] The name of the account under
3348      *                           which the service should run. If the service
3349      *                           type is SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, use an
3350      *                           account name in the form DomainName\UserName.
3351      *                           The service process will be logged on as this
3352      *                           user. If the account belongs to the built-in
3353      *                           domain, you can specify .\UserName.
3354      *
3355      *                           <p>If this parameter is NULL, CreateService
3356      *                           uses the LocalSystem account. If the service
3357      *                           type specifies SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS, the
3358      *                           service must run in the LocalSystem account.</p>
3359      *
3360      *                           <p>If this parameter is NT AUTHORITY\LocalService,
3361      *                           CreateService uses the LocalService account. If
3362      *                           the parameter is NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService,
3363      *                           CreateService uses the NetworkService account.</p>
3364      *
3365      *                           <p>A shared process can run as any user.</p>
3366      *
3367      *                           <p>If the service type is SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
3368      *                           or SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER, the name is the
3369      *                           driver object name that the system uses to load
3370      *                           the device driver. Specify NULL if the driver
3371      *                           is to use a default object name created by the
3372      *                           I/O system.</p>
3373      *
3374      *                           <p>A service can be configured to use a managed
3375      *                           account or a virtual account. If the service is
3376      *                           configured to use a managed service account,
3377      *                           the name is the managed service account name.
3378      *                           If the service is configured to use a virtual
3379      *                           account, specify the name as NT
3380      *                           SERVICE\ServiceName. For more information about
3381      *                           managed service accounts and virtual accounts,
3382      *                           see the Service Accounts Step-by-Step Guide.
3383      *
3384      * <p><strong>Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:</strong>
3385      * Managed service accounts and virtual accounts are not supported until
3386      * Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.</p>
3387      * @param lpPassword         [in, optional] The password to the account name
3388      *                           specified by the lpServiceStartName parameter.
3389      *                           Specify an empty string if the account has no
3390      *                           password or if the service runs in the
3391      *                           LocalService, NetworkService, or LocalSystem
3392      *                           account. For more information, see Service
3393      *                           Record List.
3394      *
3395      *                           <p>If the account name specified by the
3396      *                           lpServiceStartName parameter is the name of a
3397      *                           managed service account or virtual account
3398      *                           name, the lpPassword parameter must be NULL.</p>
3399      *
3400      *                           <p>Passwords are ignored for driver services.</p>
3401      *
3402      * @return SC_HANDLE on success, NULL on error. Call GetLastError to
3403      * get extended error condition. Possible error codes:
3404      *
3405      * <table>
3406      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3407      * <tr><td>ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED</td><td>The handle to the SCM database does not have the SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE access right.</td></tr>
3408      * <tr><td>ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY</td><td>A circular service dependency was specified.</td></tr>
3409      * <tr><td>ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERVICE_NAME</td><td>The display name already exists in the service control manager database either as a service name or as another display name.</td></tr>
3410      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE</td><td>The handle to the specified service control manager database is invalid.</td></tr>
3411      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_NAME</td><td>The specified service name is invalid.</td></tr>
3412      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER</td><td>A parameter that was specified is invalid.</td></tr>
3413      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT</td><td>The user account name specified in the lpServiceStartName parameter does not exist.</td></tr>
3414      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS</td><td>The specified service already exists in this database.</td></tr>
3415      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE</td><td>The specified service already exists in this database and has been marked for deletion.</td></tr>
3416      * </table>
3417      */
CreateService(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, String lpServiceName, String lpDisplayName, int dwDesiredAccess, int dwServiceType, int dwStartType, int dwErrorControl, String lpBinaryPathName, String lpLoadOrderGroup, IntByReference lpdwTagId, String lpDependencies, String lpServiceStartName, String lpPassword)3418     public SC_HANDLE CreateService(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, String lpServiceName,
3419             String lpDisplayName, int dwDesiredAccess, int dwServiceType,
3420             int dwStartType, int dwErrorControl, String lpBinaryPathName,
3421             String lpLoadOrderGroup, IntByReference lpdwTagId,
3422             String lpDependencies, String lpServiceStartName, String lpPassword);
3424     /**
3425      * Marks the specified service for deletion from the service control manager database.
3426      *
3427      * @param hService [in] A handle to the service. This handle is returned by
3428      *                 the OpenService or CreateService function, and it must
3429      *                 have the DELETE access right.
3430      *
3431      * @return true if function succeeds. To get extended error information, call
3432      * GetLastError. Possible error codes:
3433      *
3434      * <table>
3435      * <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr>
3436      * <tr><td>ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED</td><td>The handle does not have the DELETE access right.</td></tr>
3437      * <tr><td>ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE</td><td>The specified handle is invalid.</td></tr>
3438      * <tr><td>ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE</td><td>The specified service has already been marked for deletion.</td></tr>
3439      * </table>
3440      */
DeleteService(SC_HANDLE hService)3441     public boolean DeleteService(SC_HANDLE hService);
3442 }