1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd.
3  * Michael Clark <michael@metaparadigm.com>
4  * Copyright (c) 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
5  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Rainer Gerhards
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details.
9  *
10  */
12 #ifndef _fj_json_object_h_
13 #define _fj_json_object_h_
15 #ifdef __GNUC__
16 #define THIS_FUNCTION_IS_DEPRECATED(func) func __attribute__ ((deprecated))
17 #else
18 #define THIS_FUNCTION_IS_DEPRECATED(func) func
19 #endif
21 #include <stdint.h>
22 #include <inttypes.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 extern "C" {
28 #endif
31 /* number of subjects within a children page. One page is allocated
32  * with each json object, and extensions are alwas done in page
33  * size increments. The size should be a compromise between not
34  * wasting too much space but also not doing too frequent mallocs.
35  * note: each page *entry* currently needs ~20 Bytes (x64). If this
36  * is important, check the actual number (sizeof(struct _fjson_child)).
37  */
40 /**
41  * A flag for the fjson_object_to_json_string_ext() and
42  * fjson_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes the output
43  * to have no extra whitespace or formatting applied.
44  */
45 #define FJSON_TO_STRING_PLAIN      0
46 /**
47  * A flag for the fjson_object_to_json_string_ext() and
48  * fjson_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes the output to have
49  * minimal whitespace inserted to make things slightly more readable.
50  */
51 #define FJSON_TO_STRING_SPACED     (1<<0)
52 /**
53  * A flag for the fjson_object_to_json_string_ext() and
54  * fjson_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes
55  * the output to be formatted.
56  *
57  * See the "Two Space Tab" option at http://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
58  * for an example of the format.
59  */
60 #define FJSON_TO_STRING_PRETTY     (1<<1)
61 /**
62  * A flag for the fjson_object_to_json_string_ext() and
63  * fjson_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes
64  * the output to be formatted.
65  *
66  * Instead of a "Two Space Tab" this gives a single tab character.
67  */
68 #define FJSON_TO_STRING_PRETTY_TAB (1<<3)
69 /**
70  * A flag to drop trailing zero for float values
71  */
72 #define FJSON_TO_STRING_NOZERO     (1<<2)
74 /**
75  * A flag for the fjson_object_object_add_ex function which
76  * causes the value to be added without a check if it already exists.
77  * Note: it is the responsibilty of the caller to ensure that no
78  * key is added multiple times. If this is done, results are
79  * unpredictable. While this option is somewhat dangerous, it
80  * permits potentially large performance savings in code that
81  * knows for sure the key values are unique (e.g. because the
82  * code adds a well-known set of constant key values).
83  */
84 #define FJSON_OBJECT_ADD_KEY_IS_NEW (1<<1)
85 /**
86  * A flag for the fjson_object_object_add_ex function which
87  * flags the key as being constant memory. This means that
88  * the key will NOT be copied via strdup(), resulting in a
89  * potentially huge performance win (malloc, strdup and
90  * free are usually performance hogs). It is acceptable to
91  * use this flag for keys in non-constant memory blocks if
92  * the caller ensure that the memory holding the key lives
93  * longer than the corresponding json object. However, this
94  * is somewhat dangerous and should only be done if really
95  * justified.
96  * The general use-case for this flag is cases where the
97  * key is given as a real constant value in the function
98  * call, e.g. as in
99  *   fjson_object_object_add_ex(obj, "ip", json,
101  */
104 #undef FALSE
105 #define FALSE ((fjson_bool)0)
107 #undef TRUE
108 #define TRUE ((fjson_bool)1)
110 extern const char *fjson_number_chars;
111 extern const char *fjson_hex_chars;
113 /* CAW: added for ANSI C iteration correctness */
114 struct fjson_object_iter
115 {
116 	char *key;
117 	struct fjson_object *val;
118 	struct lh_entry *entry;
119 };
121 /* forward structure definitions */
123 typedef int fjson_bool;
124 typedef struct printbuf printbuf;
125 typedef struct lh_table lh_table;
126 typedef struct array_list array_list;
127 typedef struct fjson_object fjson_object;
128 typedef struct fjson_object_iter fjson_object_iter;
129 typedef struct fjson_tokener fjson_tokener;
131 /**
132  * Type for a user-supplied write function
133  */
134 typedef size_t (fjson_write_fn)(void *ptr, const char *buffer, size_t size);
136 /* supported object types */
138 typedef enum fjson_type {
139 	/* If you change this, be sure to update fjson_type_to_name() too */
140 	fjson_type_null,
141 	fjson_type_boolean,
142 	fjson_type_double,
143 	fjson_type_int,
144 	fjson_type_object,
145 	fjson_type_array,
146 	fjson_type_string
147 } fjson_type;
149 /* reference counting functions */
151 /**
152  * Increment the reference count of fjson_object, thereby grabbing shared
153  * ownership of obj.
154  *
155  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
156  */
157 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_get(struct fjson_object *obj);
159 /**
160  * Decrement the reference count of fjson_object and free if it reaches zero.
161  * You must have ownership of obj prior to doing this or you will cause an
162  * imbalance in the reference count.
163  *
164  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
165  * @returns 1 if the object was freed.
166  */
167 int fjson_object_put(struct fjson_object *obj);
169 /**
170  * Check if the fjson_object is of a given type
171  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
172  * @param type one of:
173 	fjson_type_null (i.e. obj == NULL),
174 	fjson_type_boolean,
175 	fjson_type_double,
176 	fjson_type_int,
177 	fjson_type_object,
178 	fjson_type_array,
179 	fjson_type_string
180  */
181 extern int fjson_object_is_type(struct fjson_object *obj, enum fjson_type type);
183 /**
184  * Get the type of the fjson_object.  See also fjson_type_to_name() to turn this
185  * into a string suitable, for instance, for logging.
186  *
187  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
188  * @returns type being one of:
189 	fjson_type_null (i.e. obj == NULL),
190 	fjson_type_boolean,
191 	fjson_type_double,
192 	fjson_type_int,
193 	fjson_type_object,
194 	fjson_type_array,
195 	fjson_type_string
196  */
197 extern enum fjson_type fjson_object_get_type(struct fjson_object *obj);
199 /**
200  * Get the size of the json string if it was dumped
201  * @param obj object to calculate the size of
202  * @returns the size of the json string
203  */
204 extern size_t fjson_object_size(struct fjson_object *obj);
206 /**
207  * Extended version of the above function that accept a flags parameter identical
208  * to the fjson_object_dump_ext() function that you can use the specify how to
209  * format the string for which the size is calculated
210  * @param obj the object to calculate the size of
211  * @param flags extra flags
212  * @return size_t
213  */
214 extern size_t fjson_object_size_ext(struct fjson_object *obj, int flags);
216 /**
217  * Dump object to a user-supplied function.
218  * Equivalent to fjson_object_write_ext(obj, FJSON_TO_STRING_SPACED, func, ptr)
219  * @param obj object to be written
220  * @param func your function that will be called to write the data
221  * @param ptr pointer that will be passed as first argument to your function
222  * @returns number of bytes written (the sum of all return values of calls to func)
223  */
224 extern size_t fjson_object_dump(struct fjson_object *obj, fjson_write_fn *func, void *ptr);
226 /**
227  * Extended dump function that allows passing extra option. You can use all
228  * FJSON_TO_STRING_* constants for the flags
229  * @param obj object to be written
230  * @param flags extra flags
231  * @param func your function that will be called to write the data
232  * @param ptr pointer that will be passed as first argument to your function
233  * @returns number of bytes written (the sum of all return values of calls to func)
234  */
235 extern size_t fjson_object_dump_ext(struct fjson_object *obj, int flags, fjson_write_fn *func, void *ptr);
237 /**
238  * Dump function that uses a user-supplied temporary buffer for dumping the
239  * json. Both the above declared fjson_object_dump() and fjson_object_dump_ext()
240  * functions uses an internal buffer of 128 bytes that is first filled before
241  * the user-supplied function is called. This buffer prevents that many calls
242  * to the callback function are done for single quotes, comma's and curly
243  * braces. All these calls are first buffered and grouped into a single call
244  * to the user space function. However, since the buffer limit is somewhat
245  * arbitrary, you can also use this fjson_object_dump_buffered() function to
246  * use your own temporary buffer. Note that the buffer might be completely
247  * overwritten during the call to this function, and that the contents of the
248  * buffer are undefined after the call.
249  * @param obj object to be written
250  * @param flags extra flags
251  * @param temp your temporary buffer that is used to group calls
252  * @param size size of your temporary buffer
253  * @param func your function that will be called to write the data
254  * @param ptr pointer that will be passed as first argument to your function
255  */
256 extern size_t fjson_object_dump_buffered(struct fjson_object *obj, int flags, char *temp,
257 size_t size, fjson_write_fn *func, void *ptr);
259 /**
260  * Write the json tree to a file
261  * Equivalent to fjson_object_write_ext(obj, FJSON_TO_STRING_SPACED, fp)
262  * @param obj object to be written
263  * @param fp file-pointer to which output will be written
264  * @returns number of bytes written
265  */
266 extern size_t fjson_object_write(struct fjson_object *obj, FILE *fp);
268 /**
269  * Extended write function that allows flags to be passed
270  * @param obj object to be written
271  * @param flags extra flags
272  * @param fp file-pointer to which output will be written
273  * @returns number of bytes written
274  */
275 extern size_t fjson_object_write_ext(struct fjson_object *obj, int flags, FILE *fp);
277 /** Stringify object to json format.
278  * Equivalent to fjson_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, FJSON_TO_STRING_SPACED)
279  * The pointer you get is an internal of your json object. You don't
280  * have to free it, later use of fjson_object_put() should be sufficient.
281  * If you can not ensure there's no concurrent access to *obj use
282  * strdup().
283  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
284  * @returns a string in JSON format
285  */
286 extern const char* fjson_object_to_json_string(struct fjson_object *obj);
288 /** Stringify object to json format
289  * @see fjson_object_to_json_string() for details on how to free string.
290  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
291  * @param flags formatting options, see FJSON_TO_STRING_PRETTY and other constants
292  * @returns a string in JSON format
293  */
294 extern const char* fjson_object_to_json_string_ext(struct fjson_object *obj, int
295 flags);
298 /* object type methods */
300 /** Create a new empty object with a reference count of 1.  The caller of
301  * this object initially has sole ownership.  Remember, when using
302  * fjson_object_object_add or fjson_object_array_put_idx, ownership will
303  * transfer to the object/array.  Call fjson_object_get if you want to maintain
304  * shared ownership or also add this object as a child of multiple objects or
305  * arrays.  Any ownerships you acquired but did not transfer must be released
306  * through fjson_object_put.
307  *
308  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_object
309  */
310 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_object(void);
312 /** Get the size of an object in terms of the number of fields it has.
313  * @param obj the fjson_object whose length to return
314  */
315 extern int fjson_object_object_length(struct fjson_object* obj);
317 /** Add an object field to a fjson_object of type fjson_type_object
318  *
319  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
320  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
321  * to an added object, independent of the lifetime of obj, you must wrap the
322  * passed object with fjson_object_get.
323  *
324  * Upon calling this, the ownership of val transfers to obj.  Thus you must
325  * make sure that you do in fact have ownership over this object.  For instance,
326  * fjson_object_new_object will give you ownership until you transfer it,
327  * whereas fjson_object_object_get does not.
328  *
329  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
330  * @param key the object field name (a private copy will be duplicated)
331  * @param val a fjson_object or NULL member to associate with the given field
332  */
333 extern void fjson_object_object_add(struct fjson_object* obj, const char *key,
334 				   struct fjson_object *val);
336 /** Add an object field to a fjson_object of type fjson_type_object
337  *
338  * The semantics are identical to fjson_object_object_add, except that an
339  * additional flag fields gives you more control over some detail aspects
340  * of processing. See the description of FJSON_OBJECT_ADD_* flags for more
341  * details.
342  *
343  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
344  * @param key the object field name (a private copy will be duplicated)
345  * @param val a fjson_object or NULL member to associate with the given field
346  * @param opts process-modifying options. To specify multiple options, use
347  *             arithmetic or (OPT1|OPT2)
348  */
349 extern void fjson_object_object_add_ex(struct fjson_object* obj, const char *key,
350 				   struct fjson_object *val, const unsigned opts);
352 /** Get the fjson_object associate with a given object field
353  *
354  * *No* reference counts will be changed.  There is no need to manually adjust
355  * reference counts through the fjson_object_put/fjson_object_get methods unless
356  * you need to have the child (value) reference maintain a different lifetime
357  * than the owning parent (obj). Ownership of the returned value is retained
358  * by obj (do not do fjson_object_put unless you have done a fjson_object_get).
359  * If you delete the value from obj (fjson_object_object_del) and wish to access
360  * the returned reference afterwards, make sure you have first gotten shared
361  * ownership through fjson_object_get (& don't forget to do a fjson_object_put
362  * or transfer ownership to prevent a memory leak).
363  *
364  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
365  * @param key the object field name
366  * @returns the fjson_object associated with the given field name
367  * @deprecated Please use fjson_object_object_get_ex
368  */
369 THIS_FUNCTION_IS_DEPRECATED(extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_object_get(struct fjson_object* obj,
370 						  const char *key));
372 /** Get the fjson_object associated with a given object field.
373  *
374  * This returns true if the key is found, false in all other cases (including
375  * if obj isn't a fjson_type_object).
376  *
377  * *No* reference counts will be changed.  There is no need to manually adjust
378  * reference counts through the fjson_object_put/fjson_object_get methods unless
379  * you need to have the child (value) reference maintain a different lifetime
380  * than the owning parent (obj).  Ownership of value is retained by obj.
381  *
382  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
383  * @param key the object field name
384  * @param value a pointer where to store a reference to the fjson_object
385  *              associated with the given field name.
386  *
387  *              It is safe to pass a NULL value.
388  * @returns whether or not the key exists
389  */
390 extern fjson_bool fjson_object_object_get_ex(struct fjson_object* obj,
391 	const char *key,
392 	struct fjson_object **value);
394 /** Delete the given fjson_object field
395  *
396  * The reference count will be decremented for the deleted object.  If there
397  * are no more owners of the value represented by this key, then the value is
398  * freed.  Otherwise, the reference to the value will remain in memory.
399  *
400  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
401  * @param key the object field name
402  */
403 extern void fjson_object_object_del(struct fjson_object* obj, const char *key);
406 /* Array type methods */
408 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_array
409  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array
410  */
411 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_array(void);
413 /** Get the arraylist of a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array
414  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
415  * @returns an arraylist
416  */
417 extern struct array_list* fjson_object_get_array(struct fjson_object *obj);
419 /** Get the length of a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array
420  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
421  * @returns an int
422  */
423 extern int fjson_object_array_length(struct fjson_object *obj);
425 /** Sorts the elements of jso of type fjson_type_array
426 *
427 * Pointers to the fjson_object pointers will be passed as the two arguments
428 * to @sort_fn
429 *
430 * @param obj the fjson_object instance
431 * @param sort_fn a sorting function
432 */
433 extern void fjson_object_array_sort(struct fjson_object *jso, int(*sort_fn)(const void *, const void *));
435 /** Binary search a sorted array for a specified key object.
436  *
437  * It depends on your compare function what's sufficient as a key.
438  * Usually you create some dummy object with the parameter compared in
439  * it, to identify the right item you're actually looking for.
440  *
441  * @see fjson_object_array_sort() for hints on the compare function.
442  *
443  * @param key a dummy fjson_object with the right key
444  * @param jso the array object we're searching
445  * @param sort_fn the sort/compare function
446  *
447  * @return the wanted fjson_object instance
448  */
449 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_array_bsearch(
450 		const struct fjson_object *key,
451 		const struct fjson_object *jso,
452 		int (*sort_fn)(const void *, const void *));
454 /** Add an element to the end of a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array
455  *
456  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
457  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
458  * to an added object you must wrap the passed object with fjson_object_get
459  *
460  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
461  * @param val the fjson_object to be added
462  */
463 extern int fjson_object_array_add(struct fjson_object *obj,
464 				 struct fjson_object *val);
466 /** Insert or replace an element at a specified index in an array (a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array)
467  *
468  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
469  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
470  * to an added object you must wrap the passed object with fjson_object_get
471  *
472  * The reference count of a replaced object will be decremented.
473  *
474  * The array size will be automatically be expanded to the size of the
475  * index if the index is larger than the current size.
476  *
477  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
478  * @param idx the index to insert the element at
479  * @param val the fjson_object to be added
480  */
481 extern int fjson_object_array_put_idx(struct fjson_object *obj, int idx,
482 					 struct fjson_object *val);
484 /** Get the element at specificed index of the array (a fjson_object of type fjson_type_array)
485  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
486  * @param idx the index to get the element at
487  * @returns the fjson_object at the specified index (or NULL)
488  */
489 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_array_get_idx(struct fjson_object *obj,
490 							 int idx);
492 extern void fjson_object_array_del_idx(struct fjson_object *jso, int idx);
494 /* fjson_bool type methods */
496 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_boolean
497  * @param b a fjson_bool TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0)
498  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_boolean
499  */
500 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_boolean(fjson_bool b);
502 /** Get the fjson_bool value of a fjson_object
503  *
504  * The type is coerced to a fjson_bool if the passed object is not a fjson_bool.
505  * integer and double objects will return FALSE if there value is zero
506  * or TRUE otherwise. If the passed object is a string it will return
507  * TRUE if it has a non zero length. If any other object type is passed
508  * TRUE will be returned if the object is not NULL.
509  *
510  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
511  * @returns a fjson_bool
512  */
513 extern fjson_bool fjson_object_get_boolean(struct fjson_object *obj);
516 /* int type methods */
518 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_int
519  * Note that values are stored as 64-bit values internally.
520  * To ensure the full range is maintained, use fjson_object_new_int64 instead.
521  * @param i the integer
522  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_int
523  */
524 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_int(int32_t i);
527 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_int
528  * @param i the integer
529  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_int
530  */
531 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_int64(int64_t i);
534 /** Get the int value of a fjson_object
535  *
536  * The type is coerced to a int if the passed object is not a int.
537  * double objects will return their integer conversion. Strings will be
538  * parsed as an integer. If no conversion exists then 0 is returned
539  * and errno is set to EINVAL. null is equivalent to 0 (no error values set)
540  *
541  * Note that integers are stored internally as 64-bit values.
542  * If the value of too big or too small to fit into 32-bit, INT32_MAX or
543  * INT32_MIN are returned, respectively.
544  *
545  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
546  * @returns an int
547  */
548 extern int32_t fjson_object_get_int(struct fjson_object *obj);
550 /** Get the uint32 value of a fjson_object
551  *
552  * The type is coerced to a int if the passed object is not a int.
553  * double objects will return their integer conversion. Strings will be
554  * parsed as an integer. If no conversion exists then 0 is returned
555  * and errno is set to EINVAL. null is equivalent to 0 (no error values set)
556  *
557  * Note that integers are stored internally as 64-bit values.
558  * If the value of too big or too small to fit into unsigned 32-bit
559  * representation, UINT32_MAX or UINT32_MIN are returned, respectively.
560  *
561  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
562  * @returns an int
563  */
564 extern uint32_t fjson_object_get_uint(struct fjson_object *obj);
566 /** Get the int value of a fjson_object
567  *
568  * The type is coerced to a int64 if the passed object is not a int64.
569  * double objects will return their int64 conversion. Strings will be
570  * parsed as an int64. If no conversion exists then 0 is returned.
571  *
572  * NOTE: Set errno to 0 directly before a call to this function to determine
573  * whether or not conversion was successful (it does not clear the value for
574  * you).
575  *
576  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
577  * @returns an int64
578  */
579 extern int64_t fjson_object_get_int64(struct fjson_object *obj);
582 /* double type methods */
584 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_double
585  * @param d the double
586  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_double
587  */
588 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_double(double d);
590 /**
591  * Create a new fjson_object of type fjson_type_double, using
592  * the exact representation of the value.
593  *
594  * This allows for numbers that would otherwise get displayed
595  * inefficiently (e.g. 12.3 => "12.300000000000001") to be
596  * serialized with the more convenient form.
597  *
598  * Note: this is used by fjson_tokener_parse_ex() to allow for
599  *   an exact re-serialization of a parsed object.
600  *
601  * @param d the numeric value of the double.
602  * @param ds the string representation of the double.  This will be copied.
603  */
604 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_double_s(double d, const char *ds);
606 /** Get the double floating point value of a fjson_object
607  *
608  * The type is coerced to a double if the passed object is not a double.
609  * integer objects will return their double conversion. Strings will be
610  * parsed as a double. If no conversion exists then 0.0 is returned and
611  * errno is set to EINVAL. null is equivalent to 0 (no error values set)
612  *
613  * If the value is too big to fit in a double, then the value is set to
614  * the closest infinity with errno set to ERANGE. If strings cannot be
615  * converted to their double value, then EINVAL is set & NaN is returned.
616  *
617  * Arrays of length 0 are interpreted as 0 (with no error flags set).
618  * Arrays of length 1 are effectively cast to the equivalent object and
619  * converted using the above rules.  All other arrays set the error to
620  * EINVAL & return NaN.
621  *
622  * NOTE: Set errno to 0 directly before a call to this function to
623  * determine whether or not conversion was successful (it does not clear
624  * the value for you).
625  *
626  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
627  * @returns a double floating point number
628  */
629 extern double fjson_object_get_double(struct fjson_object *obj);
632 /* string type methods */
634 /** Create a new empty fjson_object of type fjson_type_string
635  *
636  * A copy of the string is made and the memory is managed by the fjson_object
637  *
638  * @param s the string
639  * @returns a fjson_object of type fjson_type_string
640  */
641 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_string(const char *s);
643 extern struct fjson_object* fjson_object_new_string_len(const char *s, int len);
645 /** Get the string value of a fjson_object
646  *
647  * If the passed object is not of type fjson_type_string then the JSON
648  * representation of the object is returned.
649  *
650  * The returned string memory is managed by the fjson_object and will
651  * be freed when the reference count of the fjson_object drops to zero.
652  *
653  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
654  * @returns a string
655  */
656 extern const char* fjson_object_get_string(struct fjson_object *obj);
658 /** Get the string length of a fjson_object
659  *
660  * If the passed object is not of type fjson_type_string then zero
661  * will be returned.
662  *
663  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
664  * @returns int
665  */
666 extern int fjson_object_get_string_len(struct fjson_object *obj);
669 /** Get the number of direct members inside a json object.
670  *
671  * @param obj the fjson_object instance
672  * @returns int
673  */
674 int fjson_object_get_member_count(struct fjson_object *jso);
677 /* The following is a source code compatibility layer
678  * in regard to json-c.
679  * It currently is aimed at the rsyslog family of projects,
680  * we may extend or drop it later.
681  */
693 /* forward structure definitions */
695 #if 0
696 typedef int fjson_bool;
697 typedef struct printbuf printbuf;
698 typedef struct lh_table lh_table;
699 typedef struct array_list array_list;
700 typedef struct fjson_object fjson_object;
701 typedef struct fjson_tokener fjson_tokener;
702 #endif
704 #define json_bool fjson_bool
705 #define json_type fjson_type
706 #define json_type_null fjson_type_null
707 #define json_type_boolean fjson_type_boolean
708 #define json_type_double fjson_type_double
709 #define json_type_int fjson_type_int
710 #define json_type_object fjson_type_object
711 #define json_type_array fjson_type_array
712 #define json_type_string fjson_type_string
713 #define json_object_iter fjson_object_iter
715 #define json_object fjson_object
717 #define json_object_get fjson_object_get
718 #define json_object_put fjson_object_put
719 #define json_object_is_type fjson_object_is_type
720 #define json_object_get_type(x) fjson_object_get_type((x))
721 #define json_object_to_json_string(x) fjson_object_to_json_string((x))
722 #define json_object_to_json_string_ext(a, b) fjson_object_to_json_string_ext((a), (b))
723 #define json_object_new_object() fjson_object_new_object()
724 #define json_object_object_length(a) fjson_object_object_length((a))
725 #define json_object_object_add(a, b, c) fjson_object_object_add((a), (b), (c))
726 #define json_object_object_add_ex fjson_object_object_add_ex
727 #define json_object_object_get_ex fjson_object_object_get_ex
728 #define json_object_object_get fjson_object_object_get
729 #define json_object_object_del fjson_object_object_del
730 #define json_object_new_array fjson_object_new_array
731 #define json_object_get_array fjson_object_get_array
732 #define json_object_array_length fjson_object_array_length
733 #define json_object_array_sort fjson_object_array_sort
734 #define json_object_array_bsearch fjson_object_array_bsearch
735 #define json_object_array_add fjson_object_array_add
736 #define json_object_array_put_idx fjson_object_array_put_idx
737 #define json_object_array_get_idx fjson_object_array_get_idx
738 #define json_object_new_boolean fjson_object_new_boolean
739 #define json_object_get_boolean fjson_object_get_boolean
740 #define json_object_new_int fjson_object_new_int
741 #define json_object_new_int64 fjson_object_new_int64
742 #define json_object_new_double fjson_object_new_double
743 #define json_object_new_double_s fjson_object_new_double_s
744 #define json_object_get_double fjson_object_get_double
745 #define json_object_new_string fjson_object_new_string
746 #define json_object_new_string_len fjson_object_new_string_len
747 #define json_object_get_string fjson_object_get_string
748 #define json_object_get_int fjson_object_get_int
749 #define json_object_get_uint fjson_object_get_uint
750 #define json_object_get_int64 fjson_object_get_int64
751 #define json_object_get_string_len fjson_object_get_string_len
752 #define json_object_get_member_count fjson_object_get_member_count
753 #define json_object_array_del_idx fjson_object_array_del_idx
756 #endif
757 #ifdef __cplusplus
758 }
759 #endif
761 #endif