2  locale: en
3  grade: 2
4  system: ueb
5  __assert-match: en-ueb-g2.ctb
8# 10.8.1 page 133
10- - amount
11  - am.t
12- - baroness
13  - b>o;s
14- - bastion
15  - bas;n
16- - blessing
17  - b.s+
18- - business
19  - busi;s
20- - cancel
21  - c.el
22- - carefully
23  - c>e;lly
24- - cement
25  - ce;t
26- - cheerful
27  - '*e};l'
28- - chockfull
29  - '*ock;ll'
30- - circuity
31  - circu;y
32- - commencement
33  - comm;e;t
34- - comment
35  - com;t
36- - confusion
37  - 3fu.n
38- - country
39  - c.try
40- - county
41  - c.ty
42- - creation
43  - cr1;n
44- - dancer
45  - d.er
46- - deity
47  - de;y
48- - Du Plessis
49  - ',du ,p.sis'
50- - experienced
51  - exp}i;ed
52- - expressionless
53  - expres.n.s
54- - extramental
55  - extra;tal
56- - fences
57  - f;es
58- - finesse
59  - fi;se
60- - found
61  - f.d
62- - fractional
63  - frac;nal
64- - Frances
65  - ',fr.es'
66- - governess
67  - gov};s
68- - Guinness
69  - ',gu9;s'
70- - incongruous
71  - 9c;gru|s
72- - influenceable
73  - 9flu;eable
74- - lioness
75  - lio;s
76- - longevity
77  - l;gev;y
78- - memento
79  - me;to
80- - mongoose
81  - m;goose
82- - mountain
83  - m.ta9
84- - noblesse
85  - nob.se
86- - persuasion
87  - p}sua.n
88- - pity
89  - p;y
90- - pongee
91  - p;gee
92- - prong
93  - pr;g
94- - rationally
95  - ra;nally
96- - rotation
97  - rota;n
98- - Rountree
99  - ',r.tree'
100- - séance
101  - s~/e.e
102- - silenced
103  - sil;ed
104- - sinfulness
105  - s9;l;s
106- - Spencer
107  - ',sp;er'
108- - sponge
109  - sp;ge
110- - sound
111  - s.d
112- - sublessee
113  - sub.see
114- - Tennessee
115  - ',t5;see'
116- - thence
117  - ?;e
118- - tongue
119  - t;gue
120- - unfulfilled
121  - un;lfill$
122- - unless
123  - un.s
124- - unlessoned
125  - un.son$
126- - Wenceslaus
127  - ',w;eslaus'
128- - wounded
129  - w.d$
130- - '"alone"ness'
131  - 8al"o0ness
132  - xfail: true
133- - ancestor
134  - ance/or
135- - channel-less
136  - '*annel-less'
137- - congruous
138  - 3gru|s
139- - electroencephalogram
140  - electro5cephalogram
141- - encephalitis
142  - 5cephalitis
143- - fiancé
144  - fianc~/e
145- - inessential
146  - 9ess5tial
147- - lessee
148  - lessee
149- - moongod
150  - moongod
151- - nongaseous
152  - nongase|s
153- - one-ness
154  - '"o-ness'
155- - '''ound'
156  - '''|nd'
157- - pityard
158  - pity>d
159- - regardless
160  - re_1g>d_'less
161  - typeform:
162      underline: '  ++++    '
163    xfail: true
165#   10.8.2 page 135
167- - AttenTION!
168  - ',att5,,tion6'
169  - xfail: true
170- - AWful
171  - ',,aw,''ful'
172  - xfail: true
173- - ELesson
174  - ',e,lesson'
175  - xfail: true
176- - ExperiMental
177  - ',exp}i,m5tal'
178  - xfail: true
179- - MyAncestor
180  - ',my,ance/or'
181  - xfail: true
183#  10.8.4 page 135
185- - chieftainess
186  - '*iefta9ess'
187- - citizeness
188  - citiz5ess
189- - heatheness
190  - h1!ness
192#   10.9.1 page 136
194- - You should receive your letter tomorrow afternoon.
195  - ',y %d rcv yr lr tm afn4'
196- - an about-face from the quick-witted go-between
197  - an ab-face f ! qk-witt$ g-2t
198- - '"Good-bye, Miss Little-Smythe!"'
199  - 8,gd-bye1 ,miss ,ll-,smy!60
200- - (braille–first writing system for blind people)
201  - '"<brl,-f/ writ+ sy/em = bl p">'
202- - According to him, neither Little Rock, Much Hadham nor Port Said would be much fun.
203  - ',ac to hm1 .7nei ,ll ,rock1 ,m* ,_hham nor ,port ,sd.'' wd 2 m* fun4'
204  - typeform:
205      italic: '                  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                   '
206- - to-night
207  - to-ni<t
208- - above/below
209  - above_/bel{
211  - ',,pr9t_/,,braille'
212- - friend@rogers.com
213  - fri5d`arog}s4com
214- - www.living.beyond.myself.org
215  - www4liv+4beyond4myself4org
217#   10.9.2 page 137
219- - aboveground
220  - abvgr.d
221- - belowdecks
222  - 2ldecks
223- - Friendly Islands
224  - ',frly ,isl&s'
225- - godchildren
226  - god*n
227- - goodafternoon
228  - gdafn
229- - hereabouts
230  - '"habs'
231- - lettermen
232  - lrm5
233- - Quicker Delivery
234  - ',qk} ,deliv}y'
235- - repaid
236  - repd
237- - suchlike
238  - s*like
239- - Our boyfriends mustn't miss tomorrow's afterdinner speaker!
240  - ',|r boyfrs m/n''t miss tm''s afd9n} sp1k}6'
241- - Mr Letterman could've quickly rebrailled the Aftercare Newsletter.
242  - ',mr ,lrman cd''ve qkly rebrld ! ,afc>e ,newslr4'
243- - I am brailling the newsletters' headlines.
244  - ',i am braill+ ! newslrs'' h1dl9es4'
245- - friend(s)
246  - fri5d"<s">
247- - littler
248  - littl~1}
249  - typeform:
250      bold: '     ++'
251- - print/braille
252  - pr9t_/braille
253- - unnecessary
254  - .1un.'necess>y
255  - typeform:
256      italic: '++         '
257- - www.afterschool.gov
258  - www4aft}s*ool4gov
259- - aftereffect
260  - aft}e6ect
261- - afterimage
262  - aft}image
263- - blinded
264  - bl9d$
265- - blinding
266  - bl9d+
267- - befriended
268  - 2fri5d$
269- - friendy
270  - fri5dy
271- - abouts
272  - ab|ts
273- - acrosses
274  - acrosses
275- - againe
276  - aga9e
277- - almosts
278  - almo/s
279- - hims
280  - hims
281- - hereinbefore
282  - '"h9be=e'
283- - hereinbelow
284  - '"h9bel{'
285- - inbetween
286  - 9betwe5
287- - misconceived
288  - misconceiv$
289- - '"couldx"'
290  - 8c|ldx0
291- - Himalayas
292  - ',himalayas'
293- - Suchet
294  - ',su*et'
295- - Yourcenar
296  - ',y|rc5>'
298#  10.9.3 page 139
300- - Braillette board
301  - ',brltte bo>d'
302- - Marcillat-en-Combraille, France
303  - ',m>cillat-en-,combrl1 ,fr.e'
304- - Greatford Hall
305  - ',grt=d ,hall'
306- - greatgreatgreatgrandchildren
307  - grtgrtgrtgr&*n
308- - Greatorex
309  - ',grtorex'
310- - Blindcraft
311  - ',blcraft'
312- - Blindheim
313  - ',blheim'
314- - Firstbank
315  - ',f/bank'
316- - Firstchoice
317  - ',f/*oice'
318- - '"goodz"'
319  - 8gdz0
320- - Mr Feelgreat from Goodge Street
321  - ',mr ,feelgrt f ,gdge ,/reet'
322- - Ms Letterkenny's Littleport home.
323  - ',ms ,lrk5ny''s ,llport home4'
324- - Quicksburg, Virginia
325  - ',qksburg1 ,virg9ia'
326- - Blindoc
327  - ',bl9doc'
328- - www.braillex.com
329  - www4braillex4com
330- - Firstamerica
331  - ',fir/am}ica'
332- - Goodacre
333  - ',goodacre'
334- - Littlearm
335  - ',little>m'
336- - Letterewe Estate
337  - ',lett}ewe ,e/ate'
338- - Mr Linkletter of Portlittle
339  - ',mr ,l9klett} ( ,portlittle'
340- - Bisquick Pancake Mix
341  - ',bisquick ,pancake ,mix'
342- - Ted Makegood of Goodena
343  - ',t$ ,makegood ( ,good5a'
345#  10.9.4 page 140
347- - Herf gun
348  - ',herf gun'
349- - '"mst" files'
350  - 8mst0 files
352  - .1,,somesch ,,riv}
353  - typeform:
354      italic: '+++++++      '
355- - www.sch.edu.au
356  - www4s*4$u4au
358#   10.9.5 page 141
360- - ab initio
361  - ;ab 9itio
362- - et al–
363  - et ;al,-
364- - Al-Azar
365  - ;,al-,az>
366- - 'Alt.: 3000 ft.'
367  - ';,alt43 #cjjj ft4'
368- - '"Hm, would Al like this CD?"'
369  - 8;,hm1 wd ;,al l ? ;,,cd80
370- - Grtsamada
371  - ;,grtsamada
372- - BLCUP
373  - ;,,blcup
374- - spelled "ei" or "ie"?
375  - spell$ 8;ei0 or 8ie08
376- - gd lnch. TM sd yu shd meet me b4 yr mtg 2 read lr. wl b qk. l8r.
377  - ';gd ln*4 ;,,tm ;sd yu shd meet me b#d ;yr mtg #b r1d ;lr4 wl ;b ;qk4 l#hr4'
379#   10.9.6 page 141
381- - Dobrljin
382  - ;;,dobrljin
383  - xfail: true
384- - ozbrl
385  - ;;ozbrl
386  - xfail: true
388#   Appendix 1.2
390- [ahimsa, ahimsa]
391- [braillist, brailli/]
392- [declaration, decl>a;n]
393- [drafter, 'draft}']
394- [lacrosse, lacrosse]
395- [marabout, m>ab|t]
396- [mustache, mu/a*e]
397- [mustang, mu/ang]
398- [muster, 'mu/}']
399- [necessarily, necess>ily]
400- [rafter, 'raft}']
401- [shoulder, '%|ld}']
403#   Appendix 1.3
405- [abouts, ab|ts]
406- [acrosses, acrosses]
407- [againe, aga9e]
408- [almosts, almo/s]
409- [hims, hims]
411#   Appendix 1.4
413- [aftereffect, 'aft}e6ect']
414- [afterimage, 'aft}image']
415- [blinded, bl9d$]
416- [blinding, bl9d+]
417- [befriended, 2fri5d$]
419#   Appendix 1.5
421- [hereinbefore, '"h9be=e']
422- [inbetween, 9betwe5]
423- [misconceived, misconceiv$]