1 //===--- IndexTests.cpp - Test indexing actions -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
10 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
11 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
12 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
13 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
14 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
15 #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
16 #include "clang/Index/IndexDataConsumer.h"
17 #include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
18 #include "clang/Index/IndexingAction.h"
19 #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
20 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
23 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
24 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
25 #include <memory>
27 namespace clang {
28 namespace index {
29 namespace {
30 struct Position {
31   size_t Line = 0;
32   size_t Column = 0;
Positionclang::index::__anonf05f16360111::Position34   Position(size_t Line = 0, size_t Column = 0) : Line(Line), Column(Column) {}
fromSourceLocationclang::index::__anonf05f16360111::Position36   static Position fromSourceLocation(SourceLocation Loc,
37                                      const SourceManager &SM) {
38     FileID FID;
39     unsigned Offset;
40     std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedSpellingLoc(Loc);
41     Position P;
42     P.Line = SM.getLineNumber(FID, Offset);
43     P.Column = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, Offset);
44     return P;
45   }
46 };
operator ==(const Position & LHS,const Position & RHS)48 bool operator==(const Position &LHS, const Position &RHS) {
49   return std::tie(LHS.Line, LHS.Column) == std::tie(RHS.Line, RHS.Column);
50 }
operator <<(llvm::raw_ostream & OS,const Position & Pos)52 llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Position &Pos) {
53   return OS << Pos.Line << ':' << Pos.Column;
54 }
56 struct TestSymbol {
57   std::string QName;
58   Position WrittenPos;
59   Position DeclPos;
60   SymbolInfo SymInfo;
61   SymbolRoleSet Roles;
62   // FIXME: add more information.
63 };
operator <<(llvm::raw_ostream & OS,const TestSymbol & S)65 llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const TestSymbol &S) {
66   return OS << S.QName << '[' << S.WrittenPos << ']' << '@' << S.DeclPos << '('
67             << static_cast<unsigned>(S.SymInfo.Kind) << ')';
68 }
70 class Indexer : public IndexDataConsumer {
71 public:
initialize(ASTContext & Ctx)72   void initialize(ASTContext &Ctx) override {
73     AST = &Ctx;
74     IndexDataConsumer::initialize(Ctx);
75   }
handleDeclOccurrence(const Decl * D,SymbolRoleSet Roles,ArrayRef<SymbolRelation>,SourceLocation Loc,ASTNodeInfo)77   bool handleDeclOccurrence(const Decl *D, SymbolRoleSet Roles,
78                             ArrayRef<SymbolRelation>, SourceLocation Loc,
79                             ASTNodeInfo) override {
80     const auto *ND = llvm::dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D);
81     if (!ND)
82       return true;
83     TestSymbol S;
84     S.SymInfo = getSymbolInfo(D);
85     S.QName = ND->getQualifiedNameAsString();
86     S.WrittenPos = Position::fromSourceLocation(Loc, AST->getSourceManager());
87     S.DeclPos =
88         Position::fromSourceLocation(D->getLocation(), AST->getSourceManager());
89     S.Roles = Roles;
90     Symbols.push_back(std::move(S));
91     return true;
92   }
handleMacroOccurrence(const IdentifierInfo * Name,const MacroInfo * MI,SymbolRoleSet Roles,SourceLocation Loc)94   bool handleMacroOccurrence(const IdentifierInfo *Name, const MacroInfo *MI,
95                              SymbolRoleSet Roles, SourceLocation Loc) override {
96     TestSymbol S;
97     S.SymInfo = getSymbolInfoForMacro(*MI);
98     S.QName = std::string(Name->getName());
99     S.WrittenPos = Position::fromSourceLocation(Loc, AST->getSourceManager());
100     S.DeclPos = Position::fromSourceLocation(MI->getDefinitionLoc(),
101                                              AST->getSourceManager());
102     S.Roles = Roles;
103     Symbols.push_back(std::move(S));
104     return true;
105   }
107   std::vector<TestSymbol> Symbols;
108   const ASTContext *AST = nullptr;
109 };
111 class IndexAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
112 public:
IndexAction(std::shared_ptr<Indexer> Index,IndexingOptions Opts=IndexingOptions ())113   IndexAction(std::shared_ptr<Indexer> Index,
114               IndexingOptions Opts = IndexingOptions())
115       : Index(std::move(Index)), Opts(Opts) {}
117 protected:
CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance & CI,StringRef InFile)118   std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
119                                                  StringRef InFile) override {
120     class Consumer : public ASTConsumer {
121       std::shared_ptr<Indexer> Index;
122       std::shared_ptr<Preprocessor> PP;
123       IndexingOptions Opts;
125     public:
126       Consumer(std::shared_ptr<Indexer> Index, std::shared_ptr<Preprocessor> PP,
127                IndexingOptions Opts)
128           : Index(std::move(Index)), PP(std::move(PP)), Opts(Opts) {}
130       void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) override {
131         std::vector<Decl *> DeclsToIndex(
132             Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()->decls().begin(),
133             Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()->decls().end());
134         indexTopLevelDecls(Ctx, *PP, DeclsToIndex, *Index, Opts);
135       }
136     };
137     return std::make_unique<Consumer>(Index, CI.getPreprocessorPtr(), Opts);
138   }
140 private:
141   std::shared_ptr<Indexer> Index;
142   IndexingOptions Opts;
143 };
145 using testing::AllOf;
146 using testing::Contains;
147 using testing::Not;
148 using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
150 MATCHER_P(QName, Name, "") { return arg.QName == Name; }
151 MATCHER_P(WrittenAt, Pos, "") { return arg.WrittenPos == Pos; }
152 MATCHER_P(DeclAt, Pos, "") { return arg.DeclPos == Pos; }
153 MATCHER_P(Kind, SymKind, "") { return arg.SymInfo.Kind == SymKind; }
154 MATCHER_P(HasRole, Role, "") { return arg.Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(Role); }
TEST(IndexTest,Simple)156 TEST(IndexTest, Simple) {
157   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
158   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index),
159                          "class X {}; void f() {}");
160   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(QName("X"), QName("f")));
161 }
TEST(IndexTest,IndexPreprocessorMacros)163 TEST(IndexTest, IndexPreprocessorMacros) {
164   std::string Code = "#define INDEX_MAC 1";
165   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
166   IndexingOptions Opts;
167   Opts.IndexMacrosInPreprocessor = true;
168   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
169   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, Contains(QName("INDEX_MAC")));
171   Opts.IndexMacrosInPreprocessor = false;
172   Index->Symbols.clear();
173   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
174   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre());
175 }
TEST(IndexTest,IndexParametersInDecls)177 TEST(IndexTest, IndexParametersInDecls) {
178   std::string Code = "void foo(int bar);";
179   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
180   IndexingOptions Opts;
181   Opts.IndexFunctionLocals = true;
182   Opts.IndexParametersInDeclarations = true;
183   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
184   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, Contains(QName("bar")));
186   Opts.IndexParametersInDeclarations = false;
187   Index->Symbols.clear();
188   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
189   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, Not(Contains(QName("bar"))));
190 }
TEST(IndexTest,IndexExplicitTemplateInstantiation)192 TEST(IndexTest, IndexExplicitTemplateInstantiation) {
193   std::string Code = R"cpp(
194     template <typename T>
195     struct Foo { void bar() {} };
196     template <>
197     struct Foo<int> { void bar() {} };
198     void foo() {
199       Foo<char> abc;
200       Foo<int> b;
201     }
202   )cpp";
203   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
204   IndexingOptions Opts;
205   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
206   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
207               AllOf(Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo"), WrittenAt(Position(8, 7)),
208                                    DeclAt(Position(5, 12)))),
209                     Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo"), WrittenAt(Position(7, 7)),
210                                    DeclAt(Position(3, 12))))));
211 }
TEST(IndexTest,IndexTemplateInstantiationPartial)213 TEST(IndexTest, IndexTemplateInstantiationPartial) {
214   std::string Code = R"cpp(
215     template <typename T1, typename T2>
216     struct Foo { void bar() {} };
217     template <typename T>
218     struct Foo<T, int> { void bar() {} };
219     void foo() {
220       Foo<char, char> abc;
221       Foo<int, int> b;
222     }
223   )cpp";
224   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
225   IndexingOptions Opts;
226   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
227   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
228               Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo"), WrittenAt(Position(8, 7)),
229                              DeclAt(Position(5, 12)))));
230 }
TEST(IndexTest,IndexTypeParmDecls)232 TEST(IndexTest, IndexTypeParmDecls) {
233   std::string Code = R"cpp(
234     template <typename T, int I, template<typename> class C, typename NoRef>
235     struct Foo {
236       T t = I;
237       C<int> x;
238     };
239   )cpp";
240   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
241   IndexingOptions Opts;
242   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
243   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols, AllOf(Not(Contains(QName("Foo::T"))),
244                                     Not(Contains(QName("Foo::I"))),
245                                     Not(Contains(QName("Foo::C"))),
246                                     Not(Contains(QName("Foo::NoRef")))));
248   Opts.IndexTemplateParameters = true;
249   Index->Symbols.clear();
250   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
251   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
252               AllOf(Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo::T"),
253                                    Kind(SymbolKind::TemplateTypeParm))),
254                     Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo::I"),
255                                    Kind(SymbolKind::NonTypeTemplateParm))),
256                     Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo::C"),
257                                    Kind(SymbolKind::TemplateTemplateParm))),
258                     Contains(QName("Foo::NoRef"))));
259 }
TEST(IndexTest,UsingDecls)261 TEST(IndexTest, UsingDecls) {
262   std::string Code = R"cpp(
263     void foo(int bar);
264     namespace std {
265       using ::foo;
266     }
267   )cpp";
268   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
269   IndexingOptions Opts;
270   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
271   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
272               Contains(AllOf(QName("std::foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Using))));
273 }
TEST(IndexTest,Constructors)275 TEST(IndexTest, Constructors) {
276   std::string Code = R"cpp(
277     struct Foo {
278       Foo(int);
279       ~Foo();
280     };
281   )cpp";
282   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
283   IndexingOptions Opts;
284   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
286       Index->Symbols,
287       UnorderedElementsAre(
288           AllOf(QName("Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Struct),
289                 WrittenAt(Position(2, 12))),
290           AllOf(QName("Foo::Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Constructor),
291                 WrittenAt(Position(3, 7))),
292           AllOf(QName("Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Struct),
293                 HasRole(SymbolRole::NameReference), WrittenAt(Position(3, 7))),
294           AllOf(QName("Foo::~Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Destructor),
295                 WrittenAt(Position(4, 7))),
296           AllOf(QName("Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Struct),
297                 HasRole(SymbolRole::NameReference),
298                 WrittenAt(Position(4, 8)))));
299 }
TEST(IndexTest,InjecatedNameClass)301 TEST(IndexTest, InjecatedNameClass) {
302   std::string Code = R"cpp(
303     template <typename T>
304     class Foo {
305       void f(Foo x);
306     };
307   )cpp";
308   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
309   IndexingOptions Opts;
310   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
311   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
312               UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(QName("Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Class),
313                                          WrittenAt(Position(3, 11))),
314                                    AllOf(QName("Foo::f"),
315                                          Kind(SymbolKind::InstanceMethod),
316                                          WrittenAt(Position(4, 12))),
317                                    AllOf(QName("Foo"), Kind(SymbolKind::Class),
318                                          HasRole(SymbolRole::Reference),
319                                          WrittenAt(Position(4, 14)))));
320 }
TEST(IndexTest,VisitDefaultArgs)322 TEST(IndexTest, VisitDefaultArgs) {
323   std::string Code = R"cpp(
324     int var = 0;
325     void f(int s = var) {}
326   )cpp";
327   auto Index = std::make_shared<Indexer>();
328   IndexingOptions Opts;
329   Opts.IndexFunctionLocals = true;
330   Opts.IndexParametersInDeclarations = true;
331   tooling::runToolOnCode(std::make_unique<IndexAction>(Index, Opts), Code);
332   EXPECT_THAT(Index->Symbols,
333               Contains(AllOf(QName("var"), HasRole(SymbolRole::Reference),
334                              WrittenAt(Position(3, 20)))));
335 }
337 } // namespace
338 } // namespace index
339 } // namespace clang