1 //===-- include/flang/Evaluate/expression.h ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 // Represent Fortran expressions in a type-safe manner.
13 // Expressions are the sole owners of their constituents; i.e., there is no
14 // context-independent hash table or sharing of common subexpressions, and
15 // thus these are trees, not DAGs.  Both deep copy and move semantics are
16 // supported for expression construction.  Expressions may be compared
17 // for equality.
19 #include "common.h"
20 #include "constant.h"
21 #include "formatting.h"
22 #include "type.h"
23 #include "variable.h"
24 #include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
25 #include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
26 #include "flang/Common/indirection.h"
27 #include "flang/Common/template.h"
28 #include "flang/Parser/char-block.h"
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <list>
31 #include <tuple>
32 #include <type_traits>
33 #include <variant>
35 namespace llvm {
36 class raw_ostream;
37 }
39 namespace Fortran::evaluate {
41 using common::LogicalOperator;
42 using common::RelationalOperator;
44 // Expressions are represented by specializations of the class template Expr.
45 // Each of these specializations wraps a single data member "u" that
46 // is a std::variant<> discriminated union over all of the representational
47 // types for the constants, variables, operations, and other entities that
48 // can be valid expressions in that context:
49 // - Expr<Type<CATEGORY, KIND>> represents an expression whose result is of a
50 //   specific intrinsic type category and kind, e.g. Type<TypeCategory::Real, 4>
51 // - Expr<SomeDerived> wraps data and procedure references that result in an
52 //   instance of a derived type (or CLASS(*) unlimited polymorphic)
53 // - Expr<SomeKind<CATEGORY>> is a union of Expr<Type<CATEGORY, K>> for each
54 //   kind type parameter value K in that intrinsic type category.  It represents
55 //   an expression with known category and any kind.
56 // - Expr<SomeType> is a union of Expr<SomeKind<CATEGORY>> over the five
57 //   intrinsic type categories of Fortran.  It represents any valid expression.
58 //
59 // Everything that can appear in, or as, a valid Fortran expression must be
60 // represented with an instance of some class containing a Result typedef that
61 // maps to some instantiation of Type<CATEGORY, KIND>, SomeKind<CATEGORY>,
62 // or SomeType.  (Exception: BOZ literal constants in generic Expr<SomeType>.)
63 template <typename A> using ResultType = typename std::decay_t<A>::Result;
65 // Common Expr<> behaviors: every Expr<T> derives from ExpressionBase<T>.
66 template <typename RESULT> class ExpressionBase {
67 public:
68   using Result = RESULT;
70 private:
71   using Derived = Expr<Result>;
72 #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__)
73   Derived &derived();
74   const Derived &derived() const;
75 #else
derived()76   Derived &derived() { return *static_cast<Derived *>(this); }
derived()77   const Derived &derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived *>(this); }
78 #endif
80 public:
81   template <typename A> Derived &operator=(const A &x) {
82     Derived &d{derived()};
83     d.u = x;
84     return d;
85   }
87   template <typename A> common::IfNoLvalue<Derived &, A> operator=(A &&x) {
88     Derived &d{derived()};
89     d.u = std::move(x);
90     return d;
91   }
93   std::optional<DynamicType> GetType() const;
94   int Rank() const;
95   std::string AsFortran() const;
96   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
97   static Derived Rewrite(FoldingContext &, Derived &&);
98 };
100 // Operations always have specific Fortran result types (i.e., with known
101 // intrinsic type category and kind parameter value).  The classes that
102 // represent the operations all inherit from this Operation<> base class
103 // template.  Note that Operation has as its first type parameter (DERIVED) a
104 // "curiously reoccurring template pattern (CRTP)" reference to the specific
105 // operation class being derived from Operation; e.g., Add is defined with
106 // struct Add : public Operation<Add, ...>.  Uses of instances of Operation<>,
107 // including its own member functions, can access each specific class derived
108 // from it via its derived() member function with compile-time type safety.
109 template <typename DERIVED, typename RESULT, typename... OPERANDS>
110 class Operation {
111   // The extra final member is a dummy that allows a safe unused reference
112   // to element 1 to arise indirectly in the definition of "right()" below
113   // when the operation has but a single operand.
114   using OperandTypes = std::tuple<OPERANDS..., std::monostate>;
116 public:
117   using Derived = DERIVED;
118   using Result = RESULT;
119   static_assert(IsSpecificIntrinsicType<Result>);
120   static constexpr std::size_t operands{sizeof...(OPERANDS)};
121   template <int J> using Operand = std::tuple_element_t<J, OperandTypes>;
123   // Unary operations wrap a single Expr with a CopyableIndirection.
124   // Binary operations wrap a tuple of CopyableIndirections to Exprs.
125 private:
126   using Container = std::conditional_t<operands == 1,
127       common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<Operand<0>>>,
128       std::tuple<common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<OPERANDS>>...>>;
130 public:
132   explicit Operation(const Expr<OPERANDS> &... x) : operand_{x...} {}
Operation(Expr<OPERANDS> &&...x)133   explicit Operation(Expr<OPERANDS> &&... x) : operand_{std::move(x)...} {}
derived()135   Derived &derived() { return *static_cast<Derived *>(this); }
derived()136   const Derived &derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived *>(this); }
138   // References to operand expressions from member functions of derived
139   // classes for specific operators can be made by index, e.g. operand<0>(),
140   // which must be spelled like "this->template operand<0>()" when
141   // inherited in a derived class template.  There are convenience aliases
142   // left() and right() that are not templates.
operand()143   template <int J> Expr<Operand<J>> &operand() {
144     if constexpr (operands == 1) {
145       static_assert(J == 0);
146       return operand_.value();
147     } else {
148       return std::get<J>(operand_).value();
149     }
150   }
operand()151   template <int J> const Expr<Operand<J>> &operand() const {
152     if constexpr (operands == 1) {
153       static_assert(J == 0);
154       return operand_.value();
155     } else {
156       return std::get<J>(operand_).value();
157     }
158   }
left()160   Expr<Operand<0>> &left() { return operand<0>(); }
left()161   const Expr<Operand<0>> &left() const { return operand<0>(); }
right()163   std::conditional_t<(operands > 1), Expr<Operand<1>> &, void> right() {
164     if constexpr (operands > 1) {
165       return operand<1>();
166     }
167   }
168   std::conditional_t<(operands > 1), const Expr<Operand<1>> &, void>
right()169   right() const {
170     if constexpr (operands > 1) {
171       return operand<1>();
172     }
173   }
GetType()175   static constexpr std::optional<DynamicType> GetType() {
176     return Result::GetType();
177   }
Rank()178   int Rank() const {
179     int rank{left().Rank()};
180     if constexpr (operands > 1) {
181       return std::max(rank, right().Rank());
182     } else {
183       return rank;
184     }
185   }
187   bool operator==(const Operation &that) const {
188     return operand_ == that.operand_;
189   }
191   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
193 private:
194   Container operand_;
195 };
197 // Unary operations
199 // Conversions to specific types from expressions of known category and
200 // dynamic kind.
201 template <typename TO, TypeCategory FROMCAT = TO::category>
202 struct Convert : public Operation<Convert<TO, FROMCAT>, TO, SomeKind<FROMCAT>> {
203   // Fortran doesn't have conversions between kinds of CHARACTER apart from
204   // assignments, and in those the data must be convertible to/from 7-bit ASCII.
205   // Conversions between kinds of COMPLEX are represented piecewise.
206   static_assert(((TO::category == TypeCategory::Integer ||
207                      TO::category == TypeCategory::Real) &&
208                     (FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Integer ||
209                         FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Real)) ||
210       (TO::category == TypeCategory::Character &&
211           FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Character) ||
212       (TO::category == TypeCategory::Logical &&
213           FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Logical));
214   using Result = TO;
215   using Operand = SomeKind<FROMCAT>;
216   using Base = Operation<Convert, Result, Operand>;
217   using Base::Base;
218   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
219 };
221 template <typename A>
222 struct Parentheses : public Operation<Parentheses<A>, A, A> {
223   using Result = A;
224   using Operand = A;
225   using Base = Operation<Parentheses, A, A>;
226   using Base::Base;
227 };
229 template <typename A> struct Negate : public Operation<Negate<A>, A, A> {
230   using Result = A;
231   using Operand = A;
232   using Base = Operation<Negate, A, A>;
233   using Base::Base;
234 };
236 template <int KIND>
237 struct ComplexComponent
238     : public Operation<ComplexComponent<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>,
239           Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>> {
240   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
241   using Operand = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
242   using Base = Operation<ComplexComponent, Result, Operand>;
243   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ComplexComponent)
ComplexComponentComplexComponent244   ComplexComponent(bool isImaginary, const Expr<Operand> &x)
245       : Base{x}, isImaginaryPart{isImaginary} {}
ComplexComponentComplexComponent246   ComplexComponent(bool isImaginary, Expr<Operand> &&x)
247       : Base{std::move(x)}, isImaginaryPart{isImaginary} {}
249   bool isImaginaryPart{true};
250 };
252 template <int KIND>
253 struct Not : public Operation<Not<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>,
254                  Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
255   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
256   using Operand = Result;
257   using Base = Operation<Not, Result, Operand>;
258   using Base::Base;
259 };
261 // Character lengths are determined by context in Fortran and do not
262 // have explicit syntax for changing them.  Expressions represent
263 // changes of length (e.g., for assignments and structure constructors)
264 // with this operation.
265 template <int KIND>
266 struct SetLength
267     : public Operation<SetLength<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>,
268           Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>, SubscriptInteger> {
269   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
270   using CharacterOperand = Result;
271   using LengthOperand = SubscriptInteger;
272   using Base = Operation<SetLength, Result, CharacterOperand, LengthOperand>;
273   using Base::Base;
274 };
276 // Binary operations
278 template <typename A> struct Add : public Operation<Add<A>, A, A, A> {
279   using Result = A;
280   using Operand = A;
281   using Base = Operation<Add, A, A, A>;
282   using Base::Base;
283 };
285 template <typename A> struct Subtract : public Operation<Subtract<A>, A, A, A> {
286   using Result = A;
287   using Operand = A;
288   using Base = Operation<Subtract, A, A, A>;
289   using Base::Base;
290 };
292 template <typename A> struct Multiply : public Operation<Multiply<A>, A, A, A> {
293   using Result = A;
294   using Operand = A;
295   using Base = Operation<Multiply, A, A, A>;
296   using Base::Base;
297 };
299 template <typename A> struct Divide : public Operation<Divide<A>, A, A, A> {
300   using Result = A;
301   using Operand = A;
302   using Base = Operation<Divide, A, A, A>;
303   using Base::Base;
304 };
306 template <typename A> struct Power : public Operation<Power<A>, A, A, A> {
307   using Result = A;
308   using Operand = A;
309   using Base = Operation<Power, A, A, A>;
310   using Base::Base;
311 };
313 template <typename A>
314 struct RealToIntPower : public Operation<RealToIntPower<A>, A, A, SomeInteger> {
315   using Base = Operation<RealToIntPower, A, A, SomeInteger>;
316   using Result = A;
317   using BaseOperand = A;
318   using ExponentOperand = SomeInteger;
319   using Base::Base;
320 };
322 template <typename A> struct Extremum : public Operation<Extremum<A>, A, A, A> {
323   using Result = A;
324   using Operand = A;
325   using Base = Operation<Extremum, A, A, A>;
ExtremumExtremum327   Extremum(Ordering ord, const Expr<Operand> &x, const Expr<Operand> &y)
328       : Base{x, y}, ordering{ord} {}
ExtremumExtremum329   Extremum(Ordering ord, Expr<Operand> &&x, Expr<Operand> &&y)
330       : Base{std::move(x), std::move(y)}, ordering{ord} {}
331   Ordering ordering{Ordering::Greater};
332 };
334 template <int KIND>
335 struct ComplexConstructor
336     : public Operation<ComplexConstructor<KIND>,
337           Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>,
338           Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>> {
339   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
340   using Operand = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
341   using Base = Operation<ComplexConstructor, Result, Operand, Operand>;
342   using Base::Base;
343 };
345 template <int KIND>
346 struct Concat
347     : public Operation<Concat<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>,
348           Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>,
349           Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>> {
350   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
351   using Operand = Result;
352   using Base = Operation<Concat, Result, Operand, Operand>;
353   using Base::Base;
354 };
356 template <int KIND>
357 struct LogicalOperation
358     : public Operation<LogicalOperation<KIND>,
359           Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>,
360           Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
361   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
362   using Operand = Result;
363   using Base = Operation<LogicalOperation, Result, Operand, Operand>;
364   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(LogicalOperation)
LogicalOperationLogicalOperation365   LogicalOperation(
366       LogicalOperator opr, const Expr<Operand> &x, const Expr<Operand> &y)
367       : Base{x, y}, logicalOperator{opr} {}
LogicalOperationLogicalOperation368   LogicalOperation(LogicalOperator opr, Expr<Operand> &&x, Expr<Operand> &&y)
369       : Base{std::move(x), std::move(y)}, logicalOperator{opr} {}
370   LogicalOperator logicalOperator;
371 };
373 // Array constructors
374 template <typename RESULT> class ArrayConstructorValues;
376 struct ImpliedDoIndex {
377   using Result = SubscriptInteger;
378   bool operator==(const ImpliedDoIndex &) const;
RankImpliedDoIndex379   static constexpr int Rank() { return 0; }
380   parser::CharBlock name; // nested implied DOs must use distinct names
381 };
383 template <typename RESULT> class ImpliedDo {
384 public:
385   using Result = RESULT;
386   using Index = ResultType<ImpliedDoIndex>;
ImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name,Expr<Index> && lower,Expr<Index> && upper,Expr<Index> && stride,ArrayConstructorValues<Result> && values)387   ImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name, Expr<Index> &&lower, Expr<Index> &&upper,
388       Expr<Index> &&stride, ArrayConstructorValues<Result> &&values)
389       : name_{name}, lower_{std::move(lower)}, upper_{std::move(upper)},
390         stride_{std::move(stride)}, values_{std::move(values)} {}
392   bool operator==(const ImpliedDo &) const;
name()393   parser::CharBlock name() const { return name_; }
lower()394   Expr<Index> &lower() { return lower_.value(); }
lower()395   const Expr<Index> &lower() const { return lower_.value(); }
upper()396   Expr<Index> &upper() { return upper_.value(); }
upper()397   const Expr<Index> &upper() const { return upper_.value(); }
stride()398   Expr<Index> &stride() { return stride_.value(); }
stride()399   const Expr<Index> &stride() const { return stride_.value(); }
values()400   ArrayConstructorValues<Result> &values() { return values_.value(); }
values()401   const ArrayConstructorValues<Result> &values() const {
402     return values_.value();
403   }
405 private:
406   parser::CharBlock name_;
407   common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<Index>> lower_, upper_, stride_;
408   common::CopyableIndirection<ArrayConstructorValues<Result>> values_;
409 };
411 template <typename RESULT> struct ArrayConstructorValue {
412   using Result = RESULT;
414   std::variant<Expr<Result>, ImpliedDo<Result>> u;
415 };
417 template <typename RESULT> class ArrayConstructorValues {
418 public:
419   using Result = RESULT;
420   using Values = std::vector<ArrayConstructorValue<Result>>;
ArrayConstructorValues()422   ArrayConstructorValues() {}
424   bool operator==(const ArrayConstructorValues &) const;
Rank()425   static constexpr int Rank() { return 1; }
Push(A && x)426   template <typename A> common::NoLvalue<A> Push(A &&x) {
427     values_.emplace_back(std::move(x));
428   }
begin()430   typename Values::iterator begin() { return values_.begin(); }
begin()431   typename Values::const_iterator begin() const { return values_.begin(); }
end()432   typename Values::iterator end() { return values_.end(); }
end()433   typename Values::const_iterator end() const { return values_.end(); }
435 protected:
436   Values values_;
437 };
439 // Note that there are specializations of ArrayConstructor for character
440 // and derived types, since they must carry additional type information,
441 // but that an empty ArrayConstructor can be constructed for any type
442 // given an expression from which such type information may be gleaned.
443 template <typename RESULT>
444 class ArrayConstructor : public ArrayConstructorValues<RESULT> {
445 public:
446   using Result = RESULT;
447   using Base = ArrayConstructorValues<Result>;
449   explicit ArrayConstructor(Base &&values) : Base{std::move(values)} {}
ArrayConstructor(const Expr<T> &)450   template <typename T> explicit ArrayConstructor(const Expr<T> &) {}
result()451   static constexpr Result result() { return Result{}; }
GetType()452   static constexpr DynamicType GetType() { return Result::GetType(); }
453   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
454 };
456 template <int KIND>
457 class ArrayConstructor<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>>
458     : public ArrayConstructorValues<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>> {
459 public:
460   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
461   using Base = ArrayConstructorValues<Result>;
462   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ArrayConstructor)
ArrayConstructor(Expr<SubscriptInteger> && len,Base && v)463   ArrayConstructor(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&len, Base &&v)
464       : Base{std::move(v)}, length_{std::move(len)} {}
465   template <typename A>
ArrayConstructor(const A & prototype)466   explicit ArrayConstructor(const A &prototype)
467       : length_{prototype.LEN().value()} {}
468   bool operator==(const ArrayConstructor &) const;
result()469   static constexpr Result result() { return Result{}; }
GetType()470   static constexpr DynamicType GetType() { return Result::GetType(); }
471   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
LEN()472   const Expr<SubscriptInteger> &LEN() const { return length_.value(); }
474 private:
475   common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> length_;
476 };
478 template <>
479 class ArrayConstructor<SomeDerived>
480     : public ArrayConstructorValues<SomeDerived> {
481 public:
482   using Result = SomeDerived;
483   using Base = ArrayConstructorValues<Result>;
484   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ArrayConstructor)
ArrayConstructor(const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec & spec,Base && v)486   ArrayConstructor(const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &spec, Base &&v)
487       : Base{std::move(v)}, result_{spec} {}
488   template <typename A>
ArrayConstructor(const A & prototype)489   explicit ArrayConstructor(const A &prototype)
490       : result_{prototype.GetType().value().GetDerivedTypeSpec()} {}
492   bool operator==(const ArrayConstructor &) const;
result()493   constexpr Result result() const { return result_; }
GetType()494   constexpr DynamicType GetType() const { return result_.GetType(); }
495   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
497 private:
498   Result result_;
499 };
501 // Expression representations for each type category.
503 template <int KIND>
504 class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>
505     : public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>> {
506 public:
507   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>;
511 private:
512   using Conversions = std::tuple<Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Integer>,
513       Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Real>>;
514   using Operations = std::tuple<Parentheses<Result>, Negate<Result>,
515       Add<Result>, Subtract<Result>, Multiply<Result>, Divide<Result>,
516       Power<Result>, Extremum<Result>>;
517   using Indices = std::conditional_t<KIND == ImpliedDoIndex::Result::kind,
518       std::tuple<ImpliedDoIndex>, std::tuple<>>;
519   using DescriptorInquiries =
520       std::conditional_t<KIND == DescriptorInquiry::Result::kind,
521           std::tuple<DescriptorInquiry>, std::tuple<>>;
522   using Others = std::tuple<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
523       TypeParamInquiry<KIND>, Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
525 public:
526   common::TupleToVariant<common::CombineTuples<Operations, Conversions, Indices,
527       DescriptorInquiries, Others>>
528       u;
529 };
531 template <int KIND>
532 class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>>
533     : public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>> {
534 public:
535   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
538   explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
540 private:
541   // N.B. Real->Complex and Complex->Real conversions are done with CMPLX
542   // and part access operations (resp.).  Conversions between kinds of
543   // Complex are done via decomposition to Real and reconstruction.
544   using Conversions = std::variant<Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Integer>,
545       Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Real>>;
546   using Operations = std::variant<ComplexComponent<KIND>, Parentheses<Result>,
547       Negate<Result>, Add<Result>, Subtract<Result>, Multiply<Result>,
548       Divide<Result>, Power<Result>, RealToIntPower<Result>, Extremum<Result>>;
549   using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
550       Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
552 public:
553   common::CombineVariants<Operations, Conversions, Others> u;
554 };
556 template <int KIND>
557 class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>>
558     : public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>> {
559 public:
560   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
562   explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
564   // Note that many COMPLEX operations are represented as REAL operations
565   // over their components (viz., conversions, negation, add, and subtract).
566   using Operations =
567       std::variant<Parentheses<Result>, Multiply<Result>, Divide<Result>,
568           Power<Result>, RealToIntPower<Result>, ComplexConstructor<KIND>>;
569   using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
570       Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
572 public:
573   common::CombineVariants<Operations, Others> u;
574 };
576 FOR_EACH_INTEGER_KIND(extern template class Expr, )
577 FOR_EACH_REAL_KIND(extern template class Expr, )
578 FOR_EACH_COMPLEX_KIND(extern template class Expr, )
580 template <int KIND>
581 class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>>
582     : public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>> {
583 public:
584   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
586   explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
Expr(Scalar<Result> && x)587   explicit Expr(Scalar<Result> &&x) : u{Constant<Result>{std::move(x)}} {}
589   std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> LEN() const;
591   std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>, Designator<Result>,
592       FunctionRef<Result>, Parentheses<Result>, Convert<Result>, Concat<KIND>,
593       Extremum<Result>, SetLength<KIND>>
594       u;
595 };
597 FOR_EACH_CHARACTER_KIND(extern template class Expr, )
599 // The Relational class template is a helper for constructing logical
600 // expressions with polymorphism over the cross product of the possible
601 // categories and kinds of comparable operands.
602 // Fortran defines a numeric relation with distinct types or kinds as
603 // first undergoing the same operand conversions that occur with the intrinsic
604 // addition operator.  Character relations must have the same kind.
605 // There are no relations between LOGICAL values.
607 template <typename T>
608 struct Relational : public Operation<Relational<T>, LogicalResult, T, T> {
609   using Result = LogicalResult;
610   using Base = Operation<Relational, LogicalResult, T, T>;
611   using Operand = typename Base::template Operand<0>;
612   static_assert(Operand::category == TypeCategory::Integer ||
613       Operand::category == TypeCategory::Real ||
614       Operand::category == TypeCategory::Character);
615   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(Relational)
RelationalRelational616   Relational(
617       RelationalOperator r, const Expr<Operand> &a, const Expr<Operand> &b)
618       : Base{a, b}, opr{r} {}
RelationalRelational619   Relational(RelationalOperator r, Expr<Operand> &&a, Expr<Operand> &&b)
620       : Base{std::move(a), std::move(b)}, opr{r} {}
621   RelationalOperator opr;
622 };
624 template <> class Relational<SomeType> {
625   // COMPLEX data are compared piecewise.
626   using DirectlyComparableTypes =
627       common::CombineTuples<IntegerTypes, RealTypes, CharacterTypes>;
629 public:
630   using Result = LogicalResult;
632   static constexpr DynamicType GetType() { return Result::GetType(); }
Rank()633   int Rank() const {
634     return std::visit([](const auto &x) { return x.Rank(); }, u);
635   }
636   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &o) const;
637   common::MapTemplate<Relational, DirectlyComparableTypes> u;
638 };
640 FOR_EACH_INTEGER_KIND(extern template struct Relational, )
641 FOR_EACH_REAL_KIND(extern template struct Relational, )
642 FOR_EACH_CHARACTER_KIND(extern template struct Relational, )
643 extern template struct Relational<SomeType>;
645 // Logical expressions of a kind bigger than LogicalResult
646 // do not include Relational<> operations as possibilities,
647 // since the results of Relationals are always LogicalResult
648 // (kind=1).
649 template <int KIND>
650 class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>>
651     : public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
652 public:
653   using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
655   explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
656   explicit Expr(bool x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
658 private:
659   using Operations = std::tuple<Convert<Result>, Parentheses<Result>, Not<KIND>,
660       LogicalOperation<KIND>>;
661   using Relations = std::conditional_t<KIND == LogicalResult::kind,
662       std::tuple<Relational<SomeType>>, std::tuple<>>;
663   using Others = std::tuple<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
664       Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
666 public:
667   common::TupleToVariant<common::CombineTuples<Operations, Relations, Others>>
668       u;
669 };
671 FOR_EACH_LOGICAL_KIND(extern template class Expr, )
673 // StructureConstructor pairs a StructureConstructorValues instance
674 // (a map associating symbols with expressions) with a derived type
675 // specification.  There are two other similar classes:
676 //  - ArrayConstructor<SomeDerived> comprises a derived type spec &
677 //    zero or more instances of Expr<SomeDerived>; it has rank 1
678 //    but not (in the most general case) a known shape.
679 //  - Constant<SomeDerived> comprises a derived type spec, zero or more
680 //    homogeneous instances of StructureConstructorValues whose type
681 //    parameters and component expressions are all constant, and a
682 //    known shape (possibly scalar).
683 // StructureConstructor represents a scalar value of derived type that
684 // is not necessarily a constant.  It is used only as an Expr<SomeDerived>
685 // alternative and as the type Scalar<SomeDerived> (with an assumption
686 // of constant component value expressions).
687 class StructureConstructor {
688 public:
689   using Result = SomeDerived;
691   explicit StructureConstructor(const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &spec)
692       : result_{spec} {}
693   StructureConstructor(
694       const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &, const StructureConstructorValues &);
695   StructureConstructor(
696       const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &, StructureConstructorValues &&);
697   CLASS_BOILERPLATE(StructureConstructor)
699   constexpr Result result() const { return result_; }
700   const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &derivedTypeSpec() const {
701     return result_.derivedTypeSpec();
702   }
703   StructureConstructorValues &values() { return values_; }
704   const StructureConstructorValues &values() const { return values_; }
706   bool operator==(const StructureConstructor &) const;
708   StructureConstructorValues::iterator begin() { return values_.begin(); }
709   StructureConstructorValues::const_iterator begin() const {
710     return values_.begin();
711   }
712   StructureConstructorValues::iterator end() { return values_.end(); }
713   StructureConstructorValues::const_iterator end() const {
714     return values_.end();
715   }
717   const Expr<SomeType> *Find(const Symbol &) const; // can return null
719   StructureConstructor &Add(const semantics::Symbol &, Expr<SomeType> &&);
720   int Rank() const { return 0; }
721   DynamicType GetType() const;
722   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
724 private:
725   Result result_;
726   StructureConstructorValues values_;
727 };
729 // An expression whose result has a derived type.
730 template <> class Expr<SomeDerived> : public ExpressionBase<SomeDerived> {
731 public:
732   using Result = SomeDerived;
734   std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>, StructureConstructor,
735       Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>
736       u;
737 };
739 // A polymorphic expression of known intrinsic type category, but dynamic
740 // kind, represented as a discriminated union over Expr<Type<CAT, K>>
741 // for each supported kind K in the category.
742 template <TypeCategory CAT>
743 class Expr<SomeKind<CAT>> : public ExpressionBase<SomeKind<CAT>> {
744 public:
745   using Result = SomeKind<CAT>;
747   int GetKind() const;
748   common::MapTemplate<Expr, CategoryTypes<CAT>> u;
749 };
751 template <> class Expr<SomeCharacter> : public ExpressionBase<SomeCharacter> {
752 public:
753   using Result = SomeCharacter;
755   int GetKind() const;
756   std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> LEN() const;
757   common::MapTemplate<Expr, CategoryTypes<TypeCategory::Character>> u;
758 };
760 // A variant comprising the Expr<> instantiations over SomeDerived and
761 // SomeKind<CATEGORY>.
762 using CategoryExpression = common::MapTemplate<Expr, SomeCategory>;
764 // BOZ literal "typeless" constants must be wide enough to hold a numeric
765 // value of any supported kind of INTEGER or REAL.  They must also be
766 // distinguishable from other integer constants, since they are permitted
767 // to be used in only a few situations.
768 using BOZLiteralConstant = typename LargestReal::Scalar::Word;
770 // Null pointers without MOLD= arguments are typed by context.
771 struct NullPointer {
772   constexpr bool operator==(const NullPointer &) const { return true; }
773   constexpr int Rank() const { return 0; }
774 };
776 // Procedure pointer targets are treated as if they were typeless.
777 // They are either procedure designators or values returned from
778 // references to functions that return procedure (not object) pointers.
779 using TypelessExpression = std::variant<BOZLiteralConstant, NullPointer,
780     ProcedureDesignator, ProcedureRef>;
782 // A completely generic expression, polymorphic across all of the intrinsic type
783 // categories and each of their kinds.
784 template <> class Expr<SomeType> : public ExpressionBase<SomeType> {
785 public:
786   using Result = SomeType;
789   // Owning references to these generic expressions can appear in other
790   // compiler data structures (viz., the parse tree and symbol table), so
791   // its destructor is externalized to reduce redundant default instances.
792   ~Expr();
794   template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
795   explicit Expr(const Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &x) : u{Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{x}} {}
797   template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
798   explicit Expr(Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &&x)
799       : u{Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{std::move(x)}} {}
801   template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
802   Expr &operator=(const Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &x) {
803     u = Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{x};
804     return *this;
805   }
807   template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
808   Expr &operator=(Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &&x) {
809     u = Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{std::move(x)};
810     return *this;
811   }
813 public:
814   common::CombineVariants<TypelessExpression, CategoryExpression> u;
815 };
817 // An assignment is either intrinsic, user-defined (with a ProcedureRef to
818 // specify the procedure to call), or pointer assignment (with possibly empty
819 // BoundsSpec or non-empty BoundsRemapping). In all cases there are Exprs
820 // representing the LHS and RHS of the assignment.
821 class Assignment {
822 public:
823   Assignment(Expr<SomeType> &&lhs, Expr<SomeType> &&rhs)
824       : lhs(std::move(lhs)), rhs(std::move(rhs)) {}
826   struct Intrinsic {};
827   using BoundsSpec = std::vector<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>;
828   using BoundsRemapping =
829       std::vector<std::pair<Expr<SubscriptInteger>, Expr<SubscriptInteger>>>;
830   llvm::raw_ostream &AsFortran(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
832   Expr<SomeType> lhs;
833   Expr<SomeType> rhs;
834   std::variant<Intrinsic, ProcedureRef, BoundsSpec, BoundsRemapping> u;
835 };
837 // This wrapper class is used, by means of a forward reference with
838 // an owning pointer, to cache analyzed expressions in parse tree nodes.
839 struct GenericExprWrapper {
840   GenericExprWrapper() {}
841   explicit GenericExprWrapper(std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> &&x)
842       : v{std::move(x)} {}
843   ~GenericExprWrapper();
844   static void Deleter(GenericExprWrapper *);
845   std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> v; // vacant if error
846 };
848 // Like GenericExprWrapper but for analyzed assignments
849 struct GenericAssignmentWrapper {
850   GenericAssignmentWrapper() {}
851   explicit GenericAssignmentWrapper(Assignment &&x) : v{std::move(x)} {}
852   ~GenericAssignmentWrapper();
853   static void Deleter(GenericAssignmentWrapper *);
854   std::optional<Assignment> v; // vacant if error
855 };
857 FOR_EACH_CATEGORY_TYPE(extern template class Expr, )
858 FOR_EACH_TYPE_AND_KIND(extern template class ExpressionBase, )
859 FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_KIND(extern template class ArrayConstructorValues, )
860 FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_KIND(extern template class ArrayConstructor, )
862 // Template instantiations to resolve these "extern template" declarations.
864   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_KIND(template class Expr, ) \
865   FOR_EACH_CATEGORY_TYPE(template class Expr, ) \
866   FOR_EACH_INTEGER_KIND(template struct Relational, ) \
867   FOR_EACH_REAL_KIND(template struct Relational, ) \
868   FOR_EACH_CHARACTER_KIND(template struct Relational, ) \
869   template struct Relational<SomeType>; \
870   FOR_EACH_TYPE_AND_KIND(template class ExpressionBase, ) \
871   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_KIND(template class ArrayConstructorValues, ) \
872   FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_KIND(template class ArrayConstructor, )
873 } // namespace Fortran::evaluate