1 //===--- FileDistance.cpp - File contents container -------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // The FileDistance structure allows calculating the minimum distance to paths
10 // in a single tree.
11 // We simply walk up the path's ancestors until we find a node whose cost is
12 // known, and add the cost of walking back down. Initialization ensures this
13 // gives the correct path to the roots.
14 // We cache the results, so that the runtime is O(|A|), where A is the set of
15 // all distinct ancestors of visited paths.
16 //
17 // Example after initialization with /=2, /bar=0, DownCost = 1:
18 //  / = 2
19 //    /bar = 0
20 //
21 // After querying /foo/bar and /bar/foo:
22 //  / = 2
23 //    /bar = 0
24 //      /bar/foo = 1
25 //    /foo = 3
26 //      /foo/bar = 4
27 //
28 // URIDistance creates FileDistance lazily for each URI scheme encountered. In
29 // practice this is a small constant factor.
30 //
31 //===-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
33 #include "FileDistance.h"
34 #include "support/Logger.h"
35 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
36 #include <queue>
38 namespace clang {
39 namespace clangd {
41 // Convert a path into the canonical form.
42 // Canonical form is either "/", or "/segment" * N:
43 //   C:\foo\bar --> /c:/foo/bar
44 //   /foo/      --> /foo
45 //   a/b/c      --> /a/b/c
canonicalize(llvm::StringRef Path)46 static llvm::SmallString<128> canonicalize(llvm::StringRef Path) {
47   llvm::SmallString<128> Result = Path.rtrim('/');
48   native(Result, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix);
49   if (Result.empty() || Result.front() != '/')
50     Result.insert(Result.begin(), '/');
51   return Result;
52 }
54 constexpr const unsigned FileDistance::Unreachable;
55 const llvm::hash_code FileDistance::RootHash =
56     llvm::hash_value(llvm::StringRef("/"));
FileDistance(llvm::StringMap<SourceParams> Sources,const FileDistanceOptions & Opts)58 FileDistance::FileDistance(llvm::StringMap<SourceParams> Sources,
59                            const FileDistanceOptions &Opts)
60     : Opts(Opts) {
61   llvm::DenseMap<llvm::hash_code, llvm::SmallVector<llvm::hash_code>> DownEdges;
62   // Compute the best distance following only up edges.
63   // Keep track of down edges, in case we can use them to improve on this.
64   for (const auto &S : Sources) {
65     auto Canonical = canonicalize(S.getKey());
66     dlog("Source {0} = {1}, MaxUp = {2}", Canonical, S.second.Cost,
67          S.second.MaxUpTraversals);
68     // Walk up to ancestors of this source, assigning cost.
69     llvm::StringRef Rest = Canonical;
70     llvm::hash_code Hash = llvm::hash_value(Rest);
71     for (unsigned I = 0; !Rest.empty(); ++I) {
72       Rest = parent_path(Rest, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix);
73       auto NextHash = llvm::hash_value(Rest);
74       auto &Down = DownEdges[NextHash];
75       if (!llvm::is_contained(Down, Hash))
76         Down.push_back(Hash);
77       // We can't just break after MaxUpTraversals, must still set DownEdges.
78       if (I > S.getValue().MaxUpTraversals) {
79         if (Cache.find(Hash) != Cache.end())
80           break;
81       } else {
82         unsigned Cost = S.getValue().Cost + I * Opts.UpCost;
83         auto R = Cache.try_emplace(Hash, Cost);
84         if (!R.second) {
85           if (Cost < R.first->second) {
86             R.first->second = Cost;
87           } else {
88             // If we're not the best way to get to this path, stop assigning.
89             break;
90           }
91         }
92       }
93       Hash = NextHash;
94     }
95   }
96   // Now propagate scores parent -> child if that's an improvement.
97   // BFS ensures we propagate down chains (must visit parents before children).
98   std::queue<llvm::hash_code> Next;
99   for (auto Child : DownEdges.lookup(llvm::hash_value(llvm::StringRef(""))))
100     Next.push(Child);
101   while (!Next.empty()) {
102     auto Parent = Next.front();
103     Next.pop();
104     auto ParentCost = Cache.lookup(Parent);
105     for (auto Child : DownEdges.lookup(Parent)) {
106       if (Parent != RootHash || Opts.AllowDownTraversalFromRoot) {
107         auto &ChildCost =
108             Cache.try_emplace(Child, Unreachable).first->getSecond();
109         if (ParentCost + Opts.DownCost < ChildCost)
110           ChildCost = ParentCost + Opts.DownCost;
111       }
112       Next.push(Child);
113     }
114   }
115 }
distance(llvm::StringRef Path)117 unsigned FileDistance::distance(llvm::StringRef Path) {
118   auto Canonical = canonicalize(Path);
119   unsigned Cost = Unreachable;
120   llvm::SmallVector<llvm::hash_code> Ancestors;
121   // Walk up ancestors until we find a path we know the distance for.
122   for (llvm::StringRef Rest = Canonical; !Rest.empty();
123        Rest = parent_path(Rest, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix)) {
124     auto Hash = llvm::hash_value(Rest);
125     if (Hash == RootHash && !Ancestors.empty() &&
126         !Opts.AllowDownTraversalFromRoot) {
127       Cost = Unreachable;
128       break;
129     }
130     auto It = Cache.find(Hash);
131     if (It != Cache.end()) {
132       Cost = It->second;
133       break;
134     }
135     Ancestors.push_back(Hash);
136   }
137   // Now we know the costs for (known node, queried node].
138   // Fill these in, walking down the directory tree.
139   for (llvm::hash_code Hash : llvm::reverse(Ancestors)) {
140     if (Cost != Unreachable)
141       Cost += Opts.DownCost;
142     Cache.try_emplace(Hash, Cost);
143   }
144   dlog("distance({0} = {1})", Path, Cost);
145   return Cost;
146 }
distance(llvm::StringRef URI)148 unsigned URIDistance::distance(llvm::StringRef URI) {
149   auto R = Cache.try_emplace(llvm::hash_value(URI), FileDistance::Unreachable);
150   if (!R.second)
151     return R.first->getSecond();
152   if (auto U = clangd::URI::parse(URI)) {
153     dlog("distance({0} = {1})", URI, U->body());
154     R.first->second = forScheme(U->scheme()).distance(U->body());
155   } else {
156     log("URIDistance::distance() of unparseable {0}: {1}", URI, U.takeError());
157   }
158   return R.first->second;
159 }
forScheme(llvm::StringRef Scheme)161 FileDistance &URIDistance::forScheme(llvm::StringRef Scheme) {
162   auto &Delegate = ByScheme[Scheme];
163   if (!Delegate) {
164     llvm::StringMap<SourceParams> SchemeSources;
165     for (const auto &Source : Sources) {
166       if (auto U = clangd::URI::create(Source.getKey(), Scheme))
167         SchemeSources.try_emplace(U->body(), Source.getValue());
168       else
169         llvm::consumeError(U.takeError());
170     }
171     dlog("FileDistance for scheme {0}: {1}/{2} sources", Scheme,
172          SchemeSources.size(), Sources.size());
173     Delegate.reset(new FileDistance(std::move(SchemeSources), Opts));
174   }
175   return *Delegate;
176 }
scopeToPath(llvm::StringRef Scope)178 static std::pair<std::string, int> scopeToPath(llvm::StringRef Scope) {
179   llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef> Split;
180   Scope.split(Split, "::", /*MaxSplit=*/-1, /*KeepEmpty=*/false);
181   return {"/" + llvm::join(Split, "/"), Split.size()};
182 }
184 static FileDistance
createScopeFileDistance(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> QueryScopes)185 createScopeFileDistance(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> QueryScopes) {
186   FileDistanceOptions Opts;
187   Opts.UpCost = 2;
188   Opts.DownCost = 4;
189   Opts.AllowDownTraversalFromRoot = false;
191   llvm::StringMap<SourceParams> Sources;
192   llvm::StringRef Preferred =
193       QueryScopes.empty() ? "" : QueryScopes.front().c_str();
194   for (llvm::StringRef S : QueryScopes) {
195     SourceParams Param;
196     // Penalize the global scope even it's preferred, as all projects can define
197     // symbols in it, and there is pattern where using-namespace is used in
198     // place of enclosing namespaces (e.g. in implementation files).
199     if (S == Preferred)
200       Param.Cost = S == "" ? 4 : 0;
201     else if (Preferred.startswith(S) && !S.empty())
202       continue; // just rely on up-traversals.
203     else
204       Param.Cost = S == "" ? 6 : 2;
205     auto Path = scopeToPath(S);
206     // The global namespace is not 'near' its children.
207     Param.MaxUpTraversals = std::max(Path.second - 1, 0);
208     Sources[Path.first] = std::move(Param);
209   }
210   return FileDistance(std::move(Sources), Opts);
211 }
ScopeDistance(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> QueryScopes)213 ScopeDistance::ScopeDistance(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> QueryScopes)
214     : Distance(createScopeFileDistance(QueryScopes)) {}
distance(llvm::StringRef SymbolScope)216 unsigned ScopeDistance::distance(llvm::StringRef SymbolScope) {
217   return Distance.distance(scopeToPath(SymbolScope).first);
218 }
220 } // namespace clangd
221 } // namespace clang