1;; This test generates 65535 relocation entries in a single section,
2;; which would trigger an overflow section to be generated in 32-bit mode.
3;; Since overflow section is not supported yet, we will emit an error instead of
4;; generating an invalid binary for now.
5; RUN: grep -v RUN: %s | \
6; RUN:   sed >%t.overflow.ll 's/SIZE/65535/;s/MACRO/#/;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/#_/g;s/_#_\([^#]\)/\1/;s/_/, /g;s/#/i8* @c/g;'
7; RUN: not --crash llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple powerpc-ibm-aix-xcoff \
8; RUN:                 -mcpu=pwr4 -mattr=-altivec -filetype=obj -o %t.o %t.overflow.ll 2>&1 | \
9; RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=OVERFLOW %s
10; OVERFLOW: LLVM ERROR: relocation entries overflowed; overflow section is not implemented yet
12;; This test generates 65534 relocation entries, an overflow section should
13;; not be generated.
14; RUN: grep -v RUN: %s | \
15; RUN:   sed >%t.ll 's/SIZE/65534/;s/MACRO/#/;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/################/g;s/#/#_/g;s/_#_#_\([^#]\)/\1/;s/_/, /g;s/#/i8* @c/g;'
16; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple powerpc-ibm-aix-xcoff \
17; RUN:     -mcpu=pwr4 -mattr=-altivec -filetype=obj -o %t.o %t.ll
18; RUN: llvm-readobj --section-headers %t.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=XCOFF32 %s
20; RUN: not --crash llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple powerpc64-ibm-aix-xcoff \
21; RUN:                 -mcpu=pwr4 -mattr=-altivec -filetype=obj -o %t.o %t.overflow.ll 2>&1 | \
22; RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=XCOFF64 %s
23; RUN: not --crash llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple powerpc64-ibm-aix-xcoff \
24; RUN:                 -mcpu=pwr4 -mattr=-altivec -filetype=obj -o %t.o %t.ll 2>&1 | \
25; RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=XCOFF64 %s
26; XCOFF64: LLVM ERROR: 64-bit XCOFF object files are not supported yet.
28@c = external global i8, align 1
29@arr = global [SIZE x i8*] [MACRO], align 8
31; XCOFF32-NOT:     Name: .ovrflo
32; XCOFF32-NOT:     Type: STYP_OVRFLO
33; XCOFF32:       Section {
34; XCOFF32:         Name: .data
35; XCOFF32-NEXT:    PhysicalAddress: 0x0
36; XCOFF32-NEXT:    VirtualAddress: 0x0
37; XCOFF32-NEXT:    Size: 0x3FFF8
38; XCOFF32-NEXT:    RawDataOffset: 0x64
39; XCOFF32-NEXT:    RelocationPointer: 0x4005C
40; XCOFF32-NEXT:    LineNumberPointer: 0x0
41; XCOFF32-NEXT:    NumberOfRelocations: 65534
42; XCOFF32-NEXT:    NumberOfLineNumbers: 0
43; XCOFF32-NEXT:    Type: STYP_DATA (0x40)
44; XCOFF32-NEXT:  }
45; XCOFF32-NOT:     Name: .ovrflo
46; XCOFF32-NOT:     Type: STYP_OVRFLO