1# This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
2# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
4"""BUILD extensions for MLIR table generation."""
6load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
8TdInfo = provider(
9    "Holds TableGen files and the dependencies and include paths necessary to" +
10    " build them.",
11    fields = {
12        "transitive_sources": "td files transitively used by this rule.",
13        "transitive_includes": (
14            "include arguments to add to the final TableGen invocation. These" +
15            " are the absolute directory paths that will be added with '-I'."
16        ),
17    },
20# For now we allow anything that provides DefaultInfo to just forward its files.
21# In particular, this allows filegroups to be used. This is mostly to ease
22# transition. In the future, the TdInfo provider will be required.
23# TODO(gcmn): Switch to enforcing TdInfo provider.
24def _get_dep_transitive_srcs(dep):
25    """Extract TdInfo.transitive_sources, falling back to DefaultInfo.files."""
26    if TdInfo in dep:
27        return dep[TdInfo].transitive_sources
28    return dep[DefaultInfo].files
30def _get_dep_transitive_includes(dep):
31    """Extract TdInfo.transitive_includes, falling back to an empty depset()."""
32    if TdInfo in dep:
33        return dep[TdInfo].transitive_includes
34    return depset()
36def _get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
37    """Obtain the source files for a target and its transitive dependencies.
39    Args:
40      srcs: a list of source files
41      deps: a list of targets that are direct dependencies
42    Returns:
43      a collection of the transitive sources
44    """
45    return depset(
46        direct = srcs,
47        transitive = [_get_dep_transitive_srcs(dep) for dep in deps],
48    )
50def _get_transitive_includes(includes, deps):
51    """Obtain the includes paths for a target and its transitive dependencies.
53    Args:
54      includes: a list of include paths
55      deps: a list of targets that are direct dependencies
56    Returns:
57      a collection of the transitive include paths
58    """
59    return depset(
60        direct = includes,
61        transitive = [_get_dep_transitive_includes(dep) for dep in deps],
62    )
64def _prefix_roots(ctx, includes):
65    """Map the given includes to be relative to all root directories.
67    This will expand them to be relative to all the root directories available
68    in the execution environment for ctx.run (bin and genfiles in addition to
69    the normal source root)
70    """
71    prefixed_includes = []
72    for include in includes:
73        prefixed_includes.append(include)
74        prefixed_includes.append(paths.join(ctx.genfiles_dir.path, include))
75        prefixed_includes.append(paths.join(ctx.bin_dir.path, include))
76    return prefixed_includes
78def _resolve_includes(ctx, includes):
79    """Resolves include paths to paths relative to the execution root.
81    Relative paths are interpreted as relative to the current label's package.
82    Absolute paths are interpreted as relative to the current label's workspace
83    root."""
84    package = ctx.label.package
85    workspace_root = ctx.label.workspace_root
86    workspace_root = workspace_root if workspace_root else "."
87    resolved_includes = []
88    for include in includes:
89        if paths.is_absolute(include):
90            include = include.lstrip("/")
91        else:
92            include = paths.join(package, include)
93        include = paths.join(workspace_root, include)
94        resolved_includes.extend(_prefix_roots(ctx, [include]))
95    return resolved_includes
97def _td_library_impl(ctx):
98    trans_srcs = _get_transitive_srcs(ctx.files.srcs, ctx.attr.deps)
99    trans_includes = _get_transitive_includes(
100        _resolve_includes(ctx, ctx.attr.includes),
101        ctx.attr.deps,
102    )
103    return [
104        DefaultInfo(files = trans_srcs),
105        TdInfo(
106            transitive_sources = trans_srcs,
107            transitive_includes = trans_includes,
108        ),
109    ]
111td_library = rule(
112    _td_library_impl,
113    attrs = {
114        "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
115        "includes": attr.string_list(
116            doc = "Include paths to be added to the final TableGen tool" +
117                  " invocation. Relative paths are interpreted as relative to" +
118                  " the current label's package. Absolute paths are" +
119                  " interpreted as relative to the current label's workspace",
120        ),
121        # TODO(gcmn): limit to TdInfo providers.
122        "deps": attr.label_list(
123            doc = "Dependencies providing TableGen source files and include" +
124                  " paths.",
125        ),
126    },
129def _gentbl_rule_impl(ctx):
130    td_file = ctx.file.td_file
132    trans_srcs = _get_transitive_srcs(
133        ctx.files.td_srcs + [td_file],
134        ctx.attr.deps,
135    )
137    # Note that we have two types of includes here. The deprecated ones expanded
138    # only by "_prefix_roots" are already relative to the execution root, i.e.
139    # may contain an `external/<workspace_name>` prefix if the current workspace
140    # is not the main workspace (where workspace_name is something configured
141    # per-project and therefore generally not known). Note that dirname also
142    # already includes this prefix. The new style of includes have it prepended
143    # automatically by `_resolve_includes` to avoid BUILD files having to depend
144    # on project specific configurations and Bazel implementation details.
145    trans_includes = _get_transitive_includes(
146        _resolve_includes(ctx, ctx.attr.includes + ["/"]) +
147        _prefix_roots(ctx, ctx.attr.td_includes + [td_file.dirname]),
148        ctx.attr.deps,
149    )
151    args = ctx.actions.args()
152    args.add_all(ctx.attr.opts)
153    args.add(td_file)
154    args.add_all(trans_includes, before_each = "-I")
156    args.add("-o", ctx.outputs.out.path)
158    ctx.actions.run(
159        outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
160        inputs = trans_srcs,
161        executable = ctx.executable.tblgen,
162        arguments = [args],
163        mnemonic = "TdGenerate",
164    )
166    return [DefaultInfo()]
168gentbl_rule = rule(
169    _gentbl_rule_impl,
170    doc = "Generates tabular code from a table definition file.",
171    # Match genrule behavior
172    output_to_genfiles = True,
173    attrs = {
174        "tblgen": attr.label(
175            doc = "The TableGen executable with which to generate `out`.",
176            executable = True,
177            cfg = "exec",
178        ),
179        "td_file": attr.label(
180            doc = "The TableGen file to run through `tblgen`.",
181            allow_single_file = True,
182            mandatory = True,
183        ),
184        "td_srcs": attr.label_list(
185            doc = "Additional TableGen files included by `td_file`. It is not" +
186                  " necessary to list td_file here (though not an error).",
187            allow_files = True,
188        ),
189        # TODO(gcmn): limit to TdInfo providers.
190        "deps": attr.label_list(
191            doc = "Dependencies providing TableGen source files and include" +
192                  " paths.",
193        ),
194        "out": attr.output(
195            doc = "The output file for the TableGen invocation.",
196            mandatory = True,
197        ),
198        "opts": attr.string_list(
199            doc = "Additional command line options to add to the TableGen" +
200                  " invocation. For include arguments, prefer to use" +
201                  " `includes`.",
202        ),
203        "includes": attr.string_list(
204            doc = "Include paths to be added to the final TableGen tool" +
205                  " invocation. Relative paths are interpreted as relative to" +
206                  " the current label's package. Absolute paths are" +
207                  " interpreted as relative to the current label's workspace." +
208                  " Includes are applied from all roots available in the" +
209                  " execution environment (source, genfiles, and bin" +
210                  " directories). The execution roots themselves and the " +
211                  " directory of td_file are always added.",
212        ),
213        "td_includes": attr.string_list(
214            doc = "Include paths to add to the TableGen invocation. Paths are" +
215                  " interpreted as relative to the current label's workspace" +
216                  " root and applied from all roots available in the" +
217                  " execution environment (source, genfiles, and bin" +
218                  " directories). Deprecated. Use `includes` instead.",
219        ),
220    },
223# TODO(gcmn): Figure out how to reduce duplication with _gentbl_rule_impl
224def _gentbl_test_impl(ctx):
225    td_file = ctx.file.td_file
227    trans_srcs = _get_transitive_srcs(
228        ctx.files.td_srcs + [td_file],
229        ctx.attr.deps,
230    )
232    # Note that we have two types of includes here. The deprecated ones expanded
233    # only by "_prefix_roots" are already relative to the execution root, i.e.
234    # may contain an `external/<workspace_name>` prefix if the current workspace
235    # is not the main workspace (where workspace_name is something configured
236    # per-project and therefore generally not known). Note that dirname also
237    # already includes this prefix. The new style of includes have it prepended
238    # automatically by `_resolve_includes` to avoid BUILD files having to depend
239    # on project specific configurations and Bazel implementation details.
240    trans_includes = _get_transitive_includes(
241        _resolve_includes(ctx, ctx.attr.includes + ["/"]) +
242        _prefix_roots(ctx, ctx.attr.td_includes + [td_file.dirname]),
243        ctx.attr.deps,
244    )
246    test_args = [ctx.executable.tblgen.short_path]
247    test_args.extend(ctx.attr.opts)
248    test_args.append(td_file.path)
249    test_args.extend(["-I " + include for include in trans_includes.to_list()])
251    test_args.extend(["-o", "/dev/null"])
253    ctx.actions.write(
254        ctx.outputs.executable,
255        content = " ".join(test_args),
256        is_executable = True,
257    )
259    return [
260        coverage_common.instrumented_files_info(
261            ctx,
262            source_attributes = ["td_file", "td_srcs"],
263            dependency_attributes = ["tblgen", "deps"],
264        ),
265        DefaultInfo(
266            runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
267                [ctx.executable.tblgen],
268                transitive_files = trans_srcs,
269            ),
270        ),
271    ]
273gentbl_test = rule(
274    _gentbl_test_impl,
275    test = True,
276    doc = "A shell test that tests the given TablegGen invocation. Note" +
277          " that unlike gentbl_rule, this builds and invokes `tblgen` in the" +
278          " target configuration. Takes all the same arguments as gentbl_rule" +
279          " except for `out` (as it does not generate any output)",
280    attrs = {
281        "tblgen": attr.label(
282            doc = "The TableGen executable run in the shell command. Note" +
283                  " that this is built in the target configuration.",
284            executable = True,
285            cfg = "target",
286        ),
287        "td_file": attr.label(
288            doc = "See gentbl_rule.td_file",
289            allow_single_file = True,
290            mandatory = True,
291        ),
292        "td_srcs": attr.label_list(
293            doc = "See gentbl_rule.td_srcs",
294            allow_files = True,
295        ),
296        "deps": attr.label_list(doc = "See gentbl_rule.deps"),
297        "opts": attr.string_list(doc = "See gentbl_rule.opts"),
298        "includes": attr.string_list(doc = "See gentbl_rule.includes"),
299        "td_includes": attr.string_list(doc = "See gentbl_rule.td_includes"),
300    },
303def gentbl_filegroup(
304        name,
305        tblgen,
306        td_file,
307        tbl_outs,
308        td_srcs = [],
309        td_includes = [],
310        includes = [],
311        deps = [],
312        test = False,
313        skip_opts = [],
314        **kwargs):
315    """Create multiple TableGen generated files using the same tool and input.
317    All generated outputs are bundled in a file group with the given name.
319    Args:
320      name: The name of the generated filegroup rule for use in dependencies.
321      tblgen: The binary used to produce the output.
322      td_file: The primary table definitions file.
323      tbl_outs: A list of tuples ([opts], out), where each 'opts' is a list of
324        options passed to tblgen, each option being a string, and 'out' is the
325        corresponding output file produced.
326      td_srcs: See gentbl_rule.td_srcs
327      includes: See gentbl_rule.includes
328      td_includes: See gentbl_rule.td_includes
329      deps: See gentbl_rule.deps
330      test: Whether to create a shell test that invokes the tool too.
331      skip_opts: Files generated using these opts in tbl_outs will be excluded
332        from the generated filegroup.
333      **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to all generated rules.
334    """
336    llvm_project_execroot_path = Label("//mlir:tblgen.bzl").workspace_root
338    # TODO(gcmn): Update callers to td_library and explicit includes and drop
339    # this hardcoded include.
340    hardcoded_includes = [
341        paths.join(llvm_project_execroot_path, "mlir/include"),
342    ]
344    for (opts, out) in tbl_outs:
345        first_opt = opts[0] if opts else ""
346        rule_suffix = "_{}_{}".format(
347            first_opt.replace("-", "_").replace("=", "_"),
348            str(hash(" ".join(opts))),
349        )
350        gentbl_name = "%s_%s_genrule" % (name, rule_suffix)
351        gentbl_rule(
352            name = gentbl_name,
353            td_file = td_file,
354            tblgen = tblgen,
355            opts = opts,
356            td_srcs = td_srcs,
357            deps = deps,
358            includes = includes,
359            td_includes = td_includes + hardcoded_includes,
360            out = out,
361            **kwargs
362        )
364        if test:
365            # Also run the generator in the target configuration as a test. This
366            # means it gets run with asserts and sanitizers and such when they
367            # are enabled and is counted in coverage.
368            gentbl_test(
369                name = "%s_test" % (gentbl_name,),
370                td_file = td_file,
371                tblgen = tblgen,
372                opts = opts,
373                td_srcs = td_srcs,
374                deps = deps,
375                includes = includes,
376                td_includes = td_includes + hardcoded_includes,
377                # Shell files not executable on Windows.
378                # TODO(gcmn): Support windows.
379                tags = ["no_windows"],
380                **kwargs
381            )
383    included_srcs = [f for (opts, f) in tbl_outs if not any([skip_opt in opts for skip_opt in skip_opts])]
384    native.filegroup(
385        name = name,
386        srcs = included_srcs,
387        **kwargs
388    )
390def gentbl_cc_library(
391        name,
392        tblgen,
393        td_file,
394        tbl_outs,
395        td_srcs = [],
396        td_includes = [],
397        includes = [],
398        deps = [],
399        strip_include_prefix = None,
400        test = False,
401        **kwargs):
402    """Create multiple TableGen generated files using the same tool and input.
404    All generated outputs are bundled in a cc_library rule.
406    Args:
407      name: The name of the generated cc_library rule for use in dependencies.
408      tblgen: The binary used to produce the output.
409      td_file: The primary table definitions file.
410      tbl_outs: A list of tuples ([opts], out), where each 'opts' is a list of
411        options passed to tblgen, each option being a string, and 'out' is the
412        corresponding output file produced.
413      td_srcs: See gentbl_rule.td_srcs
414      includes: See gentbl_rule.includes
415      td_includes: See gentbl_rule.td_includes
416      deps: See gentbl_rule.deps
417      strip_include_prefix: attribute to pass through to cc_library.
418      test: whether to create a shell test that invokes the tool too.
419      **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to all generated rules.
420    """
422    filegroup_name = name + "_filegroup"
423    gentbl_filegroup(
424        name = filegroup_name,
425        tblgen = tblgen,
426        td_file = td_file,
427        tbl_outs = tbl_outs,
428        td_srcs = td_srcs,
429        td_includes = td_includes,
430        includes = includes,
431        deps = deps,
432        test = test,
433        skip_opts = ["-gen-op-doc"],
434        **kwargs
435    )
436    native.cc_library(
437        name = name,
438        # strip_include_prefix does not apply to textual_hdrs.
439        # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/12424
440        hdrs = [":" + filegroup_name] if strip_include_prefix else [],
441        strip_include_prefix = strip_include_prefix,
442        textual_hdrs = [":" + filegroup_name],
443        **kwargs
444    )