1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -triple i686-pc-win32 -fms-extensions -verify -o - %s | FileCheck %s
2 // expected-no-diagnostics
3 // The Microsoft document says: "When this attribute is applied to a class,
4 // all member functions of the class and nested classes - this includes
5 // compiler-generated special member functions - are put in the specified segment."
6 // But the MS compiler does not always follow that.  A bug has been reported:
7 // see https://reviews.llvm.org/D22931, the Microsoft feedback page is no
8 // longer available.
9 // The MS compiler will apply a declspec from the parent class if there is no
10 // #pragma code_seg active at the class definition.  If there is an active
11 // code_seg that is used instead.
13 // No active code_seg
15 struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_outer")) Foo1 {
16   struct Inner {
17     void bar1();
18     static void bar2();
19   };
20 };
bar1()21 void Foo1::Inner::bar1() {}
bar2()22 void Foo1::Inner::bar2() {}
24 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner@Foo1{{.*}} section "foo_outer"
25 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner@Foo1{{.*}} section "foo_outer"
27 struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_outer")) Foo2 {
28   struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_inner")) Inner {
29     void bar1();
30     static void bar2();
31   };
32 };
bar1()33 void Foo2::Inner::bar1() {}
bar2()34 void Foo2::Inner::bar2() {}
36 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner@Foo2{{.*}} section "foo_inner"
37 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner@Foo2{{.*}} section "foo_inner"
39 #pragma code_seg(push, "otherseg")
40 struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_outer")) Foo3 {
41   struct Inner {
42     void bar1();
43     static void bar2();
44   };
45 };
bar1()46 void Foo3::Inner::bar1() {}
bar2()47 void Foo3::Inner::bar2() {}
49 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner@Foo3{{.*}} section "otherseg"
50 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner@Foo3{{.*}} section "otherseg"
52 struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_outer")) Foo4 {
53   struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_inner")) Inner {
54     void bar1();
55     static void bar2();
56   };
57 };
bar1()58 void Foo4::Inner::bar1() {}
bar2()59 void Foo4::Inner::bar2() {}
61 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner@Foo4{{.*}} section "foo_inner"
62 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner@Foo4{{.*}} section "foo_inner"
64 #pragma code_seg(pop)
65 // Back to no active pragma
66 struct __declspec(code_seg("foo_outer")) Foo5 {
67   struct Inner {
68     void bar1();
69     static void bar2();
70     struct __declspec(code_seg("inner1_seg")) Inner1 {
71       struct Inner2 {
72         void bar1();
73         static void bar2();
74       };
75     };
76   };
77 };
bar1()78 void Foo5::Inner::bar1() {}
bar2()79 void Foo5::Inner::bar2() {}
bar1()80 void Foo5::Inner::Inner1::Inner2::bar1() {}
bar2()81 void Foo5::Inner::Inner1::Inner2::bar2() {}
83 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner@Foo5{{.*}} section "foo_outer"
84 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner@Foo5{{.*}} section "foo_outer"
85 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar1@Inner2@Inner1@Inner@Foo5{{.*}} section "inner1_seg"
86 //CHECK: define {{.*}}bar2@Inner2@Inner1@Inner@Foo5{{.*}} section "inner1_seg"