1 //===- AsmParser.cpp - Parser for Assembly Files --------------------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This class implements the parser for assembly files.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
25 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
26 #include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
27 #include "llvm/MC/MCCodeView.h"
28 #include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
29 #include "llvm/MC/MCDirectives.h"
30 #include "llvm/MC/MCDwarf.h"
31 #include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
32 #include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
33 #include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
34 #include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
35 #include "llvm/MC/MCObjectFileInfo.h"
36 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/AsmCond.h"
37 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/AsmLexer.h"
38 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
39 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmParser.h"
40 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmParserExtension.h"
41 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmParserUtils.h"
42 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCParsedAsmOperand.h"
43 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCTargetAsmParser.h"
44 #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
45 #include "llvm/MC/MCSection.h"
46 #include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
47 #include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
48 #include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
49 #include "llvm/MC/MCValue.h"
50 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
51 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
52 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
53 #include "llvm/Support/MD5.h"
54 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
55 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
56 #include "llvm/Support/SMLoc.h"
57 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
58 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
59 #include <algorithm>
60 #include <cassert>
61 #include <cctype>
62 #include <climits>
63 #include <cstddef>
64 #include <cstdint>
65 #include <deque>
66 #include <memory>
67 #include <sstream>
68 #include <string>
69 #include <tuple>
70 #include <utility>
71 #include <vector>
73 using namespace llvm;
75 MCAsmParserSemaCallback::~MCAsmParserSemaCallback() = default;
77 static cl::opt<unsigned> AsmMacroMaxNestingDepth(
78      "asm-macro-max-nesting-depth", cl::init(20), cl::Hidden,
79      cl::desc("The maximum nesting depth allowed for assembly macros."));
81 namespace {
83 /// Helper types for tracking macro definitions.
84 typedef std::vector<AsmToken> MCAsmMacroArgument;
85 typedef std::vector<MCAsmMacroArgument> MCAsmMacroArguments;
87 /// Helper class for storing information about an active macro
88 /// instantiation.
89 struct MacroInstantiation {
90   /// The location of the instantiation.
91   SMLoc InstantiationLoc;
93   /// The buffer where parsing should resume upon instantiation completion.
94   int ExitBuffer;
96   /// The location where parsing should resume upon instantiation completion.
97   SMLoc ExitLoc;
99   /// The depth of TheCondStack at the start of the instantiation.
100   size_t CondStackDepth;
102 public:
103   MacroInstantiation(SMLoc IL, int EB, SMLoc EL, size_t CondStackDepth);
104 };
106 struct ParseStatementInfo {
107   /// The parsed operands from the last parsed statement.
108   SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<MCParsedAsmOperand>, 8> ParsedOperands;
110   /// The opcode from the last parsed instruction.
111   unsigned Opcode = ~0U;
113   /// Was there an error parsing the inline assembly?
114   bool ParseError = false;
116   SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> *AsmRewrites = nullptr;
118   ParseStatementInfo() = delete;
119   ParseStatementInfo(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> *rewrites)
120     : AsmRewrites(rewrites) {}
121 };
123 /// The concrete assembly parser instance.
124 class AsmParser : public MCAsmParser {
125 private:
126   AsmLexer Lexer;
127   MCContext &Ctx;
128   MCStreamer &Out;
129   const MCAsmInfo &MAI;
130   SourceMgr &SrcMgr;
131   SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy SavedDiagHandler;
132   void *SavedDiagContext;
133   std::unique_ptr<MCAsmParserExtension> PlatformParser;
135   /// This is the current buffer index we're lexing from as managed by the
136   /// SourceMgr object.
137   unsigned CurBuffer;
139   AsmCond TheCondState;
140   std::vector<AsmCond> TheCondStack;
142   /// maps directive names to handler methods in parser
143   /// extensions. Extensions register themselves in this map by calling
144   /// addDirectiveHandler.
145   StringMap<ExtensionDirectiveHandler> ExtensionDirectiveMap;
147   /// Stack of active macro instantiations.
148   std::vector<MacroInstantiation*> ActiveMacros;
150   /// List of bodies of anonymous macros.
151   std::deque<MCAsmMacro> MacroLikeBodies;
153   /// Boolean tracking whether macro substitution is enabled.
154   unsigned MacrosEnabledFlag : 1;
156   /// Keeps track of how many .macro's have been instantiated.
157   unsigned NumOfMacroInstantiations;
159   /// The values from the last parsed cpp hash file line comment if any.
160   struct CppHashInfoTy {
161     StringRef Filename;
162     int64_t LineNumber = 0;
163     SMLoc Loc;
164     unsigned Buf = 0;
165   };
166   CppHashInfoTy CppHashInfo;
168   /// List of forward directional labels for diagnosis at the end.
169   SmallVector<std::tuple<SMLoc, CppHashInfoTy, MCSymbol *>, 4> DirLabels;
171   /// AssemblerDialect. ~OU means unset value and use value provided by MAI.
172   unsigned AssemblerDialect = ~0U;
174   /// is Darwin compatibility enabled?
175   bool IsDarwin = false;
177   /// Are we parsing ms-style inline assembly?
178   bool ParsingInlineAsm = false;
180   /// Did we already inform the user about inconsistent MD5 usage?
181   bool ReportedInconsistentMD5 = false;
183   // Is alt macro mode enabled.
184   bool AltMacroMode = false;
186 public:
187   AsmParser(SourceMgr &SM, MCContext &Ctx, MCStreamer &Out,
188             const MCAsmInfo &MAI, unsigned CB);
189   AsmParser(const AsmParser &) = delete;
190   AsmParser &operator=(const AsmParser &) = delete;
191   ~AsmParser() override;
193   bool Run(bool NoInitialTextSection, bool NoFinalize = false) override;
195   void addDirectiveHandler(StringRef Directive,
196                            ExtensionDirectiveHandler Handler) override {
197     ExtensionDirectiveMap[Directive] = Handler;
198   }
200   void addAliasForDirective(StringRef Directive, StringRef Alias) override {
201     DirectiveKindMap[Directive] = DirectiveKindMap[Alias];
202   }
204   /// @name MCAsmParser Interface
205   /// {
207   SourceMgr &getSourceManager() override { return SrcMgr; }
208   MCAsmLexer &getLexer() override { return Lexer; }
209   MCContext &getContext() override { return Ctx; }
210   MCStreamer &getStreamer() override { return Out; }
212   CodeViewContext &getCVContext() { return Ctx.getCVContext(); }
214   unsigned getAssemblerDialect() override {
215     if (AssemblerDialect == ~0U)
216       return MAI.getAssemblerDialect();
217     else
218       return AssemblerDialect;
219   }
220   void setAssemblerDialect(unsigned i) override {
221     AssemblerDialect = i;
222   }
224   void Note(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) override;
225   bool Warning(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) override;
226   bool printError(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) override;
228   const AsmToken &Lex() override;
230   void setParsingInlineAsm(bool V) override {
231     ParsingInlineAsm = V;
232     // When parsing MS inline asm, we must lex 0b1101 and 0ABCH as binary and
233     // hex integer literals.
234     Lexer.setLexMasmIntegers(V);
235   }
236   bool isParsingInlineAsm() override { return ParsingInlineAsm; }
238   bool parseMSInlineAsm(void *AsmLoc, std::string &AsmString,
239                         unsigned &NumOutputs, unsigned &NumInputs,
240                         SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<void *,bool>> &OpDecls,
241                         SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Constraints,
242                         SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Clobbers,
243                         const MCInstrInfo *MII, const MCInstPrinter *IP,
244                         MCAsmParserSemaCallback &SI) override;
246   bool parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res);
247   bool parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) override;
248   bool parsePrimaryExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) override;
249   bool parseParenExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) override;
250   bool parseParenExprOfDepth(unsigned ParenDepth, const MCExpr *&Res,
251                              SMLoc &EndLoc) override;
252   bool parseAbsoluteExpression(int64_t &Res) override;
254   /// Parse a floating point expression using the float \p Semantics
255   /// and set \p Res to the value.
256   bool parseRealValue(const fltSemantics &Semantics, APInt &Res);
258   /// Parse an identifier or string (as a quoted identifier)
259   /// and set \p Res to the identifier contents.
260   bool parseIdentifier(StringRef &Res) override;
261   void eatToEndOfStatement() override;
263   bool checkForValidSection() override;
265   /// }
267 private:
268   bool parseStatement(ParseStatementInfo &Info,
269                       MCAsmParserSemaCallback *SI);
270   bool parseCurlyBlockScope(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>& AsmStrRewrites);
271   bool parseCppHashLineFilenameComment(SMLoc L);
273   void checkForBadMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, StringRef Name, StringRef Body,
274                         ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroParameter> Parameters);
275   bool expandMacro(raw_svector_ostream &OS, StringRef Body,
276                    ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroParameter> Parameters,
277                    ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroArgument> A, bool EnableAtPseudoVariable,
278                    SMLoc L);
280   /// Are macros enabled in the parser?
281   bool areMacrosEnabled() {return MacrosEnabledFlag;}
283   /// Control a flag in the parser that enables or disables macros.
284   void setMacrosEnabled(bool Flag) {MacrosEnabledFlag = Flag;}
286   /// Are we inside a macro instantiation?
287   bool isInsideMacroInstantiation() {return !ActiveMacros.empty();}
289   /// Handle entry to macro instantiation.
290   ///
291   /// \param M The macro.
292   /// \param NameLoc Instantiation location.
293   bool handleMacroEntry(const MCAsmMacro *M, SMLoc NameLoc);
295   /// Handle exit from macro instantiation.
296   void handleMacroExit();
298   /// Extract AsmTokens for a macro argument.
299   bool parseMacroArgument(MCAsmMacroArgument &MA, bool Vararg);
301   /// Parse all macro arguments for a given macro.
302   bool parseMacroArguments(const MCAsmMacro *M, MCAsmMacroArguments &A);
304   void printMacroInstantiations();
305   void printMessage(SMLoc Loc, SourceMgr::DiagKind Kind, const Twine &Msg,
306                     SMRange Range = None) const {
307     ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges(Range);
308     SrcMgr.PrintMessage(Loc, Kind, Msg, Ranges);
309   }
310   static void DiagHandler(const SMDiagnostic &Diag, void *Context);
312   /// Should we emit DWARF describing this assembler source?  (Returns false if
313   /// the source has .file directives, which means we don't want to generate
314   /// info describing the assembler source itself.)
315   bool enabledGenDwarfForAssembly();
317   /// Enter the specified file. This returns true on failure.
318   bool enterIncludeFile(const std::string &Filename);
320   /// Process the specified file for the .incbin directive.
321   /// This returns true on failure.
322   bool processIncbinFile(const std::string &Filename, int64_t Skip = 0,
323                          const MCExpr *Count = nullptr, SMLoc Loc = SMLoc());
325   /// Reset the current lexer position to that given by \p Loc. The
326   /// current token is not set; clients should ensure Lex() is called
327   /// subsequently.
328   ///
329   /// \param InBuffer If not 0, should be the known buffer id that contains the
330   /// location.
331   void jumpToLoc(SMLoc Loc, unsigned InBuffer = 0);
333   /// Parse up to the end of statement and a return the contents from the
334   /// current token until the end of the statement; the current token on exit
335   /// will be either the EndOfStatement or EOF.
336   StringRef parseStringToEndOfStatement() override;
338   /// Parse until the end of a statement or a comma is encountered,
339   /// return the contents from the current token up to the end or comma.
340   StringRef parseStringToComma();
342   bool parseAssignment(StringRef Name, bool allow_redef,
343                        bool NoDeadStrip = false);
345   unsigned getBinOpPrecedence(AsmToken::TokenKind K,
346                               MCBinaryExpr::Opcode &Kind);
348   bool parseBinOpRHS(unsigned Precedence, const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc);
349   bool parseParenExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc);
350   bool parseBracketExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc);
352   bool parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(int64_t &Register, SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
354   bool parseCVFunctionId(int64_t &FunctionId, StringRef DirectiveName);
355   bool parseCVFileId(int64_t &FileId, StringRef DirectiveName);
357   // Generic (target and platform independent) directive parsing.
358   enum DirectiveKind {
359     DK_NO_DIRECTIVE, // Placeholder
360     DK_SET,
361     DK_EQU,
362     DK_EQUIV,
363     DK_ASCII,
364     DK_ASCIZ,
365     DK_STRING,
366     DK_BYTE,
367     DK_SHORT,
368     DK_RELOC,
369     DK_VALUE,
370     DK_2BYTE,
371     DK_LONG,
372     DK_INT,
373     DK_4BYTE,
374     DK_QUAD,
375     DK_8BYTE,
376     DK_OCTA,
377     DK_DC,
378     DK_DC_A,
379     DK_DC_B,
380     DK_DC_D,
381     DK_DC_L,
382     DK_DC_S,
383     DK_DC_W,
384     DK_DC_X,
385     DK_DCB,
386     DK_DCB_B,
387     DK_DCB_D,
388     DK_DCB_L,
389     DK_DCB_S,
390     DK_DCB_W,
391     DK_DCB_X,
392     DK_DS,
393     DK_DS_B,
394     DK_DS_D,
395     DK_DS_L,
396     DK_DS_P,
397     DK_DS_S,
398     DK_DS_W,
399     DK_DS_X,
400     DK_SINGLE,
401     DK_FLOAT,
402     DK_DOUBLE,
403     DK_ALIGN,
404     DK_ALIGN32,
405     DK_BALIGN,
406     DK_BALIGNW,
407     DK_BALIGNL,
408     DK_P2ALIGN,
409     DK_P2ALIGNW,
410     DK_P2ALIGNL,
411     DK_ORG,
412     DK_FILL,
413     DK_ENDR,
417     DK_ZERO,
418     DK_EXTERN,
419     DK_GLOBL,
420     DK_GLOBAL,
429     DK_COMM,
430     DK_COMMON,
431     DK_LCOMM,
432     DK_ABORT,
433     DK_INCLUDE,
434     DK_INCBIN,
435     DK_CODE16,
436     DK_CODE16GCC,
437     DK_REPT,
438     DK_IRP,
439     DK_IRPC,
440     DK_IF,
441     DK_IFEQ,
442     DK_IFGE,
443     DK_IFGT,
444     DK_IFLE,
445     DK_IFLT,
446     DK_IFNE,
447     DK_IFB,
448     DK_IFNB,
449     DK_IFC,
450     DK_IFEQS,
451     DK_IFNC,
452     DK_IFNES,
453     DK_IFDEF,
454     DK_IFNDEF,
455     DK_IFNOTDEF,
456     DK_ELSEIF,
457     DK_ELSE,
458     DK_ENDIF,
459     DK_SPACE,
460     DK_SKIP,
461     DK_FILE,
462     DK_LINE,
463     DK_LOC,
464     DK_STABS,
465     DK_CV_FILE,
466     DK_CV_FUNC_ID,
468     DK_CV_LOC,
471     DK_CV_DEF_RANGE,
473     DK_CV_STRING,
476     DK_CV_FPO_DATA,
480     DK_CFI_DEF_CFA,
484     DK_CFI_OFFSET,
487     DK_CFI_LSDA,
492     DK_CFI_ESCAPE,
499     DK_MACROS_ON,
500     DK_MACROS_OFF,
501     DK_ALTMACRO,
503     DK_MACRO,
504     DK_EXITM,
505     DK_ENDM,
506     DK_ENDMACRO,
507     DK_PURGEM,
508     DK_SLEB128,
509     DK_ULEB128,
510     DK_ERR,
511     DK_ERROR,
512     DK_WARNING,
513     DK_PRINT,
514     DK_ADDRSIG,
516     DK_END
517   };
519   /// Maps directive name --> DirectiveKind enum, for
520   /// directives parsed by this class.
521   StringMap<DirectiveKind> DirectiveKindMap;
523   // ".ascii", ".asciz", ".string"
524   bool parseDirectiveAscii(StringRef IDVal, bool ZeroTerminated);
525   bool parseDirectiveReloc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // ".reloc"
526   bool parseDirectiveValue(StringRef IDVal,
527                            unsigned Size);       // ".byte", ".long", ...
528   bool parseDirectiveOctaValue(StringRef IDVal); // ".octa", ...
529   bool parseDirectiveRealValue(StringRef IDVal,
530                                const fltSemantics &); // ".single", ...
531   bool parseDirectiveFill(); // ".fill"
532   bool parseDirectiveZero(); // ".zero"
533   // ".set", ".equ", ".equiv"
534   bool parseDirectiveSet(StringRef IDVal, bool allow_redef);
535   bool parseDirectiveOrg(); // ".org"
536   // ".align{,32}", ".p2align{,w,l}"
537   bool parseDirectiveAlign(bool IsPow2, unsigned ValueSize);
539   // ".file", ".line", ".loc", ".stabs"
540   bool parseDirectiveFile(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
541   bool parseDirectiveLine();
542   bool parseDirectiveLoc();
543   bool parseDirectiveStabs();
545   // ".cv_file", ".cv_func_id", ".cv_inline_site_id", ".cv_loc", ".cv_linetable",
546   // ".cv_inline_linetable", ".cv_def_range", ".cv_string"
547   bool parseDirectiveCVFile();
548   bool parseDirectiveCVFuncId();
549   bool parseDirectiveCVInlineSiteId();
550   bool parseDirectiveCVLoc();
551   bool parseDirectiveCVLinetable();
552   bool parseDirectiveCVInlineLinetable();
553   bool parseDirectiveCVDefRange();
554   bool parseDirectiveCVString();
555   bool parseDirectiveCVStringTable();
556   bool parseDirectiveCVFileChecksums();
557   bool parseDirectiveCVFileChecksumOffset();
558   bool parseDirectiveCVFPOData();
560   // .cfi directives
561   bool parseDirectiveCFIRegister(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
562   bool parseDirectiveCFIWindowSave();
563   bool parseDirectiveCFISections();
564   bool parseDirectiveCFIStartProc();
565   bool parseDirectiveCFIEndProc();
566   bool parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaOffset();
567   bool parseDirectiveCFIDefCfa(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
568   bool parseDirectiveCFIAdjustCfaOffset();
569   bool parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaRegister(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
570   bool parseDirectiveCFIOffset(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
571   bool parseDirectiveCFIRelOffset(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
572   bool parseDirectiveCFIPersonalityOrLsda(bool IsPersonality);
573   bool parseDirectiveCFIRememberState();
574   bool parseDirectiveCFIRestoreState();
575   bool parseDirectiveCFISameValue(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
576   bool parseDirectiveCFIRestore(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
577   bool parseDirectiveCFIEscape();
578   bool parseDirectiveCFIReturnColumn(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
579   bool parseDirectiveCFISignalFrame();
580   bool parseDirectiveCFIUndefined(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
582   // macro directives
583   bool parseDirectivePurgeMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
584   bool parseDirectiveExitMacro(StringRef Directive);
585   bool parseDirectiveEndMacro(StringRef Directive);
586   bool parseDirectiveMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
587   bool parseDirectiveMacrosOnOff(StringRef Directive);
588   // alternate macro mode directives
589   bool parseDirectiveAltmacro(StringRef Directive);
590   // ".bundle_align_mode"
591   bool parseDirectiveBundleAlignMode();
592   // ".bundle_lock"
593   bool parseDirectiveBundleLock();
594   // ".bundle_unlock"
595   bool parseDirectiveBundleUnlock();
597   // ".space", ".skip"
598   bool parseDirectiveSpace(StringRef IDVal);
600   // ".dcb"
601   bool parseDirectiveDCB(StringRef IDVal, unsigned Size);
602   bool parseDirectiveRealDCB(StringRef IDVal, const fltSemantics &);
603   // ".ds"
604   bool parseDirectiveDS(StringRef IDVal, unsigned Size);
606   // .sleb128 (Signed=true) and .uleb128 (Signed=false)
607   bool parseDirectiveLEB128(bool Signed);
609   /// Parse a directive like ".globl" which
610   /// accepts a single symbol (which should be a label or an external).
611   bool parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSymbolAttr Attr);
613   bool parseDirectiveComm(bool IsLocal); // ".comm" and ".lcomm"
615   bool parseDirectiveAbort(); // ".abort"
616   bool parseDirectiveInclude(); // ".include"
617   bool parseDirectiveIncbin(); // ".incbin"
619   // ".if", ".ifeq", ".ifge", ".ifgt" , ".ifle", ".iflt" or ".ifne"
620   bool parseDirectiveIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, DirectiveKind DirKind);
621   // ".ifb" or ".ifnb", depending on ExpectBlank.
622   bool parseDirectiveIfb(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectBlank);
623   // ".ifc" or ".ifnc", depending on ExpectEqual.
624   bool parseDirectiveIfc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectEqual);
625   // ".ifeqs" or ".ifnes", depending on ExpectEqual.
626   bool parseDirectiveIfeqs(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectEqual);
627   // ".ifdef" or ".ifndef", depending on expect_defined
628   bool parseDirectiveIfdef(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool expect_defined);
629   bool parseDirectiveElseIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // ".elseif"
630   bool parseDirectiveElse(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // ".else"
631   bool parseDirectiveEndIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // .endif
632   bool parseEscapedString(std::string &Data) override;
634   const MCExpr *applyModifierToExpr(const MCExpr *E,
635                                     MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant);
637   // Macro-like directives
638   MCAsmMacro *parseMacroLikeBody(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
639   void instantiateMacroLikeBody(MCAsmMacro *M, SMLoc DirectiveLoc,
640                                 raw_svector_ostream &OS);
641   bool parseDirectiveRept(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, StringRef Directive);
642   bool parseDirectiveIrp(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);  // ".irp"
643   bool parseDirectiveIrpc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // ".irpc"
644   bool parseDirectiveEndr(SMLoc DirectiveLoc); // ".endr"
646   // "_emit" or "__emit"
647   bool parseDirectiveMSEmit(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, ParseStatementInfo &Info,
648                             size_t Len);
650   // "align"
651   bool parseDirectiveMSAlign(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, ParseStatementInfo &Info);
653   // "end"
654   bool parseDirectiveEnd(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
656   // ".err" or ".error"
657   bool parseDirectiveError(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool WithMessage);
659   // ".warning"
660   bool parseDirectiveWarning(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
662   // .print <double-quotes-string>
663   bool parseDirectivePrint(SMLoc DirectiveLoc);
665   // Directives to support address-significance tables.
666   bool parseDirectiveAddrsig();
667   bool parseDirectiveAddrsigSym();
669   void initializeDirectiveKindMap();
670 };
672 } // end anonymous namespace
674 namespace llvm {
676 extern MCAsmParserExtension *createDarwinAsmParser();
677 extern MCAsmParserExtension *createELFAsmParser();
678 extern MCAsmParserExtension *createCOFFAsmParser();
679 extern MCAsmParserExtension *createWasmAsmParser();
681 } // end namespace llvm
683 enum { DEFAULT_ADDRSPACE = 0 };
685 AsmParser::AsmParser(SourceMgr &SM, MCContext &Ctx, MCStreamer &Out,
686                      const MCAsmInfo &MAI, unsigned CB = 0)
687     : Lexer(MAI), Ctx(Ctx), Out(Out), MAI(MAI), SrcMgr(SM),
688       CurBuffer(CB ? CB : SM.getMainFileID()), MacrosEnabledFlag(true) {
689   HadError = false;
690   // Save the old handler.
691   SavedDiagHandler = SrcMgr.getDiagHandler();
692   SavedDiagContext = SrcMgr.getDiagContext();
693   // Set our own handler which calls the saved handler.
694   SrcMgr.setDiagHandler(DiagHandler, this);
695   Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(CurBuffer)->getBuffer());
697   // Initialize the platform / file format parser.
698   switch (Ctx.getObjectFileInfo()->getObjectFileType()) {
699   case MCObjectFileInfo::IsCOFF:
700     PlatformParser.reset(createCOFFAsmParser());
701     break;
702   case MCObjectFileInfo::IsMachO:
703     PlatformParser.reset(createDarwinAsmParser());
704     IsDarwin = true;
705     break;
706   case MCObjectFileInfo::IsELF:
707     PlatformParser.reset(createELFAsmParser());
708     break;
709   case MCObjectFileInfo::IsWasm:
710     PlatformParser.reset(createWasmAsmParser());
711     break;
712   }
714   PlatformParser->Initialize(*this);
715   initializeDirectiveKindMap();
717   NumOfMacroInstantiations = 0;
718 }
720 AsmParser::~AsmParser() {
721   assert((HadError || ActiveMacros.empty()) &&
722          "Unexpected active macro instantiation!");
724   // Restore the saved diagnostics handler and context for use during
725   // finalization.
726   SrcMgr.setDiagHandler(SavedDiagHandler, SavedDiagContext);
727 }
729 void AsmParser::printMacroInstantiations() {
730   // Print the active macro instantiation stack.
731   for (std::vector<MacroInstantiation *>::const_reverse_iterator
732            it = ActiveMacros.rbegin(),
733            ie = ActiveMacros.rend();
734        it != ie; ++it)
735     printMessage((*it)->InstantiationLoc, SourceMgr::DK_Note,
736                  "while in macro instantiation");
737 }
739 void AsmParser::Note(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range) {
740   printPendingErrors();
741   printMessage(L, SourceMgr::DK_Note, Msg, Range);
742   printMacroInstantiations();
743 }
745 bool AsmParser::Warning(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range) {
746   if(getTargetParser().getTargetOptions().MCNoWarn)
747     return false;
748   if (getTargetParser().getTargetOptions().MCFatalWarnings)
749     return Error(L, Msg, Range);
750   printMessage(L, SourceMgr::DK_Warning, Msg, Range);
751   printMacroInstantiations();
752   return false;
753 }
755 bool AsmParser::printError(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range) {
756   HadError = true;
757   printMessage(L, SourceMgr::DK_Error, Msg, Range);
758   printMacroInstantiations();
759   return true;
760 }
762 bool AsmParser::enterIncludeFile(const std::string &Filename) {
763   std::string IncludedFile;
764   unsigned NewBuf =
765       SrcMgr.AddIncludeFile(Filename, Lexer.getLoc(), IncludedFile);
766   if (!NewBuf)
767     return true;
769   CurBuffer = NewBuf;
770   Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(CurBuffer)->getBuffer());
771   return false;
772 }
774 /// Process the specified .incbin file by searching for it in the include paths
775 /// then just emitting the byte contents of the file to the streamer. This
776 /// returns true on failure.
777 bool AsmParser::processIncbinFile(const std::string &Filename, int64_t Skip,
778                                   const MCExpr *Count, SMLoc Loc) {
779   std::string IncludedFile;
780   unsigned NewBuf =
781       SrcMgr.AddIncludeFile(Filename, Lexer.getLoc(), IncludedFile);
782   if (!NewBuf)
783     return true;
785   // Pick up the bytes from the file and emit them.
786   StringRef Bytes = SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(NewBuf)->getBuffer();
787   Bytes = Bytes.drop_front(Skip);
788   if (Count) {
789     int64_t Res;
790     if (!Count->evaluateAsAbsolute(Res, getStreamer().getAssemblerPtr()))
791       return Error(Loc, "expected absolute expression");
792     if (Res < 0)
793       return Warning(Loc, "negative count has no effect");
794     Bytes = Bytes.take_front(Res);
795   }
796   getStreamer().EmitBytes(Bytes);
797   return false;
798 }
800 void AsmParser::jumpToLoc(SMLoc Loc, unsigned InBuffer) {
801   CurBuffer = InBuffer ? InBuffer : SrcMgr.FindBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
802   Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(CurBuffer)->getBuffer(),
803                   Loc.getPointer());
804 }
806 const AsmToken &AsmParser::Lex() {
807   if (Lexer.getTok().is(AsmToken::Error))
808     Error(Lexer.getErrLoc(), Lexer.getErr());
810   // if it's a end of statement with a comment in it
811   if (getTok().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
812     // if this is a line comment output it.
813     if (!getTok().getString().empty() && getTok().getString().front() != '\n' &&
814         getTok().getString().front() != '\r' && MAI.preserveAsmComments())
815       Out.addExplicitComment(Twine(getTok().getString()));
816   }
818   const AsmToken *tok = &Lexer.Lex();
820   // Parse comments here to be deferred until end of next statement.
821   while (tok->is(AsmToken::Comment)) {
822     if (MAI.preserveAsmComments())
823       Out.addExplicitComment(Twine(tok->getString()));
824     tok = &Lexer.Lex();
825   }
827   if (tok->is(AsmToken::Eof)) {
828     // If this is the end of an included file, pop the parent file off the
829     // include stack.
830     SMLoc ParentIncludeLoc = SrcMgr.getParentIncludeLoc(CurBuffer);
831     if (ParentIncludeLoc != SMLoc()) {
832       jumpToLoc(ParentIncludeLoc);
833       return Lex();
834     }
835   }
837   return *tok;
838 }
840 bool AsmParser::enabledGenDwarfForAssembly() {
841   // Check whether the user specified -g.
842   if (!getContext().getGenDwarfForAssembly())
843     return false;
844   // If we haven't encountered any .file directives (which would imply that
845   // the assembler source was produced with debug info already) then emit one
846   // describing the assembler source file itself.
847   if (getContext().getGenDwarfFileNumber() == 0)
848     getContext().setGenDwarfFileNumber(getStreamer().EmitDwarfFileDirective(
849         0, StringRef(), getContext().getMainFileName()));
850   return true;
851 }
853 bool AsmParser::Run(bool NoInitialTextSection, bool NoFinalize) {
854   // Create the initial section, if requested.
855   if (!NoInitialTextSection)
856     Out.InitSections(false);
858   // Prime the lexer.
859   Lex();
861   HadError = false;
862   AsmCond StartingCondState = TheCondState;
863   SmallVector<AsmRewrite, 4> AsmStrRewrites;
865   // If we are generating dwarf for assembly source files save the initial text
866   // section.  (Don't use enabledGenDwarfForAssembly() here, as we aren't
867   // emitting any actual debug info yet and haven't had a chance to parse any
868   // embedded .file directives.)
869   if (getContext().getGenDwarfForAssembly()) {
870     MCSection *Sec = getStreamer().getCurrentSectionOnly();
871     if (!Sec->getBeginSymbol()) {
872       MCSymbol *SectionStartSym = getContext().createTempSymbol();
873       getStreamer().EmitLabel(SectionStartSym);
874       Sec->setBeginSymbol(SectionStartSym);
875     }
876     bool InsertResult = getContext().addGenDwarfSection(Sec);
877     assert(InsertResult && ".text section should not have debug info yet");
878     (void)InsertResult;
879   }
881   // While we have input, parse each statement.
882   while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof)) {
883     ParseStatementInfo Info(&AsmStrRewrites);
884     if (!parseStatement(Info, nullptr))
885       continue;
887     // If we have a Lexer Error we are on an Error Token. Load in Lexer Error
888     // for printing ErrMsg via Lex() only if no (presumably better) parser error
889     // exists.
890     if (!hasPendingError() && Lexer.getTok().is(AsmToken::Error)) {
891       Lex();
892     }
894     // parseStatement returned true so may need to emit an error.
895     printPendingErrors();
897     // Skipping to the next line if needed.
898     if (!getLexer().isAtStartOfStatement())
899       eatToEndOfStatement();
900   }
902   getTargetParser().onEndOfFile();
903   printPendingErrors();
905   // All errors should have been emitted.
906   assert(!hasPendingError() && "unexpected error from parseStatement");
908   getTargetParser().flushPendingInstructions(getStreamer());
910   if (TheCondState.TheCond != StartingCondState.TheCond ||
911       TheCondState.Ignore != StartingCondState.Ignore)
912     printError(getTok().getLoc(), "unmatched .ifs or .elses");
913   // Check to see there are no empty DwarfFile slots.
914   const auto &LineTables = getContext().getMCDwarfLineTables();
915   if (!LineTables.empty()) {
916     unsigned Index = 0;
917     for (const auto &File : LineTables.begin()->second.getMCDwarfFiles()) {
918       if (File.Name.empty() && Index != 0)
919         printError(getTok().getLoc(), "unassigned file number: " +
920                                           Twine(Index) +
921                                           " for .file directives");
922       ++Index;
923     }
924   }
926   // Check to see that all assembler local symbols were actually defined.
927   // Targets that don't do subsections via symbols may not want this, though,
928   // so conservatively exclude them. Only do this if we're finalizing, though,
929   // as otherwise we won't necessarilly have seen everything yet.
930   if (!NoFinalize) {
931     if (MAI.hasSubsectionsViaSymbols()) {
932       for (const auto &TableEntry : getContext().getSymbols()) {
933         MCSymbol *Sym = TableEntry.getValue();
934         // Variable symbols may not be marked as defined, so check those
935         // explicitly. If we know it's a variable, we have a definition for
936         // the purposes of this check.
937         if (Sym->isTemporary() && !Sym->isVariable() && !Sym->isDefined())
938           // FIXME: We would really like to refer back to where the symbol was
939           // first referenced for a source location. We need to add something
940           // to track that. Currently, we just point to the end of the file.
941           printError(getTok().getLoc(), "assembler local symbol '" +
942                                             Sym->getName() + "' not defined");
943       }
944     }
946     // Temporary symbols like the ones for directional jumps don't go in the
947     // symbol table. They also need to be diagnosed in all (final) cases.
948     for (std::tuple<SMLoc, CppHashInfoTy, MCSymbol *> &LocSym : DirLabels) {
949       if (std::get<2>(LocSym)->isUndefined()) {
950         // Reset the state of any "# line file" directives we've seen to the
951         // context as it was at the diagnostic site.
952         CppHashInfo = std::get<1>(LocSym);
953         printError(std::get<0>(LocSym), "directional label undefined");
954       }
955     }
956   }
958   // Finalize the output stream if there are no errors and if the client wants
959   // us to.
960   if (!HadError && !NoFinalize)
961     Out.Finish();
963   return HadError || getContext().hadError();
964 }
966 bool AsmParser::checkForValidSection() {
967   if (!ParsingInlineAsm && !getStreamer().getCurrentSectionOnly()) {
968     Out.InitSections(false);
969     return Error(getTok().getLoc(),
970                  "expected section directive before assembly directive");
971   }
972   return false;
973 }
975 /// Throw away the rest of the line for testing purposes.
976 void AsmParser::eatToEndOfStatement() {
977   while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof))
978     Lexer.Lex();
980   // Eat EOL.
981   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
982     Lexer.Lex();
983 }
985 StringRef AsmParser::parseStringToEndOfStatement() {
986   const char *Start = getTok().getLoc().getPointer();
988   while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof))
989     Lexer.Lex();
991   const char *End = getTok().getLoc().getPointer();
992   return StringRef(Start, End - Start);
993 }
995 StringRef AsmParser::parseStringToComma() {
996   const char *Start = getTok().getLoc().getPointer();
998   while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) &&
999          Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Comma) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof))
1000     Lexer.Lex();
1002   const char *End = getTok().getLoc().getPointer();
1003   return StringRef(Start, End - Start);
1004 }
1006 /// Parse a paren expression and return it.
1007 /// NOTE: This assumes the leading '(' has already been consumed.
1008 ///
1009 /// parenexpr ::= expr)
1010 ///
1011 bool AsmParser::parseParenExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1012   if (parseExpression(Res))
1013     return true;
1014   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::RParen))
1015     return TokError("expected ')' in parentheses expression");
1016   EndLoc = Lexer.getTok().getEndLoc();
1017   Lex();
1018   return false;
1019 }
1021 /// Parse a bracket expression and return it.
1022 /// NOTE: This assumes the leading '[' has already been consumed.
1023 ///
1024 /// bracketexpr ::= expr]
1025 ///
1026 bool AsmParser::parseBracketExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1027   if (parseExpression(Res))
1028     return true;
1029   EndLoc = getTok().getEndLoc();
1030   if (parseToken(AsmToken::RBrac, "expected ']' in brackets expression"))
1031     return true;
1032   return false;
1033 }
1035 /// Parse a primary expression and return it.
1036 ///  primaryexpr ::= (parenexpr
1037 ///  primaryexpr ::= symbol
1038 ///  primaryexpr ::= number
1039 ///  primaryexpr ::= '.'
1040 ///  primaryexpr ::= ~,+,- primaryexpr
1041 bool AsmParser::parsePrimaryExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1042   SMLoc FirstTokenLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
1043   AsmToken::TokenKind FirstTokenKind = Lexer.getKind();
1044   switch (FirstTokenKind) {
1045   default:
1046     return TokError("unknown token in expression");
1047   // If we have an error assume that we've already handled it.
1048   case AsmToken::Error:
1049     return true;
1050   case AsmToken::Exclaim:
1051     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1052     if (parsePrimaryExpr(Res, EndLoc))
1053       return true;
1054     Res = MCUnaryExpr::createLNot(Res, getContext(), FirstTokenLoc);
1055     return false;
1056   case AsmToken::Dollar:
1057   case AsmToken::At:
1058   case AsmToken::String:
1059   case AsmToken::Identifier: {
1060     StringRef Identifier;
1061     if (parseIdentifier(Identifier)) {
1062       // We may have failed but $ may be a valid token.
1063       if (getTok().is(AsmToken::Dollar)) {
1064         if (Lexer.getMAI().getDollarIsPC()) {
1065           Lex();
1066           // This is a '$' reference, which references the current PC.  Emit a
1067           // temporary label to the streamer and refer to it.
1068           MCSymbol *Sym = Ctx.createTempSymbol();
1069           Out.EmitLabel(Sym);
1070           Res = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Sym, MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None,
1071                                         getContext());
1072           EndLoc = FirstTokenLoc;
1073           return false;
1074         }
1075         return Error(FirstTokenLoc, "invalid token in expression");
1076       }
1077     }
1078     // Parse symbol variant
1079     std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split;
1080     if (!MAI.useParensForSymbolVariant()) {
1081       if (FirstTokenKind == AsmToken::String) {
1082         if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::At)) {
1083           Lex(); // eat @
1084           SMLoc AtLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
1085           StringRef VName;
1086           if (parseIdentifier(VName))
1087             return Error(AtLoc, "expected symbol variant after '@'");
1089           Split = std::make_pair(Identifier, VName);
1090         }
1091       } else {
1092         Split = Identifier.split('@');
1093       }
1094     } else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::LParen)) {
1095       Lex(); // eat '('.
1096       StringRef VName;
1097       parseIdentifier(VName);
1098       // eat ')'.
1099       if (parseToken(AsmToken::RParen,
1100                      "unexpected token in variant, expected ')'"))
1101         return true;
1102       Split = std::make_pair(Identifier, VName);
1103     }
1105     EndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Identifier.end());
1107     // This is a symbol reference.
1108     StringRef SymbolName = Identifier;
1109     if (SymbolName.empty())
1110       return Error(getLexer().getLoc(), "expected a symbol reference");
1112     MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
1114     // Lookup the symbol variant if used.
1115     if (!Split.second.empty()) {
1116       Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::getVariantKindForName(Split.second);
1117       if (Variant != MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_Invalid) {
1118         SymbolName = Split.first;
1119       } else if (MAI.doesAllowAtInName() && !MAI.useParensForSymbolVariant()) {
1120         Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
1121       } else {
1122         return Error(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Split.second.begin()),
1123                      "invalid variant '" + Split.second + "'");
1124       }
1125     }
1127     MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(SymbolName);
1129     // If this is an absolute variable reference, substitute it now to preserve
1130     // semantics in the face of reassignment.
1131     if (Sym->isVariable()) {
1132       auto V = Sym->getVariableValue(/*SetUsed*/ false);
1133       bool DoInline = isa<MCConstantExpr>(V) && !Variant;
1134       if (auto TV = dyn_cast<MCTargetExpr>(V))
1135         DoInline = TV->inlineAssignedExpr();
1136       if (DoInline) {
1137         if (Variant)
1138           return Error(EndLoc, "unexpected modifier on variable reference");
1139         Res = Sym->getVariableValue(/*SetUsed*/ false);
1140         return false;
1141       }
1142     }
1144     // Otherwise create a symbol ref.
1145     Res = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Sym, Variant, getContext(), FirstTokenLoc);
1146     return false;
1147   }
1148   case AsmToken::BigNum:
1149     return TokError("literal value out of range for directive");
1150   case AsmToken::Integer: {
1151     SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
1152     int64_t IntVal = getTok().getIntVal();
1153     Res = MCConstantExpr::create(IntVal, getContext());
1154     EndLoc = Lexer.getTok().getEndLoc();
1155     Lex(); // Eat token.
1156     // Look for 'b' or 'f' following an Integer as a directional label
1157     if (Lexer.getKind() == AsmToken::Identifier) {
1158       StringRef IDVal = getTok().getString();
1159       // Lookup the symbol variant if used.
1160       std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = IDVal.split('@');
1161       MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
1162       if (Split.first.size() != IDVal.size()) {
1163         Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::getVariantKindForName(Split.second);
1164         if (Variant == MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_Invalid)
1165           return TokError("invalid variant '" + Split.second + "'");
1166         IDVal = Split.first;
1167       }
1168       if (IDVal == "f" || IDVal == "b") {
1169         MCSymbol *Sym =
1170             Ctx.getDirectionalLocalSymbol(IntVal, IDVal == "b");
1171         Res = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Sym, Variant, getContext());
1172         if (IDVal == "b" && Sym->isUndefined())
1173           return Error(Loc, "directional label undefined");
1174         DirLabels.push_back(std::make_tuple(Loc, CppHashInfo, Sym));
1175         EndLoc = Lexer.getTok().getEndLoc();
1176         Lex(); // Eat identifier.
1177       }
1178     }
1179     return false;
1180   }
1181   case AsmToken::Real: {
1182     APFloat RealVal(APFloat::IEEEdouble(), getTok().getString());
1183     uint64_t IntVal = RealVal.bitcastToAPInt().getZExtValue();
1184     Res = MCConstantExpr::create(IntVal, getContext());
1185     EndLoc = Lexer.getTok().getEndLoc();
1186     Lex(); // Eat token.
1187     return false;
1188   }
1189   case AsmToken::Dot: {
1190     // This is a '.' reference, which references the current PC.  Emit a
1191     // temporary label to the streamer and refer to it.
1192     MCSymbol *Sym = Ctx.createTempSymbol();
1193     Out.EmitLabel(Sym);
1194     Res = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Sym, MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None, getContext());
1195     EndLoc = Lexer.getTok().getEndLoc();
1196     Lex(); // Eat identifier.
1197     return false;
1198   }
1199   case AsmToken::LParen:
1200     Lex(); // Eat the '('.
1201     return parseParenExpr(Res, EndLoc);
1202   case AsmToken::LBrac:
1203     if (!PlatformParser->HasBracketExpressions())
1204       return TokError("brackets expression not supported on this target");
1205     Lex(); // Eat the '['.
1206     return parseBracketExpr(Res, EndLoc);
1207   case AsmToken::Minus:
1208     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1209     if (parsePrimaryExpr(Res, EndLoc))
1210       return true;
1211     Res = MCUnaryExpr::createMinus(Res, getContext(), FirstTokenLoc);
1212     return false;
1213   case AsmToken::Plus:
1214     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1215     if (parsePrimaryExpr(Res, EndLoc))
1216       return true;
1217     Res = MCUnaryExpr::createPlus(Res, getContext(), FirstTokenLoc);
1218     return false;
1219   case AsmToken::Tilde:
1220     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1221     if (parsePrimaryExpr(Res, EndLoc))
1222       return true;
1223     Res = MCUnaryExpr::createNot(Res, getContext(), FirstTokenLoc);
1224     return false;
1225   // MIPS unary expression operators. The lexer won't generate these tokens if
1226   // MCAsmInfo::HasMipsExpressions is false for the target.
1227   case AsmToken::PercentCall16:
1228   case AsmToken::PercentCall_Hi:
1229   case AsmToken::PercentCall_Lo:
1230   case AsmToken::PercentDtprel_Hi:
1231   case AsmToken::PercentDtprel_Lo:
1232   case AsmToken::PercentGot:
1233   case AsmToken::PercentGot_Disp:
1234   case AsmToken::PercentGot_Hi:
1235   case AsmToken::PercentGot_Lo:
1236   case AsmToken::PercentGot_Ofst:
1237   case AsmToken::PercentGot_Page:
1238   case AsmToken::PercentGottprel:
1239   case AsmToken::PercentGp_Rel:
1240   case AsmToken::PercentHi:
1241   case AsmToken::PercentHigher:
1242   case AsmToken::PercentHighest:
1243   case AsmToken::PercentLo:
1244   case AsmToken::PercentNeg:
1245   case AsmToken::PercentPcrel_Hi:
1246   case AsmToken::PercentPcrel_Lo:
1247   case AsmToken::PercentTlsgd:
1248   case AsmToken::PercentTlsldm:
1249   case AsmToken::PercentTprel_Hi:
1250   case AsmToken::PercentTprel_Lo:
1251     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1252     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::LParen))
1253       return TokError("expected '(' after operator");
1254     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1255     if (parseExpression(Res, EndLoc))
1256       return true;
1257     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::RParen))
1258       return TokError("expected ')'");
1259     Lex(); // Eat the operator.
1260     Res = getTargetParser().createTargetUnaryExpr(Res, FirstTokenKind, Ctx);
1261     return !Res;
1262   }
1263 }
1265 bool AsmParser::parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res) {
1266   SMLoc EndLoc;
1267   return parseExpression(Res, EndLoc);
1268 }
1270 const MCExpr *
1271 AsmParser::applyModifierToExpr(const MCExpr *E,
1272                                MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant) {
1273   // Ask the target implementation about this expression first.
1274   const MCExpr *NewE = getTargetParser().applyModifierToExpr(E, Variant, Ctx);
1275   if (NewE)
1276     return NewE;
1277   // Recurse over the given expression, rebuilding it to apply the given variant
1278   // if there is exactly one symbol.
1279   switch (E->getKind()) {
1280   case MCExpr::Target:
1281   case MCExpr::Constant:
1282     return nullptr;
1284   case MCExpr::SymbolRef: {
1285     const MCSymbolRefExpr *SRE = cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(E);
1287     if (SRE->getKind() != MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None) {
1288       TokError("invalid variant on expression '" + getTok().getIdentifier() +
1289                "' (already modified)");
1290       return E;
1291     }
1293     return MCSymbolRefExpr::create(&SRE->getSymbol(), Variant, getContext());
1294   }
1296   case MCExpr::Unary: {
1297     const MCUnaryExpr *UE = cast<MCUnaryExpr>(E);
1298     const MCExpr *Sub = applyModifierToExpr(UE->getSubExpr(), Variant);
1299     if (!Sub)
1300       return nullptr;
1301     return MCUnaryExpr::create(UE->getOpcode(), Sub, getContext());
1302   }
1304   case MCExpr::Binary: {
1305     const MCBinaryExpr *BE = cast<MCBinaryExpr>(E);
1306     const MCExpr *LHS = applyModifierToExpr(BE->getLHS(), Variant);
1307     const MCExpr *RHS = applyModifierToExpr(BE->getRHS(), Variant);
1309     if (!LHS && !RHS)
1310       return nullptr;
1312     if (!LHS)
1313       LHS = BE->getLHS();
1314     if (!RHS)
1315       RHS = BE->getRHS();
1317     return MCBinaryExpr::create(BE->getOpcode(), LHS, RHS, getContext());
1318   }
1319   }
1321   llvm_unreachable("Invalid expression kind!");
1322 }
1324 /// This function checks if the next token is <string> type or arithmetic.
1325 /// string that begin with character '<' must end with character '>'.
1326 /// otherwise it is arithmetics.
1327 /// If the function returns a 'true' value,
1328 /// the End argument will be filled with the last location pointed to the '>'
1329 /// character.
1331 /// There is a gap between the AltMacro's documentation and the single quote
1332 /// implementation. GCC does not fully support this feature and so we will not
1333 /// support it.
1334 /// TODO: Adding single quote as a string.
1335 static bool isAltmacroString(SMLoc &StrLoc, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1336   assert((StrLoc.getPointer() != nullptr) &&
1337          "Argument to the function cannot be a NULL value");
1338   const char *CharPtr = StrLoc.getPointer();
1339   while ((*CharPtr != '>') && (*CharPtr != '\n') && (*CharPtr != '\r') &&
1340          (*CharPtr != '\0')) {
1341     if (*CharPtr == '!')
1342       CharPtr++;
1343     CharPtr++;
1344   }
1345   if (*CharPtr == '>') {
1346     EndLoc = StrLoc.getFromPointer(CharPtr + 1);
1347     return true;
1348   }
1349   return false;
1350 }
1352 /// creating a string without the escape characters '!'.
1353 static std::string altMacroString(StringRef AltMacroStr) {
1354   std::string Res;
1355   for (size_t Pos = 0; Pos < AltMacroStr.size(); Pos++) {
1356     if (AltMacroStr[Pos] == '!')
1357       Pos++;
1358     Res += AltMacroStr[Pos];
1359   }
1360   return Res;
1361 }
1363 /// Parse an expression and return it.
1364 ///
1365 ///  expr ::= expr &&,|| expr               -> lowest.
1366 ///  expr ::= expr |,^,&,! expr
1367 ///  expr ::= expr ==,!=,<>,<,<=,>,>= expr
1368 ///  expr ::= expr <<,>> expr
1369 ///  expr ::= expr +,- expr
1370 ///  expr ::= expr *,/,% expr               -> highest.
1371 ///  expr ::= primaryexpr
1372 ///
1373 bool AsmParser::parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1374   // Parse the expression.
1375   Res = nullptr;
1376   if (getTargetParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Res, EndLoc) ||
1377       parseBinOpRHS(1, Res, EndLoc))
1378     return true;
1380   // As a special case, we support 'a op b @ modifier' by rewriting the
1381   // expression to include the modifier. This is inefficient, but in general we
1382   // expect users to use 'a@modifier op b'.
1383   if (Lexer.getKind() == AsmToken::At) {
1384     Lex();
1386     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Identifier))
1387       return TokError("unexpected symbol modifier following '@'");
1389     MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant =
1390         MCSymbolRefExpr::getVariantKindForName(getTok().getIdentifier());
1391     if (Variant == MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_Invalid)
1392       return TokError("invalid variant '" + getTok().getIdentifier() + "'");
1394     const MCExpr *ModifiedRes = applyModifierToExpr(Res, Variant);
1395     if (!ModifiedRes) {
1396       return TokError("invalid modifier '" + getTok().getIdentifier() +
1397                       "' (no symbols present)");
1398     }
1400     Res = ModifiedRes;
1401     Lex();
1402   }
1404   // Try to constant fold it up front, if possible. Do not exploit
1405   // assembler here.
1406   int64_t Value;
1407   if (Res->evaluateAsAbsolute(Value))
1408     Res = MCConstantExpr::create(Value, getContext());
1410   return false;
1411 }
1413 bool AsmParser::parseParenExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1414   Res = nullptr;
1415   return parseParenExpr(Res, EndLoc) || parseBinOpRHS(1, Res, EndLoc);
1416 }
1418 bool AsmParser::parseParenExprOfDepth(unsigned ParenDepth, const MCExpr *&Res,
1419                                       SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1420   if (parseParenExpr(Res, EndLoc))
1421     return true;
1423   for (; ParenDepth > 0; --ParenDepth) {
1424     if (parseBinOpRHS(1, Res, EndLoc))
1425       return true;
1427     // We don't Lex() the last RParen.
1428     // This is the same behavior as parseParenExpression().
1429     if (ParenDepth - 1 > 0) {
1430       EndLoc = getTok().getEndLoc();
1431       if (parseToken(AsmToken::RParen,
1432                      "expected ')' in parentheses expression"))
1433         return true;
1434     }
1435   }
1436   return false;
1437 }
1439 bool AsmParser::parseAbsoluteExpression(int64_t &Res) {
1440   const MCExpr *Expr;
1442   SMLoc StartLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
1443   if (parseExpression(Expr))
1444     return true;
1446   if (!Expr->evaluateAsAbsolute(Res, getStreamer().getAssemblerPtr()))
1447     return Error(StartLoc, "expected absolute expression");
1449   return false;
1450 }
1452 static unsigned getDarwinBinOpPrecedence(AsmToken::TokenKind K,
1453                                          MCBinaryExpr::Opcode &Kind,
1454                                          bool ShouldUseLogicalShr) {
1455   switch (K) {
1456   default:
1457     return 0; // not a binop.
1459   // Lowest Precedence: &&, ||
1460   case AsmToken::AmpAmp:
1461     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LAnd;
1462     return 1;
1463   case AsmToken::PipePipe:
1464     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LOr;
1465     return 1;
1467   // Low Precedence: |, &, ^
1468   //
1469   // FIXME: gas seems to support '!' as an infix operator?
1470   case AsmToken::Pipe:
1471     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Or;
1472     return 2;
1473   case AsmToken::Caret:
1474     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Xor;
1475     return 2;
1476   case AsmToken::Amp:
1477     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::And;
1478     return 2;
1480   // Low Intermediate Precedence: ==, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=
1481   case AsmToken::EqualEqual:
1482     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::EQ;
1483     return 3;
1484   case AsmToken::ExclaimEqual:
1485   case AsmToken::LessGreater:
1486     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::NE;
1487     return 3;
1488   case AsmToken::Less:
1489     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LT;
1490     return 3;
1491   case AsmToken::LessEqual:
1492     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LTE;
1493     return 3;
1494   case AsmToken::Greater:
1495     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::GT;
1496     return 3;
1497   case AsmToken::GreaterEqual:
1498     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::GTE;
1499     return 3;
1501   // Intermediate Precedence: <<, >>
1502   case AsmToken::LessLess:
1503     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Shl;
1504     return 4;
1505   case AsmToken::GreaterGreater:
1506     Kind = ShouldUseLogicalShr ? MCBinaryExpr::LShr : MCBinaryExpr::AShr;
1507     return 4;
1509   // High Intermediate Precedence: +, -
1510   case AsmToken::Plus:
1511     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Add;
1512     return 5;
1513   case AsmToken::Minus:
1514     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Sub;
1515     return 5;
1517   // Highest Precedence: *, /, %
1518   case AsmToken::Star:
1519     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Mul;
1520     return 6;
1521   case AsmToken::Slash:
1522     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Div;
1523     return 6;
1524   case AsmToken::Percent:
1525     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Mod;
1526     return 6;
1527   }
1528 }
1530 static unsigned getGNUBinOpPrecedence(AsmToken::TokenKind K,
1531                                       MCBinaryExpr::Opcode &Kind,
1532                                       bool ShouldUseLogicalShr) {
1533   switch (K) {
1534   default:
1535     return 0; // not a binop.
1537   // Lowest Precedence: &&, ||
1538   case AsmToken::AmpAmp:
1539     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LAnd;
1540     return 2;
1541   case AsmToken::PipePipe:
1542     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LOr;
1543     return 1;
1545   // Low Precedence: ==, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=
1546   case AsmToken::EqualEqual:
1547     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::EQ;
1548     return 3;
1549   case AsmToken::ExclaimEqual:
1550   case AsmToken::LessGreater:
1551     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::NE;
1552     return 3;
1553   case AsmToken::Less:
1554     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LT;
1555     return 3;
1556   case AsmToken::LessEqual:
1557     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::LTE;
1558     return 3;
1559   case AsmToken::Greater:
1560     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::GT;
1561     return 3;
1562   case AsmToken::GreaterEqual:
1563     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::GTE;
1564     return 3;
1566   // Low Intermediate Precedence: +, -
1567   case AsmToken::Plus:
1568     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Add;
1569     return 4;
1570   case AsmToken::Minus:
1571     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Sub;
1572     return 4;
1574   // High Intermediate Precedence: |, &, ^
1575   //
1576   // FIXME: gas seems to support '!' as an infix operator?
1577   case AsmToken::Pipe:
1578     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Or;
1579     return 5;
1580   case AsmToken::Caret:
1581     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Xor;
1582     return 5;
1583   case AsmToken::Amp:
1584     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::And;
1585     return 5;
1587   // Highest Precedence: *, /, %, <<, >>
1588   case AsmToken::Star:
1589     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Mul;
1590     return 6;
1591   case AsmToken::Slash:
1592     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Div;
1593     return 6;
1594   case AsmToken::Percent:
1595     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Mod;
1596     return 6;
1597   case AsmToken::LessLess:
1598     Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Shl;
1599     return 6;
1600   case AsmToken::GreaterGreater:
1601     Kind = ShouldUseLogicalShr ? MCBinaryExpr::LShr : MCBinaryExpr::AShr;
1602     return 6;
1603   }
1604 }
1606 unsigned AsmParser::getBinOpPrecedence(AsmToken::TokenKind K,
1607                                        MCBinaryExpr::Opcode &Kind) {
1608   bool ShouldUseLogicalShr = MAI.shouldUseLogicalShr();
1609   return IsDarwin ? getDarwinBinOpPrecedence(K, Kind, ShouldUseLogicalShr)
1610                   : getGNUBinOpPrecedence(K, Kind, ShouldUseLogicalShr);
1611 }
1613 /// Parse all binary operators with precedence >= 'Precedence'.
1614 /// Res contains the LHS of the expression on input.
1615 bool AsmParser::parseBinOpRHS(unsigned Precedence, const MCExpr *&Res,
1616                               SMLoc &EndLoc) {
1617   SMLoc StartLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
1618   while (true) {
1619     MCBinaryExpr::Opcode Kind = MCBinaryExpr::Add;
1620     unsigned TokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Lexer.getKind(), Kind);
1622     // If the next token is lower precedence than we are allowed to eat, return
1623     // successfully with what we ate already.
1624     if (TokPrec < Precedence)
1625       return false;
1627     Lex();
1629     // Eat the next primary expression.
1630     const MCExpr *RHS;
1631     if (getTargetParser().parsePrimaryExpr(RHS, EndLoc))
1632       return true;
1634     // If BinOp binds less tightly with RHS than the operator after RHS, let
1635     // the pending operator take RHS as its LHS.
1636     MCBinaryExpr::Opcode Dummy;
1637     unsigned NextTokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Lexer.getKind(), Dummy);
1638     if (TokPrec < NextTokPrec && parseBinOpRHS(TokPrec + 1, RHS, EndLoc))
1639       return true;
1641     // Merge LHS and RHS according to operator.
1642     Res = MCBinaryExpr::create(Kind, Res, RHS, getContext(), StartLoc);
1643   }
1644 }
1646 /// ParseStatement:
1647 ///   ::= EndOfStatement
1648 ///   ::= Label* Directive ...Operands... EndOfStatement
1649 ///   ::= Label* Identifier OperandList* EndOfStatement
1650 bool AsmParser::parseStatement(ParseStatementInfo &Info,
1651                                MCAsmParserSemaCallback *SI) {
1652   assert(!hasPendingError() && "parseStatement started with pending error");
1653   // Eat initial spaces and comments
1654   while (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Space))
1655     Lex();
1656   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
1657     // if this is a line comment we can drop it safely
1658     if (getTok().getString().empty() || getTok().getString().front() == '\r' ||
1659         getTok().getString().front() == '\n')
1660       Out.AddBlankLine();
1661     Lex();
1662     return false;
1663   }
1664   // Statements always start with an identifier.
1665   AsmToken ID = getTok();
1666   SMLoc IDLoc = ID.getLoc();
1667   StringRef IDVal;
1668   int64_t LocalLabelVal = -1;
1669   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::HashDirective))
1670     return parseCppHashLineFilenameComment(IDLoc);
1671   // Allow an integer followed by a ':' as a directional local label.
1672   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
1673     LocalLabelVal = getTok().getIntVal();
1674     if (LocalLabelVal < 0) {
1675       if (!TheCondState.Ignore) {
1676         Lex(); // always eat a token
1677         return Error(IDLoc, "unexpected token at start of statement");
1678       }
1679       IDVal = "";
1680     } else {
1681       IDVal = getTok().getString();
1682       Lex(); // Consume the integer token to be used as an identifier token.
1683       if (Lexer.getKind() != AsmToken::Colon) {
1684         if (!TheCondState.Ignore) {
1685           Lex(); // always eat a token
1686           return Error(IDLoc, "unexpected token at start of statement");
1687         }
1688       }
1689     }
1690   } else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Dot)) {
1691     // Treat '.' as a valid identifier in this context.
1692     Lex();
1693     IDVal = ".";
1694   } else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::LCurly)) {
1695     // Treat '{' as a valid identifier in this context.
1696     Lex();
1697     IDVal = "{";
1699   } else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::RCurly)) {
1700     // Treat '}' as a valid identifier in this context.
1701     Lex();
1702     IDVal = "}";
1703   } else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Star) &&
1704              getTargetParser().starIsStartOfStatement()) {
1705     // Accept '*' as a valid start of statement.
1706     Lex();
1707     IDVal = "*";
1708   } else if (parseIdentifier(IDVal)) {
1709     if (!TheCondState.Ignore) {
1710       Lex(); // always eat a token
1711       return Error(IDLoc, "unexpected token at start of statement");
1712     }
1713     IDVal = "";
1714   }
1716   // Handle conditional assembly here before checking for skipping.  We
1717   // have to do this so that .endif isn't skipped in a ".if 0" block for
1718   // example.
1719   StringMap<DirectiveKind>::const_iterator DirKindIt =
1720       DirectiveKindMap.find(IDVal);
1721   DirectiveKind DirKind = (DirKindIt == DirectiveKindMap.end())
1722                               ? DK_NO_DIRECTIVE
1723                               : DirKindIt->getValue();
1724   switch (DirKind) {
1725   default:
1726     break;
1727   case DK_IF:
1728   case DK_IFEQ:
1729   case DK_IFGE:
1730   case DK_IFGT:
1731   case DK_IFLE:
1732   case DK_IFLT:
1733   case DK_IFNE:
1734     return parseDirectiveIf(IDLoc, DirKind);
1735   case DK_IFB:
1736     return parseDirectiveIfb(IDLoc, true);
1737   case DK_IFNB:
1738     return parseDirectiveIfb(IDLoc, false);
1739   case DK_IFC:
1740     return parseDirectiveIfc(IDLoc, true);
1741   case DK_IFEQS:
1742     return parseDirectiveIfeqs(IDLoc, true);
1743   case DK_IFNC:
1744     return parseDirectiveIfc(IDLoc, false);
1745   case DK_IFNES:
1746     return parseDirectiveIfeqs(IDLoc, false);
1747   case DK_IFDEF:
1748     return parseDirectiveIfdef(IDLoc, true);
1749   case DK_IFNDEF:
1750   case DK_IFNOTDEF:
1751     return parseDirectiveIfdef(IDLoc, false);
1752   case DK_ELSEIF:
1753     return parseDirectiveElseIf(IDLoc);
1754   case DK_ELSE:
1755     return parseDirectiveElse(IDLoc);
1756   case DK_ENDIF:
1757     return parseDirectiveEndIf(IDLoc);
1758   }
1760   // Ignore the statement if in the middle of inactive conditional
1761   // (e.g. ".if 0").
1762   if (TheCondState.Ignore) {
1763     eatToEndOfStatement();
1764     return false;
1765   }
1767   // FIXME: Recurse on local labels?
1769   // See what kind of statement we have.
1770   switch (Lexer.getKind()) {
1771   case AsmToken::Colon: {
1772     if (!getTargetParser().isLabel(ID))
1773       break;
1774     if (checkForValidSection())
1775       return true;
1777     // identifier ':'   -> Label.
1778     Lex();
1780     // Diagnose attempt to use '.' as a label.
1781     if (IDVal == ".")
1782       return Error(IDLoc, "invalid use of pseudo-symbol '.' as a label");
1784     // Diagnose attempt to use a variable as a label.
1785     //
1786     // FIXME: Diagnostics. Note the location of the definition as a label.
1787     // FIXME: This doesn't diagnose assignment to a symbol which has been
1788     // implicitly marked as external.
1789     MCSymbol *Sym;
1790     if (LocalLabelVal == -1) {
1791       if (ParsingInlineAsm && SI) {
1792         StringRef RewrittenLabel =
1793             SI->LookupInlineAsmLabel(IDVal, getSourceManager(), IDLoc, true);
1794         assert(!RewrittenLabel.empty() &&
1795                "We should have an internal name here.");
1796         Info.AsmRewrites->emplace_back(AOK_Label, IDLoc, IDVal.size(),
1797                                        RewrittenLabel);
1798         IDVal = RewrittenLabel;
1799       }
1800       Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(IDVal);
1801     } else
1802       Sym = Ctx.createDirectionalLocalSymbol(LocalLabelVal);
1803     // End of Labels should be treated as end of line for lexing
1804     // purposes but that information is not available to the Lexer who
1805     // does not understand Labels. This may cause us to see a Hash
1806     // here instead of a preprocessor line comment.
1807     if (getTok().is(AsmToken::Hash)) {
1808       StringRef CommentStr = parseStringToEndOfStatement();
1809       Lexer.Lex();
1810       Lexer.UnLex(AsmToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, CommentStr));
1811     }
1813     // Consume any end of statement token, if present, to avoid spurious
1814     // AddBlankLine calls().
1815     if (getTok().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
1816       Lex();
1817     }
1819     getTargetParser().doBeforeLabelEmit(Sym);
1821     // Emit the label.
1822     if (!getTargetParser().isParsingInlineAsm())
1823       Out.EmitLabel(Sym, IDLoc);
1825     // If we are generating dwarf for assembly source files then gather the
1826     // info to make a dwarf label entry for this label if needed.
1827     if (enabledGenDwarfForAssembly())
1828       MCGenDwarfLabelEntry::Make(Sym, &getStreamer(), getSourceManager(),
1829                                  IDLoc);
1831     getTargetParser().onLabelParsed(Sym);
1833     return false;
1834   }
1836   case AsmToken::Equal:
1837     if (!getTargetParser().equalIsAsmAssignment())
1838       break;
1839     // identifier '=' ... -> assignment statement
1840     Lex();
1842     return parseAssignment(IDVal, true);
1844   default: // Normal instruction or directive.
1845     break;
1846   }
1848   // If macros are enabled, check to see if this is a macro instantiation.
1849   if (areMacrosEnabled())
1850     if (const MCAsmMacro *M = getContext().lookupMacro(IDVal)) {
1851       return handleMacroEntry(M, IDLoc);
1852     }
1854   // Otherwise, we have a normal instruction or directive.
1856   // Directives start with "."
1857   if (IDVal.startswith(".") && IDVal != ".") {
1858     // There are several entities interested in parsing directives:
1859     //
1860     // 1. The target-specific assembly parser. Some directives are target
1861     //    specific or may potentially behave differently on certain targets.
1862     // 2. Asm parser extensions. For example, platform-specific parsers
1863     //    (like the ELF parser) register themselves as extensions.
1864     // 3. The generic directive parser implemented by this class. These are
1865     //    all the directives that behave in a target and platform independent
1866     //    manner, or at least have a default behavior that's shared between
1867     //    all targets and platforms.
1869     getTargetParser().flushPendingInstructions(getStreamer());
1871     SMLoc StartTokLoc = getTok().getLoc();
1872     bool TPDirectiveReturn = getTargetParser().ParseDirective(ID);
1874     if (hasPendingError())
1875       return true;
1876     // Currently the return value should be true if we are
1877     // uninterested but as this is at odds with the standard parsing
1878     // convention (return true = error) we have instances of a parsed
1879     // directive that fails returning true as an error. Catch these
1880     // cases as best as possible errors here.
1881     if (TPDirectiveReturn && StartTokLoc != getTok().getLoc())
1882       return true;
1883     // Return if we did some parsing or believe we succeeded.
1884     if (!TPDirectiveReturn || StartTokLoc != getTok().getLoc())
1885       return false;
1887     // Next, check the extension directive map to see if any extension has
1888     // registered itself to parse this directive.
1889     std::pair<MCAsmParserExtension *, DirectiveHandler> Handler =
1890         ExtensionDirectiveMap.lookup(IDVal);
1891     if (Handler.first)
1892       return (*Handler.second)(Handler.first, IDVal, IDLoc);
1894     // Finally, if no one else is interested in this directive, it must be
1895     // generic and familiar to this class.
1896     switch (DirKind) {
1897     default:
1898       break;
1899     case DK_SET:
1900     case DK_EQU:
1901       return parseDirectiveSet(IDVal, true);
1902     case DK_EQUIV:
1903       return parseDirectiveSet(IDVal, false);
1904     case DK_ASCII:
1905       return parseDirectiveAscii(IDVal, false);
1906     case DK_ASCIZ:
1907     case DK_STRING:
1908       return parseDirectiveAscii(IDVal, true);
1909     case DK_BYTE:
1910     case DK_DC_B:
1911       return parseDirectiveValue(IDVal, 1);
1912     case DK_DC:
1913     case DK_DC_W:
1914     case DK_SHORT:
1915     case DK_VALUE:
1916     case DK_2BYTE:
1917       return parseDirectiveValue(IDVal, 2);
1918     case DK_LONG:
1919     case DK_INT:
1920     case DK_4BYTE:
1921     case DK_DC_L:
1922       return parseDirectiveValue(IDVal, 4);
1923     case DK_QUAD:
1924     case DK_8BYTE:
1925       return parseDirectiveValue(IDVal, 8);
1926     case DK_DC_A:
1927       return parseDirectiveValue(
1928           IDVal, getContext().getAsmInfo()->getCodePointerSize());
1929     case DK_OCTA:
1930       return parseDirectiveOctaValue(IDVal);
1931     case DK_SINGLE:
1932     case DK_FLOAT:
1933     case DK_DC_S:
1934       return parseDirectiveRealValue(IDVal, APFloat::IEEEsingle());
1935     case DK_DOUBLE:
1936     case DK_DC_D:
1937       return parseDirectiveRealValue(IDVal, APFloat::IEEEdouble());
1938     case DK_ALIGN: {
1939       bool IsPow2 = !getContext().getAsmInfo()->getAlignmentIsInBytes();
1940       return parseDirectiveAlign(IsPow2, /*ExprSize=*/1);
1941     }
1942     case DK_ALIGN32: {
1943       bool IsPow2 = !getContext().getAsmInfo()->getAlignmentIsInBytes();
1944       return parseDirectiveAlign(IsPow2, /*ExprSize=*/4);
1945     }
1946     case DK_BALIGN:
1947       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/false, /*ExprSize=*/1);
1948     case DK_BALIGNW:
1949       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/false, /*ExprSize=*/2);
1950     case DK_BALIGNL:
1951       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/false, /*ExprSize=*/4);
1952     case DK_P2ALIGN:
1953       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/true, /*ExprSize=*/1);
1954     case DK_P2ALIGNW:
1955       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/true, /*ExprSize=*/2);
1956     case DK_P2ALIGNL:
1957       return parseDirectiveAlign(/*IsPow2=*/true, /*ExprSize=*/4);
1958     case DK_ORG:
1959       return parseDirectiveOrg();
1960     case DK_FILL:
1961       return parseDirectiveFill();
1962     case DK_ZERO:
1963       return parseDirectiveZero();
1964     case DK_EXTERN:
1965       eatToEndOfStatement(); // .extern is the default, ignore it.
1966       return false;
1967     case DK_GLOBL:
1968     case DK_GLOBAL:
1969       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_Global);
1970     case DK_LAZY_REFERENCE:
1971       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_LazyReference);
1972     case DK_NO_DEAD_STRIP:
1973       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_NoDeadStrip);
1974     case DK_SYMBOL_RESOLVER:
1975       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_SymbolResolver);
1976     case DK_PRIVATE_EXTERN:
1977       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_PrivateExtern);
1978     case DK_REFERENCE:
1979       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_Reference);
1980     case DK_WEAK_DEFINITION:
1981       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_WeakDefinition);
1982     case DK_WEAK_REFERENCE:
1983       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_WeakReference);
1984     case DK_WEAK_DEF_CAN_BE_HIDDEN:
1985       return parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSA_WeakDefAutoPrivate);
1986     case DK_COMM:
1987     case DK_COMMON:
1988       return parseDirectiveComm(/*IsLocal=*/false);
1989     case DK_LCOMM:
1990       return parseDirectiveComm(/*IsLocal=*/true);
1991     case DK_ABORT:
1992       return parseDirectiveAbort();
1993     case DK_INCLUDE:
1994       return parseDirectiveInclude();
1995     case DK_INCBIN:
1996       return parseDirectiveIncbin();
1997     case DK_CODE16:
1998     case DK_CODE16GCC:
1999       return TokError(Twine(IDVal) +
2000                       " not currently supported for this target");
2001     case DK_REPT:
2002       return parseDirectiveRept(IDLoc, IDVal);
2003     case DK_IRP:
2004       return parseDirectiveIrp(IDLoc);
2005     case DK_IRPC:
2006       return parseDirectiveIrpc(IDLoc);
2007     case DK_ENDR:
2008       return parseDirectiveEndr(IDLoc);
2009     case DK_BUNDLE_ALIGN_MODE:
2010       return parseDirectiveBundleAlignMode();
2011     case DK_BUNDLE_LOCK:
2012       return parseDirectiveBundleLock();
2013     case DK_BUNDLE_UNLOCK:
2014       return parseDirectiveBundleUnlock();
2015     case DK_SLEB128:
2016       return parseDirectiveLEB128(true);
2017     case DK_ULEB128:
2018       return parseDirectiveLEB128(false);
2019     case DK_SPACE:
2020     case DK_SKIP:
2021       return parseDirectiveSpace(IDVal);
2022     case DK_FILE:
2023       return parseDirectiveFile(IDLoc);
2024     case DK_LINE:
2025       return parseDirectiveLine();
2026     case DK_LOC:
2027       return parseDirectiveLoc();
2028     case DK_STABS:
2029       return parseDirectiveStabs();
2030     case DK_CV_FILE:
2031       return parseDirectiveCVFile();
2032     case DK_CV_FUNC_ID:
2033       return parseDirectiveCVFuncId();
2034     case DK_CV_INLINE_SITE_ID:
2035       return parseDirectiveCVInlineSiteId();
2036     case DK_CV_LOC:
2037       return parseDirectiveCVLoc();
2038     case DK_CV_LINETABLE:
2039       return parseDirectiveCVLinetable();
2041       return parseDirectiveCVInlineLinetable();
2042     case DK_CV_DEF_RANGE:
2043       return parseDirectiveCVDefRange();
2044     case DK_CV_STRING:
2045       return parseDirectiveCVString();
2046     case DK_CV_STRINGTABLE:
2047       return parseDirectiveCVStringTable();
2048     case DK_CV_FILECHECKSUMS:
2049       return parseDirectiveCVFileChecksums();
2051       return parseDirectiveCVFileChecksumOffset();
2052     case DK_CV_FPO_DATA:
2053       return parseDirectiveCVFPOData();
2054     case DK_CFI_SECTIONS:
2055       return parseDirectiveCFISections();
2056     case DK_CFI_STARTPROC:
2057       return parseDirectiveCFIStartProc();
2058     case DK_CFI_ENDPROC:
2059       return parseDirectiveCFIEndProc();
2060     case DK_CFI_DEF_CFA:
2061       return parseDirectiveCFIDefCfa(IDLoc);
2062     case DK_CFI_DEF_CFA_OFFSET:
2063       return parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaOffset();
2065       return parseDirectiveCFIAdjustCfaOffset();
2066     case DK_CFI_DEF_CFA_REGISTER:
2067       return parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaRegister(IDLoc);
2068     case DK_CFI_OFFSET:
2069       return parseDirectiveCFIOffset(IDLoc);
2070     case DK_CFI_REL_OFFSET:
2071       return parseDirectiveCFIRelOffset(IDLoc);
2072     case DK_CFI_PERSONALITY:
2073       return parseDirectiveCFIPersonalityOrLsda(true);
2074     case DK_CFI_LSDA:
2075       return parseDirectiveCFIPersonalityOrLsda(false);
2076     case DK_CFI_REMEMBER_STATE:
2077       return parseDirectiveCFIRememberState();
2078     case DK_CFI_RESTORE_STATE:
2079       return parseDirectiveCFIRestoreState();
2080     case DK_CFI_SAME_VALUE:
2081       return parseDirectiveCFISameValue(IDLoc);
2082     case DK_CFI_RESTORE:
2083       return parseDirectiveCFIRestore(IDLoc);
2084     case DK_CFI_ESCAPE:
2085       return parseDirectiveCFIEscape();
2086     case DK_CFI_RETURN_COLUMN:
2087       return parseDirectiveCFIReturnColumn(IDLoc);
2088     case DK_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAME:
2089       return parseDirectiveCFISignalFrame();
2090     case DK_CFI_UNDEFINED:
2091       return parseDirectiveCFIUndefined(IDLoc);
2092     case DK_CFI_REGISTER:
2093       return parseDirectiveCFIRegister(IDLoc);
2094     case DK_CFI_WINDOW_SAVE:
2095       return parseDirectiveCFIWindowSave();
2096     case DK_MACROS_ON:
2097     case DK_MACROS_OFF:
2098       return parseDirectiveMacrosOnOff(IDVal);
2099     case DK_MACRO:
2100       return parseDirectiveMacro(IDLoc);
2101     case DK_ALTMACRO:
2102     case DK_NOALTMACRO:
2103       return parseDirectiveAltmacro(IDVal);
2104     case DK_EXITM:
2105       return parseDirectiveExitMacro(IDVal);
2106     case DK_ENDM:
2107     case DK_ENDMACRO:
2108       return parseDirectiveEndMacro(IDVal);
2109     case DK_PURGEM:
2110       return parseDirectivePurgeMacro(IDLoc);
2111     case DK_END:
2112       return parseDirectiveEnd(IDLoc);
2113     case DK_ERR:
2114       return parseDirectiveError(IDLoc, false);
2115     case DK_ERROR:
2116       return parseDirectiveError(IDLoc, true);
2117     case DK_WARNING:
2118       return parseDirectiveWarning(IDLoc);
2119     case DK_RELOC:
2120       return parseDirectiveReloc(IDLoc);
2121     case DK_DCB:
2122     case DK_DCB_W:
2123       return parseDirectiveDCB(IDVal, 2);
2124     case DK_DCB_B:
2125       return parseDirectiveDCB(IDVal, 1);
2126     case DK_DCB_D:
2127       return parseDirectiveRealDCB(IDVal, APFloat::IEEEdouble());
2128     case DK_DCB_L:
2129       return parseDirectiveDCB(IDVal, 4);
2130     case DK_DCB_S:
2131       return parseDirectiveRealDCB(IDVal, APFloat::IEEEsingle());
2132     case DK_DC_X:
2133     case DK_DCB_X:
2134       return TokError(Twine(IDVal) +
2135                       " not currently supported for this target");
2136     case DK_DS:
2137     case DK_DS_W:
2138       return parseDirectiveDS(IDVal, 2);
2139     case DK_DS_B:
2140       return parseDirectiveDS(IDVal, 1);
2141     case DK_DS_D:
2142       return parseDirectiveDS(IDVal, 8);
2143     case DK_DS_L:
2144     case DK_DS_S:
2145       return parseDirectiveDS(IDVal, 4);
2146     case DK_DS_P:
2147     case DK_DS_X:
2148       return parseDirectiveDS(IDVal, 12);
2149     case DK_PRINT:
2150       return parseDirectivePrint(IDLoc);
2151     case DK_ADDRSIG:
2152       return parseDirectiveAddrsig();
2153     case DK_ADDRSIG_SYM:
2154       return parseDirectiveAddrsigSym();
2155     }
2157     return Error(IDLoc, "unknown directive");
2158   }
2160   // __asm _emit or __asm __emit
2161   if (ParsingInlineAsm && (IDVal == "_emit" || IDVal == "__emit" ||
2162                            IDVal == "_EMIT" || IDVal == "__EMIT"))
2163     return parseDirectiveMSEmit(IDLoc, Info, IDVal.size());
2165   // __asm align
2166   if (ParsingInlineAsm && (IDVal == "align" || IDVal == "ALIGN"))
2167     return parseDirectiveMSAlign(IDLoc, Info);
2169   if (ParsingInlineAsm && (IDVal == "even" || IDVal == "EVEN"))
2170     Info.AsmRewrites->emplace_back(AOK_EVEN, IDLoc, 4);
2171   if (checkForValidSection())
2172     return true;
2174   // Canonicalize the opcode to lower case.
2175   std::string OpcodeStr = IDVal.lower();
2176   ParseInstructionInfo IInfo(Info.AsmRewrites);
2177   bool ParseHadError = getTargetParser().ParseInstruction(IInfo, OpcodeStr, ID,
2178                                                           Info.ParsedOperands);
2179   Info.ParseError = ParseHadError;
2181   // Dump the parsed representation, if requested.
2182   if (getShowParsedOperands()) {
2183     SmallString<256> Str;
2184     raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
2185     OS << "parsed instruction: [";
2186     for (unsigned i = 0; i != Info.ParsedOperands.size(); ++i) {
2187       if (i != 0)
2188         OS << ", ";
2189       Info.ParsedOperands[i]->print(OS);
2190     }
2191     OS << "]";
2193     printMessage(IDLoc, SourceMgr::DK_Note, OS.str());
2194   }
2196   // Fail even if ParseInstruction erroneously returns false.
2197   if (hasPendingError() || ParseHadError)
2198     return true;
2200   // If we are generating dwarf for the current section then generate a .loc
2201   // directive for the instruction.
2202   if (!ParseHadError && enabledGenDwarfForAssembly() &&
2203       getContext().getGenDwarfSectionSyms().count(
2204           getStreamer().getCurrentSectionOnly())) {
2205     unsigned Line;
2206     if (ActiveMacros.empty())
2207       Line = SrcMgr.FindLineNumber(IDLoc, CurBuffer);
2208     else
2209       Line = SrcMgr.FindLineNumber(ActiveMacros.front()->InstantiationLoc,
2210                                    ActiveMacros.front()->ExitBuffer);
2212     // If we previously parsed a cpp hash file line comment then make sure the
2213     // current Dwarf File is for the CppHashFilename if not then emit the
2214     // Dwarf File table for it and adjust the line number for the .loc.
2215     if (!CppHashInfo.Filename.empty()) {
2216       unsigned FileNumber = getStreamer().EmitDwarfFileDirective(
2217           0, StringRef(), CppHashInfo.Filename);
2218       getContext().setGenDwarfFileNumber(FileNumber);
2220       unsigned CppHashLocLineNo =
2221         SrcMgr.FindLineNumber(CppHashInfo.Loc, CppHashInfo.Buf);
2222       Line = CppHashInfo.LineNumber - 1 + (Line - CppHashLocLineNo);
2223     }
2225     getStreamer().EmitDwarfLocDirective(
2226         getContext().getGenDwarfFileNumber(), Line, 0,
2228         StringRef());
2229   }
2231   // If parsing succeeded, match the instruction.
2232   if (!ParseHadError) {
2233     uint64_t ErrorInfo;
2234     if (getTargetParser().MatchAndEmitInstruction(
2235             IDLoc, Info.Opcode, Info.ParsedOperands, Out, ErrorInfo,
2236             getTargetParser().isParsingInlineAsm()))
2237       return true;
2238   }
2239   return false;
2240 }
2242 // Parse and erase curly braces marking block start/end
2243 bool
2244 AsmParser::parseCurlyBlockScope(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> &AsmStrRewrites) {
2245   // Identify curly brace marking block start/end
2246   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::LCurly) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::RCurly))
2247     return false;
2249   SMLoc StartLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
2250   Lex(); // Eat the brace
2251   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
2252     Lex(); // Eat EndOfStatement following the brace
2254   // Erase the block start/end brace from the output asm string
2255   AsmStrRewrites.emplace_back(AOK_Skip, StartLoc, Lexer.getLoc().getPointer() -
2256                                                   StartLoc.getPointer());
2257   return true;
2258 }
2260 /// parseCppHashLineFilenameComment as this:
2261 ///   ::= # number "filename"
2262 bool AsmParser::parseCppHashLineFilenameComment(SMLoc L) {
2263   Lex(); // Eat the hash token.
2264   // Lexer only ever emits HashDirective if it fully formed if it's
2265   // done the checking already so this is an internal error.
2266   assert(getTok().is(AsmToken::Integer) &&
2267          "Lexing Cpp line comment: Expected Integer");
2268   int64_t LineNumber = getTok().getIntVal();
2269   Lex();
2270   assert(getTok().is(AsmToken::String) &&
2271          "Lexing Cpp line comment: Expected String");
2272   StringRef Filename = getTok().getString();
2273   Lex();
2275   // Get rid of the enclosing quotes.
2276   Filename = Filename.substr(1, Filename.size() - 2);
2278   // Save the SMLoc, Filename and LineNumber for later use by diagnostics.
2279   CppHashInfo.Loc = L;
2280   CppHashInfo.Filename = Filename;
2281   CppHashInfo.LineNumber = LineNumber;
2282   CppHashInfo.Buf = CurBuffer;
2283   return false;
2284 }
2286 /// will use the last parsed cpp hash line filename comment
2287 /// for the Filename and LineNo if any in the diagnostic.
2288 void AsmParser::DiagHandler(const SMDiagnostic &Diag, void *Context) {
2289   const AsmParser *Parser = static_cast<const AsmParser *>(Context);
2290   raw_ostream &OS = errs();
2292   const SourceMgr &DiagSrcMgr = *Diag.getSourceMgr();
2293   SMLoc DiagLoc = Diag.getLoc();
2294   unsigned DiagBuf = DiagSrcMgr.FindBufferContainingLoc(DiagLoc);
2295   unsigned CppHashBuf =
2296       Parser->SrcMgr.FindBufferContainingLoc(Parser->CppHashInfo.Loc);
2298   // Like SourceMgr::printMessage() we need to print the include stack if any
2299   // before printing the message.
2300   unsigned DiagCurBuffer = DiagSrcMgr.FindBufferContainingLoc(DiagLoc);
2301   if (!Parser->SavedDiagHandler && DiagCurBuffer &&
2302       DiagCurBuffer != DiagSrcMgr.getMainFileID()) {
2303     SMLoc ParentIncludeLoc = DiagSrcMgr.getParentIncludeLoc(DiagCurBuffer);
2304     DiagSrcMgr.PrintIncludeStack(ParentIncludeLoc, OS);
2305   }
2307   // If we have not parsed a cpp hash line filename comment or the source
2308   // manager changed or buffer changed (like in a nested include) then just
2309   // print the normal diagnostic using its Filename and LineNo.
2310   if (!Parser->CppHashInfo.LineNumber || &DiagSrcMgr != &Parser->SrcMgr ||
2311       DiagBuf != CppHashBuf) {
2312     if (Parser->SavedDiagHandler)
2313       Parser->SavedDiagHandler(Diag, Parser->SavedDiagContext);
2314     else
2315       Diag.print(nullptr, OS);
2316     return;
2317   }
2319   // Use the CppHashFilename and calculate a line number based on the
2320   // CppHashInfo.Loc and CppHashInfo.LineNumber relative to this Diag's SMLoc
2321   // for the diagnostic.
2322   const std::string &Filename = Parser->CppHashInfo.Filename;
2324   int DiagLocLineNo = DiagSrcMgr.FindLineNumber(DiagLoc, DiagBuf);
2325   int CppHashLocLineNo =
2326       Parser->SrcMgr.FindLineNumber(Parser->CppHashInfo.Loc, CppHashBuf);
2327   int LineNo =
2328       Parser->CppHashInfo.LineNumber - 1 + (DiagLocLineNo - CppHashLocLineNo);
2330   SMDiagnostic NewDiag(*Diag.getSourceMgr(), Diag.getLoc(), Filename, LineNo,
2331                        Diag.getColumnNo(), Diag.getKind(), Diag.getMessage(),
2332                        Diag.getLineContents(), Diag.getRanges());
2334   if (Parser->SavedDiagHandler)
2335     Parser->SavedDiagHandler(NewDiag, Parser->SavedDiagContext);
2336   else
2337     NewDiag.print(nullptr, OS);
2338 }
2340 // FIXME: This is mostly duplicated from the function in AsmLexer.cpp. The
2341 // difference being that that function accepts '@' as part of identifiers and
2342 // we can't do that. AsmLexer.cpp should probably be changed to handle
2343 // '@' as a special case when needed.
2344 static bool isIdentifierChar(char c) {
2345   return isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '_' || c == '$' ||
2346          c == '.';
2347 }
2349 bool AsmParser::expandMacro(raw_svector_ostream &OS, StringRef Body,
2350                             ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroParameter> Parameters,
2351                             ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroArgument> A,
2352                             bool EnableAtPseudoVariable, SMLoc L) {
2353   unsigned NParameters = Parameters.size();
2354   bool HasVararg = NParameters ? Parameters.back().Vararg : false;
2355   if ((!IsDarwin || NParameters != 0) && NParameters != A.size())
2356     return Error(L, "Wrong number of arguments");
2358   // A macro without parameters is handled differently on Darwin:
2359   // gas accepts no arguments and does no substitutions
2360   while (!Body.empty()) {
2361     // Scan for the next substitution.
2362     std::size_t End = Body.size(), Pos = 0;
2363     for (; Pos != End; ++Pos) {
2364       // Check for a substitution or escape.
2365       if (IsDarwin && !NParameters) {
2366         // This macro has no parameters, look for $0, $1, etc.
2367         if (Body[Pos] != '$' || Pos + 1 == End)
2368           continue;
2370         char Next = Body[Pos + 1];
2371         if (Next == '$' || Next == 'n' ||
2372             isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(Next)))
2373           break;
2374       } else {
2375         // This macro has parameters, look for \foo, \bar, etc.
2376         if (Body[Pos] == '\\' && Pos + 1 != End)
2377           break;
2378       }
2379     }
2381     // Add the prefix.
2382     OS << Body.slice(0, Pos);
2384     // Check if we reached the end.
2385     if (Pos == End)
2386       break;
2388     if (IsDarwin && !NParameters) {
2389       switch (Body[Pos + 1]) {
2390       // $$ => $
2391       case '$':
2392         OS << '$';
2393         break;
2395       // $n => number of arguments
2396       case 'n':
2397         OS << A.size();
2398         break;
2400       // $[0-9] => argument
2401       default: {
2402         // Missing arguments are ignored.
2403         unsigned Index = Body[Pos + 1] - '0';
2404         if (Index >= A.size())
2405           break;
2407         // Otherwise substitute with the token values, with spaces eliminated.
2408         for (const AsmToken &Token : A[Index])
2409           OS << Token.getString();
2410         break;
2411       }
2412       }
2413       Pos += 2;
2414     } else {
2415       unsigned I = Pos + 1;
2417       // Check for the \@ pseudo-variable.
2418       if (EnableAtPseudoVariable && Body[I] == '@' && I + 1 != End)
2419         ++I;
2420       else
2421         while (isIdentifierChar(Body[I]) && I + 1 != End)
2422           ++I;
2424       const char *Begin = Body.data() + Pos + 1;
2425       StringRef Argument(Begin, I - (Pos + 1));
2426       unsigned Index = 0;
2428       if (Argument == "@") {
2429         OS << NumOfMacroInstantiations;
2430         Pos += 2;
2431       } else {
2432         for (; Index < NParameters; ++Index)
2433           if (Parameters[Index].Name == Argument)
2434             break;
2436         if (Index == NParameters) {
2437           if (Body[Pos + 1] == '(' && Body[Pos + 2] == ')')
2438             Pos += 3;
2439           else {
2440             OS << '\\' << Argument;
2441             Pos = I;
2442           }
2443         } else {
2444           bool VarargParameter = HasVararg && Index == (NParameters - 1);
2445           for (const AsmToken &Token : A[Index])
2446             // For altmacro mode, you can write '%expr'.
2447             // The prefix '%' evaluates the expression 'expr'
2448             // and uses the result as a string (e.g. replace %(1+2) with the
2449             // string "3").
2450             // Here, we identify the integer token which is the result of the
2451             // absolute expression evaluation and replace it with its string
2452             // representation.
2453             if (AltMacroMode && Token.getString().front() == '%' &&
2454                 Token.is(AsmToken::Integer))
2455               // Emit an integer value to the buffer.
2456               OS << Token.getIntVal();
2457             // Only Token that was validated as a string and begins with '<'
2458             // is considered altMacroString!!!
2459             else if (AltMacroMode && Token.getString().front() == '<' &&
2460                      Token.is(AsmToken::String)) {
2461               OS << altMacroString(Token.getStringContents());
2462             }
2463             // We expect no quotes around the string's contents when
2464             // parsing for varargs.
2465             else if (Token.isNot(AsmToken::String) || VarargParameter)
2466               OS << Token.getString();
2467             else
2468               OS << Token.getStringContents();
2470           Pos += 1 + Argument.size();
2471         }
2472       }
2473     }
2474     // Update the scan point.
2475     Body = Body.substr(Pos);
2476   }
2478   return false;
2479 }
2481 MacroInstantiation::MacroInstantiation(SMLoc IL, int EB, SMLoc EL,
2482                                        size_t CondStackDepth)
2483     : InstantiationLoc(IL), ExitBuffer(EB), ExitLoc(EL),
2484       CondStackDepth(CondStackDepth) {}
2486 static bool isOperator(AsmToken::TokenKind kind) {
2487   switch (kind) {
2488   default:
2489     return false;
2490   case AsmToken::Plus:
2491   case AsmToken::Minus:
2492   case AsmToken::Tilde:
2493   case AsmToken::Slash:
2494   case AsmToken::Star:
2495   case AsmToken::Dot:
2496   case AsmToken::Equal:
2497   case AsmToken::EqualEqual:
2498   case AsmToken::Pipe:
2499   case AsmToken::PipePipe:
2500   case AsmToken::Caret:
2501   case AsmToken::Amp:
2502   case AsmToken::AmpAmp:
2503   case AsmToken::Exclaim:
2504   case AsmToken::ExclaimEqual:
2505   case AsmToken::Less:
2506   case AsmToken::LessEqual:
2507   case AsmToken::LessLess:
2508   case AsmToken::LessGreater:
2509   case AsmToken::Greater:
2510   case AsmToken::GreaterEqual:
2511   case AsmToken::GreaterGreater:
2512     return true;
2513   }
2514 }
2516 namespace {
2518 class AsmLexerSkipSpaceRAII {
2519 public:
2520   AsmLexerSkipSpaceRAII(AsmLexer &Lexer, bool SkipSpace) : Lexer(Lexer) {
2521     Lexer.setSkipSpace(SkipSpace);
2522   }
2524   ~AsmLexerSkipSpaceRAII() {
2525     Lexer.setSkipSpace(true);
2526   }
2528 private:
2529   AsmLexer &Lexer;
2530 };
2532 } // end anonymous namespace
2534 bool AsmParser::parseMacroArgument(MCAsmMacroArgument &MA, bool Vararg) {
2536   if (Vararg) {
2537     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
2538       StringRef Str = parseStringToEndOfStatement();
2539       MA.emplace_back(AsmToken::String, Str);
2540     }
2541     return false;
2542   }
2544   unsigned ParenLevel = 0;
2546   // Darwin doesn't use spaces to delmit arguments.
2547   AsmLexerSkipSpaceRAII ScopedSkipSpace(Lexer, IsDarwin);
2549   bool SpaceEaten;
2551   while (true) {
2552     SpaceEaten = false;
2553     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Eof) || Lexer.is(AsmToken::Equal))
2554       return TokError("unexpected token in macro instantiation");
2556     if (ParenLevel == 0) {
2558       if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Comma))
2559         break;
2561       if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Space)) {
2562         SpaceEaten = true;
2563         Lexer.Lex(); // Eat spaces
2564       }
2566       // Spaces can delimit parameters, but could also be part an expression.
2567       // If the token after a space is an operator, add the token and the next
2568       // one into this argument
2569       if (!IsDarwin) {
2570         if (isOperator(Lexer.getKind())) {
2571           MA.push_back(getTok());
2572           Lexer.Lex();
2574           // Whitespace after an operator can be ignored.
2575           if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Space))
2576             Lexer.Lex();
2578           continue;
2579         }
2580       }
2581       if (SpaceEaten)
2582         break;
2583     }
2585     // handleMacroEntry relies on not advancing the lexer here
2586     // to be able to fill in the remaining default parameter values
2587     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
2588       break;
2590     // Adjust the current parentheses level.
2591     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::LParen))
2592       ++ParenLevel;
2593     else if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::RParen) && ParenLevel)
2594       --ParenLevel;
2596     // Append the token to the current argument list.
2597     MA.push_back(getTok());
2598     Lexer.Lex();
2599   }
2601   if (ParenLevel != 0)
2602     return TokError("unbalanced parentheses in macro argument");
2603   return false;
2604 }
2606 // Parse the macro instantiation arguments.
2607 bool AsmParser::parseMacroArguments(const MCAsmMacro *M,
2608                                     MCAsmMacroArguments &A) {
2609   const unsigned NParameters = M ? M->Parameters.size() : 0;
2610   bool NamedParametersFound = false;
2611   SmallVector<SMLoc, 4> FALocs;
2613   A.resize(NParameters);
2614   FALocs.resize(NParameters);
2616   // Parse two kinds of macro invocations:
2617   // - macros defined without any parameters accept an arbitrary number of them
2618   // - macros defined with parameters accept at most that many of them
2619   bool HasVararg = NParameters ? M->Parameters.back().Vararg : false;
2620   for (unsigned Parameter = 0; !NParameters || Parameter < NParameters;
2621        ++Parameter) {
2622     SMLoc IDLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
2623     MCAsmMacroParameter FA;
2625     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Identifier) && Lexer.peekTok().is(AsmToken::Equal)) {
2626       if (parseIdentifier(FA.Name))
2627         return Error(IDLoc, "invalid argument identifier for formal argument");
2629       if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Equal))
2630         return TokError("expected '=' after formal parameter identifier");
2632       Lex();
2634       NamedParametersFound = true;
2635     }
2636     bool Vararg = HasVararg && Parameter == (NParameters - 1);
2638     if (NamedParametersFound && FA.Name.empty())
2639       return Error(IDLoc, "cannot mix positional and keyword arguments");
2641     SMLoc StrLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
2642     SMLoc EndLoc;
2643     if (AltMacroMode && Lexer.is(AsmToken::Percent)) {
2644       const MCExpr *AbsoluteExp;
2645       int64_t Value;
2646       /// Eat '%'
2647       Lex();
2648       if (parseExpression(AbsoluteExp, EndLoc))
2649         return false;
2650       if (!AbsoluteExp->evaluateAsAbsolute(Value,
2651                                            getStreamer().getAssemblerPtr()))
2652         return Error(StrLoc, "expected absolute expression");
2653       const char *StrChar = StrLoc.getPointer();
2654       const char *EndChar = EndLoc.getPointer();
2655       AsmToken newToken(AsmToken::Integer,
2656                         StringRef(StrChar, EndChar - StrChar), Value);
2657       FA.Value.push_back(newToken);
2658     } else if (AltMacroMode && Lexer.is(AsmToken::Less) &&
2659                isAltmacroString(StrLoc, EndLoc)) {
2660       const char *StrChar = StrLoc.getPointer();
2661       const char *EndChar = EndLoc.getPointer();
2662       jumpToLoc(EndLoc, CurBuffer);
2663       /// Eat from '<' to '>'
2664       Lex();
2665       AsmToken newToken(AsmToken::String,
2666                         StringRef(StrChar, EndChar - StrChar));
2667       FA.Value.push_back(newToken);
2668     } else if(parseMacroArgument(FA.Value, Vararg))
2669       return true;
2671     unsigned PI = Parameter;
2672     if (!FA.Name.empty()) {
2673       unsigned FAI = 0;
2674       for (FAI = 0; FAI < NParameters; ++FAI)
2675         if (M->Parameters[FAI].Name == FA.Name)
2676           break;
2678       if (FAI >= NParameters) {
2679         assert(M && "expected macro to be defined");
2680         return Error(IDLoc, "parameter named '" + FA.Name +
2681                                 "' does not exist for macro '" + M->Name + "'");
2682       }
2683       PI = FAI;
2684     }
2686     if (!FA.Value.empty()) {
2687       if (A.size() <= PI)
2688         A.resize(PI + 1);
2689       A[PI] = FA.Value;
2691       if (FALocs.size() <= PI)
2692         FALocs.resize(PI + 1);
2694       FALocs[PI] = Lexer.getLoc();
2695     }
2697     // At the end of the statement, fill in remaining arguments that have
2698     // default values. If there aren't any, then the next argument is
2699     // required but missing
2700     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
2701       bool Failure = false;
2702       for (unsigned FAI = 0; FAI < NParameters; ++FAI) {
2703         if (A[FAI].empty()) {
2704           if (M->Parameters[FAI].Required) {
2705             Error(FALocs[FAI].isValid() ? FALocs[FAI] : Lexer.getLoc(),
2706                   "missing value for required parameter "
2707                   "'" + M->Parameters[FAI].Name + "' in macro '" + M->Name + "'");
2708             Failure = true;
2709           }
2711           if (!M->Parameters[FAI].Value.empty())
2712             A[FAI] = M->Parameters[FAI].Value;
2713         }
2714       }
2715       return Failure;
2716     }
2718     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Comma))
2719       Lex();
2720   }
2722   return TokError("too many positional arguments");
2723 }
2725 bool AsmParser::handleMacroEntry(const MCAsmMacro *M, SMLoc NameLoc) {
2726   // Arbitrarily limit macro nesting depth (default matches 'as'). We can
2727   // eliminate this, although we should protect against infinite loops.
2728   unsigned MaxNestingDepth = AsmMacroMaxNestingDepth;
2729   if (ActiveMacros.size() == MaxNestingDepth) {
2730     std::ostringstream MaxNestingDepthError;
2731     MaxNestingDepthError << "macros cannot be nested more than "
2732                          << MaxNestingDepth << " levels deep."
2733                          << " Use -asm-macro-max-nesting-depth to increase "
2734                             "this limit.";
2735     return TokError(MaxNestingDepthError.str());
2736   }
2738   MCAsmMacroArguments A;
2739   if (parseMacroArguments(M, A))
2740     return true;
2742   // Macro instantiation is lexical, unfortunately. We construct a new buffer
2743   // to hold the macro body with substitutions.
2744   SmallString<256> Buf;
2745   StringRef Body = M->Body;
2746   raw_svector_ostream OS(Buf);
2748   if (expandMacro(OS, Body, M->Parameters, A, true, getTok().getLoc()))
2749     return true;
2751   // We include the .endmacro in the buffer as our cue to exit the macro
2752   // instantiation.
2753   OS << ".endmacro\n";
2755   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Instantiation =
2756       MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(OS.str(), "<instantiation>");
2758   // Create the macro instantiation object and add to the current macro
2759   // instantiation stack.
2760   MacroInstantiation *MI = new MacroInstantiation(
2761       NameLoc, CurBuffer, getTok().getLoc(), TheCondStack.size());
2762   ActiveMacros.push_back(MI);
2764   ++NumOfMacroInstantiations;
2766   // Jump to the macro instantiation and prime the lexer.
2767   CurBuffer = SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(Instantiation), SMLoc());
2768   Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(CurBuffer)->getBuffer());
2769   Lex();
2771   return false;
2772 }
2774 void AsmParser::handleMacroExit() {
2775   // Jump to the EndOfStatement we should return to, and consume it.
2776   jumpToLoc(ActiveMacros.back()->ExitLoc, ActiveMacros.back()->ExitBuffer);
2777   Lex();
2779   // Pop the instantiation entry.
2780   delete ActiveMacros.back();
2781   ActiveMacros.pop_back();
2782 }
2784 bool AsmParser::parseAssignment(StringRef Name, bool allow_redef,
2785                                 bool NoDeadStrip) {
2786   MCSymbol *Sym;
2787   const MCExpr *Value;
2788   if (MCParserUtils::parseAssignmentExpression(Name, allow_redef, *this, Sym,
2789                                                Value))
2790     return true;
2792   if (!Sym) {
2793     // In the case where we parse an expression starting with a '.', we will
2794     // not generate an error, nor will we create a symbol.  In this case we
2795     // should just return out.
2796     return false;
2797   }
2799   // Do the assignment.
2800   Out.EmitAssignment(Sym, Value);
2801   if (NoDeadStrip)
2802     Out.EmitSymbolAttribute(Sym, MCSA_NoDeadStrip);
2804   return false;
2805 }
2807 /// parseIdentifier:
2808 ///   ::= identifier
2809 ///   ::= string
2810 bool AsmParser::parseIdentifier(StringRef &Res) {
2811   // The assembler has relaxed rules for accepting identifiers, in particular we
2812   // allow things like '.globl $foo' and '.def @feat.00', which would normally be
2813   // separate tokens. At this level, we have already lexed so we cannot (currently)
2814   // handle this as a context dependent token, instead we detect adjacent tokens
2815   // and return the combined identifier.
2816   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Dollar) || Lexer.is(AsmToken::At)) {
2817     SMLoc PrefixLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
2819     // Consume the prefix character, and check for a following identifier.
2821     AsmToken Buf[1];
2822     Lexer.peekTokens(Buf, false);
2824     if (Buf[0].isNot(AsmToken::Identifier))
2825       return true;
2827     // We have a '$' or '@' followed by an identifier, make sure they are adjacent.
2828     if (PrefixLoc.getPointer() + 1 != Buf[0].getLoc().getPointer())
2829       return true;
2831     // eat $ or @
2832     Lexer.Lex(); // Lexer's Lex guarantees consecutive token.
2833     // Construct the joined identifier and consume the token.
2834     Res =
2835         StringRef(PrefixLoc.getPointer(), getTok().getIdentifier().size() + 1);
2836     Lex(); // Parser Lex to maintain invariants.
2837     return false;
2838   }
2840   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Identifier) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::String))
2841     return true;
2843   Res = getTok().getIdentifier();
2845   Lex(); // Consume the identifier token.
2847   return false;
2848 }
2850 /// parseDirectiveSet:
2851 ///   ::= .equ identifier ',' expression
2852 ///   ::= .equiv identifier ',' expression
2853 ///   ::= .set identifier ',' expression
2854 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveSet(StringRef IDVal, bool allow_redef) {
2855   StringRef Name;
2856   if (check(parseIdentifier(Name), "expected identifier") ||
2857       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma) || parseAssignment(Name, allow_redef, true))
2858     return addErrorSuffix(" in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
2859   return false;
2860 }
2862 bool AsmParser::parseEscapedString(std::string &Data) {
2863   if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String), "expected string"))
2864     return true;
2866   Data = "";
2867   StringRef Str = getTok().getStringContents();
2868   for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i) {
2869     if (Str[i] != '\\') {
2870       Data += Str[i];
2871       continue;
2872     }
2874     // Recognize escaped characters. Note that this escape semantics currently
2875     // loosely follows Darwin 'as'. Notably, it doesn't support hex escapes.
2876     ++i;
2877     if (i == e)
2878       return TokError("unexpected backslash at end of string");
2880     // Recognize octal sequences.
2881     if ((unsigned)(Str[i] - '0') <= 7) {
2882       // Consume up to three octal characters.
2883       unsigned Value = Str[i] - '0';
2885       if (i + 1 != e && ((unsigned)(Str[i + 1] - '0')) <= 7) {
2886         ++i;
2887         Value = Value * 8 + (Str[i] - '0');
2889         if (i + 1 != e && ((unsigned)(Str[i + 1] - '0')) <= 7) {
2890           ++i;
2891           Value = Value * 8 + (Str[i] - '0');
2892         }
2893       }
2895       if (Value > 255)
2896         return TokError("invalid octal escape sequence (out of range)");
2898       Data += (unsigned char)Value;
2899       continue;
2900     }
2902     // Otherwise recognize individual escapes.
2903     switch (Str[i]) {
2904     default:
2905       // Just reject invalid escape sequences for now.
2906       return TokError("invalid escape sequence (unrecognized character)");
2908     case 'b': Data += '\b'; break;
2909     case 'f': Data += '\f'; break;
2910     case 'n': Data += '\n'; break;
2911     case 'r': Data += '\r'; break;
2912     case 't': Data += '\t'; break;
2913     case '"': Data += '"'; break;
2914     case '\\': Data += '\\'; break;
2915     }
2916   }
2918   Lex();
2919   return false;
2920 }
2922 /// parseDirectiveAscii:
2923 ///   ::= ( .ascii | .asciz | .string ) [ "string" ( , "string" )* ]
2924 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAscii(StringRef IDVal, bool ZeroTerminated) {
2925   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
2926     std::string Data;
2927     if (checkForValidSection() || parseEscapedString(Data))
2928       return true;
2929     getStreamer().EmitBytes(Data);
2930     if (ZeroTerminated)
2931       getStreamer().EmitBytes(StringRef("\0", 1));
2932     return false;
2933   };
2935   if (parseMany(parseOp))
2936     return addErrorSuffix(" in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
2937   return false;
2938 }
2940 /// parseDirectiveReloc
2941 ///  ::= .reloc expression , identifier [ , expression ]
2942 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveReloc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
2943   const MCExpr *Offset;
2944   const MCExpr *Expr = nullptr;
2945   int64_t OffsetValue;
2946   SMLoc OffsetLoc = Lexer.getTok().getLoc();
2948   if (parseExpression(Offset))
2949     return true;
2951   if ((Offset->evaluateAsAbsolute(OffsetValue,
2952                                   getStreamer().getAssemblerPtr()) &&
2953        check(OffsetValue < 0, OffsetLoc, "expression is negative")) ||
2954       (check(Offset->getKind() != llvm::MCExpr::Constant &&
2955              Offset->getKind() != llvm::MCExpr::SymbolRef,
2956              OffsetLoc, "expected non-negative number or a label")) ||
2957       (parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "expected comma") ||
2958        check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::Identifier), "expected relocation name")))
2959     return true;
2961   SMLoc NameLoc = Lexer.getTok().getLoc();
2962   StringRef Name = Lexer.getTok().getIdentifier();
2963   Lex();
2965   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
2966     Lex();
2967     SMLoc ExprLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
2968     if (parseExpression(Expr))
2969       return true;
2971     MCValue Value;
2972     if (!Expr->evaluateAsRelocatable(Value, nullptr, nullptr))
2973       return Error(ExprLoc, "expression must be relocatable");
2974   }
2976   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
2977                  "unexpected token in .reloc directive"))
2978       return true;
2980   const MCTargetAsmParser &MCT = getTargetParser();
2981   const MCSubtargetInfo &STI = MCT.getSTI();
2982   if (getStreamer().EmitRelocDirective(*Offset, Name, Expr, DirectiveLoc, STI))
2983     return Error(NameLoc, "unknown relocation name");
2985   return false;
2986 }
2988 /// parseDirectiveValue
2989 ///  ::= (.byte | .short | ... ) [ expression (, expression)* ]
2990 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveValue(StringRef IDVal, unsigned Size) {
2991   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
2992     const MCExpr *Value;
2993     SMLoc ExprLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
2994     if (checkForValidSection() || parseExpression(Value))
2995       return true;
2996     // Special case constant expressions to match code generator.
2997     if (const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value)) {
2998       assert(Size <= 8 && "Invalid size");
2999       uint64_t IntValue = MCE->getValue();
3000       if (!isUIntN(8 * Size, IntValue) && !isIntN(8 * Size, IntValue))
3001         return Error(ExprLoc, "out of range literal value");
3002       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(IntValue, Size);
3003     } else
3004       getStreamer().EmitValue(Value, Size, ExprLoc);
3005     return false;
3006   };
3008   if (parseMany(parseOp))
3009     return addErrorSuffix(" in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
3010   return false;
3011 }
3013 static bool parseHexOcta(AsmParser &Asm, uint64_t &hi, uint64_t &lo) {
3014   if (Asm.getTok().isNot(AsmToken::Integer) &&
3015       Asm.getTok().isNot(AsmToken::BigNum))
3016     return Asm.TokError("unknown token in expression");
3017   SMLoc ExprLoc = Asm.getTok().getLoc();
3018   APInt IntValue = Asm.getTok().getAPIntVal();
3019   Asm.Lex();
3020   if (!IntValue.isIntN(128))
3021     return Asm.Error(ExprLoc, "out of range literal value");
3022   if (!IntValue.isIntN(64)) {
3023     hi = IntValue.getHiBits(IntValue.getBitWidth() - 64).getZExtValue();
3024     lo = IntValue.getLoBits(64).getZExtValue();
3025   } else {
3026     hi = 0;
3027     lo = IntValue.getZExtValue();
3028   }
3029   return false;
3030 }
3032 /// ParseDirectiveOctaValue
3033 ///  ::= .octa [ hexconstant (, hexconstant)* ]
3035 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveOctaValue(StringRef IDVal) {
3036   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
3037     if (checkForValidSection())
3038       return true;
3039     uint64_t hi, lo;
3040     if (parseHexOcta(*this, hi, lo))
3041       return true;
3042     if (MAI.isLittleEndian()) {
3043       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(lo, 8);
3044       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(hi, 8);
3045     } else {
3046       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(hi, 8);
3047       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(lo, 8);
3048     }
3049     return false;
3050   };
3052   if (parseMany(parseOp))
3053     return addErrorSuffix(" in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
3054   return false;
3055 }
3057 bool AsmParser::parseRealValue(const fltSemantics &Semantics, APInt &Res) {
3058   // We don't truly support arithmetic on floating point expressions, so we
3059   // have to manually parse unary prefixes.
3060   bool IsNeg = false;
3061   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Minus)) {
3062     Lexer.Lex();
3063     IsNeg = true;
3064   } else if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Plus))
3065     Lexer.Lex();
3067   if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Error))
3068     return TokError(Lexer.getErr());
3069   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Integer) && Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Real) &&
3070       Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Identifier))
3071     return TokError("unexpected token in directive");
3073   // Convert to an APFloat.
3074   APFloat Value(Semantics);
3075   StringRef IDVal = getTok().getString();
3076   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
3077     if (!IDVal.compare_lower("infinity") || !IDVal.compare_lower("inf"))
3078       Value = APFloat::getInf(Semantics);
3079     else if (!IDVal.compare_lower("nan"))
3080       Value = APFloat::getNaN(Semantics, false, ~0);
3081     else
3082       return TokError("invalid floating point literal");
3083   } else if (Value.convertFromString(IDVal, APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven) ==
3084              APFloat::opInvalidOp)
3085     return TokError("invalid floating point literal");
3086   if (IsNeg)
3087     Value.changeSign();
3089   // Consume the numeric token.
3090   Lex();
3092   Res = Value.bitcastToAPInt();
3094   return false;
3095 }
3097 /// parseDirectiveRealValue
3098 ///  ::= (.single | .double) [ expression (, expression)* ]
3099 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveRealValue(StringRef IDVal,
3100                                         const fltSemantics &Semantics) {
3101   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
3102     APInt AsInt;
3103     if (checkForValidSection() || parseRealValue(Semantics, AsInt))
3104       return true;
3105     getStreamer().EmitIntValue(AsInt.getLimitedValue(),
3106                                AsInt.getBitWidth() / 8);
3107     return false;
3108   };
3110   if (parseMany(parseOp))
3111     return addErrorSuffix(" in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
3112   return false;
3113 }
3115 /// parseDirectiveZero
3116 ///  ::= .zero expression
3117 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveZero() {
3118   SMLoc NumBytesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
3119   const MCExpr *NumBytes;
3120   if (checkForValidSection() || parseExpression(NumBytes))
3121     return true;
3123   int64_t Val = 0;
3124   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3125     Lex();
3126     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Val))
3127       return true;
3128   }
3130   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3131                  "unexpected token in '.zero' directive"))
3132     return true;
3133   getStreamer().emitFill(*NumBytes, Val, NumBytesLoc);
3135   return false;
3136 }
3138 /// parseDirectiveFill
3139 ///  ::= .fill expression [ , expression [ , expression ] ]
3140 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveFill() {
3141   SMLoc NumValuesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
3142   const MCExpr *NumValues;
3143   if (checkForValidSection() || parseExpression(NumValues))
3144     return true;
3146   int64_t FillSize = 1;
3147   int64_t FillExpr = 0;
3149   SMLoc SizeLoc, ExprLoc;
3151   if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3152     SizeLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3153     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(FillSize))
3154       return true;
3155     if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3156       ExprLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3157       if (parseAbsoluteExpression(FillExpr))
3158         return true;
3159     }
3160   }
3161   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3162                  "unexpected token in '.fill' directive"))
3163     return true;
3165   if (FillSize < 0) {
3166     Warning(SizeLoc, "'.fill' directive with negative size has no effect");
3167     return false;
3168   }
3169   if (FillSize > 8) {
3170     Warning(SizeLoc, "'.fill' directive with size greater than 8 has been truncated to 8");
3171     FillSize = 8;
3172   }
3174   if (!isUInt<32>(FillExpr) && FillSize > 4)
3175     Warning(ExprLoc, "'.fill' directive pattern has been truncated to 32-bits");
3177   getStreamer().emitFill(*NumValues, FillSize, FillExpr, NumValuesLoc);
3179   return false;
3180 }
3182 /// parseDirectiveOrg
3183 ///  ::= .org expression [ , expression ]
3184 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveOrg() {
3185   const MCExpr *Offset;
3186   SMLoc OffsetLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
3187   if (checkForValidSection() || parseExpression(Offset))
3188     return true;
3190   // Parse optional fill expression.
3191   int64_t FillExpr = 0;
3192   if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma))
3193     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(FillExpr))
3194       return addErrorSuffix(" in '.org' directive");
3195   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
3196     return addErrorSuffix(" in '.org' directive");
3198   getStreamer().emitValueToOffset(Offset, FillExpr, OffsetLoc);
3199   return false;
3200 }
3202 /// parseDirectiveAlign
3203 ///  ::= {.align, ...} expression [ , expression [ , expression ]]
3204 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAlign(bool IsPow2, unsigned ValueSize) {
3205   SMLoc AlignmentLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
3206   int64_t Alignment;
3207   SMLoc MaxBytesLoc;
3208   bool HasFillExpr = false;
3209   int64_t FillExpr = 0;
3210   int64_t MaxBytesToFill = 0;
3212   auto parseAlign = [&]() -> bool {
3213     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Alignment))
3214       return true;
3215     if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3216       // The fill expression can be omitted while specifying a maximum number of
3217       // alignment bytes, e.g:
3218       //  .align 3,,4
3219       if (getTok().isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3220         HasFillExpr = true;
3221         if (parseAbsoluteExpression(FillExpr))
3222           return true;
3223       }
3224       if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma))
3225         if (parseTokenLoc(MaxBytesLoc) ||
3226             parseAbsoluteExpression(MaxBytesToFill))
3227           return true;
3228     }
3229     return parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement);
3230   };
3232   if (checkForValidSection())
3233     return addErrorSuffix(" in directive");
3234   // Ignore empty '.p2align' directives for GNU-as compatibility
3235   if (IsPow2 && (ValueSize == 1) && getTok().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
3236     Warning(AlignmentLoc, "p2align directive with no operand(s) is ignored");
3237     return parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement);
3238   }
3239   if (parseAlign())
3240     return addErrorSuffix(" in directive");
3242   // Always emit an alignment here even if we thrown an error.
3243   bool ReturnVal = false;
3245   // Compute alignment in bytes.
3246   if (IsPow2) {
3247     // FIXME: Diagnose overflow.
3248     if (Alignment >= 32) {
3249       ReturnVal |= Error(AlignmentLoc, "invalid alignment value");
3250       Alignment = 31;
3251     }
3253     Alignment = 1ULL << Alignment;
3254   } else {
3255     // Reject alignments that aren't either a power of two or zero,
3256     // for gas compatibility. Alignment of zero is silently rounded
3257     // up to one.
3258     if (Alignment == 0)
3259       Alignment = 1;
3260     if (!isPowerOf2_64(Alignment))
3261       ReturnVal |= Error(AlignmentLoc, "alignment must be a power of 2");
3262   }
3264   // Diagnose non-sensical max bytes to align.
3265   if (MaxBytesLoc.isValid()) {
3266     if (MaxBytesToFill < 1) {
3267       ReturnVal |= Error(MaxBytesLoc,
3268                          "alignment directive can never be satisfied in this "
3269                          "many bytes, ignoring maximum bytes expression");
3270       MaxBytesToFill = 0;
3271     }
3273     if (MaxBytesToFill >= Alignment) {
3274       Warning(MaxBytesLoc, "maximum bytes expression exceeds alignment and "
3275                            "has no effect");
3276       MaxBytesToFill = 0;
3277     }
3278   }
3280   // Check whether we should use optimal code alignment for this .align
3281   // directive.
3282   const MCSection *Section = getStreamer().getCurrentSectionOnly();
3283   assert(Section && "must have section to emit alignment");
3284   bool UseCodeAlign = Section->UseCodeAlign();
3285   if ((!HasFillExpr || Lexer.getMAI().getTextAlignFillValue() == FillExpr) &&
3286       ValueSize == 1 && UseCodeAlign) {
3287     getStreamer().EmitCodeAlignment(Alignment, MaxBytesToFill);
3288   } else {
3289     // FIXME: Target specific behavior about how the "extra" bytes are filled.
3290     getStreamer().EmitValueToAlignment(Alignment, FillExpr, ValueSize,
3291                                        MaxBytesToFill);
3292   }
3294   return ReturnVal;
3295 }
3297 /// parseDirectiveFile
3298 /// ::= .file filename
3299 /// ::= .file number [directory] filename [md5 checksum] [source source-text]
3300 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveFile(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
3301   // FIXME: I'm not sure what this is.
3302   int64_t FileNumber = -1;
3303   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3304     FileNumber = getTok().getIntVal();
3305     Lex();
3307     if (FileNumber < 0)
3308       return TokError("negative file number");
3309   }
3311   std::string Path;
3313   // Usually the directory and filename together, otherwise just the directory.
3314   // Allow the strings to have escaped octal character sequence.
3315   if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
3316             "unexpected token in '.file' directive") ||
3317       parseEscapedString(Path))
3318     return true;
3320   StringRef Directory;
3321   StringRef Filename;
3322   std::string FilenameData;
3323   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::String)) {
3324     if (check(FileNumber == -1,
3325               "explicit path specified, but no file number") ||
3326         parseEscapedString(FilenameData))
3327       return true;
3328     Filename = FilenameData;
3329     Directory = Path;
3330   } else {
3331     Filename = Path;
3332   }
3334   uint64_t MD5Hi, MD5Lo;
3335   bool HasMD5 = false;
3337   Optional<StringRef> Source;
3338   bool HasSource = false;
3339   std::string SourceString;
3341   while (!parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
3342     StringRef Keyword;
3343     if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::Identifier),
3344               "unexpected token in '.file' directive") ||
3345         parseIdentifier(Keyword))
3346       return true;
3347     if (Keyword == "md5") {
3348       HasMD5 = true;
3349       if (check(FileNumber == -1,
3350                 "MD5 checksum specified, but no file number") ||
3351           parseHexOcta(*this, MD5Hi, MD5Lo))
3352         return true;
3353     } else if (Keyword == "source") {
3354       HasSource = true;
3355       if (check(FileNumber == -1,
3356                 "source specified, but no file number") ||
3357           check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
3358                 "unexpected token in '.file' directive") ||
3359           parseEscapedString(SourceString))
3360         return true;
3361     } else {
3362       return TokError("unexpected token in '.file' directive");
3363     }
3364   }
3366   if (FileNumber == -1) {
3367     // Ignore the directive if there is no number and the target doesn't support
3368     // numberless .file directives. This allows some portability of assembler
3369     // between different object file formats.
3370     if (getContext().getAsmInfo()->hasSingleParameterDotFile())
3371       getStreamer().EmitFileDirective(Filename);
3372   } else {
3373     // In case there is a -g option as well as debug info from directive .file,
3374     // we turn off the -g option, directly use the existing debug info instead.
3375     // Also reset any implicit ".file 0" for the assembler source.
3376     if (Ctx.getGenDwarfForAssembly()) {
3377       Ctx.getMCDwarfLineTable(0).resetRootFile();
3378       Ctx.setGenDwarfForAssembly(false);
3379     }
3381     MD5::MD5Result *CKMem = nullptr;
3382     if (HasMD5) {
3383       CKMem = (MD5::MD5Result *)Ctx.allocate(sizeof(MD5::MD5Result), 1);
3384       for (unsigned i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
3385         CKMem->Bytes[i] = uint8_t(MD5Hi >> ((7 - i) * 8));
3386         CKMem->Bytes[i + 8] = uint8_t(MD5Lo >> ((7 - i) * 8));
3387       }
3388     }
3389     if (HasSource) {
3390       char *SourceBuf = static_cast<char *>(Ctx.allocate(SourceString.size()));
3391       memcpy(SourceBuf, SourceString.data(), SourceString.size());
3392       Source = StringRef(SourceBuf, SourceString.size());
3393     }
3394     if (FileNumber == 0) {
3395       if (Ctx.getDwarfVersion() < 5)
3396         return Warning(DirectiveLoc, "file 0 not supported prior to DWARF-5");
3397       getStreamer().emitDwarfFile0Directive(Directory, Filename, CKMem, Source);
3398     } else {
3399       Expected<unsigned> FileNumOrErr = getStreamer().tryEmitDwarfFileDirective(
3400           FileNumber, Directory, Filename, CKMem, Source);
3401       if (!FileNumOrErr)
3402         return Error(DirectiveLoc, toString(FileNumOrErr.takeError()));
3403       FileNumber = FileNumOrErr.get();
3404     }
3405     // Alert the user if there are some .file directives with MD5 and some not.
3406     // But only do that once.
3407     if (!ReportedInconsistentMD5 && !Ctx.isDwarfMD5UsageConsistent(0)) {
3408       ReportedInconsistentMD5 = true;
3409       return Warning(DirectiveLoc, "inconsistent use of MD5 checksums");
3410     }
3411   }
3413   return false;
3414 }
3416 /// parseDirectiveLine
3417 /// ::= .line [number]
3418 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveLine() {
3419   int64_t LineNumber;
3420   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3421     if (parseIntToken(LineNumber, "unexpected token in '.line' directive"))
3422       return true;
3423     (void)LineNumber;
3424     // FIXME: Do something with the .line.
3425   }
3426   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3427                  "unexpected token in '.line' directive"))
3428     return true;
3430   return false;
3431 }
3433 /// parseDirectiveLoc
3434 /// ::= .loc FileNumber [LineNumber] [ColumnPos] [basic_block] [prologue_end]
3435 ///                                [epilogue_begin] [is_stmt VALUE] [isa VALUE]
3436 /// The first number is a file number, must have been previously assigned with
3437 /// a .file directive, the second number is the line number and optionally the
3438 /// third number is a column position (zero if not specified).  The remaining
3439 /// optional items are .loc sub-directives.
3440 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveLoc() {
3441   int64_t FileNumber = 0, LineNumber = 0;
3442   SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3443   if (parseIntToken(FileNumber, "unexpected token in '.loc' directive") ||
3444       check(FileNumber < 1 && Ctx.getDwarfVersion() < 5, Loc,
3445             "file number less than one in '.loc' directive") ||
3446       check(!getContext().isValidDwarfFileNumber(FileNumber), Loc,
3447             "unassigned file number in '.loc' directive"))
3448     return true;
3450   // optional
3451   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3452     LineNumber = getTok().getIntVal();
3453     if (LineNumber < 0)
3454       return TokError("line number less than zero in '.loc' directive");
3455     Lex();
3456   }
3458   int64_t ColumnPos = 0;
3459   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3460     ColumnPos = getTok().getIntVal();
3461     if (ColumnPos < 0)
3462       return TokError("column position less than zero in '.loc' directive");
3463     Lex();
3464   }
3466   unsigned Flags = DWARF2_LINE_DEFAULT_IS_STMT ? DWARF2_FLAG_IS_STMT : 0;
3467   unsigned Isa = 0;
3468   int64_t Discriminator = 0;
3470   auto parseLocOp = [&]() -> bool {
3471     StringRef Name;
3472     SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3473     if (parseIdentifier(Name))
3474       return TokError("unexpected token in '.loc' directive");
3476     if (Name == "basic_block")
3477       Flags |= DWARF2_FLAG_BASIC_BLOCK;
3478     else if (Name == "prologue_end")
3479       Flags |= DWARF2_FLAG_PROLOGUE_END;
3480     else if (Name == "epilogue_begin")
3481       Flags |= DWARF2_FLAG_EPILOGUE_BEGIN;
3482     else if (Name == "is_stmt") {
3483       Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3484       const MCExpr *Value;
3485       if (parseExpression(Value))
3486         return true;
3487       // The expression must be the constant 0 or 1.
3488       if (const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value)) {
3489         int Value = MCE->getValue();
3490         if (Value == 0)
3491           Flags &= ~DWARF2_FLAG_IS_STMT;
3492         else if (Value == 1)
3493           Flags |= DWARF2_FLAG_IS_STMT;
3494         else
3495           return Error(Loc, "is_stmt value not 0 or 1");
3496       } else {
3497         return Error(Loc, "is_stmt value not the constant value of 0 or 1");
3498       }
3499     } else if (Name == "isa") {
3500       Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3501       const MCExpr *Value;
3502       if (parseExpression(Value))
3503         return true;
3504       // The expression must be a constant greater or equal to 0.
3505       if (const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value)) {
3506         int Value = MCE->getValue();
3507         if (Value < 0)
3508           return Error(Loc, "isa number less than zero");
3509         Isa = Value;
3510       } else {
3511         return Error(Loc, "isa number not a constant value");
3512       }
3513     } else if (Name == "discriminator") {
3514       if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Discriminator))
3515         return true;
3516     } else {
3517       return Error(Loc, "unknown sub-directive in '.loc' directive");
3518     }
3519     return false;
3520   };
3522   if (parseMany(parseLocOp, false /*hasComma*/))
3523     return true;
3525   getStreamer().EmitDwarfLocDirective(FileNumber, LineNumber, ColumnPos, Flags,
3526                                       Isa, Discriminator, StringRef());
3528   return false;
3529 }
3531 /// parseDirectiveStabs
3532 /// ::= .stabs string, number, number, number
3533 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveStabs() {
3534   return TokError("unsupported directive '.stabs'");
3535 }
3537 /// parseDirectiveCVFile
3538 /// ::= .cv_file number filename [checksum] [checksumkind]
3539 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVFile() {
3540   SMLoc FileNumberLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3541   int64_t FileNumber;
3542   std::string Filename;
3543   std::string Checksum;
3544   int64_t ChecksumKind = 0;
3546   if (parseIntToken(FileNumber,
3547                     "expected file number in '.cv_file' directive") ||
3548       check(FileNumber < 1, FileNumberLoc, "file number less than one") ||
3549       check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
3550             "unexpected token in '.cv_file' directive") ||
3551       parseEscapedString(Filename))
3552     return true;
3553   if (!parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
3554     if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
3555               "unexpected token in '.cv_file' directive") ||
3556         parseEscapedString(Checksum) ||
3557         parseIntToken(ChecksumKind,
3558                       "expected checksum kind in '.cv_file' directive") ||
3559         parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3560                    "unexpected token in '.cv_file' directive"))
3561       return true;
3562   }
3564   Checksum = fromHex(Checksum);
3565   void *CKMem = Ctx.allocate(Checksum.size(), 1);
3566   memcpy(CKMem, Checksum.data(), Checksum.size());
3567   ArrayRef<uint8_t> ChecksumAsBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(CKMem),
3568                                     Checksum.size());
3570   if (!getStreamer().EmitCVFileDirective(FileNumber, Filename, ChecksumAsBytes,
3571                                          static_cast<uint8_t>(ChecksumKind)))
3572     return Error(FileNumberLoc, "file number already allocated");
3574   return false;
3575 }
3577 bool AsmParser::parseCVFunctionId(int64_t &FunctionId,
3578                                   StringRef DirectiveName) {
3579   SMLoc Loc;
3580   return parseTokenLoc(Loc) ||
3581          parseIntToken(FunctionId, "expected function id in '" + DirectiveName +
3582                                        "' directive") ||
3583          check(FunctionId < 0 || FunctionId >= UINT_MAX, Loc,
3584                "expected function id within range [0, UINT_MAX)");
3585 }
3587 bool AsmParser::parseCVFileId(int64_t &FileNumber, StringRef DirectiveName) {
3588   SMLoc Loc;
3589   return parseTokenLoc(Loc) ||
3590          parseIntToken(FileNumber, "expected integer in '" + DirectiveName +
3591                                        "' directive") ||
3592          check(FileNumber < 1, Loc, "file number less than one in '" +
3593                                         DirectiveName + "' directive") ||
3594          check(!getCVContext().isValidFileNumber(FileNumber), Loc,
3595                "unassigned file number in '" + DirectiveName + "' directive");
3596 }
3598 /// parseDirectiveCVFuncId
3599 /// ::= .cv_func_id FunctionId
3600 ///
3601 /// Introduces a function ID that can be used with .cv_loc.
3602 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVFuncId() {
3603   SMLoc FunctionIdLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3604   int64_t FunctionId;
3606   if (parseCVFunctionId(FunctionId, ".cv_func_id") ||
3607       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3608                  "unexpected token in '.cv_func_id' directive"))
3609     return true;
3611   if (!getStreamer().EmitCVFuncIdDirective(FunctionId))
3612     return Error(FunctionIdLoc, "function id already allocated");
3614   return false;
3615 }
3617 /// parseDirectiveCVInlineSiteId
3618 /// ::= .cv_inline_site_id FunctionId
3619 ///         "within" IAFunc
3620 ///         "inlined_at" IAFile IALine [IACol]
3621 ///
3622 /// Introduces a function ID that can be used with .cv_loc. Includes "inlined
3623 /// at" source location information for use in the line table of the caller,
3624 /// whether the caller is a real function or another inlined call site.
3625 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVInlineSiteId() {
3626   SMLoc FunctionIdLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3627   int64_t FunctionId;
3628   int64_t IAFunc;
3629   int64_t IAFile;
3630   int64_t IALine;
3631   int64_t IACol = 0;
3633   // FunctionId
3634   if (parseCVFunctionId(FunctionId, ".cv_inline_site_id"))
3635     return true;
3637   // "within"
3638   if (check((getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Identifier) ||
3639              getTok().getIdentifier() != "within"),
3640             "expected 'within' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive"))
3641     return true;
3642   Lex();
3644   // IAFunc
3645   if (parseCVFunctionId(IAFunc, ".cv_inline_site_id"))
3646     return true;
3648   // "inlined_at"
3649   if (check((getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Identifier) ||
3650              getTok().getIdentifier() != "inlined_at"),
3651             "expected 'inlined_at' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' "
3652             "directive") )
3653     return true;
3654   Lex();
3656   // IAFile IALine
3657   if (parseCVFileId(IAFile, ".cv_inline_site_id") ||
3658       parseIntToken(IALine, "expected line number after 'inlined_at'"))
3659     return true;
3661   // [IACol]
3662   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3663     IACol = getTok().getIntVal();
3664     Lex();
3665   }
3667   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
3668                  "unexpected token in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive"))
3669     return true;
3671   if (!getStreamer().EmitCVInlineSiteIdDirective(FunctionId, IAFunc, IAFile,
3672                                                  IALine, IACol, FunctionIdLoc))
3673     return Error(FunctionIdLoc, "function id already allocated");
3675   return false;
3676 }
3678 /// parseDirectiveCVLoc
3679 /// ::= .cv_loc FunctionId FileNumber [LineNumber] [ColumnPos] [prologue_end]
3680 ///                                [is_stmt VALUE]
3681 /// The first number is a file number, must have been previously assigned with
3682 /// a .file directive, the second number is the line number and optionally the
3683 /// third number is a column position (zero if not specified).  The remaining
3684 /// optional items are .loc sub-directives.
3685 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVLoc() {
3686   SMLoc DirectiveLoc = getTok().getLoc();
3687   int64_t FunctionId, FileNumber;
3688   if (parseCVFunctionId(FunctionId, ".cv_loc") ||
3689       parseCVFileId(FileNumber, ".cv_loc"))
3690     return true;
3692   int64_t LineNumber = 0;
3693   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3694     LineNumber = getTok().getIntVal();
3695     if (LineNumber < 0)
3696       return TokError("line number less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive");
3697     Lex();
3698   }
3700   int64_t ColumnPos = 0;
3701   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3702     ColumnPos = getTok().getIntVal();
3703     if (ColumnPos < 0)
3704       return TokError("column position less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive");
3705     Lex();
3706   }
3708   bool PrologueEnd = false;
3709   uint64_t IsStmt = 0;
3711   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
3712     StringRef Name;
3713     SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3714     if (parseIdentifier(Name))
3715       return TokError("unexpected token in '.cv_loc' directive");
3716     if (Name == "prologue_end")
3717       PrologueEnd = true;
3718     else if (Name == "is_stmt") {
3719       Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3720       const MCExpr *Value;
3721       if (parseExpression(Value))
3722         return true;
3723       // The expression must be the constant 0 or 1.
3724       IsStmt = ~0ULL;
3725       if (const auto *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value))
3726         IsStmt = MCE->getValue();
3728       if (IsStmt > 1)
3729         return Error(Loc, "is_stmt value not 0 or 1");
3730     } else {
3731       return Error(Loc, "unknown sub-directive in '.cv_loc' directive");
3732     }
3733     return false;
3734   };
3736   if (parseMany(parseOp, false /*hasComma*/))
3737     return true;
3739   getStreamer().EmitCVLocDirective(FunctionId, FileNumber, LineNumber,
3740                                    ColumnPos, PrologueEnd, IsStmt, StringRef(),
3741                                    DirectiveLoc);
3742   return false;
3743 }
3745 /// parseDirectiveCVLinetable
3746 /// ::= .cv_linetable FunctionId, FnStart, FnEnd
3747 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVLinetable() {
3748   int64_t FunctionId;
3749   StringRef FnStartName, FnEndName;
3750   SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3751   if (parseCVFunctionId(FunctionId, ".cv_linetable") ||
3752       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma,
3753                  "unexpected token in '.cv_linetable' directive") ||
3754       parseTokenLoc(Loc) || check(parseIdentifier(FnStartName), Loc,
3755                                   "expected identifier in directive") ||
3756       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma,
3757                  "unexpected token in '.cv_linetable' directive") ||
3758       parseTokenLoc(Loc) || check(parseIdentifier(FnEndName), Loc,
3759                                   "expected identifier in directive"))
3760     return true;
3762   MCSymbol *FnStartSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(FnStartName);
3763   MCSymbol *FnEndSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(FnEndName);
3765   getStreamer().EmitCVLinetableDirective(FunctionId, FnStartSym, FnEndSym);
3766   return false;
3767 }
3769 /// parseDirectiveCVInlineLinetable
3770 /// ::= .cv_inline_linetable PrimaryFunctionId FileId LineNum FnStart FnEnd
3771 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVInlineLinetable() {
3772   int64_t PrimaryFunctionId, SourceFileId, SourceLineNum;
3773   StringRef FnStartName, FnEndName;
3774   SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
3775   if (parseCVFunctionId(PrimaryFunctionId, ".cv_inline_linetable") ||
3776       parseTokenLoc(Loc) ||
3777       parseIntToken(
3778           SourceFileId,
3779           "expected SourceField in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive") ||
3780       check(SourceFileId <= 0, Loc,
3781             "File id less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive") ||
3782       parseTokenLoc(Loc) ||
3783       parseIntToken(
3784           SourceLineNum,
3785           "expected SourceLineNum in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive") ||
3786       check(SourceLineNum < 0, Loc,
3787             "Line number less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive") ||
3788       parseTokenLoc(Loc) || check(parseIdentifier(FnStartName), Loc,
3789                                   "expected identifier in directive") ||
3790       parseTokenLoc(Loc) || check(parseIdentifier(FnEndName), Loc,
3791                                   "expected identifier in directive"))
3792     return true;
3794   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "Expected End of Statement"))
3795     return true;
3797   MCSymbol *FnStartSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(FnStartName);
3798   MCSymbol *FnEndSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(FnEndName);
3799   getStreamer().EmitCVInlineLinetableDirective(PrimaryFunctionId, SourceFileId,
3800                                                SourceLineNum, FnStartSym,
3801                                                FnEndSym);
3802   return false;
3803 }
3805 /// parseDirectiveCVDefRange
3806 /// ::= .cv_def_range RangeStart RangeEnd (GapStart GapEnd)*, bytes*
3807 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVDefRange() {
3808   SMLoc Loc;
3809   std::vector<std::pair<const MCSymbol *, const MCSymbol *>> Ranges;
3810   while (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
3811     Loc = getLexer().getLoc();
3812     StringRef GapStartName;
3813     if (parseIdentifier(GapStartName))
3814       return Error(Loc, "expected identifier in directive");
3815     MCSymbol *GapStartSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(GapStartName);
3817     Loc = getLexer().getLoc();
3818     StringRef GapEndName;
3819     if (parseIdentifier(GapEndName))
3820       return Error(Loc, "expected identifier in directive");
3821     MCSymbol *GapEndSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(GapEndName);
3823     Ranges.push_back({GapStartSym, GapEndSym});
3824   }
3826   std::string FixedSizePortion;
3827   if (parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
3828       parseEscapedString(FixedSizePortion))
3829     return true;
3831   getStreamer().EmitCVDefRangeDirective(Ranges, FixedSizePortion);
3832   return false;
3833 }
3835 /// parseDirectiveCVString
3836 /// ::= .cv_stringtable "string"
3837 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVString() {
3838   std::string Data;
3839   if (checkForValidSection() || parseEscapedString(Data))
3840     return addErrorSuffix(" in '.cv_string' directive");
3842   // Put the string in the table and emit the offset.
3843   std::pair<StringRef, unsigned> Insertion =
3844       getCVContext().addToStringTable(Data);
3845   getStreamer().EmitIntValue(Insertion.second, 4);
3846   return false;
3847 }
3849 /// parseDirectiveCVStringTable
3850 /// ::= .cv_stringtable
3851 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVStringTable() {
3852   getStreamer().EmitCVStringTableDirective();
3853   return false;
3854 }
3856 /// parseDirectiveCVFileChecksums
3857 /// ::= .cv_filechecksums
3858 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVFileChecksums() {
3859   getStreamer().EmitCVFileChecksumsDirective();
3860   return false;
3861 }
3863 /// parseDirectiveCVFileChecksumOffset
3864 /// ::= .cv_filechecksumoffset fileno
3865 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVFileChecksumOffset() {
3866   int64_t FileNo;
3867   if (parseIntToken(FileNo, "expected identifier in directive"))
3868     return true;
3869   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "Expected End of Statement"))
3870     return true;
3871   getStreamer().EmitCVFileChecksumOffsetDirective(FileNo);
3872   return false;
3873 }
3875 /// parseDirectiveCVFPOData
3876 /// ::= .cv_fpo_data procsym
3877 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCVFPOData() {
3878   SMLoc DirLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
3879   StringRef ProcName;
3880   if (parseIdentifier(ProcName))
3881     return TokError("expected symbol name");
3882   if (parseEOL("unexpected tokens"))
3883     return addErrorSuffix(" in '.cv_fpo_data' directive");
3884   MCSymbol *ProcSym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(ProcName);
3885   getStreamer().EmitCVFPOData(ProcSym, DirLoc);
3886   return false;
3887 }
3889 /// parseDirectiveCFISections
3890 /// ::= .cfi_sections section [, section]
3891 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFISections() {
3892   StringRef Name;
3893   bool EH = false;
3894   bool Debug = false;
3896   if (parseIdentifier(Name))
3897     return TokError("Expected an identifier");
3899   if (Name == ".eh_frame")
3900     EH = true;
3901   else if (Name == ".debug_frame")
3902     Debug = true;
3904   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
3905     Lex();
3907     if (parseIdentifier(Name))
3908       return TokError("Expected an identifier");
3910     if (Name == ".eh_frame")
3911       EH = true;
3912     else if (Name == ".debug_frame")
3913       Debug = true;
3914   }
3916   getStreamer().EmitCFISections(EH, Debug);
3917   return false;
3918 }
3920 /// parseDirectiveCFIStartProc
3921 /// ::= .cfi_startproc [simple]
3922 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIStartProc() {
3923   StringRef Simple;
3924   if (!parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
3925     if (check(parseIdentifier(Simple) || Simple != "simple",
3926               "unexpected token") ||
3927         parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
3928       return addErrorSuffix(" in '.cfi_startproc' directive");
3929   }
3931   // TODO(kristina): Deal with a corner case of incorrect diagnostic context
3932   // being produced if this directive is emitted as part of preprocessor macro
3933   // expansion which can *ONLY* happen if Clang's cc1as is the API consumer.
3934   // Tools like llvm-mc on the other hand are not affected by it, and report
3935   // correct context information.
3936   getStreamer().EmitCFIStartProc(!Simple.empty(), Lexer.getLoc());
3937   return false;
3938 }
3940 /// parseDirectiveCFIEndProc
3941 /// ::= .cfi_endproc
3942 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIEndProc() {
3943   getStreamer().EmitCFIEndProc();
3944   return false;
3945 }
3947 /// parse register name or number.
3948 bool AsmParser::parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(int64_t &Register,
3949                                               SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
3950   unsigned RegNo;
3952   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Integer)) {
3953     if (getTargetParser().ParseRegister(RegNo, DirectiveLoc, DirectiveLoc))
3954       return true;
3955     Register = getContext().getRegisterInfo()->getDwarfRegNum(RegNo, true);
3956   } else
3957     return parseAbsoluteExpression(Register);
3959   return false;
3960 }
3962 /// parseDirectiveCFIDefCfa
3963 /// ::= .cfi_def_cfa register,  offset
3964 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIDefCfa(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
3965   int64_t Register = 0, Offset = 0;
3966   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc) ||
3967       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
3968       parseAbsoluteExpression(Offset))
3969     return true;
3971   getStreamer().EmitCFIDefCfa(Register, Offset);
3972   return false;
3973 }
3975 /// parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaOffset
3976 /// ::= .cfi_def_cfa_offset offset
3977 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaOffset() {
3978   int64_t Offset = 0;
3979   if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Offset))
3980     return true;
3982   getStreamer().EmitCFIDefCfaOffset(Offset);
3983   return false;
3984 }
3986 /// parseDirectiveCFIRegister
3987 /// ::= .cfi_register register, register
3988 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIRegister(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
3989   int64_t Register1 = 0, Register2 = 0;
3990   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register1, DirectiveLoc) ||
3991       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
3992       parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register2, DirectiveLoc))
3993     return true;
3995   getStreamer().EmitCFIRegister(Register1, Register2);
3996   return false;
3997 }
3999 /// parseDirectiveCFIWindowSave
4000 /// ::= .cfi_window_save
4001 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIWindowSave() {
4002   getStreamer().EmitCFIWindowSave();
4003   return false;
4004 }
4006 /// parseDirectiveCFIAdjustCfaOffset
4007 /// ::= .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset adjustment
4008 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIAdjustCfaOffset() {
4009   int64_t Adjustment = 0;
4010   if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Adjustment))
4011     return true;
4013   getStreamer().EmitCFIAdjustCfaOffset(Adjustment);
4014   return false;
4015 }
4017 /// parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaRegister
4018 /// ::= .cfi_def_cfa_register register
4019 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIDefCfaRegister(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4020   int64_t Register = 0;
4021   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc))
4022     return true;
4024   getStreamer().EmitCFIDefCfaRegister(Register);
4025   return false;
4026 }
4028 /// parseDirectiveCFIOffset
4029 /// ::= .cfi_offset register, offset
4030 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIOffset(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4031   int64_t Register = 0;
4032   int64_t Offset = 0;
4034   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc) ||
4035       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
4036       parseAbsoluteExpression(Offset))
4037     return true;
4039   getStreamer().EmitCFIOffset(Register, Offset);
4040   return false;
4041 }
4043 /// parseDirectiveCFIRelOffset
4044 /// ::= .cfi_rel_offset register, offset
4045 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIRelOffset(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4046   int64_t Register = 0, Offset = 0;
4048   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc) ||
4049       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
4050       parseAbsoluteExpression(Offset))
4051     return true;
4053   getStreamer().EmitCFIRelOffset(Register, Offset);
4054   return false;
4055 }
4057 static bool isValidEncoding(int64_t Encoding) {
4058   if (Encoding & ~0xff)
4059     return false;
4061   if (Encoding == dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit)
4062     return true;
4064   const unsigned Format = Encoding & 0xf;
4065   if (Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr && Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata2 &&
4066       Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4 && Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata8 &&
4067       Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata2 && Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata4 &&
4068       Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata8 && Format != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_signed)
4069     return false;
4071   const unsigned Application = Encoding & 0x70;
4072   if (Application != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr &&
4073       Application != dwarf::DW_EH_PE_pcrel)
4074     return false;
4076   return true;
4077 }
4079 /// parseDirectiveCFIPersonalityOrLsda
4080 /// IsPersonality true for cfi_personality, false for cfi_lsda
4081 /// ::= .cfi_personality encoding, [symbol_name]
4082 /// ::= .cfi_lsda encoding, [symbol_name]
4083 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIPersonalityOrLsda(bool IsPersonality) {
4084   int64_t Encoding = 0;
4085   if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Encoding))
4086     return true;
4087   if (Encoding == dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit)
4088     return false;
4090   StringRef Name;
4091   if (check(!isValidEncoding(Encoding), "unsupported encoding.") ||
4092       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in directive") ||
4093       check(parseIdentifier(Name), "expected identifier in directive"))
4094     return true;
4096   MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
4098   if (IsPersonality)
4099     getStreamer().EmitCFIPersonality(Sym, Encoding);
4100   else
4101     getStreamer().EmitCFILsda(Sym, Encoding);
4102   return false;
4103 }
4105 /// parseDirectiveCFIRememberState
4106 /// ::= .cfi_remember_state
4107 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIRememberState() {
4108   getStreamer().EmitCFIRememberState();
4109   return false;
4110 }
4112 /// parseDirectiveCFIRestoreState
4113 /// ::= .cfi_remember_state
4114 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIRestoreState() {
4115   getStreamer().EmitCFIRestoreState();
4116   return false;
4117 }
4119 /// parseDirectiveCFISameValue
4120 /// ::= .cfi_same_value register
4121 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFISameValue(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4122   int64_t Register = 0;
4124   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc))
4125     return true;
4127   getStreamer().EmitCFISameValue(Register);
4128   return false;
4129 }
4131 /// parseDirectiveCFIRestore
4132 /// ::= .cfi_restore register
4133 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIRestore(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4134   int64_t Register = 0;
4135   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc))
4136     return true;
4138   getStreamer().EmitCFIRestore(Register);
4139   return false;
4140 }
4142 /// parseDirectiveCFIEscape
4143 /// ::= .cfi_escape expression[,...]
4144 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIEscape() {
4145   std::string Values;
4146   int64_t CurrValue;
4147   if (parseAbsoluteExpression(CurrValue))
4148     return true;
4150   Values.push_back((uint8_t)CurrValue);
4152   while (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4153     Lex();
4155     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(CurrValue))
4156       return true;
4158     Values.push_back((uint8_t)CurrValue);
4159   }
4161   getStreamer().EmitCFIEscape(Values);
4162   return false;
4163 }
4165 /// parseDirectiveCFIReturnColumn
4166 /// ::= .cfi_return_column register
4167 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIReturnColumn(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4168   int64_t Register = 0;
4169   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc))
4170     return true;
4171   getStreamer().EmitCFIReturnColumn(Register);
4172   return false;
4173 }
4175 /// parseDirectiveCFISignalFrame
4176 /// ::= .cfi_signal_frame
4177 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFISignalFrame() {
4178   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4179                  "unexpected token in '.cfi_signal_frame'"))
4180     return true;
4182   getStreamer().EmitCFISignalFrame();
4183   return false;
4184 }
4186 /// parseDirectiveCFIUndefined
4187 /// ::= .cfi_undefined register
4188 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveCFIUndefined(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4189   int64_t Register = 0;
4191   if (parseRegisterOrRegisterNumber(Register, DirectiveLoc))
4192     return true;
4194   getStreamer().EmitCFIUndefined(Register);
4195   return false;
4196 }
4198 /// parseDirectiveAltmacro
4199 /// ::= .altmacro
4200 /// ::= .noaltmacro
4201 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAltmacro(StringRef Directive) {
4202   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
4203     return TokError("unexpected token in '" + Directive + "' directive");
4204   AltMacroMode = (Directive == ".altmacro");
4205   return false;
4206 }
4208 /// parseDirectiveMacrosOnOff
4209 /// ::= .macros_on
4210 /// ::= .macros_off
4211 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveMacrosOnOff(StringRef Directive) {
4212   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4213                  "unexpected token in '" + Directive + "' directive"))
4214     return true;
4216   setMacrosEnabled(Directive == ".macros_on");
4217   return false;
4218 }
4220 /// parseDirectiveMacro
4221 /// ::= .macro name[,] [parameters]
4222 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4223   StringRef Name;
4224   if (parseIdentifier(Name))
4225     return TokError("expected identifier in '.macro' directive");
4227   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma))
4228     Lex();
4230   MCAsmMacroParameters Parameters;
4231   while (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
4233     if (!Parameters.empty() && Parameters.back().Vararg)
4234       return Error(Lexer.getLoc(),
4235                    "Vararg parameter '" + Parameters.back().Name +
4236                    "' should be last one in the list of parameters.");
4238     MCAsmMacroParameter Parameter;
4239     if (parseIdentifier(Parameter.Name))
4240       return TokError("expected identifier in '.macro' directive");
4242     // Emit an error if two (or more) named parameters share the same name
4243     for (const MCAsmMacroParameter& CurrParam : Parameters)
4244       if (CurrParam.Name.equals(Parameter.Name))
4245         return TokError("macro '" + Name + "' has multiple parameters"
4246                         " named '" + Parameter.Name + "'");
4248     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Colon)) {
4249       Lex();  // consume ':'
4251       SMLoc QualLoc;
4252       StringRef Qualifier;
4254       QualLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4255       if (parseIdentifier(Qualifier))
4256         return Error(QualLoc, "missing parameter qualifier for "
4257                      "'" + Parameter.Name + "' in macro '" + Name + "'");
4259       if (Qualifier == "req")
4260         Parameter.Required = true;
4261       else if (Qualifier == "vararg")
4262         Parameter.Vararg = true;
4263       else
4264         return Error(QualLoc, Qualifier + " is not a valid parameter qualifier "
4265                      "for '" + Parameter.Name + "' in macro '" + Name + "'");
4266     }
4268     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Equal)) {
4269       Lex();
4271       SMLoc ParamLoc;
4273       ParamLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4274       if (parseMacroArgument(Parameter.Value, /*Vararg=*/false ))
4275         return true;
4277       if (Parameter.Required)
4278         Warning(ParamLoc, "pointless default value for required parameter "
4279                 "'" + Parameter.Name + "' in macro '" + Name + "'");
4280     }
4282     Parameters.push_back(std::move(Parameter));
4284     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma))
4285       Lex();
4286   }
4288   // Eat just the end of statement.
4289   Lexer.Lex();
4291   // Consuming deferred text, so use Lexer.Lex to ignore Lexing Errors
4292   AsmToken EndToken, StartToken = getTok();
4293   unsigned MacroDepth = 0;
4294   // Lex the macro definition.
4295   while (true) {
4296     // Ignore Lexing errors in macros.
4297     while (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Error)) {
4298       Lexer.Lex();
4299     }
4301     // Check whether we have reached the end of the file.
4302     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Eof))
4303       return Error(DirectiveLoc, "no matching '.endmacro' in definition");
4305     // Otherwise, check whether we have reach the .endmacro.
4306     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
4307       if (getTok().getIdentifier() == ".endm" ||
4308           getTok().getIdentifier() == ".endmacro") {
4309         if (MacroDepth == 0) { // Outermost macro.
4310           EndToken = getTok();
4311           Lexer.Lex();
4312           if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
4313             return TokError("unexpected token in '" + EndToken.getIdentifier() +
4314                             "' directive");
4315           break;
4316         } else {
4317           // Otherwise we just found the end of an inner macro.
4318           --MacroDepth;
4319         }
4320       } else if (getTok().getIdentifier() == ".macro") {
4321         // We allow nested macros. Those aren't instantiated until the outermost
4322         // macro is expanded so just ignore them for now.
4323         ++MacroDepth;
4324       }
4325     }
4327     // Otherwise, scan til the end of the statement.
4328     eatToEndOfStatement();
4329   }
4331   if (getContext().lookupMacro(Name)) {
4332     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "macro '" + Name + "' is already defined");
4333   }
4335   const char *BodyStart = StartToken.getLoc().getPointer();
4336   const char *BodyEnd = EndToken.getLoc().getPointer();
4337   StringRef Body = StringRef(BodyStart, BodyEnd - BodyStart);
4338   checkForBadMacro(DirectiveLoc, Name, Body, Parameters);
4339   MCAsmMacro Macro(Name, Body, std::move(Parameters));
4340   DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("asm-macros", dbgs() << "Defining new macro:\n";
4341                   Macro.dump());
4342   getContext().defineMacro(Name, std::move(Macro));
4343   return false;
4344 }
4346 /// checkForBadMacro
4347 ///
4348 /// With the support added for named parameters there may be code out there that
4349 /// is transitioning from positional parameters.  In versions of gas that did
4350 /// not support named parameters they would be ignored on the macro definition.
4351 /// But to support both styles of parameters this is not possible so if a macro
4352 /// definition has named parameters but does not use them and has what appears
4353 /// to be positional parameters, strings like $1, $2, ... and $n, then issue a
4354 /// warning that the positional parameter found in body which have no effect.
4355 /// Hoping the developer will either remove the named parameters from the macro
4356 /// definition so the positional parameters get used if that was what was
4357 /// intended or change the macro to use the named parameters.  It is possible
4358 /// this warning will trigger when the none of the named parameters are used
4359 /// and the strings like $1 are infact to simply to be passed trough unchanged.
4360 void AsmParser::checkForBadMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, StringRef Name,
4361                                  StringRef Body,
4362                                  ArrayRef<MCAsmMacroParameter> Parameters) {
4363   // If this macro is not defined with named parameters the warning we are
4364   // checking for here doesn't apply.
4365   unsigned NParameters = Parameters.size();
4366   if (NParameters == 0)
4367     return;
4369   bool NamedParametersFound = false;
4370   bool PositionalParametersFound = false;
4372   // Look at the body of the macro for use of both the named parameters and what
4373   // are likely to be positional parameters.  This is what expandMacro() is
4374   // doing when it finds the parameters in the body.
4375   while (!Body.empty()) {
4376     // Scan for the next possible parameter.
4377     std::size_t End = Body.size(), Pos = 0;
4378     for (; Pos != End; ++Pos) {
4379       // Check for a substitution or escape.
4380       // This macro is defined with parameters, look for \foo, \bar, etc.
4381       if (Body[Pos] == '\\' && Pos + 1 != End)
4382         break;
4384       // This macro should have parameters, but look for $0, $1, ..., $n too.
4385       if (Body[Pos] != '$' || Pos + 1 == End)
4386         continue;
4387       char Next = Body[Pos + 1];
4388       if (Next == '$' || Next == 'n' ||
4389           isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(Next)))
4390         break;
4391     }
4393     // Check if we reached the end.
4394     if (Pos == End)
4395       break;
4397     if (Body[Pos] == '$') {
4398       switch (Body[Pos + 1]) {
4399       // $$ => $
4400       case '$':
4401         break;
4403       // $n => number of arguments
4404       case 'n':
4405         PositionalParametersFound = true;
4406         break;
4408       // $[0-9] => argument
4409       default: {
4410         PositionalParametersFound = true;
4411         break;
4412       }
4413       }
4414       Pos += 2;
4415     } else {
4416       unsigned I = Pos + 1;
4417       while (isIdentifierChar(Body[I]) && I + 1 != End)
4418         ++I;
4420       const char *Begin = Body.data() + Pos + 1;
4421       StringRef Argument(Begin, I - (Pos + 1));
4422       unsigned Index = 0;
4423       for (; Index < NParameters; ++Index)
4424         if (Parameters[Index].Name == Argument)
4425           break;
4427       if (Index == NParameters) {
4428         if (Body[Pos + 1] == '(' && Body[Pos + 2] == ')')
4429           Pos += 3;
4430         else {
4431           Pos = I;
4432         }
4433       } else {
4434         NamedParametersFound = true;
4435         Pos += 1 + Argument.size();
4436       }
4437     }
4438     // Update the scan point.
4439     Body = Body.substr(Pos);
4440   }
4442   if (!NamedParametersFound && PositionalParametersFound)
4443     Warning(DirectiveLoc, "macro defined with named parameters which are not "
4444                           "used in macro body, possible positional parameter "
4445                           "found in body which will have no effect");
4446 }
4448 /// parseDirectiveExitMacro
4449 /// ::= .exitm
4450 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveExitMacro(StringRef Directive) {
4451   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4452                  "unexpected token in '" + Directive + "' directive"))
4453     return true;
4455   if (!isInsideMacroInstantiation())
4456     return TokError("unexpected '" + Directive + "' in file, "
4457                                                  "no current macro definition");
4459   // Exit all conditionals that are active in the current macro.
4460   while (TheCondStack.size() != ActiveMacros.back()->CondStackDepth) {
4461     TheCondState = TheCondStack.back();
4462     TheCondStack.pop_back();
4463   }
4465   handleMacroExit();
4466   return false;
4467 }
4469 /// parseDirectiveEndMacro
4470 /// ::= .endm
4471 /// ::= .endmacro
4472 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveEndMacro(StringRef Directive) {
4473   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
4474     return TokError("unexpected token in '" + Directive + "' directive");
4476   // If we are inside a macro instantiation, terminate the current
4477   // instantiation.
4478   if (isInsideMacroInstantiation()) {
4479     handleMacroExit();
4480     return false;
4481   }
4483   // Otherwise, this .endmacro is a stray entry in the file; well formed
4484   // .endmacro directives are handled during the macro definition parsing.
4485   return TokError("unexpected '" + Directive + "' in file, "
4486                                                "no current macro definition");
4487 }
4489 /// parseDirectivePurgeMacro
4490 /// ::= .purgem
4491 bool AsmParser::parseDirectivePurgeMacro(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
4492   StringRef Name;
4493   SMLoc Loc;
4494   if (parseTokenLoc(Loc) ||
4495       check(parseIdentifier(Name), Loc,
4496             "expected identifier in '.purgem' directive") ||
4497       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4498                  "unexpected token in '.purgem' directive"))
4499     return true;
4501   if (!getContext().lookupMacro(Name))
4502     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "macro '" + Name + "' is not defined");
4504   getContext().undefineMacro(Name);
4505   DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("asm-macros", dbgs()
4506                                     << "Un-defining macro: " << Name << "\n");
4507   return false;
4508 }
4510 /// parseDirectiveBundleAlignMode
4511 /// ::= {.bundle_align_mode} expression
4512 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveBundleAlignMode() {
4513   // Expect a single argument: an expression that evaluates to a constant
4514   // in the inclusive range 0-30.
4515   SMLoc ExprLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
4516   int64_t AlignSizePow2;
4517   if (checkForValidSection() || parseAbsoluteExpression(AlignSizePow2) ||
4518       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "unexpected token after expression "
4519                                            "in '.bundle_align_mode' "
4520                                            "directive") ||
4521       check(AlignSizePow2 < 0 || AlignSizePow2 > 30, ExprLoc,
4522             "invalid bundle alignment size (expected between 0 and 30)"))
4523     return true;
4525   // Because of AlignSizePow2's verified range we can safely truncate it to
4526   // unsigned.
4527   getStreamer().EmitBundleAlignMode(static_cast<unsigned>(AlignSizePow2));
4528   return false;
4529 }
4531 /// parseDirectiveBundleLock
4532 /// ::= {.bundle_lock} [align_to_end]
4533 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveBundleLock() {
4534   if (checkForValidSection())
4535     return true;
4536   bool AlignToEnd = false;
4538   StringRef Option;
4539   SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
4540   const char *kInvalidOptionError =
4541       "invalid option for '.bundle_lock' directive";
4543   if (!parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
4544     if (check(parseIdentifier(Option), Loc, kInvalidOptionError) ||
4545         check(Option != "align_to_end", Loc, kInvalidOptionError) ||
4546         parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4547                    "unexpected token after '.bundle_lock' directive option"))
4548       return true;
4549     AlignToEnd = true;
4550   }
4552   getStreamer().EmitBundleLock(AlignToEnd);
4553   return false;
4554 }
4556 /// parseDirectiveBundleLock
4557 /// ::= {.bundle_lock}
4558 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveBundleUnlock() {
4559   if (checkForValidSection() ||
4560       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4561                  "unexpected token in '.bundle_unlock' directive"))
4562     return true;
4564   getStreamer().EmitBundleUnlock();
4565   return false;
4566 }
4568 /// parseDirectiveSpace
4569 /// ::= (.skip | .space) expression [ , expression ]
4570 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveSpace(StringRef IDVal) {
4571   SMLoc NumBytesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4572   const MCExpr *NumBytes;
4573   if (checkForValidSection() || parseExpression(NumBytes))
4574     return true;
4576   int64_t FillExpr = 0;
4577   if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma))
4578     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(FillExpr))
4579       return addErrorSuffix("in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
4580   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
4581     return addErrorSuffix("in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive");
4583   // FIXME: Sometimes the fill expr is 'nop' if it isn't supplied, instead of 0.
4584   getStreamer().emitFill(*NumBytes, FillExpr, NumBytesLoc);
4586   return false;
4587 }
4589 /// parseDirectiveDCB
4590 /// ::= .dcb.{b, l, w} expression, expression
4591 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveDCB(StringRef IDVal, unsigned Size) {
4592   SMLoc NumValuesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4593   int64_t NumValues;
4594   if (checkForValidSection() || parseAbsoluteExpression(NumValues))
4595     return true;
4597   if (NumValues < 0) {
4598     Warning(NumValuesLoc, "'" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive with negative repeat count has no effect");
4599     return false;
4600   }
4602   if (parseToken(AsmToken::Comma,
4603                  "unexpected token in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive"))
4604     return true;
4606   const MCExpr *Value;
4607   SMLoc ExprLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
4608   if (parseExpression(Value))
4609     return true;
4611   // Special case constant expressions to match code generator.
4612   if (const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value)) {
4613     assert(Size <= 8 && "Invalid size");
4614     uint64_t IntValue = MCE->getValue();
4615     if (!isUIntN(8 * Size, IntValue) && !isIntN(8 * Size, IntValue))
4616       return Error(ExprLoc, "literal value out of range for directive");
4617     for (uint64_t i = 0, e = NumValues; i != e; ++i)
4618       getStreamer().EmitIntValue(IntValue, Size);
4619   } else {
4620     for (uint64_t i = 0, e = NumValues; i != e; ++i)
4621       getStreamer().EmitValue(Value, Size, ExprLoc);
4622   }
4624   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4625                  "unexpected token in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive"))
4626     return true;
4628   return false;
4629 }
4631 /// parseDirectiveRealDCB
4632 /// ::= .dcb.{d, s} expression, expression
4633 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveRealDCB(StringRef IDVal, const fltSemantics &Semantics) {
4634   SMLoc NumValuesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4635   int64_t NumValues;
4636   if (checkForValidSection() || parseAbsoluteExpression(NumValues))
4637     return true;
4639   if (NumValues < 0) {
4640     Warning(NumValuesLoc, "'" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive with negative repeat count has no effect");
4641     return false;
4642   }
4644   if (parseToken(AsmToken::Comma,
4645                  "unexpected token in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive"))
4646     return true;
4648   APInt AsInt;
4649   if (parseRealValue(Semantics, AsInt))
4650     return true;
4652   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4653                  "unexpected token in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive"))
4654     return true;
4656   for (uint64_t i = 0, e = NumValues; i != e; ++i)
4657     getStreamer().EmitIntValue(AsInt.getLimitedValue(),
4658                                AsInt.getBitWidth() / 8);
4660   return false;
4661 }
4663 /// parseDirectiveDS
4664 /// ::= .ds.{b, d, l, p, s, w, x} expression
4665 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveDS(StringRef IDVal, unsigned Size) {
4666   SMLoc NumValuesLoc = Lexer.getLoc();
4667   int64_t NumValues;
4668   if (checkForValidSection() || parseAbsoluteExpression(NumValues))
4669     return true;
4671   if (NumValues < 0) {
4672     Warning(NumValuesLoc, "'" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive with negative repeat count has no effect");
4673     return false;
4674   }
4676   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4677                  "unexpected token in '" + Twine(IDVal) + "' directive"))
4678     return true;
4680   for (uint64_t i = 0, e = NumValues; i != e; ++i)
4681     getStreamer().emitFill(Size, 0);
4683   return false;
4684 }
4686 /// parseDirectiveLEB128
4687 /// ::= (.sleb128 | .uleb128) [ expression (, expression)* ]
4688 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveLEB128(bool Signed) {
4689   if (checkForValidSection())
4690     return true;
4692   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
4693     const MCExpr *Value;
4694     if (parseExpression(Value))
4695       return true;
4696     if (Signed)
4697       getStreamer().EmitSLEB128Value(Value);
4698     else
4699       getStreamer().EmitULEB128Value(Value);
4700     return false;
4701   };
4703   if (parseMany(parseOp))
4704     return addErrorSuffix(" in directive");
4706   return false;
4707 }
4709 /// parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute
4710 ///  ::= { ".globl", ".weak", ... } [ identifier ( , identifier )* ]
4711 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveSymbolAttribute(MCSymbolAttr Attr) {
4712   auto parseOp = [&]() -> bool {
4713     StringRef Name;
4714     SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
4715     if (parseIdentifier(Name))
4716       return Error(Loc, "expected identifier");
4717     MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
4719     // Assembler local symbols don't make any sense here. Complain loudly.
4720     if (Sym->isTemporary())
4721       return Error(Loc, "non-local symbol required");
4723     if (!getStreamer().EmitSymbolAttribute(Sym, Attr))
4724       return Error(Loc, "unable to emit symbol attribute");
4725     return false;
4726   };
4728   if (parseMany(parseOp))
4729     return addErrorSuffix(" in directive");
4730   return false;
4731 }
4733 /// parseDirectiveComm
4734 ///  ::= ( .comm | .lcomm ) identifier , size_expression [ , align_expression ]
4735 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveComm(bool IsLocal) {
4736   if (checkForValidSection())
4737     return true;
4739   SMLoc IDLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
4740   StringRef Name;
4741   if (parseIdentifier(Name))
4742     return TokError("expected identifier in directive");
4744   // Handle the identifier as the key symbol.
4745   MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
4747   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma))
4748     return TokError("unexpected token in directive");
4749   Lex();
4751   int64_t Size;
4752   SMLoc SizeLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
4753   if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Size))
4754     return true;
4756   int64_t Pow2Alignment = 0;
4757   SMLoc Pow2AlignmentLoc;
4758   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4759     Lex();
4760     Pow2AlignmentLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
4761     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(Pow2Alignment))
4762       return true;
4764     LCOMM::LCOMMType LCOMM = Lexer.getMAI().getLCOMMDirectiveAlignmentType();
4765     if (IsLocal && LCOMM == LCOMM::NoAlignment)
4766       return Error(Pow2AlignmentLoc, "alignment not supported on this target");
4768     // If this target takes alignments in bytes (not log) validate and convert.
4769     if ((!IsLocal && Lexer.getMAI().getCOMMDirectiveAlignmentIsInBytes()) ||
4770         (IsLocal && LCOMM == LCOMM::ByteAlignment)) {
4771       if (!isPowerOf2_64(Pow2Alignment))
4772         return Error(Pow2AlignmentLoc, "alignment must be a power of 2");
4773       Pow2Alignment = Log2_64(Pow2Alignment);
4774     }
4775   }
4777   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4778                  "unexpected token in '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive"))
4779     return true;
4781   // NOTE: a size of zero for a .comm should create a undefined symbol
4782   // but a size of .lcomm creates a bss symbol of size zero.
4783   if (Size < 0)
4784     return Error(SizeLoc, "invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive size, can't "
4785                           "be less than zero");
4787   // NOTE: The alignment in the directive is a power of 2 value, the assembler
4788   // may internally end up wanting an alignment in bytes.
4789   // FIXME: Diagnose overflow.
4790   if (Pow2Alignment < 0)
4791     return Error(Pow2AlignmentLoc, "invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive "
4792                                    "alignment, can't be less than zero");
4794   Sym->redefineIfPossible();
4795   if (!Sym->isUndefined())
4796     return Error(IDLoc, "invalid symbol redefinition");
4798   // Create the Symbol as a common or local common with Size and Pow2Alignment
4799   if (IsLocal) {
4800     getStreamer().EmitLocalCommonSymbol(Sym, Size, 1 << Pow2Alignment);
4801     return false;
4802   }
4804   getStreamer().EmitCommonSymbol(Sym, Size, 1 << Pow2Alignment);
4805   return false;
4806 }
4808 /// parseDirectiveAbort
4809 ///  ::= .abort [... message ...]
4810 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAbort() {
4811   // FIXME: Use loc from directive.
4812   SMLoc Loc = getLexer().getLoc();
4814   StringRef Str = parseStringToEndOfStatement();
4815   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4816                  "unexpected token in '.abort' directive"))
4817     return true;
4819   if (Str.empty())
4820     return Error(Loc, ".abort detected. Assembly stopping.");
4821   else
4822     return Error(Loc, ".abort '" + Str + "' detected. Assembly stopping.");
4823   // FIXME: Actually abort assembly here.
4825   return false;
4826 }
4828 /// parseDirectiveInclude
4829 ///  ::= .include "filename"
4830 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveInclude() {
4831   // Allow the strings to have escaped octal character sequence.
4832   std::string Filename;
4833   SMLoc IncludeLoc = getTok().getLoc();
4835   if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
4836             "expected string in '.include' directive") ||
4837       parseEscapedString(Filename) ||
4838       check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement),
4839             "unexpected token in '.include' directive") ||
4840       // Attempt to switch the lexer to the included file before consuming the
4841       // end of statement to avoid losing it when we switch.
4842       check(enterIncludeFile(Filename), IncludeLoc,
4843             "Could not find include file '" + Filename + "'"))
4844     return true;
4846   return false;
4847 }
4849 /// parseDirectiveIncbin
4850 ///  ::= .incbin "filename" [ , skip [ , count ] ]
4851 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIncbin() {
4852   // Allow the strings to have escaped octal character sequence.
4853   std::string Filename;
4854   SMLoc IncbinLoc = getTok().getLoc();
4855   if (check(getTok().isNot(AsmToken::String),
4856             "expected string in '.incbin' directive") ||
4857       parseEscapedString(Filename))
4858     return true;
4860   int64_t Skip = 0;
4861   const MCExpr *Count = nullptr;
4862   SMLoc SkipLoc, CountLoc;
4863   if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4864     // The skip expression can be omitted while specifying the count, e.g:
4865     //  .incbin "filename",,4
4866     if (getTok().isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4867       if (parseTokenLoc(SkipLoc) || parseAbsoluteExpression(Skip))
4868         return true;
4869     }
4870     if (parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4871       CountLoc = getTok().getLoc();
4872       if (parseExpression(Count))
4873         return true;
4874     }
4875   }
4877   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4878                  "unexpected token in '.incbin' directive"))
4879     return true;
4881   if (check(Skip < 0, SkipLoc, "skip is negative"))
4882     return true;
4884   // Attempt to process the included file.
4885   if (processIncbinFile(Filename, Skip, Count, CountLoc))
4886     return Error(IncbinLoc, "Could not find incbin file '" + Filename + "'");
4887   return false;
4888 }
4890 /// parseDirectiveIf
4891 /// ::= .if{,eq,ge,gt,le,lt,ne} expression
4892 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, DirectiveKind DirKind) {
4893   TheCondStack.push_back(TheCondState);
4894   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::IfCond;
4895   if (TheCondState.Ignore) {
4896     eatToEndOfStatement();
4897   } else {
4898     int64_t ExprValue;
4899     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(ExprValue) ||
4900         parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4901                    "unexpected token in '.if' directive"))
4902       return true;
4904     switch (DirKind) {
4905     default:
4906       llvm_unreachable("unsupported directive");
4907     case DK_IF:
4908     case DK_IFNE:
4909       break;
4910     case DK_IFEQ:
4911       ExprValue = ExprValue == 0;
4912       break;
4913     case DK_IFGE:
4914       ExprValue = ExprValue >= 0;
4915       break;
4916     case DK_IFGT:
4917       ExprValue = ExprValue > 0;
4918       break;
4919     case DK_IFLE:
4920       ExprValue = ExprValue <= 0;
4921       break;
4922     case DK_IFLT:
4923       ExprValue = ExprValue < 0;
4924       break;
4925     }
4927     TheCondState.CondMet = ExprValue;
4928     TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
4929   }
4931   return false;
4932 }
4934 /// parseDirectiveIfb
4935 /// ::= .ifb string
4936 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIfb(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectBlank) {
4937   TheCondStack.push_back(TheCondState);
4938   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::IfCond;
4940   if (TheCondState.Ignore) {
4941     eatToEndOfStatement();
4942   } else {
4943     StringRef Str = parseStringToEndOfStatement();
4945     if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4946                    "unexpected token in '.ifb' directive"))
4947       return true;
4949     TheCondState.CondMet = ExpectBlank == Str.empty();
4950     TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
4951   }
4953   return false;
4954 }
4956 /// parseDirectiveIfc
4957 /// ::= .ifc string1, string2
4958 /// ::= .ifnc string1, string2
4959 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIfc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectEqual) {
4960   TheCondStack.push_back(TheCondState);
4961   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::IfCond;
4963   if (TheCondState.Ignore) {
4964     eatToEndOfStatement();
4965   } else {
4966     StringRef Str1 = parseStringToComma();
4968     if (parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "unexpected token in '.ifc' directive"))
4969       return true;
4971     StringRef Str2 = parseStringToEndOfStatement();
4973     if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
4974                    "unexpected token in '.ifc' directive"))
4975       return true;
4977     TheCondState.CondMet = ExpectEqual == (Str1.trim() == Str2.trim());
4978     TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
4979   }
4981   return false;
4982 }
4984 /// parseDirectiveIfeqs
4985 ///   ::= .ifeqs string1, string2
4986 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIfeqs(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool ExpectEqual) {
4987   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::String)) {
4988     if (ExpectEqual)
4989       return TokError("expected string parameter for '.ifeqs' directive");
4990     return TokError("expected string parameter for '.ifnes' directive");
4991   }
4993   StringRef String1 = getTok().getStringContents();
4994   Lex();
4996   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
4997     if (ExpectEqual)
4998       return TokError(
4999           "expected comma after first string for '.ifeqs' directive");
5000     return TokError("expected comma after first string for '.ifnes' directive");
5001   }
5003   Lex();
5005   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::String)) {
5006     if (ExpectEqual)
5007       return TokError("expected string parameter for '.ifeqs' directive");
5008     return TokError("expected string parameter for '.ifnes' directive");
5009   }
5011   StringRef String2 = getTok().getStringContents();
5012   Lex();
5014   TheCondStack.push_back(TheCondState);
5015   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::IfCond;
5016   TheCondState.CondMet = ExpectEqual == (String1 == String2);
5017   TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
5019   return false;
5020 }
5022 /// parseDirectiveIfdef
5023 /// ::= .ifdef symbol
5024 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIfdef(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, bool expect_defined) {
5025   StringRef Name;
5026   TheCondStack.push_back(TheCondState);
5027   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::IfCond;
5029   if (TheCondState.Ignore) {
5030     eatToEndOfStatement();
5031   } else {
5032     if (check(parseIdentifier(Name), "expected identifier after '.ifdef'") ||
5033         parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "unexpected token in '.ifdef'"))
5034       return true;
5036     MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().lookupSymbol(Name);
5038     if (expect_defined)
5039       TheCondState.CondMet = (Sym && !Sym->isUndefined());
5040     else
5041       TheCondState.CondMet = (!Sym || Sym->isUndefined());
5042     TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
5043   }
5045   return false;
5046 }
5048 /// parseDirectiveElseIf
5049 /// ::= .elseif expression
5050 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveElseIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5051   if (TheCondState.TheCond != AsmCond::IfCond &&
5052       TheCondState.TheCond != AsmCond::ElseIfCond)
5053     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "Encountered a .elseif that doesn't follow an"
5054                                " .if or  an .elseif");
5055   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::ElseIfCond;
5057   bool LastIgnoreState = false;
5058   if (!TheCondStack.empty())
5059     LastIgnoreState = TheCondStack.back().Ignore;
5060   if (LastIgnoreState || TheCondState.CondMet) {
5061     TheCondState.Ignore = true;
5062     eatToEndOfStatement();
5063   } else {
5064     int64_t ExprValue;
5065     if (parseAbsoluteExpression(ExprValue))
5066       return true;
5068     if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5069                    "unexpected token in '.elseif' directive"))
5070       return true;
5072     TheCondState.CondMet = ExprValue;
5073     TheCondState.Ignore = !TheCondState.CondMet;
5074   }
5076   return false;
5077 }
5079 /// parseDirectiveElse
5080 /// ::= .else
5081 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveElse(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5082   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5083                  "unexpected token in '.else' directive"))
5084     return true;
5086   if (TheCondState.TheCond != AsmCond::IfCond &&
5087       TheCondState.TheCond != AsmCond::ElseIfCond)
5088     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "Encountered a .else that doesn't follow "
5089                                " an .if or an .elseif");
5090   TheCondState.TheCond = AsmCond::ElseCond;
5091   bool LastIgnoreState = false;
5092   if (!TheCondStack.empty())
5093     LastIgnoreState = TheCondStack.back().Ignore;
5094   if (LastIgnoreState || TheCondState.CondMet)
5095     TheCondState.Ignore = true;
5096   else
5097     TheCondState.Ignore = false;
5099   return false;
5100 }
5102 /// parseDirectiveEnd
5103 /// ::= .end
5104 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveEnd(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5105   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5106                  "unexpected token in '.end' directive"))
5107     return true;
5109   while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof))
5110     Lexer.Lex();
5112   return false;
5113 }
5115 /// parseDirectiveError
5116 ///   ::= .err
5117 ///   ::= .error [string]
5118 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveError(SMLoc L, bool WithMessage) {
5119   if (!TheCondStack.empty()) {
5120     if (TheCondStack.back().Ignore) {
5121       eatToEndOfStatement();
5122       return false;
5123     }
5124   }
5126   if (!WithMessage)
5127     return Error(L, ".err encountered");
5129   StringRef Message = ".error directive invoked in source file";
5130   if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
5131     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::String))
5132       return TokError(".error argument must be a string");
5134     Message = getTok().getStringContents();
5135     Lex();
5136   }
5138   return Error(L, Message);
5139 }
5141 /// parseDirectiveWarning
5142 ///   ::= .warning [string]
5143 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveWarning(SMLoc L) {
5144   if (!TheCondStack.empty()) {
5145     if (TheCondStack.back().Ignore) {
5146       eatToEndOfStatement();
5147       return false;
5148     }
5149   }
5151   StringRef Message = ".warning directive invoked in source file";
5153   if (!parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
5154     if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::String))
5155       return TokError(".warning argument must be a string");
5157     Message = getTok().getStringContents();
5158     Lex();
5159     if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5160                    "expected end of statement in '.warning' directive"))
5161       return true;
5162   }
5164   return Warning(L, Message);
5165 }
5167 /// parseDirectiveEndIf
5168 /// ::= .endif
5169 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveEndIf(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5170   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5171                  "unexpected token in '.endif' directive"))
5172     return true;
5174   if ((TheCondState.TheCond == AsmCond::NoCond) || TheCondStack.empty())
5175     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "Encountered a .endif that doesn't follow "
5176                                "an .if or .else");
5177   if (!TheCondStack.empty()) {
5178     TheCondState = TheCondStack.back();
5179     TheCondStack.pop_back();
5180   }
5182   return false;
5183 }
5185 void AsmParser::initializeDirectiveKindMap() {
5186   DirectiveKindMap[".set"] = DK_SET;
5187   DirectiveKindMap[".equ"] = DK_EQU;
5188   DirectiveKindMap[".equiv"] = DK_EQUIV;
5189   DirectiveKindMap[".ascii"] = DK_ASCII;
5190   DirectiveKindMap[".asciz"] = DK_ASCIZ;
5191   DirectiveKindMap[".string"] = DK_STRING;
5192   DirectiveKindMap[".byte"] = DK_BYTE;
5193   DirectiveKindMap[".short"] = DK_SHORT;
5194   DirectiveKindMap[".value"] = DK_VALUE;
5195   DirectiveKindMap[".2byte"] = DK_2BYTE;
5196   DirectiveKindMap[".long"] = DK_LONG;
5197   DirectiveKindMap[".int"] = DK_INT;
5198   DirectiveKindMap[".4byte"] = DK_4BYTE;
5199   DirectiveKindMap[".quad"] = DK_QUAD;
5200   DirectiveKindMap[".8byte"] = DK_8BYTE;
5201   DirectiveKindMap[".octa"] = DK_OCTA;
5202   DirectiveKindMap[".single"] = DK_SINGLE;
5203   DirectiveKindMap[".float"] = DK_FLOAT;
5204   DirectiveKindMap[".double"] = DK_DOUBLE;
5205   DirectiveKindMap[".align"] = DK_ALIGN;
5206   DirectiveKindMap[".align32"] = DK_ALIGN32;
5207   DirectiveKindMap[".balign"] = DK_BALIGN;
5208   DirectiveKindMap[".balignw"] = DK_BALIGNW;
5209   DirectiveKindMap[".balignl"] = DK_BALIGNL;
5210   DirectiveKindMap[".p2align"] = DK_P2ALIGN;
5211   DirectiveKindMap[".p2alignw"] = DK_P2ALIGNW;
5212   DirectiveKindMap[".p2alignl"] = DK_P2ALIGNL;
5213   DirectiveKindMap[".org"] = DK_ORG;
5214   DirectiveKindMap[".fill"] = DK_FILL;
5215   DirectiveKindMap[".zero"] = DK_ZERO;
5216   DirectiveKindMap[".extern"] = DK_EXTERN;
5217   DirectiveKindMap[".globl"] = DK_GLOBL;
5218   DirectiveKindMap[".global"] = DK_GLOBAL;
5219   DirectiveKindMap[".lazy_reference"] = DK_LAZY_REFERENCE;
5220   DirectiveKindMap[".no_dead_strip"] = DK_NO_DEAD_STRIP;
5221   DirectiveKindMap[".symbol_resolver"] = DK_SYMBOL_RESOLVER;
5222   DirectiveKindMap[".private_extern"] = DK_PRIVATE_EXTERN;
5223   DirectiveKindMap[".reference"] = DK_REFERENCE;
5224   DirectiveKindMap[".weak_definition"] = DK_WEAK_DEFINITION;
5225   DirectiveKindMap[".weak_reference"] = DK_WEAK_REFERENCE;
5226   DirectiveKindMap[".weak_def_can_be_hidden"] = DK_WEAK_DEF_CAN_BE_HIDDEN;
5227   DirectiveKindMap[".comm"] = DK_COMM;
5228   DirectiveKindMap[".common"] = DK_COMMON;
5229   DirectiveKindMap[".lcomm"] = DK_LCOMM;
5230   DirectiveKindMap[".abort"] = DK_ABORT;
5231   DirectiveKindMap[".include"] = DK_INCLUDE;
5232   DirectiveKindMap[".incbin"] = DK_INCBIN;
5233   DirectiveKindMap[".code16"] = DK_CODE16;
5234   DirectiveKindMap[".code16gcc"] = DK_CODE16GCC;
5235   DirectiveKindMap[".rept"] = DK_REPT;
5236   DirectiveKindMap[".rep"] = DK_REPT;
5237   DirectiveKindMap[".irp"] = DK_IRP;
5238   DirectiveKindMap[".irpc"] = DK_IRPC;
5239   DirectiveKindMap[".endr"] = DK_ENDR;
5240   DirectiveKindMap[".bundle_align_mode"] = DK_BUNDLE_ALIGN_MODE;
5241   DirectiveKindMap[".bundle_lock"] = DK_BUNDLE_LOCK;
5242   DirectiveKindMap[".bundle_unlock"] = DK_BUNDLE_UNLOCK;
5243   DirectiveKindMap[".if"] = DK_IF;
5244   DirectiveKindMap[".ifeq"] = DK_IFEQ;
5245   DirectiveKindMap[".ifge"] = DK_IFGE;
5246   DirectiveKindMap[".ifgt"] = DK_IFGT;
5247   DirectiveKindMap[".ifle"] = DK_IFLE;
5248   DirectiveKindMap[".iflt"] = DK_IFLT;
5249   DirectiveKindMap[".ifne"] = DK_IFNE;
5250   DirectiveKindMap[".ifb"] = DK_IFB;
5251   DirectiveKindMap[".ifnb"] = DK_IFNB;
5252   DirectiveKindMap[".ifc"] = DK_IFC;
5253   DirectiveKindMap[".ifeqs"] = DK_IFEQS;
5254   DirectiveKindMap[".ifnc"] = DK_IFNC;
5255   DirectiveKindMap[".ifnes"] = DK_IFNES;
5256   DirectiveKindMap[".ifdef"] = DK_IFDEF;
5257   DirectiveKindMap[".ifndef"] = DK_IFNDEF;
5258   DirectiveKindMap[".ifnotdef"] = DK_IFNOTDEF;
5259   DirectiveKindMap[".elseif"] = DK_ELSEIF;
5260   DirectiveKindMap[".else"] = DK_ELSE;
5261   DirectiveKindMap[".end"] = DK_END;
5262   DirectiveKindMap[".endif"] = DK_ENDIF;
5263   DirectiveKindMap[".skip"] = DK_SKIP;
5264   DirectiveKindMap[".space"] = DK_SPACE;
5265   DirectiveKindMap[".file"] = DK_FILE;
5266   DirectiveKindMap[".line"] = DK_LINE;
5267   DirectiveKindMap[".loc"] = DK_LOC;
5268   DirectiveKindMap[".stabs"] = DK_STABS;
5269   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_file"] = DK_CV_FILE;
5270   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_func_id"] = DK_CV_FUNC_ID;
5271   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_loc"] = DK_CV_LOC;
5272   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_linetable"] = DK_CV_LINETABLE;
5273   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_inline_linetable"] = DK_CV_INLINE_LINETABLE;
5274   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_inline_site_id"] = DK_CV_INLINE_SITE_ID;
5275   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_def_range"] = DK_CV_DEF_RANGE;
5276   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_string"] = DK_CV_STRING;
5277   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_stringtable"] = DK_CV_STRINGTABLE;
5278   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_filechecksums"] = DK_CV_FILECHECKSUMS;
5279   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_filechecksumoffset"] = DK_CV_FILECHECKSUM_OFFSET;
5280   DirectiveKindMap[".cv_fpo_data"] = DK_CV_FPO_DATA;
5281   DirectiveKindMap[".sleb128"] = DK_SLEB128;
5282   DirectiveKindMap[".uleb128"] = DK_ULEB128;
5283   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_sections"] = DK_CFI_SECTIONS;
5284   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_startproc"] = DK_CFI_STARTPROC;
5285   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_endproc"] = DK_CFI_ENDPROC;
5286   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_def_cfa"] = DK_CFI_DEF_CFA;
5287   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_def_cfa_offset"] = DK_CFI_DEF_CFA_OFFSET;
5288   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset"] = DK_CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET;
5289   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_def_cfa_register"] = DK_CFI_DEF_CFA_REGISTER;
5290   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_offset"] = DK_CFI_OFFSET;
5291   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_rel_offset"] = DK_CFI_REL_OFFSET;
5292   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_personality"] = DK_CFI_PERSONALITY;
5293   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_lsda"] = DK_CFI_LSDA;
5294   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_remember_state"] = DK_CFI_REMEMBER_STATE;
5295   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_restore_state"] = DK_CFI_RESTORE_STATE;
5296   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_same_value"] = DK_CFI_SAME_VALUE;
5297   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_restore"] = DK_CFI_RESTORE;
5298   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_escape"] = DK_CFI_ESCAPE;
5299   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_return_column"] = DK_CFI_RETURN_COLUMN;
5300   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_signal_frame"] = DK_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAME;
5301   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_undefined"] = DK_CFI_UNDEFINED;
5302   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_register"] = DK_CFI_REGISTER;
5303   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_window_save"] = DK_CFI_WINDOW_SAVE;
5304   DirectiveKindMap[".cfi_b_key_frame"] = DK_CFI_B_KEY_FRAME;
5305   DirectiveKindMap[".macros_on"] = DK_MACROS_ON;
5306   DirectiveKindMap[".macros_off"] = DK_MACROS_OFF;
5307   DirectiveKindMap[".macro"] = DK_MACRO;
5308   DirectiveKindMap[".exitm"] = DK_EXITM;
5309   DirectiveKindMap[".endm"] = DK_ENDM;
5310   DirectiveKindMap[".endmacro"] = DK_ENDMACRO;
5311   DirectiveKindMap[".purgem"] = DK_PURGEM;
5312   DirectiveKindMap[".err"] = DK_ERR;
5313   DirectiveKindMap[".error"] = DK_ERROR;
5314   DirectiveKindMap[".warning"] = DK_WARNING;
5315   DirectiveKindMap[".altmacro"] = DK_ALTMACRO;
5316   DirectiveKindMap[".noaltmacro"] = DK_NOALTMACRO;
5317   DirectiveKindMap[".reloc"] = DK_RELOC;
5318   DirectiveKindMap[".dc"] = DK_DC;
5319   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.a"] = DK_DC_A;
5320   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.b"] = DK_DC_B;
5321   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.d"] = DK_DC_D;
5322   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.l"] = DK_DC_L;
5323   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.s"] = DK_DC_S;
5324   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.w"] = DK_DC_W;
5325   DirectiveKindMap[".dc.x"] = DK_DC_X;
5326   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb"] = DK_DCB;
5327   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.b"] = DK_DCB_B;
5328   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.d"] = DK_DCB_D;
5329   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.l"] = DK_DCB_L;
5330   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.s"] = DK_DCB_S;
5331   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.w"] = DK_DCB_W;
5332   DirectiveKindMap[".dcb.x"] = DK_DCB_X;
5333   DirectiveKindMap[".ds"] = DK_DS;
5334   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.b"] = DK_DS_B;
5335   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.d"] = DK_DS_D;
5336   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.l"] = DK_DS_L;
5337   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.p"] = DK_DS_P;
5338   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.s"] = DK_DS_S;
5339   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.w"] = DK_DS_W;
5340   DirectiveKindMap[".ds.x"] = DK_DS_X;
5341   DirectiveKindMap[".print"] = DK_PRINT;
5342   DirectiveKindMap[".addrsig"] = DK_ADDRSIG;
5343   DirectiveKindMap[".addrsig_sym"] = DK_ADDRSIG_SYM;
5344 }
5346 MCAsmMacro *AsmParser::parseMacroLikeBody(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5347   AsmToken EndToken, StartToken = getTok();
5349   unsigned NestLevel = 0;
5350   while (true) {
5351     // Check whether we have reached the end of the file.
5352     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Eof)) {
5353       printError(DirectiveLoc, "no matching '.endr' in definition");
5354       return nullptr;
5355     }
5357     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Identifier) &&
5358         (getTok().getIdentifier() == ".rep" ||
5359          getTok().getIdentifier() == ".rept" ||
5360          getTok().getIdentifier() == ".irp" ||
5361          getTok().getIdentifier() == ".irpc")) {
5362       ++NestLevel;
5363     }
5365     // Otherwise, check whether we have reached the .endr.
5366     if (Lexer.is(AsmToken::Identifier) && getTok().getIdentifier() == ".endr") {
5367       if (NestLevel == 0) {
5368         EndToken = getTok();
5369         Lex();
5370         if (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
5371           printError(getTok().getLoc(),
5372                      "unexpected token in '.endr' directive");
5373           return nullptr;
5374         }
5375         break;
5376       }
5377       --NestLevel;
5378     }
5380     // Otherwise, scan till the end of the statement.
5381     eatToEndOfStatement();
5382   }
5384   const char *BodyStart = StartToken.getLoc().getPointer();
5385   const char *BodyEnd = EndToken.getLoc().getPointer();
5386   StringRef Body = StringRef(BodyStart, BodyEnd - BodyStart);
5388   // We Are Anonymous.
5389   MacroLikeBodies.emplace_back(StringRef(), Body, MCAsmMacroParameters());
5390   return &MacroLikeBodies.back();
5391 }
5393 void AsmParser::instantiateMacroLikeBody(MCAsmMacro *M, SMLoc DirectiveLoc,
5394                                          raw_svector_ostream &OS) {
5395   OS << ".endr\n";
5397   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Instantiation =
5398       MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(OS.str(), "<instantiation>");
5400   // Create the macro instantiation object and add to the current macro
5401   // instantiation stack.
5402   MacroInstantiation *MI = new MacroInstantiation(
5403       DirectiveLoc, CurBuffer, getTok().getLoc(), TheCondStack.size());
5404   ActiveMacros.push_back(MI);
5406   // Jump to the macro instantiation and prime the lexer.
5407   CurBuffer = SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(Instantiation), SMLoc());
5408   Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(CurBuffer)->getBuffer());
5409   Lex();
5410 }
5412 /// parseDirectiveRept
5413 ///   ::= .rep | .rept count
5414 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveRept(SMLoc DirectiveLoc, StringRef Dir) {
5415   const MCExpr *CountExpr;
5416   SMLoc CountLoc = getTok().getLoc();
5417   if (parseExpression(CountExpr))
5418     return true;
5420   int64_t Count;
5421   if (!CountExpr->evaluateAsAbsolute(Count, getStreamer().getAssemblerPtr())) {
5422     return Error(CountLoc, "unexpected token in '" + Dir + "' directive");
5423   }
5425   if (check(Count < 0, CountLoc, "Count is negative") ||
5426       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement,
5427                  "unexpected token in '" + Dir + "' directive"))
5428     return true;
5430   // Lex the rept definition.
5431   MCAsmMacro *M = parseMacroLikeBody(DirectiveLoc);
5432   if (!M)
5433     return true;
5435   // Macro instantiation is lexical, unfortunately. We construct a new buffer
5436   // to hold the macro body with substitutions.
5437   SmallString<256> Buf;
5438   raw_svector_ostream OS(Buf);
5439   while (Count--) {
5440     // Note that the AtPseudoVariable is disabled for instantiations of .rep(t).
5441     if (expandMacro(OS, M->Body, None, None, false, getTok().getLoc()))
5442       return true;
5443   }
5444   instantiateMacroLikeBody(M, DirectiveLoc, OS);
5446   return false;
5447 }
5449 /// parseDirectiveIrp
5450 /// ::= .irp symbol,values
5451 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIrp(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5452   MCAsmMacroParameter Parameter;
5453   MCAsmMacroArguments A;
5454   if (check(parseIdentifier(Parameter.Name),
5455             "expected identifier in '.irp' directive") ||
5456       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "expected comma in '.irp' directive") ||
5457       parseMacroArguments(nullptr, A) ||
5458       parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "expected End of Statement"))
5459     return true;
5461   // Lex the irp definition.
5462   MCAsmMacro *M = parseMacroLikeBody(DirectiveLoc);
5463   if (!M)
5464     return true;
5466   // Macro instantiation is lexical, unfortunately. We construct a new buffer
5467   // to hold the macro body with substitutions.
5468   SmallString<256> Buf;
5469   raw_svector_ostream OS(Buf);
5471   for (const MCAsmMacroArgument &Arg : A) {
5472     // Note that the AtPseudoVariable is enabled for instantiations of .irp.
5473     // This is undocumented, but GAS seems to support it.
5474     if (expandMacro(OS, M->Body, Parameter, Arg, true, getTok().getLoc()))
5475       return true;
5476   }
5478   instantiateMacroLikeBody(M, DirectiveLoc, OS);
5480   return false;
5481 }
5483 /// parseDirectiveIrpc
5484 /// ::= .irpc symbol,values
5485 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveIrpc(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5486   MCAsmMacroParameter Parameter;
5487   MCAsmMacroArguments A;
5489   if (check(parseIdentifier(Parameter.Name),
5490             "expected identifier in '.irpc' directive") ||
5491       parseToken(AsmToken::Comma, "expected comma in '.irpc' directive") ||
5492       parseMacroArguments(nullptr, A))
5493     return true;
5495   if (A.size() != 1 || A.front().size() != 1)
5496     return TokError("unexpected token in '.irpc' directive");
5498   // Eat the end of statement.
5499   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "expected end of statement"))
5500     return true;
5502   // Lex the irpc definition.
5503   MCAsmMacro *M = parseMacroLikeBody(DirectiveLoc);
5504   if (!M)
5505     return true;
5507   // Macro instantiation is lexical, unfortunately. We construct a new buffer
5508   // to hold the macro body with substitutions.
5509   SmallString<256> Buf;
5510   raw_svector_ostream OS(Buf);
5512   StringRef Values = A.front().front().getString();
5513   for (std::size_t I = 0, End = Values.size(); I != End; ++I) {
5514     MCAsmMacroArgument Arg;
5515     Arg.emplace_back(AsmToken::Identifier, Values.slice(I, I + 1));
5517     // Note that the AtPseudoVariable is enabled for instantiations of .irpc.
5518     // This is undocumented, but GAS seems to support it.
5519     if (expandMacro(OS, M->Body, Parameter, Arg, true, getTok().getLoc()))
5520       return true;
5521   }
5523   instantiateMacroLikeBody(M, DirectiveLoc, OS);
5525   return false;
5526 }
5528 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveEndr(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5529   if (ActiveMacros.empty())
5530     return TokError("unmatched '.endr' directive");
5532   // The only .repl that should get here are the ones created by
5533   // instantiateMacroLikeBody.
5534   assert(getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement));
5536   handleMacroExit();
5537   return false;
5538 }
5540 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveMSEmit(SMLoc IDLoc, ParseStatementInfo &Info,
5541                                      size_t Len) {
5542   const MCExpr *Value;
5543   SMLoc ExprLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
5544   if (parseExpression(Value))
5545     return true;
5546   const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value);
5547   if (!MCE)
5548     return Error(ExprLoc, "unexpected expression in _emit");
5549   uint64_t IntValue = MCE->getValue();
5550   if (!isUInt<8>(IntValue) && !isInt<8>(IntValue))
5551     return Error(ExprLoc, "literal value out of range for directive");
5553   Info.AsmRewrites->emplace_back(AOK_Emit, IDLoc, Len);
5554   return false;
5555 }
5557 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveMSAlign(SMLoc IDLoc, ParseStatementInfo &Info) {
5558   const MCExpr *Value;
5559   SMLoc ExprLoc = getLexer().getLoc();
5560   if (parseExpression(Value))
5561     return true;
5562   const MCConstantExpr *MCE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Value);
5563   if (!MCE)
5564     return Error(ExprLoc, "unexpected expression in align");
5565   uint64_t IntValue = MCE->getValue();
5566   if (!isPowerOf2_64(IntValue))
5567     return Error(ExprLoc, "literal value not a power of two greater then zero");
5569   Info.AsmRewrites->emplace_back(AOK_Align, IDLoc, 5, Log2_64(IntValue));
5570   return false;
5571 }
5573 bool AsmParser::parseDirectivePrint(SMLoc DirectiveLoc) {
5574   const AsmToken StrTok = getTok();
5575   Lex();
5576   if (StrTok.isNot(AsmToken::String) || StrTok.getString().front() != '"')
5577     return Error(DirectiveLoc, "expected double quoted string after .print");
5578   if (parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement, "expected end of statement"))
5579     return true;
5580   llvm::outs() << StrTok.getStringContents() << '\n';
5581   return false;
5582 }
5584 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAddrsig() {
5585   getStreamer().EmitAddrsig();
5586   return false;
5587 }
5589 bool AsmParser::parseDirectiveAddrsigSym() {
5590   StringRef Name;
5591   if (check(parseIdentifier(Name),
5592             "expected identifier in '.addrsig_sym' directive"))
5593     return true;
5594   MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
5595   getStreamer().EmitAddrsigSym(Sym);
5596   return false;
5597 }
5599 // We are comparing pointers, but the pointers are relative to a single string.
5600 // Thus, this should always be deterministic.
5601 static int rewritesSort(const AsmRewrite *AsmRewriteA,
5602                         const AsmRewrite *AsmRewriteB) {
5603   if (AsmRewriteA->Loc.getPointer() < AsmRewriteB->Loc.getPointer())
5604     return -1;
5605   if (AsmRewriteB->Loc.getPointer() < AsmRewriteA->Loc.getPointer())
5606     return 1;
5608   // It's possible to have a SizeDirective, Imm/ImmPrefix and an Input/Output
5609   // rewrite to the same location.  Make sure the SizeDirective rewrite is
5610   // performed first, then the Imm/ImmPrefix and finally the Input/Output.  This
5611   // ensures the sort algorithm is stable.
5612   if (AsmRewritePrecedence[AsmRewriteA->Kind] >
5613       AsmRewritePrecedence[AsmRewriteB->Kind])
5614     return -1;
5616   if (AsmRewritePrecedence[AsmRewriteA->Kind] <
5617       AsmRewritePrecedence[AsmRewriteB->Kind])
5618     return 1;
5619   llvm_unreachable("Unstable rewrite sort.");
5620 }
5622 bool AsmParser::parseMSInlineAsm(
5623     void *AsmLoc, std::string &AsmString, unsigned &NumOutputs,
5624     unsigned &NumInputs, SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<void *, bool>> &OpDecls,
5625     SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Constraints,
5626     SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Clobbers, const MCInstrInfo *MII,
5627     const MCInstPrinter *IP, MCAsmParserSemaCallback &SI) {
5628   SmallVector<void *, 4> InputDecls;
5629   SmallVector<void *, 4> OutputDecls;
5630   SmallVector<bool, 4> InputDeclsAddressOf;
5631   SmallVector<bool, 4> OutputDeclsAddressOf;
5632   SmallVector<std::string, 4> InputConstraints;
5633   SmallVector<std::string, 4> OutputConstraints;
5634   SmallVector<unsigned, 4> ClobberRegs;
5636   SmallVector<AsmRewrite, 4> AsmStrRewrites;
5638   // Prime the lexer.
5639   Lex();
5641   // While we have input, parse each statement.
5642   unsigned InputIdx = 0;
5643   unsigned OutputIdx = 0;
5644   while (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Eof)) {
5645     // Parse curly braces marking block start/end
5646     if (parseCurlyBlockScope(AsmStrRewrites))
5647       continue;
5649     ParseStatementInfo Info(&AsmStrRewrites);
5650     bool StatementErr = parseStatement(Info, &SI);
5652     if (StatementErr || Info.ParseError) {
5653       // Emit pending errors if any exist.
5654       printPendingErrors();
5655       return true;
5656     }
5658     // No pending error should exist here.
5659     assert(!hasPendingError() && "unexpected error from parseStatement");
5661     if (Info.Opcode == ~0U)
5662       continue;
5664     const MCInstrDesc &Desc = MII->get(Info.Opcode);
5666     // Build the list of clobbers, outputs and inputs.
5667     for (unsigned i = 1, e = Info.ParsedOperands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
5668       MCParsedAsmOperand &Operand = *Info.ParsedOperands[i];
5670       // Immediate.
5671       if (Operand.isImm())
5672         continue;
5674       // Register operand.
5675       if (Operand.isReg() && !Operand.needAddressOf() &&
5676           !getTargetParser().OmitRegisterFromClobberLists(Operand.getReg())) {
5677         unsigned NumDefs = Desc.getNumDefs();
5678         // Clobber.
5679         if (NumDefs && Operand.getMCOperandNum() < NumDefs)
5680           ClobberRegs.push_back(Operand.getReg());
5681         continue;
5682       }
5684       // Expr/Input or Output.
5685       StringRef SymName = Operand.getSymName();
5686       if (SymName.empty())
5687         continue;
5689       void *OpDecl = Operand.getOpDecl();
5690       if (!OpDecl)
5691         continue;
5693       bool isOutput = (i == 1) && Desc.mayStore();
5694       SMLoc Start = SMLoc::getFromPointer(SymName.data());
5695       if (isOutput) {
5696         ++InputIdx;
5697         OutputDecls.push_back(OpDecl);
5698         OutputDeclsAddressOf.push_back(Operand.needAddressOf());
5699         OutputConstraints.push_back(("=" + Operand.getConstraint()).str());
5700         AsmStrRewrites.emplace_back(AOK_Output, Start, SymName.size());
5701       } else {
5702         InputDecls.push_back(OpDecl);
5703         InputDeclsAddressOf.push_back(Operand.needAddressOf());
5704         InputConstraints.push_back(Operand.getConstraint().str());
5705         AsmStrRewrites.emplace_back(AOK_Input, Start, SymName.size());
5706       }
5707     }
5709     // Consider implicit defs to be clobbers.  Think of cpuid and push.
5710     ArrayRef<MCPhysReg> ImpDefs(Desc.getImplicitDefs(),
5711                                 Desc.getNumImplicitDefs());
5712     ClobberRegs.insert(ClobberRegs.end(), ImpDefs.begin(), ImpDefs.end());
5713   }
5715   // Set the number of Outputs and Inputs.
5716   NumOutputs = OutputDecls.size();
5717   NumInputs = InputDecls.size();
5719   // Set the unique clobbers.
5720   array_pod_sort(ClobberRegs.begin(), ClobberRegs.end());
5721   ClobberRegs.erase(std::unique(ClobberRegs.begin(), ClobberRegs.end()),
5722                     ClobberRegs.end());
5723   Clobbers.assign(ClobberRegs.size(), std::string());
5724   for (unsigned I = 0, E = ClobberRegs.size(); I != E; ++I) {
5725     raw_string_ostream OS(Clobbers[I]);
5726     IP->printRegName(OS, ClobberRegs[I]);
5727   }
5729   // Merge the various outputs and inputs.  Output are expected first.
5730   if (NumOutputs || NumInputs) {
5731     unsigned NumExprs = NumOutputs + NumInputs;
5732     OpDecls.resize(NumExprs);
5733     Constraints.resize(NumExprs);
5734     for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumOutputs; ++i) {
5735       OpDecls[i] = std::make_pair(OutputDecls[i], OutputDeclsAddressOf[i]);
5736       Constraints[i] = OutputConstraints[i];
5737     }
5738     for (unsigned i = 0, j = NumOutputs; i < NumInputs; ++i, ++j) {
5739       OpDecls[j] = std::make_pair(InputDecls[i], InputDeclsAddressOf[i]);
5740       Constraints[j] = InputConstraints[i];
5741     }
5742   }
5744   // Build the IR assembly string.
5745   std::string AsmStringIR;
5746   raw_string_ostream OS(AsmStringIR);
5747   StringRef ASMString =
5748       SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(SrcMgr.getMainFileID())->getBuffer();
5749   const char *AsmStart = ASMString.begin();
5750   const char *AsmEnd = ASMString.end();
5751   array_pod_sort(AsmStrRewrites.begin(), AsmStrRewrites.end(), rewritesSort);
5752   for (const AsmRewrite &AR : AsmStrRewrites) {
5753     AsmRewriteKind Kind = AR.Kind;
5755     const char *Loc = AR.Loc.getPointer();
5756     assert(Loc >= AsmStart && "Expected Loc to be at or after Start!");
5758     // Emit everything up to the immediate/expression.
5759     if (unsigned Len = Loc - AsmStart)
5760       OS << StringRef(AsmStart, Len);
5762     // Skip the original expression.
5763     if (Kind == AOK_Skip) {
5764       AsmStart = Loc + AR.Len;
5765       continue;
5766     }
5768     unsigned AdditionalSkip = 0;
5769     // Rewrite expressions in $N notation.
5770     switch (Kind) {
5771     default:
5772       break;
5773     case AOK_IntelExpr:
5774       assert(AR.IntelExp.isValid() && "cannot write invalid intel expression");
5775       if (AR.IntelExp.NeedBracs)
5776         OS << "[";
5777       if (AR.IntelExp.hasBaseReg())
5778         OS << AR.IntelExp.BaseReg;
5779       if (AR.IntelExp.hasIndexReg())
5780         OS << (AR.IntelExp.hasBaseReg() ? " + " : "")
5781            << AR.IntelExp.IndexReg;
5782       if (AR.IntelExp.Scale > 1)
5783           OS << " * $$" << AR.IntelExp.Scale;
5784       if (AR.IntelExp.Imm || !AR.IntelExp.hasRegs())
5785         OS << (AR.IntelExp.hasRegs() ? " + $$" : "$$") << AR.IntelExp.Imm;
5786       if (AR.IntelExp.NeedBracs)
5787         OS << "]";
5788       break;
5789     case AOK_Label:
5790       OS << Ctx.getAsmInfo()->getPrivateLabelPrefix() << AR.Label;
5791       break;
5792     case AOK_Input:
5793       OS << '$' << InputIdx++;
5794       break;
5795     case AOK_Output:
5796       OS << '$' << OutputIdx++;
5797       break;
5798     case AOK_SizeDirective:
5799       switch (AR.Val) {
5800       default: break;
5801       case 8:  OS << "byte ptr "; break;
5802       case 16: OS << "word ptr "; break;
5803       case 32: OS << "dword ptr "; break;
5804       case 64: OS << "qword ptr "; break;
5805       case 80: OS << "xword ptr "; break;
5806       case 128: OS << "xmmword ptr "; break;
5807       case 256: OS << "ymmword ptr "; break;
5808       }
5809       break;
5810     case AOK_Emit:
5811       OS << ".byte";
5812       break;
5813     case AOK_Align: {
5814       // MS alignment directives are measured in bytes. If the native assembler
5815       // measures alignment in bytes, we can pass it straight through.
5816       OS << ".align";
5817       if (getContext().getAsmInfo()->getAlignmentIsInBytes())
5818         break;
5820       // Alignment is in log2 form, so print that instead and skip the original
5821       // immediate.
5822       unsigned Val = AR.Val;
5823       OS << ' ' << Val;
5824       assert(Val < 10 && "Expected alignment less then 2^10.");
5825       AdditionalSkip = (Val < 4) ? 2 : Val < 7 ? 3 : 4;
5826       break;
5827     }
5828     case AOK_EVEN:
5829       OS << ".even";
5830       break;
5831     case AOK_EndOfStatement:
5832       OS << "\n\t";
5833       break;
5834     }
5836     // Skip the original expression.
5837     AsmStart = Loc + AR.Len + AdditionalSkip;
5838   }
5840   // Emit the remainder of the asm string.
5841   if (AsmStart != AsmEnd)
5842     OS << StringRef(AsmStart, AsmEnd - AsmStart);
5844   AsmString = OS.str();
5845   return false;
5846 }
5848 namespace llvm {
5849 namespace MCParserUtils {
5851 /// Returns whether the given symbol is used anywhere in the given expression,
5852 /// or subexpressions.
5853 static bool isSymbolUsedInExpression(const MCSymbol *Sym, const MCExpr *Value) {
5854   switch (Value->getKind()) {
5855   case MCExpr::Binary: {
5856     const MCBinaryExpr *BE = static_cast<const MCBinaryExpr *>(Value);
5857     return isSymbolUsedInExpression(Sym, BE->getLHS()) ||
5858            isSymbolUsedInExpression(Sym, BE->getRHS());
5859   }
5860   case MCExpr::Target:
5861   case MCExpr::Constant:
5862     return false;
5863   case MCExpr::SymbolRef: {
5864     const MCSymbol &S =
5865         static_cast<const MCSymbolRefExpr *>(Value)->getSymbol();
5866     if (S.isVariable())
5867       return isSymbolUsedInExpression(Sym, S.getVariableValue());
5868     return &S == Sym;
5869   }
5870   case MCExpr::Unary:
5871     return isSymbolUsedInExpression(
5872         Sym, static_cast<const MCUnaryExpr *>(Value)->getSubExpr());
5873   }
5875   llvm_unreachable("Unknown expr kind!");
5876 }
5878 bool parseAssignmentExpression(StringRef Name, bool allow_redef,
5879                                MCAsmParser &Parser, MCSymbol *&Sym,
5880                                const MCExpr *&Value) {
5882   // FIXME: Use better location, we should use proper tokens.
5883   SMLoc EqualLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
5884   if (Parser.parseExpression(Value))
5885     return Parser.TokError("missing expression");
5887   // Note: we don't count b as used in "a = b". This is to allow
5888   // a = b
5889   // b = c
5891   if (Parser.parseToken(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
5892     return true;
5894   // Validate that the LHS is allowed to be a variable (either it has not been
5895   // used as a symbol, or it is an absolute symbol).
5896   Sym = Parser.getContext().lookupSymbol(Name);
5897   if (Sym) {
5898     // Diagnose assignment to a label.
5899     //
5900     // FIXME: Diagnostics. Note the location of the definition as a label.
5901     // FIXME: Diagnose assignment to protected identifier (e.g., register name).
5902     if (isSymbolUsedInExpression(Sym, Value))
5903       return Parser.Error(EqualLoc, "Recursive use of '" + Name + "'");
5904     else if (Sym->isUndefined(/*SetUsed*/ false) && !Sym->isUsed() &&
5905              !Sym->isVariable())
5906       ; // Allow redefinitions of undefined symbols only used in directives.
5907     else if (Sym->isVariable() && !Sym->isUsed() && allow_redef)
5908       ; // Allow redefinitions of variables that haven't yet been used.
5909     else if (!Sym->isUndefined() && (!Sym->isVariable() || !allow_redef))
5910       return Parser.Error(EqualLoc, "redefinition of '" + Name + "'");
5911     else if (!Sym->isVariable())
5912       return Parser.Error(EqualLoc, "invalid assignment to '" + Name + "'");
5913     else if (!isa<MCConstantExpr>(Sym->getVariableValue()))
5914       return Parser.Error(EqualLoc,
5915                           "invalid reassignment of non-absolute variable '" +
5916                               Name + "'");
5917   } else if (Name == ".") {
5918     Parser.getStreamer().emitValueToOffset(Value, 0, EqualLoc);
5919     return false;
5920   } else
5921     Sym = Parser.getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
5923   Sym->setRedefinable(allow_redef);
5925   return false;
5926 }
5928 } // end namespace MCParserUtils
5929 } // end namespace llvm
5931 /// Create an MCAsmParser instance.
5932 MCAsmParser *llvm::createMCAsmParser(SourceMgr &SM, MCContext &C,
5933                                      MCStreamer &Out, const MCAsmInfo &MAI,
5934                                      unsigned CB) {
5935   return new AsmParser(SM, C, Out, MAI, CB);
5936 }