1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
21 #include <log4cxx/logstring.h>
22 #include <log4cxx/helpers/objectptr.h>
24 namespace log4cxx
25 {
26 class Level;
27 class File;
28 typedef helpers::ObjectPtrT<Level> LevelPtr;
30 namespace spi
31 {
32 class LoggerRepository;
33 typedef helpers::ObjectPtrT<LoggerRepository> LoggerRepositoryPtr;
34 }
36 namespace helpers
37 {
38 class Properties;
40 class Object;
41 typedef ObjectPtrT<Object> ObjectPtr;
43 class Class;
45 /** A convenience class to convert property values to specific types.*/
46 class LOG4CXX_EXPORT OptionConverter
47 {
48 		/** OptionConverter is a static class. */
49 	private:
OptionConverter()50 		OptionConverter() {}
52 	public:
53 		static LogString convertSpecialChars(const LogString& s);
55 		/**
56 		If <code>value</code> is "true", then <code>true</code> is
57 		returned. If <code>value</code> is "false", then
58 		<code>true</code> is returned. Otherwise, <code>default</code> is
59 		returned.
61 		<p>Case of value is unimportant.
62 		*/
63 		static bool toBoolean(const LogString& value, bool dEfault);
64 		static int toInt(const LogString& value, int dEfault);
65 		static long toFileSize(const LogString& value, long dEfault);
66 		static LevelPtr toLevel(const LogString& value,
67 			const LevelPtr& defaultValue);
69 		/**
70 		Find the value corresponding to <code>key</code> in
71 		<code>props</code>. Then perform variable substitution on the
72 		found value.
73 		*/
74 		static LogString findAndSubst(const LogString& key, Properties& props);
76 		/**
77 		Perform variable substitution in string <code>val</code> from the
78 		values of keys found in the system propeties.
80 		<p>The variable substitution delimeters are <b>${</b> and <b>}</b>.
82 		<p>For example, if the System properties contains "key=value", then
83 		the call
84 		<pre>
85 		String s = OptionConverter.substituteVars("Value of key is ${key}.");
86 		</pre>
88 		will set the variable <code>s</code> to "Value of key is value.".
90 		<p>If no value could be found for the specified key, then the
91 		<code>props</code> parameter is searched, if the value could not
92 		be found there, then substitution defaults to the empty string.
94 		<p>For example, if system propeties contains no value for the key
95 		"inexistentKey", then the call
97 		<pre>
98 		String s = OptionConverter.subsVars("Value of inexistentKey is [${inexistentKey}]");
99 		</pre>
100 		will set <code>s</code> to "Value of inexistentKey is []"
102 		<p>An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if
103 		<code>val</code> contains a start delimeter "${" which is not
104 		balanced by a stop delimeter "}". </p>
106 		@param val The string on which variable substitution is performed.
107 		@param props The properties from which variable substitution is performed.
108 		@throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>val</code> is malformed.
109 		*/
110 		static LogString substVars(const LogString& val, Properties& props);
112 		/**
113 		 *  Gets the specified system property.
114 		@param key The key to search for.
115 		@param def The default value to return.
116 		@return the string value of the system property, or the default
117 		value if there is no property with that key.
118 		*/
119 		static LogString getSystemProperty(const LogString& key, const LogString& def);
121 		/**
122 		Instantiate an object given a class name. Check that the
123 		<code>className</code> is a subclass of
124 		<code>superClass</code>. If that test fails or the object could
125 		not be instantiated, then <code>defaultValue</code> is returned.
127 		@param className The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate.
128 		@param superClass The class to which the new object should belong.
129 		@param defaultValue The object to return in case of non-fulfillment
130 		*/
131 		static ObjectPtr instantiateByClassName(const LogString& className,
132 			const Class& superClass, const ObjectPtr& defaultValue);
134 		static ObjectPtr instantiateByKey(Properties& props,
135 			const LogString& key, const Class& superClass,
136 			const ObjectPtr& defaultValue);
138 		/**
139 		Configure log4cxx given a configFileName.
141 		<p>The configFileName must point to a file which will be
142 		interpreted by a new instance of a log4cxx configurator.
144 		<p>All configurations steps are taken on the
145 		<code>hierarchy</code> passed as a parameter.
147 		<p>
148 		@param configFileName The location of the configuration file.
149 		@param clazz The classname, of the log4cxx configurator which
150 		will parse the file <code>configFileName</code>. This must be
151 		a subclass of Configurator, or null. If this value is null then
152 		a default configurator of PropertyConfigurator is used, unless the
153 		filename pointed to by <code>configFileName</code> ends in '.xml',
154 		in which case DOMConfigurator is used.
155 		@param hierarchy The Hierarchy to act on.
156 		*/
157 		static void selectAndConfigure(const File& configFileName,
158 			const LogString& clazz, spi::LoggerRepositoryPtr& hierarchy);
159 };
160 }  // namespace helpers
161 } // namespace log4cxx