1 /**
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 LOVE Development Team
3 *
4 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 * arising from the use of this software.
7 *
8 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
9 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
10 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
11 *
12 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
13 *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
14 *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
15 *    appreciated but is not required.
16 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
17 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
18 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
19 **/
21 #ifndef LOVE_RUNTIME_H
22 #define LOVE_RUNTIME_H
24 // LOVE
25 #include "types.h"
27 // Lua
28 extern "C" {
29 	#include <lua.h>
30 	#include <lualib.h>
31 	#include <lauxlib.h>
32 }
34 namespace love
35 {
36 	// Forward declarations.
37 	class Module;
38 	class Reference;
40 	// Exposed mutex of the GC
41 	extern void *_gcmutex;
42 	extern unsigned int _gcthread;
44 	/**
45 	* Registries represent special tables which can be accessed with
46 	* luax_getregistry.
47 	**/
48 	enum Registry
49 	{
50 		REGISTRY_GC = 1,
52 	};
54 	/**
55 	* This structure wraps all Lua-exposed objects. It exists in the
56 	* Lua state as a full userdata (so we can catch __gc "events"),
57 	* though the Object it refers to is light userdata in the sense
58 	* that it is not allocated by the Lua VM.
59 	**/
60 	struct Proxy
61 	{
62 		// Holds type information (see types.h).
63 		bits flags;
65 		// The light userdata.
66 		void * data;
68 		// True if Lua should delete on GC.
69 		bool own;
70 	};
72 	/**
73 	* A Module with Lua wrapper functions and other data.
74 	**/
75 	struct WrappedModule
76 	{
77 		// The module containing the functions.
78 		Module * module;
80 		// The name for the table to put the functions in, without the 'love'-prefix.
81 		const char * name;
83 		// The type flags of this module.
84 		love::bits flags;
86 		// The functions of the module (last element {0,0}).
87 		const luaL_Reg * functions;
89 		// A list of functions which expose the types of the modules (last element 0).
90 		const lua_CFunction * types;
92 	};
94 	/**
95 	* Returns a reference to the top stack element (-1) if the value
96 	* is of the specified type. If the value is incorrect, zero is returned.
97 	*
98 	* In any case, the top stack element is popped, regardless of its type.
99 	**/
100 	Reference * luax_refif(lua_State * L, int type);
102 	/**
103 	* Prints the current contents of the stack. Only useful for debugging.
104 	* @param L The Lua state.
105 	**/
106 	void luax_printstack(lua_State * L);
108 	/**
109 	* Converts the value at idx to a bool. It follow the same rules
110 	* as lua_toboolean, but returns a bool instead of an int.
111 	* @param L The Lua state.
112 	* @param idx The index on the Lua state.
113 	* @return True if the value evaluates to true, false otherwise.
114 	**/
115 	bool luax_toboolean(lua_State * L, int idx);
117 	/**
118 	* Pushes a bool onto the stack. It's the same as lua_pushboolean,
119 	* but with bool instead of int.
120 	* @param L The Lua state.
121 	* @paarm b The bool to push.
122 	**/
123 	void luax_pushboolean(lua_State * L, bool b);
125 	/**
126 	* Converts the value at idx to a bool, or if not present, b is returned.
127 	* @param L The Lua state.
128 	* @param idx The index of the Lua state.
129 	* @param b The value to return if no value exist at the specified index.
130 	* @return True if the value evaluates to true, false otherwise.
131 	**/
132 	bool luax_optboolean(lua_State * L, int idx, bool b);
134 	/**
135 	* Require at least 'min' number of items on the stack.
136 	* @param L The Lua state.
137 	* @param min The minimum number of items on the stack.
138 	* @return Zero if conditions are met, otherwise a Lua error (longjmp).
139 	**/
140 	int luax_assert_argc(lua_State * L, int min);
142 	/**
143 	* Require at least 'min', but more than 'max' items on the stack.
144 	* @param L The Lua state.
145 	* @param min The minimum number of items on the stack.
146 	* @param max The maximum number of items on the stack.
147 	* @return Zero if conditions are met, otherwise a Lua error (longjmp).
148 	**/
149 	int luax_assert_argc(lua_State * L, int min, int max);
151 	/**
152 	* Require that the value at idx is a function.
153 	* @param L The Lua state.
154 	 *@param idx The index on the stack.
155 	**/
156 	int luax_assert_function(lua_State * L, int idx);
158 	/**
159 	* Register a module in the love table. The love table will be created if it does not exist.
160 	* @param L The Lua state.
161 	**/
162 	int luax_register_module(lua_State * L, const WrappedModule & m);
164 	/**
165 	* Inserts a module with 'name' into the package.preloaded table.
166 	* @param f The function to be called when the module is opened.
167 	* @param name The name of the module, with 'love'-prefix, for instance 'love.graphics'.
168 	**/
169 	int luax_preload(lua_State * L, lua_CFunction f, const char * name);
171 	/**
172 	* Register a new type.
173 	* @param tname The name of the type. This must not conflict with other type names,
174 	* even from other modules.
175 	* @param f The list of member functions for the type.
176 	**/
177 	int luax_register_type(lua_State * L, const char * tname, const luaL_Reg * f = 0);
179 	/**
180 	* Register a new searcher function for package.loaders. This can for instance enable
181 	* loading of files through love.filesystem using standard require.
182 	* @param L The Lua state.
183 	* @param f The searcher function.
184 	**/
185 	int luax_register_searcher(lua_State * L, lua_CFunction f);
187 	/**
188 	* Creates a new Lua-accessible object of the given type, and put it on the stack.
189 	* @param L The Lua state.
190 	* @param name The name of the type. This must match the used earlier with luax_register_type.
191 	* @param flags The type information.
192 	* @param data The pointer to the actual object.
193 	* @own Set this to true (default) if the object should be released upon garbage collection.
194 	**/
195 	void luax_newtype(lua_State * L, const char * name, bits flags, void * data, bool own = true);
197 	/**
198 	* Checks whether the value at idx is a certain type.
199 	* @param L The Lua state.
200 	* @param idx The index on the stack.
201 	* @param type The type to check for.
202 	* @return True if the value is Proxy of the specified type, false otherwise.
203 	**/
204 	bool luax_istype(lua_State * L, int idx, love::bits type);
206 	/**
207 	* Gets the function love.module.function and puts it on top of the stack (alone). If the
208 	* love table, the module, or the function does not exist, an error is returned.
209 	* @return An error if nonexistent, or 1 if successful.
210 	**/
211 	int luax_getfunction(lua_State * L, const char * module, const char * function);
213 	/**
214 	* Converts an object into another object by the specified function love.module.function.
215 	* The conversion function must accept a single object of the relevant type as a parameter,
216 	* and returnone value. If the function does not exist (see luax_getfunction), an error is returned.
217 	*
218 	* Note that the initial object at idx is replaced by the new object.
219 	*
220 	* @param L The Lua state.
221 	* @param idx The index on the stack.
222 	* @param module The module in the love table.
223 	* @param function The function in the module.
224 	**/
225 	int luax_convobj(lua_State * L, int idx, const char * module, const char * function);
227 	/**
228 	* Converts an object into another object by the specified function love.module.function.
229 	* The conversion function must accept a single object of the relevant type as its first parameter,
230 	* and return one value. If the function does not exist (see luax_getfunction), an error is returned.
231 	*
232 	* Note that the initial object at idx is replaced by the new object.
233 	*
234 	* @param L The Lua state.
235 	* @param idxs An array of indices on the stack.
236 	* @param n How many arguments are being passed.
237 	* @param module The module in the love table.
238 	* @param function The function in the module.
239 	**/
240 	int luax_convobj(lua_State * L, int idxs[], int n, const char * module, const char * function);
242 	/**
243 	* 'Insist' that a table 'k' exists in the table at idx. Insistence involves that the
244 	* table (k) is created if it does not exist in the table at idx. The table at idx must
245 	* pre-exist, however. Also note that if the a non-table value exists at the specified
246 	* location, it will be overwritten with a new table. The insisted table, and only the
247 	* insisted table, will be placed on top of the stack.
248 	*
249 	* @param idx The index on the stack containing a table.
250 	* @param k The name of the table we are insisting exist.
251 	**/
252 	int luax_insist(lua_State * L, int idx, const char * k);
254 	/**
255 	* Insist that a global table 'k' exists. See luax_insist.
256 	* @param k The name of the table we are insisting exist.
257 	**/
258 	int luax_insistglobal(lua_State * L, const char * k);
260 	/**
261 	* Insists that a table 'k' exists inside the 'love' table. See luax_insist.
262 	* @param k The name of the table we are insisting exist.
263 	**/
264 	int luax_insistlove(lua_State * L, const char * k);
266 	/**
267 	* Gets (creates if needed) the specified Registry, and puts it on top
268 	* of the stack.
269 	* @param L The Lua state.
270 	* @param r The Registry to get.
271 	**/
272 	int luax_getregistry(lua_State * L, Registry r);
274 	Type luax_type(lua_State * L, int idx);
276 	/**
277 	* Converts the value at idx to the specified type without checking that
278 	* this conversion is valid. If the type has been previously verified with
279 	* luax_istype, then this can be safely used. Otherwise, use luax_checktype.
280 	* @param L The Lua state.
281 	* @param idx The index on the stack.
282 	* @param name The name of the type.
283 	* @param type The type bit.
284 	**/
285 	template <typename T>
luax_totype(lua_State * L,int idx,const char *,love::bits)286 	T * luax_totype(lua_State * L, int idx, const char *, love::bits)
287 	{
288 		return (T*)(((Proxy *)lua_touserdata(L, idx))->data);
289 	}
291 	/**
292 	* Like luax_totype, but causes an error if the value at idx is not Proxy,
293 	* or is not the specified type.
294 	* @param L The Lua state.
295 	* @param idx The index on the stack.
296 	* @param name The name of the type.
297 	* @param type The type bit.
298 	**/
299 	template <typename T>
luax_checktype(lua_State * L,int idx,const char * name,love::bits type)300 	T * luax_checktype(lua_State * L, int idx, const char * name, love::bits type)
301 	{
302 		if(lua_isuserdata(L, idx) == 0)
303 			luaL_error(L, "Incorrect parameter type: expected userdata.");
305 		Proxy * u = (Proxy *)lua_touserdata(L, idx);
307 		if((u->flags & type) != type)
308 			luaL_error(L, "Incorrect parameter type: expected %s", name);
310 		return (T *)u->data;
311 	}
313 	template <typename T>
luax_getmodule(lua_State * L,const char * k,love::bits type)314 	T * luax_getmodule(lua_State * L, const char * k, love::bits type)
315 	{
316 		luax_getregistry(L, REGISTRY_MODULES);
317 		lua_getfield(L, -1, k);
319 		if(!lua_isuserdata(L, -1))
320 			luaL_error(L, "Tried to get nonexisting module %s.", k);
322 		Proxy * u = (Proxy *)lua_touserdata(L, -1);
324 		if((u->flags & type) != type)
325 			luaL_error(L, "Incorrect module %s", k);
327 		lua_pop(L, 2);
329 		return (T*)u->data;
330 	}
332 } // love
334 #endif // LOVE_RUNTIME_H