2 Lua Standard Libraries.
4 This module contains a selection of improved Lua core functions, among
5 others.
7 Also, after requiring this module, simply referencing symbols in the
8 submodule hierarchy will load the necessary modules on demand.
10 By default there are no changes to any global symbols, or monkey
11 patching of core module tables and metatables.  However, sometimes it's
12 still convenient to do that: For example, when using stdlib from the
13 REPL, or in a prototype where you want to throw caution to the wind and
14 compatibility with other modules be damned. In that case, you can give
15 `stdlib` permission to scribble all over your namespaces by using the
16 various `monkey_patch` calls in the library.
18 @todo Write a style guide (indenting/wrapping, capitalisation,
19   function and variable names); library functions should call
20   error, not die; OO vs non-OO (a thorny problem).
21 @todo pre-compile.
22 @module std
26local base = require "std.base"
28local M, monkeys
31local function monkey_patch (namespace)
32  base.copy (namespace or _G, monkeys)
33  return M
37local function barrel (namespace)
38  namespace = namespace or _G
40  -- Older releases installed the following into _G by default.
41  for _, name in pairs {
42    "functional.bind", "functional.collect", "functional.compose",
43    "functional.curry", "functional.filter", "functional.id",
44    "functional.map",
46    "io.die", "io.warn",
48    "string.pickle", "string.prettytostring", "string.render",
50    "table.pack",
52    "tree.ileaves", "tree.inodes", "tree.leaves", "tree.nodes",
53  } do
54    local module, method = name:match "^(.*)%.(.-)$"
55    namespace[method] = M[module][method]
56  end
58  -- Support old api names, for backwards compatibility.
59  namespace.fold = M.functional.fold
60  namespace.metamethod = M.getmetamethod
61  namespace.op = M.operator
62  namespace.require_version = M.require
64  require "std.io".monkey_patch (namespace)
65  require "std.math".monkey_patch (namespace)
66  require "std.string".monkey_patch (namespace)
67  require "std.table".monkey_patch (namespace)
69  return monkey_patch (namespace)
74--- Module table.
76-- In addition to the functions documented on this page, and a `version`
77-- field, references to other submodule functions will be loaded on
78-- demand.
79-- @table std
80-- @field version release version string
82local function X (decl, fn)
83  return require "std.debug".argscheck ("std." .. decl, fn)
86M = {
87  --- Enhance core `assert` to also allow formatted arguments.
88  -- @function assert
89  -- @param expect expression, expected to be *truthy*
90  -- @string[opt=""] f format string
91  -- @param[opt] ... arguments to format
92  -- @return value of *expect*, if *truthy*
93  -- @usage
94  -- std.assert (expected ~= nil, "100% unexpected!")
95  -- std.assert (expected ~= nil, "%s unexpected!", expected)
96  assert = X ("assert (?any, ?string, [any...])", base.assert),
98  --- A [barrel of monkey_patches](http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/barrel+of+monkeys).
99  --
100  -- Apply **all** `monkey_patch` functions.  Additionally, for backwards
101  -- compatibility only, write a selection of sub-module functions into
102  -- the given namespace.
103  -- @function barrel
104  -- @tparam[opt=_G] table namespace where to install global functions
105  -- @treturn table module table
106  -- @usage local std = require "std".barrel ()
107  barrel = X ("barrel (?table)", barrel),
109  --- An iterator over all elements of a sequence.
110  -- If *t* has a `__pairs` metamethod, use that to iterate.
111  -- @function elems
112  -- @tparam table t a table
113  -- @treturn function iterator function
114  -- @treturn table *t*, the table being iterated over
115  -- @return *key*, the previous iteration key
116  -- @see ielems
117  -- @see pairs
118  -- @usage
119  -- for value in std.elems {a = 1, b = 2, c = 5} do process (value) end
120  elems = X ("elems (table)", base.elems),
122  --- Evaluate a string as Lua code.
123  -- @function eval
124  -- @string s string of Lua code
125  -- @return result of evaluating `s`
126  -- @usage std.eval "math.min (2, 10)"
127  eval = X ("eval (string)", base.eval),
129  --- An iterator over the integer keyed elements of a sequence.
130  -- If *t* has a `__len` metamethod, iterate up to the index it returns.
131  -- @function ielems
132  -- @tparam table t a table
133  -- @treturn function iterator function
134  -- @treturn table *t*, the table being iterated over
135  -- @treturn int *index*, the previous iteration index
136  -- @see elems
137  -- @see ipairs
138  -- @usage
139  -- for v in std.ielems {"a", "b", "c"} do process (v) end
140  ielems = X ("ielems (table)", base.ielems),
142  --- An iterator over elements of a sequence, until the first `nil` value.
143  --
144  -- Like Lua 5.1 and 5.3, but unlike Lua 5.2 (which looks for and uses the
145  -- `__ipairs` metamethod), this iterator returns successive key-value
146  -- pairs with integer keys starting at 1, up to the first `nil` valued
147  -- pair.
148  -- @function ipairs
149  -- @tparam table t a table
150  -- @treturn function iterator function
151  -- @treturn table *t*, the table being iterated over
152  -- @treturn int *index*, the previous iteration index
153  -- @see ielems
154  -- @see npairs
155  -- @see pairs
156  -- @usage
157  -- -- length of sequence
158  -- args = {"first", "second", nil, "last"}
159  -- --> 1=first
160  -- --> 2=second
161  -- for i, v in std.ipairs (args) do
162  --   print (string.format ("%d=%s", i, v))
163  -- end
164  ipairs = X ("ipairs (table)", base.ipairs),
166  --- Return a new table with element order reversed.
167  -- Apart from the order of the elments returned, this function follows
168  -- the same rules as @{ipairs} for determining first and last elements.
169  -- @function ireverse
170  -- @tparam table t a table
171  -- @treturn table a new table with integer keyed elements in reverse
172  --   order with respect to *t*
173  -- @see ielems
174  -- @see ipairs
175  -- @usage
176  -- local rielems = std.functional.compose (std.ireverse, std.ielems)
177  -- for e in rielems (l) do process (e) end
178  ireverse = X ("ireverse (table)", base.ireverse),
180  --- Return named metamethod, if any, otherwise `nil`.
181  -- @function getmetamethod
182  -- @param x item to act on
183  -- @string n name of metamethod to lookup
184  -- @treturn function|nil metamethod function, or `nil` if no metamethod
185  -- @usage lookup = std.getmetamethod (require "std.object", "__index")
186  getmetamethod = X ("getmetamethod (?any, string)", base.getmetamethod),
188  --- Overwrite core methods and metamethods with `std` enhanced versions.
189  --
190  -- Write all functions from this module, except `std.barrel` and
191  -- `std.monkey_patch`, into the given namespace.
192  -- @function monkey_patch
193  -- @tparam[opt=_G] table namespace where to install global functions
194  -- @treturn table the module table
195  -- @usage local std = require "std".monkey_patch ()
196  monkey_patch = X ("monkey_patch (?table)", monkey_patch),
198  --- Ordered iterator for integer keyed values.
199  -- Like ipairs, but does not stop until the largest integer key.
200  -- @function npairs
201  -- @tparam table t a table
202  -- @treturn function iterator function
203  -- @treturn table t
204  -- @see ipairs
205  -- @see rnpairs
206  -- @usage
207  -- for i,v in npairs {"one", nil, "three"} do ... end
208  npairs = X ("npairs (table)", base.npairs),
210  --- Enhance core `pairs` to respect `__pairs` even in Lua 5.1.
211  -- @function pairs
212  -- @tparam table t a table
213  -- @treturn function iterator function
214  -- @treturn table *t*, the table being iterated over
215  -- @return *key*, the previous iteration key
216  -- @see elems
217  -- @see ipairs
218  -- @usage
219  -- for k, v in pairs {"a", b = "c", foo = 42} do process (k, v) end
220  pairs = X ("pairs (table)", base.pairs),
222  --- Enhance core `require` to assert version number compatibility.
223  -- By default match against the last substring of (dot-delimited)
224  -- digits in the module version string.
225  -- @function require
226  -- @string module module to require
227  -- @string[opt] min lowest acceptable version
228  -- @string[opt] too_big lowest version that is too big
229  -- @string[opt] pattern to match version in `module.version` or
230  --  `module._VERSION` (default: `"([%.%d]+)%D*$"`)
231  -- @usage
232  -- -- posix.version == "posix library for Lua 5.2 / 32"
233  -- posix = require ("posix", "29")
234  require = X ("require (string, ?string, ?string, ?string)", base.require),
236  --- An iterator like ipairs, but in reverse.
237  -- Apart from the order of the elments returned, this function follows
238  -- the same rules as @{ipairs} for determining first and last elements.
239  -- @function ripairs
240  -- @tparam table t any table
241  -- @treturn function iterator function
242  -- @treturn table *t*
243  -- @treturn number `#t + 1`
244  -- @see ipairs
245  -- @see rnpairs
246  -- @usage for i, v = ripairs (t) do ... end
247  ripairs = X ("ripairs (table)", base.ripairs),
249  --- An iterator like npairs, but in reverse.
250  -- Apart from the order of the elments returned, this function follows
251  -- the same rules as @{npairs} for determining first and last elements.
252  -- @function rnpairs
253  -- @tparam table t a table
254  -- @treturn function iterator function
255  -- @treturn table t
256  -- @see npairs
257  -- @see ripairs
258  -- @usage
259  -- for i,v in rnpairs {"one", nil, "three"} do ... end
260  rnpairs = X ("rnpairs (table)", base.rnpairs),
262  --- Enhance core `tostring` to render table contents as a string.
263  -- @function tostring
264  -- @param x object to convert to string
265  -- @treturn string compact string rendering of *x*
266  -- @usage
267  -- -- {1=baz,foo=bar}
268  -- print (std.tostring {foo="bar","baz"})
269  tostring = X ("tostring (?any)", base.tostring),
271  version = "General Lua libraries / @VERSION@",
275monkeys = base.copy ({}, M)
277-- Don't monkey_patch these apis into _G!
278for _, api in ipairs {"barrel", "monkey_patch", "version"} do
279  monkeys[api] = nil
283--- Metamethods
284-- @section Metamethods
286return setmetatable (M, {
287  --- Lazy loading of stdlib modules.
288  -- Don't load everything on initial startup, wait until first attempt
289  -- to access a submodule, and then load it on demand.
290  -- @function __index
291  -- @string name submodule name
292  -- @treturn table|nil the submodule that was loaded to satisfy the missing
293  --   `name`, otherwise `nil` if nothing was found
294  -- @usage
295  -- local std = require "std"
296  -- local prototype = std.object.prototype
297  __index = function (self, name)
298              local ok, t = pcall (require, "std." .. name)
299              if ok then
300		rawset (self, name, t)
301		return t
302	      end
303	    end,