1*** STDOUT ***
2 +--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
3 |  Name  |                          Biography                           |
4 +--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Alan   | This is a very long line of text which simulates a text     >|
6 |        |<string which is supposed to wrap in its field width.         |
7 | Kevin  | This is another long line of text which will also wrap so I >|
8 |        |<can see if this part of ShowTable really works as designed. >|
9 |        |< If not it's back to the drawing board.                      |
10 | Toad   | This is a short line                                         |
11 | Monica | This is another short line                                   |
12 | Stu    | Finally, here is another long line which shold wrap but     >|
13 |        |<maybe not                                                    |
14 +--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+