1Revision history for Perl module Module::Loader
30.04 2021-03-11 NEILB
4    - Include META.json in the release
5    - Switched to github issues rather than RT
70.03 2014-10-07 NEILB
8    - I was using my pod extension M<...> (from Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions)
9      instead of L<...>. Thanks to GRANTM and OALDERS for reporting this.
10    - Made max_depth immutable, as suggested by LEONT++, and pull request from
11      KENTNL++. You can pass it to the constructor, or as an option
12      when calling find_modules().
13    - Ensured all methods are documented, to get 100% pod coverage.
150.02 2014-10-06 NEILB
16    - Added a search() method, for full compatibility with Mojo::Loader.
180.01 2014-10-05 NEILB
19    - Plugin::Loader renamed to Module::Loader. Writing the doc and then
20      starting a blog post about it make me realise that Module::Loader
21      would be a much more appropriate name. Thanks to BRADH for giving
22      me the Module::Loader name.
23    - Tests were failing on win32. Needed to change
24            use lib 't/lib';
25      To a more OS-portable version. It was adding the directory ok, but
26      the regexp to strip the head of the path wasn't working.