2/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
4 * Driver for determining Jewish Holidays.
5 *
6 * PHP Version 5
7 *
8 * Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
9 *
10 * This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,
11 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is
12 * available at through the world-wide-web at
13 * http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt.
14 * If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to
15 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to
16 * license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
17 *
18 * @category Date
19 * @package  Date_Holidays
20 * @author   Carsten Lucke <luckec@tool-garage.de>
21 * @author   Stephan Schmidt <schst@php-tools.net>
22 * @license  http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.0.1
23 * @version  CVS: $Id$
24 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/Date_Holidays
25 */
28 * class that calculates Jewish holidays
29 *
30 * @category   Date
31 * @package    Date_Holidays
32 * @subpackage Driver
33 * @author     Carsten Lucke <luckec@tool-garage.de>
34 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.0.1
35 * @version    CVS: $Id$
36 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Date_Holidays
37 */
38class Date_Holidays_Driver_Jewish extends Date_Holidays_Driver
40    /**
41     * this driver's name
42     *
43     * @access   protected
44     * @var      string
45     */
46    var $_driverName = 'Jewish';
48    /**
49     * Constructor
50     *
51     * Use the Date_Holidays::factory() method to construct an object of a
52     * certain driver
53     *
54     * @access   protected
55     */
56    function Date_Holidays_Driver_Jewish()
57    {
58    }
60    /**
61     * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
62     *
63     * @access   protected
64     * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
65     * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
66     */
67    function _buildHolidays()
68    {
69        if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
70            return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
71        }
72        return true;
73    }