1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.8.0alpha1" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Date_Holidays_Ukraine</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Ukraine.</summary>
6 <description>Date_Holidays helps you calculate the dates and titles of holidays and other special celebrations. This is the driver for calculating holidays in the Ukraine.</description>
7 <lead>
8  <name>Carsten Lucke</name>
9  <user>luckec</user>
10  <email>luckec@php.net</email>
11  <active>yes</active>
12 </lead>
13 <lead>
14  <name>Ken Guest</name>
15  <user>kguest</user>
16  <email>ken@linux.ie</email>
17  <active>yes</active>
18 </lead>
19 <date>2009-03-17</date>
20 <time>01:04:03</time>
21 <version>
22  <release>0.1.2</release>
23  <api>0.17.2</api>
24 </version>
25 <stability>
26  <release>alpha</release>
27  <api>alpha</api>
28 </stability>
29 <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
30 <notes>
31* Utilise fix for Bug #13865: One-hour-shift in Christian driver
32 </notes>
33 <contents>
34  <dir name="/">
35   <file baseinstalldir="Date" md5sum="deae619785e6fe2b7902c85b2ad15d15" name="Holidays/Driver/Ukraine.php" role="php" />
36   <file baseinstalldir="Date" md5sum="ae6480ede12d313d13a9d9a7d569df28" name="tests/Date_Holidays_Driver_Ukraine_TestSuite.php" role="test" />
37  </dir>
38 </contents>
39 <dependencies>
40  <required>
41   <php>
42    <min>4.0.0</min>
43   </php>
44   <pearinstaller>
45    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
46   </pearinstaller>
47   <package>
48    <name>Date_Holidays</name>
49    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
50    <min>0.21.1</min>
51   </package>
52  </required>
53 </dependencies>
54 <phprelease />
55 <changelog>
56  <release>
57   <version>
58    <release>0.1.0</release>
59    <api>0.17.2</api>
60   </version>
61   <stability>
62    <release>alpha</release>
63    <api>alpha</api>
64   </stability>
65   <date>2008-05-07</date>
66   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
67   <notes>
68initial pear release
69   </notes>
70  </release>
71  <release>
72   <version>
73    <release>0.1.1</release>
74    <api>0.1.0</api>
75   </version>
76   <stability>
77    <release>alpha</release>
78    <api>alpha</api>
79   </stability>
80   <date>2008-08-23</date>
81   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
82   <notes>
83Slight changes to testsuite so it works when installed rather than in developers environment.
84   </notes>
85  </release>
86 </changelog>