1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.4" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Horde_Autoloader_Cache</name>
4 <channel>pear.horde.org</channel>
5 <summary>Cache for the Horde_Autoloader library</summary>
6 <description>Extension of the Horde_Autoloader that implements caching of class-file-maps. The caching method is determined automatically from the list of supported cache backends: APC, XCache, eAccelerator, local file system.</description>
7 <lead>
8  <name>Jan Schneider</name>
9  <user>jan</user>
10  <email>jan@horde.org</email>
11  <active>yes</active>
12 </lead>
13 <developer>
14  <name>Michael Slusarz</name>
15  <user>slusarz</user>
16  <email>slusarz@horde.org</email>
17  <active>yes</active>
18 </developer>
19 <date>2017-09-19</date>
20 <time>10:09:27</time>
21 <version>
22  <release>2.1.3</release>
23  <api>2.1.0</api>
24 </version>
25 <stability>
26  <release>stable</release>
27  <api>stable</api>
28 </stability>
29 <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
30 <notes>
31* [jan] Mark PHP 7 as supported.
32 </notes>
33 <contents>
34  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
35   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="259a5acbd70bb89026470ea852132c81" name="bin/horde-autoloader-cache-prune" role="script">
36    <tasks:replace from="/usr/bin/env php" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
37   </file>
38   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="321bf41f280cf805086dd5a720b37785" name="doc/Horde/Autoloader/Cache/COPYING" role="doc" />
39   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="b91a40a2ef81bb9a26c99def84767a4d" name="lib/Horde/Autoloader/Cache/Bootstrap.php" role="php" />
40   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="56a49a5e62da641f5fa5404d31ee0fc2" name="lib/Horde/Autoloader/Cache.php" role="php" />
41  </dir>
42 </contents>
43 <dependencies>
44  <required>
45   <php>
46    <min>5.3.0</min>
47    <max>8.0.0alpha1</max>
48    <exclude>8.0.0alpha1</exclude>
49   </php>
50   <pearinstaller>
51    <min>1.7.0</min>
52   </pearinstaller>
53   <package>
54    <name>Horde_Autoloader</name>
55    <channel>pear.horde.org</channel>
56    <min>2.0.0</min>
57    <max>3.0.0alpha1</max>
58    <exclude>3.0.0alpha1</exclude>
59   </package>
60   <extension>
61    <name>json</name>
62   </extension>
63  </required>
64  <optional>
65   <package>
66    <name>horde_lz4</name>
67    <channel>pear.horde.org</channel>
68    <providesextension>horde_lz4</providesextension>
69   </package>
70   <package>
71    <name>lzf</name>
72    <channel>pecl.php.net</channel>
73    <min>1.5.2</min>
74    <providesextension>lzf</providesextension>
75   </package>
76   <package>
77    <name>msgpack</name>
78    <channel>pecl.php.net</channel>
79    <providesextension>msgpack</providesextension>
80   </package>
81   <extension>
82    <name>apc</name>
83   </extension>
84   <extension>
85    <name>eaccelerator</name>
86   </extension>
87   <extension>
88    <name>xcache</name>
89   </extension>
90  </optional>
91 </dependencies>
92 <phprelease>
93  <filelist>
94   <install as="horde-autoloader-cache-prune" name="bin/horde-autoloader-cache-prune" />
95   <install as="COPYING" name="doc/Horde/Autoloader/Cache/COPYING" />
96   <install as="Horde/Autoloader/Cache.php" name="lib/Horde/Autoloader/Cache.php" />
97   <install as="Horde/Autoloader/Cache/Bootstrap.php" name="lib/Horde/Autoloader/Cache/Bootstrap.php" />
98  </filelist>
99 </phprelease>
100 <changelog>
101  <release>
102   <date>2011-11-22</date>
103   <time>11:58:36</time>
104   <version>
105    <release>1.0.0RC1</release>
106    <api>1.0.0RC1</api>
107   </version>
108   <stability>
109    <release>beta</release>
110    <api>beta</api>
111   </stability>
112   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
113   <notes>
114* First release candidate.
115   </notes>
116  </release>
117  <release>
118   <version>
119    <release>1.0.0RC2</release>
120    <api>1.0.0RC2</api>
121   </version>
122   <stability>
123    <release>beta</release>
124    <api>beta</api>
125   </stability>
126   <date>2011-12-06</date>
127   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
128   <notes>
129* [mms] Fix logic error that prevented non-existent class names from being cached.
130* [mms] Only save cached list if it has changed during this access.
131   </notes>
132  </release>
133  <release>
134   <version>
135    <release>1.0.0RC3</release>
136    <api>1.0.0RC3</api>
137   </version>
138   <stability>
139    <release>beta</release>
140    <api>beta</api>
141   </stability>
142   <date>2011-12-13</date>
143   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
144   <notes>
145* [jan] Include server name and file path in cache key to allow multiple Horde installations.
146   </notes>
147  </release>
148  <release>
149   <version>
150    <release>1.0.0</release>
151    <api>1.0.0</api>
152   </version>
153   <stability>
154    <release>stable</release>
155    <api>stable</api>
156   </stability>
157   <date>2011-12-21</date>
158   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
159   <notes>
160* First stable release.
161   </notes>
162  </release>
163  <release>
164   <version>
165    <release>1.0.1</release>
166    <api>1.0.0</api>
167   </version>
168   <stability>
169    <release>stable</release>
170    <api>stable</api>
171   </stability>
172   <date>2012-02-22</date>
173   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
174   <notes>
175* [jan] Fix horde-autoloader-cache-prune script.
176   </notes>
177  </release>
178  <release>
179   <version>
180    <release>2.0.0alpha1</release>
181    <api>1.0.0</api>
182   </version>
183   <stability>
184    <release>alpha</release>
185    <api>stable</api>
186   </stability>
187   <date>2012-07-05</date>
188   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
189   <notes>
190* First alpha release for Horde 5.
191   </notes>
192  </release>
193  <release>
194   <version>
195    <release>2.0.0beta1</release>
196    <api>1.0.0</api>
197   </version>
198   <stability>
199    <release>beta</release>
200    <api>stable</api>
201   </stability>
202   <date>2012-07-19</date>
203   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
204   <notes>
205* First beta release for Horde 5.
206   </notes>
207  </release>
208  <release>
209   <version>
210    <release>2.0.0</release>
211    <api>1.0.0</api>
212   </version>
213   <stability>
214    <release>stable</release>
215    <api>stable</api>
216   </stability>
217   <date>2012-10-30</date>
218   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
219   <notes>
220* First stable release for Horde 5.
221   </notes>
222  </release>
223  <release>
224   <version>
225    <release>2.0.1</release>
226    <api>1.0.0</api>
227   </version>
228   <stability>
229    <release>stable</release>
230    <api>stable</api>
231   </stability>
232   <date>2012-11-19</date>
233   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
234   <notes>
235* [mms] Compress cached data with LZF, if the PECL module is available.
236   </notes>
237  </release>
238  <release>
239   <version>
240    <release>2.0.2</release>
241    <api>1.0.0</api>
242   </version>
243   <stability>
244    <release>stable</release>
245    <api>stable</api>
246   </stability>
247   <date>2013-03-05</date>
248   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
249   <notes>
250* [jan] Improve dependency detection.
251   </notes>
252  </release>
253  <release>
254   <version>
255    <release>2.0.3</release>
256    <api>1.0.0</api>
257   </version>
258   <stability>
259    <release>stable</release>
260    <api>stable</api>
261   </stability>
262   <date>2013-03-11</date>
263   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
264   <notes>
265* [mms] Additional sanity checking when trying to load from cache.
266* [mms] Add support for horde_lz4 for compressing cache data.
267* [mms] Better error-checking when uncompressing cache data.
268   </notes>
269  </release>
270  <release>
271   <version>
272    <release>2.0.4</release>
273    <api>1.0.0</api>
274   </version>
275   <stability>
276    <release>stable</release>
277    <api>stable</api>
278   </stability>
279   <date>2013-08-02</date>
280   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
281   <notes>
282* [mms] Don&apos;t cache missing class paths.
283* [mms] Purging the autoloader cache no longer requires knowledge of the various SERVER_NAME settings used on a given system.
284   </notes>
285  </release>
286  <release>
287   <version>
288    <release>2.0.5</release>
289    <api>1.0.0</api>
290   </version>
291   <stability>
292    <release>stable</release>
293    <api>stable</api>
294   </stability>
295   <date>2013-08-20</date>
296   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
297   <notes>
298* [mms] Improved error handling/logging when system temporary directory is not accessible.
299   </notes>
300  </release>
301  <release>
302   <version>
303    <release>2.0.6</release>
304    <api>1.0.0</api>
305   </version>
306   <stability>
307    <release>stable</release>
308    <api>stable</api>
309   </stability>
310   <date>2013-11-12</date>
311   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
312   <notes>
313* [mms] Support msgpack for serializing the map lookup.
314   </notes>
315  </release>
316  <release>
317   <version>
318    <release>2.0.7</release>
319    <api>1.0.0</api>
320   </version>
321   <stability>
322    <release>stable</release>
323    <api>stable</api>
324   </stability>
325   <date>2014-02-14</date>
326   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
327   <notes>
328* [mms] Use more efficient hashing algorithm, if available.
329* [mms] Saving cache data should be handled in a shutdown function, not a destructor.
330* [mms] Add Horde-specific prefix to filesystem cache name to allow for easy identification.
331   </notes>
332  </release>
333  <release>
334   <version>
335    <release>2.1.0</release>
336    <api>2.1.0</api>
337   </version>
338   <stability>
339    <release>stable</release>
340    <api>stable</api>
341   </stability>
342   <date>2014-04-03</date>
343   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
344   <notes>
345* [mms] Abstract caching logic into Horde_Autoloader_Cache_Bootstrap class.
346   </notes>
347  </release>
348  <release>
349   <version>
350    <release>2.1.1</release>
351    <api>2.1.0</api>
352   </version>
353   <stability>
354    <release>stable</release>
355    <api>stable</api>
356   </stability>
357   <date>2015-01-06</date>
358   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
359   <notes>
360* [mms] Handle a cache miss by trying to load the class in its new location.
361   </notes>
362  </release>
363  <release>
364   <version>
365    <release>2.1.2</release>
366    <api>2.1.0</api>
367   </version>
368   <stability>
369    <release>stable</release>
370    <api>stable</api>
371   </stability>
372   <date>2015-07-31</date>
373   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
374   <notes>
375* [jan] Fix Composer file.
376   </notes>
377  </release>
378  <release>
379   <version>
380    <release>2.1.3</release>
381    <api>2.1.0</api>
382   </version>
383   <stability>
384    <release>stable</release>
385    <api>stable</api>
386   </stability>
387   <date>2017-09-19</date>
388   <license uri="http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21">LGPL-2.1</license>
389   <notes>
390* [jan] Mark PHP 7 as supported.
391   </notes>
392  </release>
393 </changelog>