1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.3" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Pager</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Data paging class</summary>
6 <description>It takes an array of data as input and pages it according to various parameters.
7It also builds links within a specified range, and allows complete customization of the output (it even works with front controllers and mod_rewrite).
8Two operating modes available: &quot;Jumping&quot; and &quot;Sliding&quot; window style.</description>
9 <lead>
10  <name>Lorenzo Alberton</name>
11  <user>quipo</user>
12  <email>l.alberton@quipo.it</email>
13  <active>yes</active>
14 </lead>
15 <lead>
16  <name>Richard Heyes</name>
17  <user>richard</user>
18  <email>richard@phpguru.org</email>
19  <active>no</active>
20 </lead>
21 <date>2017-06-19</date>
22 <time>16:22:36</time>
23 <version>
24  <release>2.5.1</release>
25  <api>2.4.8</api>
26 </version>
27 <stability>
28  <release>stable</release>
29  <api>stable</api>
30 </stability>
31 <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
32 <notes>
33PHP 7 compatibility
34 </notes>
35 <contents>
36  <dir name="/">
37   <file md5sum="204579a10e33851c9333b3406b07c4a3" name="Pager/Common.php" role="php" />
38   <file md5sum="30468552a6956ab8b2fc711ea0c2dee4" name="Pager/HtmlWidgets.php" role="php" />
39   <file md5sum="745784212dcf6228a3be3a14d075438f" name="Pager/Jumping.php" role="php" />
40   <file md5sum="ed78b7b6da069dc71e9fb7b1d76da7c5" name="Pager/Pager.php" role="php" />
41   <file md5sum="ec15351a7f030d3eaeeffb6ffb5ba2d1" name="Pager/Sliding.php" role="php" />
42   <file md5sum="dd926cb5d76b3fa118a52b7d3af41b61" name="examples/example.php" role="doc" />
43   <file md5sum="c690491c213bdba0063096dc9d24ec35" name="examples/Pager_Wrapper.php" role="doc" />
44   <file md5sum="044185c6761dc5ec4e8b39c0c3017d20" name="tests/all_tests.php" role="test" />
45   <file md5sum="d681cc4c70122c9289995ce27a622423" name="tests/multibyte_post.php" role="test" />
46   <file md5sum="b3e407b0a8c04113e8d4934b702720a8" name="tests/pager_include.php" role="test" />
47   <file md5sum="1517ea658b12a912ef364ff3fec19bf7" name="tests/pager_jumping_noData_test.php" role="test" />
48   <file md5sum="a8532390092690e6817d39eae8988f40" name="tests/pager_jumping_test.php" role="test" />
49   <file md5sum="977248d52150c66c281ff1888d61f775" name="tests/pager_jumping_tests.php" role="test" />
50   <file md5sum="d919e61b51c2c5b83a81f89f08721136" name="tests/pager_noData_test.php" role="test" />
51   <file md5sum="bbd775c5c53de3eb15154026b4dfe057" name="tests/pager_post_test.php" role="test" />
52   <file md5sum="64c43ad8f089fb7eb65e047badc72d6a" name="tests/pager_post_tests.php" role="test" />
53   <file md5sum="f234c65685d220d5f3dbb5cc3a34bce6" name="tests/pager_post_test_simple.php" role="test" />
54   <file md5sum="637f977fdbce134ea7bcc35577e2da1d" name="tests/pager_sliding_noData_test.php" role="test" />
55   <file md5sum="9109a51f913488d7867e5228821e4fdb" name="tests/pager_sliding_notExpanded_test.php" role="test" />
56   <file md5sum="e26c7b3cb6855c9c904a4bf6fa2106c3" name="tests/pager_sliding_test.php" role="test" />
57   <file md5sum="438567ab243bf4d316f14a79d89c75d8" name="tests/pager_sliding_tests.php" role="test" />
58   <file md5sum="fe0851579cbe25ae3c6207f4eadfed2a" name="tests/pager_test.php" role="test" />
59   <file md5sum="785d6352d3942fce811b167d5256065d" name="tests/pager_tests.php" role="test" />
60   <file md5sum="696ff73a552501eab584a707ecbc22ba" name="tests/pager_test_xss.php" role="test" />
61   <file md5sum="8697e6d10f1b686db7ba2ccdece2c947" name="tests/pager_wrapper_include.php" role="test" />
62   <file md5sum="0f73f1dd38b76d75e7b4fe385eeff4b6" name="tests/pager_wrapper_test.php" role="test" />
63   <file md5sum="e40ddaec5c6e287a72699a5aaebffdd5" name="tests/README" role="test" />
64   <file md5sum="3d2f4eb2d0801de5d77aa36ad01f0627" name="tests/simple_include.php" role="test" />
65   <file md5sum="d4460875f473f78d04b595ddb2150e13" name="Pager.php" role="php" />
66  </dir>
67 </contents>
68 <dependencies>
69  <required>
70   <php>
71    <min>5.6.0</min>
72   </php>
73   <pearinstaller>
74    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
75   </pearinstaller>
76  </required>
77 </dependencies>
78 <phprelease />
79 <changelog>
80  <release>
81   <version>
82    <release>2.5.1</release>
83    <api>2.4.8</api>
84   </version>
85   <stability>
86    <release>stable</release>
87    <api>stable</api>
88   </stability>
89   <date>2017-06-19</date>
90   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
91   <notes>
92PHP 7 compatibility (and BC fix for classes extending Pager)
93   </notes>
94  </release>
95  <release>
96   <version>
97    <release>2.5.0</release>
98    <api>2.4.8</api>
99   </version>
100   <stability>
101    <release>stable</release>
102    <api>stable</api>
103   </stability>
104   <date>2017-06-19</date>
105   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
106   <notes>
107PHP 7 compatibility
108   </notes>
109  </release>
110  <release>
111   <version>
112    <release>2.4.9</release>
113    <api>2.4.8</api>
114   </version>
115   <stability>
116    <release>stable</release>
117    <api>stable</api>
118   </stability>
119   <date>2014-05-14</date>
120   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
121   <notes>
122Get rid of baseinstalldir.
123No code changes.
124   </notes>
125  </release>
126  <release>
127   <version>
128    <release>2.4.8</release>
129    <api>2.4.8</api>
130   </version>
131   <stability>
132    <release>stable</release>
133    <api>stable</api>
134   </stability>
135   <date>2009-04-21</date>
136   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
137   <notes>
138- request #15949: add autoSubmit option to getPerPageSelectBox() [Matt Rosenquist]
139- fix potential issues with encoding in getPerPageSelectBox() and getPageSelectBox()
140   </notes>
141  </release>
142  <release>
143   <version>
144    <release>2.4.7</release>
145    <api>2.4.7</api>
146   </version>
147   <stability>
148    <release>stable</release>
149    <api>stable</api>
150   </stability>
151   <date>2008-08-11</date>
152   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
153   <notes>
154- fixed bug #13604: WARNINGS with PHP 5.3-dev [thanks to Chris Troup]
155- request #13567: support for regexp in &apos;excludeVars&apos; [thanks to Stefano Coletta]
156- fixed bug #13913 empty prev/next image shown when only one page exists [cweiske]
157- fixed bug #13881: fix for relative links (introduced in v.2.4.5) may cause some
158  issues with absolute links
159   </notes>
160  </release>
161  <release>
162   <version>
163    <release>2.4.6</release>
164    <api>2.4.6</api>
165   </version>
166   <stability>
167    <release>stable</release>
168    <api>stable</api>
169   </stability>
170   <date>2008-03-28</date>
171   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
172   <notes>
173- fixed bug #13316: NOTICE in getLinks() in Jumping mode
174- fixed bug #13342: getLinks() returns wrong result with multi-byte arrays
175- fixed bug #13469: getPerPageSelectBox() can produce invalid xhtml with no data
176- fixed bug #13472: PHP 6 Removes get_magic_quotes_gpc()
177- fixed bug #13506: POST method deletes querystring
178- request #13509: added &apos;prevImgEmpty&apos; and &apos;nextImgEmpty&apos; options to show a disabled
179  prev/next page link when you are on the last/first page (cweiske)
180   </notes>
181  </release>
182  <release>
183   <version>
184    <release>2.4.5</release>
185    <api>2.4.5</api>
186   </version>
187   <stability>
188    <release>stable</release>
189    <api>stable</api>
190   </stability>
191   <date>2008-02-23</date>
192   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
193   <notes>
194- request #10869: added two reverse drivers in the /examples/ dir
195- fixed a few PHP5 Strict Standards warnings (bug #12257 and #12934)
196- Coding Standards fixes in the phpdoc blocks
197- added &apos;PAGER_&apos; prefix to internal constant names
198- fixed bug #12267: correct detection of HTTPS on IIS (thanks to Carsten Wiedmann)
199- fixed bug #12306: allow relative links
200- fixed bug #12531: removed &lt;u&gt; tag from curPageSpan[Pre|Post] default options
201  in Pager_Sliding to make links HTML 4.01 strict
202- request #12267: added $pager-&gt;linkTagsRaw array (same as $pager-&gt;linkTags but
203  as array) to play nice with HTML_Page2 (patch by Carsten Wiedmann)
204- fixed bug #12796: curPageLinkClassName overrides curPageSpanPre and curPageSpanPost
205- request #12797: added &apos;%d&apos; as a placeholder to altPage (by default, page number is appended)
206- fixed bug #12837: if $_SESSION[&apos;setPerPage&apos;] is set, Pager always uses it
207   </notes>
208  </release>
209  <release>
210   <version>
211    <release>2.4.4</release>
212    <api>2.4.4</api>
213   </version>
214   <stability>
215    <release>stable</release>
216    <api>stable</api>
217   </stability>
218   <date>2007-07-29</date>
219   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
220   <notes>
221- handle UNION queries in the Wrapper (bug #9601)
222- getPerPagerSelectBox() with $showAllData = true and $start &gt; $totalItems was
223  returning an empty select menu (bug #9946)
224- added &apos;onclick&apos; option (request #11241)
225- fixed bug #11697: Pager_Jumping::build() lose first and last page string concatenation
226   </notes>
227  </release>
228  <release>
229   <version>
230    <release>2.4.3</release>
231    <api>2.4.3</api>
232   </version>
233   <stability>
234    <release>stable</release>
235    <api>stable</api>
236   </stability>
237   <date>2006-12-03</date>
238   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
239   <notes>
240- fixed issue with SSL (bug #7936)
241- items set in &apos;excludeVars&apos; array were removed from the URL even if they were
242  also set in the &apos;extraVars&apos; array (bug #8969)
243- added new option &apos;checkMaxLimit&apos; to getPerPageSelectBox(): if true, Pager checks
244  if $end is bigger than $totalItems, and doesn&apos;t show the extra select options
245- moved Pager.php to the pear root and added a wrapper in the old location
246  to adhere to PEAR policies (bug #2169)
247- switched to package.xml v2
248   </notes>
249  </release>
250  <release>
251   <version>
252    <release>2.4.2</release>
253    <api>2.4.2</api>
254   </version>
255   <stability>
256    <release>stable</release>
257    <api>stable</api>
258   </stability>
259   <date>2006-06-07</date>
260   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
261   <notes>
262- fix double escaping of arg_separator when php.ini&apos;s arg_separator.output = &quot;&amp;amp;&quot;
263   </notes>
264  </release>
265  <release>
266   <version>
267    <release>2.4.1</release>
268    <api>2.4.1</api>
269   </version>
270   <stability>
271    <release>stable</release>
272    <api>stable</api>
273   </stability>
274   <date>2006-05-06</date>
275   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
276   <notes>
277- more flexible implementation of the factory pattern allowing people to use custom
278  renderer classes that are not part of the Pager package (thanks to Martin Jansen)
279   </notes>
280  </release>
281  <release>
282   <version>
283    <release>2.4.0</release>
284    <api>2.4.0</api>
285   </version>
286   <stability>
287    <release>stable</release>
288    <api>stable</api>
289   </stability>
290   <date>2006-04-23</date>
291   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
292   <notes>
293- added host to CURRENT_PATHNAME constant
294- added accesskey option (if true, accesskey attributes are added to the links)
295- fixed multibyte string issues with httpMethod==POST (bug #6812)
296- return empty array instead of FALSE in getPageData() on bad pageID (request #6986)
297- added Pager_HtmlWidgets class containing the methods getPerPageSelectBox()
298  (moved from Pager_Common) and getPageSelectBox() (new, request #6998).
299  The class is lazy-loaded when calling one of the two above methods from Pager.
300- Improved rewriteCountQuery() function in the Pager Wrapper.
301- added getOption($name) and getOptions() methods (request #7413)
302- changed _setOptions() [private] to setOptions() [public]
303- added build() to refresh the links and the paged data after a new call to setOptions()
304- added &apos;attributes&apos; option to set extra attributes for the &lt;a&gt; tag (request #7452)
305   </notes>
306  </release>
307  <release>
308   <version>
309    <release>2.3.6</release>
310    <api>2.3.6</api>
311   </version>
312   <stability>
313    <release>stable</release>
314    <api>stable</api>
315   </stability>
316   <date>2006-02-03</date>
317   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
318   <notes>
319- fixed bug #6680: error with fileName parameter having an extra &quot;%&quot; character
320   </notes>
321  </release>
322  <release>
323   <version>
324    <release>2.3.5</release>
325    <api>2.3.5</api>
326   </version>
327   <stability>
328    <release>stable</release>
329    <api>stable</api>
330   </stability>
331   <date>2006-01-20</date>
332   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
333   <notes>
334- remove flicker (caused by href=&quot;#&quot;) during POST requests (request #6005)
335- added &quot;formID&quot; option to reuse an existing form in POST requests
336  (thanks to Marc Veldman)
337- fixed bug #6529: problem with fields with quotes during POST requests
338   </notes>
339  </release>
340  <release>
341   <version>
342    <release>2.3.4</release>
343    <api>2.3.4</api>
344   </version>
345   <stability>
346    <release>stable</release>
347    <api>stable</api>
348   </stability>
349   <date>2005-09-28</date>
350   <license uri="http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license">BSD</license>
351   <notes>
352- changed license to BSD
353- fixed bug #4897 (multibyte chars not handled correctly)
354   </notes>
355  </release>
356  <release>
357   <version>
358    <release>2.3.3</release>
359    <api>2.3.3</api>
360   </version>
361   <stability>
362    <release>stable</release>
363    <api>stable</api>
364   </stability>
365   <date>2005-07-04</date>
366   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
367   <notes>
368- improved Pager_Wrapper and added tests
369- urlencoded square brackets (bug #4337)
370NB: We recommend that users of Pager &lt; 2.3.0 immediately upgrade the package,
371otherwise they might be susceptible to XSS attacks
372   </notes>
373  </release>
374  <release>
375   <version>
376    <release>2.3.2</release>
377    <api>2.3.2</api>
378   </version>
379   <stability>
380    <release>stable</release>
381    <api>stable</api>
382   </stability>
383   <date>2005-06-03</date>
384   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
385   <notes>
386- autodetect HTTP method used, when not specified,
387  instead of forcing &quot;GET&quot;  (bug #4277)
388- added &quot;altFirst&quot; and &quot;altLast&quot; options to set the
389  &quot;title&quot; attribute of the first and last page links
390   </notes>
391  </release>
392  <release>
393   <version>
394    <release>2.3.1</release>
395    <api>2.3.1</api>
396   </version>
397   <stability>
398    <release>stable</release>
399    <api>stable</api>
400   </stability>
401   <date>2005-05-02</date>
402   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
403   <notes>
404- fixed various issues with __http_build_query() and escaped entities
405- if the value of &quot;arg_separator.output&quot; in php.ini is &quot;&amp;amp;&quot;, don&apos;t encode it again
406- tweaked Pager_Wrapper query rewriting function, now it is fully case insensitive
407   </notes>
408  </release>
409  <release>
410   <version>
411    <release>2.3.0</release>
412    <api>2.3.0</api>
413   </version>
414   <stability>
415    <release>stable</release>
416    <api>stable</api>
417   </stability>
418   <date>2005-04-22</date>
419   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
420   <notes>
421- tweaked Pager_Wrapper query rewriting function
422   </notes>
423  </release>
424  <release>
425   <version>
426    <release>2.3.0RC2</release>
427    <api>2.3.0RC2</api>
428   </version>
429   <stability>
430    <release>beta</release>
431    <api>beta</api>
432   </stability>
433   <date>2005-04-06</date>
434   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
435   <notes>
436- fixed possible querystring duplication with front controllers
437   </notes>
438  </release>
439  <release>
440   <version>
441    <release>2.3.0RC1</release>
442    <api>2.3.0RC1</api>
443   </version>
444   <stability>
445    <release>beta</release>
446    <api>beta</api>
447   </stability>
448   <date>2005-04-01</date>
449   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
450   <notes>
451- internal refactoring: added POST support: set the preferred http method
452  (&apos;GET&apos; or &apos;POST&apos;) with the &apos;httpMethod&apos; option.
453- used $_GET instead of reparsing the querystring
454  [thanks to Nikolas &apos;Atrus&apos; Coukouma]
455  (fixed bugs #3450, #3878 and #3451)
456- added &apos;importQuery&apos; boolean option to ignore the url vars entirely (bug #3449)
457- added &apos;excludeVars&apos; array option to selectively exclude some url vars (bug #2461)
458- countless code optimizations
459- added many new test cases to the testsuite
460   </notes>
461  </release>
462  <release>
463   <version>
464    <release>2.2.7</release>
465    <api>2.2.7</api>
466   </version>
467   <stability>
468    <release>stable</release>
469    <api>stable</api>
470   </stability>
471   <date>2005-03-18</date>
472   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
473   <notes>
474- added Pager_Wrapper_Eclipse() function in the /examples/Pager_Wrapper example
475  (thanks to Matte Edens)
476- added support for statements with subqueries in the Pager Wrappers
477  (thanks to Tobias Kuckuck)
478- fixed bug #3451 (arrays in extraVars not handled correctly)
479   </notes>
480  </release>
481  <release>
482   <version>
483    <release>2.2.6</release>
484    <api>2.2.6</api>
485   </version>
486   <stability>
487    <release>stable</release>
488    <api>stable</api>
489   </stability>
490   <date>2005-02-04</date>
491   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
492   <notes>
493- better &apos;currentPage&apos; option support (thanks to Andrew Nagy)
494- fixed typo (thanks to Massimiliano Arione)
495   </notes>
496  </release>
497  <release>
498   <version>
499    <release>2.2.5</release>
500    <api>2.2.5</api>
501   </version>
502   <stability>
503    <release>stable</release>
504    <api>stable</api>
505   </stability>
506   <date>2005-01-17</date>
507   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
508   <notes>
509- allowed use of a javascript function in the fileName [bugs #2555 and #2754]
510- added Pager_Wrapper_DBDO() function in the /examples/Pager_Wrapper example
511  (thanks to garak AT studenti DOT it)
512- replaced urlencode() with htmlentities() because it was too aggressive
513  [bugs #2908, #3043 and #3212]
514- added &apos;currentPage&apos; option (patch by Kendrick Vargas)
515   </notes>
516  </release>
517  <release>
518   <version>
519    <release>2.2.4</release>
520    <api>2.2.4</api>
521   </version>
522   <stability>
523    <release>stable</release>
524    <api>stable</api>
525   </stability>
526   <date>2004-11-20</date>
527   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
528   <notes>
529- fixed &quot;Notice: Undefined property: _totalPages&quot; [bug #2714]
530- enforce errors (which weren&apos;t displayed at all)
531- fixed Pager_Wrapper (examples dir) with GROUP BY queries
532- changed $_GET to $_REQUEST. POST values should be valid too, now.
533- Pager can be used on a DirectoryIndex script, now (patch by ieure)  [bug #2617]
534   </notes>
535  </release>
536  <release>
537   <version>
538    <release>2.2.3</release>
539    <api>2.2.3</api>
540   </version>
541   <stability>
542    <release>stable</release>
543    <api>stable</api>
544   </stability>
545   <date>2004-08-17</date>
546   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
547   <notes>
548- just the last one of a set of array values given as GET parameters
549  (i.e. site.php?foo[]=1&amp;foo[]=2&amp;foo[]=3) was carried on (bug #1904).
550- make 4th parameter of getPerPageSelectBox() an array, and add an
551  &quot;attribute&quot; parameter to allow extra attributes for the select tag.
552- added an example to show how this class can be used with big database
553  resultsets efficiently.
554- prevent XSS attacks (bug #2131), thanks to sou_sk at nifty dot com
555   </notes>
556  </release>
557  <release>
558   <version>
559    <release>2.2.2</release>
560    <api>2.2.2</api>
561   </version>
562   <stability>
563    <release>stable</release>
564    <api>stable</api>
565   </stability>
566   <date>2004-05-18</date>
567   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
568   <notes>
569- set correct selected value for getPerPageSelectBox even when &quot;useSession&quot;
570  option is false (bug #1263).
571- added two parameters to getPerPageSelectBox():
572  * $showAllData (if true, an &lt;option&gt; to show
573    all the data is displayed in the generated &lt;select&gt;);
574  * $optionText (text to show in each &lt;option&gt;; use &apos;%d&apos; where you want to see
575    the number of pages selected)
576- added showAllText option for alternate text in the $showAllData &lt;option&gt;
577  (the default is the number of total items).
578- fixed getPageData() when $pageID is specified (bug #1377) (thanks to Ian Eure)
579- added tests for getPageData()
580- avoid duplicate vars in querystring when using &apos;extraVars&apos; option (bug #1383)
581  (thanks to pauluz at gazeta dot pl)
582   </notes>
583  </release>
584  <release>
585   <version>
586    <release>2.2.1</release>
587    <api>2.2.1</api>
588   </version>
589   <stability>
590    <release>stable</release>
591    <api>stable</api>
592   </stability>
593   <date>2004-04-15</date>
594   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
595   <notes>
596- PHP5 compatibility (fixed bug #812)
597- Forced ucfirst() on filename too
598   </notes>
599  </release>
600  <release>
601   <version>
602    <release>2.2.0</release>
603    <api>2.2.0</api>
604   </version>
605   <stability>
606    <release>stable</release>
607    <api>stable</api>
608   </stability>
609   <date>2004-01-23</date>
610   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
611   <notes>
612- Fixed handling of errors raised in common base class
613- Added an &apos;extraVars&apos; option to add vars to the querystring
614- Added &lt;link&gt; tags building (patch by Joerg Bruckmann)
615- Fixed Bug #589 (common.php raise a notice if the querystring has no &apos;=&apos; character)
616- Use &apos;&amp;amp;&apos; instead of &apos;&amp;&apos; in urls for better XHTML conformance
617   </notes>
618  </release>
619  <release>
620   <version>
621    <release>2.1.0</release>
622    <api>2.1.0</api>
623   </version>
624   <stability>
625    <release>stable</release>
626    <api>stable</api>
627   </stability>
628   <date>2003-12-22</date>
629   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
630   <notes>
631- Added getPageRangeByPageId()
632- Fix getOffsetByPageId() in Pager_Jumping when totalItems == 0.
633- Fix getOffsetByPageId() in Pager_Sliding for BC with Pager 1.x and Pager_Jumping.
634  N.B.: its previous (not-indended) behaviour is now provided by the new getPageRangeByPageId() method.
635- Fix isFirstPage() when totalItems == 0
636- Added test suite.
637   </notes>
638  </release>
639  <release>
640   <version>
641    <release>2.0</release>
642    <api>2.0</api>
643   </version>
644   <stability>
645    <release>stable</release>
646    <api>stable</api>
647   </stability>
648   <date>2003-09-10</date>
649   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
650   <notes>
651- New major version.
652- Pager and Pager_Sliding are now merged in the same package.
653  Every option available in Pager_Sliding is now also available
654  in Pager. The API is the same as the old one, BC is kept 100%.
655- Switch between &quot;Jumping&quot; and &quot;Sliding&quot; window mode just setting
656  an option.
657- Improved error handling.
658   </notes>
659  </release>
660  <release>
661   <version>
662    <release>1.0.8</release>
663    <api>1.0.8</api>
664   </version>
665   <stability>
666    <release>stable</release>
667    <api>stable</api>
668   </stability>
669   <date>2003-09-10</date>
670   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
671   <notes>
672- Minor patch for script_name vs php_self (not included in v.1.0.7)
673- Prevent URL modification
674   </notes>
675  </release>
676  <release>
677   <version>
678    <release>1.0.7</release>
679    <api>1.0.7</api>
680   </version>
681   <stability>
682    <release>stable</release>
683    <api>stable</api>
684   </stability>
685   <date>2002-12-01</date>
686   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
687   <notes>
688Minor patch for script_name vs php_self
689   </notes>
690  </release>
691  <release>
692   <version>
693    <release>1.0.6</release>
694    <api>1.0.6</api>
695   </version>
696   <stability>
697    <release>stable</release>
698    <api>stable</api>
699   </stability>
700   <date>2002-09-08</date>
701   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
702   <notes>
703Updated to no longer require an array of data. Now
704can be used with just a number of items. Thanks to
705Christian Dickmann for the patch.
706   </notes>
707  </release>
708  <release>
709   <version>
710    <release>1.0.5</release>
711    <api>1.0.5</api>
712   </version>
713   <stability>
714    <release>stable</release>
715    <api>stable</api>
716   </stability>
717   <date>2002-07-27</date>
718   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
719   <notes>
720Changed getCurrentPage() to getCurrentPageID() and
721added getNextPageID() and getPreviousPageID()
722   </notes>
723  </release>
724  <release>
725   <version>
726    <release>1.0.4</release>
727    <api>1.0.4</api>
728   </version>
729   <stability>
730    <release>stable</release>
731    <api>stable</api>
732   </stability>
733   <date>2002-06-29</date>
734   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
735   <notes>
736Changed getCurrentPage() to getCurrentPageID() and
737added getNextPageID() and getPreviousPageID()
738   </notes>
739  </release>
740  <release>
741   <version>
742    <release>1.0.3</release>
743    <api>1.0.3</api>
744   </version>
745   <stability>
746    <release>stable</release>
747    <api>stable</api>
748   </stability>
749   <date>2002-05-31</date>
750   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
751   <notes>
752Couple of minor bugs
753   </notes>
754  </release>
755  <release>
756   <version>
757    <release>1.0.2</release>
758    <api>1.0.2</api>
759   </version>
760   <stability>
761    <release>stable</release>
762    <api>stable</api>
763   </stability>
764   <date>2002-05-31</date>
765   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
766   <notes>
767Applied patch from Christian Dickmann adding getCurrentPage(), numItems()
768and optional CSS class for links.
769   </notes>
770  </release>
771  <release>
772   <version>
773    <release>1.0.1</release>
774    <api>1.0.1</api>
775   </version>
776   <stability>
777    <release>stable</release>
778    <api>stable</api>
779   </stability>
780   <date>2002-05-27</date>
781   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
782   <notes>
783o No longer barfs with no querystring
784o Now works with associative data array
785   </notes>
786  </release>
787  <release>
788   <version>
789    <release>1.0</release>
790    <api>1.0</api>
791   </version>
792   <stability>
793    <release>stable</release>
794    <api>stable</api>
795   </stability>
796   <date>2002-02-09</date>
797   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
798   <notes>
799This is the initial release of the Pager package.
800   </notes>
801  </release>
802 </changelog>