1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.9" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>XML_Parser</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>XML parsing class based on PHP&apos;s bundled expat</summary>
6 <description>This is an XML parser based on PHPs built-in xml extension.
7It supports two basic modes of operation: &quot;func&quot; and &quot;event&quot;.  In &quot;func&quot; mode, it will look for a function named after each element (xmltag_ELEMENT for start tags and xmltag_ELEMENT_ for end tags), and in &quot;event&quot; mode it uses a set of generic callbacks.
9Since version 1.2.0 there&apos;s a new XML_Parser_Simple class that makes parsing of most XML documents easier, by automatically providing a stack for the elements.
10Furthermore its now possible to split the parser from the handler object, so you do not have to extend XML_Parser anymore in order to parse a document with it.</description>
11 <lead>
12  <name>Stephan Schmidt</name>
13  <user>schst</user>
14  <email>schst@php-tools.net</email>
15  <active>no</active>
16 </lead>
17 <lead>
18  <name>Chuck Burgess</name>
19  <user>ashnazg</user>
20  <email>ashnazg@php.net</email>
21  <active>yes</active>
22 </lead>
23 <developer>
24  <name>Stig S&amp;#230;ther Bakken</name>
25  <user>ssb</user>
26  <email>stig@php.net</email>
27  <active>no</active>
28 </developer>
29 <developer>
30  <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
31  <user>cox</user>
32  <email>cox@php.net</email>
33  <active>no</active>
34 </developer>
35 <date>2019-04-10</date>
36 <time>18:18:52</time>
37 <version>
38  <release>1.3.8</release>
39  <api>1.3.0</api>
40 </version>
41 <stability>
42  <release>stable</release>
43  <api>stable</api>
44 </stability>
45 <license>BSD License</license>
46 <notes>
47PR #5:  Don&apos;t use is_resource() for xml_parser resources
48 </notes>
49 <contents>
50  <dir name="/">
51   <file md5sum="95e84321c47342db12579c5565d3f35a" name="XML/Parser/Simple.php" role="php" />
52   <file md5sum="a16a620afff1ce2ba3f1549a43f82206" name="XML/Parser.php" role="php" />
53   <file md5sum="88f4675e960d07abb4b53406923fee90" name="examples/xml_parser_file.php" role="doc" />
54   <file md5sum="48d354dd3d0ab55a4078ae5c3c1340ea" name="examples/xml_parser_file.xml" role="doc" />
55   <file md5sum="9d16033d9d2f15df41a8f7208209deb1" name="examples/xml_parser_funcmode.php" role="doc" />
56   <file md5sum="a92d873b15d5eb40ddad473b1df57fad" name="examples/xml_parser_handler.php" role="doc" />
57   <file md5sum="ba9688ae6d062457d63447c6affe2f41" name="examples/xml_parser_simple1.php" role="doc" />
58   <file md5sum="dbe5f93179371c10d02bbe94903636f6" name="examples/xml_parser_simple1.xml" role="doc" />
59   <file md5sum="f9ab9099f1a8f34962d84cbf8d41a377" name="examples/xml_parser_simple2.php" role="doc" />
60   <file md5sum="ad866824329ffbd32743a97b78405b40" name="examples/xml_parser_simple2.xml" role="doc" />
61   <file md5sum="f9a6141c81d8042e05f7ac4e8e9aba3f" name="examples/xml_parser_simple_handler.php" role="doc" />
62   <file md5sum="fb07bd3c002e99ab40e11ac8382b89ca" name="tests/001.phpt" role="test" />
63   <file md5sum="d04a43387943da8532f8293616586612" name="tests/002.phpt" role="test" />
64   <file md5sum="4c5aec0cce04b0d2ea6952c95af9d193" name="tests/003.phpt" role="test" />
65   <file md5sum="034536524d8b092a05b0d6ab75ec229c" name="tests/004.phpt" role="test" />
66   <file md5sum="ebe086722bb851fcb5fb2f307cc13c54" name="tests/004b.phpt" role="test" />
67   <file md5sum="182ba13d4d4bce5e3312b62a687cc125" name="tests/005.phpt" role="test" />
68   <file md5sum="e9a26f88c619c31f55a64441ee2dcd5e" name="tests/bug-9328.phpt" role="test" />
69   <file md5sum="62bde75e14989e30e77360de43e974fa" name="tests/bug-9328b.phpt" role="test" />
70   <file md5sum="8c1bd5513663389d1f621266d61383d5" name="tests/bug-9328c.phpt" role="test" />
71   <file md5sum="09eca2dd1b5c6971272be85d751d8e9f" name="tests/bug-9328d.phpt" role="test" />
72   <file md5sum="21dc5257d037acc919a99f6b861a80bf" name="tests/test2.xml" role="test" />
73   <file md5sum="21dc5257d037acc919a99f6b861a80bf" name="tests/test3.xml" role="test" />
74  </dir>
75 </contents>
76 <dependencies>
77  <required>
78   <php>
79    <min>4.2.0</min>
80   </php>
81   <pearinstaller>
82    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
83   </pearinstaller>
84   <package>
85    <name>PEAR</name>
86    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
87   </package>
88  </required>
89 </dependencies>
90 <phprelease />
91 <changelog>
92  <release>
93   <version>
94    <release>1.1.0beta1</release>
95    <api>1.1.0beta1</api>
96   </version>
97   <stability>
98    <release>beta</release>
99    <api>beta</api>
100   </stability>
101   <date>2004-04-16</date>
102   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
103   <notes>
104- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
105- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
106- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
107- Error handling rewritten (cox)
108- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
109- Added free() method (schst
110- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
111- Added error codes (schst)
112- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
113- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
114- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
115- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
116- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
117- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
118- added dependency on PHP 4.2
120Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
121for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
122   </notes>
123  </release>
124  <release>
125   <version>
126    <release>1.1.0beta2</release>
127    <api>1.1.0beta2</api>
128   </version>
129   <stability>
130    <release>beta</release>
131    <api>beta</api>
132   </stability>
133   <date>2004-04-18</date>
134   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
135   <notes>
137- Fixed calling of __construct
140- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
141- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
142- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
143- Error handling rewritten (cox)
144- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
145- Added free() method (schst
146- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
147- Added error codes (schst)
148- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
149- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
150- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
151- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
152- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
153- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
154- added dependency on PHP 4.2
156Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
157for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
158   </notes>
159  </release>
160  <release>
161   <version>
162    <release>1.1.0</release>
163    <api>1.1.0</api>
164   </version>
165   <stability>
166    <release>stable</release>
167    <api>stable</api>
168   </stability>
169   <date>2004-04-23</date>
170   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
171   <notes>
172- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
173- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
174- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
175- Error handling rewritten (cox)
176- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
177- Added free() method (schst
178- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
179- Added error codes (schst)
180- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
181- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
182- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
183- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
184- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
185- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
186- added dependency on PHP 4.2
188Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
189for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
190   </notes>
191  </release>
192  <release>
193   <version>
194    <release>1.2.0beta1</release>
195    <api>1.2.0beta1</api>
196   </version>
197   <stability>
198    <release>beta</release>
199    <api>beta</api>
200   </stability>
201   <date>2004-05-17</date>
202   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
203   <notes>
204added new class XML_Parser_Simple that provides a stack for the elements so the user only needs to implement one method to handle the tag and cdata.
205   </notes>
206  </release>
207  <release>
208   <version>
209    <release>1.2.0beta2</release>
210    <api>1.2.0beta2</api>
211   </version>
212   <stability>
213    <release>beta</release>
214    <api>beta</api>
215   </stability>
216   <date>2004-05-24</date>
217   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
218   <notes>
220- fixed bug with setMode()
221- moved the init routines for the handlers in _initHandlers()
223- fixed bug with character data (did not get parsed)
224- fixed bug with setMode()
225- some refactoring
226- added getCurrentDepth() to retrieve the tag depth
227- added addToData()
228- added new example
229   </notes>
230  </release>
231  <release>
232   <version>
233    <release>1.2.0beta3</release>
234    <api>1.2.0beta3</api>
235   </version>
236   <stability>
237    <release>beta</release>
238    <api>beta</api>
239   </stability>
240   <date>2004-05-25</date>
241   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
242   <notes>
243- added setHandlerObj() which allows you to have the parser separate from the handler methods
244   </notes>
245  </release>
246  <release>
247   <version>
248    <release>1.2.0</release>
249    <api>1.2.0</api>
250   </version>
251   <stability>
252    <release>stable</release>
253    <api>stable</api>
254   </stability>
255   <date>2004-05-28</date>
256   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
257   <notes>
258- added setHandlerObj() which allows you to have the parser separate from the handler methods
259- fixed bug with setMode()
260- moved the init routines for the handlers in _initHandlers()
261- added new examples
262- fixed test files so they do not fail because of different resource ids
264- added new class XML_Parser_Simple that provides a stack for the elements so the user only needs to implement one method to handle the tag and cdata.
265   </notes>
266  </release>
267  <release>
268   <version>
269    <release>1.2.1</release>
270    <api>1.2.1</api>
271   </version>
272   <stability>
273    <release>stable</release>
274    <api>stable</api>
275   </stability>
276   <date>2004-10-04</date>
277   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
278   <notes>
279fixed bug #2442: Call to &quot;xmltag_ELEMENT_&quot; not correctly managed in function funcEndHandler
280   </notes>
281  </release>
282  <release>
283   <version>
284    <release>1.2.2beta1</release>
285    <api>1.2.2beta1</api>
286   </version>
287   <stability>
288    <release>beta</release>
289    <api>beta</api>
290   </stability>
291   <date>2004-12-22</date>
292   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
293   <notes>
294- fixed small notice in XML_Parser::free(),
295- fixed Bug #2939: bug in error routine leads to segmentation fault (raiseError does not free the internal resources anymore)
296   </notes>
297  </release>
298  <release>
299   <version>
300    <release>1.2.2</release>
301    <api>1.2.2</api>
302   </version>
303   <stability>
304    <release>stable</release>
305    <api>stable</api>
306   </stability>
307   <date>2004-12-22</date>
308   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
309   <notes>
310- fixed small notice in XML_Parser::free(),
311- fixed Bug #2939: bug in error routine leads to segmentation fault (raiseError does not free the internal resources anymore)
312   </notes>
313  </release>
314  <release>
315   <version>
316    <release>1.2.3</release>
317    <api>1.2.3</api>
318   </version>
319   <stability>
320    <release>stable</release>
321    <api>stable</api>
322   </stability>
323   <date>2005-01-17</date>
324   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
325   <notes>
326- fixed a bug that occured when using &apos;func&apos; mode and setHandlerObj() (schst)
327- added default handlers for &apos;func&apos; mode (schst)
328   </notes>
329  </release>
330  <release>
331   <version>
332    <release>1.2.4</release>
333    <api>1.2.4</api>
334   </version>
335   <stability>
336    <release>stable</release>
337    <api>stable</api>
338   </stability>
339   <date>2005-01-18</date>
340   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
341   <notes>
342- fixed a bug in XML_Parser_Simple when trying to register more than the default handlers and a separate callback object (schst)
343   </notes>
344  </release>
345  <release>
346   <version>
347    <release>1.2.5</release>
348    <api>1.2.5</api>
349   </version>
350   <stability>
351    <release>stable</release>
352    <api>stable</api>
353   </stability>
354   <date>2005-02-26</date>
355   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
356   <notes>
357- fixed Bug #3557 (removed $attribs parameter, which caused a notice)
358- fixed Bug #3277 (remove obsolete ini_set(&apos;allow_url_fopen&apos;))
359   </notes>
360  </release>
361  <release>
362   <version>
363    <release>1.2.6</release>
364    <api>1.2.6</api>
365   </version>
366   <stability>
367    <release>stable</release>
368    <api>stable</api>
369   </stability>
370   <date>2005-03-25</date>
371   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
372   <notes>
373- fixed Bug #3949: reset does not return true on success as the documentation states
374- implement Request #3905: replace &quot;.&quot; with &quot;_&quot; in tagnames when using func mode
375   </notes>
376  </release>
377  <release>
378   <version>
379    <release>1.2.7</release>
380    <api>1.2.7</api>
381   </version>
382   <stability>
383    <release>stable</release>
384    <api>stable</api>
385   </stability>
386   <date>2005-09-24</date>
387   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
388   <notes>
389- implemented request #4774: Error message contains column number
390   </notes>
391  </release>
392  <release>
393   <version>
394    <release>1.2.8</release>
395    <api>1.2.8</api>
396   </version>
397   <stability>
398    <release>stable</release>
399    <api>stable</api>
400   </stability>
401   <date>2006-12-01</date>
402   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
403   <notes>
404- fixed bug #5557: Raise a more useful error message when using invalid source encoding
405- fixed bug #6078: func-mode does not handle all allowed letters in tags
406   </notes>
407  </release>
408  <release>
409   <version>
410    <release>1.3.0a1</release>
411    <api>1.3.0a1</api>
412   </version>
413   <stability>
414    <release>alpha</release>
415    <api>alpha</api>
416   </stability>
417   <date>2008-08-24</date>
418   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
419   <notes>
420- switch to BSD License
421- switch to package.xml v2
422- PEAR CS cleanup
423- Fix Doc #13120:  Mistake in example code
424   </notes>
425  </release>
426  <release>
427   <version>
428    <release>1.3.0</release>
429    <api>1.3.0</api>
430   </version>
431   <stability>
432    <release>stable</release>
433    <api>stable</api>
434   </stability>
435   <date>2008-08-24</date>
436   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
437   <notes>
438- switch to BSD License
439- switch to package.xml v2
440- PEAR CS cleanup
441- Fix Doc #13120:  Mistake in example code
442   </notes>
443  </release>
444  <release>
445   <version>
446    <release>1.3.1</release>
447    <api>1.3.0</api>
448   </version>
449   <stability>
450    <release>stable</release>
451    <api>stable</api>
452   </stability>
453   <date>2008-09-15</date>
454   <license uri="http://www.example.com">BSD License</license>
455   <notes>
456- correct package.xml to reflect switch to BSD License
457   </notes>
458  </release>
459  <release>
460   <version>
461    <release>1.3.2</release>
462    <api>1.3.0</api>
463   </version>
464   <stability>
465    <release>stable</release>
466    <api>stable</api>
467   </stability>
468   <date>2009-01-21</date>
469   <license uri="http://www.example.com">BSD License</license>
470   <notes>
471- Fix Bug #9328: assigned by reference error in XML_RSS parse
472- add an AllTests.php for PHPUnit usage
473   </notes>
474  </release>
475  <release>
476   <version>
477    <release>1.3.3</release>
478    <api>1.3.0</api>
479   </version>
480   <stability>
481    <release>stable</release>
482    <api>stable</api>
483   </stability>
484   <date>2010-10-25</date>
485   <license>BSD License</license>
486   <notes>
487Automatically built QA release
488Bug #16467 Unit tests are broken - ashnazg
490Bug #17725 Patch Avoid deprecated eregi functions - olleolleolle
491   </notes>
492  </release>
493  <release>
494   <version>
495    <release>1.3.4</release>
496    <api>1.3.0</api>
497   </version>
498   <stability>
499    <release>stable</release>
500    <api>stable</api>
501   </stability>
502   <date>2010-10-26</date>
503   <license>BSD License</license>
504   <notes>
505Remove package.php from release
506   </notes>
507  </release>
508  <release>
509   <version>
510    <release>1.3.5</release>
511    <api>1.3.0</api>
512   </version>
513   <stability>
514    <release>stable</release>
515    <api>stable</api>
516   </stability>
517   <license>BSD License</license>
518   <date>2015-08-19</date>
519   <notes>
520Add composer compatibility
521   </notes>
522  </release>
523  <release>
524   <version>
525    <release>1.3.6</release>
526    <api>1.3.0</api>
527   </version>
528   <stability>
529    <release>stable</release>
530    <api>stable</api>
531   </stability>
532   <license>BSD License</license>
533   <date>2015-08-26</date>
534   <notes>
535Fix broken package.xml
536   </notes>
537  </release>
538  <release>
539   <version>
540    <release>1.3.7</release>
541    <api>1.3.0</api>
542   </version>
543   <stability>
544    <release>stable</release>
545    <api>stable</api>
546   </stability>
547   <license>BSD License</license>
548   <date>2016-07-04</date>
549   <notes>
550Fix E_STRICT message on PHP7
551   </notes>
552  </release>
553  <release>
554   <date>2019-04-10</date>
555   <version>
556    <release>1.3.8</release>
557    <api>1.3.0</api>
558   </version>
559   <stability>
560    <release>stable</release>
561    <api>stable</api>
562   </stability>
563   <license>BSD License</license>
564   <notes>
565PR #5:  Don&apos;t use is_resource() for xml_parser resources
566   </notes>
567  </release>
568 </changelog>