1 use super::LocalApplyError;
2 use crate::change::NewEdge;
3 use crate::missing_context::*;
4 use crate::pristine::*;
put_newedge<T, F, K>( txn: &mut T, graph: &mut T::Graph, ws: &mut super::Workspace, change: ChangeId, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>, apply_check: F, mut known: K, ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> where T: GraphMutTxnT, F: Fn(Vertex<ChangeId>, Vertex<ChangeId>) -> bool, K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,6 pub fn put_newedge<T, F, K>(
7     txn: &mut T,
8     graph: &mut T::Graph,
9     ws: &mut super::Workspace,
10     change: ChangeId,
11     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
12     n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>,
13     apply_check: F,
14     mut known: K,
15 ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>
16 where
17     T: GraphMutTxnT,
18     F: Fn(Vertex<ChangeId>, Vertex<ChangeId>) -> bool,
19     K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,
20 {
21     debug!("put_newedge {:?} {:?}", n, change);
22     check_valid(txn, graph, inode, n, ws)?;
23     let n_introduced_by = if let Some(n) = internal(txn, &n.introduced_by, change)? {
24         n
25     } else {
26         return Err(LocalApplyError::InvalidChange.into());
27     };
29     let mut source = find_source_vertex(txn, graph, &n.from, change, inode, n.flag, ws)?;
30     let mut target = find_target_vertex(txn, graph, &n.to, change, inode, n.flag, ws)?;
32     if n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER) {
33         ws.missing_context.files.insert(target);
34     }
36     let mut zombies = Vec::new();
38     loop {
39         if !n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::DELETED) {
40             collect_nondeleted_zombies::<_, _>(
41                 txn,
42                 graph,
43                 &mut known,
44                 source,
45                 target,
46                 &mut zombies,
47             )?;
48         }
49         if target.end > n.to.end {
50             assert!(!n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER));
51             ws.missing_context.graphs.split(inode, target, n.to.end);
52             txn.split_block(graph, &target, n.to.end, &mut ws.adjbuf)?;
53             target.end = n.to.end
54         }
56         if n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::DELETED) {
57             debug_assert!(ws.children.is_empty());
58             debug_assert!(ws.parents.is_empty());
59             collect_pseudo_edges(txn, graph, ws, inode, target)?;
60             if !n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER) {
61                 reconnect_pseudo_edges(txn, graph, inode, ws, target)?;
62             }
63             ws.children.clear();
64             ws.parents.clear();
65         }
67         del_graph_with_rev(txn, graph, n.previous, source, target, n_introduced_by)?;
68         if apply_check(source, target) {
69             put_graph_with_rev(txn, graph, n.flag, source, target, change)?;
70             for intro in zombies.drain(..) {
71                 put_graph_with_rev(txn, graph, EdgeFlags::DELETED, source, target, intro)?;
72             }
73         }
75         if target.end >= n.to.end {
76             debug!("{:?} {:?}", target, n.to);
77             debug_assert_eq!(target.end, n.to.end);
78             break;
79         }
81         source = target;
82         target = *txn
83             .find_block(graph, target.end_pos())
84             .map_err(LocalApplyError::from)?;
85         assert_ne!(source, target);
87         if !n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::BLOCK) {
88             break;
89         }
90     }
91     if n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::DELETED) {
92         collect_zombie_context(txn, graph, &mut ws.missing_context, inode, n, change, known)
93             .map_err(LocalApplyError::from_missing)?;
94     }
95     Ok(())
96 }
collect_nondeleted_zombies<T, K>( txn: &mut T, graph: &mut T::Graph, mut known: K, source: Vertex<ChangeId>, target: Vertex<ChangeId>, zombies: &mut Vec<ChangeId>, ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> where T: GraphMutTxnT, K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,98 fn collect_nondeleted_zombies<T, K>(
99     txn: &mut T,
100     graph: &mut T::Graph,
101     mut known: K,
102     source: Vertex<ChangeId>,
103     target: Vertex<ChangeId>,
104     zombies: &mut Vec<ChangeId>,
105 ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>
106 where
107     T: GraphMutTxnT,
108     K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,
109 {
110     for v in iter_deleted_parents(txn, graph, source)? {
111         let v = v?;
112         let intro = v.introduced_by();
113         if !known(&txn.get_external(&intro)?.unwrap().into()) {
114             zombies.push(intro)
115         }
116     }
117     for v in iter_adjacent(txn, graph, target, EdgeFlags::empty(), EdgeFlags::all())? {
118         let v = v?;
119         if v.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PARENT) {
120             continue;
121         }
122         for v in iter_deleted_parents(txn, graph, target)? {
123             let v = v?;
124             let intro = v.introduced_by();
125             if !known(&txn.get_external(&intro)?.unwrap().into()) {
126                 zombies.push(intro)
127             }
128         }
129     }
130     Ok(())
131 }
check_valid<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, graph: &mut T::Graph, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>, ws: &mut super::Workspace, ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>133 fn check_valid<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
134     txn: &mut T,
135     graph: &mut T::Graph,
136     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
137     n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>,
138     ws: &mut super::Workspace,
139 ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> {
140     if n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::DELETED) {
141         ws.missing_context
142             .load_graph(txn, graph, inode)
143             .map_err(|_| LocalApplyError::InvalidChange)?;
144     }
145     if (n.previous.is_block() && !n.flag.is_block())
146         || (n.previous.is_folder() != n.flag.is_folder())
147     {
148         return Err(LocalApplyError::InvalidChange.into());
149     }
151     debug_assert!(ws.children.is_empty());
152     debug_assert!(ws.parents.is_empty());
153     Ok(())
154 }
find_source_vertex<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, from: &Position<Option<Hash>>, change: ChangeId, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, flag: EdgeFlags, ws: &mut super::Workspace, ) -> Result<Vertex<ChangeId>, LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>156 pub(crate) fn find_source_vertex<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
157     txn: &mut T,
158     channel: &mut T::Graph,
159     from: &Position<Option<Hash>>,
160     change: ChangeId,
161     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
162     flag: EdgeFlags,
163     ws: &mut super::Workspace,
164 ) -> Result<Vertex<ChangeId>, LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> {
165     debug!("find_source_vertex");
166     let mut source = *txn.find_block_end(&channel, internal_pos(txn, &from, change)?)?;
167     debug!("source = {:?}", source);
168     if source.start < from.pos && source.end > from.pos {
169         assert!(!flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER));
170         ws.missing_context.graphs.split(inode, source, from.pos);
171         txn.split_block(channel, &source, from.pos, &mut ws.adjbuf)?;
172         source.end = from.pos;
173     }
174     Ok(source)
175 }
find_target_vertex<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, to: &Vertex<Option<Hash>>, change: ChangeId, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, flag: EdgeFlags, ws: &mut super::Workspace, ) -> Result<Vertex<ChangeId>, LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>177 pub(crate) fn find_target_vertex<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
178     txn: &mut T,
179     channel: &mut T::Graph,
180     to: &Vertex<Option<Hash>>,
181     change: ChangeId,
182     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
183     flag: EdgeFlags,
184     ws: &mut super::Workspace,
185 ) -> Result<Vertex<ChangeId>, LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> {
186     let to_pos = internal_pos(txn, &to.start_pos(), change)?;
187     debug!("find_target_vertex, to = {:?}", to);
188     let mut target = *txn.find_block(channel, to_pos)?;
189     debug!("target = {:?}", target);
190     if target.start < to.start {
191         assert!(!flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER));
192         ws.missing_context.graphs.split(inode, target, to.start);
193         txn.split_block(channel, &target, to.start, &mut ws.adjbuf)?;
194         target.start = to.start;
195     }
196     Ok(target)
197 }
collect_pseudo_edges<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, apply: &mut super::Workspace, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, v: Vertex<ChangeId>, ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>199 fn collect_pseudo_edges<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
200     txn: &mut T,
201     channel: &mut T::Graph,
202     apply: &mut super::Workspace,
203     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
204     v: Vertex<ChangeId>,
205 ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> {
206     for e in iter_adjacent(
207         txn,
208         &channel,
209         v,
210         EdgeFlags::empty(),
211         EdgeFlags::all() - EdgeFlags::DELETED,
212     )? {
213         let e = e?;
214         debug!("collect_pseudo_edges {:?} {:?}", v, e);
215         if !e.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER) {
216             if e.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PARENT) {
217                 let p = txn.find_block_end(channel, e.dest())?;
218                 if is_alive(txn, channel, p)? {
219                     apply.parents.insert(*p);
220                 }
221             } else {
222                 let p = txn.find_block(channel, e.dest())?;
223                 if e.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::BLOCK)
224                     || (p.is_empty() && !e.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PSEUDO))
225                     || is_alive(txn, channel, p).unwrap()
226                 {
227                     apply.children.insert(*p);
228                 }
229             }
230         }
231         if e.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PSEUDO) {
232             apply.pseudo.push((v, *e, inode));
233         }
234     }
235     Ok(())
236 }
reconnect_pseudo_edges<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, ws: &mut super::Workspace, target: Vertex<ChangeId>, ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>>238 fn reconnect_pseudo_edges<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
239     txn: &mut T,
240     channel: &mut T::Graph,
241     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
242     ws: &mut super::Workspace,
243     target: Vertex<ChangeId>,
244 ) -> Result<(), LocalApplyError<T::GraphError>> {
245     if ws.parents.is_empty() || ws.children.is_empty() {
246         return Ok(());
247     }
249     let (graph, vids) = if let Some(x) = ws.missing_context.graphs.get(inode) {
250         x
251     } else {
252         return Err(LocalApplyError::InvalidChange.into());
253     };
255     crate::alive::remove_redundant_parents(
256         &graph,
257         &vids,
258         &mut ws.parents,
259         &mut ws.missing_context.covered_parents,
260         target,
261     );
262     for &p in ws.parents.iter() {
263         ws.missing_context.covered_parents.insert((p, target));
264     }
266     crate::alive::remove_redundant_children(&graph, &vids, &mut ws.children, target);
268     for &p in ws.parents.iter() {
269         debug_assert!(is_alive(txn, channel, &p).unwrap());
270         for &c in ws.children.iter() {
271             if p != c {
272                 debug_assert!(is_alive(txn, channel, &c).unwrap());
273                 put_graph_with_rev(txn, channel, EdgeFlags::PSEUDO, p, c, ChangeId::ROOT)?;
274             }
275         }
276     }
277     Ok(())
278 }
collect_zombie_context<T: GraphMutTxnT, K>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, ws: &mut crate::missing_context::Workspace, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>, change_id: ChangeId, mut known: K, ) -> Result<(), MissingError<T::GraphError>> where K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,279 fn collect_zombie_context<T: GraphMutTxnT, K>(
280     txn: &mut T,
281     channel: &mut T::Graph,
282     ws: &mut crate::missing_context::Workspace,
283     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
284     n: &NewEdge<Option<Hash>>,
285     change_id: ChangeId,
286     mut known: K,
287 ) -> Result<(), MissingError<T::GraphError>>
288 where
289     K: FnMut(&Hash) -> bool,
290 {
291     if n.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER) {
292         return Ok(());
293     }
294     let mut pos = internal_pos(txn, &n.to.start_pos(), change_id)?;
295     let end_pos = internal_pos(txn, &n.to.end_pos(), change_id)?;
296     let mut unknown_parents = Vec::new();
297     while let Ok(&dest_vertex) = txn.find_block(&channel, pos) {
298         debug!("collect zombie context: {:?}", dest_vertex);
299         for v in iter_adjacent(
300             txn,
301             channel,
302             dest_vertex,
303             EdgeFlags::empty(),
304             EdgeFlags::all() - EdgeFlags::DELETED,
305         )? {
306             let v = v?;
307             if v.introduced_by() == change_id || v.dest().change.is_root() {
308                 continue;
309             }
310             if v.introduced_by().is_root() {
311                 ws.pseudo.push((dest_vertex, *v));
312                 continue;
313             }
314             if v.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PARENT) {
315                 // Unwrap ok, since `v` is in the channel.
316                 let intro = txn.get_external(&v.introduced_by())?.unwrap().into();
317                 if !known(&intro) {
318                     debug!("unknown: {:?}", v);
319                     unknown_parents.push((dest_vertex, *v))
320                 }
321             }
322         }
323         zombify(txn, channel, ws, change_id, inode, n.flag, &unknown_parents)?;
324         if dest_vertex.end < end_pos.pos {
325             pos.pos = dest_vertex.end
326         } else {
327             break;
328         }
329     }
330     Ok(())
331 }
zombify<T: GraphMutTxnT>( txn: &mut T, channel: &mut T::Graph, ws: &mut crate::missing_context::Workspace, change_id: ChangeId, inode: Position<Option<Hash>>, flag: EdgeFlags, unknown: &[(Vertex<ChangeId>, SerializedEdge)], ) -> Result<(), MissingError<T::GraphError>>333 fn zombify<T: GraphMutTxnT>(
334     txn: &mut T,
335     channel: &mut T::Graph,
336     ws: &mut crate::missing_context::Workspace,
337     change_id: ChangeId,
338     inode: Position<Option<Hash>>,
339     flag: EdgeFlags,
340     unknown: &[(Vertex<ChangeId>, SerializedEdge)],
341 ) -> Result<(), MissingError<T::GraphError>> {
342     for &(dest_vertex, edge) in unknown.iter() {
343         let p = *txn.find_block_end(channel, edge.dest())?;
344         ws.unknown_parents
345             .push((dest_vertex, p, inode, edge.flag()));
346         let fold = flag & EdgeFlags::FOLDER;
347         debug!("zombify p {:?}, dest_vertex {:?}", p, dest_vertex);
348         let mut v = p;
349         while let Ok(&u) = txn.find_block_end(channel, v.start_pos()) {
350             if u != v {
351                 debug!("u = {:?}, v = {:?}", u, v);
352                 put_graph_with_rev(
353                     txn,
354                     channel,
355                     EdgeFlags::DELETED | EdgeFlags::BLOCK | fold,
356                     u,
357                     v,
358                     change_id,
359                 )?;
360                 v = u
361             } else {
362                 break;
363             }
364         }
365         // Zombify the first chunk of the split.
366         for parent in iter_adjacent(
367             txn,
368             channel,
369             v,
370             EdgeFlags::PARENT,
371             EdgeFlags::all() - EdgeFlags::DELETED,
372         )? {
373             let parent = parent?;
374             if !parent.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::PSEUDO) {
375                 ws.parents.insert(*parent);
376             }
377         }
378         debug!("ws.parents = {:?}", ws.parents);
379         for parent in ws.parents.drain() {
380             let parent_dest = *txn.find_block_end(channel, parent.dest())?;
381             let mut flag = EdgeFlags::DELETED | EdgeFlags::BLOCK;
382             if parent.flag().contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER) {
383                 flag |= EdgeFlags::FOLDER
384             }
385             put_graph_with_rev(txn, channel, flag, parent_dest, v, change_id)?;
386         }
387     }
388     Ok(())
389 }