1 #include <u.h>
3 #define Point OSXPoint
4 #define Rect OSXRect
5 #define Cursor OSXCursor
6 #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
7 #undef Rect
8 #undef Point
9 #undef Cursor
10 #undef offsetof
11 #undef nil
13 #include <libc.h>
14 #include <draw.h>
15 #include <memdraw.h>
16 #include "a.h"
18 extern void CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(CGFontRef, const UniChar[], const CGGlyph[], size_t);
20 // In these fonts, it's too hard to distinguish U+2018 and U+2019,
21 // so don't map the ASCII quotes there.
22 // See https://github.com/9fans/plan9port/issues/86
23 static char *skipquotemap[] = {
24 	"Courier",
25 	"Osaka",
26 };
28 int
mapUnicode(char * name,int i)29 mapUnicode(char *name, int i)
30 {
31 	int j;
33 	if(0xd800 <= i && i < 0xe000) // surrogate pairs, will crash OS X libraries!
34 		return 0xfffd;
35 	for(j=0; j<nelem(skipquotemap); j++) {
36 		if(strstr(name, skipquotemap[j]))
37 			return i;
38 	}
39 	switch(i) {
40 	case '\'':
41 		return 0x2019;
42 	case '`':
43 		return 0x2018;
44 	}
45 	return i;
46 }
48 char*
mac2c(CFStringRef s)49 mac2c(CFStringRef s)
50 {
51 	char *p;
52 	int n;
54 	n = CFStringGetLength(s)*8;
55 	p = malloc(n);
56 	CFStringGetCString(s, p, n, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
57 	return p;
58 }
60 CFStringRef
c2mac(char * p)61 c2mac(char *p)
62 {
63 	return CFStringCreateWithBytes(nil, (uchar*)p, strlen(p), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
64 }
66 Rectangle
mac2r(CGRect r,int size,int unit)67 mac2r(CGRect r, int size, int unit)
68 {
69 	Rectangle rr;
71 	rr.min.x = r.origin.x*size/unit;
72 	rr.min.y = r.origin.y*size/unit;
73 	rr.max.x = (r.origin.x+r.size.width)*size/unit + 0.99999999;
74 	rr.max.y = (r.origin.x+r.size.width)*size/unit + 0.99999999;
75 	return rr;
76 }
78 void
meminvert(Memimage * m)79 meminvert(Memimage *m)
80 {
81 	uchar *p, *ep;
83 	p = byteaddr(m, m->r.min);
84 	ep = p + 4*m->width*Dy(m->r);
85 	for(; p < ep; p++)
86 		*p ^= 0xff;
87 }
89 void
loadfonts(void)90 loadfonts(void)
91 {
92 	int i, n;
93 	CTFontCollectionRef allc;
94 	CFArrayRef array;
95 	CFStringRef s;
96 	CTFontDescriptorRef f;
98 	allc = CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts(0);
99 	array = CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(allc);
100 	n = CFArrayGetCount(array);
101 	xfont = emalloc9p(n*sizeof xfont[0]);
102 	for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
103 		f = (void*)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, i);
104 		if(f == nil)
105 			continue;
106 		s = CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(f, kCTFontNameAttribute);
107 		xfont[nxfont].name = mac2c(s);
108 		CFRelease(s);
109 		nxfont++;
110 	}
111 }
113 // Some representative text to try to discern line heights.
114 static char *lines[] = {
116 	"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
117 	"g",
119 	"ὕαλον ϕαγεῖν δύναμαι· τοῦτο οὔ με βλάπτει.",
120 	"私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。",
121 	"Aš galiu valgyti stiklą ir jis manęs nežeidžia",
122 	"Môžem jesť sklo. Nezraní ma.",
123 };
125 static void
fontheight(XFont * f,int size,int * height,int * ascent)126 fontheight(XFont *f, int size, int *height, int *ascent)
127 {
128 	int i;
129 	CFStringRef s;
130 	CGRect bbox;
131 	CTFontRef font;
132 	CTFontDescriptorRef desc;
133 	CGContextRef ctxt;
134 	CGColorSpaceRef color;
136 	s = c2mac(f->name);
137 	desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(s, size);
138 	CFRelease(s);
139 	if(desc == nil)
140 		return;
141 	font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(desc, 0, nil);
142 	CFRelease(desc);
143 	if(font == nil)
144 		return;
146 	color = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericGray);
147 	ctxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(nil, 1, 1, 8, 1, color, kCGImageAlphaNone);
148 	CGColorSpaceRelease(color);
149 	CGContextSetTextPosition(ctxt, 0, 0);
151 	for(i=0; i<nelem(lines); i++) {
152 		CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName };
153 		CFTypeRef values[] = { font };
154 		CFStringRef str;
155 		CFDictionaryRef attrs;
156 		CFAttributedStringRef attrString;
157 		CGRect r;
158 		CTLineRef line;
160  		str = c2mac(lines[i]);
162  		// See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/StringsTextFonts/Conceptual/CoreText_Programming/LayoutOperations/LayoutOperations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005533-CH12-SW2
163  		attrs = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&keys,
164 			(const void**)&values, sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]),
165 			&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
166 			&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
167 		attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, str, attrs);
168 		CFRelease(str);
169 		CFRelease(attrs);
171 		line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
172 		r = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, ctxt);
173 		r.size.width += r.origin.x;
174 		r.size.height += r.origin.y;
175 		CFRelease(line);
177 //	fprint(2, "%s: %g %g %g %g\n", lines[i], r.origin.x, r.origin.y, r.size.width, r.size.height);
179 		if(i == 0)
180 			bbox = r;
181 		if(bbox.origin.x > r.origin.x)
182 			bbox.origin.x = r.origin.x;
183 		if(bbox.origin.y > r.origin.y)
184 			bbox.origin.y = r.origin.y;
185 		if(bbox.size.width < r.size.width)
186 			bbox.size.width = r.size.width;
187 		if(bbox.size.height < r.size.height)
188 			bbox.size.height = r.size.height;
189 	}
191 	bbox.size.width -= bbox.origin.x;
192 	bbox.size.height -= bbox.origin.y;
194 	*height = bbox.size.height + 0.999999;
195 	*ascent = *height - (-bbox.origin.y + 0.999999);
197 	CGContextRelease(ctxt);
198 	CFRelease(font);
199 }
201 void
load(XFont * f)202 load(XFont *f)
203 {
204 	int i;
206 	if(f->loaded)
207 		return;
208 	f->loaded = 1;
210 	// compute height and ascent for each size on demand
211 	f->loadheight = fontheight;
213 	// enable all Unicode ranges
214 	if(nelem(f->file) > 0xffff)
215 		sysfatal("too many subfiles"); // f->file holds ushorts
216 	for(i=0; i<nelem(f->range); i++) {
217 		f->range[i] = 1;
218 		f->file[i] = i;
219 		f->nfile++;
220 	}
221 }
223 Memsubfont*
mksubfont(XFont * f,char * name,int lo,int hi,int size,int antialias)224 mksubfont(XFont *f, char *name, int lo, int hi, int size, int antialias)
225 {
226 	CFStringRef s;
227 	CGColorSpaceRef color;
228 	CGContextRef ctxt;
229 	CTFontRef font;
230 	CTFontDescriptorRef desc;
231 	CGRect bbox;
232 	Memimage *m, *mc, *m1;
233 	int x, y, y0;
234 	int i, height, ascent;
235 	Fontchar *fc, *fc0;
236 	Memsubfont *sf;
237 	CGFloat blackf[] = { 0.0, 1.0 };
238 	CGColorRef black;
240 	s = c2mac(name);
241 	desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(s, size);
242 	CFRelease(s);
243 	if(desc == nil)
244 		return nil;
245 	font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(desc, 0, nil);
246 	CFRelease(desc);
247 	if(font == nil)
248 		return nil;
250 	bbox = CTFontGetBoundingBox(font);
251 	x = (int)(bbox.size.width*2 + 0.99999999);
253 	fontheight(f, size, &height, &ascent);
254 	y = height;
255 	y0 = height - ascent;
257 	m = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, x*(hi+1-lo)+1, y+1), GREY8);
258 	if(m == nil)
259 		return nil;
260 	mc = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, x+1, y+1), GREY8);
261 	if(mc == nil){
262 		freememimage(m);
263 		return nil;
264 	}
265 	memfillcolor(m, DBlack);
266 	memfillcolor(mc, DBlack);
267 	fc = malloc((hi+2 - lo) * sizeof fc[0]);
268 	sf = malloc(sizeof *sf);
269 	if(fc == nil || sf == nil) {
270 		freememimage(m);
271 		freememimage(mc);
272 		free(fc);
273 		free(sf);
274 		return nil;
275 	}
276 	fc0 = fc;
278 	color = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericGray);
279 	ctxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(byteaddr(mc, mc->r.min), Dx(mc->r), Dy(mc->r), 8,
280 		mc->width*sizeof(u32int), color, kCGImageAlphaNone);
281 	black = CGColorCreate(color, blackf);
282 	CGColorSpaceRelease(color);
283 	if(ctxt == nil) {
284 		freememimage(m);
285 		freememimage(mc);
286 		free(fc);
287 		free(sf);
288 		return nil;
289 	}
291 	CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(ctxt, antialias);
292 	CGContextSetTextPosition(ctxt, 0, 0);	// XXX
293 #if OSX_VERSION >= 101400
294 	CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothing(ctxt, false);
295 #endif
297 	x = 0;
298 	for(i=lo; i<=hi; i++, fc++) {
299 		char buf[20];
300 		CFStringRef str;
301 		CFDictionaryRef attrs;
302 		CFAttributedStringRef attrString;
303 		CTLineRef line;
304 		CGRect r;
305 		CGPoint p1;
306 		CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName };
307 		CFTypeRef values[] = { font, black };
309 		sprint(buf, "%C", (Rune)mapUnicode(name, i));
310  		str = c2mac(buf);
312  		// See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/StringsTextFonts/Conceptual/CoreText_Programming/LayoutOperations/LayoutOperations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005533-CH12-SW2
313  		attrs = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&keys,
314 			(const void**)&values, sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]),
315 			&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
316 			&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
317 		attrString = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, str, attrs);
318 		CFRelease(str);
319 		CFRelease(attrs);
321 		line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
322 		CGContextSetTextPosition(ctxt, 0, y0);
323 		r = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, ctxt);
324 		memfillcolor(mc, DWhite);
325 		CTLineDraw(line, ctxt);
326 		CFRelease(line);
328 		fc->x = x;
329 		fc->top = 0;
330 		fc->bottom = Dy(m->r);
332 //		fprint(2, "printed %#x: %g %g\n", mapUnicode(i), p1.x, p1.y);
333 		p1 = CGContextGetTextPosition(ctxt);
334 		if(p1.x <= 0 || mapUnicode(name, i) == 0xfffd) {
335 			fc->width = 0;
336 			fc->left = 0;
337 			if(i == 0) {
338 				drawpjw(m, fc, x, (int)(bbox.size.width + 0.99999999), y, y - y0);
339 				x += fc->width;
340 			}
341 			continue;
342 		}
344 		meminvert(mc);
345 		memimagedraw(m, Rect(x, 0, x + p1.x, y), mc, ZP, memopaque, ZP, S);
346 		fc->width = p1.x;
347 		fc->left = 0;
348 		x += p1.x;
349 	}
350 	fc->x = x;
352 	// round up to 32-bit boundary
353 	// so that in-memory data is same
354 	// layout as in-file data.
355 	if(x == 0)
356 		x = 1;
357 	if(y == 0)
358 		y = 1;
359 	if(antialias)
360 		x += -x & 3;
361 	else
362 		x += -x & 31;
363 	m1 = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, x, y), antialias ? GREY8 : GREY1);
364 	memimagedraw(m1, m1->r, m, m->r.min, memopaque, ZP, S);
365 	freememimage(m);
366 	freememimage(mc);
368 	sf->name = nil;
369 	sf->n = hi+1 - lo;
370 	sf->height = Dy(m1->r);
371 	sf->ascent = Dy(m1->r) - y0;
372 	sf->info = fc0;
373 	sf->bits = m1;
375 	return sf;
376 }