1#include "BUGS.hh"
2extern const char* const BUGS_array[23] = {
3  "",
4  "The PPL developers encourage you to report any bugs you find using the",
5  "bug tracking system available at https://www.cs.unipr.it/mantis/ .",
6  "Here `bug' should be interpreted in its broadest sense: outright",
7  "software errors, misfeatures, bad interfaces, missing or unclear",
8  "documentation... whatever is a subject for possible improvement.",
9  "",
10  "As far as software bugs are concerned, the best reports are those that",
11  "are reproducible.  Including (or pointing us to) code that exhibits",
12  "the reported misbehavior is the best thing you can do to help us fix",
13  "the library.  Of course, this is not always possible and we will",
14  "welcome any kind of bug report.  Anyway, you may be interested to read",
15  "http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html on how to report",
16  "bugs effectively.",
17  "",
18  "",
20  "==========",
21  "",
22  "All known bugs were resolved before the release.  It is likely that",
23  "there are still bugs in the released version.  Any bugs found after",
24  "the release will be listed at http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/Bugs/ .",
25  0};