1.. :changelog:
3Release History
64.0.0 (2019-07-26)
9**Breaking changes**
11- Removed operation ServiceRunnersOperations.list
13**General breaking changes**
15This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might* introduce breaking changes if from some import.
16In summary, some modules were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be used in the first place.
18- DevTestLabsClient cannot be imported from `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.dev_test_labs_management_client` anymore (import from `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs` works like before)
19- DevTestLabsManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved from `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.dev_test_labs_management_client` to `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs`
20- A model `MyClass` from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported anymore using `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.models.my_class` (import from `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.models` works like before)
21- An operation class `MyClassOperations` from an `operations` sub-module cannot be imported anymore using `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.operations.my_class_operations` (import from `azure.mgmt.devtestlabs.operations` works like before)
23Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default. You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or use no more than one client per process.
253.0.0 (2019-02-07)
30- Model NotificationChannel has a new parameter email_recipient
31- Model NotificationChannel has a new parameter notification_locale
32- Model ArtifactInstallProperties has a new parameter artifact_title
33- Model GalleryImage has a new parameter plan_id
34- Model GalleryImage has a new parameter is_plan_authorized
35- Model EvaluatePoliciesProperties has a new parameter user_object_id
36- Model ArtifactInstallPropertiesFragment has a new parameter artifact_title
37- Model Lab has a new parameter announcement
38- Model Lab has a new parameter support
39- Model Lab has a new parameter load_balancer_id
40- Model Lab has a new parameter mandatory_artifacts_resource_ids_linux
41- Model Lab has a new parameter extended_properties
42- Model Lab has a new parameter mandatory_artifacts_resource_ids_windows
43- Model Lab has a new parameter vm_creation_resource_group
44- Model Lab has a new parameter environment_permission
45- Model Lab has a new parameter network_security_group_id
46- Model Lab has a new parameter public_ip_id
47- Model NotificationSettingsFragment has a new parameter email_recipient
48- Model NotificationSettingsFragment has a new parameter notification_locale
49- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter has a new parameter schedule_parameters
50- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter has a new parameter compute_id
51- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter has a new parameter data_disk_parameters
52- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter has a new parameter last_known_power_state
53- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter has a new parameter plan_id
54- Model ShutdownNotificationContent has a new parameter vm_url
55- Model ShutdownNotificationContent has a new parameter minutes_until_shutdown
56- Model NotificationSettings has a new parameter email_recipient
57- Model NotificationSettings has a new parameter notification_locale
58- Model LabVirtualMachine has a new parameter plan_id
59- Model LabVirtualMachine has a new parameter schedule_parameters
60- Model LabVirtualMachine has a new parameter last_known_power_state
61- Model LabVirtualMachine has a new parameter data_disk_parameters
62- Model ArmTemplate has a new parameter enabled
63- Model CustomImage has a new parameter custom_image_plan
64- Model CustomImage has a new parameter data_disk_storage_info
65- Model CustomImage has a new parameter is_plan_authorized
66- Model CustomImage has a new parameter managed_snapshot_id
67- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment has a new parameter schedule_parameters
68- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment has a new parameter compute_id
69- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment has a new parameter data_disk_parameters
70- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment has a new parameter last_known_power_state
71- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment has a new parameter plan_id
72- Added operation DisksOperations.update
73- Added operation CustomImagesOperations.update
74- Added operation LabsOperations.import_virtual_machine
75- Added operation SecretsOperations.update
76- Added operation EnvironmentsOperations.update
77- Added operation FormulasOperations.update
78- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.transfer_disks
79- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.un_claim
80- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.resize
81- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.restart
82- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.get_rdp_file_contents
83- Added operation VirtualMachinesOperations.redeploy
84- Added operation group ServiceFabricsOperations
85- Added operation group ServiceFabricSchedulesOperations
87**Breaking changes**
89- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter type
90- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter id
91- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter location
92- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter name
93- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter external_subnets
94- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter provisioning_state
95- Model VirtualNetworkFragment no longer has parameter unique_identifier
96- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter type
97- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter id
98- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter location
99- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter name
100- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter unique_identifier
101- Model PolicyFragment no longer has parameter provisioning_state
102- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter type
103- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter id
104- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter location
105- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter name
106- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter unique_identifier
107- Model ArtifactSourceFragment no longer has parameter provisioning_state
108- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter no longer has parameter applicable_schedule
109- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter no longer has parameter compute_vm
110- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter no longer has parameter unique_identifier
111- Model LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter no longer has parameter provisioning_state
112- Model ApplicableScheduleFragment no longer has parameter location
113- Model ApplicableScheduleFragment no longer has parameter type
114- Model ApplicableScheduleFragment no longer has parameter id
115- Model ApplicableScheduleFragment no longer has parameter name
116- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter type
117- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter id
118- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter location
119- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter name
120- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter unique_identifier
121- Model ScheduleFragment no longer has parameter provisioning_state
122- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter type
123- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter id
124- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter compute_vm
125- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter location
126- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter name
127- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter unique_identifier
128- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter provisioning_state
129- Model LabVirtualMachineFragment no longer has parameter applicable_schedule
130- Model LabFragment has a new signature
131- Model UserFragment has a new signature
132- Model NotificationChannelFragment has a new signature
1342.2.0 (2018-02-15)
137* Add "providers" operation group
1392.1.0 (2017-10-25)
142* Add "operations" operation group
1442.0.0 (2017-04-27)
147* Major refactoring to follow name conventions + new features.
148* This wheel package is now built with the azure wheel extension
1501.0.0 (2016-09-13)
153* Initial Release