1# coding=utf-8
2# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
6# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9import datetime
10from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
12from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
13import msrest.serialization
15from ._iot_hub_client_enums import *
18class CloudToDeviceProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
19    """The IoT hub cloud-to-device messaging properties.
21    :param max_delivery_count: The max delivery count for cloud-to-device messages in the device
22     queue. See:
23     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#cloud-to-device-messages.
24    :type max_delivery_count: int
25    :param default_ttl_as_iso8601: The default time to live for cloud-to-device messages in the
26     device queue. See:
27     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#cloud-to-device-messages.
28    :type default_ttl_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
29    :param feedback: The properties of the feedback queue for cloud-to-device messages.
30    :type feedback: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.FeedbackProperties
31    """
33    _validation = {
34        'max_delivery_count': {'maximum': 100, 'minimum': 1},
35    }
37    _attribute_map = {
38        'max_delivery_count': {'key': 'maxDeliveryCount', 'type': 'int'},
39        'default_ttl_as_iso8601': {'key': 'defaultTtlAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
40        'feedback': {'key': 'feedback', 'type': 'FeedbackProperties'},
41    }
43    def __init__(
44        self,
45        *,
46        max_delivery_count: Optional[int] = None,
47        default_ttl_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
48        feedback: Optional["FeedbackProperties"] = None,
49        **kwargs
50    ):
51        super(CloudToDeviceProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
52        self.max_delivery_count = max_delivery_count
53        self.default_ttl_as_iso8601 = default_ttl_as_iso8601
54        self.feedback = feedback
57class ErrorDetails(msrest.serialization.Model):
58    """Error details.
60    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
62    :ivar code: The error code.
63    :vartype code: str
64    :ivar http_status_code: The HTTP status code.
65    :vartype http_status_code: str
66    :ivar message: The error message.
67    :vartype message: str
68    :ivar details: The error details.
69    :vartype details: str
70    """
72    _validation = {
73        'code': {'readonly': True},
74        'http_status_code': {'readonly': True},
75        'message': {'readonly': True},
76        'details': {'readonly': True},
77    }
79    _attribute_map = {
80        'code': {'key': 'Code', 'type': 'str'},
81        'http_status_code': {'key': 'HttpStatusCode', 'type': 'str'},
82        'message': {'key': 'Message', 'type': 'str'},
83        'details': {'key': 'Details', 'type': 'str'},
84    }
86    def __init__(
87        self,
88        **kwargs
89    ):
90        super(ErrorDetails, self).__init__(**kwargs)
91        self.code = None
92        self.http_status_code = None
93        self.message = None
94        self.details = None
97class EventHubConsumerGroupInfo(msrest.serialization.Model):
98    """The properties of the EventHubConsumerGroupInfo object.
100    :param tags: A set of tags. The tags.
101    :type tags: dict[str, str]
102    :param id: The Event Hub-compatible consumer group identifier.
103    :type id: str
104    :param name: The Event Hub-compatible consumer group name.
105    :type name: str
106    """
108    _attribute_map = {
109        'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'},
110        'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'},
111        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
112    }
114    def __init__(
115        self,
116        *,
117        tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
118        id: Optional[str] = None,
119        name: Optional[str] = None,
120        **kwargs
121    ):
122        super(EventHubConsumerGroupInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
123        self.tags = tags
124        self.id = id
125        self.name = name
128class EventHubConsumerGroupsListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
129    """The JSON-serialized array of Event Hub-compatible consumer group names with a next link.
131    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
133    :param value: The array of Event Hub-compatible consumer group names.
134    :type value: list[str]
135    :ivar next_link: The next link.
136    :vartype next_link: str
137    """
139    _validation = {
140        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
141    }
143    _attribute_map = {
144        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[str]'},
145        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
146    }
148    def __init__(
149        self,
150        *,
151        value: Optional[List[str]] = None,
152        **kwargs
153    ):
154        super(EventHubConsumerGroupsListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
155        self.value = value
156        self.next_link = None
159class EventHubProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
160    """The properties of the provisioned Event Hub-compatible endpoint used by the IoT hub.
162    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
164    :param retention_time_in_days: The retention time for device-to-cloud messages in days. See:
165     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#device-to-cloud-messages.
166    :type retention_time_in_days: long
167    :param partition_count: The number of partitions for receiving device-to-cloud messages in the
168     Event Hub-compatible endpoint. See:
169     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#device-to-cloud-messages.
170    :type partition_count: int
171    :ivar partition_ids: The partition ids in the Event Hub-compatible endpoint.
172    :vartype partition_ids: list[str]
173    :ivar path: The Event Hub-compatible name.
174    :vartype path: str
175    :ivar endpoint: The Event Hub-compatible endpoint.
176    :vartype endpoint: str
177    """
179    _validation = {
180        'partition_ids': {'readonly': True},
181        'path': {'readonly': True},
182        'endpoint': {'readonly': True},
183    }
185    _attribute_map = {
186        'retention_time_in_days': {'key': 'retentionTimeInDays', 'type': 'long'},
187        'partition_count': {'key': 'partitionCount', 'type': 'int'},
188        'partition_ids': {'key': 'partitionIds', 'type': '[str]'},
189        'path': {'key': 'path', 'type': 'str'},
190        'endpoint': {'key': 'endpoint', 'type': 'str'},
191    }
193    def __init__(
194        self,
195        *,
196        retention_time_in_days: Optional[int] = None,
197        partition_count: Optional[int] = None,
198        **kwargs
199    ):
200        super(EventHubProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
201        self.retention_time_in_days = retention_time_in_days
202        self.partition_count = partition_count
203        self.partition_ids = None
204        self.path = None
205        self.endpoint = None
208class ExportDevicesRequest(msrest.serialization.Model):
209    """Use to provide parameters when requesting an export of all devices in the IoT hub.
211    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
213    :param export_blob_container_uri: Required. The export blob container URI.
214    :type export_blob_container_uri: str
215    :param exclude_keys: Required. The value indicating whether keys should be excluded during
216     export.
217    :type exclude_keys: bool
218    """
220    _validation = {
221        'export_blob_container_uri': {'required': True},
222        'exclude_keys': {'required': True},
223    }
225    _attribute_map = {
226        'export_blob_container_uri': {'key': 'ExportBlobContainerUri', 'type': 'str'},
227        'exclude_keys': {'key': 'ExcludeKeys', 'type': 'bool'},
228    }
230    def __init__(
231        self,
232        *,
233        export_blob_container_uri: str,
234        exclude_keys: bool,
235        **kwargs
236    ):
237        super(ExportDevicesRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
238        self.export_blob_container_uri = export_blob_container_uri
239        self.exclude_keys = exclude_keys
242class FallbackRouteProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
243    """The properties related to the fallback route based on which the IoT hub routes messages to the fallback endpoint.
245    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
247    :param source: Required. The source to which the routing rule is to be applied to. e.g.
248     DeviceMessages. Possible values include: "DeviceMessages", "TwinChangeEvents",
249     "DeviceLifecycleEvents", "DeviceJobLifecycleEvents".
250    :type source: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingSource
251    :param condition: The condition which is evaluated in order to apply the fallback route. If the
252     condition is not provided it will evaluate to true by default. For grammar, See:
253     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-query-language.
254    :type condition: str
255    :param endpoint_names: Required. The list of endpoints to which the messages that satisfy the
256     condition are routed to. Currently only 1 endpoint is allowed.
257    :type endpoint_names: list[str]
258    :param is_enabled: Required. Used to specify whether the fallback route is enabled or not.
259    :type is_enabled: bool
260    """
262    _validation = {
263        'source': {'required': True},
264        'endpoint_names': {'required': True, 'max_items': 1, 'min_items': 1},
265        'is_enabled': {'required': True},
266    }
268    _attribute_map = {
269        'source': {'key': 'source', 'type': 'str'},
270        'condition': {'key': 'condition', 'type': 'str'},
271        'endpoint_names': {'key': 'endpointNames', 'type': '[str]'},
272        'is_enabled': {'key': 'isEnabled', 'type': 'bool'},
273    }
275    def __init__(
276        self,
277        *,
278        source: Union[str, "RoutingSource"],
279        endpoint_names: List[str],
280        is_enabled: bool,
281        condition: Optional[str] = None,
282        **kwargs
283    ):
284        super(FallbackRouteProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
285        self.source = source
286        self.condition = condition
287        self.endpoint_names = endpoint_names
288        self.is_enabled = is_enabled
291class FeedbackProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
292    """The properties of the feedback queue for cloud-to-device messages.
294    :param lock_duration_as_iso8601: The lock duration for the feedback queue. See:
295     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#cloud-to-device-messages.
296    :type lock_duration_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
297    :param ttl_as_iso8601: The period of time for which a message is available to consume before it
298     is expired by the IoT hub. See:
299     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#cloud-to-device-messages.
300    :type ttl_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
301    :param max_delivery_count: The number of times the IoT hub attempts to deliver a message on the
302     feedback queue. See:
303     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging#cloud-to-device-messages.
304    :type max_delivery_count: int
305    """
307    _validation = {
308        'max_delivery_count': {'maximum': 100, 'minimum': 1},
309    }
311    _attribute_map = {
312        'lock_duration_as_iso8601': {'key': 'lockDurationAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
313        'ttl_as_iso8601': {'key': 'ttlAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
314        'max_delivery_count': {'key': 'maxDeliveryCount', 'type': 'int'},
315    }
317    def __init__(
318        self,
319        *,
320        lock_duration_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
321        ttl_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
322        max_delivery_count: Optional[int] = None,
323        **kwargs
324    ):
325        super(FeedbackProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
326        self.lock_duration_as_iso8601 = lock_duration_as_iso8601
327        self.ttl_as_iso8601 = ttl_as_iso8601
328        self.max_delivery_count = max_delivery_count
331class ImportDevicesRequest(msrest.serialization.Model):
332    """Use to provide parameters when requesting an import of all devices in the hub.
334    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
336    :param input_blob_container_uri: Required. The input blob container URI.
337    :type input_blob_container_uri: str
338    :param output_blob_container_uri: Required. The output blob container URI.
339    :type output_blob_container_uri: str
340    """
342    _validation = {
343        'input_blob_container_uri': {'required': True},
344        'output_blob_container_uri': {'required': True},
345    }
347    _attribute_map = {
348        'input_blob_container_uri': {'key': 'InputBlobContainerUri', 'type': 'str'},
349        'output_blob_container_uri': {'key': 'OutputBlobContainerUri', 'type': 'str'},
350    }
352    def __init__(
353        self,
354        *,
355        input_blob_container_uri: str,
356        output_blob_container_uri: str,
357        **kwargs
358    ):
359        super(ImportDevicesRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
360        self.input_blob_container_uri = input_blob_container_uri
361        self.output_blob_container_uri = output_blob_container_uri
364class IotHubCapacity(msrest.serialization.Model):
365    """IoT Hub capacity information.
367    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
369    :ivar minimum: The minimum number of units.
370    :vartype minimum: long
371    :ivar maximum: The maximum number of units.
372    :vartype maximum: long
373    :ivar default: The default number of units.
374    :vartype default: long
375    :ivar scale_type: The type of the scaling enabled. Possible values include: "Automatic",
376     "Manual", "None".
377    :vartype scale_type: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubScaleType
378    """
380    _validation = {
381        'minimum': {'readonly': True, 'maximum': 1, 'minimum': 1},
382        'maximum': {'readonly': True},
383        'default': {'readonly': True},
384        'scale_type': {'readonly': True},
385    }
387    _attribute_map = {
388        'minimum': {'key': 'minimum', 'type': 'long'},
389        'maximum': {'key': 'maximum', 'type': 'long'},
390        'default': {'key': 'default', 'type': 'long'},
391        'scale_type': {'key': 'scaleType', 'type': 'str'},
392    }
394    def __init__(
395        self,
396        **kwargs
397    ):
398        super(IotHubCapacity, self).__init__(**kwargs)
399        self.minimum = None
400        self.maximum = None
401        self.default = None
402        self.scale_type = None
405class Resource(msrest.serialization.Model):
406    """The common properties of an Azure resource.
408    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
410    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
412    :ivar id: The resource identifier.
413    :vartype id: str
414    :ivar name: The resource name.
415    :vartype name: str
416    :ivar type: The resource type.
417    :vartype type: str
418    :param location: Required. The resource location.
419    :type location: str
420    :param tags: A set of tags. The resource tags.
421    :type tags: dict[str, str]
422    """
424    _validation = {
425        'id': {'readonly': True},
426        'name': {'readonly': True, 'pattern': r'^(?![0-9]+$)(?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,49}[a-zA-Z0-9]$'},
427        'type': {'readonly': True},
428        'location': {'required': True},
429    }
431    _attribute_map = {
432        'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'},
433        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
434        'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'},
435        'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'},
436        'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'},
437    }
439    def __init__(
440        self,
441        *,
442        location: str,
443        tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
444        **kwargs
445    ):
446        super(Resource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
447        self.id = None
448        self.name = None
449        self.type = None
450        self.location = location
451        self.tags = tags
454class IotHubDescription(Resource):
455    """The description of the IoT hub.
457    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
459    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
461    :ivar id: The resource identifier.
462    :vartype id: str
463    :ivar name: The resource name.
464    :vartype name: str
465    :ivar type: The resource type.
466    :vartype type: str
467    :param location: Required. The resource location.
468    :type location: str
469    :param tags: A set of tags. The resource tags.
470    :type tags: dict[str, str]
471    :param subscriptionid: Required. The subscription identifier.
472    :type subscriptionid: str
473    :param resourcegroup: Required. The name of the resource group that contains the IoT hub. A
474     resource group name uniquely identifies the resource group within the subscription.
475    :type resourcegroup: str
476    :param etag: The Etag field is *not* required. If it is provided in the response body, it must
477     also be provided as a header per the normal ETag convention.
478    :type etag: str
479    :param properties: The properties of an IoT hub.
480    :type properties: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubProperties
481    :param sku: Required. Information about the SKU of the IoT hub.
482    :type sku: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubSkuInfo
483    """
485    _validation = {
486        'id': {'readonly': True},
487        'name': {'readonly': True, 'pattern': r'^(?![0-9]+$)(?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,49}[a-zA-Z0-9]$'},
488        'type': {'readonly': True},
489        'location': {'required': True},
490        'subscriptionid': {'required': True},
491        'resourcegroup': {'required': True},
492        'sku': {'required': True},
493    }
495    _attribute_map = {
496        'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'},
497        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
498        'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'},
499        'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'},
500        'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'},
501        'subscriptionid': {'key': 'subscriptionid', 'type': 'str'},
502        'resourcegroup': {'key': 'resourcegroup', 'type': 'str'},
503        'etag': {'key': 'etag', 'type': 'str'},
504        'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': 'IotHubProperties'},
505        'sku': {'key': 'sku', 'type': 'IotHubSkuInfo'},
506    }
508    def __init__(
509        self,
510        *,
511        location: str,
512        subscriptionid: str,
513        resourcegroup: str,
514        sku: "IotHubSkuInfo",
515        tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
516        etag: Optional[str] = None,
517        properties: Optional["IotHubProperties"] = None,
518        **kwargs
519    ):
520        super(IotHubDescription, self).__init__(location=location, tags=tags, **kwargs)
521        self.subscriptionid = subscriptionid
522        self.resourcegroup = resourcegroup
523        self.etag = etag
524        self.properties = properties
525        self.sku = sku
528class IotHubDescriptionListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
529    """The JSON-serialized array of IotHubDescription objects with a next link.
531    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
533    :param value: The array of IotHubDescription objects.
534    :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubDescription]
535    :ivar next_link: The next link.
536    :vartype next_link: str
537    """
539    _validation = {
540        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
541    }
543    _attribute_map = {
544        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[IotHubDescription]'},
545        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
546    }
548    def __init__(
549        self,
550        *,
551        value: Optional[List["IotHubDescription"]] = None,
552        **kwargs
553    ):
554        super(IotHubDescriptionListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
555        self.value = value
556        self.next_link = None
559class IotHubNameAvailabilityInfo(msrest.serialization.Model):
560    """The properties indicating whether a given IoT hub name is available.
562    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
564    :ivar name_available: The value which indicates whether the provided name is available.
565    :vartype name_available: bool
566    :ivar reason: The reason for unavailability. Possible values include: "Invalid",
567     "AlreadyExists".
568    :vartype reason: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubNameUnavailabilityReason
569    :param message: The detailed reason message.
570    :type message: str
571    """
573    _validation = {
574        'name_available': {'readonly': True},
575        'reason': {'readonly': True},
576    }
578    _attribute_map = {
579        'name_available': {'key': 'nameAvailable', 'type': 'bool'},
580        'reason': {'key': 'reason', 'type': 'str'},
581        'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'},
582    }
584    def __init__(
585        self,
586        *,
587        message: Optional[str] = None,
588        **kwargs
589    ):
590        super(IotHubNameAvailabilityInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
591        self.name_available = None
592        self.reason = None
593        self.message = message
596class IotHubProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
597    """The properties of an IoT hub.
599    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
601    :param authorization_policies: The shared access policies you can use to secure a connection to
602     the IoT hub.
603    :type authorization_policies:
604     list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule]
605    :param ip_filter_rules: The IP filter rules.
606    :type ip_filter_rules: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IpFilterRule]
607    :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state.
608    :vartype provisioning_state: str
609    :ivar host_name: The name of the host.
610    :vartype host_name: str
611    :param event_hub_endpoints: The Event Hub-compatible endpoint properties. The possible keys to
612     this dictionary are events and operationsMonitoringEvents. Both of these keys have to be
613     present in the dictionary while making create or update calls for the IoT hub.
614    :type event_hub_endpoints: dict[str, ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.EventHubProperties]
615    :param routing: The routing related properties of the IoT hub. See:
616     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging.
617    :type routing: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingProperties
618    :param storage_endpoints: The list of Azure Storage endpoints where you can upload files.
619     Currently you can configure only one Azure Storage account and that MUST have its key as
620     $default. Specifying more than one storage account causes an error to be thrown. Not specifying
621     a value for this property when the enableFileUploadNotifications property is set to True,
622     causes an error to be thrown.
623    :type storage_endpoints: dict[str,
624     ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.StorageEndpointProperties]
625    :param messaging_endpoints: The messaging endpoint properties for the file upload notification
626     queue.
627    :type messaging_endpoints: dict[str,
628     ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.MessagingEndpointProperties]
629    :param enable_file_upload_notifications: If True, file upload notifications are enabled.
630    :type enable_file_upload_notifications: bool
631    :param cloud_to_device: The IoT hub cloud-to-device messaging properties.
632    :type cloud_to_device: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.CloudToDeviceProperties
633    :param comments: Comments.
634    :type comments: str
635    :param operations_monitoring_properties: The operations monitoring properties for the IoT hub.
636     The possible keys to the dictionary are Connections, DeviceTelemetry, C2DCommands,
637     DeviceIdentityOperations, FileUploadOperations, Routes, D2CTwinOperations, C2DTwinOperations,
638     TwinQueries, JobsOperations, DirectMethods.
639    :type operations_monitoring_properties:
640     ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.OperationsMonitoringProperties
641    :param features: The capabilities and features enabled for the IoT hub. Possible values
642     include: "None", "DeviceManagement".
643    :type features: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.Capabilities
644    """
646    _validation = {
647        'provisioning_state': {'readonly': True},
648        'host_name': {'readonly': True},
649    }
651    _attribute_map = {
652        'authorization_policies': {'key': 'authorizationPolicies', 'type': '[SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule]'},
653        'ip_filter_rules': {'key': 'ipFilterRules', 'type': '[IpFilterRule]'},
654        'provisioning_state': {'key': 'provisioningState', 'type': 'str'},
655        'host_name': {'key': 'hostName', 'type': 'str'},
656        'event_hub_endpoints': {'key': 'eventHubEndpoints', 'type': '{EventHubProperties}'},
657        'routing': {'key': 'routing', 'type': 'RoutingProperties'},
658        'storage_endpoints': {'key': 'storageEndpoints', 'type': '{StorageEndpointProperties}'},
659        'messaging_endpoints': {'key': 'messagingEndpoints', 'type': '{MessagingEndpointProperties}'},
660        'enable_file_upload_notifications': {'key': 'enableFileUploadNotifications', 'type': 'bool'},
661        'cloud_to_device': {'key': 'cloudToDevice', 'type': 'CloudToDeviceProperties'},
662        'comments': {'key': 'comments', 'type': 'str'},
663        'operations_monitoring_properties': {'key': 'operationsMonitoringProperties', 'type': 'OperationsMonitoringProperties'},
664        'features': {'key': 'features', 'type': 'str'},
665    }
667    def __init__(
668        self,
669        *,
670        authorization_policies: Optional[List["SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule"]] = None,
671        ip_filter_rules: Optional[List["IpFilterRule"]] = None,
672        event_hub_endpoints: Optional[Dict[str, "EventHubProperties"]] = None,
673        routing: Optional["RoutingProperties"] = None,
674        storage_endpoints: Optional[Dict[str, "StorageEndpointProperties"]] = None,
675        messaging_endpoints: Optional[Dict[str, "MessagingEndpointProperties"]] = None,
676        enable_file_upload_notifications: Optional[bool] = None,
677        cloud_to_device: Optional["CloudToDeviceProperties"] = None,
678        comments: Optional[str] = None,
679        operations_monitoring_properties: Optional["OperationsMonitoringProperties"] = None,
680        features: Optional[Union[str, "Capabilities"]] = None,
681        **kwargs
682    ):
683        super(IotHubProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
684        self.authorization_policies = authorization_policies
685        self.ip_filter_rules = ip_filter_rules
686        self.provisioning_state = None
687        self.host_name = None
688        self.event_hub_endpoints = event_hub_endpoints
689        self.routing = routing
690        self.storage_endpoints = storage_endpoints
691        self.messaging_endpoints = messaging_endpoints
692        self.enable_file_upload_notifications = enable_file_upload_notifications
693        self.cloud_to_device = cloud_to_device
694        self.comments = comments
695        self.operations_monitoring_properties = operations_monitoring_properties
696        self.features = features
699class IotHubQuotaMetricInfo(msrest.serialization.Model):
700    """Quota metrics properties.
702    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
704    :ivar name: The name of the quota metric.
705    :vartype name: str
706    :ivar current_value: The current value for the quota metric.
707    :vartype current_value: long
708    :ivar max_value: The maximum value of the quota metric.
709    :vartype max_value: long
710    """
712    _validation = {
713        'name': {'readonly': True},
714        'current_value': {'readonly': True},
715        'max_value': {'readonly': True},
716    }
718    _attribute_map = {
719        'name': {'key': 'Name', 'type': 'str'},
720        'current_value': {'key': 'CurrentValue', 'type': 'long'},
721        'max_value': {'key': 'MaxValue', 'type': 'long'},
722    }
724    def __init__(
725        self,
726        **kwargs
727    ):
728        super(IotHubQuotaMetricInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
729        self.name = None
730        self.current_value = None
731        self.max_value = None
734class IotHubQuotaMetricInfoListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
735    """The JSON-serialized array of IotHubQuotaMetricInfo objects with a next link.
737    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
739    :param value: The array of quota metrics objects.
740    :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubQuotaMetricInfo]
741    :ivar next_link: The next link.
742    :vartype next_link: str
743    """
745    _validation = {
746        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
747    }
749    _attribute_map = {
750        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[IotHubQuotaMetricInfo]'},
751        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
752    }
754    def __init__(
755        self,
756        *,
757        value: Optional[List["IotHubQuotaMetricInfo"]] = None,
758        **kwargs
759    ):
760        super(IotHubQuotaMetricInfoListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
761        self.value = value
762        self.next_link = None
765class IotHubSkuDescription(msrest.serialization.Model):
766    """SKU properties.
768    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
770    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
772    :ivar resource_type: The type of the resource.
773    :vartype resource_type: str
774    :param sku: Required. Information about the SKU of the IoT hub.
775    :type sku: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubSkuInfo
776    :param capacity: Required. IoT Hub capacity information.
777    :type capacity: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubCapacity
778    """
780    _validation = {
781        'resource_type': {'readonly': True},
782        'sku': {'required': True},
783        'capacity': {'required': True},
784    }
786    _attribute_map = {
787        'resource_type': {'key': 'resourceType', 'type': 'str'},
788        'sku': {'key': 'sku', 'type': 'IotHubSkuInfo'},
789        'capacity': {'key': 'capacity', 'type': 'IotHubCapacity'},
790    }
792    def __init__(
793        self,
794        *,
795        sku: "IotHubSkuInfo",
796        capacity: "IotHubCapacity",
797        **kwargs
798    ):
799        super(IotHubSkuDescription, self).__init__(**kwargs)
800        self.resource_type = None
801        self.sku = sku
802        self.capacity = capacity
805class IotHubSkuDescriptionListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
806    """The JSON-serialized array of IotHubSkuDescription objects with a next link.
808    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
810    :param value: The array of IotHubSkuDescription.
811    :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubSkuDescription]
812    :ivar next_link: The next link.
813    :vartype next_link: str
814    """
816    _validation = {
817        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
818    }
820    _attribute_map = {
821        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[IotHubSkuDescription]'},
822        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
823    }
825    def __init__(
826        self,
827        *,
828        value: Optional[List["IotHubSkuDescription"]] = None,
829        **kwargs
830    ):
831        super(IotHubSkuDescriptionListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
832        self.value = value
833        self.next_link = None
836class IotHubSkuInfo(msrest.serialization.Model):
837    """Information about the SKU of the IoT hub.
839    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
841    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
843    :param name: Required. The name of the SKU. Possible values include: "F1", "S1", "S2", "S3".
844    :type name: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubSku
845    :ivar tier: The billing tier for the IoT hub. Possible values include: "Free", "Standard".
846    :vartype tier: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IotHubSkuTier
847    :param capacity: Required. The number of provisioned IoT Hub units. See:
848     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-subscription-service-limits#iot-hub-limits.
849    :type capacity: long
850    """
852    _validation = {
853        'name': {'required': True},
854        'tier': {'readonly': True},
855        'capacity': {'required': True},
856    }
858    _attribute_map = {
859        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
860        'tier': {'key': 'tier', 'type': 'str'},
861        'capacity': {'key': 'capacity', 'type': 'long'},
862    }
864    def __init__(
865        self,
866        *,
867        name: Union[str, "IotHubSku"],
868        capacity: int,
869        **kwargs
870    ):
871        super(IotHubSkuInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
872        self.name = name
873        self.tier = None
874        self.capacity = capacity
877class IpFilterRule(msrest.serialization.Model):
878    """The IP filter rules for the IoT hub.
880    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
882    :param filter_name: Required. The name of the IP filter rule.
883    :type filter_name: str
884    :param action: Required. The desired action for requests captured by this rule. Possible values
885     include: "Accept", "Reject".
886    :type action: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.IpFilterActionType
887    :param ip_mask: Required. A string that contains the IP address range in CIDR notation for the
888     rule.
889    :type ip_mask: str
890    """
892    _validation = {
893        'filter_name': {'required': True},
894        'action': {'required': True},
895        'ip_mask': {'required': True},
896    }
898    _attribute_map = {
899        'filter_name': {'key': 'filterName', 'type': 'str'},
900        'action': {'key': 'action', 'type': 'str'},
901        'ip_mask': {'key': 'ipMask', 'type': 'str'},
902    }
904    def __init__(
905        self,
906        *,
907        filter_name: str,
908        action: Union[str, "IpFilterActionType"],
909        ip_mask: str,
910        **kwargs
911    ):
912        super(IpFilterRule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
913        self.filter_name = filter_name
914        self.action = action
915        self.ip_mask = ip_mask
918class JobResponse(msrest.serialization.Model):
919    """The properties of the Job Response object.
921    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
923    :ivar job_id: The job identifier.
924    :vartype job_id: str
925    :ivar start_time_utc: The start time of the job.
926    :vartype start_time_utc: ~datetime.datetime
927    :ivar end_time_utc: The time the job stopped processing.
928    :vartype end_time_utc: ~datetime.datetime
929    :ivar type: The type of the job. Possible values include: "unknown", "export", "import",
930     "backup", "readDeviceProperties", "writeDeviceProperties", "updateDeviceConfiguration",
931     "rebootDevice", "factoryResetDevice", "firmwareUpdate".
932    :vartype type: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.JobType
933    :ivar status: The status of the job. Possible values include: "unknown", "enqueued", "running",
934     "completed", "failed", "cancelled".
935    :vartype status: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.JobStatus
936    :ivar failure_reason: If status == failed, this string containing the reason for the failure.
937    :vartype failure_reason: str
938    :ivar status_message: The status message for the job.
939    :vartype status_message: str
940    :ivar parent_job_id: The job identifier of the parent job, if any.
941    :vartype parent_job_id: str
942    """
944    _validation = {
945        'job_id': {'readonly': True},
946        'start_time_utc': {'readonly': True},
947        'end_time_utc': {'readonly': True},
948        'type': {'readonly': True},
949        'status': {'readonly': True},
950        'failure_reason': {'readonly': True},
951        'status_message': {'readonly': True},
952        'parent_job_id': {'readonly': True},
953    }
955    _attribute_map = {
956        'job_id': {'key': 'jobId', 'type': 'str'},
957        'start_time_utc': {'key': 'startTimeUtc', 'type': 'rfc-1123'},
958        'end_time_utc': {'key': 'endTimeUtc', 'type': 'rfc-1123'},
959        'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'},
960        'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'},
961        'failure_reason': {'key': 'failureReason', 'type': 'str'},
962        'status_message': {'key': 'statusMessage', 'type': 'str'},
963        'parent_job_id': {'key': 'parentJobId', 'type': 'str'},
964    }
966    def __init__(
967        self,
968        **kwargs
969    ):
970        super(JobResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs)
971        self.job_id = None
972        self.start_time_utc = None
973        self.end_time_utc = None
974        self.type = None
975        self.status = None
976        self.failure_reason = None
977        self.status_message = None
978        self.parent_job_id = None
981class JobResponseListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
982    """The JSON-serialized array of JobResponse objects with a next link.
984    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
986    :param value: The array of JobResponse objects.
987    :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.JobResponse]
988    :ivar next_link: The next link.
989    :vartype next_link: str
990    """
992    _validation = {
993        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
994    }
996    _attribute_map = {
997        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[JobResponse]'},
998        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
999    }
1001    def __init__(
1002        self,
1003        *,
1004        value: Optional[List["JobResponse"]] = None,
1005        **kwargs
1006    ):
1007        super(JobResponseListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1008        self.value = value
1009        self.next_link = None
1012class MessagingEndpointProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1013    """The properties of the messaging endpoints used by this IoT hub.
1015    :param lock_duration_as_iso8601: The lock duration. See:
1016     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-file-upload.
1017    :type lock_duration_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
1018    :param ttl_as_iso8601: The period of time for which a message is available to consume before it
1019     is expired by the IoT hub. See:
1020     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-file-upload.
1021    :type ttl_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
1022    :param max_delivery_count: The number of times the IoT hub attempts to deliver a message. See:
1023     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-file-upload.
1024    :type max_delivery_count: int
1025    """
1027    _validation = {
1028        'max_delivery_count': {'maximum': 100, 'minimum': 1},
1029    }
1031    _attribute_map = {
1032        'lock_duration_as_iso8601': {'key': 'lockDurationAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
1033        'ttl_as_iso8601': {'key': 'ttlAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
1034        'max_delivery_count': {'key': 'maxDeliveryCount', 'type': 'int'},
1035    }
1037    def __init__(
1038        self,
1039        *,
1040        lock_duration_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
1041        ttl_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
1042        max_delivery_count: Optional[int] = None,
1043        **kwargs
1044    ):
1045        super(MessagingEndpointProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1046        self.lock_duration_as_iso8601 = lock_duration_as_iso8601
1047        self.ttl_as_iso8601 = ttl_as_iso8601
1048        self.max_delivery_count = max_delivery_count
1051class OperationInputs(msrest.serialization.Model):
1052    """Input values.
1054    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1056    :param name: Required. The name of the IoT hub to check.
1057    :type name: str
1058    """
1060    _validation = {
1061        'name': {'required': True},
1062    }
1064    _attribute_map = {
1065        'name': {'key': 'Name', 'type': 'str'},
1066    }
1068    def __init__(
1069        self,
1070        *,
1071        name: str,
1072        **kwargs
1073    ):
1074        super(OperationInputs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1075        self.name = name
1078class OperationsMonitoringProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1079    """The operations monitoring properties for the IoT hub. The possible keys to the dictionary are Connections, DeviceTelemetry, C2DCommands, DeviceIdentityOperations, FileUploadOperations, Routes, D2CTwinOperations, C2DTwinOperations, TwinQueries, JobsOperations, DirectMethods.
1081    :param events: Dictionary of :code:`<OperationMonitoringLevel>`.
1082    :type events: dict[str, str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.OperationMonitoringLevel]
1083    """
1085    _attribute_map = {
1086        'events': {'key': 'events', 'type': '{str}'},
1087    }
1089    def __init__(
1090        self,
1091        *,
1092        events: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, "OperationMonitoringLevel"]]] = None,
1093        **kwargs
1094    ):
1095        super(OperationsMonitoringProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1096        self.events = events
1099class RegistryStatistics(msrest.serialization.Model):
1100    """Identity registry statistics.
1102    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
1104    :ivar total_device_count: The total count of devices in the identity registry.
1105    :vartype total_device_count: long
1106    :ivar enabled_device_count: The count of enabled devices in the identity registry.
1107    :vartype enabled_device_count: long
1108    :ivar disabled_device_count: The count of disabled devices in the identity registry.
1109    :vartype disabled_device_count: long
1110    """
1112    _validation = {
1113        'total_device_count': {'readonly': True},
1114        'enabled_device_count': {'readonly': True},
1115        'disabled_device_count': {'readonly': True},
1116    }
1118    _attribute_map = {
1119        'total_device_count': {'key': 'totalDeviceCount', 'type': 'long'},
1120        'enabled_device_count': {'key': 'enabledDeviceCount', 'type': 'long'},
1121        'disabled_device_count': {'key': 'disabledDeviceCount', 'type': 'long'},
1122    }
1124    def __init__(
1125        self,
1126        **kwargs
1127    ):
1128        super(RegistryStatistics, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1129        self.total_device_count = None
1130        self.enabled_device_count = None
1131        self.disabled_device_count = None
1134class RouteProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1135    """The properties of a routing rule that your IoT hub uses to route messages to endpoints.
1137    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1139    :param name: Required. The name of the route. The name can only include alphanumeric
1140     characters, periods, underscores, hyphens, has a maximum length of 64 characters,  and must be
1141     unique.
1142    :type name: str
1143    :param source: Required. The source that the routing rule is to be applied to, such as
1144     DeviceMessages. Possible values include: "DeviceMessages", "TwinChangeEvents",
1145     "DeviceLifecycleEvents", "DeviceJobLifecycleEvents".
1146    :type source: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingSource
1147    :param condition: The condition that is evaluated to apply the routing rule. If no condition is
1148     provided, it evaluates to true by default. For grammar, See:
1149     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-query-language.
1150    :type condition: str
1151    :param endpoint_names: Required. The list of endpoints to which messages that satisfy the
1152     condition are routed. Currently only one endpoint is allowed.
1153    :type endpoint_names: list[str]
1154    :param is_enabled: Required. Used to specify whether a route is enabled.
1155    :type is_enabled: bool
1156    """
1158    _validation = {
1159        'name': {'required': True, 'pattern': r'^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{1,64}$'},
1160        'source': {'required': True},
1161        'endpoint_names': {'required': True, 'max_items': 1, 'min_items': 1},
1162        'is_enabled': {'required': True},
1163    }
1165    _attribute_map = {
1166        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
1167        'source': {'key': 'source', 'type': 'str'},
1168        'condition': {'key': 'condition', 'type': 'str'},
1169        'endpoint_names': {'key': 'endpointNames', 'type': '[str]'},
1170        'is_enabled': {'key': 'isEnabled', 'type': 'bool'},
1171    }
1173    def __init__(
1174        self,
1175        *,
1176        name: str,
1177        source: Union[str, "RoutingSource"],
1178        endpoint_names: List[str],
1179        is_enabled: bool,
1180        condition: Optional[str] = None,
1181        **kwargs
1182    ):
1183        super(RouteProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1184        self.name = name
1185        self.source = source
1186        self.condition = condition
1187        self.endpoint_names = endpoint_names
1188        self.is_enabled = is_enabled
1191class RoutingEndpoints(msrest.serialization.Model):
1192    """The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes messages based on the routing rules. A maximum of 10 custom endpoints are allowed across all endpoint types for paid hubs and only 1 custom endpoint is allowed across all endpoint types for free hubs.
1194    :param service_bus_queues: The list of Service Bus queue endpoints that IoT hub routes the
1195     messages to, based on the routing rules.
1196    :type service_bus_queues:
1197     list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingServiceBusQueueEndpointProperties]
1198    :param service_bus_topics: The list of Service Bus topic endpoints that the IoT hub routes the
1199     messages to, based on the routing rules.
1200    :type service_bus_topics:
1201     list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingServiceBusTopicEndpointProperties]
1202    :param event_hubs: The list of Event Hubs endpoints that IoT hub routes messages to, based on
1203     the routing rules. This list does not include the built-in Event Hubs endpoint.
1204    :type event_hubs: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingEventHubProperties]
1205    """
1207    _attribute_map = {
1208        'service_bus_queues': {'key': 'serviceBusQueues', 'type': '[RoutingServiceBusQueueEndpointProperties]'},
1209        'service_bus_topics': {'key': 'serviceBusTopics', 'type': '[RoutingServiceBusTopicEndpointProperties]'},
1210        'event_hubs': {'key': 'eventHubs', 'type': '[RoutingEventHubProperties]'},
1211    }
1213    def __init__(
1214        self,
1215        *,
1216        service_bus_queues: Optional[List["RoutingServiceBusQueueEndpointProperties"]] = None,
1217        service_bus_topics: Optional[List["RoutingServiceBusTopicEndpointProperties"]] = None,
1218        event_hubs: Optional[List["RoutingEventHubProperties"]] = None,
1219        **kwargs
1220    ):
1221        super(RoutingEndpoints, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1222        self.service_bus_queues = service_bus_queues
1223        self.service_bus_topics = service_bus_topics
1224        self.event_hubs = event_hubs
1227class RoutingEventHubProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1228    """The properties related to an event hub endpoint.
1230    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1232    :param connection_string: Required. The connection string of the event hub endpoint.
1233    :type connection_string: str
1234    :param name: Required. The name of the event hub endpoint. The name can only include
1235     alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and has a maximum length of 64
1236     characters. The following names are reserved;  events, operationsMonitoringEvents,
1237     fileNotifications, $default. Endpoint names must be unique across endpoint types.
1238    :type name: str
1239    :param subscription_id: The subscription identifier of the event hub endpoint.
1240    :type subscription_id: str
1241    :param resource_group: The name of the resource group of the event hub endpoint.
1242    :type resource_group: str
1243    """
1245    _validation = {
1246        'connection_string': {'required': True},
1247        'name': {'required': True, 'pattern': r'^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{1,64}$'},
1248    }
1250    _attribute_map = {
1251        'connection_string': {'key': 'connectionString', 'type': 'str'},
1252        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
1253        'subscription_id': {'key': 'subscriptionId', 'type': 'str'},
1254        'resource_group': {'key': 'resourceGroup', 'type': 'str'},
1255    }
1257    def __init__(
1258        self,
1259        *,
1260        connection_string: str,
1261        name: str,
1262        subscription_id: Optional[str] = None,
1263        resource_group: Optional[str] = None,
1264        **kwargs
1265    ):
1266        super(RoutingEventHubProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1267        self.connection_string = connection_string
1268        self.name = name
1269        self.subscription_id = subscription_id
1270        self.resource_group = resource_group
1273class RoutingProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1274    """The routing related properties of the IoT hub. See: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messaging.
1276    :param endpoints: The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes
1277     messages based on the routing rules. A maximum of 10 custom endpoints are allowed across all
1278     endpoint types for paid hubs and only 1 custom endpoint is allowed across all endpoint types
1279     for free hubs.
1280    :type endpoints: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RoutingEndpoints
1281    :param routes: The list of user-provided routing rules that the IoT hub uses to route messages
1282     to built-in and custom endpoints. A maximum of 100 routing rules are allowed for paid hubs and
1283     a maximum of 5 routing rules are allowed for free hubs.
1284    :type routes: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.RouteProperties]
1285    :param fallback_route: The properties of the route that is used as a fall-back route when none
1286     of the conditions specified in the 'routes' section are met. This is an optional parameter.
1287     When this property is not set, the messages which do not meet any of the conditions specified
1288     in the 'routes' section get routed to the built-in eventhub endpoint.
1289    :type fallback_route: ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.FallbackRouteProperties
1290    """
1292    _attribute_map = {
1293        'endpoints': {'key': 'endpoints', 'type': 'RoutingEndpoints'},
1294        'routes': {'key': 'routes', 'type': '[RouteProperties]'},
1295        'fallback_route': {'key': 'fallbackRoute', 'type': 'FallbackRouteProperties'},
1296    }
1298    def __init__(
1299        self,
1300        *,
1301        endpoints: Optional["RoutingEndpoints"] = None,
1302        routes: Optional[List["RouteProperties"]] = None,
1303        fallback_route: Optional["FallbackRouteProperties"] = None,
1304        **kwargs
1305    ):
1306        super(RoutingProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1307        self.endpoints = endpoints
1308        self.routes = routes
1309        self.fallback_route = fallback_route
1312class RoutingServiceBusQueueEndpointProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1313    """The properties related to service bus queue endpoint types.
1315    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1317    :param connection_string: Required. The connection string of the service bus queue endpoint.
1318    :type connection_string: str
1319    :param name: Required. The name of the service bus queue endpoint. The name can only include
1320     alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and has a maximum length of 64
1321     characters. The following names are reserved;  events, operationsMonitoringEvents,
1322     fileNotifications, $default. Endpoint names must be unique across endpoint types. The name need
1323     not be the same as the actual queue name.
1324    :type name: str
1325    :param subscription_id: The subscription identifier of the service bus queue endpoint.
1326    :type subscription_id: str
1327    :param resource_group: The name of the resource group of the service bus queue endpoint.
1328    :type resource_group: str
1329    """
1331    _validation = {
1332        'connection_string': {'required': True},
1333        'name': {'required': True, 'pattern': r'^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{1,64}$'},
1334    }
1336    _attribute_map = {
1337        'connection_string': {'key': 'connectionString', 'type': 'str'},
1338        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
1339        'subscription_id': {'key': 'subscriptionId', 'type': 'str'},
1340        'resource_group': {'key': 'resourceGroup', 'type': 'str'},
1341    }
1343    def __init__(
1344        self,
1345        *,
1346        connection_string: str,
1347        name: str,
1348        subscription_id: Optional[str] = None,
1349        resource_group: Optional[str] = None,
1350        **kwargs
1351    ):
1352        super(RoutingServiceBusQueueEndpointProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1353        self.connection_string = connection_string
1354        self.name = name
1355        self.subscription_id = subscription_id
1356        self.resource_group = resource_group
1359class RoutingServiceBusTopicEndpointProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1360    """The properties related to service bus topic endpoint types.
1362    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1364    :param connection_string: Required. The connection string of the service bus topic endpoint.
1365    :type connection_string: str
1366    :param name: Required. The name of the service bus topic endpoint. The name can only include
1367     alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and has a maximum length of 64
1368     characters. The following names are reserved;  events, operationsMonitoringEvents,
1369     fileNotifications, $default. Endpoint names must be unique across endpoint types.  The name
1370     need not be the same as the actual topic name.
1371    :type name: str
1372    :param subscription_id: The subscription identifier of the service bus topic endpoint.
1373    :type subscription_id: str
1374    :param resource_group: The name of the resource group of the service bus topic endpoint.
1375    :type resource_group: str
1376    """
1378    _validation = {
1379        'connection_string': {'required': True},
1380        'name': {'required': True, 'pattern': r'^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{1,64}$'},
1381    }
1383    _attribute_map = {
1384        'connection_string': {'key': 'connectionString', 'type': 'str'},
1385        'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'},
1386        'subscription_id': {'key': 'subscriptionId', 'type': 'str'},
1387        'resource_group': {'key': 'resourceGroup', 'type': 'str'},
1388    }
1390    def __init__(
1391        self,
1392        *,
1393        connection_string: str,
1394        name: str,
1395        subscription_id: Optional[str] = None,
1396        resource_group: Optional[str] = None,
1397        **kwargs
1398    ):
1399        super(RoutingServiceBusTopicEndpointProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1400        self.connection_string = connection_string
1401        self.name = name
1402        self.subscription_id = subscription_id
1403        self.resource_group = resource_group
1406class SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule(msrest.serialization.Model):
1407    """The properties of an IoT hub shared access policy.
1409    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1411    :param key_name: Required. The name of the shared access policy.
1412    :type key_name: str
1413    :param primary_key: The primary key.
1414    :type primary_key: str
1415    :param secondary_key: The secondary key.
1416    :type secondary_key: str
1417    :param rights: Required. The permissions assigned to the shared access policy. Possible values
1418     include: "RegistryRead", "RegistryWrite", "ServiceConnect", "DeviceConnect", "RegistryRead,
1419     RegistryWrite", "RegistryRead, ServiceConnect", "RegistryRead, DeviceConnect", "RegistryWrite,
1420     ServiceConnect", "RegistryWrite, DeviceConnect", "ServiceConnect, DeviceConnect",
1421     "RegistryRead, RegistryWrite, ServiceConnect", "RegistryRead, RegistryWrite, DeviceConnect",
1422     "RegistryRead, ServiceConnect, DeviceConnect", "RegistryWrite, ServiceConnect, DeviceConnect",
1423     "RegistryRead, RegistryWrite, ServiceConnect, DeviceConnect".
1424    :type rights: str or ~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.AccessRights
1425    """
1427    _validation = {
1428        'key_name': {'required': True},
1429        'rights': {'required': True},
1430    }
1432    _attribute_map = {
1433        'key_name': {'key': 'keyName', 'type': 'str'},
1434        'primary_key': {'key': 'primaryKey', 'type': 'str'},
1435        'secondary_key': {'key': 'secondaryKey', 'type': 'str'},
1436        'rights': {'key': 'rights', 'type': 'str'},
1437    }
1439    def __init__(
1440        self,
1441        *,
1442        key_name: str,
1443        rights: Union[str, "AccessRights"],
1444        primary_key: Optional[str] = None,
1445        secondary_key: Optional[str] = None,
1446        **kwargs
1447    ):
1448        super(SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1449        self.key_name = key_name
1450        self.primary_key = primary_key
1451        self.secondary_key = secondary_key
1452        self.rights = rights
1455class SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRuleListResult(msrest.serialization.Model):
1456    """The list of shared access policies with a next link.
1458    Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.
1460    :param value: The list of shared access policies.
1461    :type value: list[~azure.mgmt.iothub.v2017_01_19.models.SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule]
1462    :ivar next_link: The next link.
1463    :vartype next_link: str
1464    """
1466    _validation = {
1467        'next_link': {'readonly': True},
1468    }
1470    _attribute_map = {
1471        'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule]'},
1472        'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'},
1473    }
1475    def __init__(
1476        self,
1477        *,
1478        value: Optional[List["SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule"]] = None,
1479        **kwargs
1480    ):
1481        super(SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRuleListResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1482        self.value = value
1483        self.next_link = None
1486class StorageEndpointProperties(msrest.serialization.Model):
1487    """The properties of the Azure Storage endpoint for file upload.
1489    All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
1491    :param sas_ttl_as_iso8601: The period of time for which the SAS URI generated by IoT Hub for
1492     file upload is valid. See:
1493     https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-file-upload#file-upload-notification-configuration-options.
1494    :type sas_ttl_as_iso8601: ~datetime.timedelta
1495    :param connection_string: Required. The connection string for the Azure Storage account to
1496     which files are uploaded.
1497    :type connection_string: str
1498    :param container_name: Required. The name of the root container where you upload files. The
1499     container need not exist but should be creatable using the connectionString specified.
1500    :type container_name: str
1501    """
1503    _validation = {
1504        'connection_string': {'required': True},
1505        'container_name': {'required': True},
1506    }
1508    _attribute_map = {
1509        'sas_ttl_as_iso8601': {'key': 'sasTtlAsIso8601', 'type': 'duration'},
1510        'connection_string': {'key': 'connectionString', 'type': 'str'},
1511        'container_name': {'key': 'containerName', 'type': 'str'},
1512    }
1514    def __init__(
1515        self,
1516        *,
1517        connection_string: str,
1518        container_name: str,
1519        sas_ttl_as_iso8601: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
1520        **kwargs
1521    ):
1522        super(StorageEndpointProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1523        self.sas_ttl_as_iso8601 = sas_ttl_as_iso8601
1524        self.connection_string = connection_string
1525        self.container_name = container_name