1 // Created on: 2016-06-16
2 // Created by: Denis BOGOLEPOV & Danila ULYANOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _OpenGl_TileSampler_H
17 #define _OpenGl_TileSampler_H
19 #include <OpenGl_Texture.hxx>
20 #include <OpenGl_HaltonSampler.hxx>
22 #include <Image_PixMapTypedData.hxx>
24 #include <vector>
26 class Graphic3d_RenderingParams;
28 //! Tool object used for sampling screen tiles according to estimated pixel variance (used in path tracing engine).
29 //! To improve GPU thread coherency, rendering window is split into pixel blocks or tiles. The important feature of
30 //! this approach is that it is possible to keep the same number of tiles for any screen resolution (e.g. 256 tiles
31 //! can be used for both 512 x 512 window and 1920 x 1080 window). So, a smaller number of tiles allows to increase
32 //! interactivity (FPS), but at the cost of higher per-frame variance ('noise'). On the contrary a larger number of
33 //! tiles decrease interactivity, but leads to lower per-frame variance. Note that the total time needed to produce
34 //! final final image is the same for both cases.
35 class OpenGl_TileSampler
36 {
37 public:
39   //! Creates new tile sampler.
40   Standard_EXPORT OpenGl_TileSampler();
42   //! Size of individual tile in pixels.
TileSize() const43   Graphic3d_Vec2i TileSize() const { return Graphic3d_Vec2i (myTileSize, myTileSize); }
45   //! Scale factor for quantization of visual error (float) into signed integer.
VarianceScaleFactor() const46   float VarianceScaleFactor() const { return myScaleFactor; }
48   //! Returns number of tiles in X dimension.
NbTilesX() const49   int NbTilesX() const { return (int)myTiles.SizeX; }
51   //! Returns number of tiles in Y dimension.
NbTilesY() const52   int NbTilesY() const { return (int)myTiles.SizeY; }
54   //! Returns total number of tiles in viewport.
NbTiles() const55   int NbTiles() const { return int(myTiles.SizeX * myTiles.SizeY); }
57   //! Returns ray-tracing viewport.
ViewSize() const58   const Graphic3d_Vec2i& ViewSize() const { return myViewSize; }
60   //! Number of tiles within offsets texture.
NbOffsetTiles(bool theAdaptive) const61   Graphic3d_Vec2i NbOffsetTiles (bool theAdaptive) const
62   {
63     return theAdaptive
64          ? Graphic3d_Vec2i ((int )myOffsetsShrunk.SizeX, (int )myOffsetsShrunk.SizeY)
65          : Graphic3d_Vec2i ((int )myOffsets.SizeX,       (int )myOffsets.SizeY);
66   }
68   //! Maximum number of tiles within offsets texture.
NbOffsetTilesMax() const69   Graphic3d_Vec2i NbOffsetTilesMax() const { return NbOffsetTiles (true).cwiseMax (NbOffsetTiles (false)); }
71   //! Viewport for rendering using offsets texture.
OffsetTilesViewport(bool theAdaptive) const72   Graphic3d_Vec2i OffsetTilesViewport (bool theAdaptive) const { return NbOffsetTiles (theAdaptive) * myTileSize; }
74   //! Maximum viewport for rendering using offsets texture.
OffsetTilesViewportMax() const75   Graphic3d_Vec2i OffsetTilesViewportMax() const { return NbOffsetTilesMax() * myTileSize; }
77   //! Return maximum number of samples per tile.
MaxTileSamples() const78   int MaxTileSamples() const
79   {
80     int aNbSamples = 0;
81     for (Standard_Size aRowIter = 0; aRowIter < myTiles.SizeY; ++aRowIter)
82     {
83       for (Standard_Size aColIter = 0; aColIter < myTiles.SizeX; ++aColIter)
84       {
85         aNbSamples = Max (aNbSamples, myTiles.Value (aRowIter, aColIter));
86       }
87     }
88     return aNbSamples;
89   }
91   //! Specifies size of ray-tracing viewport and recomputes tile size.
92   Standard_EXPORT void SetSize (const Graphic3d_RenderingParams& theParams,
93                                 const Graphic3d_Vec2i& theSize);
95   //! Fetches current error estimation from the GPU and
96   //! builds 2D discrete distribution for tile sampling.
97   Standard_EXPORT void GrabVarianceMap (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext,
98                                         const Handle(OpenGl_Texture)& theTexture);
100   //! Resets (restart) tile sampler to initial state.
Reset()101   void Reset() { myLastSample = 0; }
103   //! Uploads tile samples to the given OpenGL texture.
UploadSamples(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theContext,const Handle (OpenGl_Texture)& theSamplesTexture,const bool theAdaptive)104   bool UploadSamples (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext,
105                       const Handle(OpenGl_Texture)& theSamplesTexture,
106                       const bool theAdaptive)
107   {
108     return upload (theContext, theSamplesTexture, Handle(OpenGl_Texture)(), theAdaptive);
109   }
111   //! Uploads offsets of sampled tiles to the given OpenGL texture.
UploadOffsets(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theContext,const Handle (OpenGl_Texture)& theOffsetsTexture,const bool theAdaptive)112   bool UploadOffsets (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext,
113                       const Handle(OpenGl_Texture)& theOffsetsTexture,
114                       const bool theAdaptive)
115   {
116     return upload (theContext, Handle(OpenGl_Texture)(), theOffsetsTexture, theAdaptive);
117   }
119 protected:
121   //! Returns number of pixels in the given tile.
tileArea(int theX,int theY) const122   int tileArea (int theX, int theY) const
123   {
124     const int aSizeX = Min (myTileSize, myViewSize.x() - theX * myTileSize);
125     const int aSizeY = Min (myTileSize, myViewSize.y() - theY * myTileSize);
126     return aSizeX * aSizeY;
127   }
129   //! Samples tile location according to estimated error.
130   Standard_EXPORT Graphic3d_Vec2i nextTileToSample();
132   //! Uploads offsets of sampled tiles to the given OpenGL texture.
133   Standard_EXPORT bool upload (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext,
134                                const Handle(OpenGl_Texture)& theSamplesTexture,
135                                const Handle(OpenGl_Texture)& theOffsetsTexture,
136                                const bool theAdaptive);
138   //! Auxiliary method for dumping 2D image map into stream (e.g. for debugging).
139   Standard_EXPORT void dumpMap (std::ostream& theStream,
140                                 const Image_PixMapTypedData<int>& theMap,
141                                 const char* theTitle) const;
143 protected:
145   Image_PixMapTypedData<unsigned int>    myTiles;         //!< number of samples per tile (initially all 1)
146   Image_PixMapTypedData<unsigned int>    myTileSamples;   //!< number of samples for all pixels within the tile (initially equals to Tile area)
147   Image_PixMapTypedData<float>           myVarianceMap;   //!< Estimation of visual error per tile
148   Image_PixMapTypedData<int>             myVarianceRaw;   //!< Estimation of visual error per tile (raw data)
149   Image_PixMapTypedData<Graphic3d_Vec2i> myOffsets;       //!< 2D array of tiles redirecting to another tile
150   Image_PixMapTypedData<Graphic3d_Vec2i> myOffsetsShrunk; //!< 2D array of tiles redirecting to another tile (shrunk)
151   std::vector<float>                     myMarginalMap;   //!< Marginal distribution of 2D error map
152   OpenGl_HaltonSampler                   mySampler;       //!< Halton sequence generator
153   unsigned int                           myLastSample;    //!< Index of generated sample
154   float                                  myScaleFactor;   //!< scale factor for quantization of visual error (float) into signed integer
155   int                                    myTileSize;      //!< tile size
156   Graphic3d_Vec2i                        myViewSize;      //!< ray-tracing viewport
158 };
160 #endif // _OpenGl_TileSampler_H