1import random
3from curtsies import FullscreenWindow, Input, FSArray
4from curtsies.fmtfuncs import red, bold, green, on_blue, yellow
6if __name__ == '__main__':
7    print(yellow('this prints normally, not to the alternate screen'))
8    with FullscreenWindow() as window:
9        with Input() as input_generator:
10            msg = red(on_blue(bold('Press escape to exit')))
11            a = FSArray(window.height, window.width)
12            a[0:1, 0:msg.width] = [msg]
13            window.render_to_terminal(a)
14            for c in input_generator:
15                if c == '<ESC>':
16                    break
17                elif c == '<SPACE>':
18                    a = FSArray(window.height, window.width)
19                else:
20                    s = repr(c)
21                    row = random.choice(range(window.height))
22                    column = random.choice(range(window.width-len(s)))
23                    color = random.choice([red, green, on_blue, yellow])
24                    a[row, column:column+len(s)] = [color(s)]
25                window.render_to_terminal(a)