1# -*- test-case-name: foolscap.test.test_eventual -*-
3from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
4from twisted.python import log
6class _SimpleCallQueue(object):
7    # XXX TODO: merge epsilon.cooperator in, and make this more complete.
8    def __init__(self):
9        self._events = []
10        self._flushObservers = []
11        self._timer = None
13    def append(self, cb, args, kwargs):
14        self._events.append((cb, args, kwargs))
15        if not self._timer:
16            self._timer = reactor.callLater(0, self._turn)
18    def _turn(self):
19        self._timer = None
20        # flush all the messages that are currently in the queue. If anything
21        # gets added to the queue while we're doing this, those events will
22        # be put off until the next turn.
23        events, self._events = self._events, []
24        for cb, args, kwargs in events:
25            try:
26                cb(*args, **kwargs)
27            except:
28                log.err()
29        if not self._events:
30            observers, self._flushObservers = self._flushObservers, []
31            for o in observers:
32                o.callback(None)
34    def flush(self):
35        """Return a Deferred that will fire (with None) when the call queue
36        is completely empty."""
37        if not self._events:
38            return defer.succeed(None)
39        d = defer.Deferred()
40        self._flushObservers.append(d)
41        return d
44_theSimpleQueue = _SimpleCallQueue()
46def eventually(cb, *args, **kwargs):
47    """This is the eventual-send operation, used as a plan-coordination
48    primitive. The callable will be invoked (with args and kwargs) in a later
49    reactor turn. Doing 'eventually(a); eventually(b)' guarantees that a will
50    be called before b.
52    Any exceptions that occur in the callable will be logged with log.err().
53    If you really want to ignore them, be sure to provide a callable that
54    catches those exceptions.
56    This function returns None. If you care to know when the callable was
57    run, be sure to provide a callable that notifies somebody.
58    """
59    _theSimpleQueue.append(cb, args, kwargs)
62def fireEventually(value=None):
63    """This returns a Deferred which will fire in a later reactor turn, after
64    the current call stack has been completed, and after all other deferreds
65    previously scheduled with callEventually().
66    """
67    d = defer.Deferred()
68    eventually(d.callback, value)
69    return d
71def flushEventualQueue(_ignored=None):
72    """This returns a Deferred which fires when the eventual-send queue is
73    finally empty. This is useful to wait upon as the last step of a Trial
74    test method.
75    """
76    return _theSimpleQueue.flush()