1import argparse
2import sys
3import re
4import json
5from . import SchemaBuilder, __version__
8def main():
9    CLI().run()
12class CLI:
13    def __init__(self):
14        self._make_parser()
15        self._prepare_args()
16        self.builder = SchemaBuilder(schema_uri=self.args.schema_uri)
18    def run(self):
19        if not self.args.schema and not self.args.object:
20            self.fail('noting to do - no schemas or objects given')
21        self.add_schemas()
22        self.add_objects()
23        self.print_output()
25    def add_schemas(self):
26        for fp in self.args.schema:
27            self._call_with_json_from_fp(self.builder.add_schema, fp)
28            fp.close()
30    def add_objects(self):
31        for fp in self.args.object:
32            self._call_with_json_from_fp(self.builder.add_object, fp)
33            fp.close()
35    def print_output(self):
36        print(self.builder.to_json(indent=self.args.indent))
38    def fail(self, message):
39        self.parser.error(message)
41    def _make_parser(self):
42        # only support encoding option for Python 3
43        if sys.version_info.major == 3:
44            file_type = argparse.FileType('r', encoding=self._get_encoding())
45        else:
46            file_type = argparse.FileType('r')
48        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
49            add_help=False,
50            description="""Generate one, unified JSON Schema from one or more
51            JSON objects and/or JSON Schemas. Compatible with JSON-Schema Draft
52            4 and above.""")
54        self.parser.add_argument(
55            '-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
56            help='Show this help message and exit.')
57        self.parser.add_argument(
58            '--version', action='version', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
59            version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__),
60            help='Show version number and exit.')
61        self.parser.add_argument(
62            '-d', '--delimiter', metavar='DELIM',
63            help="""Set a delimiter. Use this option if the input files
64            contain multiple JSON objects/schemas. You can pass any string. A
65            few cases ('newline', 'tab', 'space') will get converted to a
66            whitespace character. If this option is omitted, the parser will
67            try to auto-detect boundaries.""")
68        if sys.version_info.major == 3:
69            self.parser.add_argument(
70                '-e', '--encoding', type=str, metavar='ENCODING',
71                help="""Use ENCODING instead of the default system encoding
72                when reading files. ENCODING must be a valid codec name or
73                alias.""")
74        self.parser.add_argument(
75            '-i', '--indent', type=int, metavar='SPACES',
76            help="""Pretty-print the output, indenting SPACES spaces.""")
77        self.parser.add_argument(
78            '-s', '--schema', action='append', default=[], type=file_type,
79            help="""File containing a JSON Schema (can be specified multiple
80            times to merge schemas).""")
81        self.parser.add_argument(
82            '-$', '--schema-uri', metavar='SCHEMA_URI', dest='schema_uri',
83            default=SchemaBuilder.DEFAULT_URI,
84            help="""The value of the '$schema' keyword (defaults to {default!r}
85            or can be specified in a schema with the -s option). If {null!r} is
86            passed, the "$schema" keyword will not be included in the
87            result.""".format(default=SchemaBuilder.DEFAULT_URI,
88                              null=SchemaBuilder.NULL_URI))
89        self.parser.add_argument(
90            'object', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, type=file_type,
91            help="""Files containing JSON objects (defaults to stdin if no
92            arguments are passed).""")
94    def _get_encoding(self):
95        """
96        use separate arg parser to grab encoding argument before
97        defining FileType args
98        """
99        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
100        parser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', type=str)
101        args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
102        return args.encoding
104    def _prepare_args(self):
105        self.args = self.parser.parse_args()
106        self._prepare_delimiter()
108        # default to stdin if no objects or schemas
109        if not self.args.object and not sys.stdin.isatty():
110            self.args.object.append(sys.stdin)
112    def _prepare_delimiter(self):
113        """
114        manage special conversions for difficult bash characters
115        """
116        if self.args.delimiter == 'newline':
117            self.args.delimiter = '\n'
118        elif self.args.delimiter == 'tab':
119            self.args.delimiter = '\t'
120        elif self.args.delimiter == 'space':
121            self.args.delimiter = ' '
123    def _call_with_json_from_fp(self, method, fp):
124        for json_string in self._get_json_strings(fp.read().strip()):
125            method(json.loads(json_string))
127    def _get_json_strings(self, raw_text):
128        if self.args.delimiter is None or self.args.delimiter == '':
129            json_strings = self._detect_json_strings(raw_text)
130        else:
131            json_strings = raw_text.split(self.args.delimiter)
133        # sanitize data before returning
134        return [string.strip() for string in json_strings if string.strip()]
136    @staticmethod
137    def _detect_json_strings(raw_text):
138        """
139        Use regex with lookaround to spot the boundaries between JSON
140        objects. Unfortunately, it has to match *something*, so at least
141        one character must be removed and replaced.
142        """
143        strings = re.split(r'}\s*(?={)', raw_text)
145        # put back the stripped character
146        json_strings = [string + '}' for string in strings[:-1]]
148        # the last one doesn't need to be modified
149        json_strings.append(strings[-1])
151        return json_strings