1from copy import copy, deepcopy
3from pytest import raises
5from graphql.pyutils import FrozenError, FrozenDict
8def describe_frozen_list():
9    def can_read():
10        fd = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
11        assert fd == {1: 2, 3: 4}
12        assert list(i for i in fd) == [1, 3]
13        assert fd.copy() == fd
14        assert 3 in fd
15        assert 2 not in fd
16        assert fd[1] == 2
17        with raises(KeyError):
18            # noinspection PyStatementEffect
19            fd[2]
20        assert len(fd) == 2
21        assert fd.get(1) == 2
22        assert fd.get(2, 5) == 5
23        assert list(fd.items()) == [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
24        assert list(fd.keys()) == [1, 3]
25        assert list(fd.values()) == [2, 4]
27    def cannot_write():
28        fd = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
29        with raises(FrozenError):
30            fd[1] = 2
31        with raises(FrozenError):
32            fd[4] = 5
33        with raises(FrozenError):
34            del fd[1]
35        with raises(FrozenError):
36            del fd[3]
37        with raises(FrozenError):
38            fd.clear()
39        with raises(FrozenError):
40            fd.pop(1)
41        with raises(FrozenError):
42            fd.pop(4, 5)
43        with raises(FrozenError):
44            fd.popitem()
45        with raises(FrozenError):
46            fd.setdefault(1, 2)
47        with raises(FrozenError):
48            fd.setdefault(4, 5)
49        with raises(FrozenError):
50            fd.update({1: 2})
51        with raises(FrozenError):
52            fd.update({4: 5})
53        with raises(FrozenError):
54            fd += {4: 5}
55        assert fd == {1: 2, 3: 4}
57    def can_hash():
58        fd1 = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
59        fd2 = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
60        assert fd2 == fd1
61        assert fd2 is not fd1
62        assert hash(fd2) is not hash(fd1)
63        fd3 = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 5})
64        assert fd3 != fd1
65        assert hash(fd3) != hash(fd1)
67    def can_copy():
68        fd1 = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
69        fd2 = fd1.copy()
70        assert isinstance(fd2, FrozenDict)
71        assert fd2 == fd1
72        assert hash(fd2) == hash(fd1)
73        assert fd2 is not fd1
74        fd3 = copy(fd1)
75        assert isinstance(fd3, FrozenDict)
76        assert fd3 == fd1
77        assert hash(fd3) == hash(fd1)
78        assert fd3 is not fd1
80    def can_deep_copy():
81        fd11 = FrozenDict({1: 2, 3: 4})
82        fd12 = FrozenDict({2: 1, 4: 3})
83        fd1 = FrozenDict({1: fd11, 2: fd12})
84        assert fd1[1] is fd11
85        assert fd1[2] is fd12
86        fd2 = deepcopy(fd1)
87        assert isinstance(fd2, FrozenDict)
88        assert fd2 == fd1
89        assert hash(fd2) == hash(fd1)
90        fd21 = fd2[1]
91        fd22 = fd2[2]
92        assert isinstance(fd21, FrozenDict)
93        assert isinstance(fd22, FrozenDict)
94        assert fd21 == fd11
95        assert fd21 is not fd11
96        assert fd22 == fd12
97        assert fd22 is not fd12