1 //! A scheduler is initialized with a fixed number of workers. Each worker is
2 //! driven by a thread. Each worker has a "core" which contains data such as the
3 //! run queue and other state. When `block_in_place` is called, the worker's
4 //! "core" is handed off to a new thread allowing the scheduler to continue to
5 //! make progress while the originating thread blocks.
6 //!
7 //! # Shutdown
8 //!
9 //! Shutting down the runtime involves the following steps:
10 //!
11 //!  1. The Shared::close method is called. This closes the inject queue and
12 //!     OwnedTasks instance and wakes up all worker threads.
13 //!
14 //!  2. Each worker thread observes the close signal next time it runs
15 //!     Core::maintenance by checking whether the inject queue is closed.
16 //!     The Core::is_shutdown flag is set to true.
17 //!
18 //!  3. The worker thread calls `pre_shutdown` in parallel. Here, the worker
19 //!     will keep removing tasks from OwnedTasks until it is empty. No new
20 //!     tasks can be pushed to the OwnedTasks during or after this step as it
21 //!     was closed in step 1.
22 //!
23 //!  5. The workers call Shared::shutdown to enter the single-threaded phase of
24 //!     shutdown. These calls will push their core to Shared::shutdown_cores,
25 //!     and the last thread to push its core will finish the shutdown procedure.
26 //!
27 //!  6. The local run queue of each core is emptied, then the inject queue is
28 //!     emptied.
29 //!
30 //! At this point, shutdown has completed. It is not possible for any of the
31 //! collections to contain any tasks at this point, as each collection was
32 //! closed first, then emptied afterwards.
33 //!
34 //! ## Spawns during shutdown
35 //!
36 //! When spawning tasks during shutdown, there are two cases:
37 //!
38 //!  * The spawner observes the OwnedTasks being open, and the inject queue is
39 //!    closed.
40 //!  * The spawner observes the OwnedTasks being closed and doesn't check the
41 //!    inject queue.
42 //!
43 //! The first case can only happen if the OwnedTasks::bind call happens before
44 //! or during step 1 of shutdown. In this case, the runtime will clean up the
45 //! task in step 3 of shutdown.
46 //!
47 //! In the latter case, the task was not spawned and the task is immediately
48 //! cancelled by the spawner.
49 //!
50 //! The correctness of shutdown requires both the inject queue and OwnedTasks
51 //! collection to have a closed bit. With a close bit on only the inject queue,
52 //! spawning could run in to a situation where a task is successfully bound long
53 //! after the runtime has shut down. With a close bit on only the OwnedTasks,
54 //! the first spawning situation could result in the notification being pushed
55 //! to the inject queue after step 6 of shutdown, which would leave a task in
56 //! the inject queue indefinitely. This would be a ref-count cycle and a memory
57 //! leak.
59 use crate::coop;
60 use crate::future::Future;
61 use crate::loom::rand::seed;
62 use crate::loom::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
63 use crate::park::{Park, Unpark};
64 use crate::runtime;
65 use crate::runtime::enter::EnterContext;
66 use crate::runtime::park::{Parker, Unparker};
67 use crate::runtime::task::{Inject, JoinHandle, OwnedTasks};
68 use crate::runtime::thread_pool::{AtomicCell, Idle};
69 use crate::runtime::{queue, task};
70 use crate::util::FastRand;
72 use std::cell::RefCell;
73 use std::time::Duration;
75 /// A scheduler worker
76 pub(super) struct Worker {
77     /// Reference to shared state
78     shared: Arc<Shared>,
80     /// Index holding this worker's remote state
81     index: usize,
83     /// Used to hand-off a worker's core to another thread.
84     core: AtomicCell<Core>,
85 }
87 /// Core data
88 struct Core {
89     /// Used to schedule bookkeeping tasks every so often.
90     tick: u8,
92     /// When a task is scheduled from a worker, it is stored in this slot. The
93     /// worker will check this slot for a task **before** checking the run
94     /// queue. This effectively results in the **last** scheduled task to be run
95     /// next (LIFO). This is an optimization for message passing patterns and
96     /// helps to reduce latency.
97     lifo_slot: Option<Notified>,
99     /// The worker-local run queue.
100     run_queue: queue::Local<Arc<Shared>>,
102     /// True if the worker is currently searching for more work. Searching
103     /// involves attempting to steal from other workers.
104     is_searching: bool,
106     /// True if the scheduler is being shutdown
107     is_shutdown: bool,
109     /// Parker
110     ///
111     /// Stored in an `Option` as the parker is added / removed to make the
112     /// borrow checker happy.
113     park: Option<Parker>,
115     /// Fast random number generator.
116     rand: FastRand,
117 }
119 /// State shared across all workers
120 pub(super) struct Shared {
121     /// Per-worker remote state. All other workers have access to this and is
122     /// how they communicate between each other.
123     remotes: Box<[Remote]>,
125     /// Submit work to the scheduler while **not** currently on a worker thread.
126     inject: Inject<Arc<Shared>>,
128     /// Coordinates idle workers
129     idle: Idle,
131     /// Collection of all active tasks spawned onto this executor.
132     owned: OwnedTasks<Arc<Shared>>,
134     /// Cores that have observed the shutdown signal
135     ///
136     /// The core is **not** placed back in the worker to avoid it from being
137     /// stolen by a thread that was spawned as part of `block_in_place`.
138     #[allow(clippy::vec_box)] // we're moving an already-boxed value
139     shutdown_cores: Mutex<Vec<Box<Core>>>,
140 }
142 /// Used to communicate with a worker from other threads.
143 struct Remote {
144     /// Steal tasks from this worker.
145     steal: queue::Steal<Arc<Shared>>,
147     /// Unparks the associated worker thread
148     unpark: Unparker,
149 }
151 /// Thread-local context
152 struct Context {
153     /// Worker
154     worker: Arc<Worker>,
156     /// Core data
157     core: RefCell<Option<Box<Core>>>,
158 }
160 /// Starts the workers
161 pub(crate) struct Launch(Vec<Arc<Worker>>);
163 /// Running a task may consume the core. If the core is still available when
164 /// running the task completes, it is returned. Otherwise, the worker will need
165 /// to stop processing.
166 type RunResult = Result<Box<Core>, ()>;
168 /// A task handle
169 type Task = task::Task<Arc<Shared>>;
171 /// A notified task handle
172 type Notified = task::Notified<Arc<Shared>>;
174 // Tracks thread-local state
175 scoped_thread_local!(static CURRENT: Context);
create(size: usize, park: Parker) -> (Arc<Shared>, Launch)177 pub(super) fn create(size: usize, park: Parker) -> (Arc<Shared>, Launch) {
178     let mut cores = vec![];
179     let mut remotes = vec![];
181     // Create the local queues
182     for _ in 0..size {
183         let (steal, run_queue) = queue::local();
185         let park = park.clone();
186         let unpark = park.unpark();
188         cores.push(Box::new(Core {
189             tick: 0,
190             lifo_slot: None,
191             run_queue,
192             is_searching: false,
193             is_shutdown: false,
194             park: Some(park),
195             rand: FastRand::new(seed()),
196         }));
198         remotes.push(Remote { steal, unpark });
199     }
201     let shared = Arc::new(Shared {
202         remotes: remotes.into_boxed_slice(),
203         inject: Inject::new(),
204         idle: Idle::new(size),
205         owned: OwnedTasks::new(),
206         shutdown_cores: Mutex::new(vec![]),
207     });
209     let mut launch = Launch(vec![]);
211     for (index, core) in cores.drain(..).enumerate() {
212         launch.0.push(Arc::new(Worker {
213             shared: shared.clone(),
214             index,
215             core: AtomicCell::new(Some(core)),
216         }));
217     }
219     (shared, launch)
220 }
block_in_place<F, R>(f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce() -> R,222 pub(crate) fn block_in_place<F, R>(f: F) -> R
223 where
224     F: FnOnce() -> R,
225 {
226     // Try to steal the worker core back
227     struct Reset(coop::Budget);
229     impl Drop for Reset {
230         fn drop(&mut self) {
231             CURRENT.with(|maybe_cx| {
232                 if let Some(cx) = maybe_cx {
233                     let core = cx.worker.core.take();
234                     let mut cx_core = cx.core.borrow_mut();
235                     assert!(cx_core.is_none());
236                     *cx_core = core;
238                     // Reset the task budget as we are re-entering the
239                     // runtime.
240                     coop::set(self.0);
241                 }
242             });
243         }
244     }
246     let mut had_entered = false;
248     CURRENT.with(|maybe_cx| {
249         match (crate::runtime::enter::context(), maybe_cx.is_some()) {
250             (EnterContext::Entered { .. }, true) => {
251                 // We are on a thread pool runtime thread, so we just need to
252                 // set up blocking.
253                 had_entered = true;
254             }
255             (EnterContext::Entered { allow_blocking }, false) => {
256                 // We are on an executor, but _not_ on the thread pool.  That is
257                 // _only_ okay if we are in a thread pool runtime's block_on
258                 // method:
259                 if allow_blocking {
260                     had_entered = true;
261                     return;
262                 } else {
263                     // This probably means we are on the basic_scheduler or in a
264                     // LocalSet, where it is _not_ okay to block.
265                     panic!("can call blocking only when running on the multi-threaded runtime");
266                 }
267             }
268             (EnterContext::NotEntered, true) => {
269                 // This is a nested call to block_in_place (we already exited).
270                 // All the necessary setup has already been done.
271                 return;
272             }
273             (EnterContext::NotEntered, false) => {
274                 // We are outside of the tokio runtime, so blocking is fine.
275                 // We can also skip all of the thread pool blocking setup steps.
276                 return;
277             }
278         }
280         let cx = maybe_cx.expect("no .is_some() == false cases above should lead here");
282         // Get the worker core. If none is set, then blocking is fine!
283         let core = match cx.core.borrow_mut().take() {
284             Some(core) => core,
285             None => return,
286         };
288         // The parker should be set here
289         assert!(core.park.is_some());
291         // In order to block, the core must be sent to another thread for
292         // execution.
293         //
294         // First, move the core back into the worker's shared core slot.
295         cx.worker.core.set(core);
297         // Next, clone the worker handle and send it to a new thread for
298         // processing.
299         //
300         // Once the blocking task is done executing, we will attempt to
301         // steal the core back.
302         let worker = cx.worker.clone();
303         runtime::spawn_blocking(move || run(worker));
304     });
306     if had_entered {
307         // Unset the current task's budget. Blocking sections are not
308         // constrained by task budgets.
309         let _reset = Reset(coop::stop());
311         crate::runtime::enter::exit(f)
312     } else {
313         f()
314     }
315 }
317 /// After how many ticks is the global queue polled. This helps to ensure
318 /// fairness.
319 ///
320 /// The number is fairly arbitrary. I believe this value was copied from golang.
321 const GLOBAL_POLL_INTERVAL: u8 = 61;
323 impl Launch {
launch(mut self)324     pub(crate) fn launch(mut self) {
325         for worker in self.0.drain(..) {
326             runtime::spawn_blocking(move || run(worker));
327         }
328     }
329 }
run(worker: Arc<Worker>)331 fn run(worker: Arc<Worker>) {
332     // Acquire a core. If this fails, then another thread is running this
333     // worker and there is nothing further to do.
334     let core = match worker.core.take() {
335         Some(core) => core,
336         None => return,
337     };
339     // Set the worker context.
340     let cx = Context {
341         worker,
342         core: RefCell::new(None),
343     };
345     let _enter = crate::runtime::enter(true);
347     CURRENT.set(&cx, || {
348         // This should always be an error. It only returns a `Result` to support
349         // using `?` to short circuit.
350         assert!(cx.run(core).is_err());
351     });
352 }
354 impl Context {
run(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> RunResult355     fn run(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> RunResult {
356         while !core.is_shutdown {
357             // Increment the tick
358             core.tick();
360             // Run maintenance, if needed
361             core = self.maintenance(core);
363             // First, check work available to the current worker.
364             if let Some(task) = core.next_task(&self.worker) {
365                 core = self.run_task(task, core)?;
366                 continue;
367             }
369             // There is no more **local** work to process, try to steal work
370             // from other workers.
371             if let Some(task) = core.steal_work(&self.worker) {
372                 core = self.run_task(task, core)?;
373             } else {
374                 // Wait for work
375                 core = self.park(core);
376             }
377         }
379         core.pre_shutdown(&self.worker);
381         // Signal shutdown
382         self.worker.shared.shutdown(core);
383         Err(())
384     }
run_task(&self, task: Notified, mut core: Box<Core>) -> RunResult386     fn run_task(&self, task: Notified, mut core: Box<Core>) -> RunResult {
387         let task = self.worker.shared.owned.assert_owner(task);
389         // Make sure the worker is not in the **searching** state. This enables
390         // another idle worker to try to steal work.
391         core.transition_from_searching(&self.worker);
393         // Make the core available to the runtime context
394         *self.core.borrow_mut() = Some(core);
396         // Run the task
397         coop::budget(|| {
398             task.run();
400             // As long as there is budget remaining and a task exists in the
401             // `lifo_slot`, then keep running.
402             loop {
403                 // Check if we still have the core. If not, the core was stolen
404                 // by another worker.
405                 let mut core = match self.core.borrow_mut().take() {
406                     Some(core) => core,
407                     None => return Err(()),
408                 };
410                 // Check for a task in the LIFO slot
411                 let task = match core.lifo_slot.take() {
412                     Some(task) => task,
413                     None => return Ok(core),
414                 };
416                 if coop::has_budget_remaining() {
417                     // Run the LIFO task, then loop
418                     *self.core.borrow_mut() = Some(core);
419                     let task = self.worker.shared.owned.assert_owner(task);
420                     task.run();
421                 } else {
422                     // Not enough budget left to run the LIFO task, push it to
423                     // the back of the queue and return.
424                     core.run_queue.push_back(task, self.worker.inject());
425                     return Ok(core);
426                 }
427             }
428         })
429     }
maintenance(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> Box<Core>431     fn maintenance(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> Box<Core> {
432         if core.tick % GLOBAL_POLL_INTERVAL == 0 {
433             // Call `park` with a 0 timeout. This enables the I/O driver, timer, ...
434             // to run without actually putting the thread to sleep.
435             core = self.park_timeout(core, Some(Duration::from_millis(0)));
437             // Run regularly scheduled maintenance
438             core.maintenance(&self.worker);
439         }
441         core
442     }
park(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> Box<Core>444     fn park(&self, mut core: Box<Core>) -> Box<Core> {
445         core.transition_to_parked(&self.worker);
447         while !core.is_shutdown {
448             core = self.park_timeout(core, None);
450             // Run regularly scheduled maintenance
451             core.maintenance(&self.worker);
453             if core.transition_from_parked(&self.worker) {
454                 return core;
455             }
456         }
458         core
459     }
park_timeout(&self, mut core: Box<Core>, duration: Option<Duration>) -> Box<Core>461     fn park_timeout(&self, mut core: Box<Core>, duration: Option<Duration>) -> Box<Core> {
462         // Take the parker out of core
463         let mut park = core.park.take().expect("park missing");
465         // Store `core` in context
466         *self.core.borrow_mut() = Some(core);
468         // Park thread
469         if let Some(timeout) = duration {
470             park.park_timeout(timeout).expect("park failed");
471         } else {
472             park.park().expect("park failed");
473         }
475         // Remove `core` from context
476         core = self.core.borrow_mut().take().expect("core missing");
478         // Place `park` back in `core`
479         core.park = Some(park);
481         // If there are tasks available to steal, notify a worker
482         if core.run_queue.is_stealable() {
483             self.worker.shared.notify_parked();
484         }
486         core
487     }
488 }
490 impl Core {
491     /// Increment the tick
tick(&mut self)492     fn tick(&mut self) {
493         self.tick = self.tick.wrapping_add(1);
494     }
496     /// Return the next notified task available to this worker.
next_task(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> Option<Notified>497     fn next_task(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> Option<Notified> {
498         if self.tick % GLOBAL_POLL_INTERVAL == 0 {
499             worker.inject().pop().or_else(|| self.next_local_task())
500         } else {
501             self.next_local_task().or_else(|| worker.inject().pop())
502         }
503     }
next_local_task(&mut self) -> Option<Notified>505     fn next_local_task(&mut self) -> Option<Notified> {
506         self.lifo_slot.take().or_else(|| self.run_queue.pop())
507     }
steal_work(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> Option<Notified>509     fn steal_work(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> Option<Notified> {
510         if !self.transition_to_searching(worker) {
511             return None;
512         }
514         let num = worker.shared.remotes.len();
515         // Start from a random worker
516         let start = self.rand.fastrand_n(num as u32) as usize;
518         for i in 0..num {
519             let i = (start + i) % num;
521             // Don't steal from ourself! We know we don't have work.
522             if i == worker.index {
523                 continue;
524             }
526             let target = &worker.shared.remotes[i];
527             if let Some(task) = target.steal.steal_into(&mut self.run_queue) {
528                 return Some(task);
529             }
530         }
532         // Fallback on checking the global queue
533         worker.shared.inject.pop()
534     }
transition_to_searching(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> bool536     fn transition_to_searching(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> bool {
537         if !self.is_searching {
538             self.is_searching = worker.shared.idle.transition_worker_to_searching();
539         }
541         self.is_searching
542     }
transition_from_searching(&mut self, worker: &Worker)544     fn transition_from_searching(&mut self, worker: &Worker) {
545         if !self.is_searching {
546             return;
547         }
549         self.is_searching = false;
550         worker.shared.transition_worker_from_searching();
551     }
553     /// Prepare the worker state for parking
transition_to_parked(&mut self, worker: &Worker)554     fn transition_to_parked(&mut self, worker: &Worker) {
555         // When the final worker transitions **out** of searching to parked, it
556         // must check all the queues one last time in case work materialized
557         // between the last work scan and transitioning out of searching.
558         let is_last_searcher = worker
559             .shared
560             .idle
561             .transition_worker_to_parked(worker.index, self.is_searching);
563         // The worker is no longer searching. Setting this is the local cache
564         // only.
565         self.is_searching = false;
567         if is_last_searcher {
568             worker.shared.notify_if_work_pending();
569         }
570     }
572     /// Returns `true` if the transition happened.
transition_from_parked(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> bool573     fn transition_from_parked(&mut self, worker: &Worker) -> bool {
574         // If a task is in the lifo slot, then we must unpark regardless of
575         // being notified
576         if self.lifo_slot.is_some() {
577             worker.shared.idle.unpark_worker_by_id(worker.index);
578             self.is_searching = true;
579             return true;
580         }
582         if worker.shared.idle.is_parked(worker.index) {
583             return false;
584         }
586         // When unparked, the worker is in the searching state.
587         self.is_searching = true;
588         true
589     }
591     /// Runs maintenance work such as checking the pool's state.
maintenance(&mut self, worker: &Worker)592     fn maintenance(&mut self, worker: &Worker) {
593         if !self.is_shutdown {
594             // Check if the scheduler has been shutdown
595             self.is_shutdown = worker.inject().is_closed();
596         }
597     }
599     /// Signals all tasks to shut down, and waits for them to complete. Must run
600     /// before we enter the single-threaded phase of shutdown processing.
pre_shutdown(&mut self, worker: &Worker)601     fn pre_shutdown(&mut self, worker: &Worker) {
602         // Signal to all tasks to shut down.
603         worker.shared.owned.close_and_shutdown_all();
604     }
606     /// Shutdown the core
shutdown(&mut self)607     fn shutdown(&mut self) {
608         // Take the core
609         let mut park = self.park.take().expect("park missing");
611         // Drain the queue
612         while self.next_local_task().is_some() {}
614         park.shutdown();
615     }
616 }
618 impl Worker {
619     /// Returns a reference to the scheduler's injection queue
inject(&self) -> &Inject<Arc<Shared>>620     fn inject(&self) -> &Inject<Arc<Shared>> {
621         &self.shared.inject
622     }
623 }
625 impl task::Schedule for Arc<Shared> {
release(&self, task: &Task) -> Option<Task>626     fn release(&self, task: &Task) -> Option<Task> {
627         self.owned.remove(task)
628     }
schedule(&self, task: Notified)630     fn schedule(&self, task: Notified) {
631         (**self).schedule(task, false);
632     }
yield_now(&self, task: Notified)634     fn yield_now(&self, task: Notified) {
635         (**self).schedule(task, true);
636     }
637 }
639 impl Shared {
bind_new_task<T>(me: &Arc<Self>, future: T) -> JoinHandle<T::Output> where T: Future + Send + 'static, T::Output: Send + 'static,640     pub(super) fn bind_new_task<T>(me: &Arc<Self>, future: T) -> JoinHandle<T::Output>
641     where
642         T: Future + Send + 'static,
643         T::Output: Send + 'static,
644     {
645         let (handle, notified) = me.owned.bind(future, me.clone());
647         if let Some(notified) = notified {
648             me.schedule(notified, false);
649         }
651         handle
652     }
schedule(&self, task: Notified, is_yield: bool)654     pub(super) fn schedule(&self, task: Notified, is_yield: bool) {
655         CURRENT.with(|maybe_cx| {
656             if let Some(cx) = maybe_cx {
657                 // Make sure the task is part of the **current** scheduler.
658                 if self.ptr_eq(&cx.worker.shared) {
659                     // And the current thread still holds a core
660                     if let Some(core) = cx.core.borrow_mut().as_mut() {
661                         self.schedule_local(core, task, is_yield);
662                         return;
663                     }
664                 }
665             }
667             // Otherwise, use the inject queue.
668             self.inject.push(task);
669             self.notify_parked();
670         })
671     }
schedule_local(&self, core: &mut Core, task: Notified, is_yield: bool)673     fn schedule_local(&self, core: &mut Core, task: Notified, is_yield: bool) {
674         // Spawning from the worker thread. If scheduling a "yield" then the
675         // task must always be pushed to the back of the queue, enabling other
676         // tasks to be executed. If **not** a yield, then there is more
677         // flexibility and the task may go to the front of the queue.
678         let should_notify = if is_yield {
679             core.run_queue.push_back(task, &self.inject);
680             true
681         } else {
682             // Push to the LIFO slot
683             let prev = core.lifo_slot.take();
684             let ret = prev.is_some();
686             if let Some(prev) = prev {
687                 core.run_queue.push_back(prev, &self.inject);
688             }
690             core.lifo_slot = Some(task);
692             ret
693         };
695         // Only notify if not currently parked. If `park` is `None`, then the
696         // scheduling is from a resource driver. As notifications often come in
697         // batches, the notification is delayed until the park is complete.
698         if should_notify && core.park.is_some() {
699             self.notify_parked();
700         }
701     }
close(&self)703     pub(super) fn close(&self) {
704         if self.inject.close() {
705             self.notify_all();
706         }
707     }
notify_parked(&self)709     fn notify_parked(&self) {
710         if let Some(index) = self.idle.worker_to_notify() {
711             self.remotes[index].unpark.unpark();
712         }
713     }
notify_all(&self)715     fn notify_all(&self) {
716         for remote in &self.remotes[..] {
717             remote.unpark.unpark();
718         }
719     }
notify_if_work_pending(&self)721     fn notify_if_work_pending(&self) {
722         for remote in &self.remotes[..] {
723             if !remote.steal.is_empty() {
724                 self.notify_parked();
725                 return;
726             }
727         }
729         if !self.inject.is_empty() {
730             self.notify_parked();
731         }
732     }
transition_worker_from_searching(&self)734     fn transition_worker_from_searching(&self) {
735         if self.idle.transition_worker_from_searching() {
736             // We are the final searching worker. Because work was found, we
737             // need to notify another worker.
738             self.notify_parked();
739         }
740     }
742     /// Signals that a worker has observed the shutdown signal and has replaced
743     /// its core back into its handle.
744     ///
745     /// If all workers have reached this point, the final cleanup is performed.
shutdown(&self, core: Box<Core>)746     fn shutdown(&self, core: Box<Core>) {
747         let mut cores = self.shutdown_cores.lock();
748         cores.push(core);
750         if cores.len() != self.remotes.len() {
751             return;
752         }
754         debug_assert!(self.owned.is_empty());
756         for mut core in cores.drain(..) {
757             core.shutdown();
758         }
760         // Drain the injection queue
761         //
762         // We already shut down every task, so we can simply drop the tasks.
763         while let Some(task) = self.inject.pop() {
764             drop(task);
765         }
766     }
ptr_eq(&self, other: &Shared) -> bool768     fn ptr_eq(&self, other: &Shared) -> bool {
769         std::ptr::eq(self, other)
770     }
771 }