1"""Low-level infrastructure to find modules.
3This builds on fscache.py; find_sources.py builds on top of this.
6import ast
7import collections
8import functools
9import os
10import re
11import subprocess
12import sys
13from enum import Enum
15from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
16from typing_extensions import Final
18from mypy.fscache import FileSystemCache
19from mypy.options import Options
20from mypy.stubinfo import is_legacy_bundled_package
21from mypy import sitepkgs
23# Paths to be searched in find_module().
24SearchPaths = NamedTuple(
25    'SearchPaths',
26    [('python_path', Tuple[str, ...]),  # where user code is found
27     ('mypy_path', Tuple[str, ...]),  # from $MYPYPATH or config variable
28     ('package_path', Tuple[str, ...]),  # from get_site_packages_dirs()
29     ('typeshed_path', Tuple[str, ...]),  # paths in typeshed
30     ])
32# Package dirs are a two-tuple of path to search and whether to verify the module
33OnePackageDir = Tuple[str, bool]
34PackageDirs = List[OnePackageDir]
36PYTHON_EXTENSIONS = ['.pyi', '.py']  # type: Final
38PYTHON2_STUB_DIR = '@python2'  # type: Final
41# TODO: Consider adding more reasons here?
42# E.g. if we deduce a module would likely be found if the user were
43# to set the --namespace-packages flag.
44class ModuleNotFoundReason(Enum):
45    # The module was not found: we found neither stubs nor a plausible code
46    # implementation (with or without a py.typed file).
47    NOT_FOUND = 0
49    # The implementation for this module plausibly exists (e.g. we
50    # found a matching folder or *.py file), but either the parent package
51    # did not contain a py.typed file or we were unable to find a
52    # corresponding *-stubs package.
55    # The module was not found in the current working directory, but
56    # was able to be found in the parent directory.
59    # Stub PyPI package (typically types-pkgname) known to exist but not installed.
62    def error_message_templates(self, daemon: bool) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
63        doc_link = "See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/running_mypy.html#missing-imports"
64        if self is ModuleNotFoundReason.NOT_FOUND:
65            msg = 'Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "{module}"'
66            notes = [doc_link]
67        elif self is ModuleNotFoundReason.WRONG_WORKING_DIRECTORY:
68            msg = 'Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "{module}"'
69            notes = ["You may be running mypy in a subpackage, "
70                     "mypy should be run on the package root"]
71        elif self is ModuleNotFoundReason.FOUND_WITHOUT_TYPE_HINTS:
72            msg = 'Skipping analyzing "{module}": found module but no type hints or library stubs'
73            notes = [doc_link]
74        elif self is ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED:
75            msg = (
76                'Library stubs not installed for "{module}" (or incompatible with Python {pyver})'
77            )
78            notes = ['Hint: "python3 -m pip install {stub_dist}"']
79            if not daemon:
80                notes.append(
81                    '(or run "mypy --install-types" to install all missing stub packages)')
82            notes.append(doc_link)
83        else:
84            assert False
85        return msg, notes
88# If we found the module, returns the path to the module as a str.
89# Otherwise, returns the reason why the module wasn't found.
90ModuleSearchResult = Union[str, ModuleNotFoundReason]
93class BuildSource:
94    """A single source file."""
96    def __init__(self, path: Optional[str], module: Optional[str],
97                 text: Optional[str] = None, base_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
98        self.path = path  # File where it's found (e.g. 'xxx/yyy/foo/bar.py')
99        self.module = module or '__main__'  # Module name (e.g. 'foo.bar')
100        self.text = text  # Source code, if initially supplied, else None
101        self.base_dir = base_dir  # Directory where the package is rooted (e.g. 'xxx/yyy')
103    def __repr__(self) -> str:
104        return 'BuildSource(path=%r, module=%r, has_text=%s, base_dir=%r)' % (
105            self.path,
106            self.module,
107            self.text is not None,
108            self.base_dir)
111class FindModuleCache:
112    """Module finder with integrated cache.
114    Module locations and some intermediate results are cached internally
115    and can be cleared with the clear() method.
117    All file system accesses are performed through a FileSystemCache,
118    which is not ever cleared by this class. If necessary it must be
119    cleared by client code.
120    """
122    def __init__(self,
123                 search_paths: SearchPaths,
124                 fscache: Optional[FileSystemCache],
125                 options: Optional[Options]) -> None:
126        self.search_paths = search_paths
127        self.fscache = fscache or FileSystemCache()
128        # Cache for get_toplevel_possibilities:
129        # search_paths -> (toplevel_id -> list(package_dirs))
130        self.initial_components = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Dict[str, List[str]]]
131        # Cache find_module: id -> result
132        self.results = {}  # type: Dict[str, ModuleSearchResult]
133        self.ns_ancestors = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
134        self.options = options
135        custom_typeshed_dir = None
136        if options:
137            custom_typeshed_dir = options.custom_typeshed_dir
138        self.stdlib_py_versions = load_stdlib_py_versions(custom_typeshed_dir)
139        self.python_major_ver = 3 if options is None else options.python_version[0]
141    def clear(self) -> None:
142        self.results.clear()
143        self.initial_components.clear()
144        self.ns_ancestors.clear()
146    def find_lib_path_dirs(self, id: str, lib_path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> PackageDirs:
147        """Find which elements of a lib_path have the directory a module needs to exist.
149        This is run for the python_path, mypy_path, and typeshed_path search paths.
150        """
151        components = id.split('.')
152        dir_chain = os.sep.join(components[:-1])  # e.g., 'foo/bar'
154        dirs = []
155        for pathitem in self.get_toplevel_possibilities(lib_path, components[0]):
156            # e.g., '/usr/lib/python3.4/foo/bar'
157            dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pathitem, dir_chain))
158            if self.fscache.isdir(dir):
159                dirs.append((dir, True))
160        return dirs
162    def get_toplevel_possibilities(self, lib_path: Tuple[str, ...], id: str) -> List[str]:
163        """Find which elements of lib_path could contain a particular top-level module.
165        In practice, almost all modules can be routed to the correct entry in
166        lib_path by looking at just the first component of the module name.
168        We take advantage of this by enumerating the contents of all of the
169        directories on the lib_path and building a map of which entries in
170        the lib_path could contain each potential top-level module that appears.
171        """
173        if lib_path in self.initial_components:
174            return self.initial_components[lib_path].get(id, [])
176        # Enumerate all the files in the directories on lib_path and produce the map
177        components = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
178        for dir in lib_path:
179            try:
180                contents = self.fscache.listdir(dir)
181            except OSError:
182                contents = []
183            # False positives are fine for correctness here, since we will check
184            # precisely later, so we only look at the root of every filename without
185            # any concern for the exact details.
186            for name in contents:
187                name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
188                components.setdefault(name, []).append(dir)
190        if self.python_major_ver == 2:
191            components = {id: filter_redundant_py2_dirs(dirs)
192                          for id, dirs in components.items()}
194        self.initial_components[lib_path] = components
195        return components.get(id, [])
197    def find_module(self, id: str, *, fast_path: bool = False) -> ModuleSearchResult:
198        """Return the path of the module source file or why it wasn't found.
200        If fast_path is True, prioritize performance over generating detailed
201        error descriptions.
202        """
203        if id not in self.results:
204            top_level = id.partition('.')[0]
205            use_typeshed = True
206            if top_level in self.stdlib_py_versions:
207                use_typeshed = self._typeshed_has_version(top_level)
208            self.results[id] = self._find_module(id, use_typeshed)
209            if (not fast_path
210                    and self.results[id] is ModuleNotFoundReason.NOT_FOUND
211                    and self._can_find_module_in_parent_dir(id)):
212                self.results[id] = ModuleNotFoundReason.WRONG_WORKING_DIRECTORY
213        return self.results[id]
215    def _typeshed_has_version(self, module: str) -> bool:
216        if not self.options:
217            return True
218        version = typeshed_py_version(self.options)
219        min_version, max_version = self.stdlib_py_versions[module]
220        return version >= min_version and (max_version is None or version <= max_version)
222    def _find_module_non_stub_helper(self, components: List[str],
223                                     pkg_dir: str) -> Union[OnePackageDir, ModuleNotFoundReason]:
224        plausible_match = False
225        dir_path = pkg_dir
226        for index, component in enumerate(components):
227            dir_path = os.path.join(dir_path, component)
228            if self.fscache.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, 'py.typed')):
229                return os.path.join(pkg_dir, *components[:-1]), index == 0
230            elif not plausible_match and (self.fscache.isdir(dir_path)
231                                          or self.fscache.isfile(dir_path + ".py")):
232                plausible_match = True
233        if is_legacy_bundled_package(components[0], self.python_major_ver):
234            if (len(components) == 1
235                    or (self.find_module(components[0]) is
236                        ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED)):
237                return ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED
238        if is_legacy_bundled_package('.'.join(components[:2]), self.python_major_ver):
239            return ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED
240        if plausible_match:
241            return ModuleNotFoundReason.FOUND_WITHOUT_TYPE_HINTS
242        else:
243            return ModuleNotFoundReason.NOT_FOUND
245    def _update_ns_ancestors(self, components: List[str], match: Tuple[str, bool]) -> None:
246        path, verify = match
247        for i in range(1, len(components)):
248            pkg_id = '.'.join(components[:-i])
249            if pkg_id not in self.ns_ancestors and self.fscache.isdir(path):
250                self.ns_ancestors[pkg_id] = path
251            path = os.path.dirname(path)
253    def _can_find_module_in_parent_dir(self, id: str) -> bool:
254        """Test if a module can be found by checking the parent directories
255        of the current working directory.
256        """
257        working_dir = os.getcwd()
258        parent_search = FindModuleCache(SearchPaths((), (), (), ()), self.fscache, self.options)
259        while any(file.endswith(("__init__.py", "__init__.pyi"))
260                  for file in os.listdir(working_dir)):
261            working_dir = os.path.dirname(working_dir)
262            parent_search.search_paths = SearchPaths((working_dir,), (), (), ())
263            if not isinstance(parent_search._find_module(id, False), ModuleNotFoundReason):
264                return True
265        return False
267    def _find_module(self, id: str, use_typeshed: bool) -> ModuleSearchResult:
268        fscache = self.fscache
270        # If we're looking for a module like 'foo.bar.baz', it's likely that most of the
271        # many elements of lib_path don't even have a subdirectory 'foo/bar'.  Discover
272        # that only once and cache it for when we look for modules like 'foo.bar.blah'
273        # that will require the same subdirectory.
274        components = id.split('.')
275        dir_chain = os.sep.join(components[:-1])  # e.g., 'foo/bar'
277        # We have two sets of folders so that we collect *all* stubs folders and
278        # put them in the front of the search path
279        third_party_inline_dirs = []  # type: PackageDirs
280        third_party_stubs_dirs = []  # type: PackageDirs
281        found_possible_third_party_missing_type_hints = False
282        need_installed_stubs = False
283        # Third-party stub/typed packages
284        for pkg_dir in self.search_paths.package_path:
285            stub_name = components[0] + '-stubs'
286            stub_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, stub_name)
287            if self.python_major_ver == 2:
288                alt_stub_name = components[0] + '-python2-stubs'
289                alt_stub_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, alt_stub_name)
290                if fscache.isdir(alt_stub_dir):
291                    stub_name = alt_stub_name
292                    stub_dir = alt_stub_dir
293            if fscache.isdir(stub_dir) and self._is_compatible_stub_package(stub_dir):
294                stub_typed_file = os.path.join(stub_dir, 'py.typed')
295                stub_components = [stub_name] + components[1:]
296                path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, *stub_components[:-1])
297                if fscache.isdir(path):
298                    if fscache.isfile(stub_typed_file):
299                        # Stub packages can have a py.typed file, which must include
300                        # 'partial\n' to make the package partial
301                        # Partial here means that mypy should look at the runtime
302                        # package if installed.
303                        if fscache.read(stub_typed_file).decode().strip() == 'partial':
304                            runtime_path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, dir_chain)
305                            third_party_inline_dirs.append((runtime_path, True))
306                            # if the package is partial, we don't verify the module, as
307                            # the partial stub package may not have a __init__.pyi
308                            third_party_stubs_dirs.append((path, False))
309                        else:
310                            # handle the edge case where people put a py.typed file
311                            # in a stub package, but it isn't partial
312                            third_party_stubs_dirs.append((path, True))
313                    else:
314                        third_party_stubs_dirs.append((path, True))
315            non_stub_match = self._find_module_non_stub_helper(components, pkg_dir)
316            if isinstance(non_stub_match, ModuleNotFoundReason):
317                if non_stub_match is ModuleNotFoundReason.FOUND_WITHOUT_TYPE_HINTS:
318                    found_possible_third_party_missing_type_hints = True
319                elif non_stub_match is ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED:
320                    need_installed_stubs = True
321            else:
322                third_party_inline_dirs.append(non_stub_match)
323                self._update_ns_ancestors(components, non_stub_match)
324        if self.options and self.options.use_builtins_fixtures:
325            # Everything should be in fixtures.
326            third_party_inline_dirs.clear()
327            third_party_stubs_dirs.clear()
328            found_possible_third_party_missing_type_hints = False
329        python_mypy_path = self.search_paths.mypy_path + self.search_paths.python_path
330        candidate_base_dirs = self.find_lib_path_dirs(id, python_mypy_path)
331        if use_typeshed:
332            # Search for stdlib stubs in typeshed before installed
333            # stubs to avoid picking up backports (dataclasses, for
334            # example) when the library is included in stdlib.
335            candidate_base_dirs += self.find_lib_path_dirs(id, self.search_paths.typeshed_path)
336        candidate_base_dirs += third_party_stubs_dirs + third_party_inline_dirs
338        # If we're looking for a module like 'foo.bar.baz', then candidate_base_dirs now
339        # contains just the subdirectories 'foo/bar' that actually exist under the
340        # elements of lib_path.  This is probably much shorter than lib_path itself.
341        # Now just look for 'baz.pyi', 'baz/__init__.py', etc., inside those directories.
342        seplast = os.sep + components[-1]  # so e.g. '/baz'
343        sepinit = os.sep + '__init__'
344        near_misses = []  # Collect near misses for namespace mode (see below).
345        for base_dir, verify in candidate_base_dirs:
346            base_path = base_dir + seplast  # so e.g. '/usr/lib/python3.4/foo/bar/baz'
347            has_init = False
348            dir_prefix = base_dir
349            for _ in range(len(components) - 1):
350                dir_prefix = os.path.dirname(dir_prefix)
351            # Prefer package over module, i.e. baz/__init__.py* over baz.py*.
352            for extension in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS:
353                path = base_path + sepinit + extension
354                suffix = '-stubs'
355                if self.python_major_ver == 2:
356                    if os.path.isdir(base_path + '-python2-stubs'):
357                        suffix = '-python2-stubs'
358                path_stubs = base_path + suffix + sepinit + extension
359                if fscache.isfile_case(path, dir_prefix):
360                    has_init = True
361                    if verify and not verify_module(fscache, id, path, dir_prefix):
362                        near_misses.append((path, dir_prefix))
363                        continue
364                    return path
365                elif fscache.isfile_case(path_stubs, dir_prefix):
366                    if verify and not verify_module(fscache, id, path_stubs, dir_prefix):
367                        near_misses.append((path_stubs, dir_prefix))
368                        continue
369                    return path_stubs
371            # In namespace mode, register a potential namespace package
372            if self.options and self.options.namespace_packages:
373                if fscache.isdir(base_path) and not has_init:
374                    near_misses.append((base_path, dir_prefix))
376            # No package, look for module.
377            for extension in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS:
378                path = base_path + extension
379                if fscache.isfile_case(path, dir_prefix):
380                    if verify and not verify_module(fscache, id, path, dir_prefix):
381                        near_misses.append((path, dir_prefix))
382                        continue
383                    return path
385        # In namespace mode, re-check those entries that had 'verify'.
386        # Assume search path entries xxx, yyy and zzz, and we're
387        # looking for foo.bar.baz.  Suppose near_misses has:
388        #
389        # - xxx/foo/bar/baz.py
390        # - yyy/foo/bar/baz/__init__.py
391        # - zzz/foo/bar/baz.pyi
392        #
393        # If any of the foo directories has __init__.py[i], it wins.
394        # Else, we look for foo/bar/__init__.py[i], etc.  If there are
395        # none, the first hit wins.  Note that this does not take into
396        # account whether the lowest-level module is a file (baz.py),
397        # a package (baz/__init__.py), or a stub file (baz.pyi) -- for
398        # these the first one encountered along the search path wins.
399        #
400        # The helper function highest_init_level() returns an int that
401        # indicates the highest level at which a __init__.py[i] file
402        # is found; if no __init__ was found it returns 0, if we find
403        # only foo/bar/__init__.py it returns 1, and if we have
404        # foo/__init__.py it returns 2 (regardless of what's in
405        # foo/bar).  It doesn't look higher than that.
406        if self.options and self.options.namespace_packages and near_misses:
407            levels = [highest_init_level(fscache, id, path, dir_prefix)
408                      for path, dir_prefix in near_misses]
409            index = levels.index(max(levels))
410            return near_misses[index][0]
412        # Finally, we may be asked to produce an ancestor for an
413        # installed package with a py.typed marker that is a
414        # subpackage of a namespace package.  We only fess up to these
415        # if we would otherwise return "not found".
416        ancestor = self.ns_ancestors.get(id)
417        if ancestor is not None:
418            return ancestor
420        if need_installed_stubs:
421            return ModuleNotFoundReason.APPROVED_STUBS_NOT_INSTALLED
422        elif found_possible_third_party_missing_type_hints:
423            return ModuleNotFoundReason.FOUND_WITHOUT_TYPE_HINTS
424        else:
425            return ModuleNotFoundReason.NOT_FOUND
427    def _is_compatible_stub_package(self, stub_dir: str) -> bool:
428        """Does a stub package support the target Python version?
430        Stub packages may contain a metadata file which specifies
431        whether the stubs are compatible with Python 2 and 3.
432        """
433        metadata_fnam = os.path.join(stub_dir, 'METADATA.toml')
434        if os.path.isfile(metadata_fnam):
435            # Delay import for a possible minor performance win.
436            import toml
437            with open(metadata_fnam, 'r') as f:
438                metadata = toml.load(f)
439            if self.python_major_ver == 2:
440                return bool(metadata.get('python2', False))
441            else:
442                return bool(metadata.get('python3', True))
443        return True
445    def find_modules_recursive(self, module: str) -> List[BuildSource]:
446        module_path = self.find_module(module)
447        if isinstance(module_path, ModuleNotFoundReason):
448            return []
449        sources = [BuildSource(module_path, module, None)]
451        package_path = None
452        if module_path.endswith(('__init__.py', '__init__.pyi')):
453            package_path = os.path.dirname(module_path)
454        elif self.fscache.isdir(module_path):
455            package_path = module_path
456        if package_path is None:
457            return sources
459        # This logic closely mirrors that in find_sources. One small but important difference is
460        # that we do not sort names with keyfunc. The recursive call to find_modules_recursive
461        # calls find_module, which will handle the preference between packages, pyi and py.
462        # Another difference is it doesn't handle nested search paths / package roots.
464        seen = set()  # type: Set[str]
465        names = sorted(self.fscache.listdir(package_path))
466        for name in names:
467            # Skip certain names altogether
468            if name in ("__pycache__", "site-packages", "node_modules") or name.startswith("."):
469                continue
470            subpath = os.path.join(package_path, name)
472            if self.options and matches_exclude(
473                subpath, self.options.exclude, self.fscache, self.options.verbosity >= 2
474            ):
475                continue
477            if self.fscache.isdir(subpath):
478                # Only recurse into packages
479                if (self.options and self.options.namespace_packages) or (
480                    self.fscache.isfile(os.path.join(subpath, "__init__.py"))
481                    or self.fscache.isfile(os.path.join(subpath, "__init__.pyi"))
482                ):
483                    seen.add(name)
484                    sources.extend(self.find_modules_recursive(module + '.' + name))
485            else:
486                stem, suffix = os.path.splitext(name)
487                if stem == '__init__':
488                    continue
489                if stem not in seen and '.' not in stem and suffix in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS:
490                    # (If we sorted names by keyfunc) we could probably just make the BuildSource
491                    # ourselves, but this ensures compatibility with find_module / the cache
492                    seen.add(stem)
493                    sources.extend(self.find_modules_recursive(module + '.' + stem))
494        return sources
497def matches_exclude(subpath: str, exclude: str, fscache: FileSystemCache, verbose: bool) -> bool:
498    if not exclude:
499        return False
500    subpath_str = os.path.relpath(subpath).replace(os.sep, "/")
501    if fscache.isdir(subpath):
502        subpath_str += "/"
503    if re.search(exclude, subpath_str):
504        if verbose:
505            print("TRACE: Excluding {}".format(subpath_str), file=sys.stderr)
506        return True
507    return False
510def verify_module(fscache: FileSystemCache, id: str, path: str, prefix: str) -> bool:
511    """Check that all packages containing id have a __init__ file."""
512    if path.endswith(('__init__.py', '__init__.pyi')):
513        path = os.path.dirname(path)
514    for i in range(id.count('.')):
515        path = os.path.dirname(path)
516        if not any(fscache.isfile_case(os.path.join(path, '__init__{}'.format(extension)),
517                                       prefix)
518                   for extension in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS):
519            return False
520    return True
523def highest_init_level(fscache: FileSystemCache, id: str, path: str, prefix: str) -> int:
524    """Compute the highest level where an __init__ file is found."""
525    if path.endswith(('__init__.py', '__init__.pyi')):
526        path = os.path.dirname(path)
527    level = 0
528    for i in range(id.count('.')):
529        path = os.path.dirname(path)
530        if any(fscache.isfile_case(os.path.join(path, '__init__{}'.format(extension)),
531                                   prefix)
532               for extension in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS):
533            level = i + 1
534    return level
537def mypy_path() -> List[str]:
538    path_env = os.getenv('MYPYPATH')
539    if not path_env:
540        return []
541    return path_env.split(os.pathsep)
544def default_lib_path(data_dir: str,
545                     pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
546                     custom_typeshed_dir: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
547    """Return default standard library search paths."""
548    path = []  # type: List[str]
550    if custom_typeshed_dir:
551        typeshed_dir = os.path.join(custom_typeshed_dir, "stdlib")
552        mypy_extensions_dir = os.path.join(custom_typeshed_dir, "stubs", "mypy-extensions")
553        versions_file = os.path.join(typeshed_dir, "VERSIONS")
554        if not os.path.isdir(typeshed_dir) or not os.path.isfile(versions_file):
555            print("error: --custom-typeshed-dir does not point to a valid typeshed ({})".format(
556                custom_typeshed_dir))
557            sys.exit(2)
558    else:
559        auto = os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs-auto')
560        if os.path.isdir(auto):
561            data_dir = auto
562        typeshed_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "typeshed", "stdlib")
563        mypy_extensions_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "typeshed", "stubs", "mypy-extensions")
564    if pyversion[0] == 2:
565        # Python 2 variants of certain stdlib modules are in a separate directory.
566        python2_dir = os.path.join(typeshed_dir, PYTHON2_STUB_DIR)
567        path.append(python2_dir)
568    path.append(typeshed_dir)
570    # Get mypy-extensions stubs from typeshed, since we treat it as an
571    # "internal" library, similar to typing and typing-extensions.
572    path.append(mypy_extensions_dir)
574    # Add fallback path that can be used if we have a broken installation.
575    if sys.platform != 'win32':
576        path.append('/usr/local/lib/mypy')
577    if not path:
578        print("Could not resolve typeshed subdirectories. Your mypy install is broken.\n"
579              "Python executable is located at {0}.\nMypy located at {1}".format(
580                  sys.executable, data_dir), file=sys.stderr)
581        sys.exit(1)
582    return path
586def get_site_packages_dirs(python_executable: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
587    """Find package directories for given python.
589    This runs a subprocess call, which generates a list of the egg directories, and the site
590    package directories. To avoid repeatedly calling a subprocess (which can be slow!) we
591    lru_cache the results.
592    """
594    if python_executable is None:
595        return [], []
596    elif python_executable == sys.executable:
597        # Use running Python's package dirs
598        site_packages = sitepkgs.getsitepackages()
599    else:
600        # Use subprocess to get the package directory of given Python
601        # executable
602        site_packages = ast.literal_eval(
603            subprocess.check_output([python_executable, sitepkgs.__file__],
604            stderr=subprocess.PIPE).decode())
605    return expand_site_packages(site_packages)
608def expand_site_packages(site_packages: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
609    """Expands .pth imports in site-packages directories"""
610    egg_dirs = []  # type: List[str]
611    for dir in site_packages:
612        if not os.path.isdir(dir):
613            continue
614        pth_filenames = sorted(name for name in os.listdir(dir) if name.endswith(".pth"))
615        for pth_filename in pth_filenames:
616            egg_dirs.extend(_parse_pth_file(dir, pth_filename))
618    return egg_dirs, site_packages
621def _parse_pth_file(dir: str, pth_filename: str) -> Iterator[str]:
622    """
623    Mimics a subset of .pth import hook from Lib/site.py
624    See https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.5/Lib/site.py#L146-L185
625    """
627    pth_file = os.path.join(dir, pth_filename)
628    try:
629        f = open(pth_file, "r")
630    except OSError:
631        return
632    with f:
633        for line in f.readlines():
634            if line.startswith("#"):
635                # Skip comment lines
636                continue
637            if line.startswith(("import ", "import\t")):
638                # import statements in .pth files are not supported
639                continue
641            yield _make_abspath(line.rstrip(), dir)
644def _make_abspath(path: str, root: str) -> str:
645    """Take a path and make it absolute relative to root if not already absolute."""
646    if os.path.isabs(path):
647        return os.path.normpath(path)
648    else:
649        return os.path.join(root, os.path.normpath(path))
652def add_py2_mypypath_entries(mypypath: List[str]) -> List[str]:
653    """Add corresponding @python2 subdirectories to mypypath.
655    For each path entry 'x', add 'x/@python2' before 'x' if the latter is
656    a directory.
657    """
658    result = []
659    for item in mypypath:
660        python2_dir = os.path.join(item, PYTHON2_STUB_DIR)
661        if os.path.isdir(python2_dir):
662            # @python2 takes precedence, but we also look into the parent
663            # directory.
664            result.append(python2_dir)
665            result.append(item)
666        else:
667            result.append(item)
668    return result
671def compute_search_paths(sources: List[BuildSource],
672                         options: Options,
673                         data_dir: str,
674                         alt_lib_path: Optional[str] = None) -> SearchPaths:
675    """Compute the search paths as specified in PEP 561.
677    There are the following 4 members created:
678    - User code (from `sources`)
679    - MYPYPATH (set either via config or environment variable)
680    - installed package directories (which will later be split into stub-only and inline)
681    - typeshed
682     """
683    # Determine the default module search path.
684    lib_path = collections.deque(
685        default_lib_path(data_dir,
686                         options.python_version,
687                         custom_typeshed_dir=options.custom_typeshed_dir))
689    if options.use_builtins_fixtures:
690        # Use stub builtins (to speed up test cases and to make them easier to
691        # debug).  This is a test-only feature, so assume our files are laid out
692        # as in the source tree.
693        # We also need to allow overriding where to look for it. Argh.
694        root_dir = os.getenv('MYPY_TEST_PREFIX', None)
695        if not root_dir:
696            root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
697        lib_path.appendleft(os.path.join(root_dir, 'test-data', 'unit', 'lib-stub'))
698    # alt_lib_path is used by some tests to bypass the normal lib_path mechanics.
699    # If we don't have one, grab directories of source files.
700    python_path = []  # type: List[str]
701    if not alt_lib_path:
702        for source in sources:
703            # Include directory of the program file in the module search path.
704            if source.base_dir:
705                dir = source.base_dir
706                if dir not in python_path:
707                    python_path.append(dir)
709        # Do this even if running as a file, for sanity (mainly because with
710        # multiple builds, there could be a mix of files/modules, so its easier
711        # to just define the semantics that we always add the current director
712        # to the lib_path
713        # TODO: Don't do this in some cases; for motivation see see
714        # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4195#issuecomment-341915031
715        if options.bazel:
716            dir = '.'
717        else:
718            dir = os.getcwd()
719        if dir not in lib_path:
720            python_path.insert(0, dir)
722    # Start with a MYPYPATH environment variable at the front of the mypy_path, if defined.
723    mypypath = mypy_path()
725    # Add a config-defined mypy path.
726    mypypath.extend(options.mypy_path)
728    # If provided, insert the caller-supplied extra module path to the
729    # beginning (highest priority) of the search path.
730    if alt_lib_path:
731        mypypath.insert(0, alt_lib_path)
733    # When type checking in Python 2 module, add @python2 subdirectories of
734    # path items into the search path.
735    if options.python_version[0] == 2:
736        mypypath = add_py2_mypypath_entries(mypypath)
738    egg_dirs, site_packages = get_site_packages_dirs(options.python_executable)
739    for site_dir in site_packages:
740        assert site_dir not in lib_path
741        if (site_dir in mypypath or
742                any(p.startswith(site_dir + os.path.sep) for p in mypypath) or
743                os.path.altsep and any(p.startswith(site_dir + os.path.altsep) for p in mypypath)):
744            print("{} is in the MYPYPATH. Please remove it.".format(site_dir), file=sys.stderr)
745            print("See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/running_mypy.html"
746                  "#how-mypy-handles-imports for more info", file=sys.stderr)
747            sys.exit(1)
748        elif site_dir in python_path:
749            print("{} is in the PYTHONPATH. Please change directory"
750                  " so it is not.".format(site_dir),
751                  file=sys.stderr)
752            sys.exit(1)
754    return SearchPaths(python_path=tuple(reversed(python_path)),
755                       mypy_path=tuple(mypypath),
756                       package_path=tuple(egg_dirs + site_packages),
757                       typeshed_path=tuple(lib_path))
760def load_stdlib_py_versions(custom_typeshed_dir: Optional[str]
761                            ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Optional[Tuple[int, int]]]]:
762    """Return dict with minimum and maximum Python versions of stdlib modules.
764    The contents look like
765    {..., 'secrets': ((3, 6), None), 'symbol': ((2, 7), (3, 9)), ...}
767    None means there is no maximum version.
768    """
769    typeshed_dir = custom_typeshed_dir or os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "typeshed")
770    stdlib_dir = os.path.join(typeshed_dir, "stdlib")
771    result = {}
773    versions_path = os.path.join(stdlib_dir, "VERSIONS")
774    assert os.path.isfile(versions_path), (custom_typeshed_dir, versions_path, __file__)
775    with open(versions_path) as f:
776        for line in f:
777            line = line.split("#")[0].strip()
778            if line == "":
779                continue
780            module, version_range = line.split(":")
781            versions = version_range.split("-")
782            min_version = parse_version(versions[0])
783            max_version = (parse_version(versions[1])
784                           if len(versions) >= 2 and versions[1].strip() else None)
785            result[module] = min_version, max_version
787    # Modules that are Python 2 only or have separate Python 2 stubs
788    # have stubs in @python2/ and may need an override.
789    python2_dir = os.path.join(stdlib_dir, PYTHON2_STUB_DIR)
790    try:
791        for fnam in os.listdir(python2_dir):
792            fnam = fnam.replace(".pyi", "")
793            max_version = result.get(fnam, ((2, 7), None))[1]
794            result[fnam] = (2, 7), max_version
795    except FileNotFoundError:
796        # Ignore error to support installations where Python 2 stubs aren't available.
797        pass
799    return result
802def parse_version(version: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
803    major, minor = version.strip().split(".")
804    return int(major), int(minor)
807def typeshed_py_version(options: Options) -> Tuple[int, int]:
808    """Return Python version used for checking whether module supports typeshed."""
809    # Typeshed no longer covers Python 3.x versions before 3.6, so 3.6 is
810    # the earliest we can support.
811    if options.python_version[0] >= 3:
812        return max(options.python_version, (3, 6))
813    else:
814        return options.python_version
817def filter_redundant_py2_dirs(dirs: List[str]) -> List[str]:
818    """If dirs has <dir>/@python2 followed by <dir>, filter out the latter."""
819    if len(dirs) <= 1 or not any(d.endswith(PYTHON2_STUB_DIR) for d in dirs):
820        # Fast path -- nothing to do
821        return dirs
822    seen = []
823    result = []
824    for d in dirs:
825        if d.endswith(PYTHON2_STUB_DIR):
826            seen.append(os.path.dirname(d))
827            result.append(d)
828        elif d not in seen:
829            result.append(d)
830    return result