1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
3'use strict';
5import * as nbformat from '@jupyterlab/nbformat';
7import {
8  Signal
9} from '@lumino/signaling';
11import {
12  IDiffAddRange, IDiffEntry, IDiffArrayEntry,
13  IDiffPatchObject, IDiffImmutableObjectEntry
14} from '../../diff/diffentries';
16import {
17  getDiffEntryByKey
18} from '../../diff/util';
20import {
21  CellDiffModel,
22  createAddedCellDiffModel, createDeletedCellDiffModel,
23  createPatchedCellDiffModel, createUnchangedCellDiffModel,
24  OutputDiffModel, makeOutputModels, ImmutableDiffModel,
25  setMimetypeFromCellType, createImmutableModel
26} from '../../diff/model';
28import {
29  MergeDecision, resolveCommonPaths, buildDiffs, decisionSortKey,
30  filterDecisions, pushPatchDecision, popPath, applyDecisions,
31  Action
32} from '../../merge/decisions';
34import {
35  patch
36} from '../../patch';
38import {
39  arraysEqual, valueIn, hasEntries, splitLines, unique, stableSort
40} from '../../common/util';
42import {
43  splitMergeDecisionsOnChunks
44} from '../../chunking';
46import {
47  ObjectMergeModel, DecisionStringDiffModel
48} from './common';
51import {
52  NotifyUserError
53} from '../../common/exceptions';
57 * Create a cell diff model based on a set of merge
58 * decisions that patch the cell.
59 */
60function createPatchedCellDecisionDiffModel(
61    base: nbformat.ICell, decisions: MergeDecision[],
62    local: CellDiffModel | null, remote: CellDiffModel | null,
63    mimetype: string):
64    CellDiffModel {
66  for (let md of decisions) {
67    if (md.localPath.length === 0) {
68      let val = popPath(md.diffs, true);
69      if (val !== null) {
70        md.diffs = val.diffs;
71        md.pushPath(val.key);
72      }
73    }
74  }
76  let source = new DecisionStringDiffModel(
77    base.source, filterDecisions(decisions, ['source'], 2),
78    [local ? local.source : null,
79     remote ? remote.source : null]);
80  setMimetypeFromCellType(source, base, mimetype);
82  let metadata = new DecisionStringDiffModel(
83    base.metadata, filterDecisions(decisions, ['metadata'], 2),
84    [local ? local.metadata : null,
85      remote ? remote.metadata : null]);
87  let outputs: OutputDiffModel[] | null = null;
88  let executionCount: ImmutableDiffModel | null = null;
89  if (nbformat.isCode(base)) {
90    if (base.outputs) {
91      let outputBase = base.outputs;
92      let outputDec = filterDecisions(decisions, ['outputs'], 2);
93      let mergedDiff = buildDiffs(outputBase, outputDec, 'merged') as IDiffArrayEntry[];
94      let merged: nbformat.IOutput[];
95      if (mergedDiff && mergedDiff.length > 0) {
96        merged = patch(outputBase, mergedDiff);
97      } else {
98        merged = outputBase;
99      }
100      outputs = makeOutputModels(outputBase, merged, mergedDiff);
101    }
102    let execBase = base.execution_count;
103    let cellDecs = filterDecisions(decisions, ['cells'], 0, 2);
104    for (let dec of cellDecs) {
105      if (getDiffEntryByKey(dec.localDiff, 'execution_count') !== null ||
106          getDiffEntryByKey(dec.remoteDiff, 'execution_count') !== null ||
107          getDiffEntryByKey(dec.customDiff, 'execution_count') !== null) {
108        dec.level = 2;
109        let mergeExecDiff = buildDiffs(base, [dec], 'merged') as IDiffImmutableObjectEntry[] | null;
110        let execDiff = hasEntries(mergeExecDiff) ? mergeExecDiff[0] : null;
111        // Pass base as remote, which means fall back to unchanged if no diff:
112        executionCount = createImmutableModel(execBase, execBase, execDiff);
113      }
114    }
116  }
118  return new CellDiffModel(source, metadata, outputs, executionCount, base.cell_type);
123 * CellMergeModel
124 */
126class CellMergeModel extends ObjectMergeModel<nbformat.ICell, CellDiffModel> {
127  constructor(base: nbformat.ICell | null, decisions: MergeDecision[], mimetype: string) {
128    // TODO: Remove/extend whitelist once we support more
129    super(base, [], mimetype, ['source', 'metadata', 'outputs', 'execution_count']);
130    this.onesided = false;
131    this._deleteCell = false;
132    this.processDecisions(decisions);
133  }
135  /**
136   * Whether the cell is present in only one of the two side (local/remote)
137   */
138  onesided: boolean;
140  /**
141   * Run time flag whether the user wants to delete the cell
142   *
143   * @type {boolean}
144   */
145  get deleteCell(): boolean {
146    return this._deleteCell;
147  }
148  set deleteCell(value: boolean) {
149    if (this._deleteCell !== value) {
150      this._deleteCell = value;
151      this.deleteCellChanged.emit(value);
152    }
153  }
154  private _deleteCell: boolean;
156  readonly deleteCellChanged = new Signal<CellMergeModel, boolean>(this);
159  /**
160   * Run time flag whether the user wants to clear the outputs of the cell
161   *
162   * @type {boolean}
163   */
164  get clearOutputs(): boolean {
165    return this._clearOutputs;
166  }
167  set clearOutputs(value: boolean) {
168    if (this._clearOutputs !== value) {
169      this._clearOutputs = value;
170      this.clearOutputsChanged.emit(value);
171    }
172  }
173  private _clearOutputs = false;
175  readonly clearOutputsChanged = new Signal<CellMergeModel, boolean>(this);
177  /**
178   * Whether source is the same in local and remote
179   */
180  get agreedSource(): boolean {
181    return !!this.local && !!this.remote &&
182      this.local.source.remote === this.remote.source.remote;
183  }
185  /**
186   * Whether metadata is the same in local and remote
187   */
188  get agreedMetadata(): boolean {
189    if (!this.local || !this.remote) {
190      return false;
191    }
192    return this.local.metadata.remote === this.remote.metadata.remote;
193  }
195  /**
196   * Whether outputs are the same in local and remote
197   */
198  get agreedOutputs(): boolean {
199    if (!this.local || !this.remote) {
200      return false;
201    }
202    let lo = this.local.outputs;
203    let ro = this.remote.outputs;
204    if (!hasEntries(lo) || !hasEntries(ro)) {
205      return !hasEntries(lo) && !hasEntries(ro);
206    }
207    if (lo.length !== ro.length) {
208      return false;
209    }
210    for (let i=0; i < lo.length; ++i) {
211      if (JSON.stringify(lo[i].remote) !== JSON.stringify(ro[i].remote)) {
212        return false;
213      }
214    }
215    return true;
216  }
218  /**
219   * Whether cell is the same in local and remote
220   */
221  get agreedCell(): boolean {
222    // TODO: Also check other fields?
223    return this.agreedSource && this.agreedMetadata && this.agreedOutputs;
224  }
226  /**
227   * Whether the cell has any conflicted decisions.
228   */
229  get conflicted(): boolean {
230    for (let dec of this.decisions) {
231      if (dec.conflict) {
232        return true;
233      }
234    }
235    return false;
236  }
238  /**
239   * Whether the cell has any conflicted decisions on a specific key.
240   */
241  hasConflictsOn(key: string) {
242    let decs = filterDecisions(this.decisions, [key], 2);
243    for (let dec of decs) {
244      if (dec.conflict) {
245        return true;
246      }
247    }
248    return false;
249  }
251  /**
252   * Whether the cell has any conflicted decisions on source.
253   */
254  get sourceConflicted(): boolean {
255    return this.hasConflictsOn('source');
256  }
258  /**
259   * Whether the cell has any conflicted decisions on metadata.
260   */
261  get metadataConflicted(): boolean {
262    return this.hasConflictsOn('metadata');
263  }
265  /**
266   * Whether the cell has any conflicted decisions.
267   */
268  get outputsConflicted(): boolean {
269    return this.hasConflictsOn('outputs');
270  }
272  /**
273   * Clear any conflicts on decisions on outputs
274   */
275  clearOutputConflicts() {
276    let decs = filterDecisions(this.decisions, ['outputs'], 2);
277    for (let dec of decs) {
278      dec.conflict = false;
279    }
280  }
282  /**
283   * Get the decision on `execution_count` field (should only be one).
284   *
285   * Returns null if no decision on `execution_count` was found.
286   */
287  getExecutionCountDecision(): MergeDecision | null {
288    let cellDecs = filterDecisions(this.decisions, ['cells'], 0, 2);
289    for (let dec of cellDecs) {
290      if (getDiffEntryByKey(dec.localDiff, 'execution_count') !== null ||
291          getDiffEntryByKey(dec.remoteDiff, 'execution_count') !== null ||
292          getDiffEntryByKey(dec.customDiff, 'execution_count') !== null) {
293        return dec;
294      }
295    }
296    return null;
297  }
299  /**
300   * Apply merge decisions to create the merged cell
301   */
302  serialize(): nbformat.ICell | null {
303    if (this.deleteCell) {
304      return null;
305    }
306    if (this.base === null) {
307      // Only possibility is that cell is added
308      if (this.decisions.length > 1 || !this.merged.added) {
309        throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
310      }
311      let dec = this.decisions[0];
312      // Either onesided or identical inserts, but possibly with
313      // a custom diff on top!
314      let d: IDiffEntry;
315      if (dec.action === 'local' || dec.action === 'either') {
316        if (!dec.localDiff ) {
317          throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
318        }
319        d = dec.localDiff[0];
320      } else if (dec.action === 'remote') {
321        if (!dec.remoteDiff ) {
322          throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
323        }
324        d = dec.remoteDiff[0];
325      } else if (dec.action === 'custom') {
326        if (!dec.customDiff ) {
327          throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
328        }
329        d = dec.customDiff[0];
330      } else {
331        throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
332      }
333      if (d.op !== 'addrange') {
334        throw new NotifyUserError('Invalid cell decision');
335      }
336      return d.valuelist[0];
337    }
338    let decisions: MergeDecision[] = [];
339    for (let md of this.decisions) {
340      let nmd = new MergeDecision(md);
341      nmd.level = 2;
342      decisions.push(nmd);
343    }
344    let output = applyDecisions(this.base, decisions);
345    let src = output.source;
346    if (Array.isArray(src)) {
347      src = src.join('');
348    }
349    if (src !== this._merged!.source.remote) {
350      console.warn('Serialized outputs doesn\'t match model value! ' +
351                   'Keeping the model value.');
352      output.source = splitLines(this._merged!.source.remote!);
353    }
354    if (this.clearOutputs && nbformat.isCode(output)) {
355      output.outputs = [];
356    }
357    return output;
358  }
360  protected processDecisions(decisions: MergeDecision[]): void {
361    // First check for cell-level decisions:
362    if (decisions.length === 1) {
363      if (arraysEqual(decisions[0].absolutePath, ['cells'])) {
364        // We have a cell level decision
365        let md = decisions[0];
366        decisions = this.applyCellLevelDecision(md);
367        if (decisions.length === 0) {
368          this.decisions.push(md);
369        }
370      }
371    }
373    for (let md of decisions) {
374      md.level = 2;
375      if (md.absolutePath.length < 2 ||
376          md.absolutePath[0] !== 'cells') {
377        throw new Error('Not a valid path for a cell decision');
378      } else if (md.absolutePath.length === 2 && (
379            hasEntries(md.localDiff) || hasEntries(md.remoteDiff))) {
380        // Have decision on /cells/X/.
381        // Split the decision on subkey:
383        // Nest diff as a patch on cell, which can be split by `splitPatch`:
384        let splitDec = pushPatchDecision(md, md.absolutePath.slice(1, 2));
385        let localDiff = hasEntries(splitDec.localDiff) ?
386          splitDec.localDiff[0] as IDiffPatchObject : null;
387        let remoteDiff = hasEntries(splitDec.remoteDiff) ?
388          splitDec.remoteDiff[0] as IDiffPatchObject : null;
390        let subDecisions = this.splitPatch(splitDec, localDiff, remoteDiff);
391        // Add all split decisions:
392        for (let subdec of subDecisions) {
393          subdec.level = 2;
394          this.decisions.push(subdec);
395        }
396      } else { // Decision has path on subkey
397        // Make local path relative to cell
398        this.decisions.push(md);
399      }
400    }
401  }
403  /**
404   * Apply a cell level decision to the model
405   *
406   * This creates the revelant kinds of models
407   */
408  protected applyCellLevelDecision(md: MergeDecision): MergeDecision[] {
409    let newDecisions: MergeDecision[] = [];
410    /* Possibilities:
411     1. Insertion: base is null! Null diff of missing side (unchanged).
412     2. Deletion: Null diff of present side (unchanged). Set deleteCell
413        depending on action.
414     3. Deletion vs patch: Same as 2., but split patch decision onto
415        source/metadata/outputs.
416     4. Identical ops (insertion or deletion)
417     Cases that shouldn't happen:
418     5. Insertion vs insertion: Shouldn't happen! Should have been split
419        into two decisions with an insertion each before creating model.
420     6. Patch vs patch: Shouldn't occur, as those should have been recursed
421     */
422    console.assert(!this.onesided,
423                   'Cannot have multiple cell decisions on one cell!');
424    this.onesided = true;  // We set this to distinguish case 3 from normal
425    if (!hasEntries(md.localDiff)) {
426      // 1. or 2.:
427      this._local = null;
428      if (!md.remoteDiff || md.remoteDiff.length !== 1) {
429        throw new Error('Merge decision does not conform to expectation: ' + md);
430      }
431      if (this.base === null) {
432        // 1.
433        let first = md.remoteDiff[0];
434        if (first.op !== 'addrange') {
435          throw new Error('Merge decision does not conform to expectation: ' + md);
436        }
437        let v = first.valuelist[0] as nbformat.ICell;
438        this._remote = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
439        this._merged = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
440      } else {
441        // 2.
442        this._remote = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
443        this._merged = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
444        this.deleteCell = valueIn(md.action, ['remote', 'either']);
445      }
446    } else if (!hasEntries(md.remoteDiff)) {
447      // 1. or 2.:
448      this._remote = null;
449      if (!md.localDiff || md.localDiff.length !== 1) {
450        throw new Error('Merge decision does not conform to expectation: ' + md);
451      }
452      if (this.base === null) {
453        // 1.
454        let first = md.localDiff[0];
455        if (first.op !== 'addrange') {
456          throw new Error('Merge decision does not conform to expectation: ' + md);
457        }
458        let v = first.valuelist[0] as nbformat.ICell;
459        this._local = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
460        this._merged = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
461      } else {
462        // 2.
463        this._local = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
464        this._merged = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
465        this.deleteCell = valueIn(md.action, ['local', 'either']);
466      }
467    } else {
468      console.assert(hasEntries(md.localDiff) && hasEntries(md.remoteDiff));
469      console.assert(md.localDiff.length === 1 && md.remoteDiff.length === 1);
470      // 3. or 4.
471      if (md.localDiff[0].op === md.remoteDiff[0].op) {
472        // 4.
473        if (this.base === null) {
474          // Identical insertions (this relies on preprocessing to ensure only
475          // one value in valuelist)
476          let v = (md.localDiff[0] as IDiffAddRange).valuelist[0];
477          this._local = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
478          this._remote = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
479          this._merged = createAddedCellDiffModel(v, this.mimetype);
480        } else {
481          // Identical delections
482          this._local = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
483          this._remote = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
484          this._merged = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
485          this.deleteCell = valueIn(md.action, ['local', 'remote', 'either']);
486        }
487      } else {
488        // 3., by method of elimination
489        let ops = [md.localDiff[0].op, md.remoteDiff[0].op];
490        console.assert(
491          valueIn('removerange', ops) && valueIn('patch', ops));
492        if (this.base === null) {
493          throw new Error('Invalid merge decision, ' +
494            'cannot have null base for deleted cell: ' + md);
495        }
496        if (ops[0] === 'removerange') {
497          this._local = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
498          this.deleteCell = md.action === 'local';
499          // The patch op will be on cell level. Split it on sub keys!
500          newDecisions = newDecisions.concat(this.splitPatch(
501            md, null, md.remoteDiff[0] as IDiffPatchObject));
502        } else {
503          this._remote = createDeletedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
504          this.deleteCell = md.action === 'remote';
505          // The patch op will be on cell level. Split it on sub keys!
506          newDecisions = newDecisions.concat(this.splitPatch(
507            md, md.localDiff[0] as IDiffPatchObject, null));
508        }
509        resolveCommonPaths(newDecisions);
510      }
511    }
512    return newDecisions;
513  }
516   /**
517    * Split a decision with a patch on one side into one decision
518    * for each sub entry in the patch.
519    */
520  protected splitPatch(md: MergeDecision, localPatch: IDiffPatchObject | null, remotePatch: IDiffPatchObject | null): MergeDecision[] {
521    let local = !!localPatch && hasEntries(localPatch.diff);
522    let remote = !!remotePatch && hasEntries(remotePatch.diff);
523    if (!local && !remote) {
524      return [];
525    }
526    let localDiff = local ? localPatch!.diff : null;
527    let remoteDiff = remote ? remotePatch!.diff : null;
528    let split: MergeDecision[] = [];
529    let keys: (string | number)[] = [];
530    if (local) {
531      for (let d of localDiff!) {
532        keys.push(d.key);
533      }
534    }
535    if (remote) {
536      for (let d of remoteDiff!) {
537        keys.push(d.key);
538      }
539    }
540    keys = keys.filter(unique);
541    if (local && remote) {
542      // Sanity check
543      if (localPatch!.key !== remotePatch!.key) {
544        throw new Error('Different keys of patch ops given to `splitPatch`.');
545      }
546    }
547    let patchKey = local ? localPatch!.key : remotePatch!.key;
548    for (let key of keys) {
549      if (this._whitelist && !valueIn(key, this._whitelist)) {
550        throw new NotifyUserError('Currently not able to handle decisions on variable \"' +
551              key + '\"');
552      }
553      let el = getDiffEntryByKey(localDiff, key);
554      let er = getDiffEntryByKey(remoteDiff, key);
555      let onsesided = !(el && er);
556      let action: Action = md.action;
557      // If one-sided, change 'base' actions to present side
558      if (action === 'base' && onsesided) {
559        action = el ? 'local' : 'remote';
560      }
561      // Create new action:
562      split.push(new MergeDecision(
563        md.absolutePath.concat([patchKey]),
564        el ? [el] : null,
565        er ? [er] : null,
566        action,
567        md.conflict));
568    }
569    let ret = this.splitOnSourceChunks(split);
570    resolveCommonPaths(ret);
571    return stableSort(ret, decisionSortKey);
572  }
574  /**
575   * Split decisions on 'source' by chunks.
576   *
577   * This prevents one decision from contributing to more than one chunk.
578   */
579  protected splitOnSourceChunks(decisions: MergeDecision[]): MergeDecision[] {
580    let out: MergeDecision[] = [];
581    for (let i=0; i < decisions.length; ++i) {
582      let dec = decisions[i];
583      if (dec.absolutePath[2] === 'source') {
584        let base = this.base!.source;
585        if (!Array.isArray(base)) {
586          base = splitLines(base);
587        }
588        dec.level = 3;
589        let sub = splitMergeDecisionsOnChunks(base, [dec]);
590        resolveCommonPaths(sub);
591        out = out.concat(stableSort(sub, decisionSortKey));
592      } else {
593        out.push(dec);
594      }
595    }
596    return out;
597  }
599  protected createDiffModel(diff: IDiffEntry[]): CellDiffModel {
600    if (this.base === null) {
601      throw new Error('Cannot create a patched or unchanged diff model with null base!');
602    }
603    if (diff && diff.length > 0) {
604      return createPatchedCellDiffModel(this.base, diff, this.mimetype);
605    } else {
606      return createUnchangedCellDiffModel(this.base, this.mimetype);
607    }
608  }
610  protected createMergedDiffModel(): CellDiffModel {
611    if (this.base === null) {
612      throw new Error('Cannot create a patched or unchanged merged diff model with null base!');
613    }
614    return createPatchedCellDecisionDiffModel(
615        this.base, this.decisions, this.local, this.remote, this.mimetype);
616  }