2.. _simulator:
5Debugging CUDA Python with the the CUDA Simulator
8Numba includes a CUDA Simulator that implements most of the semantics in CUDA
9Python using the Python interpreter and some additional Python code. This can
10be used to debug CUDA Python code, either by adding print statements to your
11code, or by using the debugger to step through the execution of an individual
14Execution of kernels is performed by the simulator one block at a time. One
15thread is spawned for each thread in the block, and scheduling of the execution
16of these threads is left up to the operating system.
18Using the simulator
21The simulator is enabled by setting the environment variable
22:envvar:`NUMBA_ENABLE_CUDASIM` to 1. CUDA Python code may then be executed as
23normal. The easiest way to use the debugger inside a kernel is to only stop a
24single thread, otherwise the interaction with the debugger is difficult to
25handle. For example, the kernel below will  stop in the thread ``<<<(3,0,0), (1,
260, 0)>>>``::
28    @cuda.jit
29    def vec_add(A, B, out):
30        x = cuda.threadIdx.x
31        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
32        bdx = cuda.blockDim.x
33        if x == 1 and bx == 3:
34            from pdb import set_trace; set_trace()
35        i = bx * bdx + x
36        out[i] = A[i] + B[i]
38when invoked with a one-dimensional grid and one-dimensional blocks.
40Supported features
43The simulator aims to provide as complete a simulation of execution on a real
44GPU as possible - in particular, the following are supported:
46* Atomic operations
47* Constant memory
48* Local memory
49* Shared memory: declarations of shared memory arrays must be on separate source
50  lines, since the simulator uses source line information to keep track of
51  allocations of shared memory across threads.
52* :func:`.syncthreads` is supported - however, in the case where divergent
53  threads enter different :func:`.syncthreads` calls, the launch will not fail,
54  but unexpected behaviour will occur. A future version of the simulator may
55  detect this condition.
56* The stream API is supported, but all operations occur sequentially and
57  synchronously, unlike on a real device. Synchronising on a stream is therefore
58  a no-op.
59* The event API is also supported, but provides no meaningful timing
60  information.
61* Data transfer to and from the GPU - in particular, creating array objects with
62  :func:`.device_array` and :func:`.device_array_like`. The APIs for pinned memory
63  :func:`.pinned` and :func:`.pinned_array` are also supported, but no pinning
64  takes place.
65* The driver API implementation of the list of GPU contexts (``cuda.gpus`` and
66  ``cuda.cudadrv.devices.gpus``) is supported, and reports a single GPU context.
67  This context can be closed and reset as the real one would.
68* The :func:`.detect` function is supported, and reports one device called
71Some limitations of the simulator include:
73* It does not perform type checking/type inference. If any argument types to a
74  jitted function are incorrect, or if the specification of the type of any
75  local variables are incorrect, this will not be detected by the simulator.
76* Only one GPU is simulated.
77* Multithreaded accesses to a single GPU are not supported, and will result in
78  unexpected behaviour.
79* Most of the driver API is unimplemented.
80* It is not possible to link PTX code with CUDA Python functions.
81* Warps and warp-level operations are not yet implemented.
83Obviously, the speed of the simulator is also much lower than that of a real
84device. It may be necessary to reduce the size of input data and the size of the
85CUDA grid in order to make debugging with the simulator tractable.