1# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
2# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
3# a copy of the License at
5#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
9# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
11# under the License.
13from openstack import exceptions
14from openstack import resource
15from openstack import utils
18class Stack(resource.Resource):
19    name_attribute = 'stack_name'
20    resource_key = 'stack'
21    resources_key = 'stacks'
22    base_path = '/stacks'
24    # capabilities
25    allow_create = True
26    allow_list = True
27    allow_fetch = True
28    allow_commit = True
29    allow_delete = True
31    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
32        'action', 'name', 'status',
33        'project_id', 'owner_id', 'username',
34        project_id='tenant_id',
35        **resource.TagMixin._tag_query_parameters
36    )
38    # Properties
39    #: A list of resource objects that will be added if a stack update
40    #  is performed.
41    added = resource.Body('added')
42    #: Placeholder for AWS compatible template listing capabilities
43    #: required by the stack.
44    capabilities = resource.Body('capabilities')
45    #: Timestamp of the stack creation.
46    created_at = resource.Body('creation_time')
47    #: A text description of the stack.
48    description = resource.Body('description')
49    #: A list of resource objects that will be deleted if a stack
50    #: update is performed.
51    deleted = resource.Body('deleted', type=list)
52    #: Timestamp of the stack deletion.
53    deleted_at = resource.Body('deletion_time')
54    #: A JSON environment for the stack.
55    environment = resource.Body('environment')
56    #: An ordered list of names for environment files found in the files dict.
57    environment_files = resource.Body('environment_files', type=list)
58    #: Additional files referenced in the template or the environment
59    files = resource.Body('files', type=dict)
60    #: Name of the container in swift that has child
61    #: templates and environment files.
62    files_container = resource.Body('files_container')
63    #: Whether the stack will support a rollback operation on stack
64    #: create/update failures. *Type: bool*
65    is_rollback_disabled = resource.Body('disable_rollback', type=bool)
66    #: A list of dictionaries containing links relevant to the stack.
67    links = resource.Body('links')
68    #: Name of the stack.
69    name = resource.Body('stack_name')
70    stack_name = resource.URI('stack_name')
71    #: Placeholder for future extensions where stack related events
72    #: can be published.
73    notification_topics = resource.Body('notification_topics')
74    #: A list containing output keys and values from the stack, if any.
75    outputs = resource.Body('outputs')
76    #: The ID of the owner stack if any.
77    owner_id = resource.Body('stack_owner')
78    #: A dictionary containing the parameter names and values for the stack.
79    parameters = resource.Body('parameters', type=dict)
80    #: The ID of the parent stack if any
81    parent_id = resource.Body('parent')
82    #: A list of resource objects that will be replaced if a stack update
83    #: is performed.
84    replaced = resource.Body('replaced')
85    #: A string representation of the stack status, e.g. ``CREATE_COMPLETE``.
86    status = resource.Body('stack_status')
87    #: A text explaining how the stack transits to its current status.
88    status_reason = resource.Body('stack_status_reason')
89    #: A list of strings used as tags on the stack
90    tags = resource.Body('tags', type=list, default=[])
91    #: A dict containing the template use for stack creation.
92    template = resource.Body('template', type=dict)
93    #: Stack template description text. Currently contains the same text
94    #: as that of the ``description`` property.
95    template_description = resource.Body('template_description')
96    #: A string containing the URL where a stack template can be found.
97    template_url = resource.Body('template_url')
98    #: Stack operation timeout in minutes.
99    timeout_mins = resource.Body('timeout_mins')
100    #: A list of resource objects that will remain unchanged if a stack
101    #: update is performed.
102    unchanged = resource.Body('unchanged')
103    #: A list of resource objects that will have their properties updated
104    #: in place if a stack update is performed.
105    updated = resource.Body('updated')
106    #: Timestamp of last update on the stack.
107    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_time')
108    #: The ID of the user project created for this stack.
109    user_project_id = resource.Body('stack_user_project_id')
111    def create(self, session, base_path=None):
112        # This overrides the default behavior of resource creation because
113        # heat doesn't accept resource_key in its request.
114        return super(Stack, self).create(session, prepend_key=False,
115                                         base_path=base_path)
117    def commit(self, session, base_path=None):
118        # This overrides the default behavior of resource creation because
119        # heat doesn't accept resource_key in its request.
120        return super(Stack, self).commit(session, prepend_key=False,
121                                         has_body=False, base_path=None)
123    def update(self, session, preview=False):
124        # This overrides the default behavior of resource update because
125        # we need to use other endpoint for update preview.
126        base_path = None
127        if self.name and self.id:
128            base_path = '/stacks/%(stack_name)s/%(stack_id)s' % {
129                'stack_name': self.name,
130                'stack_id': self.id}
131        elif self.name or self.id:
132            # We have only one of name/id. Do not try to build a stacks/NAME/ID
133            # path
134            base_path = '/stacks/%(stack_identity)s' % {
135                'stack_identity': self.name or self.id}
136        request = self._prepare_request(
137            prepend_key=False,
138            requires_id=False,
139            base_path=base_path)
141        microversion = self._get_microversion_for(session, 'commit')
143        request_url = request.url
144        if preview:
145            request_url = utils.urljoin(request_url, 'preview')
147        response = session.put(
148            request_url, json=request.body, headers=request.headers,
149            microversion=microversion)
151        self.microversion = microversion
152        self._translate_response(response, has_body=True)
153        return self
155    def _action(self, session, body):
156        """Perform stack actions"""
157        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self._get_id(self), 'actions')
158        resp = session.post(url, json=body)
159        return resp.json()
161    def check(self, session):
162        return self._action(session, {'check': ''})
164    def abandon(self, session):
165        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.name,
166                            self._get_id(self), 'abandon')
167        resp = session.delete(url)
168        return resp.json()
170    def fetch(self, session, requires_id=True,
171              base_path=None, error_message=None, resolve_outputs=True):
173        if not self.allow_fetch:
174            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, "fetch")
176        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id,
177                                        base_path=base_path)
178        # session = self._get_session(session)
179        microversion = self._get_microversion_for(session, 'fetch')
181        # NOTE(gtema): would be nice to simply use QueryParameters, however
182        # Heat return 302 with parameters being set into URL and requests
183        # apply parameters again, what results in them being set doubled
184        if not resolve_outputs:
185            request.url = request.url + '?resolve_outputs=False'
186        response = session.get(request.url, microversion=microversion)
187        kwargs = {}
188        if error_message:
189            kwargs['error_message'] = error_message
191        self.microversion = microversion
192        self._translate_response(response, **kwargs)
194        if self and self.status in ['DELETE_COMPLETE', 'ADOPT_COMPLETE']:
195            raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound(
196                "No stack found for %s" % self.id)
197        return self
199    @classmethod
200    def find(cls, session, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, **params):
201        """Find a resource by its name or id.
203        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
204        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
205        :param name_or_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
206                           the request. The default is ``None``.
207        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
208                    :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
209                    raised when the resource does not exist.
210                    When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
211                    attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
212        :param dict params: Any additional parameters to be passed into
213                            underlying methods, such as to
214                            :meth:`~openstack.resource.Resource.existing`
215                            in order to pass on URI parameters.
217        :return: The :class:`Resource` object matching the given name or id
218                 or None if nothing matches.
219        :raises: :class:`openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` if more
220                 than one resource is found for this request.
221        :raises: :class:`openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` if nothing
222                 is found and ignore_missing is ``False``.
223        """
224        session = cls._get_session(session)
225        # Try to short-circuit by looking directly for a matching ID.
226        try:
227            match = cls.existing(
228                id=name_or_id,
229                connection=session._get_connection(),
230                **params)
231            return match.fetch(session, **params)
232        except exceptions.NotFoundException:
233            pass
235        # NOTE(gtema) we do not do list, since previous call has done this
236        # for us already
238        if ignore_missing:
239            return None
240        raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound(
241            "No %s found for %s" % (cls.__name__, name_or_id))
244StackPreview = Stack